HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-10-25, Page 8• To AdvertiseTs. AA changes of Advertisements, co tingtyre, irtaertian a the current$ issue, kereceived at'tlee office not later than SATUSDAY :NOON. Copy /or changes received laxer than SAT.. USDA Y SOON will hereafter he a. Ore Advertiser's own risk. A. M. TODD, Publisher. amssamor LOCAL NEWS. .— Alli and Around the Klub, Appies, plums and pears wanted at CwNrenoN into e To FARMERS AND HORSEMEN. --Best .single harness a specialty, all styles and Closest prices. Everything in our line cut fine. JOHNSON & ARMOUR,htu nesS makers. WANTED.—Any gnantityy of Pin tis Cherries, Red and Black Currants and Goose Berries, for which the highest warket price will he paid.—N. ROBSON. Cash paid for eg ca and butter.—CAa1 ELO.N BROS. Crs•ron Tau.osfN1' —W. G. Vallee, over Coats ,t Son's store, is .0 experienced cutter and mechaui:• All orders entrusted u1 1 be excusted i1 the latest style, lowest price, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. FIRST OF THE SEASON.— Choice • Oysters at Coats' Restaurant, next Rogson's grocery. Cosuiso.—The fatuous Guy Bros. Minstrels will be in the Clinton town. hail on Tuesday, November 7th. OUR OWN MARKET.—Nearly the whole of Apple King Cantelon's 1803 apple purchase will go to Winnipeg and the Canadian Northwest. PROGRESSING.—Our cotem. will in the near future, through the energy of contractor S. S. Cooper, find shelter iu new quarters. The building has been roofed. AT STRATFORD.—Mr. A. E. Petty, formerly of Clinton and Goderich, is successfully conducting on his own account a grocery and fruit business in Stratford. THE GUELPH Fiera/c/ SAYS :—The Clinton Organ Co's works are very likely to he established in Elora short- ly. All difficulties have been removed and satisfactory arrangements arrived at. THE GuN.—The Gun Club will meet at the Rattenbury House to -morrow evening for the purpose of closing out stock sheets and other business in con- nection with the proposed incorpora- tion of the club. ALL FOR A LARK.—The Exeter Times says :—Messrs. Wm. Holloway, Neil 'Fellowlees 'and Robt. Downs, of Clin- ton, walked to Exeter on Mondajy, a distance of 20 miles, in 4 hours. They did it for a lark, and were not walking against time. CURLING.—Organization of curlers is what we read in nearly all our ex- change's. Now, what is wrong with Clinton? Why not organize a curling club and encourage this manly and health invigorating sport in Clinton. There is room for a club here. l Asonto,-11.ee tilav meeting of Clin- ton bodge, NO. K, next/Friday evening at 7,80. FRolkt BLYT11.--Principal A. OH, Plummer, of Blyth, was in town last Saturday. Ori THE BIM 'Lisa`, --.-Mr. E. Wise, gardener, is confined to the jhouse through severe fulness. POUNDI i EPER FOI4LAND captured eighteen head of cattle Monday even- ing. He thinks they Dome from the Maitland block or Colborne direction. THE MERRY WHIRL; --Last evening a young people's assembly was held in the town hall, the excellent London harpers furnished the music. NOT COMING To CANADA.—The Mc- Cormack Binder Company, of Chicago, have decided not to establish a Cana- dian branch. They will, however, let a contract for 1,000 binders to a Cana- dian firm; and the Maxwell Company may get it. HE 'TALKS YET.—It, would be Sad indeed if Auctioneer Carling ceased to wag his tongue. For several days he has been suffering from quinsy, but continues." in the swim" as far as sales are concened. He will be all right in a day or two. MR. G. W. HOLMAN, of Exeter, wss in Clinton Saturday week in the inter- ekt of the next West Huron Teachers' Institute, meeting which will take place in Goderich on Nov. 24th and 25th.. Mr. Houston, M. A., of Toronto, will he in attendance and take up mathematics. GETTING READY.—Mr. Jacob Miller is already getting ready for building operations next spring on the Cantelon property which he recently bought. TIIE RIFLE.—The Western District Rifle Association matches will be held at London to -Morrow. There will likely be several present from this sec- tion. FOOT BALL.—Last Saturday a -friend- ly game between the i*oderrch and Clinton Modelitb"Clubs was held on the grounds of the latter. The score stood to 1 in favor of Goderich. • TlETURNED.—Mr. B. Tomlinson re turned to the Veterinary College at Toronto last Wednesday for the last course. He will no doubt come back with honors and "V. S." attached to his name. STILL THEY COME.—New subscribers to THE NEws-RECORD are numerous. One from Blyth last Thursday says:- -After looking over your splendid paper and carefully reading the account of our show, I ant very much pleased with your repott and THE NEWS-RE- c.oRD. • I herewith enclose the sum $1.25. Please send me THE NEWS -RE- CORD until the end of 1894 and oblige, yours very truly, T. C. M." And still they come. DISTRICT MEETING.—The quarterly meeting of District Lodge, No. 24, In- dependent Order of Good Templars, was held in the Temperance hall, Wingham, on Tuesday week. There was a large number of delegates pres- ent, representing lodges in all parts of the district, which comprises the whole county of Huron and the townships of Culross and Kinloss and the village of Lucknow. The report of the commit- tee on the state of the order was acarc- fully prepared and exhaustive one. It showed that the membership in the district was about I,0(10. A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the Wingham friends, who so hospitably entertained the delegates during their stay in town. On motion, it was de- cided that the next district meeting be held in Manchester on the 4th Monday in January next. I. O. F. SERMON.—COurt Clinton No. 470, Independent Order of Foresters, attended divine service at the Ontario Street Methodist Church last Sunday morning. About fifty of the brethren were present and the church was well filled. The 'able pastor, Rev. W. Smyth, is a member of the Order and preached -an eloquent and appropriate sermon. The text was Dent. 15th chap., 7-11 verses. He pointed out as indicated in the text, that the Society was a noble one carry- ing out Biblical teaching and alleviat- ing the wants of the widow and orp- han. At the conclusion the brethren formed in procession and marched to their hall. Bro. Chowen took the chair. On motion of Bros. Swallow and Davis a hearty vote of thanks was unaninoris- ly tendered Rev. Bro. Smyth. All were agreeded that the sermon AIMS nue of the best and most appropriate they had ever listened to. SOUTH HURON PROIIIBITION CON- VENTION.—A convention to organize the South Riding of Huron for the coming election in connection with the plebiscite, will be held in the Presby- terian church, Hensall, on Wednesday, November the 1st, commencing at 10 o'clock a. •tn. All residents in South Huron as outlined for local Legislature purposes, who are interested in prohi- bition, are invited to be present. Mr. F. S. Spence, of Toronto, the well known temperance orator, will deliver an address. Let us have a grand rally. GIVE SOME PROOF.—Our town cotern. disputes our statement rsg'ard- ing the Brussels Post in that it is a Reform paper. We have no desire to quarrel over such a trifling matter, hitt what THE NEWS -RECORD said is true. The Pott does not take much pairt in politics, but when it has in the past its utterances have been Reform. Will our cotem. give some proof to the con- trary ? There is room for only one paper in Brnssels, and the Post will fill the bill if it eschew politics, Our • cotem. might as well state that the New Era is not a Reform paper nus take its 'present position. TCS` . , 0 -J. -L - „ , Is an old illustration of a complete stock ; the modern one is BANCE & SPALEING'S ' Fancy Goods, Stationery and Book Store. We have given large orders for X:1111.4. S -00]D ft: and our only salvation is to SELL, and SELL WE WILL and MUST. See our POSITIVE BARGAINS in Wall Paper, Window Shades and Albums. Let us add your name to our increasing list of subscribers to the Daily and Weekly papers. RANGE & SPALDING BOOKS, STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS Valaikannen WHAT IS NEWSPAPER REPRESEN- TATION ?—ThelVinghaiu Advance fool- ishly takes exception to a statement made by THE NEWS -RECORD. Our cotem. says :—"TIIE NEWS -RECORD c•latirns that it was the only Huron news- paper represented at Dungannon show. news- paper were there and we got our eye on Dan McGillicuddy once while on : the grounds. It isn't necessary to publish over two columns of a prize -list to re- present a paper." What is news- paper representation, anyhow? The Advance was represented at Dungannon and AMS so observant as to write Wen luten referring to THE NEws-REcoRD, and about as many more lines re- ferring to the Dungannon show 1 And the Signal was represented ? Well, it may have been, but it stole the prize list from THE NEWS -RECORD w hich the Advance is above publishing. Prize lists do not please some newspapers, but THE NEWS -RECORD sloes not find fault and is .pleased to publish theta. The Advance may have been represented at Dungannon show, but the columns Of that paper did not speak very highly of the representation. There might not have been any fall show in Dungannon if the readers of that paper were to judge, as they should, from the colurnss of the. Advance. THE NEws-RECORD wits the only paper in the county of Huron that was personally represented at Dungannon—that is, to do the work that pertains to any reliable news- paper . A Cous'rY Snow.— At ameeting of the directors of the South Huron Agri - (littoral Society, held on Monday at Exeter the secretary was instructed to correspond with the secretaries of the other Riding Societies, asking thorn to have the question of the amalgamation of the three Riding Societies with the view of holding' one the County Show, brought before the members of their respective Societies at the next annual meeting, and if the proposition be favorably entertained, to appoint delegates to meet with delegates from the other Riding Societies at a con- ference to be subsequently held at the town of Clinton, at a date to be fixed. The idea is that instead of the Riding Societies amalgamating with a Branch Society, as now, for the holding of a union show, that the three Riding So- cieties unite, and by amalgatnating their funds, hold one large County Show. It is expected that in this way larger prizes could be offered and a larger. and better show secured than has yet been got in this county. The scheme is a good one if it can be car- ried out. One of the difficulties will be to secure suitable grounds and build- ings for the holding of it large show, and another to get the various inter- ested parties to agree on a point at which to hold the show. These, however, are difficulties which should be overcome. W e hope the other Riding Societies will cooperate, and that there will be a conference at any rate. Huron could get up one good central show.--Sea- forth Expositor. a► . ABOUT BUYING.—Catalogues of dry goods, etc., have been sent out from a Toronto firm. The great majority of our town and country readers have received 'a copy. A thoroughly reliable Iady in town thought she would like to secure a particular pair of lace curtains that were advertised and requested that they be forwarded cash on de- livery, subject, of course, to inspection. In buying goods in Clinton, they are always subject to thorough inspection and if not exactly as represented the merchant is pleased to take thein back. But these city sharks do not do busi- ness in that way. They demand the money before the goods are shipped (no matter who to). This was exactly the case of the reliable lady who order- ed the curtains. But she is highly pleased that they were not shipped, because she. has since purchased at home superior goods at a lower pride. The lesson taught is to always avoid city sharks and buy from reliable and responsible; business menet your own doors. The Millinery Emporium, Ladies' Fcworite Establishment BEESLEY & Co. "CTNT. -- 0 ITI THE HAT AND BONNET +...r.. �..�6..a.N.I • .,: you'd be proud of- because te Style, Comfort, High Quality and Low Price . FELT HATS made into the new- est shapes. We are Building this Business on an All -Round, High -Quality, Little -Price Plan. The buildingis going on pretty fast, still there's energy, ambition and determination enough in us to want to build it faster. You can help us do it, and save money,too, by, studying our values in Yarns, Blankets, Flannels, Flannel- ettes, Ladies' Vests, Hosiery and Gloves. our GREY FLANNEL at 15c. a yard is not equaled for quality and price. flRO CENTRAL EggIBITION, September 26th and 27th. 0 While in town visiting the Fair call and see our FURNITURE. Never before have we been able to show you lush a well assorted stock, and at such remarkable low prices. EXHIBITION OF Tickled to Death at the prospect of wearing those NEW FALL SUITS It has been a difficult matter for us to supply the demand for those 45e. and 25c. I3amboo rable� they have bean selling so fast. We have just received another large shipment of them. Come and get one before they all go. JOSEPH OHIDLEY, Furniture Undert Derr and J. W. CHIDLEY, JR., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night,oalls answered at his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry. displayed weekly in our windows with prices like these attached : — A Nice Mottled Tweed at $2 00, Something Better at $2.50, An All Wool Blue Serge at $3.00, A Double Breasted Serge at $3.50, The prices range as high as $5.00, $6.00 and $6.50 and every Suit is well made and a model as regards a fit. ..,ly/gry,.yl,,lyflIlfl% 11.11,/ly.l✓1.1.04+ 1'1111.1V. Jackson - Bros., Illen's and Boy's Claim, Furnishers and Furr. I — — Every Dept. Busy 0 In The Millinery Department we're more than busy. The kind of Millinery we sell doesn't need much adver- tising, but we don't wan`, you to forget we sell it, sell the hest and sell it •cheap. On our tables you'll find a rich assortment of neat and stylish hats and Bonnets. If you don't see just what you want ready trimmed, give us an idea of what you want, select your shape and trimm- mings, and it will be made up -to suit you. LADIES MANTLES. We expected big things from this department, anticipated a big business in mantles, but the trade done already has " surprised us. The assortment, styles and prices must be right or we wouldn't have sold the quantity we have, By all means see our mantles before you buy. Out of between 50 or 80 different kinds we mention the following , Black and Navy Serge Double Breasted, $4.50 Black and Navy Serge, imitation Fur Collar, $5. Black and Navy Niggerhead, Douhlebreasted Reefer, Braided Collar, $5. s Black, Nary and Fawn Beaver, Astrachan Collar, $5, Black and Navy Twill Beaver, Fancy Braided Roll Collar, piped with Astrachan, $5.75. Black Niggerhead, Piped with Astrachan, Butterfly Cape, $6.45. Black, Navy, Fawn, Beaver, Nutria Fur Collar and Piped with Fur, $9. 116 These are but a few lines, we've dozens of other kinds, some - cheaper, some better, all handsome, stylish; perfect fit-• ting garments. If you are thinking of buying a Sealette Mantle it may4rt1- terest you to know we are offering specially low prIC'egr and can save you money on one. Est. J. godgc�s, CLINTON.