HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-10-25, Page 6Do You
Disease commonly comes on with slight
symptoms, which when neglected increase
in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
If you ere BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have
Ripans Tabules Regulate the Sysfem and Preserve the Health.
'lei E Ear TO
Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
'rQur best remedy for
Erysipelas, Catarrh
R-h.eumatism, and
S-crofu la
Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes
A-bs. cesses, Tumors
R -tinning Sores
S -curvy, Humors, Itch
A-nemia, Indigestion
P-imples, Blotches
A-nd Carbuncles
.R-ingworm, Rashes
impure Blood
L-anguidness, Dropsy
L-iver Complaint
A -II cured by
Sarsapari I la
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold byall Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5.
Cures others, will cure you
The Huron News-Recora
1.50 a Year -91.25 in Advance
Wednesday, Oct. •25tll lStr3.
—The' 011 Sriog' ('nroniele ban changed
hands, and will hereafter be uonducted by
Mr. Albert E. Ketch.
ON T 111; FLAT FOIt.\1.
PUBLIC S1'e K ,wd Riggers aro of"ea
trot -tutu tel h aur• throat Out ho.reenems,
and e.e lroh:e to se, oro hr, l chill nttae'ks
whi h might lee pr•v• mod and culed by the
lia,yn ti'. 1.inool Italean,—the Leet
tr./to.t RI" lett;( 14 DI.. 3' RI min.
—Th \V:a• re.. .Vr ire had eu•nutnh•'d If/
'vara time . N , t,.uw fur two paper, to a
'lace t.ke \\ Int 4014.
Itch on h 1 n t9 ant h ,r,,4 cul A11 enlm da aired in
30 inioutes by \Vonif.•rd'H Sanitioy Letiue. Tota
never fails. n eel by \\'Atte s c o., Druggists.
—It le Meld 'het In`In-
agur of the Hut•1 Mongolia, Chiuewe hes
been otfe,ed the n *::nv«,::.•nt . f a 'eadtr,g
hotel there at 8 valor,' of $500 a muoth.
S,seye Dr. 0.111'tt, au ..11 on honarc.l
practitioner, in 13ellev.il.•, ()uteri.), who
writes : "F.,r \Vanttnu I). -o14 and Scro-
fula I have used Suott'a E ,,alai. n with the
'most 8ati.faelory restate."
—Rev. U. Rodgers of Dugannon will de-
liver a lecture ill the Metho tilt Church,
Hepworth, this evl'rnuv, 1V1ctiten t»y, 0 t.
18th, under the a414100as of the Epworth
League. A treat may be expiated,
Dizzinee is a symptom of dyspepsia. "I
hove used hard:,ek Rluod Bitters for dizzi-
ness, which canoe over me in spell', so that
I had to (nit work for a w hile. The B. R.
13. entirely tared me."
JAMES \1'RICt1T, Chesterfield, O.rt.
—The Empire of nide/ say.The Mo, --
ris Branch Aguicultural Seciety'a Fate at
Blyth uo Tu salty and \V6dnoada► was at
tended by 0.000 pt mare and was the grand-
est euccess Eve. ex pet ienc 4.
TIIlauxp.Trsu Cure» IN A DAY.—S.•utli American
Ilhemnatie Cute, Lir Rheumatism n -,d Neuralgia
radically cares in 1 to 3 days. Its 80414411 upon the
'system is remit and , yeteious It 'enioves
once the en use mrd the disease b,,hecfinte y die -
appears. The filet dope grea Iy t� cola. 75 Ceuta.
Sold by Watts A. Co., Dup•gii st. sG"
. —The. Wurid's fair
th.m•t1ves.tit .,f del
W. F. S,eburgl-r. 411
Mint is Trust ami SI
w11:1 e
76,t cancelled
d 814
tare have paid
'I ueeday, Mr.
.rer, paid to she
s Ite,uk,$1.565 310 -
indebaednese to ties
For curry ill nature has a cute. In the
heeling virtnee of Norway Pins liesS the cure
for coughs, co1J=, croup, a.thme, bronchitis,
hoereenese, etc. Dr. Vv (ma's Norway Pine
Syrup represents the 0trtuseof Norway Pine
and other pectoral remedies. Pries 25c.
—It ie said Mrs C. W. Meyer, wife of
the alleged poisoner, r•uw in Now Y m k. will
turn Sootts' ev;dt•noe, and will tell . f four
.1 -murders ormmitted by her hu'sband in order
that he natht c ••Ilect the insurance on their
live' .
RRLICF IN Six }!ones.---Distrcetfug Kidney and
)Madder dleensts relieved 1n ei ey the "Nt•.w
remedy is a preat surprise end delight to phynfcbtta
on account of its exceeding ptompr t_e in r.lieviug
pain in the bt, dile r, kid net H, back and a -cry part of
the urinary pessoge810 male or f, male,. )t 40118804
retention of water and pain in peameg4 Ir. slant st im-
mediately. It yen 84,114 gel Irk relief and cure this is
your remedy. Sold by R alta & Co., Druggists.
-•-Inn ennvereetiuo last Weelne6day upon
il'urld'a Fair mat. ere, President Poirier
said: "I am opposed entirely to the contiuu•
anee of the fair after Oa . 31, My desire is
that the Great White City 01a11 be remem-
bered at 114 beat." This settles it that the
fair wi 1 not last beyond the 1st of Nuvem
bo r.
Tuttae.ia no other remedy or oambination
of medieinte than meets so many require-
ments, as does Burdock 13lood Bitters in
its wide range if p,wer over euoh chronic
diseases a9 deep:peia, liver and kiduoy mein -
plaints, scrofula and all humors of the blood.
—Ettidently there are precincts in the
Bruce peninsula into which civilization has
net yet shed its revel 11r. Neil K iy,of Red
flay, formerly of Kincardine, wan married
e few weeks age to a young lady in Amabel
towoehip. On arriving at his home he was
"charivaried" by the youthful denizens of
that interesting hamlet. With e•,me Resin -
twice he drove there away but they returned
to the attack a few nights afterwards.' Nis
bRrh was burned to the ground and he lost
all his erop and implements. There was no
inetlratlee. Mr. Kay intends to prosecute
the auap.dted minuteman and It is to be
hoped the guilty ones will Buffer, and suffer
severely too.
A .correSPomittk4 fly th,iit a 1I4tIR Alla
cit; Aathur li Atlteot .Af Weei $140 if; while
oveopleg over .the Maar etched Uft tt CAW,
Hou h ap�ral ewed. it up, with O.Qr4eait
!but the child's mouths Itcohme very tpttah
Ittfltmod Rall 'welled ffout,tthe hairs sticking
Into the throat. UpfJrs the core of the
doctor, the little oue le Recovering.
R v. F. Guile r,'M. D., c•f Listowel, Ont,
Fel) 0 regarding R. 13. 11.: "1 nave used
I your exeell-ut Burt oft Cumpnund in pros,
tine and in my fondly Mime 1884, and hold
it No. 1 on my lief of eanutive• remetlit e.
Your three busy B's never ell -g, weaken, yr
Poe Over Fifty Years.
Dolts. Wixstow'a SOOTHING SYRUP 1188 been used by
mil tons of mothers for their children while teething.
11 disturbed at Right turd broken of your rest by a
51011 child suffering and eating with pain of Cutting
Teeth send at once and gut a bottle of "Aire. Win.
8iutv's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teetiding. t
will relieve tee poor little sufferer inmtedately.
Depend epee it, mothers, there is 140 mistake about
it. It cures Diarrhea, regulates the Stolnaull and
Soweto, cures Wind Colic, 801104ns the 0144,18 and re-
duces inflammation arid gives tone and energy to the
whole System. "Aire \Vlnslow's Soothing Syrup"
for children teething Is pleasant to the taste and
Is the prescription of one of the oldest end bent
female physicians and nurses in the United States.
Price twenty -live cents a bottle. Sold by all drug
gists throughout the world. By Imre and auk for
—Canada has not only the biggest cheese
at 'he World's Fair, Chioago, but she takes
the cake aloe nn apple.. While in British
Columbia Prof. Seuuders captured what he
on.aidored the biggest apple in the world
Keil sent it to Chicago. It meneured 151j
iuohee fn oireunrfereuce and )veighe 2t}e
entices. Toe professor ha. 48oeived iofot-
mttion that this had been awarded the
place of the "big ripple." there by displac-
ing the apple from Keneae, which had pre-
viously hell that position.
English Spavin Liniment re,nivos all hard, soft o
o,lllnsud Lumps and 13lemlahe, from horses, 111o..d
bpavin, Curb., Splints, Ming Bone, aweuney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and t,wollou Throat, Coughs, ate.
i,are $50 by 040 of one bottle. Warranted the must
wonderful 1.110mish Cure over know,.. SAd by
Watts S Co., Druggists.
—(;teen Victoria hat fifty•fire pat dogs.
They live in the grandont canine style that
wen ever knuwn. Their dieing room is
har,.lanmuly celpetod, and ornamented with
the potraits of their celebrated aucestors, in
o 1 end water colors. 8 .net f the pictures
are adorned with tufts of the hair whin). ha -
1 •aged to the departed pots of Her Majat.ty.
The dogs are proud of their potrait gallery,
and they despise all the low -bred ours of
creation. H:,w nice is ie to be a Queen's
—K'.uc.rdine had a mild emulation 00
Monday week, when Let Roo made au es
Sault upon [ver. MoK4noon with that danger-
ous weapon, a knife, and made several
ugly gashes on his head but none of them
nodous. The dame tante up bt•f•,re Mayor
tlirker hitt Mr. Rie asked for an adjourn-
went, and the prisoner was remanded until
the following day. 014 Tuesday the prosecu-
tor withdrew the criminal charge and sab-
reituted a charge of common assault. Megis-
tratev I3-.rker and Campbell aRSOSROU the
.1. fondant costs and released him on Sus-
pended sentecce.
Consuzuption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice, having
had placed to hie hands by au Last India mission-
ary the formate of a simple vegetable remedy for
the apeedy and permanent cure of Consemptton,
lrrunchitie, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and
Lim.; Atieotioue,aleu,8 positive and radical cure
for Nervous Debility and alt Nervous Complaints,
after having tested ire wonderful curative powers
in thousands 01 canes, has felt it his duty to make
it euowa to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this
motive and a donire to relieve human suffering, I
will fiend free of charge, to all who desire it, thin
ro.dpe, in Gorman, French or Lnglish, with full
directions fur preparing and using. sent by mail
by addressing with stamp, nantmg this paper.
W. A. Nero 4,820 Powers' h':.,ck, Iluehesrer,
659- y
What is the best to do when a burglar
comes into your bedroom end proceeds
to conduct the business of his profes-
sion ? In the cave of John Heslop, who
was done to death on his farm near An-
caote.r, it was pretty generally concluded
that if the plucky old gentleman had
not shown so much courage he would
have lost his lite. And in the case
which has just occurred in Napanee in
which Angus McLeod was shot and kills
ell by a burglar, the same reflection ap-
plies. When a burglar enters a man's
bedroom he is well armed. " He does
not intend to takeIt i{
a except its a last
resort. His determination is to rob and
then escape. '1'o kill anybody except
he thinks it necessary to do so in' order
to get away, is furthest from his mind.
Therefore the man who displays that
quality which is described as being the
better part of valor has thebest chance
of remaining unharmed. But is a man
o lie still and .see himself robbed right
under his nose, without making an effort
to prevent it ? To do this would be to
encourage burglary and slake matters
quite to the satisfaction of the whole
burglarizing fraternity. Yet we prea
Milne that everybody values his life_
morethan he does his watch or itis
pocket book, and nothing is more cer-
tain than that the man who is waked
out of a sound sleep and finds himself
looking down the barrel of a revolver,
nine times out of ten has the worst of
it, being taken altogether at a disad-
vantage.—Dundas Luaner.
- Artizane, meohaoice and laboring sten are
liable to sudden ac -idents and injuries, as
well as painful cordo, .,tiff j lints and lame-
neee. 1'0 4.11 this troubled we would recom-
mend Rap•r.I'e Yellow Oil, the handy and
reliable pain mule, fur outward and uterus]
—One day leaently, as the Exposition fly-
er, the train which rune from New York to
Chieag, in niuefeen hours, entered the
Chicago station a uteri whose face was as
black as an Ethiopian a, whose lege seemed
shaky and whose m1tnner was that of one com-
pletely exheotted, jumped down from the
engine. Ile heel reason for neing dirty
and exits Anted, f.,r he had ridden ail the way
rom New York to Chicago upon the
ocnmotivee which drew tide train, He
changed at Albany, Syracuse, Buffslo and
Cleveland, and bade goodbye to an engineer
and took the hand of greeting of another
with whom ho was to continue hie ride. FIe
was an old engineer himself, but no longer
stands upon the footboard, having yielded
up the throttle to take up the pen. He wee
Cy Warman, the poet engineer, who took
that long exoiting fide that he aright get
inspiration for certain literary work, and
that he might study from experience the
engineers Who go flying through the night at
a mile a minute. It was the longest oon-
seoti•ive rine over made in a railway cab—
fieerly 1,600 mites in a little over 1,000
1.r Y. y..y It l r
"-----=-115 EFFECT I$ MAGICAL,
Leslie's CarEiage Factory.
BUGGIES, PIIAETONSS, CAIt'I'S AND W AGONS—all of the beat work,
mausilip and material. jQ 'AIi the latest styles and most modern ilnprove•
meets. All work warranted, Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to. Prices to suit the times.
XlerFACTflRY-corner I-Iuran and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y
No investment that 3'oll can slake for your
home will pay you such large returns iu comfort
economy' and ever increasing satisfaction as a
"ll,appy Thought" Range. There is no other
jtL1t as good" 0)' "must the saline," and the
genuine is sold only by 1larlaud 1;ros., Clinton.
In .Base Burlier with or without oven, the
Radiant Home leads.
HannaBIOS4,New Store, MackayBlock, Old Stand, Brick Block.
—The Bank of England aura is riot
of the seine thickness all t!trough.
The paper is thicket iu the left -baud
corner, to unable it to take a baiter and
sharper itnpressiou of the vignette
there, and is alai) uuusiderubly thicker
in the dark shallows of the centre
letters and udder the tigulesat the end.
Counterfeit itches are iu variably of one
thick U098
"BURNS AND 1'C.6Lta."—Ii tau are sae un-
fortunate me to it jure ), ureelf in titin —way,
we can euguest a I. medy t -at will (Ne eper.k
from per.ival e:t'p'uvonO, ) sto,1 relieve you
of all pain and eoiekly i•,al the wound ; it
O 0818 but tweu•y li,o Lento for the New log
bottle and in wad by all druggiste—,.ak for
PERRY Li)AVI.-4' PAIN -lit LI.Ett.
—A cuuking club iu 1Vashiugton
was broken up by in au iuluuy 1441 less
than a year.' I'',tch member in turn
ordered, cooked ante served a dinner.
Etch one had th i privilege of inviting
a man to ,judge the conking. Every
man invited fell in love with the cuuk.
There is no better tnsdiuiue for family use
than Ayer's C.th,trtic !'ills. Their surer -
coating makes them easy .41111 eve.. ogteeehle
to take, 44111 as they w,utait4 n 141ewmol ur
other injurious drug, they are perfectly safe
for patients of any age.
—Keep your eye open for a elan
about' 35 yeti's of lige, five feet eight
114011'8 high, with full round face and
one tooth out in upper j fly.
Weighs abuat 150 pounds. He may
give you a 0411 representing himself rib
a .serving machine repairer. He is
wanted at Owen Sound for stealing
from houses ho visited.
\Vhen a dnot:r considers it ne;ees9ry to
prescribe 1•a•'eAptriilo, he simply orders a
bottle of Ayer's, knowing full well that he
will obtain thereby a surer and purer pre-
paration than any other which the drug
w ore can furnish. Ayer's Sarsaparilla fa the
Superior Medicine.
This is a very convenient time f.o look
over and thoroughly repair the poultry
houee and yards, and if not sulfieietlt in
size, or defective in other ways, to re-
build. Select high, thy ground for a
poultry house and yards, and have the
house euflicie.ltly large to prevent over-
crowding. A hoose ten feet by ten
feet is not too large for twelve hens,
A very good rule is to allow oue foot
frontage'for each hen. The depth may
be from eight to ten feet and Ileo height
need not be more then eight feet in the
front. Provide for Tight and ventila.,
tion, and let the nest taxes and roosta
all be loose, so that they can easily be
removed for cleaning,
• •meq
FOA the removal of
worms of all kinds
from children or adults.
use Da. SMITH'S
prompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring no
after medicine. Never failing. Lcave no bad after
effects. Price, 25eents per Box
Oil the invitation of Prof. S'tu"tlers,
Director of tate Ottawa Ex periutentel
Furies, a party of newspaper correspon-
e tv visited that Central Experimental
rte Expe.r ni i,al
Farm Wednesday afternoon. In the
large 1111111 barn they found a force of
Info!' engaged in filling silos with eneil-
at;e for winter fodder, the ingredients
1 being, according to a mixture devised -
by Prof. Robertson, Dominion Dairy
Commissioner, 41'hiuh ham been found to
114v1 such excellent results. It 40rlaiat8
of ten porta corn- to each one of bcatna
and sunflower heads. This ensilage
was made a year ago for the first time,
and fed to cattle from November last
until August with unequalled good re-
sults in the quantity and the quality of
yield of milk.
Substantial Reitvards for Thome Whose
Answers are Correct.
A man 0,100 entered a prison where W,t4 confined
a e011 'envied criminal. Ch making .1 rtgnost to be
conducted into the presence of the doomed nen, the
visitor was informed that Guile but relatives were
permitted to fee the prisoner. The %loiter said :
L'rothers and slSters have i none, hatthat man's
(the prisoner's) father is my fathor'o son,"
He was at once taken to the prisoner. Now, what
relation was the prisoner to the visitor 5
The AgrioultnriHt Publishing Compnnv will give 850
a year for life to the person sending the first connect
answer ; 8500 to the -second ; 3rd, $250; 4th, 3100; (Alt,
$50, and over 10000 other rewards, consisting of
pianos, organs, ladies tied gents gold and silver
watcher, silver services, diamond rlhgs, etc.
The person sending the last correct °newer will be
given a high-toned photo, to the next to the last a
beautiful organ, and the r at 5,000 will ree,ive
valunble prizes of silverware, &c.
TIUL114S,—(1) All anew•ore most be sent by mall, and
bear postmark not tater than 1)ee.81, IS03. (2) There
will be no charge whatever to enter this competition,
but all who compete are expected to seed one dollar
for six months, subscription to either Tan.LADIE1
Hoye, A3AOA,.INN tIr Tsr,, DA.`:ADI.1\ AGllrCULTt.'nIST—
two of the choicest illustrated periodicals of the day.
(0) All prize winners will he expected to Resist us in
extending otrr cireulatio,. (4) Tho first correct an-
swer received (senders postmark taken in all caeca as
date of receipt, so RR t0 give every ono an equal
chance, no mettor where he or she any reside), will
eeeltre the tarot prize ; theleccond the next prize, and
eo at.
T119 AGRICULTURIST Is an o'11 ealabllehed concent,
and poesessee ample means to enable it to curry out
all its promises. (Sond for printed Est of former
prize winners.)
JUDn5R.—The following well known gentlemen belie
eoneeuted to ant an judges rind will see that the prizes
aro fairly awarded—Commodore Calcutt, (Proprietor
Calentl'a Line of Steamow), Peterborough, 8041 Mr,
W. Robertson, President TIMOR Printing Company,
Peterborongb, Register all money lettere, Address,
AoatauLTuataT Pun. 00.0,1d), Feterburougb, Canada,
Firs ,t oar now arrived direct from
Redpath'. R..ef inerty, Moxntreal,
Quality the Purest,
Prices the Lowest.
Speciai Cuts in 100 Pounds or Bbl. Lots,
Butter and Eggs waited.
J. W. IRWIN, Noted. Grocer,
Wilson & Howe, lluccessors to James Anderson,
o ,
The undersigned have bought the stock, good -will and interest of James
Anderson, and tile store will hereafter be known as the
NoveltyBakery and Restaurant:
The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a first-class Res—
taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy
hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers.
- Clinton.
'lhe Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannot be Excelled.
McColl Bros. & Co., - Toronto.
Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware of
® f,i
As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with a
leading firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well-
known Diasters, all flamed and finished in first-class style, and suitable
for the best class of residence. Each customer will be presented with
one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre-
gate Thirty Dollars.
My Motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at
Bottom Prices,
Although the principal Soap ManufaTurers have advanced pricea 30 per cent.
1 will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise
Soaps at the old figures.
Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at
our Store.
Our Sock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in ,fine Teas,
including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian
Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market.
Examine the qualityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts,
and be convinced that Bargain Day with us, is . every business da,
throughout the year.
N. ROBSON,China Hall.
Clinton, Feb. 14, 1893.
We have closed our financial year 1st of February and find that it has been
year of fair prosperty to cls. We wish to render our best THANKS tc
Customers for their patronage and will always strive to win your con-
fidence in future, by giving you GOOD GOODS as cheap as any other
House in Town.
Our -Stock of
is well Resorted (and as we have a large Import Order coming from
England) we will offer them at Close Prices to make room..
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eiplFi
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and gm '4
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the clohest
prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, Sh ingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &e
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactureal
at Waterloo. Call.and get prices and estimates before placing your order*.