HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-10-25, Page 2r Bpi- n.chI is 01 rievor raatized the good of a medicine w =Hoch as 1 have in litelast i'ow t'ail's, • stenos which time It have bugled intensely from pr?eutnotisJ followed by bronchitis. Alter trying Various reme , es without yp,,fit, 1 began the qce of Ayer a Cherry Pectoral, and the effect, has been marvelous. a iingle.dose relieving me of choking, and isecult!ng a good night's rest; — T.A. Higginbotham, Gen, Store, Long Moutain. .Grippe "Last Spring I was taken down with la grippe. At times I was completely prostrat- ed, and so difficult was my breathing that my breath seemed as if confined in an iron cage, I procured a bottle of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid."—W. H. - Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. , Lu ig Trouble "For more than twenty-five years, 1 was a sufferer from lung trouble, attended with coughing so severe at times as to cause hemorrhage. the poroxysms frequently fog- ies. three or four hours. I was induced to try A er s Cherry Pectoral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured. I can confidently recommend this medicine.". -Franz Hofmann, Clay CentrgsKans. AY Cherry ER'S Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell. Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $t ; six bottles, $S. Prompt to act, sure to cure The IYuren . News -Record 51.611 a Yeet-81.25 In A ranee. Wednesday, Oct. 2Sth 1893. i+ CTNNYfRAPHS. A btlre, meeting Douglas J said, "well, what's going on to "1 am," exclaimed Jerrold, d. past the inquirer. e trold, day?" rting Customer: "Didn't you tell me horse was afraid of nothing?" Dealer: "That's just, what I said "Well, he shies at his own shadow. "Why, a ehatfi'ow is about as near nothing as anything I know of." [N. Y. Weekly. this "I saw a painting by an old master • to -day in New York," maid Mrs. Sprig. ging. "Let me see—Remnant, I think. Yes, I'm sure it was Remnant. He was one of the last of the great painters I believe. [Karper's Bc zIr. It was a very slow train indeed, and the traveling man remarked to the conductor, "Would,there be any objec- tion of my getting off this train right near?" "Why, my dear sir, it's in ?notion." "I don't doubt it. But I thought I'd like to look at it from the outside and see if I can't tell which way ie is going." [Washington Star. "Look here," he said indignantly to the man with the hungry cow, "don't you see that (keep off the grass' sign?" "Yes." "Well, yer cow's on the grass. - "I know it, mister," was the placid answer. "I know just aa well as you d'o, but you see it's the cow that can't read." [Washington Star. LITERARY LINES. Mrs.' Burnett is soon to publish a unique saudy of child life, "The one Ii Knew Best of All." Mr. Ruskin, for the last seven years has an annual income of, £4,000 from the sale of his works. Mr. Gladstone is amusing himself while in Scotland by translating Horace into English verse. Rabbi Isaac M. Wise says there is a project under consideration for the printing of the Talmud in the English language. Archdeacon Farrar is to follow up hia "Ten Commandments" with a vol— umn on the Lord's prayer, published this month by Thomas Whittaker; at the Bible House. Prince Charles of Sweden has writ- ten an excellent history of the Swedish sang, but his name does not appear on the title page. 110 prefers to sign hint" self "C." His father, King Oscar, is a poet, a dramatist and a composer. The 'first edition of fifty thousand copies of "The Prince of, India," Gen. Lew. Wallace's new historical romance, was practically exhausted ten days after publication. WISE WORDS. The man who looks at his wife as though the moon were about to turn to blood whenever she asks him for a couple of dollars is not likely to become very eloquent in prayer at his family altar. Give some people the power to move mountains and see how soon they would ruin the farms of their neighbors. The reason some people treat God worse than they do their neighbor is be', cause they think it is safer. It is doubtful if any one man in u hundred goes to church 'praying for preaching that will hit him. A lie in the heart is no whiter than it is in the horse trade. --Americans are said to have the poorest teeth of any people in the world. It ie said the more brain work c' person has the worse hie teeth become. The same result is attained by lack of proper nouriehmen',and' it ie said by a prominent dentist that fifty years hence, attiong the very poor climes, everybody 'Will be toothless at the age of twenty. SHOULD UK* 4151 'l' .uis WORD. Pearl Butler? the Ailsa Craig girl, who had been missing for the pain on !lays in Detroit, was 'found in company with her entioer, Arno. Pear was dreeeew as a boy, and said she would never go back to her =runt's t 'live, cis they need to heat her. Arno, when arrested, said be wished somebody would shoot him. Ile is evidently a vililan of the deepest dye, and endeavored to cover up his crime by dressing the girl up as a boy, and getting her hair cut phorl. W HITHER ARE WE DRIFTING. Nuptial mase, which was celebrated a few days ago in the Muni, of the Redeemer, NOV York City, is a new ceremony to the Protestant Episcopal Church. According to the New York Herald, 'only one entirely familiar with church services could detect the slightest t;ifference between the Oaths, olie form of the solemn tiuptial mass and that celebrated." Mass lights, .vesper lightj,,and some seventy candles were employed to make the ceremony impressive. The officiating prie't,who wore a gorgeous lavender colortd cope of watered satin, end the. black beretta, a head covering, was preceded by the thurifer, or incense bearer; in girded alb and mice. The host—bearer, the croas•Learer, accompanied by acol'.tes with lighted candles, were followed by the sub -deacon iu a tunic of gold cloth, and after him came the deacon in a dalmatic of the same material. The altar, the celebrant, the choir, and even the books used were incensed. Alto- gether, the ceremony- was one of great interest to those present. It is of in• tercet also to the general public, as in, dicating the latest development of the Americau High Churchwovement. The December Lasae of The Delineator is called the "Christmas Number," and is rich its material pertaining to the holiday season. The styles fur the month are exceptionally huudsome and appropriate, and the younger members of the family receive special atten- tbn in an illustrated article entitled F..rty Ureases for Mims and Girls. There ie ,also an appropriate article on Fashions in Fur Garment's, A paper th tt is invaluable to all ladies is called Some Suggestions for Ho.ne Made Christmas Gifts, and the housewife ie especially considered in Dainty Deeerta for the Holiday Season. Christmas Legend and Folk -Lore is most interestingly treated, and as an antidote, there is a description of a very modern Brise Kringle Party. The children will be delighted with the enter- tainment provided for them, and the parents will appreciate the ideas contained in the Childreu's Christmas. In addition to this special matter there are 'articles on many popular subjects. L'twn Tennis, in the Sports acd Puslimes series, is brought to a close Chia month; Household Renovation tells about Floor Coverings, Furniture and Moths; Child -Life deals with Recreation fir Hoye and Girls; Physical Culture continues instruction in Expression, and Around the Tea Table makes un acquainted with the fashionable fancies of the season. Novelties are illustrated in the papers on Knitting, Cro;Letiug, fatting, etc., with full instruc- tions for making. This nutnber is an excel- lent one with which to begin a subscription, which costs One Dollars year;Single Copies, 15 cents. Address orders to 7'he Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto (Ltd.), 33 Rich- :nond St. West, Toronto, Out. MINNESOTA'S 11 IAMMOTH HOG. The following rem tion with the death o hog "Columbus," whit at the Chicago fair wil to those who are raising swine: "The heedless crowd pr Columbus's bed yesterday nickel cigars on his wet every second his huge fram in unspeakable agony, and s contortions threw his 1,300 hulk from one side of his hat to the other. "Dr. McMahon shook his -head oualy as he bent over his bulky pa and J. I. Bernard, who raised Co bus, gave up all hope and has a t gram ready to send the sad news Pipestone, Minnesota, when des comes to Columbus' relief, "Columbus ie a hog of acme conse- quence. First, he is said to be the weightiest porker that has come to the 'World's Fair. Second. he is the only representative of the industry of Min nesota in the cheep and swine exhibit, but these two great facts pale into insig- nificanee beside the greater fact that Columbus does not know the taste of corn. A hog not raised on corn is s novelty so Ammo that every breeder who brought swine to the fair hunted for Columbus, poked him in the ribs, glanced him over critically and then walked thoughtfully away. "He is 34 months ohl, meaeuree 8 feet 9 inches from the tip of his snout to the root of his tail, is 7 feet 6 in— ches around the body, 16 inches around the foreleg and was raised entirely on barley, wheat and oats,' said his owner.'I brought him when he was three weeks old. He is a Poland -China and has a first-class pedigree. I raised him on ground barley, oats end wheat to prove that kind of food make a large frame. Breeders want large bones in their hogs, so that they elm put on more meat, and no one who sees the girth of those lege and examines that hog will doubt that I have succeeded in my efforts. We can reiee barley, oats and whgat in Minnesota cheaper than Iowa can reiee corn, and any man knows that such foods make a finer qualityof meat, juicier and more pala- table than cornfed meat. It will not make as much lard, however. I don't know what ie siring Columbus. It is bard to bring hitn 400 miles and see him die," arks in connec- f the Minnesota h died recently be of interest and feeding sled around and bet 'reit, while e writhed pasmodie pounds couch dubi- ient, um le - to b EOR NEW SURSOR'IBERS, 0 DO YQU TAKE A LOCAL PAPER ? THE IIURON )IEWS-REOORU, Published at, Clinton, Ont., is an old -established and reliable Local News- paper, now in its fifteenth vyear. It is a large, 8 -papa, 48 -column publication, with an average of ovon '1 H IRTY CoLUMNs every week of well printed and interesting reading matter— A. Purely Dome Newspaper Jammed full of local news from all quarters of the County. The regular subscription price is $1.50 a year—$1.25 in advance. Tart NEws-RECORD is as well worth $1.50 a year as one dollar bill is worth another. 111bAGENTS WANTED to Secura Clubs of 10 or Over. Our First Sacrifice in 15 Years. !.FIFTEEN JIIONTHS FOR ONLYal, 25'e. For 'Three Months. – AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 15 or Over. 0 Read an ordinary Sample Copy and you will be sure to order THE RECORD now for three rnnnths,or a year. NEWS - 25c. for Three Months—$1 for 15 Months, AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 20 or Over. 0 If you desire to he thoroughly posted on local and current Canadian and Home events during the next 15 months, read THE NEWS -RECORD. Order NOW and get your receipt, or address THE NEWS -RECORD, - Clinton, A. M. TODD, Editor and Owner. 13AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 25 or Over. More Snaps! Do You Read ? For the low sum of $1.75 (Otte Dollar and Seventy -Five Cents) we will furnish THE NEWS - R ECORD and any of the following papers to January, 1395 : TIIE EMPIRE, Toronto. THE FREE PRESS, London. TIIE GLOBE, 'Toronto, THE MAIL, Toronto. THE STAR, Montreal. TILE Lun=gs' JutnNAL and Ntnvs-Ri conn will cost you only $1.25 for a year—regular price $2.@5. Address all orders to THE NEWS -RECORD Clinton, Ont. A Liberal Offer! We are now offering TE LiiIEi JOIIOflL of Toronto, a large 36 page monthly Illustrated Fashion Home Paper patticularly interesting to ladies, with THE NE WS -RECORD FOR ONLY $1.25. Tho two publications will bo given for one y'eu','and will be sent to any address.. This offer applies to those who renew for THE NE\V3-RECORD another year before January, 1894, as well as to new subscribers. The regular subscription price of the L ADI ES' JOURNAL is One Dollar per year. The JOURNAL and Tar NEtvs-Ptttcoltu trill only cost you $1,13 if you subscribe now. Address THE NEWS -RECORD, Clinton, Ont A Great Offer ! I NSW Photograph Callerg. GREAT PAPERS , - AND GREAT PREMIUMS. We are in a position to offer TRH Runos News•Re- roan to Jan., 1895, and the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY Srnn, of Mentreel, for one year for 51.75, to new subscribers. This odor entitles the subscriber to a choice of the two greet preminma given by the publishers of the FAhIILY HERALD. These premiums are the "STAR" ALMANAC for 1894, a superb book of 450 pages, or 0 preferred a copy of the great FAMILY HERALD SOUVENIR P.•CTUIiE which retails at twenty dollars. The premiums—Almanac and Picture—will be ready about the end of November, and will be for- warded in the order in wh=en the subscriptions are received. Subecrip'ione to both papers may begin at once. Remember the offer of a choice of premiums olds good only to people who subscribe during the ttumn. Afterwards the choice will positively -be thdrawn. Address all orders to THE NEWS -RECORD, ()futon, Ont w WANTED„ Energetic men can find steady employment with UK as salesmen. Experience not necessary. Haed- aome outfit ant. the benefit of over 25 years experience ;weighed every man. Choice special linea andoonttol of territory. We hhve over seven hundred sores of choice stock and can give yon many advantages. Our mode of securing and retaining sidemen is superior. Call for our terms. The trial will cost you nothing. STONE & WELLINGTON. 771.6m Toronto,Ont THE KEY TO HEALTH - Unlocks all the clogceit ctrl tee of tae Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foal Lun ars of the secretions ; at the same -time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili. ousnoa,:, Dyspepsia,..Lkeaoaches, Lir,• ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy. Dian - Mess of Vision, Jaundice. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness axd General Deblllty ; all these and many other simi- 1.tr Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOaK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ;Regular For sale by all dealers. size $1. T. HiLiitEtY di CO., rroprletots, 'reroute KA J. W. COOK, the leading photographer, has bought and fitted tip -the pi entitles next Young's ilakery, Albert Street, Clinton, and is prepared to execute all orders. Everything from n SUNi3EAM to a LIFE- SIZE PHOTO on the shortest notice and first class workmanship guaranteed Tintypes taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days equally as well as on sunny days by the new process. Prices as low as any and superior work. Call at the new gallery. J.W. 000K, Practical Photographer Albert St. Clinton. NTOTIC'E. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that it any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to mo 1 shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is tht last warning 1 altar! give. CAI'T. WSt. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. John unfl!nflarf!, GREEN GROCER, CONFECTI NER AND Canadian Express Agent, ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. Fresh Haddies and Bloaters. Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. NELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE • - L ONT. Orders left at this alike promptly at - Attended to The Equitable Savings, Loan and Buckling Association of Toronto is an association organized and incorporated with an nnthorized Capital of $5,000,000, wbioh is divided into 50,000 shares of $100 snob. The cost of a share is $1 entranoo fee and 60 cent(' monthly dues tor about eight mire: For further particulars apply to T. SMITH KELTIE, Agent, Clinton P. O. iEUR 1pc%IEUMPIT .SCIATICA Vu/1IU &V J ,,°ply." THEB . �,rl. M/ -i I I OI+i LT' ' lv NEW $AKERYI ------o_�. WILSON & HOWE have bought the good -will and interest in the baker. recently curried on ley 11lr. R. McLennan, in addition to the Restaurant; carried on hy.Mr. Jawes Anderson, and have amalgamated the two businesses The combination will be carried nn in THE OLD STAND IN SEARLE'S BLOCK,10 and will hereafter be known as THE NOVELTY BAKERY AND Bus_ TAUItANT. Mr. McLennan will he our baker. Bread of superior quality till be delivered as usual, and Bread, Cakes, &c., constantly kept on hand and sold only at the Novelty Store. We solicit the patronage of all old Customer's and ma y new ones. Wilson 4" .Howe - - - Clinton. Eureka Baker and Restaurant: 0 In thanking the citizens of Clintou and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past three yearswe beg to announce that the EUREKA. BAKERY and 1U STAIIRANT is iu a bettor position than ever to su; eusefully cater to the wauls of the general public. We do our own baking, aimheavy expenses, and turn out a qu,tlity•of BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &C., equal to any in West- ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. wEDDINO' CAKES A SPECIALTY. &c., delivered to all parts of the town. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, ICE Ptc ❑ta and Private Geller - CREAM, COOL DRINKS. inga sti plied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. B 0 IPH BR 0S., Proprietors. WONDERFUL CURES! THOMAS MINCHIN. - MAJOR W. A. SIMFIELD. Before Treatment. After Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. Thomas Minchin says: "I was roducod to a nervous wreck—only weighed 118 pounds. The result of early abuse was the cause. 1 had the following symptoms: Miserable mentally and physically melancholy, nerv- ousness, weakness,,,apecles before the eyes, dizzy, poor memory, palpitation of the heart, flushing, cold hands and feet, weak bank, dreams and losses at night, tired in the morning, pimples on the face, lose of ambition, burning sensation, kidneys weak etc. Doctors could not cure me; but Drs. Kennedy & Kerganby their New Method Treatment, cured mein a few weeks. I weigh now 170 pounds. It is three years since I have token their treatment." Before Treatment. Afte.rTreatment. Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured., Major Simfield says: "I had Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach for many years. TQmake matters worse I contract- ed ti CoE'atitntional Blood Disease. My bonen ached. Blotches on the skin looked horrible. I tried sixteen doctors is all. A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. I began their New Method Treat- ment and in a few weeks was a new man with renewed life and ambition. I can- not say too much for those scientific doc- tors who have been. in Detroit for fon,'- teen yoare. I conversed with hundreds of patients in their offices who were being cured for different diseases. I recommend them as honest and reliable Physicians." DRs. ` ENNEDY ffr KR -GAN The Celebrated Specialiste of Detroit, Mich. Catarrh; Asthma; Bronchitis; Con- sumption (let and 2nd stages); Rheumatism; Neuralgia; Nervous, Blood and Skin diseases; Stomach and Heart dis- eases; Tapoworm; Piles; Rapture: Impotency; Deafness; Diseases of the Eye Ear, Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors of Youth; Faili=ng Manhood; Diseases of the Sexual Organs- Female Weakness; Diseases of Men and Women, and Chronic Diseases in general. Whey cure when others fail! rirONLYCURABLE CASES ARE TAKEN FOR TREATMENT Their NEW METHOD TREATMENT known the world over, is curing diseases of every nature that hes baffled heretofore the medical profession. They,are not 'family doctors' — they make a specialty of Chronic and d.o icult diseases. lilt TREAT ANO GUARANTEE TO CURE DISEASES OF MEN. They guarantee to care all Weakness of Men arising from self abuse, later oxceeses or disease. Young man, you need herd�p Drs. K. di K. will cure you. You ma have been treated by Quacks—consult t3cientific Doctors. No cure, no pay. Consult them. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Why suffer in silenoei They can cure yon, Female Weakness, Sarrenneas. Displacements, irregularity, and painful periods cured in a short time. Renewed vitality given. lllnetrated Book Free. inclose stamp. Spermatorrhoea, Varicocele, (!feet, Unnaturtd SPECIAL DISEASES. Discharges, Private diseases, Strlcturt, Sypb- ills, and all Blood diseases guaranteed cured or no pay. ld years in Detroit —1511,000 cures—National reputation. Books free—Consultation free — Names confidential. If unable to call, write for a list of questions and advice free. DRS. KENNEDY & KERQAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, MICH. PRO Fn D '.i, RE,NWEND Is Coming—Now is Tour :rime—The only Visit '1'llis Season -11c wilt be at THE RATTENI3UR-i HOUSI' ON THW'YSDAY, OCTOBER 26. if you are ball, or grey, or 0 your hair is thin or faded don't miss this chalice. As the Prof. has a large number of places to visit this season his stay Is posittveiy limited to the time advettisrd. Ho has proved by the thousands who patronize him that by the Ilse of him coverings 0 more refined expresion, a more yenthral and greatly improved uppeatance can be secured For ladies he has a large number of new stelae this season to Bangs and other coverings, especially his New Patent hang without Ince foundation, more natural in appearance, stronger, lights r and more thoroughly ventilat- ed than anything ever before offerer in Canada We've (tangs, plain front - pieces wavy fronts, Switches and !:raids ht all lengths and shales. full or open Wigs, of cur ay, straight, long or short hale. Gentlemen, sec the grant! styles 111 Toupccs and Wigs. Ti }en are bald a partly bold the Prof. can lit you so exactly that it is impossible tit dis,itignish from the natural growth of hair. Theeo goods ale worn by 12,0u0 of the gentle. men of Canada. Why not by you t Ladies, don't fall to ask the Prof. how to secure a pure clear, complexion Hurl how to remove tan, freck- les, wrinkles, &c. RRNF.RUER AT The Rattenbury (louse. on Thurs- day, 26th Oct. 0 N jWEJVVS "IOUP EE S, j Cantelon Bros., The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company GENERAL, GROCERS & PRGVI3- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Chinaware. ALIIER'I' ST., CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs 762•ly _ _ _ Farms for Sale. DORM and 119, can. 8, Hallett, 200 Rorea. Lot 20, $n. 4. Stanley. 1'10 acres. Both desirably, situated nod win hs w•hi on easy terms. Apply to G. D. AicTn,40ART,,'linton. 707.1f .WANTED. Salesmen to aellcilfern ohoine lino of nursery stock. Onto rete ontlrt. free end good pay from the start. PrmI,nn expel leauc not accessory. Write of once end secure territory. THE;HAWI{S NURSERY CO. Rochester, N r Farm and Isolated Town Proper ty only Insured.` OPTICRIIR. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0. • 11S J. Shannon, SeeyTreas„ Seaforth P, 0.; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0, DIRRO.TORt, Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Rasa, Clin ton • Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George watt Harfock • Joseph Evans. Roerhwood ; J. Shan non, Walton ; Thos. Garbort, Clinton. AO1tNTa. Thos. Noilans, Itarlocic ; Robs. ,lf,Mlilhin, Sea - forth ; S. Carnochnn Seaforth. John O'rollivan and Geo. Hurdle, Auditors, Parties dcalrons to effect Insurance or trees act other business will bo promptly attend. ed to an a,)p3licatton to any l,f the shove otl1Cors addressed to their respective poet offices,