HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-10-18, Page 8To .dvertisers. ?44 changes of Advertisements, to inure insertion t. Me current issue, UMW be received at the office not later Chau «47'URDAY NOON. Copy for Changes received later than SA 7'+ UR.7)AYVOON will hereafter be a. the Advertiser's own risk, A. .0. TOAD, Publisher. rhe Huron News -Record 11.se a Year -41.26 Dr A'dvaace. Wednesday. Oct 18th 1893. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Hub, • Zonal Zath. Apples, plums and pears wanted at CANTELON Biwa To FARMERS AND HORSEMEN. -Best single harness a specialty, all styles and closest prices. Everything in our line cut fine. JOHNSON & ARMouR,harness mekers. WANTED. -Any quantity of Plums Cherries, Red and Black Currants and Goose Berries,. for which the highest market price will be paid. -N. ROBSON. Cash paid for eggs and huller.-CANTELoN Bites. CUSTOM TAILOIINc. -W. G. Vance, over Coats & Son's store, is .n experienced cutter and mechani3. All orders entrusted will bo exeusted in the latest style, lowest price, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. FIRST OF THE SEASON.- ChOICP Oysters at Coats' Restaurant, next Roqson's grocery. Pu. GAULEY, of Clinton, was in town last week .-Brussels Post. MR. AND MRS. J. B. BROOKS, of Mitchell, were the guests of the lady's •mother, Mrs. Win. Cantelon, last week. I. 0. G. T. Soctee.-Next Friday evening Clinton Independent Order Good Template will hold a neck tie social in their rooms. We are inform- ed invitations have been issued and that the affair will be one of the most successful of the season. "Too MANY Now". -We quite agree with our town totem. that Brussels can •only reasonably support one paper. But when the New Era says that the Post has never been a party paper it states what it knows to be not true. The Post is a good local paper and it is a Reform paper. If tho Post were wise it would let politics alone, as there is oniy room for ono paper in Brussele. A FORTY MILE WALK. -The World's Fair party from Clinton had plenty of exercise. One of the number puts it like thio: -To see the World's Fair and walk through the buildings the grand total is something in excess of 118,000 feet, or nearly 23 miles. This estimate does not include State, Government or private buildings ; the Plaisance is ignored and no account is taken of the long jumps from one building to an- other. A walk of about 40 miles is necessary to do the whole thing up. WARNING TO BACHELORS -The cause of matrimony has been reinforced by a new champion. Dr. Stark, a Scotch scientist, has collected a vast mass of statistics showing that mortality is much more frequent among unmarried men. Citing a given year, for example, he finds that out of 1,000 bachelors in France between the ages of 20 and 80, 11.3 died, while out of an equal num- ber of -married men within the same range of ages only 6 5 died. Other countries present a similar showing. In the opinion of Dr. Stark, bachelor- hood is more destructive of life than the most unwholesome occupation or dwell- ing. LIEUT. MCTAGGART, of Mayor Mc- Taggart'. bank, was in Goderich the other day. Ile is a loyal young man and is'a creditable member of Har Majesty's volunteers. If the editor of the Signal had known this fact swords wo.Ild surely have been crossed and our cotem would cease to exist, for the Lieut. is a slasher when it comes to military tactics. Mr. McGillicuddy generally finds shelter a dozen paces to the roar when war is declared -or rather by a round -a -bout reinforces the enemy. There wee no conflict. To join the enemy would havecaused too great a retreat across the lines. Tan FIFTH Fonar. -We are happy to inform our readers that at the last meeting of the Common School Board the "fifth form" was adopted in our public school. The adoption of this. form will give the pupils attending the chance of etudjing the same subjects as aro taken up in the lowest form of the Collegiate Institute. The follow• ing are some of tho subjects taught- euelid, algebra, geometery, temperance and hygene, with book-keeping and a general commercial course. We think the school board have shown good judgment in the coureo they have taken and we believe that in the hands of Mr. MaFaul it will prove a decided success. It will certainly be a boon to many of our sons and daughters whose parents don't feel able to push them through the Collegiate Institute. By attending this form they will be en- abled without extra oxpen`se to their parents to prepare themselves pretty thoroughly for the battle of life, --Sea• faith Sun. 1CtRMQVED...,-1' r, 3a (3: Medd has re- moved to Londeebofo. Mne, R, J. Uutvsgiorts will shortly join her husband in the west. MB. H. KERB, of Wingham, was in the "hub" of the county of Huron last week. MR. GEo PARKS, of Chryatal's boil- er works, Goderich, was in Clinton on Tuesday' of last week. JOHN 1L. CLARKE Will lecture in the town hall, Clinton, on November 9th and 10th. Psrtibulara later. BAPTiSTS 1N CONVENTION. -Rev. J. B. McKinnon took part in the Baptist convention at Waterford this week. FARM BOUGHT. -James Howson, auctioneer, has Bold the May farm on the Huron Road to R. Jenkins for $5,560. IIIc HONOR, JUDGE Toms, passed ttsough Clinton last Wednesday to Bluevsle, where voters' list court was held on Thursday. FROM. THR HARRISTON Tr-ibuxe :- Mrs. (Rev.) Smyth is spending a few days among her many old and warm friends in town. MR. WALTER COATS was a Goderich visitor last Thursday and pronounces the county town a pretty and fascinat• ing summer resort. FOOTBALL. -The Mitchell Recorder says : -Clinton footballers were beaten at the driving park ou Monday, by the Mitchell boys, by 3 goals to 0. BLYTH AND DUNUANNON.-A large number from Clinton attended Blyth and Dungannon Shows last week, the greater number going to Blyth. COMING TO CLINTON.-Mr. and Mrs. W. 1''oeter will, in the coulee of a week or two, take up their residence in their comfortable cottage on Albert street. JUMPING UP.-Ourgreat offer to new subscribers, THE NEWS -RECORD for 15 months for $1.00 is causing a rush. Fifty names have been added this week. FALSE REPORT. -Last Wednesday a report was current in Blyth to the effect that Mrs. H. Stevens was dangerously ill from a ettoko of paralysis. We are pleased to learn that the report ie not correct. HARD ON THri WIRED. -Tho electric wires ou both circuits were put to the test Saturday night and finally gave up. The rain and wind si,orin was very severe, the worst, probably, known for years. RUNAWAY. -Mr. J. W. Irwin's de- livery horse is usually a very quiet animal. On Wednesday it took fright at the rear of the grocery and before it reached the market square the delivery wagon was considerably damaged. No one was hurt. SNow, TI1E BEAUTIFUL. -Tho three days wind and rain storm terminated last Sunday -with a sprinkling of snow. 'there was not enough to be noticeable on the ground. We can get along very well with three or four weeks fine weather yet. THE \WINGBAM Times says: Mrs. J. M. Dopers, of Detroit, and Mrs. R. Miller, of Clinton, are visiting at Mr. H. Kerr's this week. -Mr. Jae. Living- stone, of Kincardine, was a, transient visitor in town on Wednesday evening. WELCOME PAINS. -As a whole, the fall shows have been favored with fine weather. Dungannon show, the last of the season, was also favored with good weather lost Friday. The most severe rain of the season set in about 6 p. rn. Friday and continued until Sunday night. GIVE IT A TRiAL.-Take a leaf of a tree or shrub, place over it a email piece of white linen soaked in spirits of nitre, and insert bettreeu the leaves of a heavy book with a sheet of paper to receive the impression. Lay the book aside for a few days and then ex- amine. Tho leaf tvill be found devoid of color, which will have been trans-. fetred to the paper in all that original beauty of tint and outline of leaf. So says one who has tried the experi• meat. ReeorierD -The majority of those who took in the Chicago excursion Friday week returned last Saturday. All aro high in their praises of the great wonders to bo soon there. Some difficulty was experienced in procuring American money, as Canadian money is not acceptable in Chicago. The ridiculousness of this is shown when Americiana made a run on our banks recently and even 'withdrew thoir money from their own institutions and deposited it in Canadian banks, Cana- dian money should be and is good enough for anybody. And it is worth mote than American money. A GENTLE REMINDER. -THE NEws• RECORD does not care much for the habit of dunning, but sometimes -we have to do it. We cannot afford to lose one cent on our subeoiption list nor can wo afford to keep subscrib- ers in arrears. This is the season in which money begins to move and we have purposely delayed dunning de linquent subacribere. The figures on a subscriber's label show exactly how he stands. If they read "Nov. 92" he is nearly one year in arrears. And so on. Now, dear subscribers, wo want you to pay up. Call in and pay, if in town. If not remit by mail. Regie• terod lettere Dome at our risk. every time will be our record, and hence once a cus- tomer always a customer. We have one of the best and most complete stocks in the County, all of which will be offered at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. - ALSO several lines that should not be found in our store and will sell such at a Ridiculous Sacrifice, For Instance :- 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c., Usually Retail at 2Oc. each. 2 Blacking Brushes for 25c. Will cost you in regular way 2Oc, each - Wall , Paper, 'Window Shades. etc., At comet. A Full supply of the New Physiology and Tem- perance Books for Public Schools. RANCE & SPALDING i BOOKS, STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS The Millinery Emporium, Ladies,' Favorite Establishment BEESLEY & Co. WE SAVE 0 THE HAT AND BONNET yqu'd be proud of because of the Style, Comfort, High Quality and Low Price FELT HATS made into the new- est shapes. We are Building this Business on an All -Round, High -Quality, Little -Price Plan. The building is going on pretty fast, still there's energy, arbition and determination enough in us to want to build it faster. You can help us do it, and save money, too, by studying our values in Yarns, Blankets, Flannels, Flannel- ettes, Ladies' Vests, Hosiery and Gloves. Our GREY FLANNEL at 15c. a yard is not equaled for quality and price. POISONED. -Dog poisoners scorn to be at work. A valuable one owned by Mr. W. Cantelon succumed to the poison fiend the other day. He would not care to have accepted $50 for the dog, beeause it was a great pet and harmlobe. THEY RUN THEM GLUT. -The wheel of fortune and a dozen and one fakes at Dungannon last Friday wore not allowed long to remain. Tho authori• ties at Dungannon aro to be commend- ed for their prompt action. And the people should also be thankful. for these fakirs always pocket and carry off honest earned money without any value in return. "MAD DOG". -The animal appeared to be very mad but not vicious. If was Owned by "Boxer" (\W.) Coats and had two tin cans firmly tied to its tail. People cried "mad dog," but the secret was anon out as the canine wildly raced Too LATE --The Palacechange of ed., too late, is all about carpets, oil cloths and flannels. MR. JAMES FARQUHAR, Albert street, has rented the Howson property' on Princess street and will move,in a short time. PUPS SOLD. -Mr. J. W. Riter has disposed of his three thorough -bred fox -terrier pups to Mr. .Tas. Fair, sr.. Capt. Combe and Roxy Walker. Citation NOTES. -The annual harvest Thanksgiving service will bo held oti Sunday, Oot. 22, in the following places: -At St James,Middloton's, at 11 a. m.; at St. John's, Holmeeville,, at 3 p. m.; at St. Peter's, Summerhill, at 7 p. m. Rev. Mr. Kerrin of Bayfield will preach the Thanksgiving sermon. The pastor, Rev. L. W. Diehl will lead the services. Thank -offerings to in the direction of Blyth. Where or Almighty God for %lis goodneea to us when it ceased to run no ono soems to this year Will be taken in aid of the know. church fund of each plaeo,-Coit. It IS no News es that the rain fell in torrents for 4 days in a week, drenching all who ventured out without proper cavi ing, The hint we give just here is become prepared with Waterproof Clothing and VinbrellIv, The $8 MACINTOSH. speaks for itself The $10 COAT is a trifle heavier, may be wore as an Overcoat. The $12 COAT is a model of ,a Stylish Water- proof. The $13.50 COAT catches every eye. 11M F Ri 1T A S Prices Start at 4Oc, r 75c., $1, $125, 01.50, $1.75, ' $2, $2.50, $3 and at $5. •AIaM,A✓1I..14r n.n✓.✓A W ✓.✓4. p,.�14✓...0,. Jackson - Bros., The Noted Clothiers, FuUnisilers and Furriers IIMMISMONICENIL + — x LADIES UNDERWEAR Just at this season of the year a person feels the need of some- thing heavier than summer underwear, and yet scarcely feels like putting on heavy winter garments. Something between the light weights of summer and the heavy weights of winter is what is needed --something not too expensive that will answer for between seasons. This we have in a Fine Light weight all wool Vest that we are selling at the low figure of 371- cents. Never before have we had such a stock of Ladies' Underwear as we show this season. It is everything it should _be as to Assortment, Qualities and Values. Starting at 20c. we have nearly all prices in Union, Merino, Scotch, Lambs Wool up to Fine Goods at $1.60, and at each price better values than you have been used to getting. HOSIERY ---Our stock of Cashmere and "Wool Hose is, here. If you appreciate a good assortment, goods will wear, and bottom values, you will buy your all Hosiery here. Est. J. Hokcus, CLINTON. i?I yd