HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-10-18, Page 60o You FEEL SICK? 'Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have . LIVER COMPLAINT, 1f your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH, . TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE.r RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. ro*Vg*"'" 1 EASY TO TAKE GIVES QUICK TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. RELIEF. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. • i r • • vfi For QQnstipion Ayer's Pills.. .For Dyspep$la. Ayer's Pills For Biliousness Ayer's Pills For Sick Headache Ayer's Pills For Liver Complaint Ayer's Pills For Jaundice Ayer's Pulls For Loss of Appetite Ayer's Pills For Rheumatism Ayer's Pills For Colds Ayer's Pills For Fevers Ayer's, Pills Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass Sold by all Druggists. Every Dose Effective Tire Huron News-Rcoora 1.110 a Year --93.26 In Advance Wednesdae-. (Det. 18 :Il 1893. If you %viah to Recur() a cartaiu and eueedy result, when ueiug Ayet'e Sarsaparilla, be careful in observing the rules of health, or the benefit may he retard. tl. A fair and persistent trial of this medlc;ne never fails, • when the direntiutte ere followed. —A fak'r is going round the country and getting away- aids a ;cod many dollars of the unsuspecting youths in the following a an- ter: On arriving at a town lie gels all the boys he eau to .ell pietu'os of the World's Fair, and reiluires • eel/ of them to put up a dollar as a gn•rrantee of good faith. He give, them a few pictures worth a cent a piece and while they are hying to sell them the fakir disappears with t e dollars. RHEUMATISM CURED Is A D,v.—S •nth Amorioan Rhyumttle Jule, f ,r 1Ltowuitism a .el Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the 6ystem •S rsnzo'kthle a9.ld uyeteriotl. It removes at once the '•nus. and the disecse bmnodieto'y dis- appears. The first dove grenily benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Wutta et Co., Duggisat. —Mr. Alex. Stron4'd little daughter n.et with au :rim sit miraculous escape from a el - dental death recently. at her house in Gerrie. The little cue, about four years old, had baba playing uoetair•s soil found her way to the baic•suy oy.r the fr.tnt door. Mrs. Strong missed the child in a few moments and nu searching found the little gig sitting on the grass under the balcony from which she had fallen, a diatanee of fully 15 feet. Beyond being seriously jarred the child was fu no way injured, and in a few days was fully rrcuvcred. Don't a tmrnit e'tieide on account of your "iuourable" blood disease. It he sensible thing for you to do is to take Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If that falls, why, then—keep on trying, and it will not fail. The trouble iv, people get discouraged to soon. "Try, try, try again." —Mr. Chas. Maguire, of Morris, made a peculiar find one day recently. He watt plowing in a field on hie faro, when he die covered under a lme green bushes in a corner of the fenee two hags, one marked J Lang and the other W. Kerr. In one bag was a tweed snit of clothes, somewhat wont, and in the other a snit of ctothee such as is usual - 1t, worn by men while threshing, a pair at low shoes, a shirt end a pair of socks They must have hen tying there a one tims, and the olothea were wet from recent rain. Mr. Maguire took the articles ho ne, dried the clothes, and new a'aAtts an Owner for the same, and an .•x,,lauation of the reason they were 1. ft there. "SATISFACTORY RESULTS." So says Di-. Curlett, au old an honored practitioner. In Belleville, Ontario, who writes : "For Wasting Diseases and Scro- fula I have need Scott's Emulsion with the roust satisfactory results." —Hugh McKenzie, M. P. P. for East Iranlbtoo, died at his residence near Wat- ford, on Tues lay I lust week, after a long and painful illoese. For Over Plfly Tears. YRS. WINsLow'a SOOTIIIso SYRUP has boon used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. 11 disturbed at night and broken of sour rest by a sick child suffering and ening-with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win- slett Soothing Syrup" tor Children Tecthiing. 1 will relieve the poor little sufferer immedately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Dl:rrncuna, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Kind C 'lie, softens the Gums and re- duces Inflammation, and gives tone an I energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and Is the proscription of uno o! the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "MRs. WrssLOw'S SOOTn1NO SYRUP.' Joseph F. Hoeg, the temperance lectur- er, died of paralysis at Clarendon, N. Y. Wednesday night. ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery puri- fies she blood, By this means, it reaches, builds up, and invigorates every part of the system. For every blood -taint and disord- er, and for every d sease that oomee fro is an inactive liver or impure blood, it ie the only remedy en sure and effective that it can be guaranteed. if it ever fails to benefit or euro, you have your money bock. These diseases aro many. They're differ- ent in form, but they're like a treatment. Rouse up the torpid liver into healthful action, thoroughly purify and enrich the blood, and there's a positive cute. The "Discovery" doe.' this, as nothing else can. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bilionenese ; all Bronchial, Throat, and Lung Affeosione; every form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or Lung -scrofula) in its earlier stages ; and the most stubborn Skin and Soalp Diseases are completely cured by it. Mild. gentle, soothing and healing is Dr- Sage'e Catarrh Remedy. Only 50 cents; by druggists. eiteA119TXo11 .09i4Vst T401r A Cr*tlifdf• tion. to plrgntliia. the Eget "lidding 4f glad OP for the 9011111 g' f411.9001.1 IA 9004040R with the 1ele4laoite Will be held in the W'Osi*t Rall, Dru ttls, on. F1ll44: ,. '2llth Mitt„ 900004 - trig trig et 1 O'olrioit, Vow daleg tell are ntk r4 from every congregation, teinperatnoo organ. ;Wort of any name, and ell young people's soulutlas in Eaat lluron,'ae outlined for Ir;cal Legislature purpe!I.s4. ' ;in the evening' a public meeting wi 1 be held at which F. 8. S'peue°, the well'kuown Temperance orator, of Toronto ; Roe. k. 11Ylusgrave, cf Winth- rop ; and Rev. 0, 13. Cobblediek, M. Q.,, B. I! ,of Brussels, will deliver addreaees. Tam- peran to music by a union choir of the yar. toes churches, Every adulator whoao work, or a purtfon of it, le'in the least Riding it aske'1 to be precut. —Ontario has been awarded 179 medals for her fruit exhibit at the World's Fair, for currants, gooseberries and cherries alone: NO iUARTElt will do you as much good as the one that buys Dr. Pieree's P•eriant Pellets. Tait) is what yuu get with'tbem : An absolute and permanent cure for Conetipatiou, Iudiges- tion, Bilious Attacks, eiuk and llilioue dead• aches, end all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. Not just temporary cellef, and then a worse condition afterward —but help that lasts, , Don't hawk, and blow, and epit, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and be cured, 51J cents ; of `druggiete. • —J. B.liadford, of Weet Woodstock, wlio had his chest crushed in by a fall from an apple tree on Friday last, died ,at four o'clock the other morning. The deceased became uucouscioue and never rallied. RELIEF IN SIX Iiouas.—Distressing Kidney. aril Bladder diseases relieved in ni iwur•e uy the "New 0116.11' Soo11i AMEDIUAN KIDNsY (Nits." 'Ibis new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians ou aueouut of its exceeding promptness in relieving painia the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urivary passages in male or female. It relieves r,:teutiuu of watot and paiu iu passing it almost im- mediately. if you want quick relief and cure this is yuur remedy. Sold by Watts et Co., Druggists. —A hundred and fifty years ago un- married as well ars married women were styled "AI re." Girls were called "Mies" until they left school, when they took rack us'"Mrs.," while married woolen were very generally addressed as "Madam." Itch on ham mean 1 horses and all animals cured in 30 Iainutes by Woolferu's Sanitary Lotion. This timer falls. ' Sold by Watts & co., Druggists. —Sommer his slid out of the world as quickly and unceremoniously as if Baying goodbye caused never a heart- ache or a pang, and the lovely linger- ing eveuinge and warm tints of the afterglow have become a memory which shivers at the thought that it will soon bo time to get out our family snow shovel and poke up the furuaco. ON THE FLATFORM. PUBLIC SPEAKERS and singers are often troubled with sore throat and hoareeneee, and are liable to severe bronchial attacks which might be preyented and cured by the use of Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsam—the heat throat and luug remedy iu use. RECIPES. CELERY VINEGAR. Soak one ounce of celery seed in one- half pint of vinegar ; bottle it, and use to flavor soups and gravies. OUDE SAUCE. One peck green tomatoes, six email peppers, four onions ; chop all fine. Add one cup salt and let stand over night ; in the morning drain off the water; add one cup sugar, one cup horse -radish, one table spoon ground cloves, one tablespoon cinnamon. Cuver with vinegar, and ! stew gently all day. PICKLED CAULIFLOWER, Cut off all green leaves ; put the cauliflower" into boiling water, with a good supply of salt, boil from three to five minutes; take out of the salt and water, and dip them in clear cold water one minute. Cut into pieces con- venient to put in jars, then make a mixture as follows: One tablespoon mace, one of cloves, one of allspice, one of ginger, two of white mustard seed, and one red pepper pod, with each gallon of vinegar. Let the mixture boil, and pour it upon 'the cauliflower. Cover it closely and let it stand one week ; then pour off the vinegar, scald it, and return it het again to the cauli- flower. 'Then put it in jars ready fcr use. The best cider vinegar should be used, and if it is not perfectly clear it will dissolve the cauliflower. PICKLED APPLES. For One peck of crab apples take three pounds sugar, two quarte vinegar, oue.half ounce cinnamon, one•half ounce cloves ; leave the apples whole, but remove the blossom. Boil the appleea in part of the vinegar and sugar, until you can put a fork through them; take them out and place in jars. Heat to boiling point the remainder of the vinegar and pour over them. Be care ful not to boil them too long, or they will break, CRANBERRY SAUCE FOR WINTER. Pick over the berries and mash ; add apittle water, and stew gentley until soft. For every pound of fruit add half a pound of sugar, and stew until thick and clear. Put into small jars and paste over with white paper. MINT ViNEGAR FOR WINTER. Fill a bottle with fresh mint leaves ; add a teaspoon of Balt and one of sugar; fill with vinegar, and cork tight. A RARE COMBINATION. THERE is no other remedy or combination of medicines that meets so many require- ments, as does Burdock Blood Bitters in its wide range of power over euoh chronic dieeases as dyspepsia, livdriand kidney com- plaints, scrofula and all humors of the blood. . neve Pain it' Shoulder ay :; .cum bv' he De&L Menthol PJastcr� feranpitl�liatedfer wilYearkT'lthe evsrapainunderthe Ise fltouldererat thr to the II 1 aft r rung m4ny`;remedier wIp Qct ganef, she triad a'"D, & L." MenpwI Pinner, it d werl►, 44 °Adcg tc th4 rstMR h.4pdred►.Pflheile planters haus keen sold by nakhtr4,,ttiving agwl ptlJtcypq,• J. 8, ,5UTH l►w►MA, 1DruXgirt, RlvnJgbm, $.; Sold Everywhere a 25c .each, Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS --all of the beat worn. mlurship and material. the latest tityles and most modern improve- "ments. Alt work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. serFACT111tY—c9rner Huron and Orange Streetr, Cli.aton. 657—y HAPPY :—: Thought Ranges. They are 'without an Equal, Pity are The I3cst in Amerl'ca, They speak fur Themselves, They are sold by Reliable Alen, . They are out sold by peddlars, Over 45,000 Sold 'in America HARLAND B OS., Hard CLINTONoare liGRO CETRAL EXHIBITI01 September 26th and 27th. 0 While it tow!, visiting the Fair call and see FURNITURE. our EXHIBITION OF Never before have we h.'en nide to show you such a well assorted stock, and et such remarkable low pi ices, It has been a ,Iifli':ult matter for us to supply the demand for those 45e. and 25e. 13a,nl)oo Ji" ables they have he,nr selling so fast. We have just received another large hhipnlent of theta. (Anne and get one before they all go. 0 JOSEPJOSEPH 0 H D L EY, 1r111'nitlll'C I9CalC1' and H ill 1111 C1'tai i►Cl-, J. W. CIIIDL•EY, .111, Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night cafls answered at hie residence, King St., opposite the Foundry. WORMS FOR the removal of worms of all kinds from children or adults, use Dn. SMITH'S GERMAN WORM LOZENGES. Always prompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring no after medicine. Never failing. Leave no bad after effects. Pries, 25 cents per Box The Equitable Sayings, Loan and Building Association of Toronto is an association organized and Incorporated with an authorized Capital of $1,000,000, which Is divided into 50,000 shares of;a10U each. The cost of a share is tit ent'anno fro end 60 rents monthly duns for about eight years. For further particulars apply to T. S31 I'1' 1 i ii E L'1' I E, Agent, . Clinton P. 0. Davis' PA1N•KILLEIi.—The best and moot popular Family Medicine in the world. A Merging to the rich; s friend to the poor; within the reach of all, it has saved more lives and relieve'' m"re suffering iueideot'.l to travelling than any other medicine. 25.. per bottle, largo siz.. KICKED A PAILFUL OF SILVER A YOUNG WOMAN FINDS ABOUT ,$400 1N COiNS i:IIDDEN IN TBE BUSH, The daughter of Thomas Williams, who lives in Drummond Township, while walking in the bush near the house, one day kat rvoek, caught her foot in an old tin pail embedded in the earth. It proved to he full of silver coin amounting to between $300 and $400. Tho coin was mostly Arnoaicnn ails r, principally half -dollars, and was well rusted, and none of the pieces is of later data than 1854. THE POWER OF NATURE. For every 111 nature has n cure. In the healing virtues of Norway Pine lies the cure for coughs, colds, oroup, asthma, bronchitis, hoareonees, eta. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup represents the virtues of Norway Pine and other pectoral remedies. Price 23c. ANOTi1ER DREADFUL CALAMITY. Dundas Star : The poor miserable Canadian farmer is..getting nearly all the prizes at the World's Fair, in com- petition with all Christendom. The wretched titan. English Spavin Liniment removes all herd, soft o cnllonsed Lumps end Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, splints, Ring Boner -Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore end 1-wolien Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 850 by nee of one bottle. Warrant,, the most wonderful Blemish Caro over know.. S..id by Watts 3 Co., Druggists. $5ODOLLARS A YEAR FOR LIFE. Substantial Rewards for Those 'a'Vhose Answers are Correct. A man once entered a prison where was confined a con emned criminal. On making ,. request to he conducted into the presence of the doom,d man, the visitor was informed that none hit relatives were permitted to see the prisoner. The vis(tor said : Brothers arid sisters have i none, but that man's (the prisoner's) father is my father's sort." He was at once taken to the prisoner. Now, what relation was the prisoner to the visitor ? Thr Agriculturist Publishing Company will give $50 a year for life to the person sending the flet correct answer ;$500 to rho second ; 3rd, $2.50; 4th, 8100; 5th, $50, and over 10,000 other rewards, consisting of pianos, organs, ladies and gents gold and silver watches, silver services, diamond rings, etc. The person Bending the last correct answer will he given a high.t.oned piano, to the next to the loci a beautiful organ, and the s'at 5,000 will receive valuable prizes of silverware, dic. RULES.—(1) All answers must be sent by trail, and hear postmark not later than Dec. 31, 1393. (2) There will be no charge whatever to enter this competition, but all who compete are expected to send one dollar for SIX months, subscription to either TnE LAnrts nom 1I MAGAZINE Or Tao CANADIAN AORI0UI.1'URIRT— two of the choicest illustrated periodicals of the day, (11) All prize winners will be expected to assist us in extending our circulation. (4) The first correct an- swer received (sunders postmark taken In all cases hs date of receipt, so as to give every ono an et(ual rhaneo, no matter where he or Rile may reside), will secure the first prize; theleceond the next prize, and so 00. THE AORTCULTV,U5T Is nn old established concern, and possesses ample means to enable it to carry out all its promises. (Send for printed list of former prize winners.) Junogs.—The following well. known gentlemen, have consented to act as judges and will see that the prizes are fairly awarded—Oommodore Caletttt, (Proprietor Caloutt's Line of Steamers), Peterborough, and Mr. W. Robertson, President Times Printing. company, Peterborough Register all money lettere, Address, Aoniort'tunto rn, Co. (L'td), retorburougb, Canada. First car now arryed direct from . Rerlpath's Refinery, Montreal.. Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts 111 100 Pogncls or Bbl. Lots., TAS, COFFEES . AND SPIdE$.' A SPECIALITY. Butter and Eggs wanted. J. W. IRWIN, Noted Grocer, CLINTON. CHANCE- OF BUSINESS Wilson & Howe, Successors to James Anderson. o The undersigned have bought the stock, good -will and interest of James Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a fit'st.class Res— taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy hope to receiye the continued patronage of all old customers. WILSON & HOWE, - t 0 - Clintons TTSE LARDINE MACHINE OIL The Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannot be Excelled. MCCQLI'S CYLINDER OIL HAS NO QUAL MANUFACTUIED BY McColl Bros. & Co., - Toronto. Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware of Imitations. FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADING DEALERS IN TEIE COUNTRY lal otic, As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with a leading firm of 'Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well- known Masters, all framed and finished in first•class style, and suitable for the beat class of residence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre- gate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices. Although the principal Soap Manufacturera have advanced prices 30 per cent. 1 will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures. Gall and see those ,beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at our Store. Our Sock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including hest grades in Black, Green and Japans. rry our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. Examine the giialityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts, and be convinced that Bargain Day with .ns, is every business da, throughout the year. N. ROBSON,China Hall. Cliutun, Feb. 14, 1893... THE HUB GROCERY. O We have closed our financial year 1st of February and find that it has been year of fair prosperty to ns. We wish to render our best TH,S tc Customers for their patronage and will always strive to win you con- fidence in future, by giying you GOOD GOODS as cheap as any other House in Town. Our Stock of CHINAWARE, PORCELAIN AND STONEWARE, is well assorted (and as we have a large Import Order coming from England) we will offer tllenl at Close Frites to malte.room. GEORGE SWALLOW Clinton.. 011•111111•11! Ann CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND F CTORY, - 0 S. S. COOPER, - - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This factory has been under the personal supervision years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and estimates for and build all cleases of buildings on short prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and and one owner fordo prepare plans and give notice and on the closest way and satisfaction exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Sh ingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &e Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYIIILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured'.. \ at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. 1