HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-10-18, Page 5We are, showing thio Best and Cheapest Stook of Woollen Goads in this County, all our owls manufacture, which we Guarantee Pure Wool, The stock consists of Fine Medium and Coarse Wool Blankets all Nines and ,Prices, Knapped and Unknapped. '' '` " Sheeting, and Cotton. and Wool, with and without border Flannels, Plain and Patterned, all weights, Unshrinkable. " • Tweeds, Suits Made to Order, First Class Fit Guaranteed. " Yarns, Single 2 and 3 ply, all colors, made of Pure Fleece Wool, Splendid Assortment of Knitted Goods, Men and Women's. Hose, Books, Mittens, Cardigan Jaokets, &o. Wool Batts for Quilts, Comforters, Matrasses, &o. Horse Blankets Shaped and Strapped or by the yard. -Horse Suiting in Stook and Made to Order, a Speoialty,-Large Heavy Sweat Blankets and Coolers. -Robe Lining &o,, &,- Wool taken in exchange. BEFORE YOU RUY CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. 44 • 44 41 ii saver Mills Woollen Store, Clinton Ont, NEXT DOOR TO HARLAND BROS., HARDWARE. LOTHING. The new goods in nice patterns- OVRRCOATINGS and SUITINGS-are worth your attention and do not require a long purse to buy them. An inventory of winter wants Ai STYLISH HAT, A SUIT OF LNDERWEA - A WARM TO? SFIIFT, A NATTY SLIT, ANICEOVERCOAT, A PRETTY NECKTIE, A -WATERPOOF COAT, THE 3EST OLY ZEPT, Plumsteel & Gibbings, Clinton. HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE, Comfortabie dwelling with six rooms, on Orange .Clinton. Garden iu good condition.. Hard seat''Water. For Tont or gale on roatonable ts: Apply to 779-tf JAMES COOK, Clinton. SERVANT WANTED. Young girl wanted for general housework. • Apply to • AIRS. T.JACKSON, SR 77d-tf VOTERS'LIST COURT. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY• Noticeis hereby given that a court will bo held pursuant to the Voters List Aet by his honor the Judge of the County Court of the Connty of Ilnron, at the vil- lage of VARNA, on TUESDAY, OCT. alar, 1893, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon to hoar and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municip.tlity of Stanley for 1893. All persons having business at the const are re- quired to attend at the said tilos and place. Datedthia 10th dayof October,1893. G. J. SLeWAIT, •. - 778-61 Township Clerk of Stanley. You want travel on the Best Railroad, then ase ttte C.P.R. YOU WANT YOUR MESSAGE TU ' TRAVEL QUICKLY, then use the C. P. R. TELEGRAPH. Clinton agency at COOPER'S Book Store. ,,..s�V V N. V VJ. RJ J.L a.LV Y1VJJ• aJ r.VJ.v OF DESIRABLE ROUSE AND 3 LOTS IN TIIE TOWN OF OLIN - TON. ESTATE LATE JANE CALDBICK. There win be sold by public enation, at the Rattan - bury House in the Town of Clinton, one' SATURDAY, NOV. 4th ) '-at 2 e'elook in the afternoon, the following desirable ). town property .- Lots Nos. 86, 87 and SR of Ieane Rattenbury's ehrvey and situate on the south side of Wellington street, except a portion of the north-east part of the -said lot number 86, and which said excepted pot Ion may be better described es commencing at the north- east angle of the said lot ; thence south-easterly along the easterly limit of the said lot forty-nine tent, six inches ; thence north-westerly on eonrse parallel with wellington street twelve feet six inches; thence tortb.easterly on a course parallel with the said easterly limit forty-nine feet nix inches to Wellington . *trent; and thence south-easterly aloe' the southerly limit of the said street t,pelve feet six inches to the to of beginning. he House is a good frame one•etory cottage, e ted four years ago, and (mntelne night rooms and Woodshed ; good stone Cellar ; hard and soft water. �to building and property is very desirable, suitable ,for towespooplo or retired farmer. Title Indisput- able. A YOUNG LADY'S ESCAPE. AN INTERESTING STORY FROM NORFOLK COUNTY. GENERAL DEBILITY AND CHttONIC NEU RALGIA MADE MISS LIZZIE BENTLEY'S LIFE MISERABLE -HER PARENTS FEAR El) SHE WAS G01IG INTO CONSUMPTION -BROUGHT BACK FROM THE BRINK OF TIIE GRAVE, From the Simcoe Reformer. every claim made by Mr. Marshall and• the proprietors of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was fully conceded,and the "Ham- ilton Miracle" unreservedly indorsed by this great Canadian Dowepaper. In a way it rewinds us of the story of the great lawyer who attended a prayer meeting. His own views of religion wore of the most hetr•odox character. He went to be amused; he came away with all his preconceived ideas changed . Ile said: "I heard these men whose Word was as good as the Bank of England get upon their feet and tell what religion had done for thein, not theoretically, it was their own personal experience of it. Were these men in te witness box I would not have the elighteet inclination to doubt their word; as a consistent man I was unable to doubt them anywhere else. I had doubted, now I believe." The man or woman who will give an hour's attention to the evidence that the Dr. Williams' Medicine Compauy have to submit, must, if able to reason at all, concede that their Pink Pills contain wonderful properties for the amelioration of humail ailments. All these reflections are introductory to the case that has come under our notice. Mr. Ira Bentley is widely known in this district, where he had carried on business as a pump and wind• mill manufacturer for year.. Heformer- ly lived in Tilsonberg,afterwarde iaSitri- coe and now resides in the village of Waterford. A representative of the Reformer visited Waterford not long since to interview Mr. Bentley as to his daughter's recovery. For be it understood this journal is as little prone to be carried away by fair nFoken or written words as the rest of human- ity, and as we have heard that Mies Bentley's cure was due to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, we were anxious to investigate, that we might add our personal testimony, if possible to the many who have already spoken and written on behalf of this great Cana- dian remedy. The result of the writer' journey to Waterford was eminently satisfactory. We failed in finding Mr. Bentley at home for he was in Caledonia that day setting up a windmill, but Mre. and Mise Bentley who were the immediate beneficiaries of the good effects of Pink Pills proved quite able togive full particulars. Mre. Bentley was apparently enjoying the beat of health, and we were more than surprised to be told by her that it was she who first of the family had experi• mented with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She told us that a couple of years ago she had been grievously attacked by rheumatism, and had after solicitation by some friends sought relief in Pink Pills. The result had been eminently satisfactory as any observer could see. It was, however, to become acquainted with the case of Miss Bentley that we hod gone to Waterford. In answer to our enquiries Mre. Bentley told us that her eldest daughter, Lizzie, was nine- teen yearn of age, that from her infancy she had been a sufferer and that her chances of growing to womanhood had never been considered good. She early became a victim of acute neural- gia, that for weeks al a time racked her body and made life a burden. She would at times go down to the very brink of the grave; she was in appear- ance a mere shadow. thin, pale and weak, unable to do anything. After finding how Pink Pills had benefitted her mother she•too began to use them. No change from sickness to health could have been more rapid, .no cure more complete. "You Can say ," Mre. Bentley said to us, "she is a well girl, that Dr. Wilhelm' Pink Pills cured her and we are willing to tell the whole world that euah ie the case." Desirous of seeing Miss Bentley her- self, we next repaired to the Waterford post office, where she is employed as a telegraph operator. We had known Mies Bentley when she lived in Simcoe. We remembered her pale, delicate face as it was then. One glance at the bright young girl before us, her cheeks aglow with ruddy health, was sufficient. The days of miracles were not gone. The happy subject of one stood before us. Her story was a repetition of the one told us by her mother only with an Added depth of thankfulness to the ,means of her recovery. We came sway from our interview with Mies Bentley fully satisfied that we now knew of our own knowledge of at least one marvellous cure to be credited to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ' An analysis shows that Dr,Williams' Mies Lizzie Bentley is the daughter of Mr. Ira Bentley, of Waterford, a former well known resident of Simcoe. It is well known that Miss Bentley was long and seriously ill, and it was recently reported that she had folly re• gained her health and strength. Her case has excited considerable interest in Waterford, and coming to the ears of the Reformer, we felt more than a perusing interest in the matter for the reason that for a period of nearly three years, there have been from time to time published in our columns, particulars of alleged cures of various serious oases of illness thatl►avebeeu effected through the use of a remedy known as Dr. Wilhelm' Pink Pills for Pale People. The scenes of these cures have been located in widely scattered portions of the oountry,itmight almost bosaidofthe globe, for some of these stories come from the United Staten and some from England, to such great distances have the proprietors extended the sphere of their uaefulnees. It is of course the common idea that the age of miracles have long passed, and thousands of people who would not relish a classification among "doubt- ing Thomases," and who are quite ready to believe any long story, so that it does not trespass upon their pre -con- ceived notions, and what old line phy- sicians tell them of the limits and capa- bilities of the medical pharmacopchia, as laid down by the schools, hoar with a shrug of the shoulder and a smile of incredulity, of capes the evidence of which is of so certain a character that no .court or jury in the land would question it. Take one of the best known and striking instances of the efficacy of Dr, Williams' Pink Pill.. We refer to the case of Mr. John Mar- shall. Could any evidence be clearer or more convincing even to a sceptic. Mr. Marshall isawell known citizen of.o large a city as Hamilton. He was paid by the Royal Templar, of Tem- perance the cum of one thousand dol- lars, that being the sum paid by that inetitution to its members who are proven to the satisfaction of ite physicians to have become permanently incurable. Every fact in connection with the ease was ittveetigated by the Hamilton papers and vouched for by them. Not satisfied to take ite evidence at second- hand, the Toronto Globe sent a repro tentative to Iiamilten. The result of thoeo investigations was the publication by the Globe of an article in which Terms of Sale. One hundred dollars to be paid on day of sale, bettor in thirty days. For further particulars apply T. M. OrALING, JOHN MALLOLIGH, £tettoneer, Executor, Clinton. Lneknow P.0 Tank rilha f bntwia lay. cond.naed tcarm All the elotee4le »eeeraary tib gave :new lila: sad richqeatl to rho blo,Qdt And re• Sere ibettered heryee, 'Tiley are Biu eafeiliil)f Specific' Ns ouch dilemma ar locomotOf .ataxia, partial parelysi., $t.. Vitus' deuce, sciatic., neuralgia, rhea. reatiew, uervQue headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, ail dieeasee depending upon Vitiated !motor, in the blood, such ars sorofulls, chronic ery.i- pelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such ae suppressions, irregularities, and all forme of weak•aesa. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and callow cheeks. In men they effect a radical ogre in all cases arising from mental worry, over- work, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are manu- factured by the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Company, Brockville, Ont., and, Schenectady, N. Y., and aro sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against nutueroue imitations sold iu this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by (nail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,from either address. ----•-mew o �----- In Anil About Huron County. -Beechnuts aro quite plentiful this fall. - Hugh MoCrosti, yf Belfast, a •i18 for E linborough, Scotland, on the 2let inst. - Wm. Diuea has sold his farm on the 10th oonoeasion of McKillop, to Stephen Godkin for $3,300. The farm contains 50 aorta, and has on it fair butidinge. -Mr. Geo. Town, turner at Bell's faobory, Wingham, was off jwork last week, suff.r- ing from badly b:uieed lingers, the result of te belt bteeking. -Charles B. Hall, of Morris, met with badaccident on Sunday week by falling from a beech tree and breaking hie arm in two places, also hurting his face. - Mr. Kelly, of Morris, intends building a barn in the ipriog, size, 60x80 feet. Messrs Brown and Thuell have the mason work, and rhos Armstrong the frame work. - One day lost week, Mr. Wm. Webater plucked in the garden of Mr. A. W. Web- ster, \\riughaitt, two clover etalks, on oce of which he found ten lour -leaved clovers and on the other eight five -leaved clovers. -On Saturday week death came very suddenly to Edward Campbell, one of the oldest, beat known and moat respected citi- zens of the 9 h con. of Howick. Deoeaeed waa, wi'hiu a few hours of hie death, in his usual good health. -It is maid that the Government propose doing away wish the large and small size postaloardeand tesuing amediunt size instead. This is done in view of the almost universal demand for the large size, which causes a loss of reveuue. -Frank Jermette, of Greenway, was walking around a room in his house one night recently, and stepped on something, which, on -procuring a light, he found to be a large milk eaaae. 1 Lis foot rowelled up during the night, but soon got all right. He killed the snake. - We deeply regret being called upon to chronicle the death of Mrs. John ) of • tho 8th couceasicn of MoKillop which took place on Ftiday week. Heart disease was, undoubtedly, the cause of her sudden death. She leaves a husband and family to mourn her loss. -Leadhury correspondent says :-One of the happiest mon on earth is Mr. Wm. Hack - well. The reason for his being so jolly is based on the fact that his good wife pre- sented him with a baby boy the other day, this makes somewhere about the round dozen. Mr. and Mrs. Hackwell are better entitled to a peusion than some who are get- ting Cue. -Baron Fricke, a Rueeian nobleman living in C tpeuhegen, has just turned showman. He is enormously rich, but eccentricities had put him in disgrace with hie family. He does no care a fig, and, happy as a tramp, he is travelling now with one Colored man, two monkeys, three bears, oue lion, four pigs, forty parrots, innumerable cocks and hens, and a brand new Hungarian wife of extra• ordinary beauty. There are tramps leas favored by fortune. oprmt davyry.,1'gee4a ,kftvkf+Q0, Fall Wheat, 0 60 to 0 63 Fell Wheat, I QW.. ..,;,,,.,, 0 58 toil 01 $piing Wheat,. ............. 0 55: to 0 08 Barley . .. 0 80 to 0 35 t)atS Pena ,,.,....,, 0 29 to 0 30 0atto052 Potatoes, per bush Butter EBggge, per doe Cordwood Beef Wool INPORTANT TO \VORKINGMEN. Artizans, mechanics and laboring men are liable to sudden acuidentn and injuries, as well as painful Cords, stiff joints and lame - nese., To all thus troubled we would recom- mend Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the handy and reliable pain cure, for outward and internal use, 085 tat/ 40 ..017to018 013 to 013 6001o700 300 to 400 , ,0uOto000 017 to 020 AMERICAN. LAST DUF9ALO CATTLE MARKET. Cattle -only a load or two of Common caws on sale taken at 32.50. Sheep and lambs -Twenty oars on sale, in- cluding five oar. Cauadas ; trade very bad, with choice Canada, gelling in New Yo, k at. $5.15 to $5.23, and all eaetero mararts re- ported demoralized ; the outlook is un- pleasant : eaetero buyera here select- ed- lote of 70 to 78 lbs• -throwing out stook they did not waut-at $4.25 ; good fat 70 lb. lambs sejling at $4 to $4,15 ; common stock from $2 up ; good 90 lb. sheep and yearlings Bold at $3.15, and 100 lb. owes at $3 ; fat 120 Ib ewes at $3 40, with common to fair cheep, $1 50 to $2.50. Hoge- Eighteen Dare in : 10c better for good Yorkers ; good to choice Yorker*, $6.90 to $7 ; 1 deck at $7 50 ; fair to good heavy ende, $6 23 to $6.00 ; pigs, $6 60 to $6 75. EUROPEAN MARKETS, LIVERPOOL CLOSING PRICER. Livxrtroot-Beef--The supply is poor. Pork -Holdere offer moderately. Hams - Holders press sales. 13acun-Holders oiler moderrtely; Cumberland cut, about 28 or 35 lbs. easy at 57s 68. Cheese -Holders oiler sparingly. Tallow -Holders offer moderate- ly ; prime pity, easy, at 28s. Lard -Spot - Holden, offer freely ; futures, holders are not offering. Wheat and flour -Ha -Idea offer moderately. Corn -Spot -Holders offer freely ; futures, holders oiler freely ; mixed western, spot, steady, at 45 id ; October, steady; at 41 ; November, steady, at 44 lid; December, steady, at 4s lid. BEERBOHM'S REPORT. The foreign grain markets according to Beerbohen'a report, opened irregular. At Liverpool wheat was 1,1d lower. Corn was 1,1 lower and leas active. London -Cargoes of California wheat wero trochanged. Float- iug cargoes of wheat were steady. Wheat on passage was very inactive. Corn was quiet, but steady. The French markets were unchanged. CANADIAN GRAIN IN BRITISH MARKETS, L. Norman & Co„ Loudon, in their weekly. report say : Since our last report the continued weak- ness in the American markets has bad a depressing influence on this aide, and to street sale, threepence to eixpenoe decline has been taken. Sellers are firm and do not press sales, but buyers are wart.. A good business Kae been done London in Russian wheats at rather tow prices. American and Indian are still too dear as uompared with the Russian wheate, In the Country markets farmers ars not anxious to sell in, and in Mark Lane Eng• lish wheat was scarce and firmly held. Canadian Gram -Business remaina neglect ed. Nothing offering in Ontario wheats. 14ard Manitobas-Steady ; shippers ask 27e 64 for October -November. A parcel of 1.000 qre No. 2 has been sold at 27s. c. t, f„ London. Barley -Demand for goodEnglieh malting still maintained- For feeding qualities business hes been very quiet and lower to *sell. Samples of New Canadian six.rowed barley are on the market, but are very thin and poor. The prohibitive price asked by shippers will prevent business in this class of barley. For the new Canadian 22e to 22e 61 per 400 lbs is asked, whereas good Rea- gan barley, guaranteed 50 to 51 lb. to the bushel, is Belling at 14a to 14s 9d per 400 lbs. socording to position. Oats -Steady. Canadians apparently not off.ring. Mixed Americans are offering at 17s, but this is too dear. Peas -New Canadian peas are offered to. London at 27s, c. i. 1., for prompt shipment : buyers at 23a 91 to 26a. Liverpool and Glasgow show no change. HIRTIIS.• MORRISII.-In Clinton, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. H. Morrish, of a son. iVILKIE.-In Germantown, Ohio, on the 9th inst., the wife of Lorne Wilkie, L. D. S., (formerly of Clinton), of a son. CONST ABLE. -Is Seoforth,on October l ltb, the wife of Mr. James Constable, of a 8013. MARRIAGES. ALLANSON-PUGSLEY,-In Belgrave, on the 3rd inst., Mr. Chas. Allanson, of Clin- ton, to Miss Pugsley, of Belgrave. HARVEY-McINTosn.-At Seaforth, on October Ilth, by Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. 1)., Mr. William Harvey, of Logan, to Miss Tenn McIntosh, of Grey. PoWELL-CASE.-At St, Thomas' Church, Seaforth, on October llth, by Rev. J. W. Hodgins, Mr. Charles S. Powell, of Phila- delphia, to Mies Mary lea bells, third daughter of Mrs, F. Case, Maple Hall, Sea - forth. DEATHS. NJcINTns1I.-In MoKillop, on October 6th, Rosanna Morrison, wife of Mr. John Moln- toeh, aged 50 years and 9 months. ROOK.-Iu Usborne, on October 7th, Prisoilla, wife of Mr. George Rook, aged 40 years, 6 months and 17 days. CARMICHAEL.-In Grey, on October 51b, Ellen, wife of Mr. John Uarmiohael, aged 81 years, 6 months and 9 days. C0LQUHOON.-In Hibbert,on October 4th, Alexander Colquhonu, aged 88 years, 9 months and 4 days. ELTIsm-InC:intor, on Oat. 12th, Ellie. youngest daughter of John Ellison, aged 7 months and 8 days. WILSON• --In Kansan, on the 6'h. inst., Barbara Wilson, aged 31 years, 7 months and 23 days. YOUNG. -In Clinton, on the 9th inst., Winnie, youngest daughter of Mr, Jae. Young, Victoria street, aged 16 years. POVLTON.-In Blyth, on the 16th inst., Henry Poulton, tailor, aged 80 rare, 9 months, and 14 days. Hay -Study, and for near position an „d vanoe of 2s 63 per ton has been recorded during the week. For shipment November to March buyer. are not disposed to pay over £5, at which figures some 500 tone to London have been sold. To Liverpool and Bristol we record no change, £4 10a. o. i. f.,, being quoted for the former and £4 17e 6d for the latter. To those Who are sharp enough to take advantage of this offer we will send any of the leading Weekly and Monthly Journals from now to January '9 for one years Subscrip, tion. This means that you get the balance of '1893 issues Free. The following is a list of the leading enes : Toronto Mail & Farm Fireside $1.00 Toronto Globe, Toronto Empire, Toronto News, Toronto Stook Journal, Toronto Christian Guardian London Advertiser, London Free Press, London Farmer's Advocate, Montreal Star, Montreal Witness, Clinton New Era.. Clinton News -Record, ALL ABOVE, WEEKLY. Ladies Home Journal (Monthly)•$L They will be sentdirect through the Post Office or can be called for at our store. 2. 1• 1. 1• 1. 1. The Delineator a Magazine which every lady should read. It gives more practical in- struction on dress mak- ing and fancy work than any other Magazine in the world at the popular price off' $1.00 per year, 15 cents a copy. A. New School Text BooI', The Public School Physiology and Temperance by Wil- liam Natti(rs, M. D., M. • R. C. S., Eng, is now pub- lished, and will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of the regular price, 25cts. TO IWN TO. DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Prices for dressed hogs are steady, A few rail lots were bought at $8 delivered here. For the past 10 days business has been very light, owing to the warm weather. Offerings were ligtrt and packers were not in the market to buy freely. Cooler weather will, however,atimulate buying. Proviatans• are very steady. New long clear bacon is quoted at 10 to llc. and old is stiff at 110. This price is being asked by Ingersoll pack- ers for round lots. EGca.--Demand steady and prices firm. Good fresh stock is bringing 16c. with extra oases fetching 17o. POTATOES - Unchanped. The jobbing trade continues dull owing to the quantities arriving on the street. Prices for car Tots on track remain at 50c per bag, and jobbers are asking GO to 65o. FIELD PRODUCE -Dealers are paying 25o per bag for loads of turnips and carrots and are jobbing at 33o. Parsnips are taken at 35 to 40c and aro jobbed at 50 to 60o. APPLES -Jobbing at $2 to $2 25 for table apples and $1.25 to $1.75 for cooking apples, Dried stock is slow at 41 to 59 per lb. New evaporated stock is selling at 9 to 9i per 1b. HONEY -Receipts moderate. The• de- mand ie fair and prices are steady at 80 for extracted and $1.50 a dozen for sections. POULTRY -Crate packed chickens are Boll- ing at 40 to 50c per pair, and boxed at 30 to 403. Ducks bring 50 to 70o per pair ; tui• keys, old, 10e, and young, 12o; gesso, 7 to 8c. DRESSED MEATS -Veal is quoted at 7 to Sic. Lomb is plentiful and sells at 6i to Se; glutton 5 to bio ; beef, fore,, 4 to 5io; hinds, 6ii to 8c; pork $7.90 to $8. GRAINS -White wheat is quoted at 62o. rod at 610, and goose at 600. Oats sold at 35 to 35:}c, barley at 43 to 45c, and peas are quoted at 55 to 560 for common and 65c for mummy. Quotations are ; Butter, prund rolls, 22 to 23c; large rolls, 200; tub, 20 to 21c; eggs, new laid, per doz, 1S0; dressed hogs, per cwt, $8 to $8.10; Chickens, per pair, 35 to 50o; turkeys, per Ib, young 12:} to 130, and old, 10 to Ito; geese, per 1b, 7 to 80; ducks. per pair. 50 to 750; hay, per ton, $8 to $9; straw, per ton, St7 to 88 for bundled, and $4 to $4.50 for loose; cabbage, por doz, 25 to 30c; beets, per peck, 20o; carroty, ter bag, 25 to 30c; turnips, per bag, 20 to 259; pots. toes, per bag, 50c; onions, per bag $1 to $1.25; celery, per dozen bunches, 40 to 50c; radishes, per dozen 20c. This is a little book that teachers •.vill appreciate, - and the scholars will like the change from regular work, , for the subjects dealt with are pertaining to practical common sense things which all should kinow. In the table of contents we notice the following topics: The Bons - The Nervous System 'rhe Muscles The Special Senses The skin First Aids to the Sick Digestion and Injured Circulation How to prevent disease Respiration Physical Eserciae REGULATIONS OF THE EDUCATION Dae- ___.._.. PARTMENT RESPECTING THE STUDY OF PHYSIOLOGY AND TEMPERANCE.. By the regulations of the Educatio Departntent,at least one hour per week shall be devoted to familiar conversa- tions with the whole school on the effect of alcoholic stimulants and of narcotics upon the human system. Attention should also be called to the degrading tendencies of their habitual use, and their injury to the individnal and to society generally. These con- versations are in addition to the course of study prescribed for the fourth and fifth forms. The chapters upon digestion, respira- tion, the circulation of the blood, and the nervous system shall he studied in the Fourth Form, and the examination for entrance to the High School shall be based upon the pupil's knowledge of these chapters. The maxirnum matckal awarded is seventy-five, one-third be- ing required to pass. In the Fifth Form, the course in the Fourth Form is,continued, including also the other subjects of the text -book. In the case of candidates who fail to pass the Leaving Examination, twenty- five er cent f the maximum �Sunlar� will be required for the Entrance. COOPER'S BOOK STORE, CLINTON.