HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-10-18, Page 3ought star' cit1189,gnu PO' disco*
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The proprietors of this med-
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The iluro
News -Record
LAO a Year -41,85 in Advance.
Oct. title 1893.
• Rev. 1?. Gunner. M. D , c f Listowel, Out.
Rays regarding lt. 13. 13.: "1 nave used
your excellent Burdock Cementind in tree-
- '-'Lice and ie My family since 1SS4, and hold
fit I', 3o. 1 on my list of sanative remedies.
Your three busy B's never s g, weaken, or
• The sound of war was heard el
Tuesdai°y in Halifax, ' Five thous
men under arms manoeuvred in a
about the eight forte at the entrance
the harbor and on the warships of 11
British fleet. The regular forces were
augmented by all the militia at this
point. The object of the operations
was to teat the ability of the lend forces
and fortifications to lariat a possible
attack either by land or on sea. On
the occasion of the 144 nt etiu:avres
York redoubt, the meet effective
fortificatiou in Canada Led ay, was
found to bo unable to cover a ship that
might steal upon the harbor under its
guns. %..n immense sura has since been
spent to remedy the effect.
Early in the morning the Blake and
Tartar went to sea, and rnilitary were
stationed in all the forte. The first
movement was the landing by
a torpedo boat- of a party of s•tilers at
Herring Cove. They stole along the
road two miles to York redoubt and
eurprised the garrison there. An
alarm was given and hostilities began.
In the engagement a sailor had one
arm blown off and the other hand split
ho wrist. In the hurry of tiering,
field gun was improperly apunged
Mit, and the new charge prematurely
Following the attack on York re•
doubt by the land forces was a bom•
bardment by the Blake and Tartar.
Then the cannonade became general
from all the forts and•ships. Mettle
time another lauding party of 250
sailors was tusking its way along the
road towards the head of the north•
west arm to reach the city. It was met
by the 6Gth, and another engagement
took place. Another casualty occur•
red here, a private of tate 6 6t having
his ear blown off by a comrade's rills.
The progress of the invaders was
stopped, and the interest was again
centred in the firing between ships and
The official announcement of the re-
sult of the tactics and mauceuvres has
not yet been made. Tai slay's engage•
went is understood to he more favorable
to the defending forces than at former
operations. York redoubt was more
effective than before. A prominent
officer in the Loyal Artillery told your
correspondent that the ships were well
within range of the guns at the redoubt
and McNabb's island, and that they
could never have stood the fire from
the forts; that at tithes the other forts
would have been very destructive.
It was 9 o'clock when the regulars and
militia arrived home, tired and footsore
most of then, and they realized that
even mimic warfare is not all tun.
Our refuters will see from advertise-
ment in our columns that Professor
Dorenwend, the well known manu-
facturer of hair and hair goocls,is about
to revisit Clinton with his many styles
• of coverings for both ladies and gentle -
..men who are bald or who front any
other cause require to use theist. He
,has invented and is now manufactur-
ing some styles on an entirely new
principle—securing better ventilation
and stronger and more natural looking
goods, besides being lighter in weight.
]Ladies wigs of wavy, curly or straight
'hair. Ladies plain fronts. Switches
of all lengths and shades. For gentle-
}nen, he has wigs and toupees for bald -
these so natural in appearance, so light
in weight, and of great benefit as a
preventative of cold, etc., that now
more than 12,000 are using thein. Why
don't you? The Prof. will also give
full information to all ladies regarding
the care and treatment of the coni-
` lection. This will positively be his
eerily visit this season as he must re -
left Manitoba and British Columbia.
t Rattenbu y House on Thursday,
26th October.
' —Those gentlemen who ha.ve been so
Unfortunate as to lose their hair should
see Prof. Dorenwend's fine toupees end
wigs. Over 12,010 in use. He will be
at Rattenhury House on Thursday,
26th October.
At wait 1 bn 'trtrtrt„
get tete ti6rsty et tent soon 14arn to levee
'"GFia tttoioterelesa troth et the keen'sheet;
"ileal vet a sheen of the pompeutt Least
W ij re t e newest puree is the hieheat privet
wee eiganirea Olathe, porltuped and heed,
Its the name of anutioua, statistical Obese
The sutlle restralneol, the reswetebet cant,
When melted in need Ina trlend in went;.
Where the only ale; is to keep afloat,
Anda brother may drown with a cry in iia throat,
-John heyee privy.
Throe o'clock on a December after-
noon, among the wild bills and moor-
lands of Glen Lee. There had been but
little snow as yet, but for at fortnight
a blaok and bitter frost hada made the
tracks like irou and held the river in its
grip. Over these lonely ' miles of
heather, beyond whore the deep, dark
loch lies with inountaiva on two sides,
rising sheer from its brink, grim and
steeper than any prison walls, cause a
young girl.
When the wind whistled round her
with a sharper, keener bust than usual.
she hid her face in her rough, homespun
shawl ; when the hand that held a
basket nipped and ached with the
searching cold, site breathed on it and
chafed it with ;the other, and now and
then she kept lifting her oyes to the sky
souiewhat auxie'usly, Per the early com-
ing darlttleee seomea even too early, and
these were surely snow clouds over Craig-
ma•skellie, That little cottage, the very
farthest that could be seen standing lone-
ly and remote away up on the far off
hillside, was her destination, and it was
a good two hours' walk.
••Tho snaw'll keep aff for awhile
yet," alae thought, "an if I shouldn;t
wru haute afore dark utitber'll lute the
lamp lit in the witida, an I'll no feel lune -
There is no place in the world more
solitary than those mountain glens in
the dead of winter, but this girl was not
nervous, and site knew every step of the
way. lietveeu her and her itonw there
was only oue other dwelling. 'Vliat was
a cozy enough building of gray stone,
with' a tidy bit of arouud about it, just
where the inch rlaud road began to slope
upward and become a hill track. 'Lizzie
Lowdeu had long ago made up her mend
that she would take the other side of the
moor rattler than pass close by the door
of Alan Grant, the gamekeeper. There
used to Le two brothers at Moorfoot--
Alan, the gamekeeper, and Kindle, the
younger, ti shepherd. Now .the re was
but oue, for Sandie, the "blytltest lad an
the brawest in a' the glen," "the dainty
chiel" of the "unlit folk," and the "se-
cret ane" in more than one maiden's
heart, had disappeared.
Disappeared suddenly and strangely,
and yet after the first talk hod died
down there seemed little mystery in it
after all Sandie had too much push
and spirit, some said, to remain long
what he wag—a shepherd in aquietglen.
He had been heard to shy that he would
be "aff some tine day, and they would
need to find anither to dance .'Chilli()
Callum' at the gathering in rwamer and
sing a sang by the winter tire."
And one fine spring morning his dog
wandered,with drooped head aitd melan-
choly eyes, around the house and over
the well known track, and alt Alan said
was that Sandie "hadna caul' hame last
nicht, and as his money has game, too,
he supposed he was spendin it some-
"An nae wonder, he was fair sick o'
the likes of him," was the ooutntoneet
comment when his words were reported,
for the elder brother was a favorite. lain
and strongly made, with a dark face and
silent taciturn ways, he was no sympa-
thetic companion for his light dteart. d
brother. It was a year ago coarse April,
and people had ceased to surmise or even
to think much, but Lizzie Lowden
thought of little else, though she had
spoken less than any, and to -night her
heart was full of it.
Sbe came to a paling and put down
her basket to climb. She had been run -
ding for some distance before coarsing to
it and stopped a moment to take breath.
The moor rose immediately beyond, and
then dipped into a sort of hoiluw.
Beside the paling. a little below
where she was, lay w biggish stone.
The ground was white, though it
Was but a sprinkling of snow that
covered it, but just beside the stone
something drew her attention. She came
nearer. The color rushed into her face
and left it pale. The snow there was
red dyed, crimsoned with blood, but
that was not all. There were marks be-
yond, terrible ghastly traces. . Here the
impress of—eh, could it be a hand!
There, as if some heavy body had
dragged itself or been dragged up the
Bleep, and all the way that horrible
ghastly track.
Whatever it was—man or beast—it
lay just out. of sight, hidden in the hol-
low. Her breath came and went in
little gasps. Must she pass it? She
would hide her eyes and fly past. never
looking, hardly stopping till she was
near home, but for a moment her limbs
refused to move. Then, long and low
on the frightful silence caste—a moan?
She was a woman and pity was
stronger than fear. It was anguish unto
death that called her and see almost
flew in the directiun of,the sound. Her
foot stumbled on something. Almost
before she looked , with a sick, shudder-
ing apprehension, she knew what it was
—Alan Grant, the gamekeeper's, gun,
and—he had moaned.
The man lay on ea bank of heather,
His hands clutched the, twigs, the snow
hardly whiter than his face. his eyes
staring at the sky. In a moment, the
girl realized what had happened. • He
must have slipped on the icy stone on
leaping the fence, and in the fall his gun
has exploded. He was now bleeding to
death. "Alan!" she said, and lie turned
his dim eyes on her. Tho life was almost
out of him, but the expression of some
great mental agony, some . terrible emo-
tion, sprang into his face. She overcame
her strong aversion to the man, and put-
ting one hand an his wrist with she other
she loosened his coat and then vainly
tried with her shawl to stanch the dread-
ful wound on his chest. The snow had
begun to fall; at first she hardly knew
it, but it was lying in heavy flakes on his
head now. It was wet on her own face.
It was coming heavily and fast.
A little distance from them, only a few
steps, was a sheepfold with one corner
roughly roofed in with bracken and
branches. She put her strong, young
arms around the wounded man, an
with a God given strength, half
lifted, half dragged hint to the
shelter. She made a bundle of
some dry feriae and put his head on it.
Then she put her mouth close to his ears:
"Alan," site said, "can 'ee hear me?- l'tn
to rin as fast as ever I can battle, an
mither an I wull tak' ye hatne to your
sin house." He shook his head and
pointed to his breast pocket. She took
out a small brandy flask and poured
some of the liquid down his throat.
There was very little and he drained it
dry, Then, hot ipo>41P.- ueltf ly,, to gni"
gats int $ eaths,
{" 'l# a a deld matt nits ye ceryls back
Bide, Wei I bee lain here for
cora, Yell gang au.ua eneuclt an YO
hear what f lens to tell ye. pilula eturt,
ltrs ie ; it's nae Mair wurde o' love I hate
tae vex ye wi', I kept that was nae use
fang gyne. Ye're mountain for Sandie,
tlunkin aye on hien—an the bonnie lad's
lying dead and still at'thebottom o' Loch
The girl seared at hese wildly --then
started to her feet,shudderiug and trem-
bling. The dying man olutubed at her
dress with one last effort.
"I killed him." he hall eobbed. "We
had words. I told hliti he needna
fash hiausel' tryin to win ye, for I wid
had ye for any wife, fair means or foul.
An he loukit in my face wi' that lauch o'
his. It was on the Eagle's crag. I
struck -thine pushed hitn ower. He went
doon, doon, ye ken whaur."
Ho was choking. Once' he tried to
open his lips. His eyes sought the girl's
bidden face with a piteous, bunted look.
When she lifted her head from her
hands, Ite was dead !
Deadtu the walled sheepfold by her
side, and the show was falling, whirl-
ing, driving in the gathering darkness.
Lizzie used to wo:ideer afterward
whether she sat there hours or only a
few tnl::utes. It seemed to be black
night all at once. To venture out into
that [Haze of' blinding drift would be
worse than madness. She crept out of
the shelter through deep snow and feel-
ing 1'n• the wall strained over it with a
vague, desperate hope of seeing her
mother's light. Darkness unbroken !
Only one of two tlti::gs remained to be
done -.-tight her way out and perish in
Artificial Marble. •
The manufacture of marble is usually
left to nature. and h rnan beings have
no reason to be dissatisfied with the re-
sults of this arrangement, but the enthu-
siasm of the modern scientist leads him
continually to compete with natural
forees aud often with success. The
latest achievement of science is the arti-
ficial production of marbl from pure
calcium carbonate. M. H. e Chatelier,
a French chemist, takes the calcium in
tbe form of an impalpable powder, and
compresses it in a steel cyl'nder. be-
tween two pistons, with a pressure of
2000 pounds to the square inch. While
in this condition a platinum spiral, pre-
viously etnbedded in the powder, is heat-
ed by an electric ourrent, with the result
that the powder in the neighborhood of
the wire was rendered crystalline and
translucent. Sections of the resulting
substance when examined underneath a
inicroseope, exhibited the characterietics
of certain specimens of slightly maoled
marble. This remarkable work of tl e
electric curreet may prove the steppin
stone to greater achievements in the
production of artificial stone of all
Mr. W. K. Vantlerbat's Yecht, the
by Messrs. Laird Bros., Birkenhead
Iron Works, will eatt for the, Uuited
States ill a few days, says the New
York* Sun. She es the lorgest yatiltt
Amt. 'belie.; 012 feet lotig, 8t feet
bleed. of 2400 tonnage. and driven by
twit' taTeWS with engines des -divine
X0g0ecile.wee power. She is also full brig -
There aro ha all ubout 80 stitteroome,
a uttigititieeut salt on. and a library. both
having been fitted up by Meters. Cuttel,
(if Peas, who have hitt' uerte blanche in
carrying out the work. T119 611:0011 itt
feet in length and 84 iu width, the
whole breatitn ef the fettp. 'the general
design of Loe saloon is Louis rze,
but that is not too las ishly adhered to.
The wood ..is fine-graintel Freuch pine,
eethling English roplareett, of cower,
the original grain and color of the wood
id hidden beneath the tine white enantel
with its golden embellishments. The
carving, which is out of the solid wood,
F.,..1113thillg to be wondered at. 1 t
eeteeltng being );c11 biglt relief carv-
ing, beautifully done, dad shiaine out
LS added lAayseur po:fltt:tte:Le.:dzI:z7.
Leaving tle. saloon, a 100 foot pnssage,
arched and beautifully diecoratuil, rind
eeittl—as are both the seinen and the
rary—leads to this latter apartment,
where again the hand of the °weer has
had free play. This apartment is of rich
dark waleitit, unpolished; the panels and
pilasters rich with the most beautiful
carving, which, indeed. embellishes the
whole apartment. The settees, side-
board, aud general fittings are all of
dark walnut, and overhead beautiful
panels of the same wood, climb nxi with
soft -tinted paintings, loo't down on the
name The fireplece and innntelpiece
are one of the thirst bits of wore in the
ship, being massive and exquisitely
carved. 'The fireplace Is of gliSzed brick,
111131 in the grate is set a black Lou cal-
dron to receive the lire.
Mrs. Vanderbilt's state/seen is rich.
but chaste in style. which 14 Sheraton,
enameled whit.° and picked out with
golia the ceiling being of rich &trout;
piaster, also enameled ivory white. All
the furniture and equipments are thus
tinteei, and as the trail paneling and
draperies are of an old rose color, rich
flowered siik; the effect wenn and
bedstead is :similarly enameled and
draped, fuel the carpet is a bettutifel
gray Saxony. as are all the after cabine
and passages. Out of the bedroom is a
neat bathreom, but with veveral wooden
paaels in place of draperies. The bath
the bath itself enameled copper.
ti.'oing up front the main to the upper
.deck, este tintle Mrs. Vanderbilt's sitting.
room, a beautiful apartmept in the old
Adams' style, the furniture, frainings
and casings. tieing of dark mahogany.
tind the upholstering:: and hangings of a
Pectiliar,. green -floe ered silk, between
apple and gage green in tint.
Mr, Vanderbilt's stateroom is fitted up
in a particularly luxurious style. the
furniture being of ricitly ta..%'ured Pollard
oak, and ceneista of a spacious wardrobe
titted up with every conceivable accom-
modation.. In one corte•r the seats are
upholstered in rieh cream ground and
floral design Freuelt silk, and above hav-
tg cupboard and bookcases ittekee be
thews paneled and tined with beveled
glase. Under and between the ports
are seen a specially designed, very effec-
tive Pollard oak cabinet or sideboard.
The bestead itt• am important • feature
here, made of Pollard oak %vial conveni-
eled and carved and having cattuoy
headboard, presenting the ectne or ele-
gance and comfort. The avail spaces,
w Itich are eery limited owing to the
fitments covering almost all, are panel-
ed with the sante silk as is used in the
upholstery, and Bee. ceiling frieze
and beams are covered with Tyitecas• le
tapestry decorated itt tone of ivory
witite. Adjoining this room and tip -
launched through a pair of handsomely
paneled and .carve 1 doors is the bath-
rourn and lavatory. fitted up and decor-
ated in the most approved an elueaut
ma niter.
The captaines room ia another very
apixtinted room, fitted up in ma-
hogany and containing wartirobos fitted
into two corners. All the crew's f piar-
tent and servant's apartmenes are most
comfortably and even flegantly gotten
up; in fact, the whole ship, from stein to
stern, and from keelson to truck, is com-
fortable, pretty and strong.
SuVeretlett rive Acres.
This man succeeded by fnrining with
fertilizers. Hie name is J. II. George,
and he began in 1S73 on five acres of
sprout land in Eastern Messaclousette
that folks said wouldn't even grow
birches. He keeps five head of stock on
the feed gruwn en las five acres, besides
selling two tons of
hay a year, in addi-
tion to the int ney
crops nisei for mar-
ket, principallY
onions and pole om.
Ile lias grown two
• onion crops of 1100
Int. per acre, and 500
bu. per acre of pota-
toes is his average
in good years. He-
Qt1i.e11 are his favme
uses 1000 to 2000 lbs. of spe••
cial potato fertilizer per acre (cost-
ing $85 to 840), two-thirds broad-
casted. the rest in the drille, which are 8
feet apart with seed cut to nee eye
dropped every 15 inclitts covered with a
horse hoe, cultivates once and earths up,
cost of production being under 25 cents
per bushel. Hr. George went in debt
for his place 20 years ago, has paid for
it. get a niue set of buildings, a snug bit
of money in bank, has raised and edu-
cated six children, end doesn't owe a
dollar to-day—all from that five acres.
buildings included. He has done it by
good farming, sound business judgment
and Unflagging industry, yet imen'e
made a mere machine of himself, hav-
ing been a prize winner at fairs. elected
to town offices by both parties, and is a
typo of the citizen -farmer. Ile is a
mighty instructive example for farmers
. %he dodo et* gae with teemed teem,
muse ewe Oulu:Ogee; tente
And through Dm tnead0W 4:0771944
leer flattops terebee
Elii hely she Apes : "New ell sweet lays,
Wife dwell in flowery cover.
Ite libel la ins awl taloW1bu wayti
Arbon: lades the four•leavell Goer."
The Wee are blue above her head,
The summers& le Wien
With tweet la of wild rose and of Worn -
Not the.e 1101V stay the inaktee,
"0 wook.1,411 shoring on the hill,
Your music imlitunteth over,
But 1 Inv wed ;rah whom! will
It 1 tied lour -leaved clover!"
Deep In the wood the dove low nteant
SwIttl Phyllis keeps her merry (first,
Toronto) the cool trrasses
"Vor hill or dale, Sy land or se1,
My love now ho a rover,
But he will wbi his way to we
The coastline steeps wIth go!il her 1. •
'the breeLe her vheek 11310.4,1".e.
Anil 10 the NI1111,11er beauty latis
Alysit her
"13" way he near, he may Int far,
lie toy own t roe lover
liotwoon our hear, he tio tar
-Lucy Ltandolpit l'Io:nit g.
My cousin Elsa had, I am sorry to
bay. gruel! eau a provocente woman.
tc 0.; insidlicient evidence, that the
Men *Leon) she met were in levy
was jeet pretty enough to make 1.er
s:ory probable, anti this was exasperue-
1 pointed out to teeni flint Elsa was
the kind of girl that had to flu some-
thing to Make her ioothFa• hotror, that
one elm keew her well having taken
her seriously, and that it we; best to
bent. quietly with the ways of weinen.
'I el id whet I could. I told her it Ives
vulgar to pose its tie. Car ot Juggernaut.
but although she is quite vulgar enough
to conseitaktly avoel vulgarity. she would
11013 caraenteiLupon her late one night at one
of her inothere4 turdie, when nearly
every one hail go tee Silli was wearing
the most affected clothes, liquid 1.%yes
alto a small pout
-Poer little me !" she said, in her
have J done? I feel posit' v. 11 certain
twit Mr. NVysloup will kid me."
would utke ine in to supper : ever
he • has sa nolo' at trio in a positively
muri fermis way."
"Elsa.' I said, "I will give you six
lessuns tn the art of implication for one
le is emelt), lett I haat to see
you doing things me rthe lc illy. lt ie
right with rue, of course. but I fence.
that you I tad tea better tell other people
that Wyslotip la in love with you."
“I nester :mei he was. And why
She did and Wysleap leserd of it. He
ss connected with elle preprietor of the
...Wysl up :Multiplex Soak." Toe multi-
plex sock 1., if one mow trust the adv.:.
tisernent, an added luxury to life aria
aannot wear out. le has certainly con •
the nephew of the broprietor. If in
stoup if he is connected vieth the multi-
plex sock he tell you frankly that he is
its nephew. But 'when once he knows
you are aware of the etioneetion Ile does
not permit any further reference to it.
I was curioue to see how Ile Would
take my cousin Elsa's audacity. See
had belted at Wysloupas devotion in
conversation with young Cote! Banks.
Batiks is a repeater. Ilk) told Wysloup
all about it and further,. he told me that
he had told Wysloup. Nese I thouele,
Wysloup will cut her dead, mid make
no secret why he does its or 110 will set
some scandal afloat about 130i.. fie did
nothing of the kite!. Ife trieteel her
with the most delicete fuel restwct rut at-
tention. He took every c-hance of meet -
hag her. seemed at first to desire
nothing more than to be forerer her
humble and silent wor One- or
twice as she stepped front t itt carrieee
up the strip of carpet, to some p toy to
which Wysloup hal not been inset!),
she SaW 111111 standing in tie. crowd littlf
in shadow, cloaked, would've her with
raptured eyes and a romantie air, as im-
pressive US the advire-enteet of tee
Multiplex Sou k.
' On the oceasii .0 witen he. did meet her
it was by 110 metiii4 wee of monopo-
lizing her. Ile tt•ttk with Int nl,le grat i•
vouchsafed to It•in Ire reetontletr-d,
and showed her tit tt he rem full) wed.
every word she mai I art 1 every Kerte.-
mete she expreesed: ' Ire woi reverent..
and chivalroue with her. Hie tweeter
was perfect. He was spled lid.. 11 te
do not think Eliza bad' been treated
vvith abnormal reverence hefore. She
waft fond of her, yet slie talked Walt!
deal of him. Site told nte fete
that he was the only roan sito kn WhO
had a really noble nature. I teed: "Aal
right, brit lot it step et teat. Do .'t
said that I Itnil never tried. Teen rite
told me that I was vulgar, whieh was
intim+ to me with a letter in her hand.
ft You know," she heentn, -tied past.
dear martini» ibie4 not like Mr. Wy-
stoup : she nsks him to thing's some-
times. because I melte her, but she hates
ereat trnuble. Treat writ-
ten me a proposal anti I have nceepted
I'm not worthy, and I never called any -
von to breitk it to Ill:141111M am( tell her
ilint it's all right."
"Yoe wen't like it. He's going
Massed to look after the colertial inter-
ests of the alnitip'ex Sack. You had bet•
ter write and say you've changed your
mind. What's that letter you've got,
th(°71PiTs' his. It's the letter. I can't hear
to let it go out of my bands."
"The address on the envelope," I said,
"is not in Wysloup's writing.' .
"Well. it's the same es the writing in-
side and the same at the nereptances he
wrote to our invitatiens. I wish we had
not destroyed them."
I went to a drawer and pulled out a
sheet of note paper.
"There." said, "I saw Wysloup write
end sign it. Compare it with the letter
ler yeent."
too4 me tune to_ conyinee her„ but.„T
She sa'd that Wvsloup ought to
041k:tilled' of bitneelf. met diet it ubVi0tiftt-
iy 33 as aot he 'who 'tad played her tba.
trick, wail that I was mins to blame tor
iziumiti,ing him to ber—whicle by sue
way. never did. She al40 said that •
would kill her. but it (Wel.
This Is the reply elle received to her
writing :
"Drew MISS BADDING : 1 gather from
your leiter that 57/1110 'Jenson has been
wt.) 1114 to you a. propose' in my name,
and that you must have b.een the victim
you for the very warns and flattering ex.
preeiions that you used about me, and
to them. But I shall hope to be
alwaye a brother to you.
"It came to my knowledge some
mon• Its ago that you had coupled my
name with yours in a very unjuetifiable
way. I shall, therefere, retain your
letter as a hostage. As long as you '-
refrain front taking such liberties in
future, no one will see that letter but
myself. Again apologizing for iny iu-
ability to be to you all that you could
wish. I remain, yours, respectfully.
Elsa, spent a vast amount of g Lep°,
tears and torn liandkerCefs Over Oda
"How dare a man say that he will be
my brothere" she exclaimed. Then she
once more referred to the probability- of
her immediate decease.
Wysloup left England a few days
afterward-, aud we never fotind out
whom lie had got to write the lettere for
him. For all we knew he rnay have
disguised his own handwriting.
When Elsa married Sir Peter a year
afterward, Wysloup sent her as a wed-
ding present a gold bonLonniere, with
her love letter folded small inside it.
He once More showed the relies of a con-
A few weeks afterward I caught
Elsa speaking of Wyeloup to a dear
"Yes," said Elsa, sweetly, "there was
something between us, but it could
never be. lie left England, you kuow,
directly afterward. I do hope that his
life is not quite spoiled."
So Elsa struck the last blow: but then
she was never hampered even by the
relics of a conseience.—Barry Pain.
A Nevada Duel In Which Ono Combatant
Wits Dragged to Death.
A unique and terrible duel was fought
recently on Dunphy's cattle ranch, near
Carlin, Nev., says The Sau Francisco
Eeeminer. George Rice and Westly
Hickerson, two cowboys, were the prin.
cipals,both having been friends for some
time. During the evening Rice and
Elickerson began playing pranks on one
another. Hickerson went to Rice's bunk,
took his pistol,and threw it into a stream
running close by. Thereupon Race
swung his lasso and caught Hickerson.
declaring he vroul I drag him into the
oreek and hold him there until he found
the pistol. He was prevailed upon by
his companions. however, to release
Hickerson. He then said he would eettit
work and leave the ranch. He and
Hickerson sat down together to figure up
ho* much znoney they had borrovved
from or loaned to each other at different
titnes and to settle up. This matter
was "adjusted amicably and they agreed
to call it all square, and Ric mounted
his horse to ride into town for the pur-
pose of seeing the foreman and to notify
him of his intention to leave his service
and receive what was due him.
He had covered perhaps half the dis-
tance to town, when, for some reason.
he wheeled his horse aud started back
towards the camp. It is preiumed he
had thought the matter over and con-
cluded not to quit work. Hickersoa
saw hint cotning, when. without a word
to his companions, lie nieuitted his horse
end started out to meet Rice. They ad-
vanced until within about fifty yards of
each other, when Hickeeron piffled his
revolver and commenced filen ;. Rice
leaned over on the opposite side of his
home, Indiau fashion. , and began cir-
cling around Hickersou, at the same
time undoing hist lasso, and kept gracile -
illy drawing nearer to Hickerson. Hicks
erson had fired three times at his oppo-
aent, but owing to Rice's manceuvrest
lied failed to bit either horse or rider.
In the meantime Rice had drawn close
snough to his assailant. He straighten-
sd up in his saddle, whirled his lariat
eround his head, and in a second the
lariat had settled around his vintim's
body, and Rice was wildly dashing to-
ward the camp, dragging his now help-
less man over the rocks and through the
sagebrush. The mea in the camp
were horror-stricken at the sight.
and before they could rush to -
the assistance of the poor fel-
low Rice had reached the camp. It
was but elle work of a moment to undo
the lasso, and it took but a glance at the
bruised aud battered face of the unfor-
'lunate young man to tell that life was
extinct. Rice, however, could not be-
lieve that his victim Was dead. and
wanted to ride into the town for a doc-
tor, but one of the cowboys said the best
thing to do was to send for the foreman
and the sheriff.
° Rice said : "If you are going to Fend
for that gang I think I will be meking
myself scarce around these parts."' He
immediately put spurs to les hone and
shouted as he started : "I ain going to
the Red House, boys, and you can tind
me there."
As soon as the news of the tragedy
was received deputy eheriffe started for
the scene of 'the killing and the Red
House ranch. They returned saying
Rice had not been near the Red House
and that no trace of him could be found,
The jury returned a verdict that
Hickerson's death was caused by being
dragged by a lariat in the hands of
George Rice. They neither exonerated
uor blamed Rice. '
1101.1dit'A Mod of a mete.
The Jacksonville Btreet railway com-
pany has a big gray mule of which it is
IS proud as a lien with one chicken.
Flits mule has a very mild and benevo-
lent countenance, aud is not afraid of a,
bushel of oats. It is upto a trick or two
also, and has a very melodious voice that
can rattle off "White Wings" until you
are dissolved in tears. When it wants *
drirk it goes to the hydrant at the
stables, turns the faucet with its leak,
and envelops itself with a barrel or so of
good, cool water. Best of all, when its
thirst is quenched it carefully turns off
the water and goes to its stall satisfied
atid happy. Such a , mule is certainly
worth Its weight in banamis.—Florida