HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-10-11, Page 8To Advertisers,
44 0444•Va Pf {)ti?vertisemeetat io.
enure itetertion ift tete cermet deetta..
sloe be recent eel aG the, once Trot late?
thanSArt48.0.iir YOQ4Y ovy ,
for ci.mnpee,receivesl lwti;r than SAT"
fmp4 voQx wilt lie-eaften be tee
the .4fleerNeeea otvrt riyk..
f. ,112: TQ.PD, Pilblieher,
f e Huron News.pRccord
ill.tie a Year, --$1.25 In Advance
W tlnestlt►y, Oct lit t;1$93.
lin and Around the Ilub,
Zown ("f ltXll.
Apples, plums and pears wanted at CANTr Los BIIes
single harness a specialty, all styles and
closest prices. Everything in our line
eat fide. JOHNSON & ARMouR,harness
WANTED.—Any quantity of Plums
Clherries, Red and Black Currants and
Goose Berries, for which the highest
eetarket price will be paid. --N. RonsoN.
• Cash paid for eggs and butter.—CANTiaox Biwa.
Coats & Son's store, is .n experienced cutter
and mechanic. All orders entrusted will be
exeusted in the latest style, lowest price, and
perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
Oysters at Coats' Restaurant, next
Itoclson's grocery.
ORGANizINO.— The WinghamAdvance
eays:—Mr. 'Jackson, of Clinton, has
been in town this week working up a
Sons of England lodge, which he was
successful in instituting ]set evening.
Standard say e:—"\'Vhiekey detectives
were here during the part week and
made charges against our hotel keepers.
They came from Dungannon way and
are said to be so unreliable as to perjer
themselves for the sake of the bounty.'
there a man with soul so dead, who
Stever to himself had said, 1 will my
local paper take, both for myself and
family's sake 1 If such there be. let
him repent, and have the paper to him
sent, and if he'll spend a happy winter,
he in advance will pay the printer.
LIQUOR TRIALS.—As mentioned last
week, two more cases from Blyth
were before Magistrates McGarva and
Steep, J. P.'e., against Messrs Kelly
and McDonald. Kelly was fined
$40. McDonald fought the inform—
ers and had the services of E.
Campion, Q. C., of Goderich. The
case of the latter was dismissed.
who fails to glance over the advertise-
ments carefully every week rnissoa
some of the beet things in the paper;
and it is a palpable fact that there is as
mach difference betweeu the advertiser
of today and the stereotyped specimen
of twenty years ago es there is between
the sickle and the self -binder. All
wide-awake business people are. adver—
tising now for the fall trade.
Tuesday evening of last week the Mis-
sion Circle of Rattenbury Street
Methodist Church held their annual
meeting in the • lecture room. Mies
Shannon and Messrs McKee and
Doherty were named and appointed a
programme committee and to formulate
modes of conducting future meetings.
Following are the newly elected offs
.cera :—A- T. Cooper, President; Miss
A. Holmes, Vice -President; R. Gauley,
Secretary; Miss B. Heywood, Treasurer,
Miss A. Irwin, Auditor.
CUT THIS Our.—Mr. Jas. Suther-
Iand, a well known creamery man,
suggests the following : 3 quarts oil, 1
oz, carbolic acid ; mixed and swabbed
on the afflicted parte will prevent the
horn fly from torturing cattle and give
relief. No farmer ehonldnot neglect this
preventative and cure as the sntfering
whieirthese pests cause will naturally
affect the feeding- and milk. Tho
above receipt has bean tried and found to
be the mosteffective discovery up to the
present. Cut thio out and try the
mixture on your cattle next summer.
regular meeting Friday evening, Clin—
ton Lodgo No. 144, A. O. U. W., on
motion of Bro. J. W. Irwin and. Bro.
T. Trick, ordered the following resolu
tion of condolence (signed by R. Stone•
barn, M. W.,and John Bean, Recorder)
to be forwarded to Bro, David Hoggart
3n his sad bereavement .--
e4Wheras it has pleased Almighty
<Jod in his infinite wisdom to remove
from the earth your dear wife: We,
the members of Clinton Lodge, No.
14, A. O. U. W., desire to express our
heart -felt sympathy with yourself and
our family in your sadbereavement.
V' brotherly love and sympathy can
lessen the weight of sorrow that has
fallen on you, then we gladly share
your burden. We are not, however,
sorrowing as those without hope, for
we believe that your loss is her eternal
Hin, and We earnestly pray our
eavenly Father to.. pour the balm of
consolation on your wounded heart,
and that Ile may, lead you safely
through this world of sorrow and that
yeti may be re -united in the Grand
Temple above where parting shall be
no more."
1?'oTmD Pte tu.,*-+'the str*v slues ltd•
vertieud in la,t woek'a ';awe'REUonr
Nis. Wm; Weir. was found, dead, un
hia (*tin, The ;Wool had by swum
tneane,lipped or rushed down an iu•
cline .beadfirat . and became fart
under en nProoted atuwp. lie
neck was broken. The 104'la Mr.
Weir Will be about •$45,
HOW ABOUT MA.ouiri 1 MEN 1—The
editor of the Atwood pee tenders ed.
vies to the editor of he mitobell Re
corder. The Recorder 1. in a dilemma
with its Reform friends, but 'o4 News,
Recant, (a afraid tit° proposed, sure
'Might prove worse, than the disease,
The Bee man is single and that may
account for the following—"The Rea
editor's plan is to take nobody to- hia
bosom except his beat girl. It• is bad
practice for b'lrinosa moo, and espec-
ially newspaper men, to get very
chummy with any clique,"
Cosh, of Chatham, formerly of Wing -
ham, was in Clinton last Thursday.—
Cook's feed store is now supplied with
the incandescent electric light.—The
party mentioned last week, in charge
of Mr. W, Jackson, left for Chicago
Friday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Scruton, of Port Burwell, Elgin county,
epont a week with the gentleman's
brother John here and have returned
to their home.—Mr. McBrien, sou of
Mra. MoBrian, Whitehead street, whom
we mentioned as being down With the
fever in Chicago, is recovering.—Mr.
B, Colo while working ir. McKenzie's
planing mill the other day, had the
third finger of one of his hands taken
off at the first joint in a machine. —
TUB NEWS REOoitD thin week has a
circulation of 4,000 copies.—Mr. John
Carslake, a graduate from this office,
now has a frame on the Guelph Herald.
He was on a visit to Clinton and Sea -
forth friends last week.—Mr. J. W.
Riter's dog kennel is much admired by
canine fanciers. Ile bee three beauti-
ful, almost avow white well bred fox
terrier pups —Recent frosts have col-
ored the loaves on the trees and pre
parations for the cold weather is gen-
eral.—Mr. George Swarts has removed
from Wingham to Clinton and again
taken up hia residence on Rattenbury
street.—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biggins
report their recent trip to Britain a de-
lightful one.—We were pleased to meet
Mr. James Turnbull, of Toronto, the
other day. We have not seen hien•
look as well in fifteen years.—J. B.
Kennedy has added to hie livery a
handsome wagonette.—Our enterpris-
ing postmaster, Mr. Thos. Fair, has
placed incandescent [electric lights in
the office and in his private residence.
The public will appreciate the chane
in the office.—Postmaster Campbell, of
Goderich, was in Clinton last Friday.
—Jona Cotton fell from the stable loft
the other day and broke one of his ribs.
—Harland Bros. have received big con-
signments of stoves and ranges; change
of ad. too late.—Gilroy & Wiseman's
change of ad. too late. They are ad-
vertising capes and mantles, dress stuffs
and men's and b9Ys' overcoats at the
very lowest prices. --111r. and IMIrs.
McQueen and Mrs. Galbraith, of
Campbellton, Scotland, who have been
visiting at the residence of Mr. Joseph,
Chidley, sr., are on their way home.
They took in the World's Fair and
visited vtlr+ious parts of the United
States, lent express the opinion that
there is no place like this section.—
The Misses McTaggart returned to
Montreal on Monday,—Mr. and Mrs.
Patterson, of Glasgow, Scotland, aro
visiting Mr. McGarva and I•amily.—Mr.
R. D. Stanley and wife, of Toronto are
spending a few weeks in this neighbor-
hood. Mr. Stanley is the energetic agent
of the Dominion Insurance Company,
=Rev, J. Turnbull and wife, of To-
ronto, were on a visit lost wook to the
lady's father, Iter. John Steep. -Messrs.
W. Young and W. Alexander had a
naerow escape the other day. The
scaffold on which they were working
at D. Cantelon'e new stable came
down. Both received a severe shaking
up, but were not ,seriously injured.—
Mr. Harry Cantelon last week picked
in his garden ripe raspberriee and meny
of the bushes are now in blossom a
second time. Canada has a climate
warm enough for Canadians.—Dungan-
non show takes place on Thursday and
Friday of this week.—Saturday was a
very good tusinoss day in Clinton. --2
Mr. Snell; of Hullett, carried off
about $800 in prize honey from Chi-
cago, Canadieue can hold their own
pretty Awell when pitted against the
boasted sixty millions.—T. M. Carl-
ing, the auctioneer, is having a big run.
ilia time is pretty well taken up with
town and country solos abd reports are
to the effect that he gives general satin
faction.—Mr. A. J. Holloway received
last week from Dr. McNally, of Tara,
a handsome thoroughbred English
greyhound pup. It is from pedigreed
and regiatcred stock and is pronounced
a beauty.—Rev. Mr. McMillan, of
Mimic°, brother of Mra. (Dr.) Gunn,
preached ,acceptably in Willis Church
last Sdnday.—Rev. Mr. Wall'win, of
Stratford, preached in the Ontario
street church last Sunday morning and
in the Rattenbury street church in the
evening.—Mrs. Smyth, Mrs. I3. Foster,
and Mrs. Boles,town,attendeda meeting
of the Women's Foreign Missionary
Sooiety at Listowel last week.—Miss
Slack, of Goderich, and Miss Hisoox,
of London, are the guests of. Mrd. S.
Ii. Ranco --Dr. and Mre. Hoare, of
Stratford, were the guests last week of
their son in-law, Mr. J. P. Tindall. --
Dr. and :Ars. Beldon, also Mr, and
Mrs. J. S. Jackao:t, of Seaforth, were
in town last Sunday.
every timer"will, be our record; and, hello once a nus-
tomer always a t Custerner,
We have one of the best and Most complete ,stocks in.the"
County, all of which will be offered at the LOWEST
ALSO several lines that should not be found in Qur store and
will sell such at a Ridiculous Sacrifice,
For Instance
S Scrubbing Brushes ° for 25e,,
Usually Retail at 20c. each,
2 Blacking Brushes for 25c.
Will cost you in regular way 2Dc. each.
Wall Paper,
Window Shades, etc.,
At c'c tr
A Full supply of the New Physiology and Tem-
perance Books for Public Schools.
When we say that ours is the Popular Store for Ladies
Headware we make a statement that has truth on
the face of it, and why, because in dealing with us you
have the assortment. If you want a
and everything of First Class Quality we can give it to
you at a price as low as the lowest, our stock is fully
assorted with the latest from fashion centres; a glance
around our spacious showroom will convince you that
it is rich in assortment, quality and style.
This depertment is under the able, management of MISS M.
MOORE which is a guarantee., #o our customers that
their work will be done promptly and in a satisfactory
i o
Our import order given for EUGENE JAMMET make of
Gloves of Greenoble, France, is "now complete and we
call attention to the NEW LACING STUD on these
gloves, it holds the lace firmly and does not cut it nor
catch in sleeve trimming, it post esses many advantages
over the old hook which you will appreciate. These
French 'Gloves are the manufacture of EUGENE
JAMMETT the only original maker of that narne ex-
. porting goods to Canada and are guaranteed. All
Gloves over 90c. if they break or tear in putting on
the first two or three times, will be made good or money
Toe Lades' Favorite Estatff!sliment.
111111112141=11101116- 11111111111111•11111118111111111R
Brown, of Paris, conductednksgiv-
ing services in St. Paul's Church last
Sunday. The interior of the Luilding
was handsomely decorated with plonto,
flowers and natural grains. The offer-
tory amounted to $82.00. The Rector,
Rev. Mr. Fairlie, preached at Paris.
A SPLENDID Weal,.—Tho Zinpire, in
pushing ite circulation, has started the
unique idea of giving a trip around the
world in a series of art portofolios,
with desoriptions by the celebrated
traveller, John L. Stoddard, each of
which can be got by nutting six coupons
from the paper and sending them with
three 3 cent stamps to pay for wrapping,
postage, etc. It claims that a large
addition bas already been made to its
list by this scheme, and we do not
wonder et it, far we have seen a copy
of the first portol'olio, and it is really
one of the most beautiful works of art
which has ever appeared in this country.
Anybody who saee a copy will be sure
to want ono when it can bo got s0
Jackson will soon have the title of
"railway king" as far as travellers are
concerned. He is the popular town
ticket agent of the Grnnd{Trunk Rail-
way and knows a thing or two about
travelling to almost any point in the
world. Last Friday he took charge of
a very comfortable sleeper and ticketed
and piloted the following party to
Chicago:—Mr. and Mrs. T. Marks, Mr.
and Mrs. John MiddtOton, Mrs., Mies
and Mr. Iltfrran, Mr. and Mrs. D. F.
Macpherson, Mrs. Hovey, Mr. R. and
Miss Doan, Mr. and Mr. C. Tanner
and child, Mr. Iaaao Rattenbury, Town
Clerk Coats, Mayor McTaggart, Mr. D
A. Forrester, Mr. Grieve,"11/r. Button,
Mr. J. Archibald, Mr. II. Walker,
Rev. Mr. Smyth, Mr. S. S. Cooper,
Mr. Robt. Holmes, Mr. W. Mennoll,
Mr, Sibley, Miss'Hines, Rev. Mr, and
Mrs. Fear, Mr. L. Anderson., Mr. B.
Cole, (who also goea to°. Aborbeen,
Dak.), Dr° Stanbury, Mr. John Stan -
bury, Mr. D. Woisinillor, anti Rev. Mr.
Martin. Mra. W. Jackson also accord
penned the party.
You mill soon need it and when you purchase your o'vel'coat
See the lines we are selling at 88.00, 89.00, $10 00 and
A Beautiful Coat
we show is made by ourselves of a Serge, Fly Front
with a Velvet collar, it makes a very dressy coat and
at the same time something that is.serviceable.
Jackson - Bros.,
Tfie Noted . Clothiers, Furnistiers and Furriers,
+ — x =
- - + , - -1- + - i - - + -
Just at this season of the year a person feels the need of some-
thing heavier than summer `underwear, and yet scarcely
feels like putting on heavy winter garments. Something
between the light weights of summu and the heavy
weights of winter is what is needed --something not too
expensive that will answer for between seasons.
This we have in a Fine Light weight all wool Vest that we
are selling at the low figure of 37,1 cents.
Never before have we bad such a stock of Ladies' Underwear
as we show this season. It is everything it should be ait
to Assortment, Qualities and Values.
Starting at•20c. we have nearly all prices in Union, Merino,
Scotch, Lambs Wool up to Fine Goods at $1.60, and at
each price better values than you have been used to getting.
HOSIERY ---Our stock of Cashmere and Wool Hose is
here. If you appreciate •a good assortment; goods that
will wear, and bottom values, you will buy your >`
Hosiery here.
Esl. J. god�cos,