HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-01-02, Page 1ea - WeSettereetrelleter7n1K• aa alt The Knight MacGregor Concert Company will appear in the Town,Hall on Friday. evening, January 10. Admission, 35 and 5t) cents. Single Copies Titree Cents Rosurocd Heroes leo William letting son of Mns. Utting, Plea:aid Vallee', and Pte. Clam. Woods Inset arrived home from overeeas, Right geed to have you FM'S 1101110 boo Victory Loan Hssay Winners It le expected that the Witighturt will reopen on Monday, Jan. 6th Stu- dents and parente are hereby reminded that the echool fees for the second term are due during the opening week. Winners of the local Victory Loan Essay Competition are:• School; est, Mabel Armstrong, 2nd, Annie Bleelthall. . Middle School: 1st Mildred Walker, - end, Della Brooks. Upper School; lse, Lottie johneton, 2nd, lerankleate, Lyceum aencert Jau. 10th The Knight MacGregor Concert Corte pany, the first of the Lyceum oncerts to be put on at Winghanst this soon, will be given in, the Town Hall, on the evening of Friday, January 10th. •ea, Mr. MacGregor is a native of Scotland but has spent the greater part or his life in Canada. He is a gifted Canadian bari- tone, Mr. MacGregor will be assisted in his program by Miss Edna M. Wallace. pianist and violinist. Admission 35 and 50 cents. Plan open at McKibbones Drug Store. • e This is one of a series of high class en- tertainments which were to have been played in Wingham this season but on account of the influenza epiclemie had to be postponed, • • • ELECHON CARDS OfeeeeetettsteocsocootooctoeSocsoaeovette Vote to re-eleet • Reeve Tipling • for his second term. 0000 ROADS, PROGRESS, EFFICIENCY 0000ti00000000000p000 moon To the Electore of Turnberry Ladies and Gentlemen; •• •Having served you on the councilleoard ELECTION ADDRESSES WINIIRAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY AA 1919 0.119.1..".1."01,0,40%"..,".... .04_7 1,,mdrol all API P IP * Livet.v coNires.rs 1MckIN1SONst.;PENCE NUPTIALS T"'"' -.n.nrma,mr.-*svpr. THE DEATH ROLL local LAI .0.01...#1,040","0,, ttlt ttttettettIt tA/60 *024 t Gli7o. Comratt er 18th, at the home a the bride'S Co-e-seeessesese-os- FOR IVIAYOR Personals ( Ar.E.,000,4 to the Fields for Mayor At high noun, on Wednesday, Dee For four or live war years, eMd Write • And Reeve , father, 13luevale, a onaerimoniel al I've slaved like a Dago or 'Chink, IVIrs, Ile '-e Gaunt left on Monday for The nomina ee ing held in the •4,4,iticeoer cc° ilatItnle I. nableetdvis e :not alled crsq.non ;et...7c Should now turn rne dateu. .' Mr. Downs isynett of Toronto is home town hall, Wingham, on Monday evening McKinnon, of eirey Township, a 'Twould be a geoci joke ---.1 don't think. e for Xmas. . was very vsell attended, whether from 1111 Ness Aimee brown, only deugeiter . intereet taken in n'a welfare or dello' aPence, in the preseuce of re A new 1Vlayor's badly needed, said Gurn, Mr. C. Newman orontole home the of a . ' onerely to hear tile 191towan 8 council give twes and blends. CeremonY w For this town has no money to burn; for Xtnas. :iir 4 ' a account of their stewardship and incident- 9 ert°rulett in the parlor, which w It would only be fait Mr. Fostiaa, fe of Toronto, spent ally call oim anothei down, it is hard to , ue;titY and , appropriately decorat lie Gunn's pay 40 cents for cream. Bring your oream to Gunn's and get ti nd , cents cash. of lg- mayor Andy Johneton is leaving Walk. as, erton for Georgia. as StifetY razor blades left a the Rent! the West, 'If the voters of town • , et! • • Store will be given to Alluert Fleming for To put me in the'chair, few days wIto his brother, J. n Pore tor tne occasion. 1 he wedding coup eoe determine. At the close of the nonainae was unattended. Itirs. Alex. Ar Although I may be out of my turn • Victoria St.• tions Mr. Dudley Holmes was voted to strong, brussels, sister to the grog -x,- • Miss Jennie Ard is visiting with rela- the chair and the candidetes were called play ea the wedding March. A mo le ne, sharpening na• While skating on the river an Thureelar st night, Phil Dyer fell on the ice breaking a FOR REEVIe ' Goes in Lucknow. . •on to addreeethe ratepayers in the •order incoming costume of nigger bro s l My heart is in VVinghane, said Tipling, Mr. Hector Mutton is spending a few in wbith they were nominated which is as tatieta waworn by the good ooki bride ana . she carried a beautif I came Imre when only a stripling. - days in Shakespeare. follows. baguet of bridal roses. Pollowi . Fon legevon hearty congratuletion the guests pa And invest all my gain , for over the holidays. tools. of an excellently prepared we L. F. atinkley by R. Porter and A. Bell T Fell ding feast. In the ebsence of the o W4 ug bone in his left wrist. Corp. A. L. Postal will resume his dutila hg as principal of the Wingham School ' re • And intend to remain, , Mr. 0. V. Hayden was up from Toronto after the midsummer holidays, As long as the Maitland keeps rippling. ' Miss A. M. Roderus, Fairport, N. Y., W. H. Gurney, by . s and S Ben- !wooing clergyman, who had another . There poised away in Londoa on Mon - Subscriptions: $1.50 It is our sed duty this week to chron- icle the death of Gussie Lavine Hastings, beloved wife of Mr Geo. II. Coulter, .2nd • line of Morris, who passed away on Tues- day, Dec. net. Deceased lady was very highly respected by all who knew her Bestdes her sorrowing husband elle is aurs vived by two children, also her mother who is a present in Oregon, Mich., and three brothers, David and James of Oregon, and Aiken of Turnberry, and one sister, Mrs, Richard Rann of Wroxeter. The funeral took place from her late resie deuce on Thursday afternoon. January and, to the Winghara cemetery, S4nm AH Hoes Said the famous watch doctor, Bill Pat, spent Xmas at her home. nett- similar ceremony, Alex. Mcawan, uncle George Wray, Saskatchewan, is renew- H. B. ElliOtt, by A. J Armstrong and of the bride, ante: the well known town- are of all kind's of electric wiring, residence in town and is prepared to take day, Dec. 80th, Sarah }Tarries. relict of the ee, late Thorbas Hill. Deceased had reached ire Mr. A. Hunt of Alliston, has taken U "P I bardly know wheri I am at, j ing acquaintances in town. P. II. Deans shipseciere, eery eeileitously proposed Our mailing list$ will be corrected next the ripe old age of 84 years, Tne remaine But the people I blieve Will elect me for reeve, •• And they might have a worse one at Said Isbister, I'm in the game, • Because I was askit I canto But it wouldna be richt. WP me rfo' in •the fight, - An' ye ken weel I hae the best claim. COUNCeLLORS-Tbe old 'uns. Now I, am elected, said Currie, The people have no cause to worry, I do my blanked best • Mong with the rest, And trine Tom and Si it a hurry. I'm thoroughbred English, said Fells, I come from the north cottony dells, Where men naistovalle straight And keep it clean slate, se Or we raise some riarticular hells, They can't do without nie, said Si; The people won't kiss nie Good-bye, • I think it's a pity The council's so Gritty, . But lel see they don't get all the pie. COUNCILLORS -The Kindergarten • the to •to the bride which ovas • Fon Risetvo. Jot week and if you miss your paper, it will Were brought from London and the funeral Mr and Mrs A. J. Busch and babe are . Amos Tipling, by R. S. Wiliiamsand A. incitay, uucle of the groom, • ding gifts were numerous, valuable and Tao wed,. be because it was not pa , Bell • 1Viiss F.dith Si of Toronto. spent the or: holidays at her home, Victoria Street w. G. Patterson by T. Fells and L. ; well chosen and bespoke the popular.. The Wingham Creamery wishes itshun- John St., to the Wingharn cemetery On daughter, M r s. Joteph Hemmingway. dreds ef patrons and every person, else a sveele renewing old acquaintances in AMP o solderson. for a short weddin trip to Toronte Bet/it/ger' g sort of the deceased. r ee neva e depot. Bride 3 going Mr, Lou Thompson of the 'West is visit- ing with his brother, Mr. IL T. Thompson, with black hat. The happy couple will TUrnberry,• GazeGtt..smitb. by A nom and W. D• farm, Ith Com Grey township, .conee make. their home on the groom's fine Mr. and Mrs. John Amesbury of Strat- Doe& • rooming married life under auspleous ford, spent a few days with relatives in A Ail" a Elliott by J. W. Do • rdeeend W, circumstances and with the good wish. this vicinity. •- W., liougn. es • of a wide circle •of relatives and es appropriately replied to by Robert . hat : guests at the home of Mrs. Swede id in advance will be 'held from the resiaence of her *Benninger, • ity of the principals. Mr, anti Mrs. Mc- Tuesday, Dec, 81st. M r. Frank. Hill, • IVfr. A. T. Steele Hamilton, spent the VV. Isbister, bY Jos. Pugh and John Known took the. 3.30 G. T. R. train Happy and Prosperous Nevs Year. L. S. - leader -of the Methodist church, choir, is a - district. pared to PilY the highest cash price. But- . •Mae. Fonoso Weessoo and were showered with confetti and We warit your cream and we are pre - I'm back in the touncel, said Blake, And, if they should make * mietake, . I'll tell all their crimee In the good tittle 'Times - Fort Councreront• s eie. E. Angus by W, I -I. Willis and T R. away suit was navy blue garbardine IVIiss Muriel Wilson of Saskatoon, Sask. 'VV. IL Willis, by A. E. Angud and A, _ friends for ManY happy. Prosperous is spending her vacation with her friend years. &Lloyd, , new names to our mailing sheet during Wingbam and Was truly an estimable • Miss Della Reid, •Thos. Fells, by W. H. Gurney ancl W. terfat this week 88 costs at the Wingham • Creamery, . Death came with startling suddeness, to ... the home of I* Forest Wileon. Bluevale Rev. E. G. Dymond, a former rector of Road, on New Years Day anti bereaved. ISbt. pPabrubl'asmch;ebrachs,baenednuarttpiplobeiboteendtlytrbecttboer wilson, whose maiden name was Essia him of bis beloved partner in life. Mrs - Courtwright Parish Alumna Posliff, Was' a daughter of the - Tan ADVANCE has misled over eity late Aaron Posliff and Mrs. Poaliff of •and have lost twelve, a few of young woman. She contracted influenza a Mrs. A, J. Walker and two children D. Pringle. r ping for the bigger job. The following is' Dec., th these f d h fe vent over New. Year's at her parents R. A. Currie, by A, ht. Crawford and e result of the ncimillations Mr. Wright because cs eat s. - • a w doe ago whicb culminated in home in seaforth V. Re Vanalorman. and Mr. Adair witbdrawina from tbe Corp. j, T. Boardman desires to tbano pnliekinionia, Her only brother, Com. A. Miss Norma Foxton returned to Tor- A. M. CrawfordebY A E. Angus and F.. field, the members of the Knitting Club for L. Posliff arrived itome from overseas - at her home in Culross. - their Christina Gift, and wishes all, A last week. Deepest sympatioa extend. small children in this their sad bereave- •Fon II/OWE A, Bell, by ie F. Einkley and A. Tip. s A. Wheeler, by Bredcenridge and ed to the bereaved husband and two . Miss Vina Barber of Sarnia, spent the ling. - W. S. Vanstone, - The annual meeting of the Turnberry Happy and Prosperous New Year. Merit. The funeral will be held from ber holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. S Morgan, W. G. Cray, hsr.W j. Boyce and John Jas, Moffatt, by R. Elack and J C. Agricultural Society, will be held in the late residence on Friday afternoon to Die JOhn Hanna, by W, Isbister and. Higgi•ns' F and Mrs. Chas, Barber. council chamber on Friday afternoon, Jan. • Jas. E. and R, C. g • Wingham cemetery. oet. COteleOnersolts I7th at 2 p. m. sharp- Election of officers onto. Saturday after spending Christmas Bowden. .• Mr. and Mrs. W. E. IVfahood and babe Patterson. • ' :spent Cbristrnas with the formenes sister, W. G Patterson, by R. A. Currie and Weir. J. I. Scott by Baird - ' and eiteral business - Mrs. Robinson iratipley. The neW 4444V k'4'" plow wiach was purchass The following front the lVforning..Alber- A1311011i.a.* JAclirSON Thos. Kew. • John Smith. by Peter Hast• ing$ end ed by the council is doing good work. It for the past ten years to the best of my ability, I have decided that I am entitled Mr. Richard Tennant of Walkerville, Geo, T. Robertson by W. IL Gurney David Fortune. . does away with all the eigzeg mdiari trail and D. Hamilton. - , former highly reepected resident .of t is tan plented at Calgary has refereoce to a Jas. Porter, by kl. Cruikshanks and J. fashion sidewalks- which the old plough • J. Morgan by T. Fells and V. R. Vans W. King, madee-lt. district. to the Reeveship for 1919 and am there- fore asking for your vote and influence to elect me if you consider that my record on the touncil warrants rny election. Wishing one and all the compliments of the season, I am, Yours respectfully Arthur Wheeler. 0000000000tatlexeraotectoc)0000teel Vote for W. G. Patterson Tile Great \Mot& Doctor Reeve for 1919 Geloreorateattotoontesooaccoleoexete0 • To the Electors of Wingham Ladies and Gentlemen; After the earnest solicitation of a num. ber of my friends I have decided t con- test for the reeveship of our town for the Year 1919. In 1917 I served you in this capacity and I believe did it creditably to myself and the people wloun I represented. Last year I was defeated in a three -cor- nered contest and did not get my custom- ary second term, and my friend; (Ma I am entitled to it. I will appreciate your vote aod influence to elect me on January Sth. Wishing you all the compliments of the season, I am Your obedient servant, Wm. Isbister And help when they're cutting the cake. was an Xmas visitor in town. Mr. Ten- . • - Said Harry, -There's nothing likenant has a good situation there leather, - I hope we can pull well together, o. Ma Samuel Small of Toronto, and' To make this town grow, " , Mr, Thos. Small of Detroit, are visiting But I really don't know, - their mother, Mrs Small, Diagonal Road. For *we're hardly all birds of a feather. Mrs. E C Laundy and daughter, Miss Dora, of BMW. spent Xmas at the home of the former's parents, Mt and Mrs. F. H Rocierus. Mise Eva Linklater, who is teaching in The people of Wingham, said Art, 1 thank -from the depths of rhy heart, In case of a run I might nothaye won, So they gave me a good easy start. , Toronto, is holidaying with her parents, ONLOOKElk ; Mr and Mrs lerrn. S. Linklater of Wing- , hareTown Plot. Mr. and Mrs, Fred A. Beatty and son WEDDINO BELLS - . Elmer of Toronto, spent a few days with • -3 Mrs. Beatteas parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. , DICKSON—, Doneatue Stapleton, TurnberrY. • A quiet but pretty wedding was i'solemn- d on Christmas day at the home of nosh, Misses Florence Deacon of East Wawa ze- and Myrtle Walters o f Culross, Mr, and Mrs James Darling, Belmore, return on Friday morning to their studies when their youngest daughter, Annabelle was united in. marriage to Mr. Jaa, a, _ at Stratford Normal - Dkkson. Rev. Mr Sinclair performed Miss a LatindY, Southend, and Mt the ceremony in the presence of onlY kn.; Grant Latuidy, Niagara Falls, spent Xmas at the home of their grandparents, Mr mediate friends of the contracting parties. . The wedding march was played by Miss and Mrs E. E Roclerus. , . Nellie Harkness. To the young couple IVIF, E. W. Lin. klater, who. Isattending is extended the best wishes of a host of friends. medical college m Toronto, is visiting at his parents, Mr. sod Mrs Wm. S. Link- ' later of Winghant Town Plot. BlaTa•aisseeol'am , Mr Donald McMurchy and little son A quiet wedding was solemnized at the returned to their home in Colangwood Methodist parsonage, Belgrave, on Weds after visiting oaer the Christmas holidays nesday, January the rayit at 8 p. no, When at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John David - Miss May daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John son, Leopold St Hopper, became the bride of Mr. Jas. A. • alryans 4th con of Mc ' Th Majr oHerb Campbell, a former super- intendent of the Electric Light Plant at ony was performed by Rev. Mr. Davi- Wingham, arrived from overseas, and is n. The bride wore a brown tailored spending a few days at the home of his CaretVocoteorecomeraossolocoeoc00 so it with hat to match. After the cere- ony the happy couple returned to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell, ide's home where a dinner was served. East Wawanosh, r. and Mrs &yams will make their leate and Mrs. W. J. Todd, Lucknow onie on the Bryan's homestead, 4th con. celebrated their silver wedding anniver- orris, The best wishes of their many sary on Friday evening last week, and an 'lends go with them to their hew home, enjoyable tune was spent. Among those from Wingham who attended were Mrs. Neonotsole- TVItNitit • ThOS, Todd, Mrs. Grace Todd, Miss Mo. Willis. Angus and Elliott. Mr. Elliott A very pretty wedding took place at Donald, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Finley, and h a a a t different -t i ot e s a e r v e d e home of Mr. and hero Geo. A. Turner Mr. and Mrs D. E. McDonald and on the council board and Mt W. H. Wil fiveo'clock on Tuesday evening, Dec- elan,ghtero Miss Mabel's' ' lis has also previous municipal ateperience mber 24the when their eldest daughte. ae _ , he Seafortb where he served as Mayor and ergie Beatrice, was united in inarricge t A,, Mr Roland De Ferguis Nicholson, son writes -e11/1 r. Kni ht MacCre , .„ is a native of Wingham where he has Councillor for several years, Mr. Angus 1... pally Integigencer, Delleville, Ont., pf Mr, and Mrs, J. T. Nicholson, Lyieton, baritone ' g ' ' spent all his life. Messrs. R. A. Currie gor s c Manitoba. voice was heard in several niastere T . The marriage was solemnized by Rev. r. Burgess of Bluevale. The Wide, who as given away by her father, looked very etty in a gown of white duchess satin lamed with white silk fringe and carried beautiful bouquet of (Othello roses and no. She wore the custoneurY bridal il. Miss Evelyn J. who attended her ter wore a blue stile dress and carried a uquet. of ph* carnation$ and ferns. he groom was attended by his cousin, r. Chas. Nicholson of Mount Forest. To the strains of the wedding march eyed by Miss Jennie E. Hodgins, cousin the bride, from Westfoni, the bridal rty took their place beneath a beautiful ch of maiden hair fern and roses After the congratulations were over the ests numberiteg &Jut forty repaired to e dining room where dinner was served, The many beautiful presents showed the gh esteem in Medi the young couple best known lumbermen in the Pacific In Turnberry, Reeve Powell is with - e held. After a short visit with friends Northwest, died of heart trouble at drewitig front public life and a eta! fight Toronto and other points the young Seattle, 'Wash, on Saturday night. Dor for the Reeveship will be waged between uple leave Ori "• WedneEday for their °soled will be remembered by many Arthur Wheeler, who bas served on the me near Lyleton, Manitoba. Winghturittes he having been born here council board for the past ten years and 87 years ago, His father was at one James Moffatt who has been a popular time a prosperous lumberman and con- councillor for three years. For the court- trector here and for many years the local ell only one of the old councillors is in the Both the Sigh and Public Schools will reattittrate. Dirosed is a Main of Mr. iltild Vie., J. I. Stott, as Mr. Adairlis tired •open ot Monday, January nth A. J. Nicholls, baker, of public life and the other two are hasp. Your vote and influence is respectfully small • solicited to elect br W. H. GURNEY M Mayor of Wingham for 1919 Clean Government and a Square Deal fr to all. enoon9nocon0000noop0000noo Re-elect th at V to L. F. Binkley .MAYOR FOR 1919 Progress, Eflithency and Economy. EVERYBODY'S -COLUMN pr :011GIN THE NEW iEAR net oterTINO tr your 'barbar work done at Billie Burko's, a 'The iqiivlitary Barber Slum. 2 Workmen. No waiting, Same prides. Hair out, 25c, soma, le 150, 25a, Tonic,19e and 15oashavd,100, ve massage, Loc, .stealn, 19a, la lo Sham- cleitio. Our ,rnotto—.Prompt Service, Good is , bo Norman.. , s . W. A. Miries by Peter IVIcDoegall and Mr. F. H. Ifoderus received a twenteo last week in Deteelt Michigan in the person of Abraham Jackson father' i n Los Angeles, Cat ale. sttes grown Jackson memo Thomas, Charles a'nci-Kerse they are the large Englis6 walnutsgr Jackson of Calgary, Mrs. Chao Wereeec in, hie own garden. o- o Detriot; Mrs. A. 0, Harrison and Mrs. G Mr. F. J. Libby of Wingham, and son T. Sragge of Edmonton. He was file year of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Libby of town, of age. The funeral was held from th was elected. President of the Witighati undertaking parlors oi 4, M. Shaver t Curling Club last week. He should fili. the Union cemetery where the remains ei the chair with honor -Clinton New Era - his,wife repose. A resident of Mildmay am_ 4 burglar ' The late Mr. Jackson carae of a pione entering a 'store window one night recently Canadiarz fatiely, his parents having: set and did not think it Worth his while to tled neer Carleton Plao, Ontario, mor give the a 1 a rm.- Enterprising etiz.en, than a century ego, ' They c.arvecf out wonder whet he got for keep ng quief? two farms -in the WW1 and their scei, wh Mr. L. Kemeny -has issued invittaions is the subject of this notice, followed the ir ct for an interesting picture explaining the example and vegaged in farming for some Delco Lighting Syetent which he is the years near aWinghatie Ontario., coming agent for., This picture will be put on in -VVeat in 1890. Ile went east to visit his, daughter in Detroit about a year ego Ind the Picture House on Tuesday afternoon; • was taken ill about six. months ago. He Jan'Y 7th, All are welcome. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. wirs a member' of the IVIethodist church a d a member of the Canadian Cider, ef bRoablialdcilliedothw, withhetallutetinze ifouornMoTnutesh Tuesday Foresters for more than 45 years." The late Mr. Jackson will be kindly ree morning; December 31st. The faintly have just moved from Kinless to the menthered by many Of the older seeders -in Weiler farm, 9th con. of Tarnberry. this district He pealed sixty four years Mr. George' Stewart of St.,Helens, held ago on the 106 of Wawanoth and. later the lucky ticket whice teethe:red the horse lived for twenty-fisie years on the IVIcEweti raffled by the Lucknow Fire Department farm on the lst line 01 Morris. Deceased Many of our readers held tickets, The was a charter member of Court. Douglas, tickets were drawn at the firemen's ball C. 0. F. liluevale. Med a member of the Iteethodist -church His Wife prede ed nim about eleven ;oars ago, 48 in Lucknow, a couple of weeko ago. i "One of Calgary's oldest citizens died V. R. Vanblorman, by Vie, A. Currie- isdelyin Willits. and • J. Ss Morgan. • J. J. Moffatt, by Ws J, Adair and Geo • pound box of walnuts from his son, Will, S. Mitchell, by J. Glenn, and John Cruiksbanks, 1.3. Wright, 'be' Thos. Gilmour; and j. FOR SC1.100i. TRUSTEES, Mundell W. I. Adair by Jas Moffatt and A. • Ward One W. H. Eintoul by A. E. Angus and Wheeler' Dave Hamilton. The noininations for East Wawat h os , H. E. Isard, by W. D. Pringte and S. held ill Belgrave on Monday afternoon Sennett - and the result will be acclamation for Ward Two Reeve and Comcillors. The only change in last year's commit wilt be that Mr. A. G. Stniths by W. A. Currie, and ae. Anderson. McGowan retires owing to ill health and R. VanNorrnan, Mo Strachan takes his place on the W, Robertson, by A. Fothergill and T. board. S. Bennett. by W. IL Gurney and D. KeWt and George Wilson. Fon REEVE • - Ward Thria Newton Campbell, by Jahn McDovied Hamilton. FOR CO Notaorts • Ward Four Richard Irwin, by Virilliam VVightmen R. Allen, by A. Tipling and J. W. and A. Robinson. Dodds. • The voting places and officials in charge, " • R. Buchanan by Dingwell and J. are as follows; • - W. Currie, by Gem W Ison and H. Ward 1-M Geo. T. Robertson's Gar - ago Josephine Street, by W. J. Haines, leacClanagban. - R, McGowan. by .3. WilsOn and D. R. a, and M. Bechwith, Poll Clerk, Ward 2 -At Wm. Gannett's office, Jos - Sam Morton. ephine Street, by T. J. McLean, Ds R. cc J. otrachato BY .1' Wilson and George. Snell. • and J. G. Stewart, Poll Clerk. Mr. W. a Fraser, having L'ecome an M. Ward 3 -At the Town Hall, Josepisine Street, by A, M. Fralick, D. R. 0., and p did not seek the reevetp of Morris for 1919 and that position fee to Wm. Et - Chao Cooke, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-divison No. id Ward 4- ston b y acclamation. T hie councillors also get an acclamation as Mr. Johnston At A. M. Crawford% ShowsroWn, Joseph- ine Street, by J. W. Dodd, DM. 0., and did not stand. The nominations were as P. H, Deans, Poll Clerk, PollitsgSub-Divison No 2 of Ward 4 - Yoe REEVE At Albert Bell's residence, Josephine • Wm. Elston, by Robert Garniss and W. Street, by Porter, D. R 0., and Rehertson. • W. H. Fraser, by Ab. Proctor and W. WM. Guest, Poll Clerk. The 1916 couneil will go in by acclama.: C. Laidlaw. as only six of those nominated qualified FOG Coutiono.olti They are; Messrs. Currie, Fells, Mitchell, J. H. Pear, by W. C. Laidlawoand Ab, Proctor. In leo HOIt9ES AND' ANIMALS takon away T se promptly within a radiva of 20 miles. Will „ alAY cash for live animals. Will pay from to el for live animals. No animal rMoli..'d '•vit.liont bide, Phone day 12. Phone crooning 178. Thn li'maltimef l'arenviZart Lem of Too LOSO-4„ large fox hound, white Pa Al brown head and largo black spot on book• ae near fall, damming to the name of Sport Ai foonation loading io the recovery of tue ;lox will Le dolt:ably rownided by IliNTout, or a. home,, gu th tosr—fa Wingleon between Leopold Street A•1 and Pm1,..0111ao a small black coin purse 50110 01 natter plc:12 1,19aVe at Pit, 4.111dieggand.fldri'elA°4;1.• hi • ar ly nurebero which bad instantaneous effect . n en on a board last year and the magnificent vote Luouoow-eReeve Robts Johnston, and upon the audiences lie had chosen. num. bers calling for the highest vocal pogiven them at their first election proved Councillors Wm. IVIurdie, Geo. H. Smith, wer of execution, the us•e of the •imagination and their popularity While Mr. Mitchell is Wm. lien,derson arid Rohe. Thompson are in interpretation and range. Those he the daddy of them all, as he state • d •at the 'I returned b I a ri sang wi h the finest artistry." nomination meeting he is "the thorn in the flesh," or the watch dog of the treas- ury. Ile has represented the town as its Patriotic Notes reeve a the county council. Hoe% wish - The regular monthly meeting of the log Wingham's 1919 council every success _ eon, A. E. Johnston, Win. Webb, Wm. irked. May be reasonably svell overcome. And, Society will be held in the Council Chem. Arid may smiles and peace shine from Rutherford, John IL Young and John further, as Easter next year will ber on Friday, the 10th of JanuarY, at their countenances instead of ecowis and mem. . If you reside on the farm youwill surely be nearly three weeks later than in feta, it is unnecessarysto amend the - fiild The Farmer% Sun a profitable and' : candid friend. Its market reports both Fa Proctor, by C. B. Wilkinson and C. G. Campbell. • Wm Yount, by Ale. Proctor and Fraser. R. H. Shortreed, by Thomas Marshall and C. 13. Wilkinson. Rich. Johnston, by Arthur Shaw and John Johnston. of h, 11 er A pleasant time was spent on Christmas day at the home of Mr. George Tervitt, s r.s near Zetland, where a tounber 01 New G. T. Tinietable friends and relatiVes met t o wish this ...Starting. on January 5th, 19,19 the at wilt ge Wlngbamn highly respected pioneer a merry Christ. nriza T.thRe. lnatead 01 mas in the real meaniog of the words. 6:30 and 'the train corning from gine YON.4.41?"4:0 “1"C'Oor'44J4.,', kte tuis4 to one ma xiL Nappg eiljristmas unb tOIY iu• ,Vtar trete from StIrroirs .1.111f, 4 DRtIGGIST / Phone 53 , .11 OUNCE$ Licl4creri* STBON •-A • 'Buckled up, in a Second Ankle Supriert Adjusted O Without Unlacing.' • Large Eyelets. Easy to LacO e 0500 MCI) LIGHTNING • At all Reliable Dealers Get the Hatch St SS Big stock of Automobile Skates and McPherson's Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots to select from. Skates put on shoes free W. 3. Gfter The Good Shoe Store 444•••••....i....***4***“. IZHRISTIOP on Friclo evening it was decided to enter a junior and an intermediate team At on enthusiastic hockey meeting held cardine leaves there at 6:15, in. Mut m the news will be welcomed by the travail - arrives at Winghon about 7:30. This PHONE so ing publice who used . to dread the . • Canada NFocr.e.ds-BoArd. License •'-7--------•--•- 0_ 3 Northern Hockey League, Mr. H. A. tvlutten was appointed to attend the thoughts o'f getting up to cat& an early train out of Wingharn. meeting which was held in Listowel on ' . Tuesday. • Midsummer Eanuednistione A. capital D jumped into place where a in view of the unavoidable inter, eppital M shquld have been in our last ruptions to school work which have week's issue and changed George Joynt taken plate during the current half kern an ordinary Mr. to a Dr. The mis- year the holding of the, miatummer exam) inations will be deferred in each take was not so great, however, for George ease for a fortnight in accordance with will in a couple of years or less time be a the followieg scheme: Junior High School entrance July ond, Junior Public The services in the Wingham, Metho- School Graduation June 30111; Lower School July end; Middle Scliool July full-fledged dentist. dist Church next -Sunday swill be as lob e Pass Matriculation July ondt lows: -9 30 a. m. Praise Service; 10 a. m. tipper School and Honor Matriculation Wien VVAsve.00sit-A keen contest etiolor League; 11 a. no Subject, "Build- June 30th. With the foregoing prole - will be waged for the rseveship between ing Greater"; 2.30 p. nt. ,Suliday School, stalls foe the conduct of these examin- Wm, Watson and 'Wm. Bailie. Nominees Missiotlary Sunday" 7 p. ne. Subject "A 'nations, the ill effects upon the school for council are JO. Purdon, Jas. Aitche- New Beginning." All are cordially in. work of the aforesaid interruptions pm 3.30 le tn. A full attendance is requested war clouds Cowtose-For Reeve, 'Case and Fal- Fenn Regulations which were issued The trustees will receive anacclamation, as business of importance is to be brought I coner. For Councillors, Walter Marshall, • iast September, except to provide that stock and grain, are unequalled, while its the new trustees being, Ward 1-B. E. DaVialVICDOnald, B. Beingessener, Jacob the teachers' examination may be de - Cut -out garments re.„see be had at the hard; Ward 2--A 0. Stnith; Ward 3-S. Erb, Alex Cameron and the members of independent views have long been apprec- iated. One dollar for a full year subs Easter holidays, ferred until the week following the Bennett; Ward 4-R Allen, re-elected J. CODY, rooms every Saturdiii afternoon, elan yarn the former council for knitting. Died in Seattle e, The Public School Board for 1919 will be composed of Wm. Field IL Ie. hard, God give us men: the time demands. Toronto. 1s-- • so:- --see . Dudley Holmes, W. D. Pringle, 5 Ben- Strong mines, great hearts. true faith and August Kleist, whose seelden disappear- , '1'. R. before leaving the trail +(ef the swinge Mr. J. S. Brace, preitident of the 4Itaca nett, Robt. Allen, L Bisbee and A. G. willing hands; mice last week caused a great deal of : ing lanterns. Conductor Totten of arid Hergert Mill Co,, and one of the . Smith. Men whom the hist of Mace does not kill; aneietY to his faillilY, was located near , Palmerston is now on title run. Men whom the spoil of office cannot buy, Fordwich. The youth had made up les : Pte. Russell Salter informs us that the Men who posses opinions and a will; mind that his servieee were not required , Ienights of Columbus controlled most of Men who have honor, men who will not at home and had taken a job with a farm- , the buts nearest to the trenches and that lie; mer in the vicinity of the Howick, eapital ' they never made any distinction between Men who could stand before a demagogue -Clifford Exprctt. t any of the allied soldiers. He is an Oran - And damn his treacherous flatteries with- Conductor John Lavelle's smiling courts ; gotten titia on countless occasions has out winking; team will be matted front the noon G. received malty a refreshing cup of coffee Tan men, sun crowned who live above the T. R. from Palmerston Thi e old gentle- and haat earetwich from them. He also fog Mil hae completed over fifty Yeati ItS1 F•to‘Vii of protestants relievinkthi, Min in 114 public duty and in Private thinking. faithful awl honorable ettvice with the 6 einitge of thole tents, fobtpat...•1011A.I.Pai,11. scription. The (Fan/torte Weekly Sure Minister of Bdutation •- Via per manigh. 403,17 ttr m J eite to weowee oroeuet etosotet. co MR WARNING ho en those whose lotvn artotinta rie•r:a cattle at one° a 1 really need tho ni,SC co pay tlave whom X tote. All auoiihro nor set,i41 b5'ain or biro before AO. let will he viseed 10 taurt for coll.*, Gan. 5'. E. Balloft/r re book WHI Opan Now for 1919 Weare going to make this store I o during 1919 a better one.thart it . ever has been. '• . ••• YOUR DOLLAR e e Will get you, if spent here, fulaeose- - • isfaction. Evety cent of your looney : will • bring its utmost value. s in QUALITY FOOD. pooMorget , . , Treat Your Stoniach Right) = GoodFood-PureFoOde-Fresh Food • is what you owe yourself. For this • close' of food. Come to Chpistle's Were Tea and Coffee Specialists std,****44,4 Vote on 0. T. A. Again . The Ontario Temperance Act, which was posed as a war Measure, has to be submitted to a 'vote of the eleetort 'Ile finis for the taking of his vote has • been changed oaCe or twice; but ao lit now sten& 'under the at the &eters willoeeedo-ek ed to say tin the first Alma. day in • next if the act. is to ;Main • in lout. VliotheP that date will stand remains tor the Lilgislature t dedele„ The 1110ratoeinal, WW1 bek;atPd law early in the war, ender pwesetit legis - latent, will menet ia tot co until six months after peace is declared- rites the goverument wlil bave tenele op, portunity, if it desires, to pals tiother Isgedetiott, in this regard, 1 Ti 4