HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-09-27, Page 16TQ Advertisers, All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertiont the current issue, must be received &t the office Trot later than SATURDAY NOON'. Copy far changes receit'ed later than ,SA T- URDAYNOON will hereafter be a. the Advertiser s own rials. A. 4!. TODD, Publisher. rhe . Huron' News=Reoord $1.69 a Year -81.26 in Advance Wednesday, Oct. 4th 18113. LOCAL NE WS • In and Around the Ilub, iotot (lulllki. Apples, plums and pears wanted at CANTELON BRos TO FARMERS AND HORSEMEN. -Best single harness a specialty, all styles and closest prices. Everything in our line cut fine. JOHNSON & ARMoUR,harness makers. WANTED.—Any quantity of Plums Cherries, Red and Black Currants an(1. Goose Berries, for which the highest market price will be paid.—N. ROBSON. Cash paid for eggs and hutter.-CANTELoN BROS. CUSTOM TAILORING.—W. G. Vance, over Coats & Son's store, is an experienced cutter and mechanu. All orders entrusted will be excuated in the late'style, lowest price, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. FIRST OF THE SEASON.—Choice Oysters• at Coats' Restaurant, next Rogson's grocery. MASONIC. - Lest Friday evening among the visitors at Clinton Lodge No. 84 were W. Bros. Dr. Carder, J. Elnigh and Dr. Young, Past Masters of Blyth Lodge No. 303. Dr. Car• der exemplified the third degree in a highly satisfactory manner. Clinton Lodge is in a highly properous and growing condition. POLITIOAL POINTS.—The policy of the Conservative party will be found in the fifteen column report in to- day'a NEw s—RECORD. All c asses of people shogld read it, and then deter- mine between the Reform policy of 1878 and the Conservative policy of 1893. - The attention of the Postmaster Gener- al should be called to the immoral tone and biackguardism which finds space in the columns of the Goderich- Yankee organ. -The New Era is not satisfied because the great gathering of Conservatives in Clinton did not "go wild." In every respect the demonstra- tion was a decided success. We did not expect it would please or even meet the "expectations" of our cotern. -D. Weiemiller, the coining member for South Huron in the Local, was in _... Clinton last Tuesday and occupied a seat on the platform. -And now for the Ontario elections. The Conserva- tives of Weet Huron should soon nom- inate a candidate for the Local. - Messrs. H. W. Ball, 1i. Radcliffe, Dr. Holmes, Captain Beck, Lewis Elliott, editor Mitchell and a large numbar of others from Goderich, were among Clinton callers last week ; yes, and A. C. Hawkins, of Port Albert, Mr. Black of Dungannon, Mr. Allan, of Dunlop, Mr. Bryana of Belgrave, Mr. Timmins, of Bluevale, Me. Taylor, of Brussels, Mr. Geo. Shepperd, of the Nile, and a host of others, -An eloetor remarked Wednesday morning that"the speeches were only a continuation from the day before." MURRAY CAMP CONCERT. -Murray Camp, No. 53, Sons of Scotland, gave a splendid concert in the town hall last Wednesday evening. In every respect the programme, as Tendered, was one of the most delightful and ap- preciative the people of Clinton have ever had the good fortune to take part in. Andthe building was packed to the doors. Dr. Shaw occupied the chair in his usual acceptable tnianner. The Misses ?IeLaren, dancers, gave the Highland Fling, with Piper D. Mc Kay, and responded to a pressing encore. W, E. Ramsay is a host in himself. He gave "Relics of Eliza" in such good form that the audience wore not satisfied with even "Another Color Now ;" later in the programme ho gave a recitation entitled "An Old Maid," but the audience would not be satisfied until he recited "The Gallows Cheated of it's • Dead." The solo, "Whistle and I'll come to ye, my love," by Mies Forbes, brought the accom plished artiste to the stage a second time, and after rendering another sob, "Marguerite," she had to again respond. Piper D. McKay was again and again encored and gave "The Campbell's are Coming." Mies Nellie McLaren per• formed the Sword Dance with such good effect that Miss Jennie gave a repeat. Miss Forbes was again induc ed to appear a second time after sing- ing "I'm glad me heart's me ain," and "Mary of Argyle." Miss Forbes also gave several solos by special request, among them "Annie Lawrie" Mr. Ramsay's songs, "Two Sweet Hearts," "Daddy wouldn't buy me a bow -wow," and "1 was in it," were voiciferouely applauded.- . ,Mre. Ramsay is as ac- compliitiared' " ianibt. Each number could. nofri3aasre been better rendered, Land all perfonnere certainly rank :vr04he bad in the country. Murray 0t4jaufp::io rto be congratulated on the greet 'success of their efforts; They ,'certainly,, deserve the thanks of our zitizens in affording each a rare treat. Matz Tarin.. ---.Nr. 4. L. Doherty drove "John Nelson" A toile on Mon- day in 2 $5i, whish beats all recorde over this travk.-,-W. Jenkins, the ogler-.' ed lad, has returned to town and taken a position in Doherly's training stables. -"John Nelson" has won four race in less than a mouth. J. L. has got him down to a record of 2.32 in qhort order, 'Tie shows that careful train- ing is required to bring out the speed lines, sod Johti Nelson, who had not a 3 minute gait, enema to have material to work on. LIQUOR CASES.—Meeere. Ross and Mason, of• Blyth, were before 111agie- %rates McGarva and Steep on Saturday and convicted of selling liquor with- out a license, each being fined $50 and costs. From the evidence it would 'appear that those who bought the whiskey were as bad or worse than those who sold it. Men should rather bo prevailed upon to keep the lei, rather than violate it. Three more cases against licensed houses in Blyth were being heard. as we go to press. COUNTY UNION MEETING -On Fri day last the Huron County Christian Endeavor Uoion net in their annual convention at the Carmel Presbyterian church, Hensall. Delegates were pre. sent from most of the active societies which represented the Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopalian and Baptist churches, forming an interdenomina- tional gathering, all striving to carry out the grand pledges "look vp, lift up," and for Christ and the Church. The election of officers resulted as follows :-President, G. H. Cobble - dick. Brussels ; Vico President, Mr. A. Ireland, Seaforth ; Secretary, A. T. Cooper, Clinton ; Treasurer, Miss Grace Elder, Seaforth ; Comrnittee- Rev. Mr. Kerrin, Bayfield ; Rev. lir• Wilson, Wingham, and Mies Mills, of Goderich. There were several valuable addressee and papers given by Earn- est Endeaverore on practical themes, but space will not allow us to give a full report as touch as we would like to do so. We believe this union is doing a grand work and should be help ed by every Christian in the ACounty, The next convention well be held at Clinton. BRIEF Bats.—Mr. Wm. Tichborne, Goderich, compliments THE .&EWS-RE- coRDby saying that it is the beet paper in the county and that he does not know how he can get along without it.--Tuee- day's demonstration does not suit our totem. Who expected that it would ? -Wednesday evening a bicycle rider from the country collided with a wagon in front of THE NEWS -RECORD office and the wheel was laid up for repairs— The streets should have been sprinkled on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. -Mr. George Trowhill's new residence on Albert street will soon bo ready for occupancy. It will make a comfortable dwelting.-Mr. Wm Alexander, of Ash Grove, Halton county, is here on a visit to relatives. -Mr. D. Cantelon's handsome new red pressed brick reeidence is nearing completion, as are also the stable and other outbuildings. -About 2 o'clock last Friday morning a frame house, un- occupied and owned by Joseph Prue - tor on Princess street was burned to the ground. We understand the building was insured. Cause of fire unknown. The fire engine and com- pany were on hand, but the flames were too far advanced to save the building. -Coal and wood stoves are on the move. --Kearns Tent, K. O. T. M.. will meet Friday night. -L. 0. L. 710 meets next Monday night. -The bew proprietor of the Central Hotel, Mr. Mason, took possession last Mon- day. -Judge Toms held Court Mon- day morning. Several voters were transferred to other wards and the names of a few• "dead" struck off. - The authorities in Clinton have not this year examined the wells. Oae result may be heavy doctor bills and contagions disease. -Our people still talk about a new post office but take no definite action to socule one. - Masters Lorne C. and Frowen R. Todd patiently waited several months "till the apples came out" and are on a two weeks holiday in the "Garden of Eden".-B+yfield show is to day, and Blyth next Tuesday and Wednesday . -It. L. Mulveney, of London, was on the _Market Square last Wednesday pulling teeth and selling medicine. On Thursday he was brought before the Mayor and fined $5 and coats, 87 in all. He paid the fine under protest. -.Mayor McTaggart, 1). A. Forrester and W. W. Ferran, with others, will likely take in the World's Fair this week. -Saturday week Mr. George Stewart was fined for shooting part- ridge out of season. He used his gun a day too early. -The Gun Club have sold over 80 shares out of the 100 to be disposed of. -Scissor grinder Taylor was after the scalp of the editor of our totem. last week, but we would be sorry to learn that he had secured it, -We omitted to mention that Mr. Petor Cook last week oleo presented Mayor McTaggart and Mr. D. Cook, jr., with handsome blackthorne ehillalahs direct from Dublin, Ireland -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Twitchell spent Sunday in Colborne. -Mr. Ben. Cole leaves this week for Dokota and Will spend a few days in Chicago. -Mr. Wm. Harland was out yesterday after several days illness.-Tn NEws-REoonn is the only paper in or out of the county of Huron that gree a full report of the Conservative Demonstration in Clin- ton on Tuesday of last week. -At the Baptist church last Sunday one lady was immersed. There was a large at- tendance. -Miss Scarlett, of Winthrop, was a Clinton visitor laet week. Her brother John, of Leadbury, was alto in 1own. The best Qualities - + — •1• + ? — + — + GREAT COTT N SALE. llnpreoodonted Prioes for Cottons. You may think it the wrong time of the year to buy much Cotton ; under ordinary circumstances it may be, but in view of the Special Bargains we are giving IT IS NOT. A. few days ago we bought a quantity of Cottons be- low even mill prices and the goods are now here. Now we have plenty of Cotton on hand for an ordin- ary seasons trade and this lot must not in`.erfere with regular stocks. Therefore in order to turn them into money again, to hustle them out in short order we are going to sell them at prices that should clear them out in a weeks time and give you the Cheapest Cot- tons you ever bought. It will pay you to buy now even if you don't use them till spring. What's the Matter With These Prices? The re's Nothing the Matter With The Goods l A Good Gray Cotton 41c. a yard, A 1 Value at 6c• or 62c• 23 yards for 81.00- A Good Gray Cotton 5c- a yard, worth easily 7c• 20 yards for $1.00• An Extra Good Cotton 6c- a yard, value at 9c- 17 yards for 81.00• With these Cottons we will sell 55 pairs All Linen Damask and Huck Sample Towels, Large Sizes, worth 20c. a piece at least, YOUR CHOICE 2 for 25c. • We also give values in Flannels that are by long odds better than any in the trade. • THINK, A Fair Union Flannel 9c - A Good Union Flannel 15c• A Line Mostly Woof some advertise it as an All Wool Flannel at 20c but it ain't,although it looks like it• Our price 18c• A Regular 25c. Flannel Plain or Twill 20c. A 28c• line for 23c. For 30c• a Beautiful, Fine, Soft All Wool Flannel that we sold for 35c, last year anci thought we were eiving good value. So we • were but you see Cash Selling makes a difference, it means undoubted Best Values. Remember we always have just what we advertise and can save you money on every dollars worth you buy. 4,NN41,101..1d1.141.1 104, /4/4040414 Est. J.Halm CLINTON. In Fur Goods never go down in price, rather the reverse as 1fur bearing animals are rapidly becoming scarcer ane. the demand for Fur is increasing. Prices are about the same as last yeat, Persian Lamb Caps range in price; from $4.00 to $10.00. Beavers. from $5.00 to $10.00. Astrachans $3.50 to $5.00. Seals one price $17.00. Our Fur Coat Stock is phenomenal as to quantity, quality and the lowness. of prices. Jackson - Bros. Ids and Boy's Outfitters, Etc, BEESLEY & -- 0 MILLINERY - co. When we say that ours is the Popular Store for Ladies Headware we make a statement that has truth oil the face of it, and why, because in dealing with us you have the assortment. If you want a HAT or BONNET, NEAT and PRETTY and everything of First Class Quality we give it to you at.a price as low as the lowest, our stock is fully assorted with the latest from fashion centres; a glance around our'spacions showroom a ill convince you that . it is rich in assortment, quality and style. FELT H? -SS MADE INTO THE LEADING STYLES. This clepertment is under the able management of MISS M. 1\ZOORE which is a guarantee to our customers that their work will be done promptly and in a satisfactory manner. KID GLOVES. Our import order given for EUGENE JAMIidET make, of Gloves of G►•eenoble, France, is now complete and eve call attention to the NEW LACING STUD on these gloves, it holds the lace firmly and does not cut it nor catch in sleeve trimming, it posi esses many advantages over the old hook which you will appreciate. These" French Gloves are the manufacture of EUGENE AMV1METT the only original maker of that name ex- porting goods to Canada and are guaranteed. All Gloves over 90c. if they break or tear in putti`or the first two or three times, will be made good or money refunded. 0 BEESLEY & CO., The L&lies' Favorite Establishment.