HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-09-27, Page 14le '?.ii1'.i::".'i41:ii:.Y.-.....-...,.....-,.,..C��{#Y.1'ilTi_W1YRiY... n�`_..1.-""":?C:•.'lT. `_.'`i..' .'..Yl.'.- ...-.......... T HAND. ia1 :dangereea eptOirgeney, ,fltYiatt',o. a QiIgr„ ltY Pt.CToRial• le prentpt to; apt aid sure t4, cure, A dose taken pit the first iiympvinls ofCroupor Bronchitis, checks further; progress of these complaints. It softens the`phlegin, soothe the in - 'lamed membrane, and induces sleep. As a remedy for colds, coughs, loss of voice, la grippe, pneumonia, and even consumption, in its early stages AYE 'S Cherry Pectoral excels all similar preparations. It is endorsed by !ceding physicians, is agree- able to the taste, does not interfere with digestion, and needs to be taken usually in small doses. " From repeated tests in, my own family, Ayre e Cherry Pectoral has proved itself a very, efficient remedy for colds, coughs, and the various dis. orders of the throat and lungs,'—A. W. Bartlett Pittsfield, N. !1. " For the last a- years I have been taking Ayer': Cherry Pectoral for lung troubles, and amassurec that its use has wed My Life I have recommended it to hundreds. I find the most et%etive way of taking this medicine is ire small and frequent doses."—T. M. Matthews, P. M.. Sherman, Ohio. " My wife suffered from a cold ; nothing helper her but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral whicn effected a cure."—R. Amero, Plympton. N. S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Mass Pt onipt to act, sure to cure The Huron News-Recora 1.50 a Year -81.25 in Advance Wedttesll!.ty. Oct •10th 1893. GREAT DIS00'•ERLN.9 —T1 e astronomer who dieuovers naw s• ,r, thu scientist wit,0 finds a new f ice, or the gaol ,girt who alights up ru a now spices of fossil, heeolnes deeerv• idly famona; but the acteal good euoh di.- eov?rias do to nothiug when comp iced to the finding of a medicine which is as infolliule titre f .r uortsia diseases. Simi) a diwnvei y wan rr,%de tl"%rly hill a o•'nr11• y ag t )•y an E Were gen 1 nn ui a ..ate 1 P•rry 1) was, and 11i.. preparati •n 11 known to thr, w P3nsv D,Yti' PtIV KILLER. It is ♦ pure en e for Diarr .ie Crstnpr, Cholera Nimbus, C•t•.Ie.l,, dd.( incl -ed all bowel complaints. LS:. oily for l3ig 2 ••z bottle. —The \\'oodatock Sei+liuel ieeeiciv is respJu•ible for the ii,llowinat—\Ir+. James R Ipeun. who has beim In aI riHd 32 ,years, divided the !:tat of her wed ding cake tunonq..t some friends last night. The cake, which was nietl1 by George 11 trtvood, hail retained its 11 ivor and was perfectly fresh. TIMELY 1YIS1)OM1. Groat aorl timely wisdom is shown by keeping De, I owl•r's Extr,ct of ,'1'ilJ Strawberry ou h,n 1. It haw en rgn..1 for cholera, cholera ranchos, (Harr} i.e., .tyeen- tery. eo'ic, crate;,. and all alt:ltl.Ier optn- p'atnts or looseuess of the bowels. WHISKEY AT THE FAIR. There are two enterprising Irishmen living in the last End who did a thriv- ing traria in whiskey at the late Indus trial Exhibition. The method they adopted of eluding the police is an evidence of originality ou their part that is !north noting. Mt.'D'Gooley owns a horse, and be- tween tiinoe he earns a living, for hint self and his enitnal by teaming for cor- poration contractors. He entered thin staid old specimen at the Fair, and in tho regular w.ty secured tt stall, where he handed out the liquo%Lo the thirsty throng during the ten days. Mc•l'oole, a neighbor of O'Gooley's, who owns several pigs of ordinary qualities, entered two for prize takers. The apartment allotted to Mcfl'oole con tained, in addition to him and his two mitre, a capacious jar of rye, which was many times replenished during the week. And the poli.eo ! Oh ! Where were they'? NO QUARTER will do you as omen wood as the on, that burs D Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Pair is svhat you get with them : An absolute and Per manentcare for Conatip.tion, Indigeation, Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bilious Head. aches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels. Not jest temporary relief, and, then worse condition afterward —hut help that last,. Don't hawk, and hlow, and spit, but use Dr. Ssge'a Catarrh Remedy, and be cured. 50 cents; of dritggiete. ddr MR. LAURIER, AT MITCIHELL It was waist of time for Mr. Laurier to travel all the way to Mitchell to ,make tate short addreea barren of special features that fell front his lips there 'Thursday. A letter to the Rt— .corder editor would have sufficed equally and codt less. It is noextreva- Bance to say that the demonstration in various respects keenly disappointed our Liberal friends, upon many of whom it must have dawned that while Mr. Laurier may be a poliahill speaker and an agreeable gentletu.sa!, he is a light weight as astatesman. Hie avoid once of the elighteet reference to the Manitoba school question, concerning which he darkly hints strange things to Quebec audiences, at the same time premittiug hie aide -decamp Mr. 'l'ar'te speaking on the same platform with him to fiercely assail that measure, will hardly satisfy public opinion in this province, Fto►n a Conservative standpoint we hope Mr. Lender Will find time to figure in many domonstra• tions in Ontario like that at Michell. GUARD AGAINST CHOLERA. Keep the blood pure, the stomach to goon) working order, and the entire system free from morbid effete platter by using Burdock Blood Bitters, which elaanees, strengthens and tones the whole system. Cnolera can- not attack the healthy. ' , Coldlflull>IDptIoltt rett, ' 1,1104 phy.tal.gf retired frglis prat1414., leevleg 4R1t.iteeesilrtq !resale by elk tlaitt hatteeileoloa• er)'IShe f9rnlai4 04 fl p 4 vegetgbta relkle4y 19r th..gptedy 4utl permanent ogre. of eees4taptten, /Witold'lap Q Sterrtt, aelnert as4 . sIL tbreet qutl Ulna AtteotIoni alpo i, psnht,a, f1A4 ra4,eel pure torr Nervous Debilityy, emit MI Nely,ou4 t intf/I srlall9, .tos loving tested 148 woaflnrtarcurative powers 10 thousands Of eases, has felt at ate duty to make U Iolown to his sntlering fellows. Actuated by ibis motive and a desire to relieve human suffering,1 will send free of charge, to all who desire it, tato recipe, in German,'Preach or huglieh, with full et Ions for preparing and using, tout by mail by ..'Ltresslag with statu naming this paper. W. A. coxa I, 820 Puicera'Bapck, Roaheeter, N.Y. 059- y —A most diabolical decd was perpe• r tie 1 on Friday week in North Dum— fries at the farm of Mrs. Bobt, Shiol, near the township hall, ,During the night porno person or persons out a tit off of one of mfrs. Shtels Valuable cove, Tara is not the first time that Mrs. Shieta has had reason to complain of work of such R nature. Two years ego some peaty split one of her doore opou with an axe just as else woe going to bed and lest year she had two of her pigs poisoned about this time. We .,u not thick that such things should he allowed in a prospering township like North Dumfries and think that is is a arse for the Township Council to take action on and offer a reward for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties. For Over Fifty Years. Stas. WIHstow'a SOOTHING Svaup hits been used by ndldone et mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of . our rest by .ick child suffering and collie' with pain of Cutting Teeth semi at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win• slow's Soothing St rup' for Children Teuthihig. I will relieve the poor little sufferer immodately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Dlarrhma, regulates the Stomach and Bowel., wires Wind Clic, softens the Goma and re- duces Inflation ition, and gives tone and energy to the ....IIom system "Mrs Win.low'a Soothing Syrup' for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of 0110 of the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price tweuty•flve cents it bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world Be sure and ask for "Niles .w'INeLew•'a SOUTIIINo SYaur" PRODUCE STORE. m (laving rented the store next to that nt Dlr..1. II Combe, the uodnraigned is prepared to any f r cash, any quantity of first class Butter and Eggs. No trading whatever, but all cash.' Clinton April 27. 1503. ISAAC MORLEY. 756-tf• --- .-. _ — Town Property for Sale. Lots 056 and 657, Gordon Street, and part lot 14, Victoria Street. Town of Clinton. \Vill be sold cheap Apply to G. D. 1MCTAGGART, Clinten. 767-0 Farms for Sale• Lets 2n and 00. eon. 8, Millett, 200 n:r e. Lot 20. con. 4, Stanley, 100 acres. Both desirably, situated and will he s.dhl on near terms. Annly to G. D. 1L:Ta•1GART,Cliutoo. 767-tf WANTED. Silesian to solicit for n ohoine line of nursery stork. nmmoiete outfit tree and gond pay from the start. Prnvinne experience not n00r0, n•c. Write •t nano and Record territory. TILE I1.1WK9 NURSERY CO. Rochester, sr.Y . i . 01'10E. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let It he distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and bails to report to me I shall al once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1Snl. S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1893 Names of the District Masters, Primary Longe l\lastels, their post office a.t• dresses and date of meeting. A. M TODD, W. C. M , Clinton P. O. BIDDULPII DISTRICT. John Neil, \.D.M., Centralia P. 0. 219—Itoht.. flutclliusor,. Greenway, Friday on or before full moon. 662—Thos. 11. Coursey, Lucttn, Saturday on or before full moon. 493—Richard Hodgins, 'falcon, Wednes clay on or before full moon. 826—William Haggett, Grand Bend,Wed- nesday on or before full moon. 890—'Phomas Longford, Maplegrove, Wed. - nesday on or before full moon. 924—Lewis H. Dickson, Exeter, 1st Friday in each month. 1071—John hulls, Elimville, Saturday on or before full moon. 1097—James Cathers, sylvan, Monday on or before full moon. 1210-1Vm. Mowsen, 'Moray, Thursda y or before full moon. 1343—Itobert Nims, Crediton, Tuesday on or hefore full ,noon. 610—.Joshua Huxtable, Centralia, Friday on or utter full moon. GODERICII DISTRICT. Andrew Million, \V,D.M., Auburn P.O. 145—Jnnles Cox, Goderich, 1st Monday In each Mmith. 153—Andrew Millian, Auburn, Friday on or before full ,noon. 182—Geo. NI, Cox, (Ioderlch, last Tues- day In each month. 180—F. McCartney, llolmesyille, Monday on or before full moon. 202—.Jaynes McLean, Faltford, 3rd Wednes- day in each month. 300—Matthew Sheppard. Clinton, let Monday in each month. HULT,ETT DISTRICT. James Homey, W.1 .M., Winthrop P.O. 710—John Ford, t,linton, 2nd Monday in each mon t. 813—James Horney, Winthrop, last Wed- nesday before full moon. 928—Joseph Rapson, Surnmerhlll, 1st Monday in each month. 703 —Wm. Horney, Seaforth, 1st Monday In each mouth. STANLEY DISTRICT. Robert Nicholson, W.L.N., Blake P. O. 24—James Pollock, Bayfield, 2nd Saturday In each month, 308—James Keyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in each month. 833—Wm. Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Wednes• dny in each month. 733—John Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday in each month. 1035—William Rathwell, Varna, 1stThurs- day in each month. &sr Nara.—Any omissions or other errors will he promptly corrected on writing direct to the County Master. Bro. A. M, Todd, Clinton P. 0. '.0100 ''. DOH:0 . fleStantant; twt thankingtie 049140 ,�litatole atd Violitit ' Or their libernl patronage tar." tit;; ha past three jean,. we peg to aultoiico that the E>fl II;KA II41 ERY and 1►1�S1'AUIt4N4.' is fu a better position Lha l ever to succesel'utly atter Loathe WRnteof the general public. We deet our own baking, 81010 heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD, BUNS, .PASTRY, CAKES, $I,O., equal to auy in West ern Outatto fluid at the very lowest living prices, WEDDING CALCES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &o., delivered to all parts of the town. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, iQE CREAM, COOL DRI NKS. 190 uie and Private Gather ivg.i supplied ou the shortest notice at liberal rates. Rernember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. B U FB BR ®S., Proprietors. Happy :-: Thought :-: Ranges. They are without an Equal, They etre The Best in Amer''c:I, They speak for Themselves, They are sold by Reliable; Men, They (UPC ont sold by peddlars, Over ,CSU - Sold rn America HARLAND BROS.,7uCLINTON, IdentendinnIMOISIN CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, 0 S. S. COOPER, - - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor, -This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. W:, carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plants and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings ors short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervised in a Mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. \\'e sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. • Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Limo, Sash, Doors, Blinds, do Agent for the CELEBRATED G1tAYGILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices anal estimates before placing your orders. Aier Do You FEEL SIG!(? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. p y It you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- TAKE RIPANS TABULES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . If you are BILIOUS, COMPLAI.NT,STIPATED,orhavo TAKE RIPANS TABULES If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or ; ou SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, TAKE RIPANS TABULES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH, , TA_ KE Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. EASY TO TAKE QUICK TO ACT GIVES RELIEF. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. THE HUB GROCERY. 0 'ore have closed our financial year 1st of February and find that it has peen year of fair prosperty to ns. We wiali to render our beet THANKS tc Customers for their patronage arid will always atrive to win your con fidetice in future, by giying you.GOOD GOODS as cheap as any other House in Town. Our Stock of CHINAWARE, PORCELAIN AND STONEWARE, is well assorted (and en we have a large Import Order coating from England) we will offer them at Close Prices to make room. GEORGE SWALLOW Clinton 1tic o As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangemente with a leading firm of 'Toronto for a Targe supply of Artistic Pictures by well- known Masters, all framed and finished in first"class style, and suitable for the best CI 88 of residence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre- gate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods al Bottom Prices. Although the principal Sonia Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent. 1 will supply all Electric Soap and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at our Store. Our Sock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. rry our Russian 'Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. Examine the gnalityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts, and be convinced that Bargain Day &Yvith us, is every business da, throughout the year. N. ROBSON, China Hall Clinton, Feb. 14, 1893. 1 First car Uo\v °arrived direct from r ' Redpath's Refinery, Montreal., duality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 700 Pounds . or Bbl. Lou, TEAS, COFFEES AND SHOW A SPECIALTY. Butter and Eggs wanted. J. W. IRWIN, Noted Grber, CLINTON. CHANGE OF BUSINESS' Wilson & Howe, Successors to James Anderson. 0 The undersigned have bought the stock, good•will and interest of James Anderson, and the ,.tore will hereafter be known as the NoveltyBakery and . Restaurant • Tho new firm will keep in stock everything found in a first-class Res-. tauramt and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers. WILSON & HOWE, - Clinton. Pi Great Dffe For years we have been averse to making " cuts" or in any way lowering the pirce of TiIE NEWS -RECORD. To -day our mind is not much changed. This journal is Well worth a dollar and a half a year. We know this to he a fact, because we spend the hard cash in --ill its production and should be in a position to speak. The.business man who does not know the cost of goods or the amount of money he pays for labor must be a fool. We have decided to give the public the benefit of our wise or unwise judgment for once. And the great offer we make should meet with a quick response from all reading people. A Temptin Offer $150 for 18 months SELIMMINIZIWURIMIN A11 new subscribers can have THE NEws-R.EcoRD, the ,best paper in the County of Huron at $1..25 a year, i the small sum of $1,50 to January, 1595. Our list has been rapidly increasing as it is, but we are determined to place THE NEWS-1►EcouD in an unpre- cedented number of new homes. Iliz.The cash in every case must accompany the order. Another .Great Offer 1' To those who would like to secure a city weekly with THE N Ews-llEcORD, we will give The Toronto Empire for one year and `this paper to January, 1895, for only $2.30. The offer is one that cannot be well overlooked by people who desire to secure a good and clean local paper as well as a city weekly. And Still Another! Any reader of THE NEWS -RECORD is at liberty to constitute himself or herself an agent and we will allow a commis- . Sion Write us for particulars and go to work. There is not any money in it for the Publisher at the above figures, but that should not prevent people from subscrib- ing. Ino l i' t 1 ; r3 would like the best local paper at a trifling cost, noW is the proper time to take advantage of our tempting offer. The offer will not remain open many months. .a Address all letters and remittances to A. M. TODD, THE NEWS -RECORD, CLINTON. : TIIRESIIERS! • USE LARDINE MACHINE OIC The Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannot be Excelled. MCCOLL's CYLINDER OIL HAS N EQUAL MANUFACTURED BY 3 McColl Bros. & Co., - Toront. Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware of Imitations. FOB SALE BY ALL THE LEADING} DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY :1