HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-09-27, Page 13•
We ftre showing the Best and Cheapest Stock of Woollen Goads in this County, all our own
. r manufacture, which we Guarantee Pure Wool. The stock consists of
Fine Medium and Coarse Wool Blan'1: ):3111 fn3s and Pr:o38. Snapped and Unknapped.
44Sheeting, and Cotton and Wool, with and without border
" 61Flannels, Plain and Patterened, all weights, Unshrinkable.
Tweeds, Suits Made to Order, First Class Fit Guaranteed.
Yarns, Single 2 and 3 ply, all colors, made of Pure Fleece Wool,
Splendid Assortment of Knitted Goods, Men and Women's.
" Hose, Socks, Mittens, Cardigan Jackets, &o.
Wool Batts for Quilts, Comforters, Matrasses, &o.
Horse Blankets Shaped and Strapped or by the yard,—Horse Suiting. in Stook and Made to
Order, a Speoialty,—Large Heavy Sweat' Blankets and Coolers.—Robe Lining &c,, &,—
Wool taken in exchange. -
,saver Mills Woollen Store, - 4 Clinton Ont.
he New Firm
(Successors to ROBINS BROS,,)
P,re now WIDE OPEN for business, and respectfully solicit
the patronage of the purchasing public. They offer
one of the Most Complete Stocks in the County
at the Lowest Possible Prices.
For The °Vex( TEA. Def FS
we will offer several lines of
as we wish to make place for a Magnificent Assortment
of Christmas Goods.
Ranee & Spalding, - Clinton.
September 26th and 27th.
Whiie it town visiting the Fair call and see our
Never before have wo been able to show you such a well assorted stock, and
at such remarkable low pi ices.
It has been a difficult matter fur us to supply the demand for those
45e. and 25e. 113a,3inb®o 'rabies
• • they have be; n selling eo fast. We have just received another large
shipment of them. Come and get one before they all go.
Furniture Dealer and
Night calls answered
J. W. CHIDLEY, JR., Funeral Director and Embalmer.
at his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry.
Join Uunninfla�,
tl Canadian Express Agent,
Fresh Heddies and Bloaters. Oysters
constantly on hand. Alio some
Canadian Cranberries, cheap.
orgetio men ase find atoady employment with
,. r. as Salesman. Experience not necoaeary. Hand.
vJeme ontflt and the benefit of over 25 years experience
furnished every than, Choice special linos and control
of territory. We have over seven hundred scree of
Ohoiae Stook and can give you many advantages. Our
mode of eeturing,and retaining Reisman 19 superior.
Cattier our terms. Tho trial will coat you nothing.
771.8m Toronto,Ont
Land to Lease in Clinton.
5lxtytaerea of good land, meetly In grana, to lease
tor rn of yang, either together or In lots of 10 or
Metea e. TWo ton -acro lots for Salo on moderate
'.t4181if. H. HALE.
Clinton, Sept.4th,1893. 21-773.
Ki't;111rctlDIN - - ONT.
t';ii^'dabs left at this offline promptly at-
• 'aerated to
The Equitable Savings, Loan and
1;Milding Association of Toronto
is an association organized and incorporated with en
authorized Capital of $5,000,000, which le divided
into 50,0110 shares of elite each.
Tho cost of a share is 81 entrance fee and 60 cents
n:outhly dors for about eight years. ,Apply to
Clinton P. O.
Auction Sale
Farm, Farm Farm Stook, &e.
Tho undersigned bas recelved inetruotione from the
proprietor to sell by publte auction, 00 the promisee,
Lot No. 14, BM ooneeso,ou, Stanley Township, near
Jirucetield, on Wednesday, October 18th, at 1 o'clock
sharp, the following valuable property:
Tho real estate coneiets of lot No.14, e•.n. 8, Town-
ship or Stanley, comprising 100 acres, more or lone,
nearly all cleared and under cultivation. There
is on the property a large frame dwelling, 40x78 barn
with stone stabling. Two bearing orchards. Excel
fon: water all the year aronnd. Also 701thoronghbrod
8hropehii-e sheep, imported and Canadian bred (re-
gistered) many of them prise winners, 0 of them
rams and 18 ram (ambo; 10 head of cattle; 8
• Tfro,e.—All sumo of ft 0, and under, sash; over that
amount 12 months credit on furnishing approved
joint notes. Six per cent. off for sash on credit
amounts. For further particulars apply to
Auctioneer. Proprietor,
777-91 Brucofleld P, 0
Strayed from the premise, of the nnderaignel, Lot
47, Bay8old eononasion,on or about September 20th,
a largo two-year old steer, color red, with white patch
on lett elle and dawn back of left ahonlder blade,
white tip on tail, animal dehornel. A onitahlo reward
will he paid: for whoreabonta or raeovery by the under-
eigoed. WM. WEIR,
777-tf. Clinton P. 0.
• &Neuralgic
86 p� "MENTHOL
epee • PLASTER
At the meeting of the Collegiate Institute
Literary Society on Fieriay evening the
following programme, . was presented :—
R citation, Mies Jennie Dickson, R-sa•ling,
Mr. Cameron, Month organ sol Mr. Mc
Kay, Recitation, Nf i.% Farrow, Selections,
by the editress, Mine Shepha•d, Dahate,'
"resolved that progressive men have henn
Imre beneficial to mankind than mechanics",
fir the affirmative. Mes..re Lansboroneh and
Si hers, negative, Meesre Gerornell arid
Marie, The decision was in favor of the
BRIEFS. —The iron tug Protector was in
. hie harbor on Friday and Seturilny.—The
Uovernneot scow now being rebuilt will
e h rtly be reedy fir launching.—Mr. Jacob
Stoles hes returned from his trip to the
World's Fair.—The 13nyficld fishing fleet
sailed poet thio port nn Saturday for the
North. There was a line bre, a t blowing,
making the sight a petty one,—elr..Joeeph
\Vhiteheed, of Clinton, was in the circular
town on Tuesday.—Mr. J. D. Ronald, of
Rrussole, war in town last week.—The In•
dependent Band played a choice programme
on the square on Saturday evening. --Mr. Fe
Moir, barrister of lirus,ele, was in the
county t•rwto bast Wadnesday.-11r. .Jas.
Slott, of Clinton, was in G'•derich on Fri-
,1.y..—Mr. T. J. Marks. of Hayfield, baited
the nounty sown on Friday.—Mr. D. ti'.
Macieners-t,, of Clinton, Was in town last
week, —Miss F D •y le left f.r Chatham on
Saturday to attend the business college.—
Mr: 1,. Robb, of Clinton, was in the county
t,wn the past week.—Mrs. Braylay and
children are vistti ie the ladies parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Jos. \\'ilkinenn.--Mrs, fuller, of
Detroit, is visiting et the residence of her
nr cle, Mr. Wm. C uupbelh—"Che steamer
United Empire was iu port on Wednesday
tied took on considerable freight for Port
Arthur.—Rev. W. G-ddea, of Whitechurch,
preached morning and evenin,f in Knox
church en Sunday.— N. xt Monday evening
Mr. Thos. Mc(ill,cud,fy, of Toronto, will
lecture in Knox church fur the benefit of the
S. 8. funds. His subj -01 will be the "Shall
11oy'.—Mr. J. NI. Roberts, of Dinsgnonon,
was in town last week. — isles. H. Clues
has b •eh 1 ieiting friend in 8 .gin ow'. --Mr.
aud Mrs. Floury Horton returned nu Friday
from the World's Fair.—Regular meeting of
G idecicft C unril No. 157 Canadian Order
of Ch, a••n Foen,ls next Friday evening.—
Mrs. Tanner and child, of Toronto, are
visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. Wileon.—
The Goderich Collegiate Institute's annual
games will take place on Friday afternoon
on the Agricultural Park ere Inls. The
programme will be an excellent one and
those who appreciate atheletics should try
to be present.—The list of names handed
into the town Clark to be added to the town
list of Parliamentary voters, is a long one —
The schooner :11. Et'erete arrived in port last
week with a cargo of coal for the %Vater
\\'orke.—A Confirmatiou clave has been
formed to connection with St. George's
church.—Mrs. William D,r•k,on who has
been seriously ill is reported as progressing
favorably to recovery. —Mims Maud ltuteon
returned last Wednee lay from a lengthy
visit to Detroit and Chicago. --Master P.
Horton Ieft on ielondayf,r College.—Mr
and Mrs. Smith aro at the World's Far. —
Mtree Williams is at the Collegiate during
Mies Charles' absence through illness.—Miss
Davis is visiting the Chicago ,exhibition.—
Mr. Jae. Grahem, ref Chicago is visiting at
family residence.—Mr. and Mrs. Porter left
last week for the World's Exposition.—Mrs.
D. Ferguenn is visiting her children in
Detroit, --The sohooner /,ephie sailed on Sat-
urday for French River to load lumber for
Sarnia.—The schooner /iollage sailed on
Friday for Port Albert.—The Steamer
Cambria was at Lee's dock'on Friday.
RELIEF IN SIX Houns.—Distressing Kidney and
Bladder disoaeee relieved in si home by the 'Now
remedy Is a great surprise and delight to physicians
on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back ,and every part of
the urinary passngee in male or female. It relieves
retention of water and pale la paeeing it almost im-
mediately. If yen wont quick relief and euro this is
your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists.
Mr. Samuel Reid is visiting at, Mr.
John Reid's. —We are pleased to hear
that Mrs. William Ulitrk, sr., has re-
covered from her recent illness.—Mr.
Charles Reid has returned front Mani-
toba. — Mr. Wallace Wooe, word has
returned to Michigan.—R. J. Richard-
son left on Friday for Prescott where
he has obtained a situation as teacher
in the high school.—Rev. P. W. Phil-,
pot, of Toronto, is holding revival ser-
vices in the Methodist church, Varna.
We hope there may be much good
done. Mr. and Mrs. William (,lark
have been visiting Mrs. James Walker
in Exeter.—Whooping cough is pre-
valent in this neighborhood.
'RIIEVMATTOM 001141) IN A Dtv.—South Amorloan
Rheumatic Cme, for Rhsnnlatism and Neorelgia
radically curse in 1 to 3 days. Ite nation upon tho
system is remarkable and niyetorioua. It removos at
once the oanso and tho dieoneo immediately din-
appeare. The firot dose greatly bonefta. 75 conte.
Sold by Watts & Co., Doggiest.
Sif nri\Toa,J1•A.f3„ottilteten,will, spall farther
tredve, bast the t3lrar Betel the several Stu fourth
teburlll4 of every month,
Miss Brown, who hos been residing
at Mr. 3. W. Hill's during the summer,
has returned to her house in Londes-
hoL'o.—At the Huron Central Mr. J. J.
McLougghlttn got first and second prizes
and a deploma for his colts and Mr.
Thos. McIlveen got second for his colt.
Do it more times,—Mr. Joseph Vat-
kins is recovering from his recent se-
vere illness.—Mr, Christopher Beacom
has rented Mr. Lawrence Manning's
farm here for 1804. We wish the gen-
tleulttn•success in his first venture in
farming. --Mr. J. i-1. Lowery has ac-
cepted the agency foe tL profusely il-
lustrated book ou The World's [',tit.
This work should meet with ready sale
as it contains a vast unlearnt of useful
information at a reasonablerice.--Mrs.
Edwards, of lnne1'kip, who has been ill
for some time, died on Thursday, 28th
ult., from a complication of diseases,
She leaves two step -children and three
children, the youngest only about a
month old, to mourn her loss. 3It•s.
Edwards was n daughter of 11Ir. and
Mrs. Wm. McB,•ien, of (3th con., Hui -
lett, near here. Her mother and sister
Annie were with her when she diets,
The: funeral was held on Saturday, the
'3Oth ult., a number of relatives from
this vicinity hein5 in attendance. AVe
extend to 111r. Edwards and family,
Mr. and iVJrs. i\4CBt'ien and fancily and
other relatives our hearty sympathy in
their bereavement.
F.ar kills more than ohulera. Severe
diarrtcer, purging, colic, cramps, etc., are
often mistaken for choleraic troubles. A
few doses of Dr. Fossae,', Extract of Wild
Strawberry will remove both the disease and
the terror it inspired,
Jaenee lir•lltnd returned from the \Vorld'e
Fair last 'Tuesday and ie 1 ,udita its pr,tieee.
— Newton Campbell is about to remove to
Chid place from Westfield to ewer into some
bueinoaa eneagemeut with Mr. Hilos. —Mr.
and Mra. Bickle took in R'pley hair on
Wednesday of last week.—Mr.Carpenter and
Wm. 1111.s of Arrnow were in town last
week.—We regret the illoees of Mr. J. 0.
Ward. We hope he will soon be convalescent.
--Rev. Mr, Fairbairn returned on Friday
and occupied ilia pulpits on Sabbath last.—
Preperatione are being made for a concert
on the evening of the annual Fair. Miss
Johnston and Owen S niley of Toronto are
among the attractions.—Geo. Bagley hap-
pened with what might have been a fatal
accident on Thureday last. He was engaged
on a eoaffold and in handling a be 1rd the
high wind caught it. sweepiug Mr. 11 from
the eootI1Ir1—filing 15 feet. A shaking up
and a badly injured ankle are the reiutte.—
A good represeutetion of our villagers visit-
ed Clinton lest week to hear Sir John
Thompson, Foster, &,•., and seem highly
pleased with the frank and straightforward
way in which the questions rf the day were
dealt with.—Mr. and Mrs. Hieeocke, former
and rout!, -respected residents , f this place
but now of Teeswater, are visiting at their
oouaiu•in-law Wm. Sproul.
Snot LD a plebiscite be taken it would he
found that Burdock Mood Bitters is by long
odds the moat successful and pr,pular care
for rtyspepsie, headache, eonsitipation, bill-
oaenese, bad blood, etc. It is purely vege-
'Brf•one never shall be,alavea'--net even to
their "ciuedue." The term does not tit in
very well when applied to a young man of
thia township. .However, we presume Bri-
tone have ever carried a goodstirliug record
and will maintain the old—aud new—time
rimitation. Britons khall, eometimea, be
The trustees of 3. S. No. 4 have engaged
Mi+a Dodd, of Clinton, for the ensuing year
at $210.
Mr, Thos. Fowler has returned from a
year's visit on the P.cifie slope.
When from over work, possiblyaesisted by
an inherited weakness, the health Utile and
rest or medical treatment must be resorted
to, then no medicine can be employed with
the some beneficial results as Soott'e Emuls-
Goderich Township
To late for lest Weak.
On Sunday, the 24th Sept., Mrs. T. H.
Cook presented iter 1eige lord with a
fine specimen of humanity. its a girl.
—Mrs, James Millet hits re -rented Mt'. T.
Shepperd's farm on the Bayfild Line
and has commenced fall ploughing.
Mrs, David Beacom, of the Bayfield
Line, is seriously ill. .
if you're a weak or aiing woman :—tha
there'e only one medicine so sure to help you
that it can be guaranteed, lee Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Presotiption. In building up over -
writ ked, feeble, delicate women, or in any
"female complaint" or weakness, if it ever
faits to benefit or cure, you have your money
bock. It's an invigorating, reetorativo
tonin, a soothing and etrenthening 'nervine,
and a safe and certain remedy for woman's
ills and ailments. It regulates and promotes'
all the proper functions, improves digestion,
enriches the blood, diepets aches and pains,
brings refreshing sleep, and reetorea health
and strength.
Nothing else can be as cheap. With
this, you pay only for the good you get.
NOTES.— W. A. Thomson, of Toronto was
renewing old acquaintances around here laet
week.—Tho Methodist choir of this place
furniahed the music at the church re -open
Ing on the let line of Morris on Monday
eyenei g of this week.—Mrs. L. Hembly
was visiting in Detroit last week.—Joe Web.
ster is hotne from Dakota,—James Bailan-
tyne has opened out a stook of groceries in
connection with the egg business, we wish
"Jim " success fnihie new adventure.—Thos.
Narrow and Jas. Moore attended the Con-
servative demonstration at Mitchell on
Tuesday of this week.—H, L. Jackson,
jeweller, of Brnasels has a wooden clock
which is said to bo a fac-simile of those in
use in Cnlunibue' time (1492 ) It is a curio
laity well worth seeing.—W. Roddick and
Jas. Ferguson anted as judges on horses and
cattle, respectively, at the Wingham fair
last Wednesday.
There eon be no health for mind or body
so long as the blood is vitiated. Cleanse
the vital current from all impurities by the
use of Ayer'e Sereaparilla. This medicine
recruits the wasted energies, strengthens the
nerves, and restores health to the debilitated
vin ..t. mineral ;of
rorms 14 441< Ititldj:
fropxchiloon g(ptitfltf+,,
pse Oft so/ultra
]prompt, reliable, Pasts 41;d plea#ENC1eq iring no
after medicine. Never falling, f.eave no bad after
rrSogta, Price, 21fi coats ;per Box
EPwotu'u Limo us 010 ONTARIO ST
meeting fur the election of officers held
on Monday evening, the following
officers wore elected :—Hon. President,
Itev. W. Smyth; President, Thos
Murch; lot Vice President, Jacob Tay—
lor; 2nd Vico Presider;t, lilies Susie
Moore; 3rd Vico President, Alex
Cooter; 4th Vice President, Miss M,
Andrews; Secretary, Mies L. Gibhings;
Treasurer, Mis. W. G, Vance; Organists,
Miss A Gibbings and Niles M. Couch.
The formula of .43,e, 's is mei
known to the me.li,'al profession, and uni-
versally approved. The reputation of rho
firm guarantees excellence and uniformity
in the medicine, and the worlds's experience
for noisily half a century hae fully demon-
strated its value.
On Sunday eevoral of the Members of the
C U. t'. of this town drove over to 11101801e
to j tin the brethren of that town iu being
Present at their nuniver arY ervt
was held iu the E ,glish church. They re-
port ha•iug b-eu wt ll ptid by this exerlltnt
dtsoourte which they heard.— Oa Nloudey
Iu)p•ctor Paisley paid us arse: her vIsi` nud
ell of our hotel keeper^ ee r,newer a
ch u•g: of an inlrioge. ent i the L •enee Act.
—There was no ser:: a fn 'h: E g iah church
on Sunday otening owing to the ,noun:bent
Iter. '1. Higley, taking pert in the opening •
of the Enyliah yhurcll in W.ir.gham:—U•,
Sunday evening there was no set rice in St,
Andrew's Presby terian chnrdh, the p tater,
Rev. A. McLear, taking duty in 131 mewls.
—Mr. T. W. and Mrs. Scott attended the
openiop, service of the new English church
iu \\ ingham ou SJnday.—On Thursday
evening the annual bible eaeiety meeting is
to be held iu the Methodtet church. —Oa
Monday evening our town f.there met io
industry hall fur their regular monthly roue
tine of business.—fsve)y preparation is be-
ing made to make w,r annu,l fall allow on
the 10th and 11'h hist, the greote,t success
t the many that have been held here.—Mr.
James Hnckstep, our barber, intends moving
into the Howard b:iek block sometime this
week.—Mreers. Etnigh,Scott,11e11, J. t3.Kelly
F. Tanner, llarricke and A. McKenzie re-
presented the Conee:vative party of this
town at the great Liberal Conservative
Dernoustra ion at Clinton on Tuesday of
last week.—James Marshall, who hae been
spending a few week, in Ceatle Dixon for
misconduct, returned to town on Thursday.
—On Thursday evening last a couple e f
young girls of different f.n,ilies in town dis-
appeared, causing great anxiety to their
parents as to their wheroabmcte. After a
gnod deal cf expense in telegraphing and
driving to different places without avail,
the young runaways returned home on Sat-
urday.—On Friday lnepector Paisley; of
Clinton, was in town Inviting the proprietors
of our two temperance hotels to answer o
charge of selling something stronger than
pop. We understand they were fined each
$50 and coats.—Our band is putting in
special practice for the coming Lair, which
is to be held on the 10th and 11th inst.
NOTES,—Joe Stevens is building cut.
ters tor J. Brunsdon & Son .—A1issOrpha
Whitely h s gone to Clinton to learn to
be a tailorees with '1'. Jackson, Sr.—B.
Lawrason went to Wingham, on Satur
day to be present at the opening of the
new Engligh church in -that town —Air.
Nelson Pringle has moved back to the
village again. —A number of the mem,
bere of the S. 0. E. lodge of this place
will attend a degree meeting in Clinton
on Thursday evening, when a number
wi 1 be raised to the W. 1t. Degree. —
Brundson & Son are busy getting ready
for Blyth show.—Regular meeting of the
5. 0. E. lodge on Friday evening, there
will be a very interesting provenrune;
we hope to see a good attendance. —
The bridge just north of the village is
completed. -1f. B. Jeffrey, our genial
station agent, is by order of the doctors,
laid off from work, we hope it will not be
for "long.— Mr. James Manning has
gone on a visit to his brother in New
York city; he is accompanied by his
granddaughter, Miss Lawddy Young.—
There will be an entertainment given
in the Temperance hall by the scholars
of S S. No. 8, and others, proceeds to go
to buy a bell for the school. We hope
there will bea large turnout. --The next
meeting of District Lodge, No. 24, I. 0.
U. '1'., will be held in the Temperance
hall, Wingham, on Tuesday, Oct. 17th.
Rev. J. C. Madill, CI- C. T., will be press,
ent and address the meeting. Every
lodge in thedistrict should be represent
ed, as very important business will be
brought before the meeting.
Intended for last week.
Nome—Mr. Stickel, our teaoher, and
Mr. Compton, of Bl; th, left for London
Saturday evening, returning again nrkt day,
they went on their bicycles.—Mr Ueo.
Broaden who dislocated his ankle about two
weeks since is doing nioely.--We are
pleased to see Mr. Dan Eidt around again. -
1V. Bell, H. Cade and A. f Iaggit, who rode
to London on their wheels last week, return-
ed on Thursday.—Mr. James Manning has
had his ho.ise reehingled. Mr. Riley did
the wcrk,—!'here were quite a number went
to the London Fair from around here last
week —The plasterers are busy at Mr.
Adams' new building and he expects to
oeonpy it soon.—Mies Gertude Young, of
Clinton, ie visiting her uncle Dr. Young.—
Mr. Ouimette is ehippiog large quantities of
hay from this station.—Mr. Melville is
working in Blyth at present.—Mrs, (Dr)
Young ie suffering from the effects of a very
severe cold.—Mee. Howson, formerly of
Clinton, has noved into the hoose lately
occupied by John McCool.—Owing to pres-
sure of work Mr. ee ilken hag engaged a
helper.—A special train passed through here
yeaterday to ecoommodate those who wished
to hear Sir John Thompson and his col-
leagues speak in Clinton,—Mr. Rnbt Carter
of the eighth con, Hullett, died ou Wednes-
day. and was buried an Friday with Foree-
tric honoree—Mr. W nt. Brunedon, Sr, is able
to walk around a little.—Miea Susan Craw•
ford is living at the Commercial Hotel,
Clinton, just now.—The'trustoes of 8. 8. Na
8, have engaged Mr. John McFadyen as
teacher for 1894 He is a brother of Mr.
D. McFadyen, a farmer teaoher. They havo
also re-engaged Miss McL'tuchlin at an ad•
vane° of salary.
Sale Register.
OCT. 13—Sale of farm stock and ample•
menta nn lot 16, Bayfield con„ Goderich
township. on Friday, Oot,ber 13, at one
o'clock p m. Teems 12 months credit, co 7
per oent. off for mash, Wm. Rnthweil,
proprietor; T. M. Carling, auctioneer.
PA 114¼V'
Engbl,h Spavin 'Liniment removes all bard, vo't o
nal Wue,d /Amps Dud blemishes from hnrecs, n'o, d
Spsvtn, Chub., 8plinte, Mug Bane, oweeuuy', stifles,
Sprains, sore end t,wonon 'J'hroa1, Coughs, etc.
Save 050 by use of ono bottle. Warranted the meat
wonderful Blemish Cure ever know,.. Sad by
Watts se N.. Druggists. –�
World's Fair Excursion.
FRIDAY, OCT. 6, 1893.
Wagner Palace Sleeping Car
throu;,h front Clinton to
Arrangements have been completed Lir a Wagner
Paleve Sleeping Cur through to Chicago on above
date to be alt oohed to train leaving Clinton 4:-13 p. 111.
arriving ut Chiea,l7:15 next morale;. The charge is
02 50 for double lower and tipper berths, million give
aceon eodat ion for two pure. n..: A few beetle are
still to be had and early application should be etude
For Berths, Tickets and alt in:orrea't)a applylto
Local Passenger Agent, G T.R.
In Ole IRA tITT of the eat,,te of FRANCES 1TPSUALL,
late of th, Towu of Clinton, married woman, de-
1PUIISUANT to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887-
Chap. 110, notir.0 is hereby given that alit orsous
having claims or demands against the estate of
Prances 51101)511, lite of the Town of Clinton, who
died on the 7th of August, 1898, oro required to seed
nr de'iver to the undersigned, Sollcitute for Harry
Torr. Ranee, the Administrator of the 'state of the
said deceased, on or before the Slat of October, 1891
their names iu 1111 and edi •58800, With full particulars
of their respective claims.
And take notice, that after the said 81st day of
October,1890, the Raid Administrator will proceed toe
11'00'1(0 0 the assets of the said decsueod among th
persons cut tled thereto, having regard only to the
510in35 of ahieh notice shall have been given, and
the said Administrator will r ut he liable for the assets,
sr any part thereof so distributed, to any person of
whoee claim no. ice shall not have been recelved at
the time of such distribution.
Solimtors for the said Administrator.
Doted 21st Sept., 1893. 77.5-41
You want travel
on the Best Railroad, then use the
C. P. P.
Clinton agency at
COOPER'S Book Store.
that are Finely Finished
and Inexpensive
Wall Paper
that is bought from the
Best Manufacturers and
selected by experienced
buyers. 'Therefore the
prices are right and qual-
ity ;oocl.
that are absolutely opaque
and washable, moulded
on the best rollers.