The Huron News-Record, 1893-09-27, Page 6.fir yam:
For Scrofula
"After suffering farabout twentyfiee year/
froth scxofploue sores on the legs and arms
trying various medical courses without benefit
I 'began to nee Ayers Sarsaparilla, and I
wonderful cure was the result, Five bottler
sufficed to restore me to health.' —I3onifacii
Lopez, 327 E. Commerce at., San Antonio
"My daughtettetae afflicted for nearly a yea
with catarrh. The physicians being unable to
heap her, my pastor recommended Ayer'.
Sarsaparilla. I followed his advice. Three
months of regular treatment with Ayer:
Sarsaparilla ate} Ayer's Fills completelt
restored my_daughter s health."—Mrs. Louise
Ilene, Little Clarinda, Ware, Mass.
"For several years, I was troubled will
inflammatory rheumatism, being so bad a to bo entirely helpless. For the las
two years, whenever I felt the effects of th
disease, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla
and have not had a spell for a long time.",
E. T. Hansbrough, Elk Run, Va.
For all blood diseases, the
best remedy is
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast
Sold by all Druggists, Price $t ; six bottles, $1
Cures ethers, will cure yet
The Huron News-Recora
1.50 a Year—$1.25 in Advance
"'Wed etesllity, Sept. t'.7tlr Iter:;.
—Nit'. 0!ul•;:ui,ti wail insulted in en
Episcopal chinch at DI.irt;owie by the
pastor, Rev. hiederick I)eriea, who ro•
fused to shake heeds with the premier
and afterw,n d, duiiu;; his aerutun, coin
demued the 1 age con4reha'iin present
for corning to the chnich to worahili a
creature rattier than the t2rentur,
F_>C1;1 A110U t' leVS 'EPaf 1,
carve ',ohm f 1'.' a „m •.,h ,n i 1:y v,•r-
Cts(emede, S;ts'nli. i); .p -•p.., N, tarit,(trey
ria, to h t t h!•,.,,1 , 11 .th ihoes r, ,mplainta
are cur b by 14 11 It., w4.i,:1 ad -4.,n the
etoni.wh, Inver, b , eels and t,1 .•.•1, "nd tonere
and etrenytiteue the entire •y -trio, then poi•
tivety c trine dyrp••I,.ia, o.,ue>ip.Li.nt, had
blood ai,•i i malar •rnuhie-e,
—Nike Ii.rtha'Lanume,ut Springfield,
0., has the bettor to be the filet Wo-
man in the curl./ to receive the degree
of electrical engineer. She heal led
her Oka.' all tl„oi h the C•,11rse ill the
Ohio state 011is 1$il1, elle/ heal new ac-
cepted a posi'ion with the Westing-
house Elec'rir, Co:, at Piit.eburg.
G ENTLEMNY,—I was troniele 1 with chronic
diarthao. for over throe yea: s enol received no
benefit Elton all the medicine I tried . I was
unaiilo to work from two t, four .Iaye every
week, iieartr+g of Dr, Fowler's Extract of
Wild Straw bt»ty .1 began to rise it. Ain
now all right. JOHN STILvs
Pracobridge, Ont.
—While a young lady was crosaing
King etteet near the poatollice a naugh-
ty gust of wird swept her hat oil her
head, lik••wiee a switch of false hair.
She, however, aecured her bat and
marched ou, ignoring the hair which
had drifted across John street in the
meantime. .l. 0. Weir, the grain
buyer, gallantly pursued the switch
and ran up to the gi; I trill, it, but she
did nut seem to appreciate hie iain,lness
to any,iastio exult --Hamilton
GIVE'S t100D A1'1 ETITE.
C;> �,•- I thierk yt.ur,ble mndf-
cioe •' e -rty,,ll•:d, he•' of the heree-
fir i ,,••i,•rd f:. tri it. After •ntf,rir g firm
heir;, the •.nil I, ea of epne'tite f•er uearly
three Je•tis 1 tried 11, lig 13 with great sue -
cels It t'ace nl- great tele f at once, and 1
cow et:j y ;iced health,
Mas. MA'TIIiw Saimaa,
Dung,t n•en,
An average waltz taken a dancer over
about three quarters of a toile; a agnare
dance makes him cover half a tulle. A
girt with u well filled programme
travels thus in ono evening : Twelve
waltzes, nine miles ; for other dances,
at a half:nilu apiece, which is hardly a
fairly }lig estimate, two miles inure;
the inteituission stroll and the trips to
the dressing room to renovate her gown
and compits:Sion, half a wile; grand
total, eleven and olio half miles.
Mo. WM. Metier., of St. 1i42a, Oat., had
eleven terrible r uanino( Lorre end woo Hot
expected to reenyer, all sreettmen, having
failed. Six bottle, of Bit dock 11 t: l {litters
canlpietely restored h ,u to beelth, Drug
giet Sanderson of St. Mary's, OL.t„ certifies
to these flow.
—Jennie \Vouch was at Barrie,
\Vednestlay, before Chief Justice Arm-
our for the murder of her mother and
her three year old child near Coiling.
wood in February last. Tho et)denco
as given was about the same as
brought out at the inquest at the time
of the murder. J. Bouruie, of Col.
Lingwood, represented the prisoner,
and J. V. Teetzei. Q.C., of Ilamilton,
looked after the interests of the Crown.
Both presented a strong case to the
jury. Justice Arm )ur'e charge was
brief and to the point. The jury, after
an absence of fifty minutes returned
with a verdict of " not guilty." The
prisoner was thereupon discharged.
When the eyetem le run down, a person
becomes an easy prey to Consumption or
Scrofula. Many valral,le lives are saved
by using Snort's f inuiaion as Bon as a de.
cline in health is observed.
--Judge Swan, of Detroit, bee de.
oldest that Johu Couu,the alleged
Atvinston forger, must be extradited,
and on Tuesday he ordered the dis-
missal of the writ of habeas corpus.
Coon's attorneys, it is claimed, will
take the case to the Court of Appeals.
For Over [fifty Years.
Was. WINdLOw'a So(TIaNe SYRUP -has bean used by
alit Inns of utothure for their children while teething.
if disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a
,ick Odd suffering and erring with pain of Cutting
Teeth send at once turd get a bottle of "Mrs. Win-
slow'e Soothing Syrup" tor t.hIldren Teethling. 1
wait roller° the poor llttle eutferer luunedatuly.
Depend upon it, mothers, Octets no mistake about
it. It cures Dlarrbwu, regulates the Stomach end
Bowels, cures Wind Celle, softens the Qnuta and re-
duced inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the
whore system. 'Mrs Winslow's Suothing Syrup"
for ehltIren teething is pleasant to the taste and
is the prescription et one of the oldest end best
female phrslctARR and nurses In the United States.
erieo twenty five cents a bottle. Sold by ail drug
tits throughout the world, Be aura and ask for
"illas. wlNstaw'll SouTu)Nu Sraer.
—Mise Eagenia de Forreet, an actress
who makes her home at San Jose, Cal ,
ham received the sanction of the authori•
'.les of San Jose to wear teen's clothes
in public, and proposes to obtain a legal
right to .appear in the same garb all over
the country. She made her appearance
on the
streets San ays
eegoin adoublef b etsted asackf coatdarid
waistcoat of dark material, trousers of a
,triped pattern and a Derby hat of the
iat.est style ; in her hand she swung an
ebony cane. She, says she is realizing
the dream of her life. She is tired of
skirt), and as her sage appearances are
mostly in male parts she. knows the
greater comfort of male attire.
Sate, —Te is my privilege to recommend
11. 11. 13 For two years I waft nearly
.awppird with an inflammatory disorder e.1
they kidneys from which six bottles of 13
R. 11. entirely freest me. I ant now welt
and strong, and gladly recommend the 13. 13.
bitters which cured me after 1 had almost
given up hope. Bowman JOIINaoN,
Aberdeen, 13. C.
—A fire broke out in the Masonic
huildinge in Alviuston, Friday morn-
ing, by which it was completeiy des-
troyed. The lower 11%1 was occupied
by E. L. Mott, proprietor of the Al-
viustou Free Press, and used by him
sal a printing office. The upper story
wits the Masonic lodge rooms. Noth
ing was saved. The loss on thea) is
covered by ineuranco. E. L. Mott'e
loss on Free Press plant is eetiancted at
$3,000, insurance—$1,000 in the Cale•
nulla, and $500 in the Royal. The
Masonic lodges' loss on building and
lodge room furniture will be about
$2,000, insured in the Northern for
$900. Cause of fire is yet uuexplain•
ed. It was thought at one time that
the whole btlelneae part of the village
-would have to go, but by hard work on
the part of the citizens and a favorable
wind, a great cunflegration was pro•
Consumptions Cured.
An old physician, retired Tram practice, having
had pinned iu his hands by an East India mission-
ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for
the speedy and permanent care of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, .Asthma and all throat and
Long Affections, also a positive and radical cure
for Nervous liability and alt Nervous Complaints,
after /laving tested its wonderful curative poWere
to thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make
it known to hiasufering fellows. Actuated by this
motive aid a desire to relieve human suffering, I
Will send erne of chanter, to all who drake it, thio
recipe, to Oermnn, French or English, with full
tirections for preparing and using. t-ent by mail
6v addressing with stem naming dela payer.
W. A. N ore ,, 820 Pntners' RI ledr, Rochester, N. Y.
850- y
—Tete young editor of the Ilamilton
Herald gets of as follows :—Girle in
I his part 01 the world who feel aggriev-
ed that no one comes n --wooing, should
grasp their dainty skirts and trip it
merrily to Manitoba, The Pilot hound
Sentinel makes a pathetic appeal for a
few cat' loads of marriageable maids
who can scrub, wash, sew, cook and fill
the vacant places io lonely bachelor
hearts. It is a sad and solemn thing
to think of the well -to du farmer bache
lors of Manitoba singing love ditties to
the ambor moon and sighing out their
brlydt:u:d 50010 in sentimeutal poetry.
They have no one to love them, none
t0 Caress, and their yearning for female
cotnpanionship is wild and uncontroj-
able. Somebody ought to organize a
personally conducted party of marriage-
able girls and take them on a tour
through /Manitoba. The cor,ductor
would return alone.
To Jho Editor of The Nettm•Record
1'.eaee iofornt your readers that I will
mail free to all el;fforers the rneane by which
I was restored to health gad manly vigor
after years of suffering from Nervous Weak-
ness. I was robbed and swindled by the
yeeoks until I nearly /oat faith in mankind,
het thanks to heaven,1 am now well,vigorous
and strong. I have nothing to sell sod no
':cherme to extort money from anyone whom -
ace ver, but being desjrone to make this
certain euro known to all, I will,eenrl tree
sand uonfidental to nnynne full parttcularn of
just how I Wee cured. Addreee with stamps:
MR. EnwARn MARTIN, (Teacher).
P. O. 13ox 143, Detroit, Mich,
The editor of an exchange has die•
coveted that this is a very peculiar
world, and describes the situation as
followe : Ono man is atuggling for jus-
tice and another is fleeing from it.
Ono elan is saving to build a house and
another is trying to sell his for less
than cost, to got rid of it. One man
is spending all the money ho can make
in taking a girl to the theatre, and sand•
ing her flowers, in hope, eventually, of
making her hie wife, while his neigh•
bor is spending the gold he has to get
a divorce. onrl man escapes all the
diseases that man is heir to, and gets
killed on a railway. Another escapes
without n scratch and dins of whoop•
ing cough. One man stands off his
creditors and goes to the World's Fair,
while another pays hie debts and etaya
at home.
Ott Recki ottom Prices.
- - - -�-- -- a3RRO S-; •
STOVE AN D tlAI;WARE Albert St., Clinton
Eureka Bakerij and Restaurant.
In thanking the citiz,tns of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur—
ing the hast three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA
BAKERY and RESTAURANT ANT is in a better positiou than ever to
suecesefully cater to the wants of the general public. 11 %e do our own
baking, nave heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD,
BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &C., equal to any iu West-
el•u Ontario and at the very lowest living prices, WEDDING
CAKES A 813Ec1ALTY. Bread, eco., delivered to all parts
CREAM, COOL,. DRINKS. KS. 1'ic nic and Private Gather
inga supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates.
Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton.
Bo F /' BROS., , j::roprielors.
Leslie's Carriage Factory.
manship and material. Ai& -All the latest styles and moat modern improve-
ments. A11•work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to. Prices to suit the times.
Dt"FACTf1BY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y
INIr, Justice Maur once addressed a
phenomenon of innocence as follows :
"Prisoner at the bar, your counsei
thinks you innocent; the counsel for
the prosecution thinks you innocent;
I thi.ik you innocent. But a jury of
your own countrymen, in the exercise
of much common sauce as they poetwee,
which does not set:m to be thus},,, have
found you 'guilty,' end it remains that
I should pass upon yon the sentence of
law. The sentence is, that you be kept
in itnprieonment for ono day; and as
that day was yesterday, you may now
go about your business,"
Ass general rule, it is host not to correct
costiveness by the use of online or drnatic.
medicines, Whorl a purgative ha nr.ertetl,
the moat prompt, off-ctiee, a:d beneficial is
Ayer'. Pitte. Their tendency is to rester*,
and not we/Ikea, the norma !lotion of the
The Stratford Herald says :—" I am
not a prohibitionist, but I have always
been a temperance matt," said Mr.
Laurier at Mitchell. Mr. Laurier has a
regard for the aheurdities. Ho could
not well preteud td be a prohibitionist
when the expenses of the demonstra—
tion were defrayed by a collection
levied upon hotel keepers by the chair-
man of the license commission, but by
the hid of jesuitical cneuietry he could
call himself a temperance man. Men
who drink moderately 5omotimee call
themselves temperance Caen, though the
popular interpretation has come to ap-
ply to it total abstainer, which Mr.
Laurier is not, any more than he is a
by the woman who are airiuq and suffering,
or weak and exhausted. And, to ev, ry
such woman, heti) is !mare:deed by 1)r.
Pieroe'e Favbtite trteeoption. For yeur.g
gine just oateting womanhood; women at Chu
critical, 'change of Life"; women approaching
cooficument ; nt tog mothers ; and every
woman who is ••ru -dnwb" or overworked,
it is a medicine that builds up, strengthous,
and regulctee, no matter what the condition
of the system.
It'e an invigorating, restorative tonic, a
soothing and braving nervine, end the only
guaranteed remedy for "female oomplaete"
atad w. alinaeaeR. In bearing -down ten ,'lona,
porioel+cal pair,., ulceration, infl-ammat.iun,
and every kindred ailment, if it ever fans to
benefit or euro, you have your money back.
Here is a chance for Brainy Pcopte—The
Latest Tiring Out.
In order to introduce Tho Canadian Agrinalturiat
into New homes, the pupliohers have decided to pre-
sent an i11,uaunhy attractive reward list for their
Great Eighth Half Yearly Literary Attraction for the
enminer of 1803. They have entered into a written
ag''aemont to pay through the Judges all the rewards
offered below.
'low To Sr.CCae: A RrwAoD—Tlloia who b000me
syhaorlbere can compete free of charge. All that is
necessary is to taken few sheets of papor and make nil
the words you can oat of the letters in the three words,
"World's Colombion Exposition," and send thorn to
nil, indexing 01 for six months subscription to either
The Canadian Agrienlrnriet or tho Ladies' Dome
Magazine, two of the choicest illustrated periodicnla
of tuaday,
Tho )ender of the largest lint will receive $3 per
week ler life ; `and, $1,000 in gold; 3rd, $600 ; 4th,
321)0 ; 5th, 3100 ; 0th, Ticket to World's Fair and ten
days 'cxpense0 ; ptaaoa, organs, ladies' anal gents' gold
and silver atohan, /diver tea oorvicee, diamond range,
and over 1000 other rewards, maktteg altogether the
most valuable prize list over offered by any publisher.
Send for printed liet of former prize -winners.
acres. -1. Foreign or obsolete words not eonnted,
2. Letters cannot be need oftener than they appear
1n the words "World's Colnmbian Expoeltfon"—that
la, the word "riddle," for tastenoe, could not be used,
becango there is but one "0" in the throe words, oto.
a. Names of weenie and planes barred. 4. No charge
for peaking or eblpping, bet all prize winners will be
expected to help UR to extend our circulation. 5, All
1. containing over 100 correct words will receive a
speeds] reward.
JUDGER.—Tho following well known gentlemen have
consented to not as judges and will see that the prizes
are fairly awarded—Commodore Caloutt, (Proprietor
Catcntt's Lino of Steamers), Peterborough, and Mr.
W. Robertson, Preoidont Timoa Printing Company,
Petorborongh. •
AGENTS WANTrtD—Wo pay fti to $5 por clay notary
(no commission) to mon, women, boys and girls
Write for pnrttnnlnro. Itnglater all money lettere
addreos, AoarooLTOarer' Peg. Co., L'id, Pete -
meth, Canada.
Names of the District Masters, Primary
Lodge Masters, their post office ad•
dresses and date of meeting.
A. M TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. 0.
John Neil, W.D.1I., Centralia P. 0.
219—ltobt. Hutchinson.. Greenway, Friday
• on or before fall moon.
662—Thos. IL Coursey, Lucau, Satnrday on
or before full moon.
493—Richard Hodgins, Lncan, Wedues
day on or before full moon.
826—William Haggart, Grand Bend,Wed•
nesday on or before full moon.
890—Thomas Loneeforri, M;rplegrove, Wed-
nesday on or before toll moon.
924—Lewis II. Dickson. Exeter, 1st Friday
in each month.
1071—John Halls, hlimville, Saturday on
or before full moon.
1097—James Lathers, sylvan, Monday on
or before full moon.
1210—Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursda y
or before full moon.
1343—Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on
or before full moon.
610—Joshua Iluxtable, Centralia, Friday
on or atter full moon.
Andrew Milllan, W.D.M., Auburn P.O.
145—James Cox, Goderich, 1st Monday in
each month.
153—Andrew Million, Auburn, Friday on
or before full moon.
182—Geo. M, Cox, Goderich, last Tues-
day In each month.
189—F. McCartney, ilolmesyfile, Monday
013 or before full moon.
262—James McLean, `altforii, 3rd Wednes-
day in each month.
306—Matthew Sheppard, Clinton, 1st
Monday in each month,
James Horney, V.P.M. , Winthrop P.O.
710—John Ford, 1. linton, 2nd Monday in
each mon' e. ..
813—James Horney, Winthrop, last. Wed-
nesday before full moon.
928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st
Monday In each month.
793—Wm. Horney,Seaforth, 1st Monday
in each mouth.
Robert Nicholson, W.D.M., Blake P. O.
24—James Pollock, Bay6eid, 2nd Saturday
in each month,
308—James Jeyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in
each month.
833—Wm. Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Wednes-
day in each month.
733—Jo'in Berry, Hensel], lit Thursday to
each month.
1035—W1111am Rathweli, Varna, lst'Thurs•
day In each month.
$ 'No•rs.—Any omissions or other errors will
he promptly corrected on writing direct to the
County Masser. Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton P. O.
'laving rooted the store next to that of Mr. J. H,
Comhe, the undersigned is prepared to hey for cash,
any quantity of first class .,utter and Eggs. No
trading whatovcr, but all cash.
Clinton April 27. 1803. ISAAC MORLEY.
768-tf --- --- -- —. _—
Town Property for Sale.
Lots 658 and 057, Cordon Street, and part lot 14,
Victoria Street. Town of Clinton Will be sold cheap.
Apply to G. D. MCTAOOART, Clinton. 707—tf
Farms for Sale.
Lots 20 and 30, one, 8, Hallett, 200 nares. Lot 20,
eon. 4, Stanley,100 acres. Both desirably, situated
end will bo sold on easy terms. Apply to
6. A. MCTa66AIOT,Clinton. 787-tf
Salesmen to solicit for a choice lino of nursery mtoo$,
Complete outfit free and gond pay from the start.
Prevtono experience net noceesarv. Write at once and
theme territory. THE:HAWKS NURSERY CO.
Rochester, N,Y ,
Land to Lease in Clinton,
Sixty acme of good land, meetly In grass, to lease
for a term of years, either together or in lots of 10 or
mere acres. Two ten -sore tots for gale on moderate
tome, H. RALE.
Clinton, Sept. 4tb, 1803. 21.779.,
First car now arrived direct from
Redpath's Refinery, Montreal..
Quality the Purest,
Prices the Lowest.
Special Cuts in 100 Pounds or Bbl. Lots,
Butter and Eggs wanted.
J. W. IRWIN, Noted Grocer,
Wilson & Howe, Successors to James Anderson..
The undersigned have bought the stock, good -will and interest of James
Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the
NoveltyBakery and Restaurant.
The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a firat.class Res—
taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy
hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers, •
WILSON & HOWE, - - Clinton,
A reaI Offer.
For years we have been averse to making rf cuts" or in any
waylowering the
puce of 1'IIE NEWS -RECORD. To -day
our mind is not much changed.
This journal is well worth a dollar and a half a year. We
kno,.v this to be a fact, because we spend the hard cash in
in its production and should be in a position to speak.
The business man who does not know the cost of goods or the
amount of money he pays for labor must be a fool.
We have decided to give the public the benefit of our wise or
unwise judgment for once. And the great offer we make
should meet with a quick response from all reading people.
A Temptin Offer
$150 for 18 months
All new subscribers can have THE NEWS -RECORD, the best
paper in the County of Huron at $1..25 a year, for the
small sum of 81.50 to January, 1895.
Our list has been rapidly increasing as it is, but we ar'3
determined to place THE NEWS -RECORD in an unpre-
cedented number of new homes.
'I'Tlle cash in every case must accompany the order.
Another Great Offer
To those who would like to secure a city weekly with THE
NEWS -RECORD, we will give The Toronto Empire for
one year and this paper to January, 1895, for,only
Th e offer is one that .cannot be well overlooked by people who
desire to secure a good and clean local paper as well as a
city weekly.
And Still Another
Any reader of THE NEWS -RECORD is at liberty to constitute
himself or herself an agent and we will allow a commis-
sion Write us for particulars and go to work.
There is not any money in it for the Publisher at the above
figures, but that should not prevent people from subscrib-
Ino n -readers would like the best local paper at a trifling
cost, now is the proper time to take advantage of our
tempting offer. The offer will not remain open many
Address all letters and remittances to
A. M. TCI) ,
SI .•
The Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannot be Excellet``
McColl Bros. & Co., - Toronto.
Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware of