HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-12-26, Page 7, f .++.4.t+++-+ t++ Make Of- Canada's - Army In the Field Vocation of rormits ?Olken= of r oroes in rraten0 Oiltil ritentliOra-Liat Slam Vitioli. Dakt OMNI roUght With Divisions and Cleverai Dispoction of Aztliely sagl supply Calm* owl Vanadian Special Unate with Each Battu& Army, 4444 4•44-teete-e++9++144-114444. 44-40-444-.+4-.+4# + paele•44-4 The cessation of hostilltiee In'France 1 5th Canadian Trench Mortar 13ata sad Belgium renders 'it poisable to ' tery+ i malte public the "Order of Battle" a The Sixth Infantry Brigade, Under the Canadian tones Mt .tlie western a teemorary commander. It consists 27th Bettalion„ Manitoba Regiment. 2:31). Battaliou, Sasketehewan Regi- ment. 29th Battalion, Britise Columbia Regiment. 29tn Battalion, British Colurabla Regiment, „ • 31st Battalion, Alberta Regiment, 6th Canadian Trench Mortar Bria gade. The Divisional Artillery consisting of the it and 2u4 Artillery Brigades, X2C and Y2C eleditun Trench Mor- tar Batteries, WC, Heavy Trench Mortar Battery, and the Divisional A.memettion Column.. No. 2 Batalion Canadian Machine Gun Corps. • Headquarters Brigade a Engineers, comprielng the 4th, 5th and 6th En- gineer Ilattaione, and the 2nd Pen- tode. Bridging Transport Unit. Asso- ciated with it is the 2nd Divisional Employment CompanY. Headquartere Divistonal Train, con- sisting of Nce. 5, 6, 7 and 8 Compare - les. Medical Services, consisting a Nos. I, 5 and 6 Field Ambulances and No. 2 Canadian Sanitary Section.. Also at- triched is No. 2 Canadian IVIobile Vet- erinary Section. Ileactqueeterti D.vlsional Signals, the four sections dietributed between Headquarters and the three infantry brigades. THE THIRD DIVISION. The Third Division, under Major- General P. 0, W. Loomis. This corn- Priees: a The ,Seventb. Infantry Brigade, mi- ler 13rig.-Gen. F. S. ,aleighen. It con- nate of: The Royal Canadian e Regiment. (Neva, ecotia Regiment.) The Prince -se Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, (Eastern Ontario Re- giment. 42nd Battalion, Quebec Regiment. 49th Battalion, Alberta Reginaent. 7th Canadian Trench Mortar Bat- tery, The Eighth Infantry Brigade, under BrigeGen, D. C. Draper. It eoneista of: let Canadian Mounted Rifles, Sas- katchewan Regiment. - 2nd 'Canadian Mounted Rifles, lst Central Ontario Regiment. Ith Canadian Mounted Rifles, let Contra Ontario Regiment. 5th Canadian MounNed Rifles, Que- bec Regiment. Sth Canadian 'Trench Mortar Bat- tery: The Ninth Infantry Brigade,. under Brig. -Gen. D. M. Ormon It consists of: 43rd Battalion, Manitob Regiment. 52nd Battalion, Manitoba Regiment. 5Sth Battalion, 2nd Centril Ontario Regiment. 1.16th Battalion, .2ed Cenral On- tario Regiment. i 9th Canadian Trench Morkr Bat- tery. The Divisional Artill of the 9th arid 10th Arti X30 and Y30 M-edium Batteries, V30 Heavy Battery, and the Divisi tion g olumn. No.'3 Battalion, Cana Gun Corps. ea,dquaeters Brigade consisting of the 7th, St gineer Battalions, and toon Bridging Transport ated with it ie the 3rd D ployment CoineanY. Ileadquartem Divieion sieting of Nos. 9, 10, 11 patties. front which have won (to inueh, glory, and lutee contributed sa effectively to the victory of the cause or civilization and. humanity. The following is a statement a the Ituite in existence during the last pliarte of the Isar. It has been corrected. to Sept. 3Q, 1618. NATURE OF CANADIAN F0ita1ras. The Canadian force0 tea the western front comprise; 1. The Canadian Array Cerpe, This includes feur infanery divisions, of nearly -HMO men; Ores troops, of ahout 10,000 men. 2.. The Caaadian Cavalry Brigade. Tins is about 3,000 strong. 3. Extremely nut -Ames line of lcora- Munieation, railway, forestry and ether eervices. Altogether there are about 1e0,000 Canadians in France. The lid which follows givea their distribution into Units: THE CHAIN OF COMMAND; The chain a command on the amat- eur front is fairly well known,'- but nMy be recapitulated. The command of all the British forces on the western free) Ia Tested in Field Marshal Sir Dendaa Haig, wile exercises corenand theough general headqu.arters, emit - tarty known as G. H. Q. The, Britise toreee on the weitern front are subdivided into five asnies, each of a number of army ,,orps, under Generals Sir Henry Horne Sir Herbert Phu:tier, Sir Julian •BYng,, Sir Henry Rawlieson and Sir William Birdweed, respectively, The Canadian Army Corps, i jing the concluding operatious of thee ar, haa been part of the First *ree under General lIorne. Tile Canadian Cavalry Brioged\I le part of ehe Third Cavalry ivl ion. This is part of the Third Arniy,under Sir jullan BYng• The other &vices have been rf- itsly distributed, some of them lc.ng attached to G. H. Q. and others tc he headquarters of the several (antes. taeti ot the five armies itcludes Cana- dine troops of one type or anotiee. Attaceed to G. IL fe. Is e "Clitnallan Sectiodli designed to se,cure propel tip- derstanding of Canadian needs ,eetcl mediates on the part of the Wier command. Certain admieletrativeaer- vicee' are carried on by a staff kiewn as 4•0. H. Q. Third Echelen"; owithis stiff Calliada is represented by the "Canadian Section, Third lachne.." The other Canadian services in. teach With. G. H. Q, will be enumerated atter in tele article. The Canadian Army Corps is - mended hy that great and red Canadian soldier, Lieut. -General ir Atthur Currie. The corps is comp ed as follow: • THE FIRST DIVISION. e The First Division, under Maier- GeneraleA.. C. MacDonell. ThisCorn- The First Infantry Brigade, teC.der Prises: Brig.eGen. W. A. Griesbach. It ion - sista-- lst Battalion, Western Ontario Regi- ment, 2nd Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regi- ment, 3rd Battalion, lst Central Ontario Regiment, 4th Battalion, 1st Central Ontarie Iteglinent. lst Canadian Trench 'Mortar Battery. The Second Infantry Brigade, under Brig. -Gen. V. W. Odium. It consists 5th Battalion, Saskatchewan Regi- ment. Ith Battalion, British Columbia • Regiment. • 8th Battalion, Manitoba Regiment. 10th Battalion, Alberta Regineent. 000 treees, divided =angst the vari- ous unite, entienerated :above; the four Diviaione thus dispose 'of net far abort a 80,000 Men. NeXt Must lee set forte the Carps Troops, THE (1011PS TROOPS. There is a proportioa of liountati, Troops, consietiug of the Canadian. Liglit Horee and the Canadian. Corps Cyclist Bettalion, TIIE CORPS ARTILLERY. T1eCorp.3 Artillery cOmpriseete- The it Brigade, Oantadian Garriaon consioting of the let, 3tel, 7tit and 9th Canadien. elege Batteries. The 2m1 Brigade, Canadian Garrison Artillery, coneistieg of the 1St and 2nd, Canadian HeavY Batteries, and. tee 2ati, 4t1L, 6th'and 6th Canadian Siege Batteries. E Canadian. Anti -Aircraft Battery, consisting of Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Sec- tione, The 803, Artily Brigade, Canadian, Field Artillery, Fifth Divisaonal Artillery, 13th anti 14th 13rigades. BaXtrriesamiand51305HceHaszv'llyrTeurcenhohelo:lotarr. tar Battery. The fiat Canadian Divisional Artil- lery Ammunition Coltman, The lst and 2nd, Carnelian Motor Machine Gun Brigades, THE CORPS ENGINEERS. The Corms Engieeers consiet of the Canadian Pontoon Bridging En- gineer unit, the lst, 2nd, 3rd,41,11 and 5th Army Troops, the 1st and 2nd Trainwaye Cone:antes, the Canadian Anti -Aircraft Searchlight Company, and the Canadian Corps Survey See - thin. CORPS MEDICA.14 SERVICES. IVIedical Seevices include the 14th Qaaradian Field Ambulance and the 5th Canadian Sanitary Section, Ala° attached are the Canadiap Corps Dental Laboratory and the Canedian Corps Veterinary Evacuating Station. The Corps Signalling service in- cludce:- The Canadian Corps Signal Com- pany. Nos. 1 and 2 Canadian Motor Aire..) Line Section. seCct.ionn.s,. C,G. and C.H., Cable let, 2nd and 3rd Brigade Signet Sub -Section. 8th Army Brigade Sub -Section. 5th C.D,A. Brigade Detachment, OTHER CORPS SERVICES Canadian Army Service Corps: - Headquarters Mechanical Trans- port Column. Corps Troope Mechanical Trans- port Company. let, and, 3rd and 4th Divisional Ficchanierta Transport Companiee. 5th Canadian Divisional Artillery Meebanical Transport. Detachment. Park Section, 8th Artillery Brigitte, C.F.A. Canadian Motor Machine Gun Me - Transport Company. Canadian Engineers Mechanteal Weal Transport Company. 5111. Canadian Divisional Train Detachment. The Ordnance Services comprise: - No. 26 Canadian Ordnance Mobile Workshop. No. 8 Canadian Ordnance Mobile Workihop (Light). No. 8 Canadian Ordnance Mobile Workshop (Medium). Also directly under Corps Head- quarters is the Canadian Corps Rein- forcements Camp. Under the head of "Miecellaneous" are: -- Canadian Corps Infantry School. Canadian "'Corps Machine Gun Y, co Isthig ery Br e,ades, School. ench Mater Canadian 'dor Lewis Gun- S'ehool. Canadian Corps Signal School. ps Canadian Corps Gas Services encil Attar al Amami- S•°1°°1 • • Canadian Corea Instructors' Pool. ian Mechem. Canadian Aimy Gynanastie Stat. Canadian Regords List. Engineers, Canadian Y.M.C.A. Services. nd 9th Ea- Canadian Ceres Military Police. e 3rd Pon- Attache(' to the Corps Healiquart- nit. As.socia ers is an Assistant Director of post - Wend Em- al Services., with the lst and 2nd Canadian! Railhead Arxery Post Of - Train, con- flees. d 12 Com- Under the head of Labor Services • there aro attached to the Corps Head - ng of Nos. quartere the folliwing:- es and No. Canadian Labor Group }Icadquart- nS Also at- ers... °bile yet- lst, and, 3rd and 4111 Labour Com - (Medical Services, const 8, 9 and 10 Field Amines. 3 Canadian Sanitary Sec tached is No. 3 Canadia erinary Section. 2nd Canadian Trench Mortar Bat- ' Headquarters Divieiona ignals, the pantos. Pont? Bridging Officees` Estata • teryta ',our sections distribution etween Di- lishme the three The Third Infantry 13rigade, under visienal Headquarters a infantry Brigades. THE FOURTH DI The Fourth Division, General Sir David Wats. It com- prisee: The Tenth Infantry 13 de. Under Brig. -Gen. R. T. F. Hayt It consists of: - 44th Battalion, Matitol Regiment. 46,th Battalion, Saskate van Regi- ment. 47th Battalion, West Ontario Regiment. 50th 13attalion, Alberta giment. 10th Canadian Trench rtar Bat- tery. The Blevetith Infantry gado, un- der teraporary cornmeal It con - Wets of: - 54th Battalion, 3nel Co 1 Ontario Regiment. 75th Battalical, 1st Ce I Ontario Regiment. 87th Battalion, Quebec intent, 102nd Bettalion, 2nd; tral On- tario Itegiment. ith Cana.diali Trench tar Bat- tery. The Twelfth Infantry gade, un- eler Brig. -Oen. 3. II. Ma. It. It consitte ofi- 38th Diattelion, tag Ontario Regiment. 72rial Battalioh, Britt Columbia rt m 611 t 86th Battalion, Noire. ia. Mgt- Me7118tti Battalion, "Ideate eginient. '121.h Croutdiali Trench rtar Bat - tent. The IHeidorial Artillei oneisting of the erd and 4th Artill Brigades, X4C and Y4C Medium T h Metter Batteriea, V4C Ileaey T h eteetea General Sit II. E. Burstall. This com• Battery and the Divielo Anima. Prises: titan Column. The Fourth Infantry Brigade, tinder Ng. 4 Battalion Cala Maehine Brig. -Gen. G. E. eIcteta.ig. It con - gists of: 18th Battalien, Weetern Ontarie Regiment. 5th, . ..e 7th, 8th and 90. Canadian Brig -Gen, G. S. Tuxford. It consists' Area. Eleployment Companies. • The foregoing lists exhausts the llith Battalion, Quebec Regiment Corps Troops. 14th Battalion, Quebec Regiment. THE CANADIAN CAVALRY 15th Battalion., lst Central Ontario BRIGADE. Regimeat. The other fighting unit. Malta:11m- 16th Battalion, 'Manitoba Regiment. ed by Canada, in France is the Can - 3rd Canadian Trench Mortar Bat- .adian Cavalry Brigade. This is part- tery. - of the Third Cavalry Division, which The Divisional Arttllery, coesisting belongs to the Third Army, undo. of the lst and 2nd Artiltery Brigade% General Sir Julian Byng. The Can- XIC and YI0 .141edium Trench Mortar adian Cavalry Brigade ie. command - Batteries, VIC Heavy Trench Mortar ed • by BrigaGeneral R. W. Paterson, Batteries, arkd, the Divisional Am- and comprises: - munition Column. Headquarterd, Cavalry Brigade. 141o. 1 Battalion, Canadian alaci)ine The Royal Canadian Dragoons. Gun Corps. Lord Stratheona's Horse. The peadquartera Brigade of Engin- The Port Garry }Torso. ters, consisting of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd The -Cavalry Brigade "Mechem Gun Englneer Battalions and the lst Pon- Squadron. teen Bridging Transport Unit. Asso- The Royal Canadian Horse .Artil- ciated With. it is the lst Divisional lay. E'mployment CompanY, Signal Troop. '- The Headquarters Divisional Train, No. 7 Canadian Field An1bulance. consisting of Nes. 1, 2,, 3 and. 4 Com- "A" 1Vioblie Veterinary rs-ection. eanies. LINE OF COMMUNICATION TROOPS ' Medical Services, consisting of Nos. The Canadirei Arruy Corps end the 1, 2 and 3 Field Ambulances and No. Oanadian Cavalry Brigade are the two 1 Canadian Sanitary Seetiont Also at- fighting units. In addition, numerous tattled is No. 1 Canadian Mobile Vet- line of communication, and adminietra- erinary Section. tive Unita Ttte ht France, attached to ileadquartera 401V18100.1 ,Signals, other ermies or to 'general headgear - This hats four sections, of which No. ters ' 1 is with Divieionil Headquarter% No, C'AN'ADIANS WITIT Tan len= . . 2 section With the Headquarters Of the lst Infantry Brigade, No. 3 seetion Attached to. (Aille:eli,T;1 Iteirie's toilet With the Headquarters of the let In- Army, hidependelit of the Cartadiar fantry Brigade, No. 3 section with the Army Corps, are: - 2nd, and No. a ilectien with the 3rd Nes. 1 and 4 Caitadiree Casualty THE SECOND DIVISION. Clearing Statioes. Brigade. No. 1 Canadian Sanitary Seaton, The Second Divisioll, under Maier- Canadian Artily Sete ice Corps twit, as folio*: 2nd Canalise Railhead atupply De techrmat. Canadian RailWay Troelte ne fol - leas: , 3rd and 11th Battalients, CANADIANS WITH VIZ SECOND A'RMY. Attached td General ntitller'S Second Arnty are; , Canadian Army Medleal Cori•e unite as follows: No. 2 Canadian rlatrartity Clearing Station, No. 2 Advanced DeN't mtkiiital Mobli° Stores. Railway Troops as fol. Iowa: fith and 10th ttallens. Canadian Army Bevies Corps 841 Nikon: .. 111,i isnd Ind Ataxilim Horse T Port Covaptigliee, ist rod Surtelfery, 10rN; eIajor- BACK IN CANADA. One of the returned soldiers In hospital at Toronto after a long land tour. nes, from Halifax. Hundreds of men like him will occupy beds In miltiary hospitas this winter. llth and 12th Depot Unit of Supply. let Canadian Railhead Supply De- tacement. Under the head at "'Miscellaneous" the Second Army ham: 3rd. Tunnelling Company. CANADIANS WITH Tin) THITtD ARMY. No, 3. District Workshop, Nos. 20, 30, 32, 41, 42, 44, Companies. Headquarters No. 2 District, No, 2. 2. District Workshop. Nos. 14, 3.e, 23, 24, 32, and. 34 antes, Attached to General Byng's Third Jura Group: - Army, ladependently of the Canadian Cavalry Brigade, are: Canadian Army Medical Corps -emit; No. 3 Canadian Casualty °teal -lug Station. Canadian Army Service Corps unit: ard Canadian Railhead Supply De- tachment. Canadian Railway Troops: 4th, Oth and 12th Battalions. Canadian Overseae Railway Con. struction Corns. CANADIANS WITH TUE FOPRTII ARMY. Attached to- General Rawlinson's Foudth Army are: Canadian Army Medical Corps unit; No. 5 Canadian Mobilo Laboratory. Canadian Railway 'Proems: let, 2nci, 6th and 13th Battallens. 13th Light Railway Operating Corn - and 0,1 con - Com: Headquarters No. 5 District, Ande- totem:414 ontagne No., 6 District Workshop. Nos; 21, 22, 36, :39, 40, 47, 50,52, 57, 55, ana 70 Companies. No. 2 Canadian Construction Com- pany. e Porestry Hospital, Headeinerters, No. 6 District, Gerard - mer: -- Nos. 28, '51, 56, 69, and 77 Compan- ies. Detail tem Hoot tal. Bordeaux Group:- Head:quarters No, 4 Landes: No. 27, 55, 58,, 79, and 80 Comeau - lea. Headquarters No. 13 District, Fac- ture: . No. 12 District Workeb.op. Distrlet, Dax- pany. ' Nos. 15, 45, 46, 45, 49, e3, 59, 60, 71 72, 73, and 74 Companies. Detention. Hospital. Marna Group - Headquarters No. 11 District, Cliate- nois: - Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 75 Com - Outside of tiv.•.se getups is: - Headquarters No. 9 District, Manu-; tort: -- No. District eVorkshop. Nos. 1, 2, 25, 26, 20, 35, and 37 Com- panies, Also belonging to the Canadian For- estry Corps are - Tho Directorate of Timber Opera- tione, for eq-aipment, supplies, audit accounting, and. transportation. Paris Detachment. Technical Warehouse, Havre. Tee foregoieg comprises the Can- adian units serving in France ,teed Bel- gium on September 30, 1918. 58th Tiroad Gauge Operating Com- pany, CANADIANS WITH THE FIFTH, ARMY. Attached to the Fifth Army, General Braidwood, is: 5tb. -Battalion, Oeeadian Railway Troops. In addition to the foregoing theee ate sundry formations which are rela- tion with General Headquarters. The Canadian Section, 0. E. Q., and the Canadian Section of 0. H. Q., Third Echelon, already have been noticed. In. addition,‘the sereice,e in- clude Canadian units: CANADIANS UNDER GENERAL HEADQUARTERS. • ,The Director of Supplies, Gal:Q., has several branches in which Can- adian units are serving. These are: The Assistant Director of Supplies, Bouiogne. Under .hint. are: Under the Officer in charge of the Depot at Etaples: Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 Can- - adieu Units of Supply. Under the Officer ,Commanding the Depot al Boulogne: Ns. 1, -2, 3 and 4 Canadian Field Bakeries, Nos. 2 and 3 -Canadian Field Butch- eries. The Assistant Direetor of Supplies, Calais. Under him are: Nos. 1, 18, 14 and 15 Canadian De. opt Units of Supply, ' • The Officer Commanding, Base Supply Depot, Dieppe. Under him is:' No, 4 Canadian Depot 'Unit of Supply. LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS, MEDICAL SERVICE'S. Headtinarters, Line of Communica- tions, also directly under 'the G.H.Q., has a variety of .Canadian - units. Vies° include: The Director of Medical -Services, Line of tommurications, has the foe hiving services: Under the Assistant Director of Medical Services, Etaples: No 7 Caner:lien General Hospital. No. 9 Canadial Stationary Hospitee At Chermes is: NO. 8 Canadian Sationary Hospital. Under the Assistant Director of Medical Services, Calais: No. 10 Canadian Stationary Hos- pital, ' Under the Deputy Director of Medi - flat Battalion, 1St Centtal Ontario_ Reghnent. &Eh Battalion, 131. Central Ontario Regiment. 21st Battaliot, Eastern Ontario Regiment. 4th Canadian Trench 'Aorta; Bat- ter/. The Mien Infantry Brigade, under 13rig.-Oe51. T. C. 'Tremblay. 71. ‘'en - lasts af:- 7.1.nd Battelien, QuelKe Iteeinvnt. 2,4th Battalion, QUeb, t• itigee• it. RP Battelle-tn. Nova .',:cotSst m en t • tett Battalion, New Brume lei eons* teeleetairak to the t etegtment. la& Division hat some Gun Corea. Headquartere Brigade consisting of the 10th, 1 Engineer Battalion% end toon 13ridging Trantsport elated 'with it la the 41. Fbnployment Company. Headquarters .Divialona slating of Nos. 13, 14, 15 pante'. Medical Services, cons! 11, 12 and 13 Pieki Amb No. 4 Canadian Sanitary attaolted is No. 4 Can Veterinary Section, Headquarters Divisions, fowr !sections distributed visiOnal Headqualtees a Infantry Brtgadea. Tie) formpoing ahaust ngineers and 12tli 4th Pon- . Asso- ivielonal In, con - 16 Com - of Nos. es and on. Also tele dividend Was discuseed, it being moved by 11. 13. Cowen, ot Peterhero, that the dividend be voted to the re- serve". Objection to this motion was by many delegates. Ai a re- ' further discussion Mr. tiowan's rni m fated to ettrrY, and It was de - rah° sue elt, to distribute the divideed. le:he directors' report further inform- al those present that during the past yea- the corripany had seriously con- sidered the sAvise,bilite eetablish- ing an °Mee et the Toronto Stock Yardts ler the handling of the 'United Farmers' consignment% Flo far, how- ever, action in this direction east been wIthlaeld for want of a competent manager- Of late, eowever, Mr. Dun- can, Manager of a similar effice at Winnipeg for the Grain Growers, has been asked to act, and 11. 13 liopee that he will accept the position and be ready to tate charge shortie after the new year. Another melee contemplatea by the United Farmers' Co-operative Com- pany is the establialment of district warehouses throughout the provinee; with a vieer to producing an economy in purchase and sale of commodities, it beteg claimed that many conunercial firms at present sell to local clebs, but ignore the head office entirely, so setting, up competition detrinaental to the businessein the compenY. It was aIso suggested in the 'directors' report that a branch for tlaesshandling of grain and grass seeds be establisle, -ed as soon as caPita will ,Permit. It was suggested by :Mr. M. W. Do- herty, of Mahon, president of the Peel Milk Producers' Association, that the, company consider the advisability of adoptieg the milk ;max business, Mr, Doherty, with regard to the pro- posed stock yards office, said that when the company entered into com- petition with the live stock handlers it would bave a real fight on its limas. That tile company engage more generally in the business of selling frtrin machinery was suggested, and the suggestion met with general approval. J. C. Stewart, in charge of co-opera- tion in Ontario for the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, spoke in The evening on the subject of co-operation by farmers in the manner of,collecting and selling eggs. He suggested the stamping of eggs by the producer for the sake a identificatioe. A great advance in this line of Vastness has been made since '1916, he said, and the consumer, as a result of the oper- ation of egg circles, has received bet- ter value for his money owing to the fact that the eggs, co-operatively handled, are delivered to the deal- ers: in better condition than when old- fashioned egg gathering by other method e existed. The Government's share in this work of handling eggs co-operatively consists merely in Pre- viding instructions and a.dVice with regard to the handling and care of the eggs. There are 2,500 members of egg circles in Ontario at present, he said, aid none cif these has any trouble in disposing of his eggs to advantage and to the advantage of the consumer. An account of the progress and prospects of the W. F. Co-operative Compahy was given by L. M. Powell, manager, who called special atten- tion to the difficulties encountered In carrying on the business, referring specially to the orders -in -Council af- fecting trade in sugar, flour, feed, etc. The following were elected direc- tors of the company for year 1919: It, W. E. Burnaby, Jefferson. 11„ H. Halbert, Melanethon. R. J. McMillan, Seaforth. M. W. Doherty, Mahon. Elmer Lick, Oshawa. A. A. Powers, Orono. E. A. Van Allen, Aultsville. E. C. Drury, Barrie. B. C. Tucker, Harold. The appointment of an auditor was left to the directors. MAY EXTEND BUSINESS TO IN STOCK United Farmers' Co-opera- tive Co. Have Had Big Success. THE REPORTS Seven Per Cent. Dividend Declared and Directors Elected. 3,000,000 RUSS 'IPANCING KEE° IN WAR IN N.Y. STREETS Millions May Die of Famine This Winter, Appeal for Speedy Aid Sent Out, • New 'York report: Estimating Rus- sian easuaItit' itt tho world war at "not less than h,000,000 men, of whom 3,000,000 wore kipd and about 1,000,000 dieithied for ' A. J. Sack, director of the Ras - elan information Bureau,. declared in an a.,Adress before the Foreign Commerce Club hese to-(Iay that "R.usela's present pitiful conditiOn is duo to her okhaUstien from war. "She is lying in seas of blood and tears,' he continued, "and further, millions a ' ner people are racing death, this time from Starvation.About 20.000,040 Rua - stens will die this winter uniess the Al. lied countries render the unfortunate 'country immediate help on a, YCrV gelutr- ous scale. "Rusala has zacrifeed millions of her sons and all her happiness to make the ttiumph of the Allied cause possible and at this solemn moment of victory the thought of the democratic nationa should be devoted to Russia and they should not feel any right VI joy and happiness until Russia Is made again great, free and Toronto Wire -The assembly hall at the Labor Temple, with a seating capacity of 850, evas filled to overflpiva ing yesterdaywhen the delegates from local associations in connection with cal Services, Trouville: the United Farmers' Co-operative Go., No. 1 Canadian General Hospital. Limited, gathered for the fifth annu- Ceder the Deputy Director of Medi- al meeting of thecompany. eel Services Rouen: At the morning session, the chief Nos. 2 and 7 Canadian Stationary business accomplished was the adop-, Hospitals. tinder the Deputy Director of Medi- cal Services, Boulogne: , No. 3 Canadian General Hospital. No. 2 Canadian Stationary Hospital, Under the ,Senior Medical Officer, Le.Trepert: No, 2 Canadian General Hospital. Under the Senior Medical Officer, Paris: Nos. 6 and 8 Canadian General Hos- . pitals, MISCELIANDOIIS SERVICES, als, the fkakt 1)1- he four lest o or 20.,- miTte rate • tion of an amendment to the by --laws, moved by •Elmer Lick, of Oshawa: "That the directors be given power to borrow money on the security of the company and to issue debentures if , necessary; that the directord be -also empowered to alipoint an executive and that the president and manager be allowed to arrange the salariee of employes of the company up to the amount of $1,500 per annum." The, efternoon session was devoted to the hearing of tho president's ad - Other Lines of Communication Sere dress,' which wee, in Tat, the direct - vices are: ' ors' report for the past year; discus - Under the Officer Commanding Roe sion on the same, and tho hearing of hiforeernents, Etaple.s. are: - b. lecture on "Commercial Law and Canadian General Base Depot. _., Bueineas," delivered by the company's Canadian Infantry- Base Depot. zolieltor, Gordoe Waldron. The presi- Canadian ,Madtine Gun Base Depot, dent reported a successful year from Canadian Leber Pool. a business Point of view, despite a Under the Base Csmmandant, Paris great difficulty which hed arisen out Canadien Report .Centre. of war conditions then existing. Dos The COMmand Pay Office, with de. livery of coal Add to various dubs be-. tails at Paris, Reuert and Boulogne, longing to the ailsociation had been "Ishe 'Canadian Dental Store. impossible in some came he said, and Assista.nt Director of Postal eSorvices. Ina' supplies, of sugar, binder twine trouble in obtains Also in tonsil,. with' 0.11.Q. is the there heti also been trou let And 2nd Canstaian % Field Atmand reitifeed. During the year" a stock -selling torn - Under him are: iary Post Office, early liatl resulted in an increase of Canadian Base Poet Office. the eompany'e subscribed capital from under the Director Of Veterinary '811,725. to nearly $:09,000, and this ine Services, G.H.Q., is: a creatte in capital Ilad matte it possible No. 1 Canadian. Veterinary Hospital foe the company te purchase the bust - 0.11.Q., has Under Itim the Ileatiquars nese at 130 Xing dreet ear..t, which is now proving Profitable, and is eafa- The Dirtctor General of Van:sport., tete; Corps, Caria,dian Railway Troops. blising a wholesale connection fer the Under this is: company, also providing a market for Ith Battalion, Canadian ItaillVaY frm produce,al statement of t The. financihe corn - Lino of Communications, Abbeville; a Tropez. pany abowed that $$,532,63 bed been d Lino of Communication% Andleco:-- ra(e(tiVt, tabtho lit ielbrIgilrneee8xt eVsi°nnosnlil e- er)y,:v.- 6901 Canadian `' 'Wagon Ereetieg pended for extendleg the -organization Company. and for the cost of Wiling some $23, - 86th Canadian Engine Crew Com- 660 worth of new ctock. Preliminary ne.ny. evfiensts bad been insreaeed by $100. THE CAN'ADIANFORESTRY being legal fere for changing the CORPS. (dame& providing for the itterease of NM TRYING TO FORGET WAR Also in touch with are the Ideadquertere, ntriadian Forestry Cores.. This corpe is distrihnted in four groups4 Central arottp-.1 Hestalmaartire 1. I District, Alt -n- eon - the ett,pital from $10,050 to 4230,000. The total net profit for the Year's 0D- erations amounted to $4,102.83. At the direntore meeting it had been derided to declare a dividentrof 7 per cent, on all paid -u11 eapital Mork of the company, and yoreerelay tilecum- Mon ef the advleability of tilstributlag All Berlin Dancing -Cab- arets Peaked. hanoY, "Russia's friends must not corne and will not come to supPrese the Russian democraeY, to incose upon the Ruseian People a form of government they do not desire. Their aim must be the opposite; to re-establish the fundamental order and thereby give the 'Russian people the pos., elbility to- express themselvea. Atter the )301sheviat tyranny le crushed civic rights are reestablished, the RUSSi an people will again call a Constituent As- sembly, on the basis of universal, direct, equal and secret suffra,ge, and the as- etmbly will define the constitution of the state and will Solve Russia's main social Problem,, s. Troops March In to Old - National Tune. London Cable. -The correspondent in Berlin of the Daily Express, dealing with the return of the German army, NIMBI itt BERM ARE OUT Red Cross Revelers Orowd Fifth. Avenue. Greatest Soeial Event Ever There. New Yorit Report -A dancing arMY invaded Fifth avenue to-niglat, and, under the comradeship and symbol of the Red Crosse Made earetiyal along ita length. P.very Men wale repreeented in the Mty the reaMs. Moth festival. In its specifications this "Block par- ty" of the "Greatest Motlier in the World," was the greatest petal event ever promoted in New Yorea k. It e listed the services of halt a hundred bands and Moiled to traffic from o'clock until mtdnight Meeks of thMe thoroughfares in which the Merry- making took place. The party began with a parade led by Henry D. Davison, chairman Of the War Work CoUnell of the Re,d Creme Sons and daughters of a score of nes lions, all in native costume, were in line, The flags of all the countries, with three or four exceptions, fluttered from the huildings along the avenue. Sidewalks were Jenuned„ from build- ing line to curb, with spectators. Red Cross nitrees, in theirs whtte dress UniforMs led off the parade, Rue appeared at Intervale througheut Its length, Soldiers and sttilors were in line in great numbers, and receleed the tumultuous applause of the theme - ,ands wholined the sidewal(s, to tale uptair4.1n the festivities later in the eve - Practically the entire cretv of GA transport Leviathian, appeared fn the parade, led by their own beg band. Ganiedavileneder commence, of Vice-Admitat City Full of Returned. • The greatest feature of the parade WhPriers and Spciety of Illustrators, who o Oppose. and party was furnished by the Stage Women's War Relief,' the Lambs, Troops had two block, adjoining, from /rtY- Third to Forty -Fifth street. The art- ists made a proud. entry as a "Mounted Division," beetrIding eardboard horses soeflvweesi.rd construction, made by them- . Tne theatrical representation ipt*as the largest of the fete. Six bundred actors and actresses, including film stars, dressed as Red Croce nurses, 3.04 tooTkhel3arCthinese delegation attracted Much attention because of the three floats which were drawn in it. Young Cbinese girls, 'dressed as Red Cross nurses, filled on -e, while a second was occupied by Chinese Boy Scouts. The sthiniritdtineg•acs triindeaseeebbanytLa solemnly ear - A fleet of meter trucks loaded with song "Boosters') added to the general jollification of.the evening. • • 4. Stuffed Haddock. - (Make a stuffing of % OUnee chopped suet, 1% ounces bread crumbs, a tea- spoonful of Chopped parsley, a, little grated lemon - peal, .enixed herbs and pepper and salt. Bind with an egg (a prepared dried one trees ver" well). Thoroughly Olean good-sized treat haddock and 1.111 with the stuffing. Brush over with. milk, sprinkla with oatmeal, and put in a baking dials with a little dripping or otber fet. Peke in a stew 'sorsa from to 45 minutee. Serve witeearicheee sauce. 4•• Constituent Assembly to Convene Soon, (By Arno Dosch Fleurot.) Berlin cable For fiv:e das the city has nem luting wan troops, sully armed,. 'lacy returnee from the /rota in no mood to utile witn tlie Bolsheviki. With true Support, Herr itioert has been a,ble tu take a clear position in savor of tne earliest possible meeting of a, Constituent Aseem- oly widen sham o.tablish a real demo - el Rey, based on tile rule of the majority. This general stateemat will clarisr.the events of Monday, when Dr. :Karl Lieb- knecht tried a typical 13elshevik move at the opening of inc National Abetter Sol - (latent at ( Vorkinen's anti. Sokz.d.ers' Coun- cil)with aeplorable restilts to himself and the Spartacus group avith which ne is identified. When the assembly open- ed he led a mass of perhaps 3,04 work- men thruogh the streets in Augeorgene- ten Hall and sent in a delegation to in- sist upon an immediate hearing.. The president of tile Voltsugerat, which Is the Berlin committee nominally in con- tiol of the Government, was at the mo- ment In the middle of an address, He yielded the floor to the Soartacus dele- gate, who declared a complete Boislitvik Programme, which had already been pub- lished in the Rote Farm° 'Med Flag, or- gan of the Extremists.) Only one Judg- ment can explain this move for the body before which the Spartacus delegation appeared had been elected by Workers and Soldiers, who were alive to the dan- gers of Bolshevism, and were determined to avoid them. A majority of those at the meeting showed themselves unfrienuly to tho Sptrtacus intruders and were barely will- ing to hear them. When the vleitor de- manded that the workmen be armed and that. a Red Guard be formed of the sol - diets the delegates cried, "Out with them," and the hearers became furious when the Spartacus wettlters denounced the National Assembly. The situation was aggravated by the further demand that all the power of government be vested in the Arbeiter Soldatenra.t. It must seem strange tb the outside obser- ver that resentinent was expressed over the proposition of the Spartaaus speakers to vest full powers in the body they were addressing, which sounded flattering; but the whole political situation in Ger- msaoncyi ihgahvte t atter lea. ts red themselves for a constituent assembly, and against -the dictation of the proletariat. It was against this very ba:ly, so elected, that Liebknbeht tried his 13olshevik move. I have heard many members of the body refer scornfully to his course as "Rua- siTanhetaseittuaicsi i'on which has been develoo- ing constantly for 'several days has shown political wisdom on the part of the Governinent, for it has been tending toward real democracy. Previously the Government had been continually harried by Socialists who, by reason of lack of says the scenes of enthusiasm mark- shoila thn abie 1.0 ing the homecoming of the 4roops are 'ponrie-sesnidcees.olntitoviideierbsadirrgoeinneitahrsheirponotf Dole, cr or power, Ttie Liebitnecht on the other, in forcing an en'd'itilnegr: have been coming home at the itahs(!tire, iiiigtife0;4.theAri,:redlittrelnevlostriultedo sic)itirfveLooauilii rate of 10,000 a day," saYS the corre- that half the Indep spondent. "Every' day IIerr Isbei t, the the Government, Icnd that. the other half Chancellor, takes his place on a. ros- -"TortkirgePectitgona7Its.-heeviges4 :t be ineffec- tual. Dr. Liebknecht had been gaining strength tepidly atnong the induitrial .,ti- ements, but this last rash Move has ruin- ed his chances politically, • •••41, hunt opposite the trench Ismbassy. He addresses the homecoming men and the bands play martial music, e:hiekettrtenheierofsw.ds cheer and wave their lo "Deutchland Uber Altos" brought me kuto the street this morning. To my smazement-and to the apparent amazement • of the French officers groupei itt the window of the Em- bassy -a ' regiment was passing the Brandenburg (late to the old tune. Later, 1 heard it played contiunously as csvalry, infantry • and aitillery step( by. Regimental flags -were ereweed with laurel wreaths. The :nen wore evergreens around their steel helmets and their tunics and guile were covered with flowers. "What particularly struck me was !he attitude of the homecotning UM- Thote I have eeen In the 13erlin grar1eon were quiet men, many of via= had • removed their marks of Nink. They seldom were saluted by their mcn. On the other hand the ;deeps just returned from the front are well disciplined and salute as of old. The °facers themselves are un- changed. 'they exhibit tienneelvee, monocled and tigbt taieted, to the Mutation, who client them loudly. "Ileriht its :lancing mad. There are about 50 eaberete in the eity and dent- ing goes On all the aftertioon and un- til 0 etiock at eight? In s, week's time the edict closing dancing halis at ovekv k will be removed ;Ind denting taen will continue all night. Berliners are looking forward to this. "It is it remarkable sight to aee ea- barete rackei to sufracation with W0111P11 ill OX7ellaiv0 teilettes iiiid beth sit -Micros end civilians (lancing and drinking eine mating :1:2 a bottle. at at glue laeatree can Only be booked two days ribead. 'We are try- ing to forget,' said a Berliner...to me -toeley." "Why that ineditatiae, manner itt art. pro-in:tang your ee-temerer trying to resee 'fen tes" "Tenet try te $141, '4'in WO. Treat 'em all like thee sere mfl1lonoire. ana eyou can't go wrong."--Houmon Pest. WILL SINK THE GERMAN FLEET British and U. S. Delegates Favor This Plan. Lesser Naval Powers Want Distribution. Peels Cable. -The American dele- gates to the Peace Congress have re- solved to advocate the sinking of the surrendered _enemy warships and re - any propos:Lon to distribute them on the basis or naval losses. This an- nouncement is made by shoSe tit elosle touch with the Ameriean represetta- lives, who, it is added.sfeel that such poeition would result in avoiding contention and materially atippert President Wilson's declaration that the war was not based en aggression or the acquisitien of property. England,. through Sir Uric Geddes, First Lord Of the Admiralty, had pre- viously acquiesecd in the Ameriean Plen to destrity the captured or sur - 'rendered warships, and, it is declared, will continue to euellort the Milted Stall.% although it is expected that seine of the lesser navel powere win demand that the rrizeebe diatributed. Atrierleati naval statiohs will be maintained for at least 11. year at trait, Gibranter and In the AV:ales to lender alti to American inereltant shiers. The coteent of Prante, 11)11g7aricl and Por., until has already been secured. The other nstell e esalisheien'e in ratropesh lye bre n cello -ea abanderted tatealy ets nn -ilio. nilil progrere in this tiirecteen hea already been ron- siderahle, RITISH BLUFF FOOLID THE HUN Paper' Barrage Held Dover Strait Six, Weeks. Was Absolu,tely Nothing in the Way. London table: The story a the greatest Weft' of the. war is told by the Manchester Guardian, -a Well., in- formed newspaper. When her "Sub- marine campaign began in eamest, Germany was Kettiag many subthar- Ines through the Straits of Dover des- pite all the British antilubmarlue .boats could do against them A wonderful fixed barrage was then designed for the Straits -only design- ed -with extraordinAy electrleal ae- plienees, alarm signals, cOntaiefeinea, electrical wires and dozens et -new seeret devices. By some. Mans hese designe'tell Into the hands of German secret agents. It Was said Germany had paid $20,000 for them. Then there was peace in the Straits of Dover. Tee uew barrage -on paper-waa tee for- midable and coniplete for the German submarines In that state of their de- velopment. Germany knew --or thought she knew -'When she was bea- ten, and for more than six weeks there was 110 attempt US break through the barrage. There was, however, no barrage, except as it existed in the deigns which had been foisted upon , Ger- many. England had neither the right mines nor the mechanism to zerete them ready at the time. This story Is not guaranteed by the Idanehester Guardian which, however, declares it is not mere astonishing than some au- thenticated. legends of the great war. e A IIAPPY TIME For All the Canadians in England at Christmas, London Cable. -Christmas *mous Jthe tanadiatilh England will Le it happy time all round, eight days' leriee with free railway warrant Wilt granted troops in camps here, only this arrangement is not allOWed to Interfere with the return isf any malt - to Canada.. A good many who bad been longing to get back nOmetireer show 'now unwillingness to underteke the journey, complaining that tilde have not had a chance of meting Eng- land or relatives here. Ito/Meet. those' whose paeltage is arranged el - ready must 'eat' forthwith. Sixteen hundred Canadian prittners now in England will be dealt with et Dover and Ripon. This make about half the total number of Canadians awYting reentrlation. Three nide- dretie of Canadians will euend Chrie flies tlay on the water in home,. Those vesaele hbava 0.12 end !Unclog. ,