The Huron News-Record, 1893-09-20, Page 8y SNE WOW'S' FAIL ,4 rip to the World's •Fair mid no doubt prove very interesting, but in this swelt. Bring weather the most sensible thing to do s to secure a reliable' summer bever- age. We bare the finest .41.414 in wood:and bottle f superior PORTER in wood and -bottlle. LAGER BEER, and the vory best brands of Canadian and imported WINES, WHISKIES and BRANDIES. Our prices are the lowest for the best goods. We pay special attention to lines for house- hold and medicinal purposes. ,ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to ' insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the.ofJice not later than SATURDAY NOON. Copy for changes received later than SAT- URDAY ..VOON AT- URDAY.YOOV will hereafter be a. the Advertiser's own risk. A. M. TODD, Publisher, rhe Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year—$1.:5 in Advance Wednesday, Sept. 2Oth lt393. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Dub, town EMIL apples, plums and pears wanted at CAuTsLon Buns. TO FARMERS AND HORSEMEN.—Best single harness a specialty, all styles and closest prices. Everything in our 1ina colt fine. JOHNSON & ARMouR,harness makers. WANTED.—Any q uantity of Plnrns Cherries, Recl and Black Currants and Goose Berries, for which the highest market price will he paid.—N. ROBSON. Cash paid for egg and butter.—CANTaLON Baoa. CUSTOM TAILORING.—W. G. Vance, over 'Coats & Son's store, is an experienced cutter and mechani;. All orders. entrusted will be excnsted in the latest style, lowest price, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. FIRST OF THE SEASON. — Choice Oysters at Coats' Restaurant, next Robson.'s grocery. Mass DICKSON, of Amherley, was the guest of Mrs. A. Twitcholl, Maple street, last week. FAME ABROAD.—The Doherty Organ Company are the only firm that have a purely organ exhibit on the grounds. They do not make pianos—nothing but organs. Their organs are really the embodiment of perfection—rich, melo dious in tone, substantial and durable in construction, the actions light and elastic, that dety climatic changes, and last, but not least, the beautifully de• signed and finished cases, all go to show what Canadian "art manufacture" can accomplish by undivided attention and study to one line of manufacture. —Empire, Toronto. SEAFORTH VISITORS.—The Sun sayd —Dr. Belden and Mrs. Belden arrives: home from their wedding'tour on Mon• day evening last and were given a col.. dial reception, at their fine new home 'on John Street.—Mrs. Chidley, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Greig and Mies Maggie Jackson, of Clinton, were in town on Tuesday last.—Mise Mclieohnie. of Clinton,,," in town on Tuesday last.— Miss Cautelon, of Clinton, who has been on a visit to friends in town, has returned home.—Mrs. J. W. Lawson, of Detroit, and Mrs. Thos. Jackson, of Clinton, aro this week guests at the residence of Mr. James Jackson. PRESBYTERY Or 1-IURON,.—This Pres- bytery held a regular meeting in Clin— ton on September 12. Instead of missionary meetings, ministers were ro• commended to exchange pulpits for the purpose of preaching missionary ser- mons, and in the absence of such ex- changes that every minister preach once or twice a year on the claims of missions. As there is a difference of opinion as to what constitutes a fancily; in many cases, for reporting to the Assembly, a basis was agreed upon for reckoning such families and ordered to be printed for the use of sessions. A circular from Dr. Read was read respecting the amount expected from this Presbytery for Assembly Fund and the clerk was instructed to write to defaulting congrega- tions informing them of the sum expected from them. There was also read a circular from Dr. Cochrane sot• ting forth the accounts apportioned to this Presbytery fbr home missions and augmentations of stipends, viz., $1,800 for the former and $650 for the latter. The clerk was instructed to notify those congregations which have failed to con- tribute to some schemes of the church, and request them to contribute in the future. Modoration in a call was wanted to the congregation of Bayfield. The estimate of expenditure was sub - Witted and the financecommittee author- ized to raise the sum required in the usual way . The next mooting of Pres- bytery is to be held in Brucefieid on "4'Ovomber 141h, at half -past ton a. m.- 44081101% AIn, REittt$0$ returned lAnnday' ma. R. 8, H'AYES, of Soaforth, was in Clinton Saturday. Mn. E. N. LEwta, of Goderiah, was in Clinton last Saturday, No QURovM,—The Collegiate Insti- tute hoard did not meet Friday evening for lack of a quorum. The regular monthly meeting was to hayo been held lest night. ENTRIE8.—Greater numbers than ever for the Huron Central ate coming Iin. The Manitoba exhibit will take up 50 feet of space and will be worth indpection. Take in the Huron Cen- tral. Oun FIRE ENGINE.—The Town Council have awarded Ronald, of Brus- sels, the contract of repairing or re building the fire engine. The prioe will be $600. In the meantime the town bas secured from Mr. Ronald a fire engine for the town's protection. DON'T ST00P.—If the bicyclists keep on bending over as they do, and the laws of evolution and heredity get in their appointed work, it will not be many generations before the sporting Ivan will have nothing to do but put a pneumatic tire on himself. CLINTON BUILDING UP OTHER TOWNS. —The, Wiugham Tinges saya :—We understand that two practical man from Clinton are making arrangements for starting a new planing mill in Wing - ham. It will he on the latest improv- ed plan and furnished with the best machinery, and will turn out work of a superior order. n r WORLD'S FAIR PARTY.yW. Jacks0 booked the following World's Fai party on the excursion last Saturday:— Dr. Sheppard and wife, Miss Dinsley Rev. Mr. Diehl, Jake Taylor, W. Waite, Mrs. Webster, D. Fell and wife Mrs. Wise,J..Fisher,D. E Munro,O. E Erratt, C. Nesbitt, H. Baker, T Churchill, H. Gould, A. Gould J Irving. A CLOSE CALL.—bar. James Jackson of Seaforth, formerly of Clinton, had a very narrow escape on Tuesday of last week, in Toronto. The following par- ticulars are taken from the Mail :—"A trolley car booming southward on Yonge street collided with the bicycle of Mr. James Jackson, who was riding along Wellington street. The bicycle was knocked into "splithereens," but Mr. Jackson escaped without serious damage." THE MEANEST KIND OF A FRAUD.— Everybody should look out for a new swindler. He stops at a house and en- quires whether the famil3 has lost any children, and if the answer be in the affirmative, the age, etc., will be asked. A short time afterwards he puts in an appearance with some sort of a fraud. certificate conteiniag the informat on given, and demands 83 for the same. His idea is to frighten women into paying him the amount. Theshotgun and watch dog should be kept in readi- ness for such characters. TIIE CONSERVATIVE DEMONSTRATION. —The arrangements at Clinton for the meeting to be addressed by Sir John Thompson and colleagues on the 26th are announced on posters and the gathering will be a great one in the history of Dominion politics in this county. The members of the Nest Huron Association executive who re- side in Goderich have nearly completed arrangements for the representation from here, and a general meeting will be called in a day or so to complete organization and arrange details.—God• erich Star. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.—:lot Mon• day night. Present—chairman Steven• son, Harland, Overbel•ry, Gibl:ings, Stewart and Taylor. The Principal's report was adopted, showing attendance: Boys enrolled 241, girls 218—total 459. The average attendance is 408 up. to Friday, 15th. During vacation several school windows were broken. There are now 53 students and the ex• tra teacher will be required for a longer term. Accounts, cleaning school, etc , amounting to $6.25, were ordered paid. The Principal was authorised to close the school ou the afternoon of 26th, Fair day. NEws RtCORD CALLERS. --Last week we had a pleasant call from Mr. James Potter, of Blyth, who was on his way home from the Toronto Exhibition. Messrs. McMurray and Fleming, of Belgrave, wero also on their way home. All report the Toronto a great show.— Mr. Wm. Lasham, of Goderich, was among our welcome callers.—Mesere. 0. E. Erratt and D. E. Munro, of Auburn,, were on their way to the Chi. cage Fair and found time to call on us. Both gentlemen were the picture of pleasure.—Mr. Peter McKay, of Chisel- hurst, gave us a friendly call yesterday. DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. —In addi— tion to the Premier and colleagues being in Clinton on the 26th, on tho 27th (Recond day•of tho show) we will have the Lieut Governor of Ontario, Hon. John Dryden (Ontario), and pro- bably the Minister of Militia, J. T. Garrow, M. P.P., and A. Bishop, M. P.P. The Lieut -Governor wilt ar— rive at 10 a. w. and a procession will be formed, heeded by the band in mili- tary uniform, and 12 of a Guard of Honor under command of Capt. Combe. At the town hall an address will be read from the Town Council. Lun• eheon will be served at the Rottenbury. At about 12.30 or ono o'clock the Ag- ricultural Society will read addresseb on the grounds and the Lieut.-GeVern- or will open the show. • • a ow And those who come first will have the best chance, because we are going to clear them out if price will do it. Here are special articles Boy's and Girl's Tricycles, Boy's Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Croquet. And some small lots of ra WINDOW SHADES We have some remnants of the above goods and they are down to the LOWEST PRICE TO CLNAR. AR. po_T S -- E332,08_, BOOK STORE AND NEWS DEPOT, CLINTON. vmcc�s.oy BEESLEY & Co. GRAND MILLINERY SNOW DOOM OPENING Saturdaij, Septerrjijor 23[d, When we make one of the finest displays of fine PATTERN HATS, BONNETS, NOVELTIES, and MILLI_ NERY REQUISITES every shown in Clinton. Our Great Specialty Is Millinery • and owing to the fact that we do far the largest trade done in the county in this class of goods we are enabled to place before our customers such a range of shapes that for style, assortment and price is not equalled outside of the Cities, devoting the space of ono store in making our display. You are invited to come, and MIss MCDONALD, assisted by MIss BEESLEY, Mass SMITH, MISS ACHESON and an efficient staff' will be pleased to show you our marry styles. 0 BEESLEY & CO„ Tfte Laths' Favorite Establishment. HURON CENTRAL EXHIBITION, September 26th and 27th. 0 While in town visiting the Fair call and see our EXHIBiTION OF FURNITURE. Never before have we been able to show you such a well assorlet stock, and at such remarkable low prices. It has been a difficult matter for us to supply the detnand for tllase 45o. and 25e. l3amboo 'Tables they have bean selling so fast. We have just received another large shipment of thew. Come and get one before they all go. ---0----. JOSEPH- C H 1 D L EY, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. J. W. CHID,j:.EY, JR., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered at hie residence, King St., opposite the Foundry. as L.sir111.4 ali vor Or Suit. 411,on,r,rw.rwwrsona/,N•u•q.w1.9% sierg'ea invariably give satisfaction, some 10a de objection to the color being so dark, usually being blue, This season you may buy Serge "goods that will Five satisfae-;' tion" in BLUE, BROWN, BLACK, all shades o>fF' GREY, almost any shade. Prices for Ordered Over:' Coats range from $12,00 to $tOO, For suits from $iO.0O to $25.00 and tor a quiet, tasty garment the material is unexcelled. We invite the inspection of all, and feel assured that the result of your purchase will be satisfactory to you as well(as ourselves. Jackson " ros.0 Men's and Boy's Outfitters, Etc. 4110111111.1.1131111,1111201.11.. — + — + — •i- + — Millinery Opening. 0 — Our Fall Millinery Opening will be held on Saturday, Sept. 23rd and following week when we will show the seasons leading novelties in English, French and Ameri- can Hats and Bonnets. At the same time we will make a display of Mantles, Dress Goods, Carpets, &c. You are cordially invited to be present. •4PH4M eu.1.N.,4N/1...NM 1•1A... Est. J. Hod�cus, CLINTON.