HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-09-20, Page 6o
For Bronchitis
never realized the good of a medicine
So much as I have in the last few months,
during which time I have suffered intensely
front pneumonia, followed by bronchitis.
After trying various remedies without
benefit, I began the use of Ayers Cherry
Pectoral, and the effect has been marvelous
tt single dose relieving me of choking, and
securtu , a good night's rest" --'. A.
HigginbotInun, Gen. Store, Long Mountain.
La Grippe
"Lash Spring I was taken down with la
grippe. At times I was completely prostrat-
ed, and so•ditru;utt was my breathing that
my breath seemed as if confined in an iron
cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer a Cherry
Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking
it than relief followed. I could not believe
that the effect would bo so rapid."—W. H.
Williams, Cook City, S. Dak.
Lung Trouble
"For more than twenty-five years, I was
a sufferer from lung trouble, attended with
coughing so severe at times as to cause
hemorrhage, the poroxysms frequently last.
ing three or four hodrs. 1 was induced to
try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and after taking
four bottles, was thoroughly cured. 1 can
confidently recommend this medicine," -Franz
Hofmann, Clay Centre, Kans.
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists. Price $l ; six bottles, $5.
Prompt to act, sure to Cure
The Huron News-Recora
1.50 a Year -$1.25 fn Advance
Wedaesd.av, Sept. "Z'Ot1t 1893.
—A. Si. 'iI s 'i boy Dammed Thomas
Soiitheth3 uenrly lost hie life through
taltli g nu over tins° of headache ruudi•
.N AI-lOU C UY 'Et'SI A.
\V roue ac:ion of the s'onl,,tL'au 1 Iyer oc-
ca,ir,uv,t)s1•al.sis. Dyspepsia in tion gime
telae ro Int.f of i d 11,10 tar,+e c,.iupts'utr
ac• ,.t,r b 1: li d� H., wlu.:h so .a oq t',t•
s:.n, knb, t hoots a(10 anti t, nes
and eras the ellClrr. •yntenl, ttt,I+p.,et.
tivuly 0.1011,4 dyed psi-, euusc•p•sut 11, bad
t.!,r 1: alit: , tutor r ,ill tr.o.
—John :Nle Loud, ' of .Minto, last
spring ;;art onr bu•iu-I and ie quarter of
'lux het'11, n Lich hr. sowed. 'Pins fall le•
bronco: into f!re mill 4;j tons of Ilex
which hie cl I:itu, after pa) ing for the
seed, ;;;I-1-5.70
Ursrt,v ltN,-1 as trob id w th ehrrn:e
diarrhoea fu ove t' ra a a , and rnuri rrd uo
benefit boa, cal the medicine 1 tried, 1 wte
una'-1e to w I k front two t • h•ur days eve, y
wet It. tic•,tu g of Dr, L'owlet', Ez'rect r.f
\\ ilei sasebtrry 1 in gnu to a -e it, Aw
Low 1•t:r,-.t. J rLIN jT1L5,
ilntc_bri,:ge, Out.
—Ott Saturday week, as .\Ir. Walter
Simpson, of HuwieK, was,c•rnhsiug the
C. P. E. at (Ienunill's crossing iD Turn-
berry, his buggy was itruek by the
enittn of Toronto train, and the sett
and ton, with 111r. Sinlirsorl, wife and
child wt le thrown into the each, while
the botee and balance of 1lie t tlo y,
mitres it t: heel, escaped. Mr. Siolp-
son, wile n ill child escaped injury, ex•
cept being pretty well ahook up.
saarl,lteeaa—I think yr ur valuable media
eine ca:.:;.,t I.e: raj ulLtl, becnu•u of he her,e-
flt 1 .ler iv( d frim it. After eutlerii g lana
hea:]•cl:r ;.,..1
ken of apperite fur newly
thrrc) uvs 1 triad B. R. 1t '.vith great s..c-
cees. is trice me•grent tali, f at 0, ce, et:d I
uow @1.1y ;;,'c d health.
Mas. \LtaTuhty SPROUL,
Dung•ron.>n, 0:,:,
--On Wed of last we.•k, the
resichmee t.f Ai r. I{.,bt. Nom field, 2nd
coucCe•i n, 'Morris, VI RR hump,' to the
During the afteruor,n ,Mrs.
13loceiaziehl had gore out to visit a
neighl nr and Air. E oonlfield had gone
for a lo.:d of wood, so thele was no one
at hop,.; w Loan the fire took place. It
is sunrise 1 to have caught from an o'd
heel.,, near the brick residence they oc•
cu pied. Nath ;Inures were destroyed
but lir, i. of the 00r11pnts wr're sired by
the r.t•:yl.l.ors, Partially insured.
ri lit, I1..,: v'rf The .V,.are-f:reonl:
' , s.a.o i ,(a•nn u' r,•aders that 1 will
mast fres +Lll sefferere the meant/ 1,v which
I '.va3 r, et,.r••rl to lia.dth ind many vigor
after } rats ef.uttorine frotn N.ovr•us t\ eelt-
nese. I s',, 10b14.41 and ,v,in.ilcd by the
clone:;R'Inti, 1 noArly t•,at 1.:111 fu mankind,
but oca'•k+to braven,l ant nnw w•el!,t'igerous
and atrer..�. 1 have no'hinii to sell and no
soheme 113extort71.ney fr, rat anyone whnm-
scever. 1,1t being ,'esirOIS to snake this
certain r' 1? known to all, 1 will sen,{ Iree
and „r nil -holt -II to anyone fell particulcirs of
just how I wse curet. Addrepewith stamps:
11i:, EnwAite MARTIN, (Teacher).
P. 0. Box 143, Detroit, Mich,
--During the severe thunder etorm
Thursday morning a young ratan named
Knitlit,emploved in Mr. Ilobt. Wilson's
stable rat `eaforth, was leaning over
cna of the half doors of the stable when
the lightning fstru -k the buil line. Tito
electric- fluid struck the side of hie, head
and passed over to hie left shoulder,
then down the body on the some side
and went Ont at the knee, which was
leanirg against thi door, burning a
hole in his pants. It also went down
the other leg into the front part of the
hoot, t"ori:g the whole hoot off his
foot. iVhen found by Mr. P. Keating
he was lying on the floor insensible.
Ile wail removed to the Royal hotel
and medical aid procured, when after
a time he blowy+ recovered.
sots.. -Is is my privilege to reoamm n.d
B. B. 11 For two yuerq I was nearly
orippted with an inflammatory disorder of
they kidneys from wbiub oix bootee of D.
11. 11, entirely freed me. I am now web
and strong, aad gladly reuommdnd t to R. ft.
Bitters weigh cured me after 1 had almost
given up hope. EDWARD J011 4801,
Aberdeen, 13. O.
—Charles Woodley, who said he wee
t 1:uutar and lived near Waterford,
Out., batt been arrowed at Chicago,
nhargoI with smuggling opium fru►tl.
Cat ads. He had $250 worth concealed
n his cluthing. He w e held in
$2,000 bonds.
il':,re-e from dyspepsia have only them-
selves to blame if they fail to teat the won -
d fun curative qualities of Ayer's Sareupar:
ills. In purifying the boot, this med'oine
strengthens every organ of the body. anti
even the most abused stomach is soon lector
ed to healthy action.
—The Mitchell Record at)'• : Four
tramps were taken charge of by tht, eon
ratable on Saturday night. Ou Sunday
morning an old man and old woman
wero sent on their wandorieg tramp
lift: without complaint; but on Monday
the notorious Mrs. Carey and her
daughter were brought before the mag-
istrate charged with vagrancy. They
were aunt out of town.
For Over Fitly Years,
Vas. WINSLOW'SSOOTIIISeSYRUP has been used by
infiltrate of unothore for their children while teething.
If disturbed at night and broken of y our rest by a
sick child,sufuring and crying with pain of Cutting
'teeth menti at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win.
snow's Soothing Syrup" for t'hildren Teethiing. I
will relieve the poor little sufferer immodatoly
Depend upon it, mothers, there 15 no mistake about
it. It cures Dlarrlto;a, regulates the Stomach end
Rowels, euros wind Odic, softens the Gums and re-
duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the
wholeeyetenn. "tdre \Vluslow's boothing Syrup"
for children teething 1s pleasant to the taste and
ii the proscription of one of the oldest and beet
female ph) sicians and nurses in the United States.
Price twenty -ave cents a bottle. Sold by all drug
Orb; throughout the world. Be sure and ask for
" Mas.w'16+Low'e SOOTHING STRUT"
—On Saturday week Mr. blalcolut
�+ntit1, one of the oldest rattlers of
Stanley township, Aird at h'a residence,
5th concession. Deceased was a native
of Scotland, but settled in Stanley
township forty-four years ago. He
wee a member of the Preabytnrian
,church and a Conservative in politics.
A willow and five children remain to
mourn his loss-
BtTIL1) UP.,
When the system is run down, a person
an easy prey to consumption nr
Serafino. Mane valna1l'e lives are wase
by using Seott's Emulsion as son al a di -
cline iu health is observed.
' --J.'1. Lacy, editor f the Palmer
Ston Telegraph, has been forced to re
tire from active service. The other
morning Mr. Lacy found himself sud-.
denly deprived of the almost total nee
of his left hand and leg, and his medical
attendant tells him that it is douhtfll if
he trill recover the use of the affected
parts again. Mr. Lacy is upward of 70
years of age and has been connected
with the Tclegragh for nearly eighteen
Ma: McNee. of St. Ives, Ont., had
eleven terrible running rores and was not
expe,'ted to recover, all treatment having
Faiteai, S's koalas of 13lydoek Blond Bitters
completely restored him to health, Drug
gist Sanderson of St. Mary's, Ont., certifies
to thele facts,
—On Thursday week that sad intelli-
penre reached the village of Varna,
that Mr. Edward Reid, of Virden,
illanitoha, was at the point of death,
and a few hours later the mournful
news came, that he was dead. Mr,
Reid was the eldest son of the late
Robert Reid, of the Rayfield Road, and
was well known in this locality, where
his three brothers at present reside. He
leaves a wife and four children.
GENTLEMEN,—Last summer my baby was
eo had with Rummer complaint that he Inok-
ed like a skeleton. Although I had not
mueh faith in it, I took a friends 'Ovine and
tried D•. Fowler's Extract of 1Vild Straw•
hen v. He snon got better. I truly believe
it saved his life.
Eillab erongh, N. B.
—.lames Lever and 11. Marshall
were sinking a rOell for T, Armstrong
on the 10th con. East \Vawanosh, near
1Vitigie n lent week. Upon going into
the well Lever was overcome with foul
air. Marshall, noticing that him corn.
paoion was helttlesn,nt once went down
the well and lifted the limp body into
the bucket, and had hint taken up, but
before the bucket could be let down
aeain the brave Marshall had fallen
over himself, and when taken out life
was extinct, Lever will recover.
When Jack calls on Miss Eleanor,
He Rl'+vays brings her plenty
Of flowers and chocolate honrone, which
Most oharm the maid of twenty.
And though Sir Jack has ekinuy arms,
And Inge Be thin as pheasants',
How could one blame Mies Eleanor,
Who much admires his presents ?
Ni woman hos any real admiration for a
man's presence unless the man has a good
physique—legs and arms well filled out.
You can't be "well looking" if you suffer
from any of the diseases caused by a disorder-
ed livtr or impure blood—dyspepsia, bilious
nese, and scrofulous affections. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine thet
ritre•s these oases. It's the only remedy
that's guaranteed to hernia or cure, in
every case, or the money Wended. Medical
science stamps it "absolutely potent" as a
blood -cleanser, strength -restorer, and flesh -
The worst Nasal Catarrh, no matter of how
long standing, is permanently cured by Ur,
Sago's Catarrh Remedy.
tum" mr a. alma
—0 --
AtRock Bottom Pricas,
Albert St., Clinton
Eura1a. Bakery aqd Retaurant.
In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur-
ing the pant three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA
BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to
successfully eater to the wants of the general public. We do Cur own
baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD
BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &C., equal to any in west'•
ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING
CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c., delivered to ell parts
CREAM, COOL DRINKS. Pio nits and Private Gather•
inga supplied on the ehorteet notice at liberal rates.
Romember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Stnith'a Block Clinton.
B 0 FD BR OS., Proprietors.
Leslie's Carriage Factory.
manship and material. !-All the latest styles and most modern improve-
ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to. Prices to suit the times.
1Jt °'FACTf1RY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y
Dr. `owner's
Extract of Wild Gtrawber•ry is areliuble
ro:ncdy t iat can ulv-n:'a be depended on
to cn) cholera; 01,013th infrntem, colic,
cranipe, than -lima, dyeenteny, and all
luonelnra5 of the bowels. It is a pure
eon t 510 )i ,11 1'ro virtncv of Wild Sti'itw-
hpr:'y, 011•) 0 tee safe:,b an,l surest cures
f..t ail sn•minlrr connpbtiai,s, combined
w:t:,.ol.lu•r il,;ry ,lc ;)••t pre, ,i , curative
R•,en: s, w'. 11 ktum, a to l:r,,Ile al ccicuce,
'filo leaves
of Wild
Str i r!,:rry acro knciwn by the Indians
to 13 :tn e.ceclleut remedy for diarrhoea,
dyseetery ani lcoseuess of the bowels;
bet medical science has placed before
the pu'idic in 1)r. Powle,r's Ext. of Wild
a complete end cf,ctera euro for all
thous distressing and often dangerous
complaints Eo conninon in this change-
able climate.
It has stood the test for 40 years, and
hundreds of lives have been saved by its
prompt. use. No other remedy always
summer cam; ,I d:. eo promptly, quiets
Via train so effectually and allays irrita-
tion hn succes:.fn!Iv as this unrivalled
llrtecri :tinm ,:f 1)r. T'o ilur. If you are
going to travel tin
' r mei°
be sure and take a bottle with yon. It
overcome3 sr'ely alta quickly the dis-
tressin;; :+neuter complaint so often
caused by chauyo of :air and water, and
is also a specific against sea -sickness,
and I'.11 bowel
Price 35c. Beware of imitations and
substitutes sold by unscrupulous dealers
for the sake of greater profits.
C�Irl,�T 13A.KERY.
Tho nndeieigned having bnnght out the bakery
business on snceoashilly cm•rio,l on by Mr, Henry
Murri,1, will continuo L o businosnnttlbe.d,l etaud.
Hn will 1t Ieavnr1 by supplying tt area clave nriieleto
merit ilio liberal auppoit of the people, Bread de-
livered anywhere in town.
Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Ip,eec Cakes, Supplied on
short notioo,
JAMES YOUNG, - - Clinton.
New Piiotograpl Galiery.
I. W. COOK, the leading photographer, hes
bought and fitted rap the pi ',mimes next
Young's Bakery, Albert Street, Clinton, and
is prepared to execute all orders.
Everything from a SUNBEAM to a LIFE-
SIZE PHOTO on the shortest notice and first
class workmanship guaranteed
Tintypes taken. Pictures taken on cloudy
days equally as well es on sunny days by the
new process, Pikes as low as any and
superior work. Call at the new gallery.
J.W. COOK, Practical Photographer
Albert t., Clinton.
John Gunn!nflflarrj,
Canadian Express Agent,
Fresh Haddiesand Bloaters. Oysters
constantly on hand. Also some
Canadian Cranberries, cheap.
Nantes of the District Masters, Primary
Lodge Mastres, their post office ad-
dresses and date of meeting.
A. M TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. O.
John Nell, w.p.m., Centralia 1'. 0.
219—ltobt. fluteh!nsot„ Greenway, Friday
on or before full 0100n.
f31J2—'Phos, 11. Coursey, Lucan, Saturday on
or before full moon.
493—ltichard Hodgins, Lncan, Wednes
clay on or helore full moon.
826=\V!Iliatn Hciegart, Grand Benrl,\\-ed•
Destiny on or before full moon.
890—Thomas Longford, M pleg+rove, Wed-
nesday on or before full moon, '
024—Lewis 11. Dickson, Exeter, 1st Friday
in each month.
1071—John Halls, El linville, Saturday on
or before full 10000•
1097—James Cathers, Sylvan, Monday on
or before full moon.
1210—\Cm. \lowson, Moray, Thursda y
or before full moon.
1343—Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on
or before full moon.
010—Joshua Iluxtable, Centralia, Friday
on or after full moon.
Andrew Million, \\•.101., Auburn P.O.
145—James ('ox, Gotleriel,, 1st Monday in
each tnouth.
153—Andrew M Mien, Auburn, Friday on
or before full moon.
182—Geo. M. Cox, Goderich, last Tues-
dny In each month.
189—F. \Icl'artncy, liulmesy!Ile, Monday
on or before 1'u11 moon.
2G2—.1;uncs 11c1Jeae, Saltford, 3rd Wednes-
day in eacli month.
30G-9lattliew Sheppard. Clinton, tat
Monday in each month.
James Horuey, \V.l'.M., Winthrop P.O.
710—John Ford, 1,linton, 2nd Monday ill
each- mon' r. ,
813—James Horney, Winthrop, last Wed-
nesday before full moon.
928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st
Monday in each month.
793—Wm. Horney,Seaforth, 1st Monday
in each month.
Robert Nicholson, W.1 .M., Blake P. 0.
24—James Pollock, Bayfield, 2nd Saturday
in each month,
308—James Keyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in
each month.
833—Wm. Pollock, Bayfield, ist Wednes-
day in each month,
733—John Berry, Hensel], let Thursday In
each month.
1035—W1111am Rathwell, Varna, 1st Thurs-
day in each month.
R. N,TR.—Any omiaofons or other errors will
he promptly corrected on writing. direct to the
County Master. Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton P. 0.
flaring rented the stare next to that of Mr. J. N.
Combe, the undersigned Is prepared to buy for cash,
any quantity of first class Butter and Eggs. No
trading whatever, but all cash.
Clinton April 27, 1503. ISAAC MORLEY.
Town Property for Sale.
Lots 050 and 057, Gordon Street, and part lot 14,
Victoria Street, Town of Clinton. Will be sold cheap.
Apple to G. D, MCTAOOART, Clinton. 707--tf
Farms for Sale.
Lata 29 and 30, con, 8, 3inllett, 200 sorts. Lot 20,
eon. 4, Stanley, 100 antes. Doth desirably, situated
And will bo sold nn easy terms. Annly to
0 D. McTASGART,Cllntnn, 767-tf
Salesmen to •nlfoit fora oholon lino of nnrsery stock,
Oempict.l mita. Inccfind good pay from abo start.
Previous experience not neeose"rv. Write at once and
Bemire territory. TIIE:RAWRS NURSERY CO.
Rochester, N.Y.
Land to Lease in Clinton.
Sixty acres of good land, mostly In grass, to tense
for a term of yearn, eftbor together or in tote of 10 or
mere acres. Two ten•ecro 10,(t0 for Salo on moderate
terms. 11. BALE.
Clinton, Sept. 4th, 1803. 21.778.
First car `now arrived direct from
Redpath's Refinery, Montr
Quality the Purest,
Prices the Lowest.
Special Cuts in 100 Pounds or Bbl. Lots,
Butter and Eggs wanted.
J. W. IRWIN, Noted GroeE�
& Howe, Successors to James Andersen, f,
0 u
The undersigned have bought the stock, good -will and interest of J.ttente
Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the
Novelty Bakery and Restaurant.
The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a first-class Res -•
taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy
hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers.
11 Great
For years we have been averse to making rr cuts" or in any
way lowering the pirce of THE NEWS -RECORD. To -day.
cur mind is not much changed.
This journal is well Worth a dollar and a half a year. We
know this to be a fact, because we spend the hard cash in
in its production and should be in a position to speak.
The business man who does not know the cost of goods or the
amount of money he pays for labor must be a fool.
We have decided to,give the public the benefit of our wise or
unwise judgment for once. And the great offer we make
should lneet with a quick response from all reading people.
A Tempting Offer .
rif.1-AloroN,-----$150 for18 moils
All new subscribers can have THE NEWS -RECORD, the best
paper in the County of Huron at $1.25 a year, for the
small sum of 81.50 to January, 1895.
()ur list has been rapidly increasing as it is, but we ar,3
determined to place TILE NEWS-BECoUD iii an unpre-
cedented number of new homes.
't The cash in every case must accompany the order.
Another Great Offer!
To those who would Eke to secure a city weekly with THE ,
NEWS-1;ECo1:D, we will give The Toronto Empire for
one year and this paper to January, 1895, for only ti
'Ch e of e,r is One that cannot be well overlooked by people who
desire to secure a good and clean local paper as well as a
city weekly.
And Still Another!
Any reader of THE NEws-REcolID is at liberty to constitute
himself or herself an agent and we will allow a commis-
sion Write us for particulars and go to work.
There is not any money in it for the Publisher at the above
figures, but that should not prevent people from subscrib-
ing. •
Ino n -readers would like the best 1 ocal paper at a- trifling
cost, now is the proper time to take advantage of our
tempting offer. The offer will not remain open many
. months.
Address all letters and remittances to
The Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannot be Excelled.
McColl Bros. & Col, - Toronto.
Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware of