HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-09-13, Page 8t d 0 0 p 0 C a1 yt hi fr at aq b be BOl vr( eh an tat ser set THE MINA'S MIR, Allanson, be New 4 trip to the World s Fair .. ,uld no doubt prove very interesting, but in this alyelt• ening weather the most sensible thing to do is to aware a reliable summer bever- age. We have the finest ALE in wood:and bottle Superior PORTER in wood and bottle. LAGER BEER, and the very best brands of Canadian and imported WINES, WHISKIES and BRANDIES. Our prices are the lowest for the best goods. We pay snecial attention to lines for house- hold and medicinal purposes. 5. W. T-iITI 11,, ALBERT STREET, e •• CLINTON To Advertisers, I All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the office not later than .SA T URDA P NOON,'. Copy Jor changes received later than SA T- A'1'- URD.41- URDAY V O0 \ will hereafter be a. the Advertiser's own risk. A. Jf. TODD, Publisher. rhe Huron News -Record 81.50 a Year -$1.25 in Advance -_- 'Wednesday, Sept. 113th 1893. LOCAL NEWS. In andAround the Hub, 1 grail glilk. ' Apples, plums and pears wanted at CANTE!ON Boos. t 'To FARMERS AND HORSEMEN.—Best 1 single harness a specialty, all styles and 1 closest prices. Everything in our line cut fine. Jolissox & Alt 1ouj,harness makers. t ( WANTED. -Any y uantity of Plums ' Cherries, Red and Black Currants and c Goose Berries, for which the highest i nutrket price will be paid. -N. Ronsox. I Casli paid for egi s and hotter.-CAN'FEI ON BROS. C r CUSTOM TAILORING. -W, Cr. ,ance, Over 1 Coate & Son's store, is an experienced cutter 1 and mecllani.:. All orders entrusted will be ( excusted in the latest style, lowest price, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. t • - c FIRST OF THE SEASON. -Choice t Oysters at Coats' Restaurant, next a Robson's grocery. t c MISS Ev.t SPARLING has returned C from the Point Farm. 1 t Mn. AND MRS. J. RATTENBURY are at 1 the Toronto Exhibition. v MRs.'Var. SPARLING was renewing o )Id acquaintances in Luckuow lost week rod witnessed tho Caledonian Games. f APPLES, -D. Cantelon spent Mou- 0 lay in Hensall, Zurich and neighbor - mood prospecting, apple purchases for he British markets. t t bliss MaLEor), of Godorich, was in '1 ;Minton leetThursday. The lady was b in her way home from the Caledonian lemonstration at Luckuow. - f \,. o TORONTO. -MI•. and Mrs. J. ii Mrs. J. Cooper and son, T. p Vheatl.y and A. Castle are at the.To- ti onto World's Fair. tl PEACH SELLING. -Mr. Ed. Holmes a if the New Era, ft is said, is making Ill bar'is" of money retailing poaches in a own, w b FARM 'WANTED. -A capable farmer ju to rent for a term a good farm 1 f 100 or 150 acres, with house and p utbuildings. A reasonable rental will sy paid for the right property. For c articulare apply at this office. n FRoat WTYOMING -Mrs. James Fair, fo •,, and Miss Dewar returned on Tues ay evening from a pleasant holiday to isit at Wyoming. S FROM CHiCAGO.- Capt. Combe return- st 1 from Chicago last Saturday evening. 'he Captain is a strong Reformer, but T ithal a British Canadian. S th QUEEN CITY vIRITORS. -The Toronto ro 1•eiting News of Thursday said r- N. Mrs. Shannon and Mr. B. Shannon, f Clinton, are visiting Mr. G. L. „n Curry, High Park Avenue." oe w APPLES ARE SCARCE. -Mr. Arthur P ook spent several days in Essex and to arnb`ton and in the neighborhood of ci Hamburg. He was after apples sh Id reports a short yield. The qual• co y is also inferior. pe cu To THE QUEEN CITY. -Mr. David in ook, jr., is on a visit to Streetsville tv td the Queen City. He is a steady sm lung men and hae remained close to a 1 leinese some years. The trip will do bo m good and should relieve hie mind Ph om business cares. - to ere THOUGHTLESS DESTRUCTION. -On ma tnday night the electric light ropes eh several pointe and a number of eff 'ning ropes in town were destroyed in thoughtless individuala. A num• ase r of email signs were carried off and Ev :ne of them almost defaced. Such the alt must surely be thoughtless. Tho has ief is on the track of the offenders and d a Revere lesson will surely be co 'gilt some individuals who should ble tainly knot, better in their natural ere 1809. Ma AttauNrx AaA1g. Wo' were very much ploseed to meet M. II. • tr, C. Meyer oq Mouthy molting. 'rho gentleman was on has way from Gude• rich to Winghaw. He looks wall con- sidering hie recent severe illness. OUR MISTAKE. --The following items were unintentionally omitted last week: -1tI ryor Mo(Taggart retu •nod from Montreal Wednesday. Mists M. Caute- lun returned from Seaforth on the antno day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Riter, town, and Mise Miller, of Woodstock, on the same date had a delightful drive to Kippeu for dinner and epent the evening in Seafprth. Omissions of the kind are not exactly mistakes, but this busy world at times :causes one to overlook or forget au odd item. How TO PASS. -The following from an exchange will be o,1 interest to utauy :-.-A driver of a vehicle who attemple to pass soother on the road does so at hie own peril, for if an ac- cident happens to the man he is passing the rear driver is held responsible. 'fide does not mean that the man in advance is not obliged to yield part of the road when notified,. but the burden of care rests on the rear driver, who is in a position to see and avoid danger, while the other is not, If injury to the leader results front an attempt to pass whether on a country road or not, the driver is held responeible. OUR BAND. -The citizens of Clinton hould bo proud of the new baud, and hey are. On Saturday evening he Band appeared in public and ave on or.en air concert at Iilroy & Wisemau's intersection. eople by hundreds congregat- d and, all were delighted. Every (regressive town should have a baud nd Clinton has one. Our people have obly supported. the new orginization nd we venture the prediction that hey will support the Council in any easonable appropriation for the enefit of the organization. It costs lousy to successfully keep up a baud. COUNTY BICYCLE MEET—The Clin• on Bicycle Club will hold its first . ounty Mace Meet in Clinton today. Che track is one-third mile and one if the very best to be found. Pro- essionals will not be allowed to cons- ete, as the races are confined to the ot:n y. The progra,umo is :-1 mile lovice, one-third mile open, two mile laudicap, ono mile boys under 1u, oue vile town championship, one mile class 13) handicap, one mile open, one - laird mile class B, five mile open. At Ina o'clock there will be a closely con- ested^lucroase match between ;Mitchell nd Clinton Clubs. Our excellent own band will discourse music. At 8 'clock in the evening a grand promenade oncer v,' lie held and prizes will be (resented. Low railway rates have Ieeu arranged. A successful meet and argo turnout is expected. The stores rill likely close from one to five 'clock. How ABOUT WATER WORKS ?-A civ mouths ago THE NEWS•RECO iiU tiled attention to the fact that well water in Clinton should be analysed. ire hear of numerous wells in Clinton bat do not give pure water. And still he people drink disease by wholesale. HE NEWS RECORn is not an alarmist, y any menns. We are not of those Nho are willing to rest and be thanl�- u1. Our people must look to the uture or disaster and death will come ke a thief in the, night, During the resent year we do nut know of a well tat has passed public inspection. At lis very hour typhoid fever is ranmp- nt in neighboring sections. Our dere are the responsible heads as far e clean backyards, outhouses and pure ater is concerned, and must certainly e held accountable. Our fire engine • now requires expensive repairs. It will always require the ex- endituroi of money. A thorough 'stern of water works, it is true, would est a lot of money. But would it III be better at once to make a good b, at the greater cost, than to cotinue ✓ years expending money that ould pay a good portion of the in- cest on a good water -works system ? St • or later Clinton rust take a ride forward in this direction. FORMER CLINTONIANS PROSPERING.— be Chattanooga (Tenn.) News of Ss 2nd says :-"In February lest e Chattanooga district of the Met• politan Life Insurance Company of ew York was eatablished under the anagemont of \Ir. II. Cole Evans, n ntleinan of large experience, and hu came from St. Louts. The com- ny has been received with 1110011 vor by the people, and in this in- adible space of titne has a member- ip of over 1,000. This has been ac- mplished notwithstanding the dull riod of the past few months. The 'pony offers policies that come with 111e reach of all classesfrom the person bo can pay but 5 cents a week for a all policy to those who can pay for lolicy from $500 to $10,000, and on th the ordinary and endowment ane, thus giving all au opportunity protect their families. Too much dit cannot bo given the Chattanooga nager, Mr. H. Cole Evans. To ow how the company appreciate his orta, may be mentioned that it has ins, himself and and wife and two nee, • J. A. Castiloo and H. P. EY, to visit New York at company's expense, Mr. Evans in his office in the Rich - son building a, fine picture of the eon magnifleent ton -story mar - building, which baa just been ere( on Twenty-third street and dieon square, New Ytrk." a few left, And those who come first will have the best chance, because we are going to clear them out if price will do it. Here are special articles Boy's and Girl's Tricycles, Boy's Bicyeles, Baby Carriages, Croquet. And some shall lots of After The Fall is INDOW SHADES We have some remnants of the above goods and they are down to the LOW 1ST PRICE TO CLEAR R1cYRI NB - BOOK STORE AND NEWS DEPOT, CLINTON. EESLEY & CO., The Millinery Emporium. ;-; Fapl Season, 1893, Early Fall Millinery Stock complete with all the Latest Styles of FELT HATS and TRIMMING NOVELTIES, in Osprey Combinations, FEATHERS, WINGS, VELVETS, RIBBONS and TRIMMINGS. Our Miss MtDoNALD has returned from the Wholesale Millinery Opening, and is busy at work assisted by Miss BEESLEY and an efficient staff and is now ready to receive and execute any orders from their ol(1 customers and friends and as many new ones I may be pleased to favor them with an order assuring, them that it will receive their prompt attention and Will be trimmed up in the most artistic manner possible. TWA/(/NG OVER DEPARTMENT. Hats Made Over into the Leading Styles. We assure our friends we appreciate the patronage bestowed upon us ; and while we are grateful for past and pres- ent success, we intend to continue to merit your support by looking after your interests in. keeping the best possible assortment, the newest -shapes and novel- ties at the closest prices that obtain. 5cts. off for Cash, Our NEW KID GLOVES have arrived, Newest Styles and Shades, Magni- ficent Assortment, tell you more about them next week, Te Ladies' Favorite Establishment. 00 TA Lis. 0 fr10, 3C) Lod. 40�'.�en$Si. 0 Have you seen the BAMBOO TABLES that we are offer- ing at 25, 30 and 45 cents. They are great value at that money. We have also a line of Bedroom Suits, Sideboards and Extension Tables, That are very cheap. Before buying call and see what we can do for you. ---0----- JOSEPH CHIC)l„EY, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, J. W. CHIDLCY, .Jn., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered at his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry. ••••• A little seam ripped close up to his knee Spread for a yard or 1: o rip-rip-ree, Why did it rip so, why wasn't it sewn, Had they no good thread, none of their own ?. They had good thread dear ! years, years ago, Where it is now dear you will soon know, List to the story I'll tell it all, I believe they had thread till my Great Fall. CHORUS. After the trousers over After the break in them, After your cash is leaving, After your money's gone, Many a man's heart aching And oh if you could hear him call For his best pair of pants the next morning, 'After the fall. Bright lights were flashing me in the thraldom, Softly I slipped on it, changed to haul soon, There came the crash, then down I went down, On a banana eat by a loon, ` When I got up dear, there wasn't a man Kicking himself more, as some men can, Ripped were the pants pet, Great Break, that's all, Just as my cash was after the fall. k ORUS. Long years have passed child, I've never tread In cheap trousers sewn with bacl thread, They tried to tell me, tried to explain They would make a new pair, but 'twas in vain, One day another came, a true man, From hint I got this pair in which I stan' That is why I never buy no other at all But $2.00 pants, pet, after that fall. CHORUS. l cic on aw'. os, Makers of the Noted Line of - — + — x = ÷ — - + — -1• + 100 • Samples Fine Tapestry Carpets Suitable for Mats. Lengths --1 q, 12 and 14 yards. Good Colors,•: •• : Good Patterns. Prices--�40cr, 50cr, 00c1, Ho,, the end, These are a lot of sanpp.e ends, bought very cheap, the pattern are all good, but of course there is a choice and first buyers will have it. ✓4. Esi. J. HoW, CLINTON.