HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-09-13, Page 5,that there is being opened
up this week at this store one
of the Richest and most
Stylish Stocks of Dress Mater-
ials and Mantles that has ever
Ilk.obeen shown in this vicinity.
Every lady who wants to see
only the Newest must . see
these two lines imported direct
from the old land.
Mrs. Watson, of Florida, has been
alerting friends in this vicinity.
Miss Lizzie Grahgm, of Atwood, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Erskine, at
A number of Belgravians attended the
Caledonian games at Luoknow on Wed•
Prof. Goldstein,' eye specialist, of
Sarnia, paid Belgrave a professional
visit last week, remaining five days,
during which time he carried on a sue -
(easeful business.
A suceesstul Harvest Borne service
eras held in Trinity church on Wednes-
day night.
Children's service will be field in
Knox church on Sunday, Sept. 24.
Mr and Mrs. Barkley, of London, are
visiting friends in town.
Mr. Geoage Graham has returned
from Sault Ste. Marie, where he disposed
of his black driving learn for a good
Mies Minnie (ihristlaw is at present
visiting friends In Kincardine.
Mrs. F. Hillock and Mrs, Blair, of
Goderich Tp., spent a day with friends
here last week.
Mrs. Will Hawkins and her father,
Capt. A. Bogie, intend taking in the fair
at Toronto this week.
Prof. T. A. Ilawkins, of Brussels,
passed through our villiage on Monday,
having spent Sunday with his parents
at Port Albert.
Miss Orah Vrooman Left for St.
Thomas, Out., last week.
Miss Maggie Johnston, of Goderich, is
the guest of Miss Sarah Dunbar.
J. H. Simpson leaves this week for
a trip through Ohio, Pennsylvania and
New York.
"Said the comet, looking bright,
'Tis so of ry cold to -night
If I in Cai,tta1u were, a mantle I would get."
Quoth "If you would know
The be • 1 place for to go,
I will tell you, so go across and try it.
The right place a coat to get,
A Fur, Tweed Jacket, or Sealette,
At PLU\ISTEEL (Kr, GIDDINGS I wOUltl buy it.
Dry Goods
Montreal House,
Fine Garments a Specialty,
Town Property for Sale.
Lots 650 'and 0.57, Gordon Street, and past lot N,
Victoria Street, Town of Clinton. Will be sold cheap.
Apply to G. D..\ICTAGGART, Clinton. 707-tt
Farms for. Sale.
Lots 29 and 80, con. 8, Hulett, 200 acres. Lot 20,
con. 4, Stanley, 100 acres. Both desirably', sitnuto•l
and wi.t be rold on easy t:nns. Apply te'
.G. D'. MCTa0UART,Cliutoe. 707-tf
.Meister Editor.
DEER Stas,-l'ee been luken and Luk-
en in yure paper for a long time ague to
see if their was euny Luse frum this im-
poartent place, but i haven't saw enny
since mister E. Girslray left. There
hasen't been enny in the .Signal• either
for a long while. I gess mister jumbo
must a ditle agane. That pute are in
mind that Charley eltit's hutiful beak:
driver has gon (Bile to. their was some•
thin' rong with it for sum tilne and tha'
coned the Nile farrear to see the poor
brut. He shot it of to be bled and he
lanced it in the nek, but it bled to deth;
its oner has the sitnpitha of his nabers,
for that was thseonely hors' he bad, but
a coalt and it is not grode up to be a
hors' yit.
The preecher, Rev. W. H. Moss, is
awa on a trip to get sum helth and
while he is awa his sermons is preeched
by a nobil younman, or a nobil man,
or a young mang Noble. y u may coll him
what you like but he is yung and his
name is Noble and he spears to be a
man. 1 hope he will get along wel.
their was a lot of toles sode there foil
whate last wake, ushers ae'' bissey
Now, i've toled u a lot of nuse and
mibby ide rite moar to a sum other
time, if i think of ennythin intrestin' I'd
tel u. i minions,
ores afexunatfy
The undeisigned having bonght out the hakery
bnsine.s so eru;eesstully carried on by Mr. Henry
Morri,h, will 00511uuc the business at the old stand.
110 Will iudoavnr, by supplying a drat -class article, to
mc.'it the liberal support of the people. Bread de-
livered anywhere in town:
Wadding Cakes, Fruit or Sp moe Cakes, supplied on
short notice,
JAMES YOUNG, - - Clinton.
Salesmen to solicit for a chorine lino o; n•irsery steel-,
(lopmplete outfit free and goal pay fr•nu the start.
. Previous experience not nenPes.rv. write et once and
tiecnre territory. THE,IIdwxs NURSERY CO.
Rochester, N.Y.
Land to Lease in Clinton.
Sixty scree of good land, mostly In gra=s, to lease
fo5a term of years, either together or in lots of 10 or
moreAleree. ,Two ten•aere lots for sale on moderate
terms. H. HALE.
'Clinton, Sept. 4th, 1803. 21-773.
O> C0A1{, sec.
L. O. L. No. 710
Meets sacovo Monday of every
month. Hall 2nd - flat, McKay
block. Visit ng brethren always
made welcome.
WM. MURPHY, D. 11.
,Local Passenger Agent, G. T. R.
to go up to Rept. 15th. 42.05 Sept. lltb and
VEIL All tickets good to return up to Sept. 18th.
t einCAGO EXDURSION, Sept. 15th and 10th
' rare $10.70, tickets good for 11 days.
for Gltlnformation in reference to travel consult the
�! sensible people
travel by the C. P. R.
AL1 good business men use the
Clinton agency at
GOOP$1a'S Book Store.
Center Fluron at Clinton, Sept. 26 27.
Western atLondon, Sept. 14 21.
North Perth at Stratford, Sept. 28-29.
North Waterloo, at Berlin, Sept, 26,
28. •
Toronto Industrial, Sept. 9-16.
Centralist Guelph, Sept. 10-21.
North Oxford at Woodstock, Sept.
.lior'nington and Ellice at Milverton,
Sept. 26-27.
Mitchell nt Mitchell, Sept. 26-27.
Great Northwestern at Goderich,Sept.
West Wellington at Ilarriston, Sept.
East furon at Brussels, Oct. 27.
Wingham at wingham, Sept. 26.27.
Port Albert
Mr. Hickson, of Buffalo, was in the
Port ou Thursuay last to see Mr. James
O'Brien, Capt. of the dredge.
The employees of the dredge visited
the circular town on Saturday night
with the tug McRae for supplies.
Warden Griffin was inspecting the
work at the harbor during the past
Contractor Naven paid the Port a
flying visit Saturday. IIe expects to
get his work at Port Rowan completed
in a few weeks.
Mr. Henning is busy at tho 'mill
grinding for the farmers since threshing
The weather lhns been most beautiful
and tho waters on Lake Huron extreme-
ly calm during the past month.
In my last jottings from the Port my
time was so notoriously taken up in
looking after the improvement now
going on at the harbor, I was obliged to
"cut it short" relative to items,of news
from P. A., however, I am yet on duty
13 hours a day, the time limited by
Capt. O'Brien to his men on the dredge
as working hours. Thie Capt. O'Brien
is an everlasting hustler and like
"Mickie Free" he astonishes the natives
in the way of digging up the clay in the
harbor. This week will wind up the
dredging for the time being, and Mr.
Power will soon have all the cribs down
in the extension of the piers that he
do this
11 o
n account
the stormy weather setting in. 'Then I
will be at liberty to give 'I'nn News,Rrc,
CORD facts and figures in connection with
the improvements now going on at the
Mr. Dan. McKenzie, wife attd child,
of Owen Sound, have been visiting
around here far the last few days.
Mr. Albert 7lrunsdon left on Satin --
day hie Markham and Toronto Fair.
Mr. Darn Eidt, of Walkerton, came
home last week, not feeling very well,
and is now down with tylihold fiver.
_Miss Ida Hill i t able to sit, up.
Mr. Brogden has had Isis house
reshinglcd. NV. 1'. Whitely did the
work, using rets cedar shingles:
• \Ir's. Sinith is visiting Mrs. Burford
at Hensel!.
Aunt Mary Hill and Miss Radford
we're visiting in Winghauu last week.
:ler. James Midden is doing nicely.
Among; those who went to the
Toronto Fair last week were 11Irs. R. B.
Jeffrey, Miss Lennox, Miss Hamilton
and Miss Little,
Miss Brogden •spent Sunday in Clin-
\Ir•..Ta mes Taylor, of Colborne town-
ship, passed through here on Sa turd at y.
Mrs. Wm. Watson has gone on a
visit to her sister in \Viarton.
Mrs. Crisp was visiting friends in
Winghauh last week.
1L•. Wm. Brunsdon, sr., is poorly at
Sons of England will meet on Friday
evening ; as vet y important business
will be brought before the lodge, a full
attendance of the members i, request-
Mrs. Joseph Lyon, of the village, is
down with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Melville and Mrs. Rachel Young
\wire in Ilensatll on Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. James Fair and Mr.
George and Miss Maggie Dewar, of
Clinton, drove oat here on Sunday
Mr. John Manning and wife, of
Woodstock, are visiting friends here.
.James Braithwaite, Esq., one of the
oldest settlers in this neighborhood,
1i�)11850(1 away to his long home on
Saturday about 2 p. nt. Mr. Braith-
waite came to this neighborhood
about forty years ago micd worked et
blackirmitling fop scene time. I -Ie
afterwards took up farming, which he
followed until something more than a
year ago, when he rented his farm to
his son Mom -shall and with his wife
went to live with their daughter, Mrs.
Alfred Litwre,ic, in Welland.. Not,
liking it, there they returned to Hullett,
Mrs. Braithwaite died last winter.
Deceased was a, member of and held
responsible positions in the Methodist,
church, also held the position of town-
ship clerk for about 17 years and for a
number of years was it J. P. The
-funeral took place from the resilience
of his son Marshall and proceeded to
the Methodist church, where at service
was held and a sermon preached by
Rev. I)r. Sellary, of \Vingha m ; thence
to the Union cemetery, folln\ved by ,0
large number of friends and negnalin-
tanceS. Deceased was 75 years of age.
I11 politics he was aL reformer and an
Englishman by birth.
piS • v3�ti �(xt5lti�i;
�--=-= C M,yL: "`:301\ ", 01\4711..3 -�
We are showing the Bert and Cheapest Stock of Woollen Gads in this County, all our own
manufacture, which we Guarantee Pure Wool. The stock consists of
Fine Medium and Coarse Wool Blankets, all Sizes and Prices, Knapped and Unknapped.
" Sheeting, and Cotton and Wool, with and without border
" ' .Flannels, Plain and Patterened, all weights, Unshrinkable.
ft " Tweeds, Suits Made to Order, First Class Fit Guaranteed.
`4 " 'i Yarns. Single 2 and 3ply, all colors, made of Pure Fleece -Wool,
Splendid Assortment of Knitted Goods, Men and Women's.
" Hose, Soaks, Mittens, Cardigan Jackets, &o.
Wool Batts for Quilts, Comforters, Matrasses, &c.
Horse Blankets Shaped %nd Strapped or by the yard, -Horse Suiting in Stook and Made to
Order, a Specialty, -Large Heavy Sweat Blankets and Coolers. -Robe Lining &o., &,-
Wool taken in exohange.
Beaver Mills woollen Store,
Clinton Ont,
Dr. Shaw and Mr. N. Fair, of Clin-
ton, were present last week at the
bachelor's ball.
Mrs. Ravild and children, of Detroit,
returned house last week after a few
week's visit to relatives in town.
Mrs. Carpenter and children, who
had been visiting the lady's parents
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson, have re-
-turned.to their house, Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Seager and children
are visiting at the residence of Mr.
Chas. Seager.
Mr. McMahon, formerly of the Bank
of Commerce, this town, was in God-
erich last week.
The schooner Greyhound sailed, light,
for Kincardine on Wednesday after-
noon, but after making Pine Poiut,
was driven hack by the storm of Thurs-
day morning, anti when oft' this port
wits noticed, and brought in by the tug
Mr. Jas. Addison is, we are pleased
to record, able to move around again
after his severe illness.
Huron Chapter, No. :10, R. A. III.,
meets in regular session next Tuesday
The schooner Canter from Thessalon
with lumber for N. Daynlent trached
het• dock on Friday evening.
The life boat built by Win. Marlton
was shipped last Wednesday for Tor-
onto where it will be stationed. Prev-
ious to shipment it was inspected by
('apt. Ward of the above named city,
his report, being most favorable to the
builder. The uew boat will be a good
advertisement for Goderich, as the
workmanship and finish are, as the
gallant Captain front Toronto remark-
ed, A 1.
llr. and 11Irs. Allan Martin returned
to Detroit last Thursday.
Mr. T. Stephen, of Seaforth, was in
town on Saturday.
Inland Revenue Inspector• A Cavan,
of Stratford, was its town on Saturday.
Regular meeting of Goderich Council
No. 157, C. 0. C. F., next Friday even-
During the return of the 'excursion
party on Friday morning the weather
was very rough, the majority of the
excursionists being considerably dis-
turbed inwardly.
Mr. Harry Le Touzel, uf New York,
is visiting at the family residence,
?Vest Street.
Mr. F. Blair, barrister, of Brussels,
spent Sunday in town.
Mr. F. F., 111:,. 1111d•Mis8 Lawrence
are in the (ween (111 y.
Miss Slack is visiting iu Toronto.
Mr. G. N. Davis was in Clinton last
week. '
Mr. R. W. Hartt, of Clinton, was in
the circular town on Friday.
't. E. Erwin, of Bayfield, vats in
town last week.
Mr. ?V. W. Farman, of Clinton, was
in the county town oe Wednesday.
1SIr. Geo. W. Swaisla.nd, of Clinton,
was ill Goderich on Friday.
Mr. Jas. 13. 'Tierney, of Blyth, was in
the circular town on Saturday.
.Messrs. F. 'Harland, jr., and P. (look,
cat t linton,were in Goderich last Wed-
' n esday.
\Vat. Bates, of Bayfield, was in
the comity town on Friday.
'Mr. Jas. Scott, barrister, of Clinton,
was in Goderich the past Thursday.
PAMr. Jno. Morgan, of Bayfield, visited
the county town, last Friday.
Mr, Wm. Walker, of Bayfield, was
in Goderich, the past week.
Mr. J. 1'. Tisdall, of Clinton, was in
town on Thursday.
Miss M. Martin, Saeltf(n•d, is visiting
relatives in Woodstock and Detroit.
Postmaster Campbell spent the past,
week at the World's Fair, Chicago.
Mr. Tont, of Montreal, is at the resid-
ence of Mr. Hutchison, Esq.
The yacht, Norntn, sailed for Detroit
on Saturday with a large patty of our
citizens on board. The Voreta started
with a fine breeze and made a. quick
ran to the river.
The schooner Career sailed for Thessa-
lon on Monday. .
It is rumored that the Oddfellow's
excursion resulted in add -telt of 545.
The God, erich Collegiate hist itr.tAlas
a. vevy large attendance this term.
A. very large number of people left
this station on Monday for theloronto
Miss Beck, Snitford, is visiting rela-
tives in Maitlo.
Mr. Dudley 1Iolulesand Miss Elwood
were ,joined in wedlock's bonds last
Wednesday morn inggr, in St. George's,
the rector, Itev.'Mark Turnbull, tying
the nuptial 'knot. There \a61,8 11, very
large con gi'egal•ion present. to witness
the ceremony. The ladies say 1t \vats a
very pretty wedding, the participators
being good looking, the dresses hand-
some, the church nicely decorated, and
the arrangetments generally all Hint,
were needed to suit the'orcatsion. The
bridesmaids were 11188(8 MAIN Anson,
Slack, Cameron and the sister of the
bride,Miss Edith, 111..1110. Ekvond, the
bride's brother, hest men, and Geoff' ey
and Miss Corma Holt, who were
charmingly attired, page and maid of
honor. Messrs. Mnlconrson and Allan
Seng el, and 1)r. Hunter were most
efficient ushers. The music during the
service was excellent, the organist and
choir master having selected charming
wedding scores. If the old sedge,
"Happy is the bride that the sun
shines on," is a true one Mrs. Dudley
Holmes is to be congratulated on re-
ceiving ascii ai welcome from old King
Miss Ferran, of Clinton, was in town
the past week.
Mrs. W. D. Tye and children are
visiting in Barrie.
Bass are being so rapidly killed off in
Ontario and Quebec that the close
season will in fittul a be from 10th May
to 20th June, both days inclusive.
The bachelors hall at the British
Exchange on Friday evening was in
every way successful, the attendance
being large, the dresses pretty, the
stepper excellent, and the harpers en-
chanting. The committee that organ-
ized the inaugural hall of the season
are deserving of all praise for the
pleasurable evening.
Mrs. R. 5. Williams is visiting in
Mrs. Jamieson Reid and Mrs. Jas.
Reid and children Cue visiting in
Windsor and Detroit.
Mr. and Miss Struthers, who wrote
at the recent, examinations, have both
passed the honor matriculation. An-
other score for the Goderich Collegiate
The Oddfellow-'s excursion to Sarnia
on Thursday WAS not as largely pat-
ronizedll as expected, only 2110 tickets
being sold. The shall attendance was
caused by the.ale that raged early in
the morning. The Cambria left at 9
a. m. and returned to Goderich at 10
a. 01. on Friday, the vessel being de-
tained at Sarnia by the storm signal.
No service in the English church,
Blyth, on Sunday next.
Messrs. '1'. W. Scott and J. N. Bell
Sundayed in Wingham,
Rev. T. E. Higley is attending the
General Synod of the Church of England
in Toronto this week.
Mrs, harry Jessop, Mrs. Graham and
Miss Sophie Symonds left for the Indus-
trial World's Fair, Toronto, on 'T'uesday.
The members of the I. O. Foresters
contemplate holding a grand concert
under their auspices on the night of our
agricultural fair.
Quite a number of our citizens intend
taking in the Clinton bicycle races on
Mr. Chas. Floody, of IIullett, hos
purchased the residence of 11r. John
Buie at the north end of our burg.
On 'Thursday night some evil disposed
person or persons attempted to get in
to the residence of P. .Kelly, Esq., on
Mill street. It is generally supposed
that the parties were only trying to
scare the occupants of the house, the
Misses Kelly, they, no doubt, knowing
that their father is at present in the old
country. As soon as they heard the
ladies about the house they took their
departure. It is a pity they could not
be found out and severely dealt with as
the law would direct.
On Saturday afternoon the remains of
the late Mrs. White, of Morris, passed
through this village to the Union ceme-
tery where the remains were laid into its
last resting place. Over eighty vehicles
with sorrowing friends were in the pro. -
I'he regular meeting of the members
of the C. 0. F. was held in their hall on
Tuesday evening.
11ELDON-J.tcirsoN-At Ilighview, Clln•
ton, on. Sept. 0, by the Rev. A. Stewart,
assi.tod by Rev. J. W. Hodgino,of Seaforth,
Dr. 0. F. Belden, of Senforth, to Agate,
third daughter of Thos. Jackson, sr., Esq.
Mcllovocan-Diensov-At London, Sept.
5, by the Rev, J. A. Murray, Mr. T. E.
McDonough to Mrs. Annie M. Dickson,both
of Clinton.
DE gars-BcY-At the manse, Clinton, on
the 6:h Sept., by Rev. A. Stewart, Mr.
Alfred. Deueis, to Mies Eseie Buy, both of
IJ'TODDART-WAL.TERS -In Goderioh, Sept.
6, by the Rey. A. Irvine, at the residence of
the bride's mother, Mr, D.tvid Stoddart, to
Mies D. A. Walters, all of Gcderich.
SMALL-PL'GSLEY-On the 5t11 inst., by
the Rev. A. Stewart, at the residence of Mr.
It. Aachen, Hullett, broth,r-io-law of the
bride, Mr. Joseph A. Small, to Mise Fanny
Pugsley, both of Yarrnuath township,
county of J:'gin,
MAssE-In Hullett, on the 2nd inst.'
Mary E., youngest daughter of Mr. (3eo.
Manse, sr., aged 9jyears, 5 months and 12
CAMPBELL -In Morrie, on the 1st inst.,
Mr. Alexander Campell, father of Dr. Carhp-
boll, c f Detroit, aged 77 years.
;SMITH -In Stanley, en the 2nd inst.. Mr.
Malcolm Smith, aged 76 yearn, 7 months.
JOHNSTON-In .Clinton, on the 7th inst ,
Frank L„ son of Oliver Johnston, aged 2
months and 15 days.
Banwee--In Exeter, on September 4th,
John Brewer, aged 77 years and 7 months.
SANDERS -In Etoter, on September 4th,
George Sanders, nged'47,years, 7 months,
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.
Fall Wheat, oki
Fall Wheat, new
Spring Wheat
Potatoes, per bush
Eggs, per dos
059 to062
057 to 061
055 to060
... 085to040
.... 0 34 to 0 37'
055 to 057
0 10 to 0 la
Cordwood 6 00 to 700
3 00 to 4 00
Beef ... 0 00 to 000
Wool 0 17 to 020
the Mark Lane Express of Monday last,
in its weekly review of the British grain
trade, says :-The latest estimates confirm
the opinion that 6 500.000 qrs will be the
utmost wheat production of the United
Kingdom. Now English wheat fetcher
rather more than old ; both are in the finest
condition. New ,white wheat realized o0
W'edueedsy in t'•e eastern counties 28s to
9-98; new red 26s to 27e ; old white realized
27s to 2Ss ; old red, 25s to '264. The mean
price of wheat in Edinburgh last week fell
to 22s 81. The August average for old
wheat was 26e 3d -the lowest yet recorded
there. Tne foreign wheat market has re-,
covered slightly since Wednesday on the
expectation that the final defeat of the
silver men in congress will be followed by
rightness in holding the Amarioan crop of
1893 This expsctation, the Express thinka,
is rather short Bighted. The article con-
tinues: A comparison of grain prioes ot:'
Friday, the first day of the cereal year,
with those of 1891 and 1892 shows a decline
in the last year cf 58 in California and 6s in
red winter. and a decline in the last two
years of 17s in California and 16s in red
winter. A 5s duty in 1891 would have given
the American produce 10s a qr more profit
than the present prices, resulting from fierce
When you call get books.
written by popular auth-
ors and substantially
bound in Manilla Covers
for five cents each, there
is no reason why any per-
son should be without
reading matter.
We have received another lot
of 500 books which we
will sell as before for 5c.
The list comprises such authors
Robert Buchanan,
J. M. Barrie,
The Duchess,
Miss Alexander,
R. L. Stevenson
and other popular writers.
Como soon and make your