HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-08-30, Page 8�z. r Ott f'. • y THE WOR "DI FAIR. tkip to the World &,. Gtr . ,ale no doubt , ;prove very interesting, but, in this swelt- ering weather the most sensible thing to do is to'seoure a reliable summer hover- : age, Wo have the finest ALE in wand;and bottle tSUPe ter roRTER In wood and (LAGER PEER. and the very best brands of Canadian and Imported WINES, WHISKIES and BRANDIES. Our prices aro the lowest for the best goods. We nay special attention to lines for house- hold and medicinal purposes. J. w. I ITL ti., ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at Me once not later than SATUh'DAY NOON'. Copy for changes received later than S.4 T- URD AY VOO V will hereafter be a. the Advertiser's own risk. A. M. TODD, Pablisher. (he Huron Heim -Record $1.50 a Year—S1.25 in Advance Wednesday, August 30th, 1803. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Ilub, Zewll ltllt. Apples, plums and pears wanted at CANTELON BROS. To FARMERS AND HORSEMEN .—Best single harness a specialty, all styles and closest prices. Everything in our, line cut fine. JOHNSON & ARMotR,hatirness makers. • WANTED.—Any quantity of Plums Cherries, Red and Black Currants and Goose Berries, for which the highest, - market price will he paid,—N. ROBIsoN. Cash paid for eggs and butter.—CAsiELON Bites. weeleaceraisem Mits. CLUTTERRAbt, of Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. F. W. Watts. Miss MILLER, of Woodstock, is the guest of hot. aunt, Mere. J. W, Riter, Miss EVA CEIDLEY, who has been seriously ill for some time, is improv ing a little. CONSTABLE DENNISON, of Mitchell, Was in Clinton Friday attending the funeral of his brother-in-law, the late Edward Moore, MR. R. BEATTIE, of Varna, who was attending the Seaforth high ecihnol and secured a second class certificate, is now attending the Normal at Ottawa. MR. JOHN COCHRANE, of Indianola, Ioara, was in town on Wednesday visit- ing his sister in-law Mrs. A. Hillen, after an absence of several years. MESSRS. JOSEPH BECK and Andrew Young, of Colborne, wore in Clinton this week. 11re were pleased to mebt both gentlemen.. REV. J. W. HODGINS, of Seaforth," preached in St. Paul's church last Sun• Jay, Rev. Irr. Fairlie taking Mr. Hodgins work. MIss MAGGIE WALKER, w110 has been on a several weeks visit to friends t here, left for her home at Toronto' last Thursday. RETURNED.—Messrs. D. and P. Cantelon returned from the World's Fair Thursday morning. Mr. W. Jackson returned last Saturday evening. MIL 'QflN 14-41)1Z Ett, of Roo, Huron,' is on • vietk tot 4 eroato, REV. AND ¥tee. FAIRL.IE were itt Seaforth ot3 Wednesday last, MISS C000u, of St, Thomas, i• viol ing her oouain, Miss Minnie Couch, town. t - of MISSES N. AND B. MCDONALD have returned from the World's Fair, Chi - ca o, after spending a month there. ARTHUR,,son of E. Taylor, the scissor 'rinder,•waa in town over Sunday and returned to Hamilton on Monday. HAY FOR ENGLAND.—Dcring the poet few weeks Mr. Arthur Cook has bought, pressed and shipped a large quantity of hay to Britain. TEE MISSES B. MCDONALD AND M.. BEESLEY are at Toronto this week at- tending the wholesale millinery open- ing. Fnou LIvERPOOL.—Mr. E. Pritchard, of Liverpool, Eng., is here looking after coming apple shipments to Bri- tain. He is delighted with this part of Ontario. AROUND.—The many friends of Mr. Joseph Chidley, sr., are gratified to meet the gentleman on our streets. Al. though Mr. Chidley has not gained his old-time strength, it is hoped that he may continue to improve. • MR. JAMES YOUNG, who has been in the employ of Mr. Jas. Twitchell for over twelve years without a break, has left the bench. He will remain in town and may engage in business on his own acoount. QUITE A Lo=s,—In the burning of the Clinton Organ Factory Mr. Harry Ingram was a loser to a considerable ex- tent. He bad the contract for building cases and had 150 on the way and of course all were burned, causing a total loss to Mr. Ingram. WE WERE THERE,—EdjtOr Mc- Gillicuddy, the Goderich Signal "bugler", rises to remark :—"Editor Todd, of the CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, took in the bicycle tournament. The 'captain' isn't a bad sort personally, although he has to be a 'blazer' in his paper." SHARP SHOOTING. — Last week Messrs. N. Robson and J. Johnston took part in ther•ifle matches at Toronto. Although some of the beet shote in the Dominion competed, both gentlemen made splendid scores and carried off considerable prize money. They are among the beet shote in the Huron Rifle Association. TRAVELLERS.—Mr. J. Hancock left for Sault St. Marie on Friday .—Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart and Mise Broder left on Friday fur Montreal.— M r. Bert Hodgene left for Montreal on Saturday.—Miss. Aiken left for Niagara Falls Stturday.—Mise Orpha Miller went to St. Marys on Thursday. —John V. Coats left on Friday for Delhi, N. Y. where he has secured a situation,—The above were all ticketed by W. Jackson. HOTEL CHANGE.—Mr. Robert Mason, who resides on the Base Line, has pur- chased the Central Hotel business, stock. furniture, &c., and will take pos. session on the 2nd of October. Mr. Kennedy has not decided what he will engage in. but will make the Central his home until next spring. Mr. Mason is a gentleman well and favor- ably known and is blessed with an ami- able, wife. We are sure the travelling puplic will find in Mr. Mason an ex- cellent landlord. FRIEND AND FOE MEET.—Poli tics do not always ikecp apart old time an - agonists. Last Saturday morning the Minister of Militia and Defence, Hon. J. C. Patterson, on his way to Wing - ham, met Mr. M. C. Catueron at the Clinton station. Mr. Cameron had, we believe, just arrived from Chicago via London, Although the two had pass- ed through a fierce political conflict not long since, Mr. Patterson greeted Mr. Cameron in the most friendly manner and the meeting appeared re• ciprocal. This is as politic should be. Fiehce battles may bo waged at times, but Mr. Patterson is a gentleman who is working for the good of his Cana- dian country only. As we heard him remark the other day :—"It matters not to the Government what complex ion any Riding may be politically, as a representative of THE PEOPLE I and my •olleaguee are their servants and we are honnd to represent them as a body. Wo know no politics in our legisla• tion." These are the words of a true statesman and no member of the Govern ment, we honestly believe, would deal more honorable and fairly by the Re- form party or Mr. Cameron than the popular member for Weet Huron. Miss SHAW, of Brussels, spent Satur• day and Sunday with her brother, the Doctor, and left for Toronto on Mon- day. HOGS SHrrPED.—Yesterday James' teep shipped two car loads of 6ne ogs td Mitchell. Why would not a ork factory pay in Clinton? The nivereal opinion is that adindustry of ho kind would pay well here. • MR. AND MRs. A. CooK spentSun- day in Goderich. We are sorry to learn the gentleman's father, Mr. Adam Cook, is so ill that recovery is a matter of doubt. NEGOTIATING —The Mitchell Record• er says: The Clinton Organ Co., whose factory was destroyed by fire a couple of weeks ago, have been negotiating with Stratford for a site and special privileges for a . factory there. Mr. Geo. Blatchford, the head of the com• ,pany, used to be a highly redpected citizen of this town. TORONTO'S GREATEST ATTRACTION.— The new cyclorama. Jerusalem on the day of the crucifixion, is drawing large numbers of visitors daily, who all ex- press themselves as greatly pleased with the magnificent and instructive ,b with Everybody going to Toronto should avail themselves of the oppor— tunity of seeing "Jerusalem" at the Cyclorama. Open daily from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Lecture) given every hour. Next south west cot. Front & York Ste. COURTING UNDER DIFFIOULTY.—A young town lady and country gentle. than wore out for a drive the other eve- ` ning. The courtship, like the couple, was yet in its infancy. About 10.30 or,11, o'clock the young man delivered hie Charge at the gate of hor father, and ;'Jlid was, it is said, pounced upon by the ilato parent and given a good sound ..thrashing. The young man's father, 'spore': rotye, will endeavor to have the *natter adjusted before a Magistrates' 5 h p u To MORROW magistrates McGarva and Steep will give their decision on information against the proprietor of the Grand Union by Inspector Paisley. The Vial took place in the town hall Saturday evening. Wf Ise' STEEP to visiting her father, M. John 'Steep, who has been ill for at)tne tin:f. • And those who come first will have the best chance, because we are going to clear them out if price will do it. Here are special articles Boy's and Girl's Trieyeles, Boy's Bicyeles, Baby Carriages, Croquet: And some small lots of WINDOW SHADES We have some remnants of the above goods and they are clown to the LOWEST PRICE TO CLEAR. E O13II\TS 3:3R0S_, BOOK STORE AND NEWS DEPOT, CLINTON. Beesley 0 Co. 'We have just opened out a special line of All Wool Dress Goods, Double Fold, At 28cts, per yard, 9 Shades to Choose From, Exceptional Valuer 0 Earle - Fall gi ° lithiery We have received a few of the Styles of Felt Hats for Fall; we have several styles of LADIES' ENGLISH FELT WALKING HATS for present wear and we can give you one already trimmed, latest style for 70c.;. good felt; these will soon go as quantity islimited. MILLINERY, AND B EESEY'SDRY GOODS EMPORIUM. The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, NNW WUIIUOO TABLES. 0 05, 30 n lad 45 Cntsst. —0— Have you seen the BAMBOO TABLES that we +are offer- • ing at 25, 30 and 45 cents. They are great value •at that money. We have also a line of Bedroom Suits, Sideboards and Extension Tables, That are vary cheap, Before buying call and see what we can do for you. JOSEPH CHiDLEY, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, J. W. CI'PII: Ll;Y, JR., Funeral. Director and Embalner+. Night calls answered nt his residence, King St., opposite the roundly, 0 ti § t § 1 § 1 § t § X § + t §I t 6t t § t t -- To the Gentlemen of Clinton and Vicinity Our Importations for Pall and Winter are now ready for your inspection. •* 5, Jackson - Bros., /rnporting Merchant Tailors; CLINTON - AND - SEAFORTHI You may think it out of place, and too much like try— ing to force the season, to talk of Furs, and try to sell them before the summer is over. If we were opening out our winter stock, and trying to force sales of them new, we might be inclined to agree with you. Our reason for a fru' advertisement in August is we have secured frlr a couple of tveeIcs a set of sample Fur Capes in all•the newest ; hapes. The ('apes are French Coney, Australian Oppossum, Black Oppossum, Wool Seal, Persian Lamb, Grey Lamb, Ohio Sable, Alaska Sabte and Beaver. If you are interested in furs we will be glad to have you see them. If you have any idea of investing in a cape, we would take your order, and you could have it made of any Fur, in any Style you might decide on ;' the cape world be made to your order and delivered whenever you choose. The advantages of buying a cape in this way are : You have it made in any style you like, you leave a greater choice of both styles and Furs than you could possibly get from a regular stock. You would have better skins, as the best skins are always made up first, and not having any risk in carrying the stock, we can quote you prices considerably lower than regular. We are not given to blowing, but we have an idea that the materials, the colors and prices of our Fall Dress Goods must be pretty nearly RIGHT, at least the trade we are doing in Dress Goods these days makes us think so, 4 Est. J. Hodgens, • f