HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-08-30, Page 7INFO QII'EOTORY, Mienrperatelt by Act of Parliament 1868. 4' i:'i ata, - • • $2,000, coo Ax,,S7`, - - $1,2'00,000 t , Ogle°. • MONTREAL. 7. 'MESON, President, f', W4lrk'ER8 P tN T110MAS, General Manager. rete&;discounted, Collections made, Drafts itlaged, Sterling and American ex- ehange bought and sold at lowgest current rates. Fraaxsr ALLOwSD ON DErosirs. '-A.RIV.CS72•EL OrleyOvanoed to farmers on their own notes pith one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- r;uired i n security. lI. C. BREWER, 1 Manager, February, 1884. Cumin. Gt D. McTaggart . BANKER, ;ALBRT STREET, CLINTON. 4 GENVER.4L BANKING BUSINESS" TRANSACTED, 'Notes Discounted, - - Drafts Issued. " Interest Allowed on Deposits. t,: Clinton, JuneSth, 1801 058y 1 FARRAN & TIISDALL, PRIVATE BANKERS,' Rattenbnry • street - Clinton. i trilital. •' DRS. GUNN.�; GIBSON. OFFICE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert St. W. GUNN, B. J. GIBSON. 1 'DR. TURNBULL ti a .T. L. Turnbull, M. 13. Toronto Univ. ; 31. D. ; ). 31., Victoria Uuiv. 31. C. P. ,o S. Ont, ; Fellow I _the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of oadon, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office:- nswered at Office. )r. \Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury It. Night calls Il DR. SHAW. Black Knights of Ireland, Office in II•.dgen'e Block. nattenbury St., Clinton, Meets in the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wednesday ':Oat. Night calls at same place. 1 after full moon of every mouth. TO THE' FARMERS. otudy your owl; 1l es s ante go were you cap get ReliableHarness. I manufacture none but the LOOT or ¢Toga. Beware • e eoptr that seid cheap, ao that/ nave got to use 4I Catl sed set prices. Orden by mall promply Wooded to :TOXIN $ wL,4111-4 HARNESS EMPOR UM, U1,Y111, OW'@ K. O. T. M. Hearns Tent No. 00, Knights of the afacoabees o the World. 81,000, 82,000 and 88,000 Policies. Mem- bership over 100,000. Assessment principle -has ocher exec° 1ed 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest and safest in existence. ➢leets In Orange Dull, Clin- ton, first and third Friday of every month. A. O. U. W. 'rhe Clinton Lodge, No, 144, sleets in Biddleeotuh's Hall, opposite the market, theist and 8rd Fridays In each month. Visitors a rdlally invited. R. Stoma - D. W.; J. Bain, liaborder. 600y Masva; x a `t3ilt�plt#t. -1LINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A M. meets every Friday, on or atter the moon. Visit - ng brethren cordially invited. . SMALLACO3[BE, Sac. W. J. PAISLEY, w. n Clinton Jan. 14 1803. L. 0. L. No. 710 CLINTON, Meets smcorte Monday of every month. Hall ; ad fiat, Victoria block. Visit ng brethren always ttitX90 made welcome.WM. WALKER, W. M CANTELON, Sec. TILOS. KEARNS, D.M. O; Jlzigllto Nja ubilee Preceptory No, 161, (Black Knights of Leland) in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wedncs• ay of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. isiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty e1l:Otlte, A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTILON, Registrar oyal Black Preceptory 397. ° DR. R. MOORE • 'Physician, Surgeon, Aceoucheur. Office, the late Dr. 'Worthington's Mike, Huron street. Residence, '" corner of Erie and Mary Ste. grntiOlne T. &BRUCE L. D. S9 Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont. ' teeth extracted without pain by the use of a harm- essand pleasant local anaeechetie. No unconscious. .Tess, sickness nor ill-effects accompany the use of his remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuineness. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, Coates' Block, over Taylor's she store. ,. R. ACNEW, L. D. S. • Sergeon Dentist. Graduate of Royal ' College. of Dental Sergeons of Ontario. Bast Local Anaesthetics for painless ex - ,,traction. .Rooms in Smith's Block op- posite P.O. : 728-y . • Xegst. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 'c.. ELLIOTT'S BLCCR, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. 31. R. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. CAMPION & JOHNSTON, ••BARRISTRS, - - SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, 4-c., . GODERICH, - - ONT. • Office over Jordan's Drug Store. E. CAMPION, Q. C. 31. 0. JONNSTON• MONEY TO LOAN. DAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery, and , Conveyancing. Otnae-West Street, next loor :o Poet Mae, Goderich, Ont. 67. I — C: HAYS, Solicitor, ace. Office, corner of i ' Square and West Street, over Butler's Boost tore, Goderich, Ont. 87. i gam' Stoney to lend at lowest rates of interest. r vale { to Wend. ONEY to lend inlargo rgo or email sums of goo In mortgages or 1'tersonal security at the lowest ,arrant rates. 11. HALE, Huron st. Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 25,1881 ly ] MONEY TO LOAN. ) Ierest 54 per cent payable yearly, The borrow. fit ttl' have the privilege of paying the whole or any alt 01 the principal at any time without giving t pence. r 4t!'tf further particulars apply Oa C. A. HARTT. d81ce In ;.foKay's Block, Clinton. ,:Photographers y ` R & BAYLEY, "- CLINTON. Size Portraits a Specialty. NELSON` T. RITCHIE, '4,, to SURVEYOR and. CIVIL ENGINEER, "'KINCARDINE • - • ONT. ; I, ef's left at'this office promptly at- - tttaided t'o, I Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Coderieb, the Third lion. day -of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W FI MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMBS RUSK, itegistrrtr, Goderich P 0 THE CELIERRTED Meal Washer *aria Wringers. THE HEST IN THE !VlARC(ET Machines A owed on Triad I am also agent for All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Call and see me. J. B. WEiR, CLINTON ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING THE WINTER MONTHS. Cahin, 840 and upward.. Second Cabin, -825. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle carried, SERVICE OF ALLAN LINE- STEA3ISHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, 325. Steerage at low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal ; or to A.0. TIS PATON or W3I .1ACKSON, Clinton. STATE 1 LINE. - GODERICH MARBLE WORKS, J. C, Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, `Clinton, Is ur agent for Clutton and vicinity. W. M. Mohrfug, of Ben' iller, is our Travelling gent. Orders entrusted to either of the above will lave our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH,WF.DE, NORWAY and AMIERICAN granites, well as in all varieties of marble. Give Mr, Steyeneon a cal; before ordering else• here. JOIIN,A. ROBER MON, Manager, Geo, Trowhill orseshoer and General Black- smith, lbert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first cross material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines °built and repalred. ATTS CO CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, lbert • - Street. - - Clinton. PROPERTY FOR SALE OP REN]',-Advortisere will find "The News -Record" one of the best medium. In the County of Huron. Advertise In "The News -Record" -Tice Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low ae ally. JAS. FERGUSON, PUMP MAKER, - . CLINTON. (ROSS',OLD STAND) • Pumps sold reasonable. Cisterns and Tanksut down. Wells dug and „leaned anr�4atisfaction Guaranteed, 'COTTAGE FOR S4>,I4E. The cptttige and premisest ltrs. A. Dod6t14r. fh on NOW streOt Minton, eoust.tbi��, el a ser» ortuble cottage with 'kitchen sad weeds/led, hardbd soft water, } sere of land with quantity of fruit trees, currant bushes, grape vices, dton•-Ternte easy. Apply to MANNING & nOQTT, Cllaton. 770.tf FOR SALE. tote No. 7 and 8., Maley Terrace, containing 81 aerees, land, dwelling house, barn and orchard. I'he property adjoins the Corporation of Clinton. AJeo, two stpry brick building suitable for Amend dwell. Mg house, cellar 01x24, shout oue•atth dere corner lot opposite Queens Hotel, Victoria St., Clinton. Ont. Also village late 7, 8, 0, in Myth, Ont. Tho above property will be sold at a bargain to settle up estate. Apply to W. .1. Dwaine, Clinton, Ont., per executors, or to Manning & Scott, solicitors, Clinton, or to T. M. Carling, guetoacer. 742tf. FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the un- dersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Qoderioh, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are also some good fruit trees, This property is beautifully situated and very suitable foraily'person wishing to live re tired. For further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Qoderioh. Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr. Couch, in the butcher. ing 0010005 lately carried on under the style of FORD &COUCH, ne will continuo the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the elosest and most careful attention to the business, etraighttorword and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage.:All orders carefully and promptly trued. JAMES A. FORD, CLINTON. JOHN - SCRDTON, Butcher and Poulterer ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. All - lines in season. Highest )trice for Hides, fallow and Sheepskin s. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. WIIEATLEY & FINCH We have Opened out for business on HURON STREET, CLINTON, and will be pleased to sup- ply the wants of all in all kinds of "meats and poultry in saason at the lowest lit ing prices. Higheet cash price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &e. Patronage respectfully solicited. 72T • --tf. WIIEATLEY & FINCH. SEED AND FEEDING: GRAIN PRICES. I am Selling both Seed and Feeding Grain at the following prices :- American Banner Seed Oats et 15 cents. Common on Seed Oats at 33 cents. Feeding Oats 33 cents. Have also a few Early Gothland oats.] Good Seed PEAS at front COe to O5 cents. Feeding. Peas 50 cents. Also Plenty of good if rowed BARLEY for Seed. 'rhe above prices are for lots of not lessi'then 10 bushels, and are liable to change if tI:e wholesale market changes. As i sell at small profits and the business not my own, 1 sell for cash or exchange for any other hinds of grain• All good farmers will un• derstantl the importance of exchanging seed. W H. PEIRRIN, Clinton. Cook's Flog, Feed & Seed Store SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEEDS We have in stock a choice assortment of the most Reliable Seeds, such as CLOVER, TIEIOTWO', MILLET, CORN And all seeds required for Farm or Gar. den use. Call and inspect and get prices. Flour and Feed of all kinds.; D. COOK, CLINTON. HILL'S FEED STORE, F,IIt;RON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and`; all kinds of first•class Clover, Tiinotly, Field and Carden Seeds, Fleur and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL,; Huron St., Clinton. TRAY STOCK ADVER tt L�.J TISEh1ENTS inserted in 'Tum News itecoen at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If you went any kind of advertising you will not no better than call on The News -Record. GO TO1 TUE Union Shaving Parlor Tor first class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton I. MERTON, Proprietor. .7. E. BLACK ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary. College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern and scientific principles. l3TCalle attended to night or day. Office Immedlttely west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence - Albert street, Clinton. 640-3m J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING l'1INDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont LADIES & GENTS WATCHES With Fancy Dials and Sixteen Jewels -AT- 13IDbZ,MCOME3M'Ef_ $ 13t ILL HEADS, NOT. Heads, Letter Heade, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Carole, Envelopes, Programmes, ete.i etc.,ptinte•1 In workman. like manner and at foo Mot, at TUE NEWS -RECORD `'Shorter" 'Pasta - and "Shorter" Bilis. We are talking about a shorten. ing" which will not cause indi- gestion. Those who "know a thing or two" about Cooking (Marion, Harland among a host of others) am using COTTOLENE iinstead of lard. None but the purest, healthiest and cleanest ingredients go to make up Cot- tolene. Lard isn't healthy, and h i not always clean. Those who use Cottolene will be healthier and wealthier than those who use lard -Healthier because they will get "shorter" bread; wealthier because they will get "shorter" grocery bills -for Cottolene costs no more than lard and goes twice as far -so ig but half as expensive. Dyspeptics delight In Its Physicians endorse It I Chefs praise it Cooks extol RI Housewives welcome Its All livo Grocers sell its • Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. rhe Huron News -Record 81.60 a Yoar-$1.25 in Advance Wednesday, .I.n ;est 30th, 1893. CURRENT TOPICS. - While the civilized world has been stirred over the seizure of Sienese ter- ritory by France, England has quietly annexed a group of islands in the western Pacific by no means contemp- tible in area and of some value from both a commercial and naval stand= point. The group in question is known as Solomon Islende. These islands lie 500 miles to the east of New Guinea and stretch southeastward in two parallel chains for 600 miles toward the Santa Cruz group. The soil is of great fertlity and the atmos- phere moist. The natives are savages and said to be cannibals. A young man from Owen Sound, who made his appearance at Niagara a short time ago and cut up various dare -devil antics on a wire stretched across the gorge, probably preserved himself from a more sensational end by meeting with an untimely accident. A worse fate befel the Toronto man Dixon, whose performances at Niagara threw the once famous Blondiu far ioto the shade. Tho race, however, seems to be prolific of such may -be -sui- cides, A youth in Philadelphia is now preparing plans for an exhibi- tion intended to eclipse the Owen Sound hero. He is known as the Young Hercules, and one .of the num bers on his performance will be to cross the gorge hanging on to a grooved wheel -or pully by his tenth. Up to the present the expression escaping death by the skin of one'e teeth seems to have been without meaning. This fool may live to copyright it. A perusal of' the figures with regard to drink for the past five years shove, says au exchange,. that the , three nations who Lead the way in all enter- prises of civilization, enlightenment, education and enterprise are unfortu- nately the nations who are burdened with the biggist beer bill. Germany, Great Britain and the United Statee in the order named, are responsible for the largest consumption of the liquid. These three countries have to account for drinking 1,775,927,195 gallons yearly, for the last five years. The yearly consumption in the whole of Europe and the United States has been 3,935,668,815 gallons. At 25 cents per galon this would represent tlae im- mense um of 8983,717,203.75 which the e goesd w n h peoples' throats each year in this form of liquid. At the retail price of: 5 cents per pint the actual cost to the consumer would be considerably greater. • THE OLD RESULT, The financial difficulties among manu- facturers in the States is having the old result so far as Canada is concerned. Money ie wanted and shelves loaded with goods will not pay, maturing bills or wages. They must be unloaded and the goods turnedinto Cash if anyone can be found to boy them. Secure under their own prohibitory tariff, manufacturers there know that their selling price in Canada will not affect their home trade and consequently many large houses there have agents in Canada at present who are offering their makes of goods at figures which entail a loss, but which enable lluyera to lay them down duty paid, at figuroe 1 against which manufacturers 1►t'rd clew 1128 compote. Id -ow long this will go op. depend', UpQP the eont,inuance of the crisis o'vt "there,. trot if )or long,, it means trouble for both Mario tam urare and wgrktnen over hesee. Dimling with this 04a60 of trail ,he Journal of Com- merce Saye I -- "',Che o d woman who explataed how she could sell apples so etleaply paid she lived au the lower. When a faetcry is making up goods which cannot be emit at urdival y prices, it may be better even to aril go us at a hose thou to keep them, The ehut'ing dawn of a mill or f et'ry is -•f u a very costly beeinesa. M uuu,td wilt earlouely dopreoia'.e, and, w;thtu 111148 t,f oourse, it may pay a tn.tu'faoturet to sell hir goods at the barest east of produc'kn, or even below it, for a time, in order to avoid the greater loss which closing up wuu:d attune. That is the p Adana in wilice a Lugo number of U. S. manufacturers are uow placed. They have stocks on haul which are unsaleable ; they are in gr.et need ut ready cash ; if thea, the ma. trete of Can ads were now unprotected there would be Bach an influx of Auerivan goods sg wnu!ti drown out the hid ustriee of title country like one from a buret reservoir. the cal- amity would bring the manufauturera of Canada into even a worse tioaacial and industrial plight than that i I which Americana now are. The tarifa'', with all its faults, at this time le demon.tratir g more than it his"'ever done the value and the ueeessitsy of gu rdi g our industries from slaughter:ng t•Oratinne. The contebtiln that the time had (torne f .r leaving our in limn -lee without shelter, 'taking them out of the el tulle,' as . nt speaker said -who cf;ea mistakes fa•eti u • flees for sense-prucer de on the as umplion that trade goes on with the utonotosou, eteadinees of the planetary system. T.ade, however, is subject tc tornadoes and cyclones, and a disasteruus one would uow be level- ling our factories but for the wind -guard of Our fiscal system. WHY BUCHANAN IS DOOMED TO DIE. HE TOOK /118 WIFE'S LIFE 1N ORDER TO II ER MONEY. HE BEGAN His CAREER IN A IIALIFAX DRUG S'roliE. The crime for which Dr, Buchanan of New York, is to be electrocuted i October's fiat week was the mottle' by administering morphine and bel ladonns, of his wife, Anua L. Buchan an, on April 23, 1892; at their home, 267 West Eleventh street, Ilia first wife was Miss Anua Bryce hitter - Eon, but he secured a divorce from her 1n November, 1890. Three weeks after securing, the di vorce be married Mgrs. Anna 11 Sutherland, proprietress of a notoriou house in Newark and brought her t New York to live. She had accutnr luted a fortune find tirade a will deliver ing all her possessions to her husband. QUARRELLED FREQUENTLY. The couple quarrelled frequently and ebe poustautly upbraided Buchan an for spending her money. On tit morning of April 21, 1892, Mrs Buchanan was taken ill, and 1)r. Mc Intyro was called in to attend her Two days later she died, and Drs McIntyre and Watson, afterconsullin with her husband, gave a r•,ertificate that death resulted from cerebral hom- orrhage. The statements of several friends of Mrs. Buchanan aroused Suspicion, and some weeks later the body was exhum- ed and given over forchowical analysis. The examination resulted iu 1)r•, Buchanan's arrest. On June 9, 1892, he was indicted, and on March 28, of the following year, the trial began, lasting for weeks and being the longest murder trial on record, On April 27 he wad found guilty. A CANADIAN 13V BiRTH. Dr. Buchanan was a Canadian. He began Itis business life in a drug store in Halifax, N. S. He was afterwards graduated from the College of Physi• cians and Surgeons at Chicago, and then, returning to Halifax, he married Annie Bryce Patterson, the daughter of a well known manufacturer of that city. Soon after his marriage he brought his wife to .New York, and afterward went with her to Edinburgh, Scotland, whore he attended a medical college. lie returned to Now York in 1886. — — DANGER, ATIlIlO E --THE UNIT - E14 STATES. 0 • 6 0 e • g a Like dedpots, whose policy is to get up a foreign war whenever tteir people feel the pinch of domestic oppression, the New York Board of Health always seeks to turn the attention of the pe•o. pie from their own dangers by divert- ing their feelings iu a hostile way against their neighbors. New York is just now threatened with cholera from Italy. The disease is at present in its own quarantine station ; one death has occurred, and their are other cases. Under these circumstances the Board of Health calls attention to Canada and the possibility of disease entering from this direction, though there is not the slightest ground for any such appre bouillon. This is exactly the trick playdd by the New York Board of Health upon the people of New York last year. The disease was actually in the city of New York carrying of vic- tims, and the New York Board of Health, knowing the fact, concealed it and did its beat to divert attention by sending commissioners to Canada to examine Canadian quarantine arrange- ments and investigate the condition of Canadian cities. Until the New York papers exposed the presence of cholera in New York the Board of Health con- cealed the 'foot of its existence- while raising a big dust in the direction of Canada. Now that it has again begun to direct attention to Canada the peo-7 pie of New York may well look round among themselves and see if there is anything hang concealed. • The Wealth ._ of Health Is in Pure Rich iBlood; to enrich ,'the blood is like putting money out a: interest, SCOTT'S EMULSI 2!t Of Pure Norwegian • Coo' Liner 0i1 and Hypophosphites Iposseses blood enriching properties in a remarkable degree. Are yor: all run dawn? Take Scott's Emulsion. Almost as Palatable as Milk, Be sure and get the genuine. Prepared only by Scott & Bowtte, Belleville. j M HUNIPHREYS'9 Dr Humphreys' Specifies are ectentlllcnny and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years fu private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Speotao a special euro for the disease named. They cure without drugging, purging or reducing m the eysteand aro in fact and deed the Sovereign Remedies of the World. LIST or ellINCII'AL Non. CU.,. Prt1CP.0. 1—Efay ors, Congestions, Inflammations _ 2 -Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.... ,2a 3 -Teething; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness ,25 4 -Diarrhea of Children or Adults .25 8 -Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis ,25 -Neuralgia, Toothache, Faccache...• .2,-; 9 -Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.25 10-Dyspopsla. Ballot enese, Conetlpation.25 11• -Suppressed or Painful Periods.25 12 -Whites, Too Profuse Periods .25 13 -Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness.25 14 -Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.25 15 -Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .25 16 -]Malaria, Chills, Fever and Alive .25 19 -Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in tho Head-24 20 -Whooping Cough 25 27 -Kidney Diseases .25 28 -Nervous Debility .100 30 -Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.25 HUIMIPHREYS' WITCH IIAZEL OIL, The Pilo Ointment,—Trial Size. tis Cts. Sold by Droggl,1,, or Beat postpaid on receipt of price. Du. Ileiwuutve' MANUAL 044 pages,) ,In u.xn rlu a:. aer[PU8EYS'r18D. DO.,111 & I1 a wtlliam St., SEWYORB. WELLS & RICIHARDSON Co. Agrills, 1110 LREAL stilN _41',..171111 1 Scientific American Agency for a CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIOHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 BROADwAr, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us to brought before the public by anotice given free of charge in the � X�ntiftone iii iz Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelllgeas man should be without It. - Weekly, *3.00 e _year; $1.50 six months. Address 3MUNN & CO.. PUBLISHERS. 361 Broadway, New York my. t� JI F i.C"'` , ' i r,� I� ��,r t�". � ��,� -lt cl..1fOL: •_,r ',t:�� �s'! i