HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-08-23, Page 5that" there is being opened up this week at this store one of the Richest and most Stylish Stocks of Dress Mater ials and Mantles that has eves been shown in this vicinity. Every lady who wants to see only the Newest must see these two lines imported direct from the old land. EILROY & WISEMAN. if • Buys a regular 60c Corset. A.11 the best makeso f Corsets constantly in stock. INSPECT OUR GERMANY MANTLES. IN STYLE—They aro Lavish. IN FIT—They are Perfect. IN MATERIAL—They are Reliable • IN PRICE—They are Reasonable. We have the assortment. IIelp us by your patronage to make room for tall goods by buying freely of the Charming 'Bargains we are showing for hot weather. Plumsteel & Gibbings, Clinton. MONTREAL HOUSE, Nappy :-: Thought :-: Ranges. They are without an Equal, They are The Best in America, They speak for Themselves, They are sold by Reliable Men, They cores sold by peddlars, Over 45,000 Sold 2n America HHardware Merchants; S.B�L TONNDCIN ARL A M CHA WORLD'S HIR WILL BE Canada's Great INDUSTRIAL FAIR T NTO SEPT, 4 TO 16 1 893 EXCELLING ALL OTHERS I WC Stables, New Cattle Sheds And many other Improvements SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Greater and. 1fetter Than Ever The People's Greatest AnnualOutin Cheap Excursions on All Railways. J. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, President, Manager, Toronto. a Town Property for Sale. Lots 656' and 657, Gordon Street, and part lot 14, Victoria Street, Townot Clinton Will bo sold cheap. Appy to 0. D. MCTAGGART, Clinton. 707-tt Farms for Sale. Lots 20 and 80, eon. 8, Hallett, 206 sores. Lot 20, eo 4,Stanley,100 acres. Both desirably, situated D.lIcTaCOART,Clintonarme, 167-ttto ak,World's Columbian Exposition. The Goderieh Horticultural Society have completed Of Buren of p tu e nuke ears, and applestion , at the the World'a Of lestun of plume, p COlombtan exposition. All exhibits packed and ox - a 'pressed direct to Chicago from here. Parties will re- eelre fell credit for apy exhibit theylmay make. Alt ex- •'• pesos or other charges for tending from any part of the musty hero will be paid et this end• Correspondence refolding number answered tbym the . HMO tor bonding, ttnderetgnbd. J. T. DICKSON, •LANE, Sem. President. ' • '(IOiisrioil, July 2826, , 08. 768.41. All sensible people travel by the C. P. R. • �loif oxl<41i. ,Sirs Wv Wat1111, pk lafandon, sent varsity In Oodol cli:. E34)ptity Reeve McClymont'and. fautllly, of W4102/411, spent a. Yew days the past, Week in the circular .town. Mrs. S. Davis, of Clinton, was visit- ing relatives in the county town the Pad few days. Miss Marks, of 13rucefleld,is visiting friends in Goderich. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Salton, of Strat- ford, were in Goderichthe past week. Mr. Percy Walton, of London, was visiting at the family residence, Welt Street, this week. The steanletl United Empire was in port on Wednesday and took on pas- seugers and it large quantity of freight. Mr. Malcolm Nicholson is spending a few days in Detroit. Our Public Schools and Collegiate Institute re -open on Monday. Dr. W. Ross, of London, was in town this week. Mr. Wm. Whitely, of Vancouver, is visiting at theparentalresidence. Gode. rich. The gentleman, who was in busi- ness in the circular town some 17 years since,, has been absent for that period, but nevertheless has the Mark of the Whitely family. Dr. and Mrs. Nicholson have return"- ed eturn=ed from the World's Fair. The Dr, also visited the International Congress of Dentists, sfnd doubtless obtained some pointers on drawing. The yacht ornian was out on Satur- daysaand wade some extremely fast sathug. Mrs. Wm. Martin and children, of Vancouver, are visiting their relatives at the Colborne hotel. Miss Duff, of Seaforth, has charge of the C. P. R. telegraph during the ab - sense of 141iss Ball 'vho is taking her holidays. Mr. and Mrs. T. McGillicudky, of Toronto, are visiting relatives in town. Mr. Thornas, of the Bank of Com- merce, left on Saturday to take a posi- tion in branch at Walkerton. The gentleman will be much hissed as he was a general favorite with all classes. Dr. A. J. Johnston, of Totouto, was in Goderich on Sunday. Mrs.Lowe,of London,was visiting the past week at the residence of her son- in-law, Mr. E. R. Watson. Mr and Mrs. Isaac Salkeld were visit- ing at St. Helens the past week. Miss and Misses Mary and Dora Price returned on Saturday from a few weeks visit to relatives at Sault Ste. Marie. All good business men use the C. P. R. TELEGRAPH. Clinton agency at COOPER'S Book Store. Mr. Robt Parke has returned from his visit to Kansas and the World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Moore have re- turned front visiting Chicago Fair Mrs. Slack is visiting the Chicago ex- hibition. Mrs. Rattenbury, of Brucefield, is visiting in Goderich. Mr. Vidal, of British Colu,nbia. a one time teller in the Bink of Commerce, Goderich, was in town the past week. Mr. J. Cote, of the Public Works Dept., Ottawa, was in Goderich this week. Mr. T. C. Doherty. of Clinton, was in the circular town Wednesday. Dr. Secord, of Kincardine, visited Goderich the past week. Dr. Cook, of Clinton, was in the county toltrn last week. The schooners .Smith and Port landed a cargo of coal at this port the past week and sailed north on aturday. The steamer Cambr.a,which has taken the place of the City of If'indsor for the season, brought exenrsirnh parties from Windsor a11[1 Kincardine on our civic holiday. The steamer Cambria is adver- tised to take nearly the same trip as the City of Windsor. i11r: A. M. Todd, of this paper, was in attendance at our bicycle tournament.. :1Ir'. Jno. Gentles, of Kincardine, was in Goderich last week. Miss Mary Craigie left, town on Wednesday c the fall term of u • Etc nl . to .[ the Provincial Norniatl Sehool,Toronto. There. was an excellent entertain- ment, gotten up by the Royal Teutplars of Temperance in temperance hall on Friday. The entertainment in the Royal Opera House on Thursday, as is usual on all holidays, was but poorly at- tended. ttended. A feature of the Civic holiday was the stringing of Chinese lanterns from the court house cluck to the fence round the square. Four wires were used and the effect was the prettiest ever seen in Goderich. Scote one for the C. C. C. C. The brick work on the organ factory, just about completed, is a big improve- ment to this great industrial esnablish- nlent. 11Ir. Jas. Thompson is visiting rela- tives in Strathroy. Rev. Mr. Carry, of Dungannon, is about to reside in Goderich. Messrs. T. Nairn, and Jim. Acheson, jr., are visiting the World's Fair. Mr. Stanley Hays, barrister of Sea - forth, was in the county town the past week. Voters' List, 1893. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSf1IP OF STAN- LEY, HURON CO. Notice is hereby given that, t have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned In sections 5 and 8, of the Voters' Lints Acts, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the ltd made pursuant to said Act of all persons appear- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at election, for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said List. was first posted up in my office at Clinton, an the 26th day of July, 1803, and remains there for 'rupee tion. Electors are celled npon to examine the said Liet and if any omtssione or any other errnee are found therein, to take immediate proeeedings to have said errors corrected according to law. G. 3. STEWART, Clerk of Stanley Tp. .Tal381et,1898. J. .; h j at T. I, 410.It,a:thy. 'I'ttlll 2,4'i I- Sr. - Three tnitea connty4-'1, It. W. Living' Stone; 2, A. T. Cooper ; 3, A, C. Wfil- ter, Two mile ; 6t.nlainute class --'l, Blayney; 2, k'. S. Glordon , 3, W. f. 1Vlitebe.11. 'I'hree.fnite lap race -•4, W. Hyslop i 2, W. M. Carman, 'rime -8 52. Flalf.mile ; 1.20 class --1, L. D. Robert., s1on.13;2-25, Young; 3, Manville. Time— . One mil ; club --1, Langford; 2, Dick- son, 3, Carter. Five.mile open race -1, W. Hyslop; 2, W. M. Carman; 3, E. J. P. Smith. Time -18,48. It would deem elmoat unfair to spec'. !Ally mention names where all did so well, but the officers of the day certain. l'y did their duties in a most satisfactory Wanner. President Wilkinson and his associates of the club have been un' tiring in their work and deserve thanks for their arduous labors. The officers of the day were : Judges --R. S. Wil• Ilams, Dr. Shaw, and F. W. Tanner. 'rimers—B. J. Smith and E. VanEvery. Scorers—J. 0. Rose, and C, Geo. Arm. strong. Starter—A. 0. Hurst. Clerks of the Course—W. E. Thomas and M. 0. Johnston. Referee—W. B. Clark. Baytdd. T C. B.mes,L.D.S.,ofClinton, will, until further notice, be at the Hever Hotel the second can fourth Thar.day of every month, Tuckersmith. Everett, son of Herbert Crich, who had his arm severely crushed recently by a wagon running over it, is recovering and around again. Goderich Township * GARDEN PARTY. -A garden party under the eu°pices of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Jamas' Church (Mlddleton'e) will be held on the lawn of John Middleton. Esq., Goderieh township, on the evening r f Tues - pay Aug. 29. Refreshments will be served from 5 to 8 o'clock. The Clinton braes band will furnish eht ice music for the occasion. A programme of recitations, eoloo, &c., will oleo be given. Everybody come. Meeh sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Green in tho death of one of her little eons last week. A Workshop on Wheels. E.tTaylor, cutler and grinder, 1e here fora short time to do alt kind, of grinding and repairs. Razors, tailors shears, Reissors, joiners tools, sheep and gerdncre' shears, sawn eharpened, umbrellas and parasols neatly repaired, lawn mower; eherpened and repaired, now bladee put into old handles and made erred to new, enrgioat inetrtmente ehar- poned. 81 BOARDERS WANTED. Boarding Home, eonveinnnt to school, where scholars or students can be accommodated nn reasonable term e. Apply to MRS. BROWNLEE, Albert street north, Clinton. 771-tt, THE GODEIiICII CYLCE RACES. J. Y. EGAN, ', of TORONTO Oreateet emcee In the treatment of all tonne of Hernia, of all known awake In P040174 Efface. SPECIALIST WILL VISIT •;CSI-oir°iT4AN, -rand Union 3E3ote *• FOR THE WEEK --- BEGINNING TUESDAY, AUGUST 29T11, ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND, An Entirely New System of Treatment, • You aro first held entirely and in comfort during the hardest work,or eevereet strain, under all reason. able olrcumetanoes, even horeg,hook ridtug, then a ewe follows. My ast end greatest invention in Herd Appliances, fe the result of over tweatyseveu yearn' coulinuous professional practical experience. Repaews- her I have been in business in Toronto over twenty ,ears. 'This instrame, t responds to every motion of the body, ie a ooghb,g, gloating or lifting, end never slips iron its position on a he body, either up or down, as all other,, do, but eleye where you pat it. N0 la AILiIRES:'tEs I °are not how severe or difficult the case, 1 can help you. The undersigned knows the true cause of rap- ture end has recently dl,,eovered the secret -as yet known only to himself- by which a cure ca,, be vf.etedla this terrible emiction without resort to the knife. Don't put It off till -too late. Ohildren Cured in from 6 to 8 weeks, Adults in from 10 to 14 weeks, A000rdisg to the severity of the ease. Aye of person, or length of time rue tared makes no difference. EVERY CASE A S1fTCCESS: This is positive, as I have convincing testimony from physicians, from parents, and from those deolarell ourgiaal IS T,, to be DIeee ENCE HEEVIDENCE THAT TELLS THE STORY ! J. Y. EGAN, HERNIA SPECIALIST, 266 West Queen St., Toronto, Ont. gar In writing please mention this paper. 770-3t. ‘,4„, Plugging Again t Blyth. On Monday at noon two of our citi- zens challenged earth other to a foot race on the maul street from Kelley's hotel to McKinnon's corner for a small stake, which was witnessed by quite a number. You could not See their legs for dust but nevertheless Johnny won the race over Ned and claimed the toad - skins which he is after every time. On Monday our ex -Reeve P. Kelly Esq., left here to pay a visit to Ould Ireland after an absence of 46 years froru his native laud. We wish him a pleasant voyage. 'tIr. Sid Croll, of the Huh, Sundayed in town. Mr. Clark, of Wingham, officiated in the'English Church on Sunday. Rev. T. E. Higley officiated in the English Church, reeswatter, on Sun- day. The members of the L. 0. L. No. 063 met in the Orange hall on Monday eve- rting. Mrs. McGee, of Kincardine, was visiting in town last week. Thursday last being our civic holiday the town pat on its holiday appearance, the most of the citizens took in the sports at Goderich. P. Belly & Son shipped several car- loads of cattle to Montreal on Satur- day. Me. mid Mrs. Powel left here on Friday on 0 visit to the World's Fair in Chicago. On Saturday Messrs. J. A. Tanner and 7 S Mcitinnon, also Mr. Hector Buie and Mrs. Curtis left here on a trip to Chicago. Mr. John Denholm shipped from this station the past week four carloads of baled hay for Boston, U. S. On Saturday evening quite a pug- listie encounter took place at the mar- ket• square, before a large audience, be- tween one of our citizens and a young lean from the country. They were seperatted at the third round, and not nein t niiicll the worse for the battle. The cause of the fray it is said was over one of the fair. The first annual meet of the Circular City Cycle Club 'took place last 'Thurs- day and was an immense success in every respect. The weather which at first threatened to spoil the day's sport, eventually turned out all that could be desired for a successful meeting, enough rain having fallen during the night to put the tracic in first,elass shape. A fresh breeze blew all day off the lake, making it a very pleasant outing for the thousands of visitors who came to the Circular City from the inland towns to enjoy the day's sport. The best of order prevailed and the visiting wheelsmen were more than delighted with the kind reception they met with at the bands of the members of the C. C. C. C. and the citizens. In the evening the beautiful square was illuminated and presented a pleasing spectacle to the visitors. The following is the official scot e Of the day's events: Twenty-five mile road race, to Bay- field and return -1, Dr. Robinson, Strat; ford; 2, G. K. McKay ; 3, H Topton , 4, J. 1''. Deake. Time—I hour 26 4,5 secs. Half mile, flying start -1, W. Hyslop ; 2, T. B. McCarthy ; 3. L. D. Robertson. Time -1.13 1-5: 2.50 class -1, Blayney ; 2, T. W. Mo. Carthyl; 3, —Young. One mile open -1, W. Hyslop ; 2, E. BIRTHS. LAvis,-In Clinton, on Aug. 20, the wife of Mr, Geo. Levis, of twin daughters. FINCH, —to Clinton, on An:;. 20, the wife of Mr. James Finch, of a daughter. ANDREWS. -In Clinton, on the 10th last., the wife of Mr. Andrews, below the G.T.R., of a son. DALY. -In Clinton, on the 9th inet., the wife sf Mr, Doty, of a daughter, SPLENDID! were the results of the Clinton Model School and Collegiate Institute, at the late exams, and nearly all the scholars who passed will next week commence plugg- ing fot their 1804 exam. We congratulate these pupils for their stic.to-it-iveness, and we wish to say that if you need any of the books men- tioned below, we will be pleased to supply them. Public School Text Books. Text Public School Geography 8 0 75 Public School Grammar 0 25 Public School Arithmetic 0 25 Public School History 0 80 Public School Temperance and PLyeiology 0 25 Public Sehooi Copy Books, Nos 1.8 0 0 Public School Drawing Books, Noe. 1.0... 0 0 Public School Music Mender.... 0 4 Pnblie School Agriculture 0 4 County and Provincial Atlas0 5 Gage's maps of Ontario, Quebee, .11anitoba, British Columbia, oleo eastern townships and railway map of Ontario.... .... Gage's map Geography First Hook, part I First Book; part II. ., ,... Second header.... ... Third Reader.... .... Fourth Reader...... Entrance Literature ,180.4, Sykes Books used in Collegiate Institutes and High Schools. 7 Concise Imperial Dictionary, cloth.. . .. ..8 2 00 5 Concteo Imperial Dictionary, leather.. .. ... 5 25, 0 High School Geek ()lemma, Goodwin.... ... 1 25. Il Righ School first Greek book, Harkness.. .... 0 20• 0 High School Short History of England, Green. 1 50 Fligh School Topical History, Hunter.. .. .. 0 25 High SchootTrigonometry,Birebard.. .. .... 1 25 0 2.5 High School History, Robert Ben . .. .. 0 65 0 40 High School Algebra, Birehard, part 1.. .. .. 0 75 0 10 High School Algebra, Birchard; part 2.. .. .. 1 25 0 V5 High School Euclid, Meliay, 1.3.., ... .. .., 0 50 0 25 High School Euclid, McKay, 1.6... .. .. ... 0 75 0 85 High School Physics,.. .. .... .... .... 10 .W 0 45 High School Drawing Books, 1-5., ., ., .. 15 0 25 High School Chemistry.. .. -• .. .. .... 0 75 Iligh School Arithmetic.. .. .. .. .. ... 0 60 High School French Grammar.. ....... 0 75 1 00 High School Latin Primer, Robertson A. Car. 1 25 r•nthers..1 05 1 23 High School FirstLatin Book, Henderson dt 1 00 0 85 Fletcher .. .. . .. .. .. •.. Hieb School Composition, Williams.. .. 0 50 0 20 High School Grammar, Seater..... .. .... 0 75 0.25 high School Geography.. .. .. .. .... 1 00 High 'School History of °recce and Rome, 0 25 Schmitz .. .. ... .. 0 75 0 25 Higl. School P,00k•Iiceping .... 0 65 High School Book -Keeping Blanks for examine- 0 50 tion.... ... 014 0 25 High School Rook -Keeping Blanks, larger.. , 0 50 High Sehnol litany, complete.... .... 1 CO 0 80 High School header.... ...• .... 0 60 High School Zoology., .... .... 0 T5 High School German Grammar.. .... , 0 75 High School Oermau Reader.... .... 0 755. ° Lady of the Lake, W. J Rolfe, ilhretrat d.. 050 Quentin Durward- notes and glossary.. 0 20 : 0 25Botanical Note Book.... .. Third class literature 1388.05, Wells &Sykes0 50 Goldsmith, by W. Block, without annotations, 0 SO paper 0 75 Goldsmith, by W .•Black. nous and appendix, 0 50 containing notes ou Block's Goldsmith and 0 50 Scott's Quertin Durward, cloth.... 0 GO 0 50 Cassels Lessons in French.... '0 75 1 00 Ciesar'e Bellum Gallicum, books 3 and 4.. Help for Teaclicrs• Fitch on Teaching Hopkin's outline of the turfy of Mau... Quick's Educational Reformers Boyle's Hints and Expedients for Teachers,... Prize Problems in Arithmetio,Baliard do Robert - /40n. White's Problems in Arithmetic Armstrong's Problems in Arithmetic, senior classes Grove's Problems in Arithmetic Grove's Problems in Arithmetic, Teacher's edi- tion Grove's Problems in Arithmetic, 4tit classes__ Clarkson's Problems in Arilhmetic,echolars edi- tion Clarkeen's Problems in Arethanetio, teacher's edition MiGnirl'x Perspective andlGeometr•ical Geometry 4 an 's Exercises, Composition, osition Libby's Exercises in English Gra mvutr. !tow's Praotinal Language Training Hneton's 100 Lessons in Eoglish Composition MARRIAGES. I1 ENDEaSON-YouSG -At the residence of the bride's father, Colborne, on the 16th inet., the Rev. Rohl. Henderson, of Auburn, to Mise Annie Young, daughter cf Mr. Alex. Young. CHESNEY-ROBINSON.-In Clinton, on the 16th inst., by the Key. A. Stewart, Mr, Samuel Chesney, of Tuokeremith, to:lMiss Lucinda Eobinson, of Seaforth. H UUTCHISON - Et'1SRETT/I.-On theft)) inst., by Rev. L. G. Woods, Geo. Hutchison, of A.ehfe1,1, to Angeline Everett, of Wingham. Dn'iN-NIIVILLS -At St. James' Roman Catndlic Church, Seaforth, on August 16th, by Rev. Father Kennedy, Mr. 0. H. Dunn, of Smith's Falls, Ontario, to Miss Alice Neville, of Seaforth. ScoTT-TimmPSON.- At the residence of the bride's mother, in McKillop, near Sea - forth, on August 16th, by Rev. Mr. Buggin, of Blyth, Mr. Thomas Goldsmith Scott, of Seaforth, to Miss Margaret Ann, daughter of the late John Thompson, Esq. HAMMII,L-•SuARP -At the residence of the bride's father, St, Mary's, on August 18th, Mr. Ueorge•Hammill, of the Colling- wood Collegiate Institute, to Mies Annie, daughter of H. Fred Sharp, Esq. DAw6S-OLD VIELD.-At the Reatory, on Aeguet 16th, by Rev. .J. W, Hodgins, Mr. James Dawes, to Miss Lizzie Oldfield, both rf Seaforth. 0 60 0 40 11 :5 0 35 0 25 0 '25 Model School Books. lraldwiu'e Art of School Management, revised... '[annul of Hygiene Houghton'e Pbysionl Culture.. .. .. .. First leer at School, McLellan's Applied Psychology,... .. .. DEATHS. MASON, -In Stapleton, on the 16th inst., Fredrick Masan, youngei snit of Mr. Charles Mason, aged 40 years and 7 tnonthe, We invite Teaci'ers and Scholars at distance to enclose, in a letter the price of books that they require, and we will forward thein post paid. , COOPER & CO.; Clinton. —Mrs. T. Moore and son George of Wingham, left Saturday week on a visit to friends at Sarnia and Oil -Syringe, Miss ltr•na Moore come as far as Clin- ton with thew, where she will visit for a while. FALL FAIRS. Center Huron at Clinton, Sept. 2627. Western atLondon, Sept. 14 21. North Perth at Stratford, Sept., 2829. North Waterloo, at Berlin, Sept. 26, 28. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4-16. Central;at Guelph, Sept. 10-21. North Oxford at Woodstock, Sept. 26-27. Mornington and Ellice at Milverton, Sept. 26-27. Mitchell at Mitchell, Sept. 26-27. Great Northwestern at Goderich,Sept. 20.22. West Wellington at Harriston, Sept. 27.28. East Huron at Brussels, Oct. 27. Wingham at Wingham, Sept. 26.27. Ilensall Oct. 7th and 8th. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday atternoc n. OLINTON. Fall Wheat, old 0 59 to 0 62 Fall Wheat, new 0 57 to 0 61 Spring Wheat.... 0 55 to 0 60 Barley ... 0 85 to 0 40 Oats .... 0 34 to 0 37 peas 0 55 to 0 57 potatoes, per hush 0 75 to 0 SO 6 to 0 Sil Butter 0 (1 10 to 0 10 Har Eggs, per soy 6 00 to 7 00 Co dwood , 3 00 to 400 Beef . ...G.0 00 to 0 00 Wcol 0 17 to 0 20 WESTERN FAIR LONDON. SEPTEMBER. 4th TO 23rd, 1893. Canada's Favorite Exhibition ESTABLISHED 1680. The Oldest in the Dominion. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS, Entries Close September 7th. The beet and largest Stabling and Spaoe allottedon receipt of c.nteies. BETTER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS TITAN Even BGroBE. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS. For Prize List and information apply to CAPT. A, W. PORTE, THOS. A, BROWNE, President. Secretary. • 021140. 1 INTLRESTINC TO TOURISTS. EXCURSIONS TO KINGSTON, MONTREAL a,u1 QVEn61O Pares $6.25, 80.25 autl 811.25. Respectively gond going Aug. 25th to 28th inclusive good returning Sept. lith. Single Pare Tournament h on its. 23rd Next Ezetiral Nov. 61. et Sept, 51la Returning For all Informntlon regarding travel, enquire at the up town office. W. J ACI:SON, - G. T. It. Agent,