The Wingham Advance, 1918-12-26, Page 3Coughs, o d
It there ia an Ailment In the throat
Or cheat, it is etirely eseeotial that
the remedy be 'conveyed direet to the
affeeted pert. It' a Deceits() the heals
lea vitpor of Catarrbolene ia breetit-
ed late tbe flore, irritated throat and
brachial tubee that lee baleamic
!item aill the gernis and destroy the
cause of the troUble Theiat ere ele
resew* why hatterrhozoue never yet
felled to cure a genuine case of Ca-
terria Asthma. Bronohitli or Throat
T ble
wouderfUllY-soothing hailer et
Veterthozone ntelantly reaehee the
futtheat recesees of the lungs, pro-
dUees a healing Mattes (street that
IMpoesible with ft tablet or Wield.
Which goo merely to the etonutch,
and mile entirely to Itela the throat
Jost Breathe Et
Tat' Pertnanently cure your winter,
it • your couglis sueezime and Ca -
h, by means use a tried and
Proaini, remedy like CaterrhozOne,
Mitt beware of the eubstitutor, Largo
outfit lasts two menthe, costs el.00,
email size 60e, trial aize 26c, at dealers
, A good pasture shOuld. have 'Water,
preferably from a running strewn -
While 'sheep may Rae on dew,. t
they cluenot thrive on it. It the we,
tit la a standing pool, it is essen
that the ground above it should
dry; for Wet feet Is productive of f
bade entether 'essential. It th,
are ao trees, a cbeap, open shed she
„. arovided-one that can be eas
peeved before the ground 'boom
difty. The droppings; can then
left on the parts of tte field needi
Item Most
• The eggs of the stomach worm fr
the voldings of the old sheep read
adbera to tile rank grasses in eta
Pieces. Lambs eating these gras
heOome affected,. It wilt be ot mat
lal help if the grass in such places
cat off with Both°. It Will al
aptly to bays in the pasture a box, co
Mad on one side, bate which the she
can thrust their heads and obtain s
at will. With the sett should
Mixed one-fourth of the amount
tobacco stems.Each sheep then OW
the necessary amount of salt, and th
will be kept free from stomach wor
If a smooth pole is placed Net, elm
the opening ot the salt boxeand, du
lug August Is smeared with tar on
a.week, the sheep's noses will be al
eMeared. This will prevent the fly th
leas the egg causing grub in the hen
'Experiments haveab,pen undertaken
at tbeePurdue University, by the onto-
MielogY departreent, to show the effect
on bees of tree sprays keened at,blos-
Men time to control:the coddling meth
aint other insects. The fitet step of
tte experimental work, which is to ex.
tend over a two -third period, has been
cempleted, and indicates that the
spray on the blossom kills the bees.
Through the feeding of- bees and ana-
lyeing of their bodies. it has 'been
!Mind that it. requires only five -ten
;ntilliontha Of a gram of arsenic to peit
them out of business. In other
worth*, the small amount of arsenate
of lead used in the spray, if applied
while the blossoms are open, means
that the bees wIll getter no more nec-
tar after visiting a few blossoms.
Sprieys should. not be applied while ths
blowouts are open, but Wait until af-
ter they have fallen. This workund.
eitakett at Purdue is the first of the
kloa ever leaded any place in the
country, and the- final results of the
experiments here will be watched with
interest by the bee keepers and orch-
ard men throughout the country.
'A good deal of eontrOversy that has
,, been going on about whether the
batethig ot tree bode shortens or
lengthens the total time required to
Plant tt tree has been without point,
owing to the ignoring of the nature of
the soil. Experiments and Observe'.
tleaa ot nunterous Planting operations
that have broekht out the facts are
iateresting. altaeriever the ground is
hard enough to require the use 1St a
IWO to Make hOle of the right size
for the tree, tirae will be sexed as
Weil as Much labor by blasting. It
other WOrae, the preparation of the
charge of powder, the making of a
te in the ground with a bar, *and
te loading and firing, with eubse-
(mot shovelling out ot loose soil,
teikee lees. time than tite digging loose
t the undisturbed ground and thevele
lig oat the heat. When, however,
t1�oh, naturally is so light and toes°
that, no digging is required, bat the
lane May be Made by digging exclu-
sively, the bleating will take mOre
tirae. In euch sone bleating is not
stilt/Viable. anyhow. owing to the fact
that it will not aid rota peuetration
nor prewar) either drainage Or mole -
tire, atorage.
Saintlier is fly time. Even when
nets are used aa protection for hones
their legs are left open to the anneY-
nue. of flies. A repellant raixtUre,
centsisting of twat quarts of crude, fish
Oa one pint of crude carhollc acid,
Ole ounce Of pennyroyal, eight oUriees
of oll of tar and One and talialt quarts
Of kerosene, is reeommended ete a pro-
tection for the home Put on the
Zailture 'With spray. One gallon
AMU, last two teams the eetire sea -
Alfalfa is particularly rich pre -
tent, the element which goes to Make
the 12Ra:team( sUbetances of the ann
mai body, *Wet are found perticte
v -
oPek tk.'Artirea
garagist.igsthips. VAteirrin,
cat .4 osa history (or fres ranee Wachs*
• Oesilitard Is tetkt forte, kieureeee ask bit »O.
NS St* prit. etauliya-la 6.ns to I Ole •
; Oeieelfistioe rot
DRS, 40011rit & mare
ine Tomato, Oat. a
. ,
lean r red POrtiOn
fleeh. a elfelfe,i artiettlatan
In thee elententa 14 Whieh gr
suet 44 Corn and wheat and
tadders, are deficlent, It, atves
farmer who *ROWE( eItalfa a, Qom
then ter renew& that le best for
etlickeet an beat development of
live ateolt.
Moleture, ie ofteet the deternei
tactor in chat Production, 1ff
plant to end son la the pr
Eatteitantcal and chemical conattion
alto) iteceatary Per large creme, o
=beam) alone is the dined:el
Motor, Plaute heal, adentations to
duce tratugotratioht that
antoUnt Of moisture th et pastries f
the 8011 tube the plant tteettee, an
evaporatee frona the leaYes. An
amine of this is the fancy-)eU
bean, whieh uses an enormous eine
ot moletttre, art tae leave? oeve a la
teat area and hence dee tranepirat
Is lieWey. As geon As the Moist
in the soil begins to fail the cies
bean Plant ehede aortae of the lo
leaves and tints reduces the alIninut
letOletUre the plea must have.
doinst this the Plant hes a bet
thence to meture aeed anti thus fn
Its requireneent IiiuatUre. The sa
tendency may be eeeo in eertaio ft
crops. Sorghum will "twist" in
heat of tae day when the weather
(try, and open again , wben
comae Corn does this, thotteix mit
noticeably as sorgtmat. Mann Pie
stow special bardiness against drou
fn a field it •is often Potetiblo fl
a stelae of corn, a melon, vine,
that is able to Make better use of t
Opportunity then other pleas near
While the pruning season proper le
confined within the month from Nov.
1 to March 1, the time JO rather
lintited for most raarket growers, par-
tioulerty eolv that there are ao few
ekillea hOnds to do the work. During
perform() , owing to rain. storms and
f the
hi fleas,
Itchings and
In the treatment of all akin
troubles bathe freely vvith Cuta
eine Soap and hot weter, dry
gently, and apply Cuticura Ohlte
ment to ethe affected parts.
These fragrant super - creamy
ettiollients tend to prevent little
skin tratibles becoming* Seriolle
if used fer eyery-day toilet par,
For sample ot each free bv man ed.
gime Pc:leek:iron "!Cutieure, Dews
alootou, V.SI.A.." Seel by dealers
throughout snewerld.
• 4-0-4-4-4.,
the 'mentioned period there Will
many dais when pruning cannot
intensely cold weather,
heMe authorities say that pruni
shoula not be dello during frost, as
is mit to cause dying bet of the 9
sheets. Other authorities. clatm, th
time, have toyer beta able to nod a
Proof of this etatement, and alwa
keep on with the work so long as it
Just possible to Stand the exposur
One thing is yelain, patminn dud
frost Will not hurt apple trees, b
there May be some doubt about plum
Pinang tave more pithy wood, and a
rather liable to die back a fete' inch
In (thy case,
'When there are more trees than
le passible to get through in seaso
there should be tee be9itatio4 e
tendink the sees= In such- ease goo
orchardists start pruning in Oetttise.
and keep It up Until packing and ma
keting claim constant attention. It I
better to do the work late then t
leave the trees unpruned for a season
Providing that the shortening of lead
ars can be finished before they hav
ruade several inches et growth.
April is an excellent month for tic
wcirk. The cuts heal over readily, an
the trees make a thoroughly good re
sponse to the knife, But May is mar
doubtful. Growth then begins ftoal
the etoda of the shoots, but the lowe
buds are still almost dormant. 1! .cu
back to one of these latter a certain
amount of young growth wilieh ,ha
pushe'l from the end of the shoots wh
be removed, and the tree is compelled
to make a second start. Thus the new
growth has a shorter sewn in which
to develop and cannot be expected to
make quite such vigorous wood by fail
The difference, however, is less titan
night be expected. With weak .grow -
ors it should certainly be avoided, but
with varieties whieb. make strong
geowth at the expellee of fruit- there
may be st)iiite adiVatitage in delaying
pruning. Late pruning has something
the same effect as root •pruning, tend-
ing to throw too vigorous a tree into
It is the practice of dome orchard-
ists to continue .pruning throughout
April without he,sitation. Tiata, stop
when the loading. bud have made an
inch or two of growth, except in the
eaee of too rank growers. For the
others, when it becomes too late to
shorten leaders, cutting out surplus
grOivtli can still go on. Shoots • or
branches which are overcrowded, Or
missing into the centre 'of the tree.
May be cut clean out at may time of
tlie year. Of cottree, it is much more
aresotite to prune When the, tree Is tun
ef blooth or young fruit, and some of
this has to be saerificed, but it is
better then leaning the work undone.
Natutally the spurring of side
shoote molt stop as good as the shore
ening of leaders; but many prolific
varieties of apples font quite enougl
netural spurs without making any
artificial Ones, and with those it Is
better to cat side shooto Out ante
getter, where not wanted for the, ex-
tension of the tree. This nearly
alwayi applies to plums, except when
quite Young.
Summer pruning is a re,gulation
OPeratien that deals only with the
youdg growths of the present setuson,
(Rid is another story eltogether. There
le seldom time far it on a commercial
fruit ram.
(Rode Chat.)
Qtlite a sensation was caused erten
the morning papers announced the
other day that the King and Queen of
the Belgians had flown over to ng
land to pay their respects to King
George and Queen elery on the occa-
be akin of their silver wedding. a
Naturally, it was ail kept a deadly
()wet beforehand, and even the air-
_ men who brought the royal couple
no across were only told just bnfOre the
t Matt who their passengers would be
lit Queen Elizabeth, who is an ardeet
et amateur photograpter, had her
earnera with her, and took many pho-
tographs from the se,aplane and wade
4: Many questions on a ilate to her pilot.
n, She told him she witehed, to fly over
neg. the Boulogne steanaer and wave her
at hand to Some frienels of hers on board.
". Unfortunatel3r, the boat was not to be
aft seen.
" Queen plizabeth will always stand
ofit as one of the bravest and most
D, heroic women of the great wee.
it "The Little Queen," as the Belgians
n, call her, has scarcely left her huebaud
x- for a day since their retteat from
d .Brussels. While he is leading hi $ men
r, in battle, she is buoy tending the sick
r- and wounded, caring for the poor, and
s cheering the widows and orphans.
a. Even when the Queen came over to
England with her childrere it was only
a on the understaeding that Xing Ale
O bert would wire for her if there was
"anything happening" in Belgium,
O She had ocarcely janded when the
d wire came, and as seen as the royal
- ebiltIren were in eafe hands eha re -
e humet1 at once to Belgium and her
r Again and again Queen Elizabeth
hag Welted the trenches, and in all the
hospitaae behind the Belgian line she
S lel a well-known and znuch-loved flgere.
1 , The patients all adore her. She has
the habit of asking each one of them
if there is anything at all she can do
for them, and then. tale writes down
their requirements In a little book.
• If there is (tailing, which h soldier
partioularhe wants or has a longing for,
thet is obtainable, it is nearly always
sent to hinr at once, tte a present from
the Queen.
Many times the hospitals under
Queen Blizabetiatt direction have been
subjected to bombardment front the
air. Some, time awe in one week a
hundred people were killed„ but her
majesty etsolutely refused te leave heir
Post of danger.
Ring Albert and Queen Elizabeth
certainty need some "looking after"
when they ere in "first line," so utter.
ly do they disregard their own safety
in the face of danger. And many
artecdotee are told of their visits to
the trenches.
One day when the Ring was at the
head of his army in the, first line of
fire, he was standitig in a, particularly
dangerous spot with shells bureting
round him:
"Sire," (laid the colonel of the rega
metan"if you were a simple soldier I
would scold you."
"Scold menthen--soold me," replied
the Ring; 'With a laugh.
"Sire, I acoin aim!" said the colonel,
itt a severe tone.
On one occasion, wheti Queen Eliza-
beth visited the Belgian trenches,
three soldiers did not recognize her.
"Tome along, madam. Make yourself
at home," said one of the men: and
anothe,r prodticed a sack, which the
Queen sat down on, and, "making her-
self at tette," etatted to the soldiers,
and distributed ohocolotes and eigare
ettes temongst them.
Comfort for the Oyerieptle,--There
le no Wanted so harassing and ex-
hausting as dysPePela. which 411•Ses
tram defdtktive action of the stomach
and liver, and the victim of it Is to
be pitied. Yet he eau find ready ret
lief in Parmalee'e Vegetable Pills, a
preparation that has establielied it-
self by 'ears of effective use, There
are pills that are widely advertised
as the greatest (Wee nOtapOtifided, but
not one of them can rank It value
with atarthalee's.
iflugar Itenutin,B Unchanged,
a(aanadian Food Bulletin.)
Restrictions on sugar so far ng the
private home is concerned cannot yet
be withdrawn. Thia may seem some-
what of a hardship, When it is Stated
In Our lietvgliaper,e that the allowance
In the United States- has been inerease
ed, it is, however, chiefly a Matter
of shipping. Thanks to the fact that
the* alaited States ports lie nearer to
Cuba, they are able tie get more, tone
etege 11i the auger trade than is pea -
alba:* for as In Canada, eipeolaily for
the next couple of menthe, Whett Hal-
ifax and et. John will certainly be
Cengetted with trattioAtlitritic littera.
The attger.prOdtteing States of the
futilth Jamie aireede raised their alio**
Mice to 4 poUnds per Month, but this
le tante a leoal ration, 'Ontitri0 IMO
been fcgtenate, this' Year ili meeting
the tatteantgareehortage by the heavy
ortge eostlitrate, at 26,000 tote, from
the sUgar-beet Made,
e4. le
oThereni one good thing about
spelled children." "Vahan that?"
"Otte never has thorn in (meat ewe
hotell,"t-hioitten Tratuteripte
Presently *Another other Mae alit
and recogniZed bar eitateetY, "Oh! the
Queen!" eaid be. And iMmedletely
they all rose gad etotal at atteittiou,
When ter mateety deParted one
Of the melt oesieed the Bohner who lutd
-Mellott the seek whether he would
Nell It ao ignotettir.
"Not for one hundred theneand
Veneer answered the eeldier,
Queen Elizabeth takea her camera
to the treitchte witt her, and Often
Mites "anape" of the men. Whene,ver
Waal°, the Queen likes to send the
men peplos of Me photos, eigned by
hereon; 4
On one eteeasion ter Majoity watt in
the atiVelt line when a large atoll ex-
Pieded not far off. Quite unconderned
US to where the net would tali, the
Quetta took out ter cameo, told "enap-
PO" the eolurena sinolce (gent up
by the exPlecitng moneter.
Undoubtedly the inost Man
In the. Belgian army le Meg Albert -
hero and King of the poor martyred
little Belgium;
Before the war ate was 'scarcely ever
heard of over her, la Belgium he
wen a popular Xing a literary tastes,
end a devoted husband.
Now everybody knows that King
Albert is also an engineer, and, Under.
atande the coustruction of Oleo and
atearaboats and aeroplanes.
He bee drivert railway trains, and,
wishing to enter more entirely into the
lives of his people, has even worked
in the •mine% Hie Majesty is atm a
skilled chauffeur.
The Xing and Queen of the Belgians
botle Speak period Ploglist.
Would you like a pen picture of the
Xing and Quean's te,mporary "paince"
at La Patine? This is the Hon. Lady
Byng's deeerlption a it in the Na-
tional Review, atter she viSited. tneir
"Three of the most hideous jeyry-
built villas it was possible to conceive
-with the sea, the trenches and wial
entanglements up to the door on One
side, and on the other the dunes"
Such is the "palace" King Albert and
Queen Elizabeth have lilted in for the
pat three years.
By a strange coincidence this little
corner of Beigiumealmost on the edge
of the Gountry, autestill valiantly hold -
Ina out against the German hordes, is
the very Place where Leopold I. was
proclaimed Xing of the Belgians.
"It le a pate" RingaAlbert once re.
marked, "the place has such a only
tame, for it will be very historic In
days to come."
At this same jerry-built "palaee," in
1915, Gen. Foch, then coranmoding the
French army in the north, tweeted
-With their Belgian majesties,
So intereete,d were the royal hosts
in 'the general's conversation that they
very nearly forgot the object for which
they had invited him, wtioli was to
hand- him the insignia of the order
which had been conferred on him.
The general had already taken leave,
and was seated in his car, when Ring
Albert ran out of the villa, jumped on
the --step of the car and turrieidly
handed over the precious casket, with
apologies for his abaenee of Mind.
The little Princess, Maria Tose is eaid
to have very strong views on the
Raiser mad all Germaes.
"I detest Brussels now," she once
said, necessary to have it
disinfected before I returu to it."
Princes Made Soee is the only
daughter of the Icing and Queen ot the
)3elgians. She was twelve years old
on Aug. 4, and Is at present at a school
of art ,at Ptak) Imperiale, just out-
eide Florenoe,.
The Xing and Queen of the Belgians
Italie two .sons -the eider, the Duo de
Brabant, who is at Eton, and the
youngeWhei Comte de Flaadre, is at
the Royan Naval College at Dartmouth
with Prince George, the fourth son of
our own Ring.
It was last year that Queen Eliza-
beth visited Florence with her little
daughter before taking her to the
school at Poggio.
It was the firet time the Queen had
stayed at the beautiful old Italian city,
With iti ineznoriei-of Dante, Savona-
tbia, Michael Angelo and other great
Worthies, and she was enraptured by
all she saw.
"is it poesible that the eaemy can Florence?" she asked. And was
told that the greatest precautions had
been taken by the responsible author-
ities of the city to make it as difficult
as possitle for a raid to take place
;while her Majesty and the princeps
were there.
tatteen Elizabeth milled as she lis-
tened to the reply which was maddato
her. They hall misunderstood her.
"It was not for myself or mY datIghr-
ter that 1 asked," she said. "It was
for the sake of all the marvellous
treasures and beautiful buildings you
hitee here that 1 inquired."
Remove Those Unsiihtly Warts
By applying.Putnam's Corn' and Wart
Extractor. It cures corusewarts and
buttons permanently, painlessly and
surely, Every' druggist in Ametica
gecornmends and eells Putnata's Ex-
trattor; it's the best, 26c per bottle..
The Winning of the Vloteles Ceche by Captain W. A. Stahel* paintad by
O. F. W. Nevinson for the Cansithen War Memorials Fund. Thls plot
titre is fitetorioally atioutate, even to the position of the other two
airplanes when the victOrknie airtrian destroyed his first ellettiy, who
hi on opoitangt down.
Pcir the
informal. Occasion
`SUNDAY tdg1it Supper—
Pr when gitiznates drop
in uneXpeetecpy— EDDY'
Paper Serviittes are quite
opproPriate. They lend a certain
refreshloge joie-Alc.y favor to the
oecesion, into When youare seated
on the grass, a-' d somebody etarte
toiling settees. tAnd besides they
save your lin serviettes --- and
that's tux itenh nowadays.
--,' -
„ ask your aialtr for a insane of
Eddy's Paper
ta4OYS You'll And them
useful;,sted cconoinicei.
The E. B. 4.troDlt Cp, Limited
WILL, Conede .
eine eutherionhe Armor; Eikv
Nate/nes and litfluraeed
ilhrovaret oa
Ithe c r. will suffocate It any et the
meet. ails dowu the evitider
Mew ter& that ere ore 'of both
temp end eloater niake *comp tote reeov.
.ery and ;slain flesh and vitality, X would
not nee teem for breeders. I have bred
fowle that were 'seemingly cured, but in
poor health. Their chteaens *teemed to
be more suseeptible to then dieeasee,
tie that long Iwo I resolved never to use
ti, °Welton that bad a eevere cane On
the other hand, ebleltens- that haVe sore.
head and reeover from lt, are pet as
vett breeders ea any other birds. The
latter eieease is not it blood (Useese,
which explaine the tioweesneite of trying
to phyeie the thickene With gaits and
This condition Is met from time to
Alma. Tile tip of the tongue hardene,
frequently the tongue voile around in a
epiral form like a eioek opting, It
oaueed by Mouth breathing. 'rue tongue
'become() dry and drawn up by the air
Pawing over it. Ducking the head to
open the air pAssages between the root
of the Mouth. and the nostrils cures pip.
In a abort time the hard, hornY tip fella
tar. There Is no need te eut off Me end
of the tongue or aiiply lard or glYeerine
to the tongue. Remove the cause, and
nature will reetore the dieeased member.
While the birds me, being treated for
these dleeasee, eeed them appetizing'
food. There is nothing' better than sound
ground (whole), supplemented with some
cut-up cooked bones, like chicken bones,
.. or eootked ineet. There is no necessity
Cor feeding bread arid milk, or special
foods to theee invalid, 0.8 their digestive
organs eau assimilate ordinary grain aS
wen aa the epeciai foods, Sour runic
or buttermilk Is good,
Poultry World
(By Prof. Frar4 C. Hare, Poultry. Mu-.
bansiman, Ctemson College, C,)
No info dieeases of poultry are More
frequently contused then roup and eore.
heaci. The latteridiseese Is called chick-
enpox In some se4lorie, but the eoutner-
ner knowthe •treuble as sorehead. It
is so easy to distinguish roup and sore-
head that it Is strenge there should bo
any contusion, Roney ehickens have
no special odor. The charecteristio
roupy, cliptheritio odor is never forgot -
tasteful thet many PoultrYmen kill M
ten. It makes the treatment eo clis-
•place of treating this disease.
The following letter ilitiatraSes the mix -
Ing of the two diseaees; "Sly turkeys
have roup, and of such a Revere type
that sonse of their eyes have peened out.
I have killed and burned' every one that
has ehown any eign of it and a rafting
everything I can, but still the disease
Is 'spreading. My neighbor has 100
beentifut Tyandottee, and 1 notice some
ot them with a•cold. He Is away on his
vacation ariti 1 am looking after his
chicken; so X placed then.% In a run by
theraselve,s, and have given them a Mix-
ture' of salts, oopperas anti sulphur. Of
courts; the houses nave- been thoroughly
cleanee and disinfected, could eou suss --
gest any further preventive plea.snres, or
oottid 1 cure the stick ones?'
or chickenpox onidemle. There are no
The writer deseribea typical sorehead
indications a roue, That clleease does
not spread rapidly, a- neighbor's flocic
would not be infected, and the character -
Jetta rotten smell would have ham men -
toned as one of the symptoths, Sore-
head 'When found inthe eye and air pas -
pages looks and develops like teem The
nasal and eye passages .become filled
with mucus; the eye is infected, swells
rapidly, and the lids • stick together.
Then the pressure ,,,sf Das inelde the
closed lids "pops out the eyes," or more
correctly, bursts the eyenall.
Sorehead is caused by ..rnold spores
(asperglilus fumigates), found usually in
moldy litter or .rnolcig corn. If a eniek-
en sacks over anything moldy, It rarely
escapes sore eyes -•Th1s. is the starter
of the moist type of the disease, which
Is taken for roup. The dry type, dif-
ferent front any other disease, takes the
form of brown warts on the comb and
Sorehead ls not a serious- disease. No
case need be lost If early treatment is
given, sThe treatment can be given More
readily if the sick ehickene are separat-
ed from the rest of the flock, But there
Is no advantage of separating sick from
well to atop Infection Hvery bird in
th0. flock will be .infected betore the first
ease Is seen. The best kind of coon for
confining the sick birds is one built 30
inches off the ground with a slat or
one -inch mesh wire netting floor. . A
good size is two feet wide and high and
four feet long, with a slatted, front and
a trough outside for feeding and water.
The treatment of sorehead consists of
immersing the head of the sick bird in
a disinfectant to dear the nasal and eye
passages. This must be done. First,
clean the nose and head so he e022.
breathe naturally, That rule appliee
to all chickens that breathe through the
The best solution in which to cluck the
head Is a straw Colored solution of acid
sulphate of Iron. The latter is a cheap,
brown -colored liquid known as fer-sul.
It Is a positive cure for sorehead, and
is parttediarly indicated for cieering out
and disinfecting the ale passages 'Or in.
testinal tract. Another remedy is a
milk,y solution of cresol, or similar pro.
duct in water -one teaspoonful to aspint.
ICeep the entire heed or each sore.
head patient under the solution for lo
seconds, Do this three times a (ley.
Two days' treatment will cure almost
every case. Where the eye ISswol-
len and closed, first dip the head, then
take -a tootpick and wrap absorbent cot-
ton around It. Moisten the swab and
with it open the lids and swab out the
interior of the eye. Keep the eye open
and the sight will be aaved. There will
be no popped eyes,
'While you are treating the sick indi-
vidually, find the aouree of meld and
remove it. Prevent further Infection.
lince.mine the food. Corn, and 4partieue
tarty cracked corn, molds rapidly. If
you have been feeding moldy corn, either
diseArd, it, or if YOU; naVO a big supply
on hand, soak the damaged corn in wa-
tet over night, Paz . off the water next
Morning, add fresh 'water, and boll the
corn tor hall an hour. This boiling will
kill the mold spores. Change the litter
if It iS damp and moldy. If the 'ranee
contains a Wet spot that molds in hot
weather, keep the chickens away front
It. GM) flesh drinking water twice
daily, I sOmetimee eolor the drinking
Water pink with permanganate of potash.
The brown watts, of the dry type of
sorehead will dry u,3.3 when the head is
dipped In the disintectent and any sotes
wilt be healed. Dip the heads of those
that have only the warts, the Sarno as
the chickens with the running noses and
frothy eyes,
OVURCOMING 1101.11$,
The' front or south side was covered With
ve:seearbsuiair on"tuhlie etvra
Northetn plenty yards. The housea
glass windowe And little ventilators were
permitted. These windows made the
house hot in the daytime and cold at
extreme range of tempera-
eeatet• of bad air and low vitality, was
night. .The
titre injured the poultry. Bette, a di-
ifOluisl' everywhere. Thank gesonnees,
the openfront poultry houses removed
the conditiona under which soup fleur.
The eye and the Side of the face are
AS haS been oCrinted out, relit) le elm.
Bar annetteanee to moist sorehead,.
freouentlY entollee, the neetrils are run-
ning, the chicken breathes througb tire
month, -which is sometimes frothy, An
offensive odor is presem • Remove the
slot birch!. Dip the head aa reeorninebu-
ea for sorehead. If tho disease fe treat.
ed in the early &Agee and the .bird rot
covere eulekly, It can be ueed for breed.
,Ing purpohes. If the bird has a severe
Noe which deo not readily yield to
treatment, it111 and bury it. Of course,
You win open tm the stouth Side Of the
home and let in the air and eunelane.
Remove the dampness and ead vernilite
CANKER OIt timtirlinniA.
canker is the terni applied to the rel.
tow, cheese growths oit the mouth,
hveht, windpipe, mid eoinetlinets the. Me
'Wier of the eye or ear. Thle disease
or 'trip frequently followneglected
eitSee Of both eorehead and roue. The
Old Method watt to remove the eheeey
itrowths with e (min ot a feather Suitt
teV.toticit the underneath tissue with a
strong diainteottcht Or -motto Denial. It
lute been found that dieditg the head
la the tolutio)1 of iron (fer-8u1) will
Welber% the growthe se that the *Melon
can teeth and throw out the matter It..
8811 euffieient of the remedial salu-
tion ru(1* down tho throat and enters
the windpipe to soften the cankerous
e madly found at the mouth of
ments the windpipe growths NMI eitker
tadoips, )(Mir two or three trail.
be expeetoreted, or you can gently in.
sert tbe head of a smell wire hairpin
under the lower edge and bring 'MOM
*Way. Vire* earefteng geld zily, ea
"IdnIgth of the Law."
The phrase. "The length ofthe
law" owes its origin, to the -enormous
length of some of the parchment mita
upon whict the ancient statue of
Greet Britain Were inscribed. The
present-day *Vidal title of the "mase
ter of the rolls" is a reminder of this
aimient custom. Some faint idea of
the bulk of tile English records nay
be obtained from the fact that a single
statue, the land tax coinraissieb.ers'
net, 'teased In the first year of the
reignofGupeworogred IoVt0G.9meatesuotrles, when
4 • *
Dragged •Oewn by Asthma. The
man or 'woman who is continually
subject to asthma Is unfitted for his
or her life's work. Strength departs
and energy is taken away until life
becomes a dreary existenee. And yet
this le needlees, pr. 1', 0, Kellogg's
A.sthiria Remedy has brought a great
Change to an army of sufferers. It -
relieves the restricted eir tubes and
guards against futUre trouble. Try it.
eUsins uof
(Experimental Farms Note.)
These plants (for there are many
species of Sphagnum) grow best in a
climate that is moist and only anod-
`erately war -1n summer. They are
one of the-chlet forms of vegetation
to be found growing in the swarnPY
region known as ."Muskegs." Sphag-
num -bogs °emir principallyin New-
foundland, the , Maritime Pi -evinces,
NertheaStern Quebec; Labradar and
the -Weetern pads of British Colum-
bia. =
The Sphagnum plant consists of a
stem end breeches which are clothed
with small, numerous, 'overlapping
leaves, They differ from most ether
Mosso in being entirely devoid of
rootlete. Another peculiarity of the
Sphagnum is that the leaf never has
O control vein or midrib. The outer
part *of the stem as well as a. con-
sideribla part of the leaf is composed,
of a large number of special "absorb -
eat cells" which are able to take up
and hold water like a spOnge. The
amount of Waar absorbed varies ac-
cording to the epteles, but ranges
front ten to -twentytimes the weight
of the dry Sphagnum: Owing to the
ability of these cells to absorb the
water required by the plant for if
development the presence of rootlets
is unnecessary. Sphagnum -ueuelly
grows in a situatiou where the soil
underneath is permanently dente.
Sphagiitan or Bog Moss has been
used or atteOnsiderable period as a
pecking Material for plants. Owing
to its power ot retaining moisture,
It belga" to keep rooted plants in a
fresh condition until they arrive at
their destination. It is also Mamma-
ly useful when dried as bedding mat.
erial for horses,
But it is owning to its nee Sinee,
the beginning of the war in the form
of absorbent pads f ar dressing
wounds that Sphigneim has recently
gained an importance hitherto un-
known. -Cotton is so largely in tie.
Mand for the manufacture of explos-
ives that some substitute had to be
found and in any case cotton wool
has an absorptive power of oaly tour
to five times- its own Weight, int the
species of Sphagnum found growing
on this continent four are used for
this purpose. When collecting the
moss great care should be taken to
have it free from any admixture of
leaves, twigs or roots of other- plants
Which may be growing in the imme-
diate viclnity. Each handful should be
aqueezed gentlyto remove excessive
moisture, but oar,e should be taken
not to break the Main stem. The those
should be spread In thin layers to
dry; before the drying process is
complete ft shauld be gone over card.
hilly and, sorted, after whieh the
dried moss may be packed into bags
or light boxes for despatch to the de-
pot where it is required. The final
making up into pads of the' sizes re-
quired sheuld be left to be done by
the experts of the War Department.
At the present thne Scotland is
turning -out these pads at the rate of
four millions per month, while Cate
ado, during the year 1918 Was asked
to supply Vacuity millions of sub
tIOW'S TfilS ?
Wo offer One Hundred netters leeward
for any cat° of Oats.rrh that carteot be
oured by Ifall's Catarrh Medicine.
I -Taller Catarrh Medicine hati been
taken by catarrh etifferetes for the past
thirty-five yew% and has, become known
as the Most reliable Medicine for Cat.
tars% Hail's Catarrh atetIleine aets
throukh the bloon On the mutous tor -
recce, expelling' the poleon freers the
blood And healing the eiseased portions.
After kou bane taken Hairs Oatertat
Medicine for a elvett nine you will /Jet: a
great ImproVernent in your general
health. Start taking Ifall'e Catarrh Med.
ielee at once end get rid of cetera.
Send for teatirnoniate free.
P. r. ounisrzr & CO., Toledo, Oleo.
Sold by a1,1**drugg4itiso, 75o,
His ii;Taxrew Zaeape.
"Say*" said a citizen, mitering the
police station, "I ain't en alien Welty
and don't Want any trouble. A little
girl juet asked me hOW Many fears
wore in the Antericari flag, and 1 didn't
know. Tbe grocer didn't knoW, and
two other Men didn't know. I don't
want to be one Of thee° things they
ahPIir° pro."
"Oh, ses you Are all right," meld
the sergeant, in a fatherly way.
"By Georg!" etitin the sergeant to
hireseif as the &titan departed "I've
had a narrow eStapei StapPOSO he
bed Asked me hOVr Many item there
all ,
CURE 11116111
NEW SI -000+000 REMEDY
VOU'a,L GET WELL Q1J10)<1.14
You're nervous and nneatia.
Appetite la poor,
Eleme Is bard to get.
ISM! worso, you are thin and tagged
'Worlt must be done, but -where is
the etrength to come fawn'
Make your Wood nutrItious and
have 'Iote of ittrengta.
Your only tepe is rerrozene, at
iniatent blood -maker, blood -purifier,
b1o0d-0flj03i0i. 11 brings helm appe-
tite, digeets food endeuppliela mitra,
tion for building up all the botIllY
rnakes muscle ana nerve -
fibre, increases your weight, Midas a
reeerve of energy into the heal thee
deflee weariness* or exbauetion fral
any cause.
For men who toil and labor, for the
office man, the Minister, the Leacher -
to these will Ferrozone brIng n neW
life of spirit and robust health.
For growing girls, women of ell
ages -no tote te more certain. $44
111 5(ki beam* by all, dealers, oe direct
by mail from The ICatitrrhozotte
Eingeton, Ont.
es e.
Baker's cinnamon buns, Owens so
unlike "the kind mother Used- to
bake," may be made almost t, to pass
for those, by buttering., rolling- in it
bit of cinnaMon mixed with sugar,
and browning for just a few miuutes
in tlie even. Tbe bakers' cinnamon
bune are never brown enough anyhow,
eo this will not make them overdone.
Apple sauce served with a dressing
of ace cold orange juice is deliciOUS.
When compelled to eerve berries
Without cream, try a. little inerehnial-
low‘whip instead, It is really alneest
ite geed, WIMPS quite so. It can be
made at heme or beugat, and lki‘s the
advantage of keeping indefinitely. It
has proved a Itooh to many a holm-.
Wife, when the cream has gone sour,
or wben a puddink or other dessert
seem$ untempting, . and requires a
little extra touca to make it just
1Grow epearmint in your garden, and
make a perfect sumraer Adak, by
eruehing a !few leaves of it la a
glass and adding, a little lemon juice,
sugar and lee eold water. Without the
lemon juice it- will he .insipid.
Home-made baked beans in 20 min-
utee-well you would think tbeO were
home-niade anyhow! But tbey ir
really only (*Unary, bougta, canned
ones, removed from the can to ax
earthen dish, a few stripe of bacon
laid on the top, and a little black moe
lasses mixed With the beans -then the
whole baked for a little while' tint
brown. They have gene the home- `
made flavor. Even a Bostonian -might
be fooled!
Mother is a little Mil who trod nIY
path before mei;
Just a bigger, wilier little girl whe tea
ahead -
Bigger, wiser, strenger girl who always'
watches o'er. me,
One who knows the piefalls in the
rugged road tread,
Mother is a Playmate Who will always
treat inc kind.
Playmate who will yield me what true
happiness "demands.
She will never let my feet stray Into
Xother'a just a bigger girl who under-
Mother Is an older little playmate who'll
befriend me -
Yesteryear ahe traveled in the Path
that's mine to-dayi
Never need, I fear a foe from which she
might defend nin
raithrui little pal who ran ahead and
learned the tvey:
-Strickland' Minim.
Come .are caused by the preseure
of tight boots, but no one need be
troubled with them long when Se,
slinple a remedy as Holloway's Corn
Cure IS available,
*Under normal conditions per-
fume manufacturere annually con-
sume 1,860 tons of orange blossoms
and 1,000 tons of rasa.
There are 30 varietiee of bamboo.
Some of thee trece grow two feet in
24 houre, shooting up at thie rate for
160 feet,
aewish marriages the bride al- •
waare (*tend at the right him& of the
groom; with every other nation of the
world her place in the ceremony le
at the left.
Japan ie almost without paupers, or
It is considered a disgrace to be de-
pendent on. another. Neat* every One
has some work to do.
Ausela the nativea never drink
milk in their tea, and cups and eau.
cers are never used for tea, It is
drunk from -glaasce.
Surnames cannot be traeed farther
back than the latter part of the tenth
One of the °Idea known types of
dog is the greyhound,
The Falkland Islands are said to be
the windiest place in the world, Tree
growth is practically lumosailee In
this locality.
'The average weight of the (Ireen-
land whale is 100 tone, equal to that
of 80 elephente or that of 400 beet%
The word "and' 'omits 48,627 hates
In Holy acripturo-10,984 drawitttho
Old Testament end 35,64a timeti in the
New Testament,
The Use of sulphate of oxide oft al-
uniltium wires in order to pantile() be-
sultition for electrical purposes 19 be-
ing adopted, and the process is now
being applied to topper wire.
The Japaneae have, a eubetitute for
coffee, said to be almost equal in eV-
ery reepeot to nattire.1 Brazillati tof-
fee. As result of chemical analy,31e by
pxperts it is eitid that the goods ant
P1010 wholeeome then the natural
bean, While retaining all its hater
and quaint,.
If you see a person in a fog he
semis to be mud, bigger than tonal.
The tante thing happens when you Me
men or eattis on the top of a hill
against the horizon In twilight.'
btli eattes yeti judge them to be far-
ther away than they really ate, Siad
to:loc.:mealy they appear uncommoh,
ly large.
—444 -
The ierlend of Ali 8ufferer/0.4AS
to "the ebadow of a nek in a-weart
land" is Dr. Thaniate lacieetrte Olt
to an those Who Butter riln. It hold,
out hope to everyone and realises it
by *tilling tuffering everywhere. It
IN a liniment that has the bleititee
CeAtineiit, It IS On RAU
everyWhere and ean be foetal where
ever elealtirtel for
oteetelentateetawasseast „JIRO'S
OEithiANYta itRhthIRTO.
(0tna J out nal.)
At pieeent tiertnestinf farievet export*
eve in et ex-It:use *nu tot-. 1.12099,
Ogr ,gtd wtriouT.
(Loa Angelee Thnes.)
Why is it neeersary Sur a ehttneh to
a bell? Moy:tii don't Ou It.
(thontroril coot lot)
John Ilull is noing to hen (lermane and
Au.triam, sun u should Johnny ssanuek.
tladelph a Itecard.)
Attempted suicide? Tried to blow out
me blame. probelay It Would take it
11214112190 sharpebooter to hit that target,
wiL.Litlo TO SELL.
"Whitt aro yeti Lajdng for your cold?"
"Melte me an offer."
"1 thougbt your wife objfetee to your
going to the eltda evenings."
-um that was two Yearis age."
"Then she changed ber
"NO, I've changed, my wife.'
(Boston lavenIng TratiseriPt,)
"Won'tl yen cell cat carnivorous et
I ltnew about cats is that tbe-Y ere
Here ere two Ikete as Singular
As well as ean be deslredi
Fast eolore 01 not run at WI,
And uneels run best when tired.
4 • *
Wettish leree Press.)
to teLe or a builder.
es,e,isices(;1 ftirbeerulinitbesdtraca tt.toire egollIrraetnet?e'e' than
"You say her 10:tfte: its have Pro-
(HLoInQdloin WooAinGlEort
talesm,n-t.tlpnoy?u reuktre aatud:fAn:rataany,
Mrs. idewrilsituns-Cratidi 1 want a
neesnifieeut <Awl
' 'C'NLY(Ther'.4.JAol-ketiAL
"He has a egieulating took."
tee"Coouriteasntby,, it naturally. lie's exeert
"This morning I drop,led my watch On
the floor:"
(11tirtaYhTetr. Waptleuh ysotuol)Jh'i'nk It would go my. lad, but as one's
youth titere,is 'oci,:u4cAliSw. ord. as fail.
Young • Man-Itt the* bright lexicon of
editeation, atataticee one hall to use an
(Leila:vine Cdorier-Journal.)
-Wharfs tlifis .)nitt have invented?"
"A ventilator; rot, struet cars annrail-
Way otiaohOS,...".
-Whet IS* Mins:nal about it?"
"It will Ventilate"
. .
• 4, O..
P-OliCilic EN EEL
-(1,v-ashington Star.)
'Of conrseyotisWant to forgive your
enemies." . •
"IreS,".t Wiled -1%4a Cayenne; "but have
ing to forgive .the earne enemy over and
over anent does gem a tittle- monoton.
ous." . _•
. •
'(Ntw York Asnetlean.)
"I'll learn Ye. toe tie -the-kettle he the
dog's tail:" Tommy's nether yelled in
her wrath,
"It. se/tom', oor dog!' cried frightened
' "NaW, St.wasisal oor aim," shritked the
enraged mother, "but lt wis oor kettle.'
.L.,... -......e...---
The Ildval lieutenant was 'describing
the Eta right. •
"We opened, with two sixes-"
"Dangerous mienersi" lotereupted the
club matEwass' '"Whot did you draw?"
"The triejny's fire," calmly replied the
naval man, sinel!restoried his story.
, ,
.(Detreit Free Pres.)
"Princes, Cinderella bas. left her slip-
per behind.'* '.
"Weil?". .
"You, cue is to find her b,ncl merry
"Not with shoes at present prices. A
girl as careless as that with footgear
.vould never make a thrifty 'wife."
-4. • „
SLonclen Advertiser y
oep spies senteneed to ath by the
13ritisit were invariably repel ed. Ildith
Cavell, Who sted'Slee a spy, w s murder.
ed by the Ceimerts. And Viet pretty
well stints bp the -difference between the
tWO raClea. '
4apas. 2.
(New York Suns).
Turkey is going lit eXeeiltethree Men
for the murder," of 0= 11:thitolt,"Arrnenlaus.
This, itteofding to thesTurktth idea t.f
foreign gullibility, will satisfy eivinta.
don. No Mere Artnenlans WIJI be mas-
sacred anti there is a population large
enough 4.b I21a1t41 it worth wItile
: -ss,.....:-.4s
(Toronto Tel('gram.)
Cable 20;(,219 that; Williams Ilohenzol-
... ,.
leen tiled to -eofinnit stecide ahd failed.
Cannot that rean make at auccees ef
k allure of the ex-hatiset's attempt at
stEeltie usts the most unnopular +failure
in the Hohentolleru Career of failures. -
THE 0,kftbs ARE OUT.
"Tne Wedding ear& are oUt ana they
are rebetusjing the ceremeny."
"Where's the 111I30212?"
"He seems to be lost in the thutfie."
YoUng, A:uthor-Wbat do you think of
my imerris?
Miss Feen-Well, they are sort of 'be-
twixt and between. They are too stn.
sible for noneense verges. and too none
tensital /or kenAlble V(,2'95,
(Buffalo Iilxpress.)
Stre, SpattingseA British military &n-
atality aseerts that married sonnets el. -
2)1111, gstater eourage than unmarried
SpattillatUraliy. A rnairied
man dotsint est* what lessees te nine
(Louisville Courier.,lournal.)
"How about a jury for this automobile
eohltung 4:ase?"
"We're up, a tree," saK the lawyer on
the other
"1•101,' se"'
"Weil, a jury of motor.ritetters will tte
as wise as all get -out about an ainalt oC
thig Lind."
"While a 3ttry pon-motorlstis mai
SOU tli ebate`hf tie."
The beautiful woman with the Pesten'
mat ez vent tints end and satiny Ann "MA
!Conking oympethetleallY et the face of
the Matt who had just heen rescued from
the powder It4tise *Web lied exploded.
"Poor Instil"' Fete valid. "Tour cent-
pleX:Ori IS ruined!"
"Oh, I don't knoW," sttid the matt, feriae
ly, yet theerfully; "yeti see, 1`got MY
eomplietiott the t ar23. Way you got yours'
-from * powder poll.'
"I got a tercet deal ot water in MY
ears," he Said, as he eatte Parting iXit
of the aura "I theUght the *yam
looked ilther IOW," replied lite triad.