HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-08-09, Page 8atw•,�,m.�,
Wing IP* VAIN_
1040 k Orta tt 1itr ,genie no Ixl#+ kat
Vs v4107 tutsrs$Lh g, hut t%a, tliiA'#wilt
tr ' 1 neither the #n,! tt li+!natblrt thing to
• do la to eeotFe a rottolito ouatmo hover -
age. V l+.ttye ttt4 Moat
int weed A �►tfttlly
II*oto rORWE* to wowed - nil.
end the very be brands of Oceanian and
rm}totted WINES, , i1ir.13lst,Ci)•;s and
BR >`l'DIE$ pop prices are the lowest
for the hest goads, .
R'+spittr,svecral*ttentton, to linos for lod+
h41; and moiitotnal put poses;
'A04Eax sant BET, IGuNTON
r 4dvtett secs,
Aa a4u,taes, of •d4lwereissnt rtes, eb
insure fuser $ioir in the. p rrentr i841 46.•
mifst be reepfes t'tit the,oJ,ce #94 Meter
'040 414TO?Ii it *0. o'V; copy/orchangesx-eceimat letter thar.$4T
VRVA F BOON toilet hereafter $e a«
t�su 4tluetti,Nr.'u own ri414
A. 2Fr' TOT}D, Publislteer.
Huron Dews -Record
$14, a7ter $I.25 in Advance
•. T. ouuGOUiI.J", ottimad O.. Jytt, I,"'IJJ.
iIt and .Aroused the pub,
licf4..4 Qp Conch Chid tar Clio io,.--QANTRLOR B11013.
i, i;rlgle harness a specialty, all styles and
nitisestprices. Everything in our line
cat One. Joi;Nsota & ARI1wB,harness
makers, '
`WANTE1p.4Any quantity of Plums,
Cherries,<Bed and Black Currants and
:Groose Berries, for wrier the highest
tattrket.price will be paid., --N.. ROBSON.
p "Genuine Wrought Steel Ranges
from$30tn'$50. Why bnfrom pedlars
:(when:�you can get them from. Harland
, eros., the best quality and ° lowest
prices. 700-tf
b sh,paid toreggs•and butter.-DANTULON Baoa.
Thoug not a; World's Fair, Canada's
' Creat Industrial Fair, to beheld at
'Toronto from the 4th to the 16th
$eptendper, Will be very touch the same
an eve resppet except as to extent,
peStd will be equally as important to the
ople of Canada. This year's Fair
wilf•, it IS: 'predicted, excel all former
;ones, both in point of exhibits and in
It attendance of visitors. The space
An: tali the buildings has :already been
applied for. New stables and new
ca le sheds have been erected at a cost
'of"over $iOO,00t3; and visitors can pass
!through all the buildings and view the
animals under cover at all hours of the
- The "grounds have , also been
drained,' -new roads constructed arid
many other improvements made. The
epeoial attractions are promised to be
greater and ,better than ever and will
cinbrace many new features. A very ,
sttia:IL ,'proportion of • the Canadian
people -ares going to the World's Fair at '
Chicago, the masses being intent on 1
ng in the Toronto Fair, of which
tt•'a (`"feel justly proud. 1
AtUGUST 15th.. -Tuesday evening
august 150, is the date .set for the
Elocutionary' and, Musical ' entertain,
ritnnt to be given by Miea Harriet.
so -Sibte3 , and Miss Edith H. ,
Com,5e.t Miss Sibley bas for the past
thtreo sa'aeons _ been entertaining on
Oa: A;meiican stage and hoe proved
herself a euceess as an• eloenttiouist„
Her repertorie is new, and consists f
of -' dramatic and humorous selec, i
tione. Mies' Combo, as a pianist, e
ranks, high among th.e graduates of 1
Oita; Toronto school and is coming to e
the, front as.an artist. As there •is a i
Varied programme prepared we pre.
dtct for -'them a full house.
goes.-�•A football match will be played e
on the`Cttllegiate Institute gronndsthis 1
ravening' (Wecinesda`y) between the.
professional men of town and the vulgi 1
pnpuli, ' The probable players .are:—
Prof i -Munn, Turnbull, Shaw, 4gnew,
Agnew; Coats, Bruce, Blackall, New- • e
tori., Cbo_k,Malliinsbn. P d.:—Cbntelon,
[)ohc 'ty►, Seruton, Boles, Benderson, 1
S1'a1da , Mc1C:'innon, Philpot, Theo-
lidd, orrish, McTaggart. A very 1
Ting game may be expected asboth 1'
s• are in. the pink of condition. ' ' d
1 ATUU ov MRS. PSHALL.--There 1
aied in Clinton on Avguat 7,1893, ,1
tt'tho residence of Wm. Jackson, Mre. 3
t rancee U'pehall",., daughter of the late
Win. ,.RRattenbury. Dammed hail the V
niefortuno:in' early. ch'ildhobd to'meet
itltli a severe ticelaaelfrorrn which .she -
tntt`'ered' Contin ouely, from the effects 0
if whicleahe finally had la auloonttab,
1Ii'b, ltptil all wassa great. and patient ti
'offerer atitl death',must have dame to ,p
renes a°.liepppy rebase Nor her tronblev,' P
the rube horn in Clinton 45 , y�earc ago ` b
.nd, 'baa, boon ,life long,rosidont e'ver�
+ince.. She baa ono son, Frank, 'who
cleft mourn tits l`oec of a kind 'And i
.ffeotionate-another,,. Sliti'lias felon. .h
for of at NpuI's churdlf.. , he refloat ttl
villi take' ,plstte'.fron, tho'':reald ce of it
ter' ntotber, Misr • WM flattonbttryy. II
iiilliitt Sitti'l✓t" ti t'3 pi. fn.. t+y�d y. e1
, .k stilt
�:nrr:x:r�_.c.�.r��sx; �x.:,x,= __� ._. �.r-...:K_-_.. ��:.s.•r-- �.x_:_r•^._... `..�. __•-,
states ta liet`irrarnl+'
ptntlI of,tltllklrellrt
l'n J.1Taantpt", taf pQtletr eb,' w a kntw
t't o1wb 4xet 4tr0do `*
\YitUA101.,QfLou4optwae ip
iowhlast a►aett.Qf..buoluoee,
Mn. end )vi'C,, Pt Lou0,o0
wore in the IRat we4,k,,
Ott... Cctsa$etie>;. Tprouta,, sua0
tn.<totvn'g fete dqR, iagt Weok,
Itir,v} ::;'.DlElii �. of Oberon; loft'ou
Ftid,a, t for kilo 'IYorldio Zeit Chicago,
Miss 3lasstX, ;D TER, of' J'a0keee
Bros., 'town, le''boliday,tng. in 11014t -
ft..73. Coitazz ,bag ileac !apVointe1
agent of treat* A.trtorileticiTeloghono
Cow,, ttny, tt,4
1 Igsaae , , , Fng2'4LEi, of `$01tAltd,'
44 e*,', rran, of Godertek,,; 'a8 in tQWfn.
4n $uudoy.
And, those `who conic first will have the best c
11a1149r becti,t1tG
we are going to clear diem not if price, will, do it. fere .41'e
sp4cial articles
1kxAaTER En; 14,1.0, Af $oafor0.1;
spar;drag iiia botidaye ark. ria gt�apcl'
ration's, Mr, Finch•
yO MI;I iG. ouTi-.,,4 ntttobo,r of our
bung spot i .veers' odtriging .Cyt on the
Maitiarid hank `last week.
But Coot; left tQ4ir an Saturday
for Flit, 1�1`icii.; _tahere he>hue secured
a eituatiot; in a waggon whop,
Da.J.STEEr, of l,�ln,aipsg, Man.,4
the guest of his"fatlter, Mr. -'John Steep,
who has beep very ill; -
'AN are pleased, tti .see: Mr, A. H.
Manning so far recovered as to . be
able .to take a drive: around town,
Miss gams Cook, of Crabb's dry -
goods store, Goderieb, was ; visiting in
town part of this and lest week.
Tun coopers of ;Stapleton, were laid
off work for ,a few days last week.
The supply ostaves running out.
MIss Eva CROLL, of Galt, formerly
of Clinton, WI holidaying in Mildmay
with her sister, Mrs, J. •W.'Green.
Ray. G. P. M'roianLL„of Plainfield
I11 , occupied the pulpit of the Batten -
bury St. Methodist Church on Sunday
MISSES Moneta; an•d Whitely, of
Goderieh•, were in Clinton on' Mon-
day on their retain home from Lon,
Mn. A. C. M0PRERSoly, of London,
late of Winnipeg, Man., was fruit
prospecting in Huron County last
week. •
Mn. TAYLoR, of London, was view-
ing the orchards in this vicinity last
week with, prospects of buying in the
MISS WELLwOOD and boyfriend Miss
Williamson, of New York, are the
guests of the former's aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Ten;ee Richardson, of the
llth con. of Goderieh township.
f the Bell Telephone company against
heir .personal property assessment,
las been decided by Judge Toms
garnet the company.
net other noxious weeds are going to
eed on vacant lots in town. Should
101 the council attend to the matter(
hose who have gardens adjoining
+ave great reason to complain.
DEATH. -Much Sympathy is ex
pressed for Mr. and Mrs. Seale in the
death of their little three-year-old son,
.Tames D , who left his earthly home
for the mansion above on Friday last.
rhe funeral took place to Clinton
cemetery on Sunday afternoon.
PRESENrATfOlf.—.The member of St.
amas' church, `•Goderieh township,
+ssembled at the residence of Mr. Geo.
'tiddleton, on Thursday, Aug. 3rd,
+nd presented to their organist, Miss
ifaud Middleton,, a beautiful gold ring
net breakfaefyoruet. A pleasant even -
ng was enjoyed by all present.
Mn. W. MITCHELL, driver for
tloasts. McMurchie & Co., while+ out
(riving on Wednesday last was thrown
rom his buggy by the learn running
way and had the misfortune to get hie
eg.broken. Mr. J.MeMurchie,whe was
vith him, escaped with alight cut on
is face.
`i'RAVELLERS.—The following were
mong those ticketed to their several
eetinations by W. Jackson, the enter
rising outside agent of the G. T. R. :
-Chicago—Mre,. Jarvis, Mise. Coate,
'u sa Oliver, Mise Leslie, Mre. Cal-
nder, Mr. and Mrs, Wiseman, Rev.
and Mre. }formes, Rev. Diehl and
fesere. N. Fair, fir. McMurahie, R. J.
iehardeon, J.11. Lowery, R. IveM and
, J. Macdonald; Edinburg, Dakota,
Murphy ; Aberdeen,.Dakota, Ralph
Wade; Winnipeg, • Mi. J.'hnd Virga
CAttnvtivO MONEY.= -Men have vari.
ut, wayre of carrying .money, Batellere,
akar and grocers carry it in t� ornmpl'
d wad. Bankers iia nide Clean bills
laced `full -length ifi a niorrocotr:
ocket book. Erokere all fold their'
ills :nose, doubling their money Ias :lt
weret The,youldg buainese lean itatriee
t in hiek,trsrt pocket,' while the ,sporI
ng•grit berries' it in hie trouaer'e
oekek'. Yarn, ra afire drevertr ifarry
rl's �'riey�l�s,
And' smile eilaall lois of
We have sortie remnants of the above goods and'they are
clown to the
RO` INE. -= . JOE:,
ee ley
A i I)
Now selling fast at our Moving
At Prices that cannot fail to please
Silk Taffetta in Black and
GLOVES, Colors at 10 cts. a air.
The Ladies' Favorite Establishment,
41100 TABLES.
la 80. ,f►rir ' A3 en. -ties.
Have you seen the DAnlap TABLES that we are offer-
ing at 25,30 a l4 .45 .cents, They are great
-'k'ue at that. money.
We halve also a line of
Bedroom kits)ts, Sideboards and Extorts ou Tablesi
That are v.ory cheap.
dere bu4ing Ball and see what W,e can do ?ol"•,you.
,eU'e fur ttireir ius>ftie' po-01 4, tv ttet.
f�° rs, I dI. di► te,rrgalt'Niel eht Daneilael`a ei
nrt waao
iittpebd. to e . teen delta eor ndOrteter.'
eai1'16ntt. ]deers terrytheirs ottiDLC•vinieruhek• ped,pe'a pooket.. et1►e reide4,ecSpiionits'eVotendryad.
� �`- .rc,�. � •. �f1�ri�'�""�`a�.�a�"�-�. + _ % If,A':°'-y.v�< .�h �.`�{I�iri�.+...�.'a.
«'t 4J..•
lie d scou .
during ugust on the folio
Ain; lines.
� e T"M1•.: as crit ', of which Con
be om ortab y "o u tl 'o•
thew. ter;
Men s Sims to O
A big out in at.y . s ip*o.r
9TRA W 114 18,..
While our 06*i
good. shape- no reserve 1
made in clearing 'al] s
goods. out. -
Some lines at 3 for 25c., some`r
for 25c., some at. 25c.,.._n
neat goods.
Whatyou mayneed for the
of the month in SUIVIIIER GODS
may be had at cut prices. • ��
ED'S'- and Boy's Outfitters,
— + — x =
— + + — -1- + —
150 yards Challi he per yard,
were 8c., 9c, and 10c,
225 yards Challi 1Oc per yard,
were 111e., 121e. and 15c.
125 yards best Delaines 25e per yard, all wool,
were 37-c.
15 Fine Fancy Blouses $1 each,
were $1.50,.$2.00 and $2.50
The above are four sample
drives that will give you an
idea of the inducement we are
offering in Order to clear out
surplus stock,
This week we have receive
the first shipments of our fax
goods and are busy getting
them marked off and pasted ;>
into stock. Alnong the early
est arrivals are Cottons, »'lar
nels, Linens, Ribbons. Al
sizes in Cashmere flosittyand.
some extra nice things *1
Dress Goods.