HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-07-19, Page 16THE. WORLI FAR trip. tQ ilio VTQrid ,.,l?titr- , tl1d itat dpaht :ittevef very itttereetiO4akat lot, able sov it- eitink w th:et tfie most; ateaeiblo• thing to ' do le to $Qotlre PtliithIet .euntni0 i?e rer- W'e ltave the finest a e 4I',+l 11 R'oet ' 0ntd 1►ottle' tlu>g+ear ar ►O1 T E 1't'ooi ;User' MOW, i. 4;+. GER BEER( anti the' ver; beet; brands of Palladian and imperte(1 WAIS IES and RiidcNDT QOl pile( s are the lowest for the beat goods. )Ve pay .special: ettentiento ]Mos f9 brines.s, hold 'elect medicinal p Mposos, ,J. NV. 7i 1[`*:• . t, TMEFtWA R > t CI,IN:TON To Advertisers. 4l charges of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the Office nqt later than SAT URD-4 Y V.OQV. Copy 116rchanpes r•ece; ed later than SA7'- URD_4Y SJOO.k will hereafter,jje a. the Ad+:�rti:rer's own r,ak.F 4. cif. TODD, Puttli;zher. Me Huron News-Recorcr 1.60 a Year $1.25 in Advanoe / Wednesday, dually 6;;tit, 1093. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the klub, Zown Ilan. OA811 or Goode paid for Cherries.—OAVTacos Enos. To FARMERS AND HORSEMEN.—Best single harness a specialty, all styles and closest prices. Everything in our line cut fine. JoussoN & ARMouR,harness makers.. WANTED.—Any quantity of Plums, • Cherries, Red and Black Currants and Goose Berries, for which the highest market price will be paid.—N. ROBSON. k' 'Genuine Wrought Steel Ranges from $30 to $50. Why buy from llecllars when you can get them from Harland Bros., the best quality arid lowest prices. 766-tf Cash paid for egg and hurter.—CAsrE.oN Baos. S,HIPPINC.—Yesterday James Step 'shipped a car load of choice hogs to Ingersoll. To -day S. Smith will ship to Toronto four cars of cattle. BAND STAND.—Why not build a band stand in the park. The idea has been 'suggested and it is a good one. The, ground will soon be in good shape and music from off a band stand would make recreation all the more pleasant. HoasE KILLED.—The 9.20 Saturday night train was about a half hour late. A horse was caught and mangled by the engine near Sebringvillo, causing the delay. There was no other damage. A DOUBLE SHELL EGG.—The other clay Mrs. Lee, of the Wales Hotel, had occasion to use some eggs. One of • them, an ordinary• looking egg, had two hard shells, the inner one being quite perfect and hard. GET OUT THE STOVES.—The Seaforth Expositor teat week reproduced THE NEws-RECpnn's remarks in reference. to procuring furnaces for our public school and agds:—"We notice that the trustees of the Clinton Public School are considering the best method to be adopted for the heating of their building. The trustees of the Seaforth school have been perplexed over the same matter for some time and have not even yet taken definite action. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE.—Final ex- amination. Form I (maximum 1000) —M. Clegg, 805; M. Robb, 688; M. Weir, 681; M. •Wiltse, 624; B. Steep- berd, 617; A. McCorvie, 587; A. Pratt, `IT87; F; Ross, 327; A. Holmes, 327, C. Ferguson, 307 ; M . Irwin, 263. Form II (maximum 950)—R. Worth- ington, 613; G. _Murray, 598; S. Plnrn• trier, 556; A. Twitchell, 556:J. McKin- 'non, 534; L. Holmes, 506; R. Kelly, 479; A. Weir, 472; F. Lavan, 465; II. Grant, 465; H. McKenzie, 380; A Smith, 374; J.Middloton, 269. DAVID 0. ELLIOTT'S DEATH — A "GoRREoTroN.—Mr. John C. Knight, of Melvin, DIich,, under date July 20, Writes Ti1E NEws-BECQRD as follows : •- Dear Sir,—You published in your paper chat week the (tenth of David Ovens. Elliott, stating that he was kill- ed in the lumber woods, which is not Cared;- Please correct' it. David 0. • Z'Iliott died Juno 29th from the effects i►'n abscess in .his side, from which `blood poisoning set in. He was it itreng, robust man, and scarcely ever :realized an hour's sickness until about iltto week(' before his death. All that kind friends and medical aid could do ‘baa void to prevent death. He lived fit hdrnpran, Miob., and left a young wife to Mourn his loss. She and his brother Montgomery accompanied his igen ttinstia: Jury 5 to .his father's reel- dolide; '.Zeck., Mich., from which the (*metal took plaice, lie was a condist- plit: iietnbsr of the X. U. T. M., by wh ch.fin er the funeral wad conduct-. 'ed::, ,Plealte ptipt this and oblige your artbstitibei,—jotat,C, Y mini) Mel. 'V1n dish+ PIO I+la.. •Retuenlber St. Ps4.l"it 8; ..ptonia to Qadetieh toutorraw. 0UTittnE, 'RADE:'--JeakSOn I3roe. 4p•.' Dually turn .attt n largo, atnouni orderol'clothing for ,,,ouetomor9 tri, 'rotonjo,, Cat§4s ron BIuT.tn --4n Saturday Mr. P..Oook leaves for Glasgow with a, bar load of CJinad.ian carriage horase,; houQltt °principally on Halton 4,3unty. t calls: b ,the *teapot Alcides. Ttin ExnEEia Timm eiys:.=H. 0.. Bre`we.r, of Oho Moleoue ba k, Clinton, wa.s itl townon Tuesday Qin, btteineas --, Mi:os i>i•Ilia,r,,Clipton,spent Sunday in "town the guest of Mrs, Braunct..,,.1\fre, 14> anning,'of poster, were I:eat week the, guest pi‘her eons, A. H. and W. .Man• nlbh, of Clinton. NEW. O1rFIOE.--Nrp.. R. Holmes has called"far tenders for the erection of a new office, We understand the build; ing will be abort 80 of -90 feet long; and about 16 wide, one Morey, with plate glass front.' Iris said that iG_will cost from 4)1,200 'to $2,000. LIKE MEETING A FRIEND. -111r. T C. Bruce, in writing a.. Ousiness note to THE NEws,REcQRn'froni Chicago, adds: —"I notice THE NEws.REcoID prqm— inent among Canadian weeklies at the World's Fair, and it was as good as a letter from a friend to meet with it." PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.—The ad- journed meeting was held on Thursday evening. All members present except Trustee. Jackson. The estimates for the ensuing year were placed at $4,045, leas receipts 5745—which moans $3,- 300. Last year the ninownt required was $3,100. The Board decided to go on with the excavating for furna- ces and the secretary was instructed to advertise for tenders. The Board ad- journed to meet on Thursday evening, August 3rd. CQALAAJI AND BOAZ 'WEREWisE.— Advertising is an ancient and honor- able instityltion, and was practised longer ago than a great many people imagine. Get your bible, turn to Numbers xxlv., 14, and you will see that Balsam believed in advertising, and said to Balak: "Behold I go unto my people; come, therefore, and will advertise." Turn again to Ruth iv., 5, and you will find that Boaz, in con- nection with a real estate transaction in which he was interested, expressed himself as a judicious advertiser. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD.—Re- gular meeting Friday evening. Mem- bers present—Messrs. Scott (chair- man),Stevenson,W. Jackson, Forrester, Plumsteel, and Shaw (Dr.) Accounts as follows were ordered paid:—H. Stevens $10, THE NEWS -RECORD 52.25, Robins Bros. 55c., 13:. II. Combe 5602, W. Cooper $3—total 521,82, The estimates are for $4,900, less $3,200 re- ceivod from Government and other sources, leaving 5 1,7 00 to be contribut- ed by the town ; het year the amount was $1,600. The Board then adjourn- ed. Tun EnriitE thus refers to the work of a man well known in Clinton :— Capt. W. D. Andrews, the blind vet- eran Iife saver, is spending these days at the Centre' island selling his book on swimming, how to save, drowning people and how to . resuscitate persons who have been drowned. The captain has secured more people from watery graves than any living man, and has also resuscitated a great many persons. The contents of hie book are, therefore, the .result of long, practical experience. The Islanders, as well as all who aro constantly about the water, should have a copy and study it. PRESBYTERY OF HuroN.—Tire Pres- bytery held'a regular meeting on the ]lth inst. Rev. J. A. McDonald Was elected Moderator for the ensuing six months. Commissioners to the As- sembly reported in due order. Revels. D. B. McRae, of Cranbtook; T. G. Thomson, of Hamilton, and J. B. Tay- lor, of Blyth, being present, were in- vited to sit as corresponding members. The followingare the staudingconnnit- tees for the year: • House. Missions,— Messrs. W. M. Martin, B. D., P. Mus- grave, J. H. Simpson, Ministers; R. McLaren, .J. Hackney, R. Calder, elders. State of Religion—Messrs. S. Acheson, J. 5. Henderson, M. Barr,' oninisters; H. Reid, T. \Iellis, J. Aiken head, elders. 'Temperance.—Messrs. J. A.Hamilton, M. A., A. Stewart, B.4., J. H. Simpson, ministers; G. Swallow, W. Carnochan, R. Scott, elders. Sab- bath Schools.—Messrs.- R. Henderson, J. A. Anderson, B. A., A. McLean, ministers ; J. Aikenhead, R. Laid- law, J. Symington, elders, Sab- bath Observance.—Messrs. J. S. Henderson, N. Shaw, B. A., A. Stew- art, B. A., ministers; R. McLaren, R. Scott, A. Whiteford, elders. Finance, —Messrs. P. Musgrave, N. Shaw, J. A. McDonald. ministers; . R. Calder, J. Hackney, Thomas Mellis, elders. Superintendence of Students.—Messrs. C. Fletcher, M. A., A. McLean, A. Stewart, B, A., ministers; J. Syming- ton, W. Purdy, W. Fulton, elders. Systematic Beneficence.—Messrs. J. A. Anderson, B. A., S. A. Carriere, W. M. Martin, B. D., ministers• J. hid - don, W. Carnochan, A. W'Whiteford, elders. Christian Endeavor.—Dr. Mc- Donald, Messrs. J. S. Henderson, C. Fletcher, ministers; G. Swallow, H. Reid, R. .Laidlaw, elders. The first named on each committee to be con- vener. Messrs. Fletcher and Martin, with their representative elders, Were appointed to cgltsider aoscheme for furnishing a basis do which to reckon families 1n reports to Assembly. A call from the congregations of Leeburn • and Union ohurtl,Goderich Township, signed by 87 members and 57adherents hi favox of Rev. Murdock McKay, 'w sustained. Mr. M;c'Eay having aeeep ed the call, his o>':•cllination 'was appoint- ed to take place in< Knotc church, God.. rich, on. the 1st of August, , at '2 p. n1,, the Moderator to preside, Mt: Shaw tit preach, Mr, Anderson to address the tninister,,and Mr.i'ender'son the peo,' tile.-•--Seaforth llp(poeiier, • ening n, h. It is such hard work,to carry the baby around thus hot wee. ; t or, ZQxl. t' debt Any longe(', bt t buy a 9 '40►. ''1Mrr'i, , 'Q; . for outclo6r$0 or a mullet�;t .. T�' that b,tby mullet fall, for indoors, it .will be better for yon, better for baby and though. our profits are small it will. be better for us. , • - ' You know the boy wants a "fir; o and the n. girl \wants a 3:0C011,9S1 110,EtArrim a 'e oraoa.V,,,ci C]? LC ifs, and if they get what they want they will be hafipier and bother you less. - The young people want a set of O.R TET it is a Chea and lenjust-' p gamep t`y of fun in it, buy a set and try a game yourself, it will make you feel young again. We keep a.large stock of Toys and games and no one under- sells us. BOOK STORE AND NEWS DEPOT, CLINTON, e 1 0 C- 1\TCYNA ' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WHITS DRESS EMBROIDERIES .AT CL ARZN-G P1 ZC� LIGHT AND SARK PRINTS (DRESS GOODS Now selling fast at our Moving Prices. At Prices that cannot fail to please you. G LOSES, Colors a 10 cts. a Black and •rr4,1e2•40va,•..1...•10101,nwuvn.•rw.a#,e.✓ B EESEY'S DRYIG onns ERMPo ave, The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, 1111111100 TABLES. 0 00, — 0 Have you seen the BAMBOO TABLES that we are offer- ing at 25, 30 and 45 cents. They are great value at that money. We have also a line of Bedroom Suits, Sideboards and Extension Tables. That are very cheap. �. Before buying call and see what we can do for you. J o$ E P H 0 H I DLEYr r'nt ertttttcicrr and J. . a:Et1DLp,'i'', Jn,, Funeral Director and tmbalmer; Night ea11s answered. at his residence, King St., opposite tile 'Foundry. €'44' al, pr� ro-'asere ; wee to tie. az et.' It.i. a fact thate vel threa material used in '$2. ers is all wool. • It is a fact that these Trouser► any proportioned man, an well. It is a ' fact that our $2.0.0 $3.00 lines of Trousers are ing worn for better wear...' an ever increasing number people, the reason being this We have endeavored :and coni tinue to endeavor to supply, a the lowest possible prices con sistent with good workman- ship and good material, an article that is intended to give the public satisfaction, which we may confidently say is be- ing realized. - Il Men's and Boy's Outfitters, + — x = - — 1200 Yards of PRINTS, Dark Grounds, Light Grounds, Large Patterns, Small Patterns, Fast Colors, Good value at 10 ots, FOR PER YARD. A.1 Our our best French -Delaines, in Cream, Navy and Black Grounds are being sold at 30c. a Yaffl. Just now there's a good range of Patterns, but of lots of them, there's only a dress or two left, Summer Stock of all kinds is be- ing hustled out at prices that interest close buyers. STANDARD fashion sheets and patterns for August arrive: ; . this week. , Est (