HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-07-19, Page 14yen's H'' /;tor
• e hairltoft and glossy,
"1 have laws Ayers. hate Vigor Tot
nearly five year!), , iicd my hair is rpolst,
glossy,•; Cyd I an eitc'ellent State.of prat.
erlattou,. ',1'.411,1 forty years old, .atidhave
iid en the pales f ,r twenty Live years,._
t:i.l•TenrvOtt,affq;"Mass;ang lint,"
sec ,lc .\iyo:•
Aflyer, 's Hair Vigor
tRi0V41,1ts, hair f rom. fa l3iig' oltt,
"A 'number of years ago, by recom-
mandation fa. frieltd, 1 140 11 to use.
Ayer'a Nair Vigor'to stop the bait froth,
Ia11tQgg out.and prevent its turning gray.
The. first effects were most sati`iaetory,
Occasional applications since baso kept
inY hair thick and of a neutral color."--
H,. •E, BaSham,. McKinney, Texas.
Ayer's HalrVigor
e , Re storey hair after fevers.
"'Over ayear ago I bad a severe fever,
and when recovered my hair began
to fall out,. and what little remained
turned gray. I tried various remedies,
but`?vithout success, till at last 1 began
to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my
hair is growing rapidly and is restored
tR rte original color."—Mrs. A. Collins,
Dighton, Mass
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Prevents hail' from turning gray.
"Myhair was rapidly turning gray and
`falling out; one bottle of Ayer's Hair
Vigor has remedied the trouble, and my
hair is now its original color and full -
tress '--B,.Onkrupa, CI vcland, O.
'PreparedbyDr.J.0.Ayer& o.,Lowell,Mase;
Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. •
rhe Huron News -Record
elm a Year -81.26 In Advance
IVeduesday, July :Nth, 1893.
—Mr, Arthur Simpson, a well-
known f,•rmer of Cuirvss townyhip, was
stra.ck beta C. P. R. train while driv
tug acrose',the trick at 1Viugtun Tues
day and instantly (tilled,
"In reply to your question do my ohitd•
rem pbj.05 to ta'cing tia.,tt's Emulsd,ns, I say
No ! on the contrary they are tond of it and
it keeps them pioturce of health."
—Joseph Gillespie while boringan
oil well at Petrolea last week was in—
stantly L11 d by a lever pole flying
back and striclling him.
Tors term shoui'i be applied to the cho'e*
ever; intelligent person has between
Bnr,1, ck Mood Litters the natural and
oertiin remedy fur dyspepsia, biliousness,
coustivaliou, headache, and bail blood, and
the various imitations offered by aniorup-
clou! parties as being '•just as good.'
there in nothing else as gaud as B. B. 13.
It is err honest medicine.
—J. B. Cook, dentist, of London,
dropped dead on Friday of last week
et Port Franks, where be had been
camping with a party of relatives.
Consumption Cured.
retired practice, plane1i his handsoy an Eu Ida mip
the formula of a simple vegetable•remody for
the speedy and permanent wn•e of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throne. and
Lafrg Affections, also is positive and radical (lure
furNervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints,
after having tasted Its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of oavue, hes felt it hie duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows. Aotuated by this
motive and a -desire to relieve human suffering, I
will sand £roe or charge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in Geuuau, b renoh or English, with full
directions for preparing and tieing. rent by mail
byaddr.•asing with itatu”. naming iht, paper.
W. A. loitoa,820 Powers' Bloch, tfoehorder, N.Y.
Esa- y
—A new danger seems to threaten
passengers by the trolly cars. One
day last week a smell panic ir•as caused
by the explosiou of a muter in a
•Queen street ear Toronto. The passes
gers were greatly surprised while the
car Was in. motion by a cloud of smoke
fuurstnig through the crevices in the
floor, and b .gnu a hasty exit, some in
their 'excitement making for the win-
dows. Tho explosion kuocked up a
trap door in the car and set fire to the
cushions. The car was rendered useless
for a time.
GENTLEMEN,—I can recommend Dr. Fow-
lers Extract of Wild Srrawberry, for it
saved uty life when I was ahout six months
old. yVe have used it in our family when
required ever since, and it never fai.s to
cure all summer compladate. I ata now
fourteen years of age.
FF:ANCIS WALaIt, Dalkeith, Ont.
—Au incoming passenger train on
the Grand Trunk Road rari down a
crowded street car in Chicago, Monday
night, killing four people and injuring
a number of, others. The dead are
Chas. Perkins, John Dillon, two un-
identified women. The injured are
Wm. Bultlmau (may die-), Mrs. Janice
Sanderson, J. C Smith (itiay die), Mrs.
Celia Mitchell, Mrs, S. A. Lacey, Mrs.
Vaxlderberg, Frank Vanderburglier,'his
three-year old son, Jennie Blakely.
Perkins and Dillon. were frightfully
mangled. A piece of tirhber Iiad been
forced into thejatters throat, brenking
his jaw. This. police arrested Engineer
Jones and Piretn•en Campbell, ,of the
passenger train, and a man named
Henry Hughes, who was'riding in the
cab iyf the engine. The engineer said
that he did not see the street car until_
it was on the' track; and so clone that
it was imposeibld for him to stop the
train. The towerman, George Barnett,
Who raised the gates and allowed the
Rail to come upon the track.said :—" 1
'raised the gates after the freight train
. bad gone west and did not see the ap.
iireechin•g passenger train until it was
.Laos(. upon the crossing.. I lowered the
"gates, but it was too late then."
Iolthta Imo). holo . of Gess County,,
Mickt,, a Mean was received thtl-Other.
day. h tt wail given tt bath Atte eats it
had boom hlta first iiia Thirty years,.
034)+TrfnNihy', Iivxq thoroughly tiered .•ot
iudigtetion by using poly three bottlew of IL
ani truthfully reci,rnmoud it to all
i,ylf'ertng from the sante malady.
Mae. DavtoBoti, Vianipea, Man,
—Jnetice McN,ttigition, of Chathatla,
hae cowmittod Rohl:Mead for trial, on
the charge of attempted train wrecking,
on the C. P. R,, Boil will be accepted
irl (wo enrollee of''$500 each.
Mx little boy was take`u very bad with.
diaret Lira, ' he was very delicate Gird got:au
low that we had no lupe of his lifa, but et.
lady friend reuommeuded Dr. Pnwler'e Ex -
newt of Wild Straw curry, and attheugh be
uould only bear a few drops at a time he got
well. It saved my child.
ales. Wei, tsmwait't,
Catnpbeltville, Oat.
—Hems. A. B. Ingrain M. P., and
J. 1;I. . Thompsan,. late agent C., L. &
P. S., have entered into partnership as
insurance agents at St. Thomas, the
firm being known -as Ingram & Thom").
Headache, which is usually a symptom
of stomach trouble, oouetipation or liver
complaint eau he entirely cured by B H. B.
(Burdock B'ood Bitters) becsue this meds.
ane a,.ts upon and regulates the stomach,
liver, buwe;a and blood. es
—A Virginia mob caught a negro
barn burner the other day and hanged
hint. After, the mob had left the rope
broke and the negro cecaped to tell his
experience. He says hanging is a
pleasant death.
E'er nearly forty yearn Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry has been the
leading and surest euro for cholera, culla,
diarrhoea, dysentery and all umu er oom-
pl inti. It is a record to bt proud of.
—Tile Earl of Aberdeen waited
upon her 'Majesty the Queen at Wind
sor Castle last week and wont through
the cnremouy of kissing the Queen's
!grind on his appointment as Governor.
General of Canada. On September 7
Lord Aberdeen and Lady Aberdeen,
their family and their suite, will Bail
for Quebec, which place they will
reach about the middle of the month.
It covet! a gond deal of ground—Dr,
Pieroe's G,1'den Medical Discovery. Aud
when you hear that iteuree soniany diseases,
perhaps you think "ht's toe good to be
But it•e only r••a>oneble. As a blood.
cleanser, flesh -builder, andetrength-restorer,
nothing like the "Dlseovery" is known to
medico( science. The disnabes that it cures
ooince from a torpid lis. r. or from impure
blood. For everything of this nature, is ie
the only pttaranteed remedy. In Dyspepsia,
Biliousness; all Bronchial, Throat and
Luug affections; every form of Scrofula,
even Consumption (or Lung -scrofula) in its
earlier stages, and in the moat stubborn
Skin and Scalp Diseases—if it ever fails to
benefit or cure, you have your frroney
Chronic Nasal Catarrh positively cured by
Dr. Sage's Remedy. 50 ceute; by druggists,
Very little baud hoeing is necessary
if you snake your rows straight and
keep the .weeds down by thorough horse
cultivation. It may be well to pick
off a few of the blossoms, thereby in-
suring larger, finer fruit, but I have
never found anything but harm result
from leaf pruning. The S'.in will scald '
the fruit badly, both itt the North and
in the South, and the largest, finest
epecimans are invariably made under
thick' leaves. The fruit rots badly
when it reets.on the ground, but we
have found stakes in large quantities
expensive work. The better remedy
is plants of upright, stocky growth.
This is on of the Dwarf Champion, the
vine resembling a potato vine. But
the best sorts of toruatoes are oontivg
also to possess this quality in great
measure. The best varieties, well test.
ed at present, both for home and mar-
ket use, are the EarlyEesex, Hybrid, the
Dwarf Companion, Climax, Matchless
aid Ignotuw, The two latter are
larger than the others. I have used
paris green in solution to kill the
worms and found it effectual. This
was done when the fruit was very small
and the fruit wiped as crated;
—John 'B. Skinner, President of the
Hsrculee Iron Works, of Chicago, the
company owning the cold storage
bui'tding burned last Monday, lays the
blame for the lose of life upon Marshal
Murphy. He said :--There was abso-
lutely no excuse for the lose of a single
life. The firemen were informed by
our employes that there was firs
below before they went up into the
tower. ' They were begged not to go
up and the danger was pointed out in
advance when there was plenty of time
to order down strokes were already np.
Mr. Alsip, tho architect, was ono who,
ndvieed the men of the danger, and
told thorn the fire was below before
they went up, and begged them not to
ascend. Marshal Murphy stood'there,
and in spite of this information' actually
drove his men to their deaths. Upon
the information we bad given them
eome of the firemen hesitated and do-
murred. The Marshal was heard to
shout to them by at least two of our
employee, "Get up there, you d ---
cowards." He drove them to their
deaths. As aeon es I heard the State-
ment of our men, right after the fire,, I
went immediately over, to Mr. Higgin-
1 ottam's office and told him what I
e pay the festi.e 4,0'll price
d 1
ghest trade and iy the
best assot'tnaent of Woollen Goods
Ar" OWE;,
At lowest )l•i'cA's..:�'ls,n •,,.�. �� e*
l ufftotuH'ing of all kinds done with,
dispatch, qustou carding a speoitl,lty, We do business
on the sctttere, 'Gall and sea I<is,
O.E.'WILLSO I., Clinton,
General Builder and Contractor,.
This factory hae been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight
years. We carry an extenbive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest
prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We eel► all kinds of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, • Shingles, Lime,' Sash, Doors, Blinds &c.
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, piannfactured
at Waterloo. Call' and get prices and estimates before placing your orders,
Eureka BaRier
an.� Restaurants
In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur—
ing the past three years, we beg
BAKERY and ItES'1' to announce that the EUREKto
cater to the wants of1the general public. tVendosours own
baking, env° heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD,
BUNS, PASTRY, OAKES, &C., equal to any in West
ern Ontario and at the very lowest lining prices. WEDDING
CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c., delivered to all parts
CREAM, COOL DRI 1l1(S. Pic-nic and Private Gather
it g.t supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates.
Remember tie location ----next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton,
i .: OS
Lesiie's Carriage Factory.
manship and material. SierAll the latest styles and most modern improve-
ments. A11 work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to. Prices to suit the times.
IsEr FACTfIRY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y
Last week a young than who works
in an office on King street, Toronto, on
leaving the General Postufiico, noticed
a paper Tying on the sidewalk which
on examination proved to be a draft
for $25 in favor of a well known
Church street merchant.
He at once set out to find the owner
of the draft, and after considerable ex-
ertion found his man. A storm of
huge dimensions at once arose around
the head of the email boy who had un-
fortunately lost the draft and the finder
was rewarded by the munificent cum
of ten cents, which by the way, came
out of the hard earnings of the office
The finder is at a lose what to do.
A trip to the sea -side would be very
agreeable during the dog days, or a new
and flourishing business may be estab-
lished out of the generous reward.
—Three highly respected and re-
putable young- ladies named Bertha,
Hattie and Ida Scott, residing at
Lewiston, N. Y., it is stated will com-
mence proceedings against The To-
ronto News for libel, and suit for dam-
ages against the Toronto police depart.
:Hent for illegal arrest and detention,
frotn which they suffered' indignities
and insults. The particulars which led
to an illeged and unwarranted attack
in The News are as follows Friday
July 14, the girls took a trip to Toron-
to on the Niagara NavigationCompany'e
steamer Cibola. During the run over
a Mrs. Telfer, of Buffalo, claimed that
she was robbed of her pocketbook in
the ladiea' toilet room on board the
boat. The woman stated that the
Misses Scott were in the room when
she missed her purse, Upon arriving
at Toronto the matter was reported to
the police, who immediately arrested
the young women. They were detain.
ed before the gaze of hundreds of
people, who looked upon them as
criminals. The indignity to which
they were subjected by this phblic
branding as thieves was augmented
by the attack in The Toronto Newt,
which styled them rather frisky look-
ing young women, sof a pronounced
American type. The Misses Scott
offered to retire with the officers and
be searched, but they refused to take
this advantage, detaining thenk for a
time and questioning them publicly.
Their friends are enraged ,at their
treatment by the Toronto plice and
the prises, and will seek eati3faetion
through thl) courts. The case may be-
come an international one Of insult to
'American citizens, and big damage,
will Ke asked.
Names of the District Masters, Primary
Lodge Masteis, their post office ad-
dresses and date of meeting,
A. M TODD, W. C. M•, Clinton P. O.
John Nell, W.D.M., Centralia P. O.
219—Roht. Hutch►naot. Greenway, Friday
on or before full moon.
662—Thos. H. Coursey, Luca n, Saturday on
or before full union.
493—Richard Hodylns, 'Lucan, %Vednes
day on or before full moon.
826-WIlliani Haggett, (:rand Bend,Wed-
nesday on or before full moon.
890—Phomas Longford, M;splegrove, Wed-
nesday on or before full moon.
924—Lewis H. Dickson, Exeter, 1st Friday
in each month.
1071—John Halls, Eiirnvdlle, Saturday on
or before full moon,
1007—James Cathers, sylvan, Monday on
or before full moot,.
1210—Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday on
or before full moon.
1343—Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on
for before full ,noon.
610—Joshua Huxtable, Centralia, Friday
on or alter full moose.
Andrew Millian, W.D.M., Auburn P.O.
145—Jantes Cox, Goderich, 1st Monday itt
each month.
153—Andrew Mililan, Auburn, Friday on
or before fall moon.
182—Geo. M. Cox, GOtierich, last Tues-
day In each month.
189--F. McCartney, ilolmesy'flle, Monday
on or before full moon.
262—carnes McLean, tialtford, 3rd Wednes-
day In each •month. .
306 -Matthew Sheppard. Clinton, 1st
Monday In each month.
James Horney, VV.D. I., Winthrop P.O.
710—John Ford, Llinton, 2nd Monday in
each mon' r.
813—James Horney, Winthrop, last Wed-
nesday before full moon.
928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st
Monday in each month.
703—Wm. Horney, Sea forth, 2nd Monday
In each month.
Robert Nicholson, W.D.M., Blake P. O.
24—James Pollock, Bayfield, 2nd Saturday
in each month,
308—James Reyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in
each month.
833—Wm. Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Wednes-
day in each month.
733 --John Berry, Mensal], 1st Thursday in
each month.
1085—William hatband!, Varna, 1st Thurs-
day in each month.
IIarNoTe.—Any omissionb or other errors will
be promptly corrected on writing direct to the
County ;floater. Bro. A. I. Todd, Clinton P. 0.
,.r tt2AD' TH18.
"Onoeopy of a nwepaper that reaeh,ee the hew
Is worth more for the'purposeo of achertfeitig. that
three that dolt t." - p, T, DAalJRlf ,
Fit ti',.,
oar now arrfrga direct 'frotzi,
Redpa` h.'s eaner Mede
k r
Quality :the
4! rlfi,��ii
Prices the lowest:
pocrirxl Cuts' rn /00 Pounds Qr .
Butter. and Eggs wanted.
J W IRWIN, Noted Grace
Wilson & Howe, Successors to James Anderson, 4'
• o
The undersigned have bought the stock, good -will and interest of James
Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the
Novelty Bakery and Restaurant
, The new firm will keep in stock 'everything found in a firat.clasa`Res,• `-
taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and cottesy:+
hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers.
'IL®1�T & HOWL, - Cinto'
Gre t Offer!
For years we have been averse to making
waylowering the r "cuts" or in any
o pirce of THE NEWS -RECORD. To -day
our mind is not much changed.
This journal is well worth a dollar and a half a ,year. We
know this to be a fact, because we spend the hard cash in
in its production and should be in a position to speak.
The business man who does not know, the cost of goods or the
amount of money he pays for- labor must be a fool.
We have decided to give the public the benefit of our wise or
unwise judgment for once. And the great offer we make
• should .gleet with a quick response from -all reading people.
A Tempts Offer •
$1.50 for 18 not(
All new subscribers can have THE NEWS -RECORD, the best
paper in the County of Huron at $1.25 a year, for the
small sum of 81.50 to January, 1895.
Our list has been rapidly increasing as it is, but we are
determined to place THE NEWS -RECORD in an unpre-
cedented number of new homes.
itt.The cash in every case must accompany the order.
Another Great Offer !
To those who would like to secure a city weekly with THE
NEWS -RECORD, we will give Tho Toronto Empire for
one year and this paper to January, 1895, for only
Th e offer is one that cannot be well overlooked by people who
desire to secure a good and clean local paper as well as a
city weekly.
And Still Another,!!
Any reader of THE NEWS -RECORD is at liberty to constitute
himself or herself an agent and we will allow a commis-
sion Write us fore. particulars. and go to work.
There is not any money in it for the Publisher at the above
figures, but that should not people . le from subscrib-
ing. „ran ,,,,ll�r D p
If non-readers would like the best local paper at a trifling
cost, now is the proper time to take advantage of our
tempting offer. The offer will not remain open many
Address all letters and remittances to
A. 1V.Le TODD,
01,11,/41.18.6 OOOOOO 14tr404,./4.04,0a,•,;
McCol1's O`"1'' I —Dmp, O=L will wear
tFvice as long as any other inake. The finest • High grade
Engine Oils are manufactured by
McColl Eros. & Co., - loron.tm
FOB :ig9.1E,1311" ALL .l;E A:D1Nt DEALERS IN TILE 06Ul R;SC.