HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-07-19, Page 8a. 1 TUF WORLQ 8 PACT , o W'or'14,)1 h :would np. doubt•. proyn:very intereating, but in tlli? spelt• • : ohm weather the Moet'eanetble thiagta ie ito,''Aura +5 reliable attmme : boor, age, Wa heva the ffrtegt. ' LE lu wood and bottlte . 4 up'ortais+ POJZTE ' 3vpat 'and .b0(110.., !AGER, EERY Maid the ,racy bet; branda;of 0na4ien 4441 :.Mato rte t .W;$g§; s r►'Ht I IE and' •B ANTES.. ,,`Sip, pt'itss are tht lowest t'9r chan, goons,• ny spacial ettontio4 to =flues for house, held our 1444k1'i4i'pt asps S`1I EET,; CL[NTnl dit rhan+0es 4d1;911i8erlteiats„ to zzft4re f j;scrt'ion zit tl<.e current issue,' »,Cat i4e eeg�ce�if :itt th o,iice tr(A tater. lase 444 }PU'.0,1)44. rT :14700,47. Copy ora anpgs tie. ivecl la4er.Ehatrt Stl y' - t .. it rl',Y.Yt7QN will hereafter be a. the 4daertkse,.•'s own risx;. t . $<' jr, TQDDi Publisler, uron News-Recora 1..ii0a'Yfear-$1.25 in Advance 4 Weduenday July 19th, 1893. AL' NEWS. 11. and Around the IItub, gown tart. Qeuu orHoode paid for Oherries. Cevrnuox Bnoa. To FARMERS AND HORSEMEN.—Best single harness a specialty, all styles and closest prices. Everything in, our line rut file. JOHNSON & ARrUR,harness Makers. WANTED.-Anytuantity of Plums, Cherries, 'Red and Black Currants and B Goose erries, for which the highest iriarket price will be paid.—N. RonsoN. cash paid for eggs and putter.—0ANruLox BROS. THE Masonic Grand Lodge meets at Ottawa to -day. ATM GRACE TEDFORD, who has been visiting ins Goderich the past week, has returned.. REV. J. H. FAiRLIE, Grand Chap- =:;` lain,; is attending the session of the Grand Lodge, A. F. and A. M., at, ;Ottawa. -S&r. PAUL'S ANNUAL PICNIC.—St. Paul's Sunday school will hold their 'annual picnic to Goderich on Thurs- day., the 27th. - : IIELIEViNG.— Mr. Swaisland, of Lon- don, is relieving Mr. Remington in the .:1VIoleon's Bank, He will be-•. here a epupla of months. Mss. TEDFORD, of ,town, was called away this week on account of the ser- ious illness .of her father, Mr. Kitty; w io resides at Lucknow. QoirE 'ILL.—Mr. • A. H. Manning lad a worse turn last week. At time 1rf Writing, Tuesday evening, he is r sting•a little batch.. We would yet ,bopo'to see him around again. 4 lex.—Wm.- Cudmore has shipped �since'the 15th of May, up to July 15, 141 oafs of pressed hay—a total of 0out".1,500 tune. This immense 'quantity -VW principally for export. . ��Tnou SHALT STEAL," &C.—Mr. Evans, in order to preserve his fruit 'and; save the promises from wanton destination, has determined to vigorous - .prosecute trespassers. Boys and young hien had better take warning in : time. 'Miss E. WINTEMUTE, w110 -some time AO -delivered a lecture in the Ratten- ;bpry street Meth -chid church, after visiting at the World% Fair, Chicago, will,`procoed to her home in Vancouver and thence aboilt the end of August to Jtpan to resume her missionary labors. •„A: Suco>ss.—The Baptist picnic off ,Holmesvillo on the Maitlai , fats, lest 1'rtday, was a siioeeas in every respect. tt There was a large attendance and noth. in to "nth the pleasure -of any. Many hada op n in boats, supplied by Mr, F rater, The grounde :are well adapt= e for picnic or camping 'patties. •Panr.Tt7' Scrzoor Boom Iaaoeting Monday nights, Present— ,Ifoasrb SteVeno'on, :Harland, Taylor, iGihhiitgey • Overberry and Stewart. .ilonottnts of W. n., Sii'npson $2,01, and Ilobtne'Broe,,M$1.35, for:stationery, wore, ordered ta.: bo paid. Principal xotugh'.s, report 'showed attendane for ;ttno:- Boye 289,' girls 218, total 457, t average' of 378;1 dettrease of 27 in o. umber. enrolled for. May' and 2 in taiadano0 for eatipdmoit,th, Tho spm �1ltee ropofted that ,two . furnaces limn d be rogni ad'10 heatmain build. fng: at a probnbloMoet of $600. ' This .includes 'the bolo `worts,; ventilation, Ofo. .%t0 a Jong'dieoussi6a the BOard +hoirI ttr procu're legal adwi'ce: Ile to end. adjournedto moot again tt ;;evening WQ41t»e.•..41 litevety , gentle• eea;rkecl the other,, dry*het l' 1E t9w6-RI00RD,t Rut, a local ,gape;, 041 e euporior 'AU.:': other,, in. the cocn'y of #furan. And he::ie •a ;om pe1on1 judge, • • Pzorwn''Nirt p Pt4vE ,–lsfegur Was: Doherty,1. q. i$rupe, Rev. •A, lurk.!, and, Mies, 'i► on are Qi'to the Vlret1d:'e, it; litre and :Mit'a'G'rant, to Spokane �aeh.l;aide Goodridge t4 Vancouver., ff, G., litlti Geo, Adana 40 to.. Angst. as, GNI Tho l"4ova were boOltod,b ! \%T dackaiou,; ' E. > Ga,�s1re TOE Po7,s4,;An41nbcr yeetbe. ,in lo.an have, aoqui.red rho daugoroua habit totli.owing stones at other ehildreu. • When, the bmtter is brought. tri the notice of"parentsthe boys should 'be cliaatieed.. In not:' doing go patentf leave thernae1,ve6° liable to be•<` brought befgre. the Mayor and' pUnlshsd, AT.To Pott T EA1iAf;—Hoi1. J. C. Patterson, M. P. for West Huron, and family, are taking a well earned vaca- tion at that pleasant 1/Canadian summer resort, the Point Farm, off Goderich. Mr: Pdtterapd'a • private secretary aceompaniea him. J. J. Wright, the courteoua pn prietor, this week, advor- tises for an experienced waiter. We aro pleased to know that 'bur mem- ber” will take his summer rest in West Huron. FIRE FRoyi LIGHTNING.—There was a serious fire on the farm of Joseph Currie, '8th con , Goderich township, last Thursday. About noon hour lightning struck the end of the build- ing and ignited. One horse was killed: The flames spread fast. Neighbors gathered and worked with a determin- ed will totfave all they could, but the flames spread so rapidly that about twenty tons bf hay were consumed, also a binder, plow, harness, oats, chopped feed, lumber, Sze. The loss will be from $1,500 to $2,000. The property was insured in the London Mutual for $600. Mr. Currie c`Gthis knee severely with an axe while endeavoring to remove some of the nailed boards. Ono of his brothers nartawly eecaped death in the ,flames while asaisting in the removal of contente-'of building. THE WITNESS.—The last number of the special morning edition of the Wit- ness, prepared with the object of furn- ishing to those Endeavorera left at home a full and perfect account of the great religious festival with which Montreal has been honored, is out. It ie ever the ambition of the Witness to furnish a paper void of offence, and Endeavorers can, we know, have cen- fidonoe' in sending its report to their friends. This special number has cost a great deal of extra effort which has beencheerfully and untiringly put forth by the Witness workers with a Targe measure of that sympathy with the oeeasion which has been so general throughout t,be community. Witat will interest friends who know some- thing of printing is the fact that the whole of this matter in both the morn- ing and afternoon papers has been set by seven hands in the day time and five at night. A triumph of machinery, and not a line was set or any work done except, of .course, reporting, on any part of Sunday. MASONIC.—It was our pleasure and privilege to be present at a Masonic' sermon delivered in the Methodist church, Exeter, last Sunday. Rev. J. Livingstone, formerly of Clinton, now of Kincardine, preached to the breth— ren. Rev.' W. McDonagh, formerly of Clinton, is pastor of the church. The veteran Methodist minister wel• comed the Masons—:about 100 of them —to the church. Although not a Mason himself, he was glad to meet them. And one reason he was glad to meet them was because thy were de- nounced by the Roman Church. Rev. Mr. Livingstone is a ,Mason. He apoke principally on man and God's care for man. The eubjeot is so broad that the rev. gentleman spoke for about an hour and even then had to cut short many points. On the return to the lofge room the usual resolutions Were adopted. Among those from Clinton were Messrs. Heywood, Paisley, Baird, Jones, Fortune, Downs, Wilson, Hollo- way, Howe, Spooner, Wheatly, Irwin, Smallacombe, Doan, Emerton, Todd and Couch. • PUT IN FURNACES.—At the meeting of the Public School Board on Mon- day evening the matter of heating the main public school from furnaces was discussed. At present it requires eight wood stoves to heat the building. There is not with the present system proper ventilation. And there cannot be as long as the stoves are in use. In the winter some of the children are in a freezing • condition, while in other parts of the -building, near the stoves, the little folks are roasting hot. This of course is bad for the present or future health of the children. Two furnaces would be be required. They will cost, complete in the building, about $600. The saving in labor over stoves would nearly pay the interest on the money. There would be proper ventilation and we believe many a parent would be saved a doctor's hill and the well—being and health of our children 'protected. If for' no other reason than this the investment would be a paying ono. The Board will meet again to -morrow evening and decide whether or not they will go on with• the work. Tt3E, Nnws REoonn is ht favor of preserving the health of the future menand women of Clinton and conaegttently in Payor of spending a feW btit dred dollars, lit sbch a way. The furnaces wonld'bnru coal or ,rood. le soon solve ,it by •.getting Et• is .suci ha' werlt to ea rry ;the baby around this.,; `hot Y ath :e , Don't df it :.any longer,but bo u ' car+ 0r. 6.0t40.0Tst er a d j '` Q'- $ 'f that bliby cannot fall; for indoors, lit ,win ;be betterai for you: better• forr'b 'by a,tt,d though our profits are spa4,ll it will be better for iuts.` .. - , Yuu know the ;;boy wants and the girl wants a�°,. R tatfa‘4:3' or a o11.0, 'ra 1@," • and •if they ,get wiaat they want they will be happier and bother you'less. -• ----.._o The young people want.a set of QtQT,,TET, it is a cheap game and, plenty of fun in it, just buy a set and try a game yourself, it will make you feel young again. - We keep'i-t large stock of Toys aiid games and no one under- sells us.. R,Q R1 N '8 - X100 - BOOK STORE AND. NEWS DEPOT, CLINTON, Beesley C NOW -- LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WHITS DRESS EMBROIDERIES CO. ..A..T CLEAR=N'G- PR�CS LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS CRESS GOODS Now _ selling fast at our Moving Prices. At Prices that cannot fail to please r you.. p . GLOVES Silk Taffetta in Black and Colors at 10 cts. a pair. - nv V!-u•1✓bnUO✓ W VJ V.✓1. MY•u W 4.414✓.✓1.I I N BEESLEY'S D$G DDS EM ORIIIm. The Lathes' Favorite Establishment, 1111100 TABLE. SO, 30 .arid. 45 oeritts. Have yOu seen BAMBOO TABLES, that we are offer- ing at 25130 and 45 cents. They are great value at that money. , We have also a line of - the Bedroom Suits, Sideboards and Extension Tables. That a're' very cheap, Before buying call and see what we can do for you. ' �r E P H O H I D L >Erirrittuicr� -Dodo lindettakero.ancf" It W. OBtbL �+ `, .141,„ runeral Director and Rmbaltner. 1�1 igt1t galla anawwered.• r<t •his reeidcnoo, King St.i oppoaito the Poundry, Lee . to'28 I's 12- 'u0 Regular Price 10 ti 5i SC GS CC CC Odds and ends of the . greatest stock of Boys Clothing ever shown in western Ontario. Our prices are the lowest. We make this cut simply to clear up our stock for the fall trade. Jaelthn Men's and Boy's Outfitters, — + — x = — + + — -I- + — + 1 — + 1200 Yards of PRINT Dark grounds, Light Grounds, Large Patterns, Small Patterns, Fast Colors, ., Good value at 10 cis, FOR - Our our best Frepdi Delouses, in - Cream, Nail and Black Gro'unds'a re helm sold at PER YARD,. 30c. a Yard. Just now there's a. good range of Patterns, ` but of lots of them: there's only a dress or two left, Sumer Stock of all kinds is be, i tg hustled out at prices that interest close bus. S Jr AN RD fashion sheets a patterns for . gust arri' this. yreek.