HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-07-19, Page 6rs ari11a i e' Q.b .e-t,� �X . for . P. rycsipeias,Catarrh heir<rraatis•m, and' e -ctrofula it'Rheul , Sore••Eye., bsnes°ses,,Turrlors �uinnh,g Specs ,. Curvy, Hilhi,ors, Itch ' ir • em, ndigestion, iple , i3,lotdhes \ it~d Oorbuncles. ▪ ing or�ln, .Rashes; i pure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy E.-iver, Complaint /A*I1 cured •s arsapalfrilia Prepared by, Dr j C. Ayer d; Co., Lowell, Mase. Soldbyall Drug$lats, Nye $#; els bottles, $s. Gure'ts others,. • will. cure you • rhe Huron News -Record 01.50 a Year -51.25 in Advance Wednesday, July lith, 1893. I was pr.worate,t with a eryere bilines oompluiut," unit ea ]l;rastus 3 uehwotn, of %Bath', Me. "After vanity trying Or uu.uho, Of rein -dies, I was tinnily h,due,.1 t., fakir Aye v Pule. I had so..rcely tithe t two boxer when was oomplc+ely cured." • —Three hu oiroi1 and: eight v can li• dates wrote on the recent E'etreece ▪ .tion in Eett Huron, namely : 96 at Soa••fn'h; 106 at Clinton, 7}7, at r�t Y, iii ,thai i, 6:1 at 111 ussel•i azul 39 at Wroxeter.. The p tilers were very fair, The aritI,nnceie wits easier than urual; the diet ado!: an+l geography. n,uuii • More eIiflioult. Many fire failing on these two sul jeeta.' The t;ranitnar and composition ` were vrry fair. Tile -literature is eo"'i,lt•red n,ther heavy ' - for cleilJrett: The r.+yite have to hr transmitted fur con 0rinktine to To- ronto, on or le -fore Oat 20t.I. of .luly. ST.P AIG.iT FROM THE EAST. .A Sultan of Turkey once eabi, • As he g.;.•ane•I at the ptin in his head, "Oh, my favor;te wife, ao'isick of tine life, ' And I wish very mach I were dear." kipt hie ybife. who weep wise. ,answered "pis 1! ybu wiit P,e,ee't, Pellets but try, • Ycht'11 be welt in a week— And when you will speak Of•theae Pellets with praise just es high.", b1)r. Pierce's Pellets coat only 25 oenta and Or are guaranteed to euro all the troubles w ioh:spring from constipation, iodigeitioe, and bilious attacks. If you have any of these trvublee, why don't you follow the example of the Sultan of Turkey ? 1503 Reward for an inanrable care of chrouie Navel C ttarrh offered by the mann• facturere of Dr. Stee a Catarrh Remedy. 50 dente ; by •dreggiete. �Qne huqqdreti and sixty-three boys frornthp Pellting Reformatory were in bathttfi last ^S'+'turdny, eaye the Mus koka $ei<<zlcl, but w•hPn they Bot dreae•• ed there was one alit too many. The missing lad proveil to be Sam "Brotbn from London, and his holy +yea found in the water Sunday afternoon. A 13'LtVAy- MANAGER R SAYS: "In rep'.y to.ynur. question do my child- ren ohj.lct tit taking Scott's Emulsions. 1, eay Nn •1 •on the nontraryi they are fond of it and it keeper them pictures of health." -Frat,k, eldest son of John R. Smith, of Brussels, won the silver medal ofieled some time ago by the Editor of the Brussels Post to the pupil of the—senior department bf Bruseels public school with the highest avers e in connection with the monthly eitam- inations. LOCAL OP'IION. - Tars term should' be"applied to the choice ever;• intelligent ' person has between Burdock Blond Bitters the natural and Certain remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, headeohe. and bad blood, and the varidua tit itationg offered by unscrop- alone parties as being. "just as vend ' There is nothing elan all good as 11. B 13. • It it au honest medicine. —Iron. Mr. Patterson, •A'linieter of iviilitie, presented the leader of the • 33rd 13attallion hand with a twenty dollar hill when to camp, to be used 'for the benefit of the hand. Cafnsumptrou Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed iu hie halide by an Root India mission - Sty the formula of a dirapie vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanettt'ohre of Coneamption, nronbhltis, Catarrh, Aefhtha'and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical pure tor Nervone Debility and nil Nervone Complaints, Inter haviugtested its wonderful' curative powers in th'oubanda of eases, has telt it bit dnty to make It l;ttoty# to / As sufterine fellows. Actuated by this in' Uvcand:edesire torelieve human suffering,I w Il Bond fi'ee.ot a utrfre, to all who desire it, this rtsijie inboprtiran,.rehab or English, with loll dirge ion$ t to preparing and usingg, rent by mail byarlci}asainjf vrlth stapre%.naming this pa�per, 'W, A., eYtst,, 820 Pot nes' Block, Rodilaster, N. Y. 00- 7 • 'Toronto will take a vote on the Sunday street ear question on August —William Blair, convicted of ab. stracting money from letters in the Stratford• Alan, has been again remand- ad� t u Mats hats diseetteted ihat a watt fill'. 1gw,�ti,poRect ,Qt's 23.x. hotted, 1G6 ttactee',, cud4•3.3 6lfing, .«. ..t..;.T RDOWN NVIRUVE , 7tc 01.v frien& tie.wara of p ovexbe,,a Tile hportemlatt, e4dl sighed; ,agog failure is the• swl r'o ilt, . With Irtost tl`titt 1 hove tricOe . That, itolrey ]watts, tbo triage ;go r i'veeoftert he'u� d AO ?,(It It seems to SWO;lt the oter way . „ \;l'it1i n alley that. 1 bet " AN' Pt1N0#.: Or PBEVE3vT1(, , o '..01omy-•-'Paw,-1 Toad that man can stop chewing tobacee by eating caddy Do you suppose filet is trete?' "vv., rigg—Probably, `'1'eMiay-•-•Say, paw, it" a iittle, bey wy4a kept ftlled tip with candy ell the time, dgy't you suppuse.that .lie would never went to lentil to chew tobacco?. • The summer of 1892 waa prolifipp of feet recprde int all alnsaea of eepoits which speed counts.. The,Iresetlt sell - sou grQtnises to eclipse it, Thus early Zimmerman has lowered the world's record for. half a mile. The Buffalo Wet) Mascot bus paced a half in 59 seconds, and s few duyp ago Ayres P., it seven-year-old luminary, lower- ed Nancy_ Henke', trotting record to 2:031. The two -minute horse is bound to come;. will it be Ayres P., the straw ger? •POINTED RE MARKS. Gooa without saying—A mutes Have a reaerve.foreo that will come out when you need it, ' Take a dollar a day for your work, if you can get no more. The honest man wbo dies poor is rich if he only hold's his own. With embezzling hank officials it is fly' -time at any season of the year. '-People who live iu deoollotte dresses should not throw stones et the ballet.' An anarchist howling for bread or blood is generally willing to comprom- ise on beer. Only those who make clean money and do clean things win suceets. The way of the transgressor is h,ird— until be reaches the Arnetieau line. A good farmer is better than a poor doctor, and a guod horse•shour is better than a poor bishop. Sleep eight, hours out of the twenty• four, eat three weals a day and walk on the sunny side of the way. CARTER HARRISON'S ERROR. Carter Harrison erred grievously in flaunting an annexation speech before the great crowd of. Canadians who cele- brated Dominion Day at the Fair on Saturday, .1 my 1st. His sentiments are the sentiments of many other Americans and a few dis• gruutlod Cauadians, and his intentions, doubtlese, were friendly; but the Caua- dien pavilion and Dominion Day were an unfortunate place and time for the expression of 'annexationist hopes. Lieut. Gov. Kirkpatiick oI Ontario, the ofliaials of the present Canadian Gov- ernment and many other equally loyal subjects of Britain's Queen were on the platform, and to them Mayor tiart•ison's remarks were, to put it very mildly, decidedly unpleasant, But, perh..ps, he didn't know that the annexationist party in Cauada is a thing et'• the past, that Annexationist Ayers has gone to work, Annexationist Macdonald to jail and the rest of the agitators to the poor house.' In the face of all this, and surrounded by uffioiele chosen for their fealty to the Crown, Mayor Harrison's blunder will not soon be forgotten by those to whom he spoke.—Buffalo Express • A MARRIAGE IN'CAIRO. From Harper's Weakly. There was a—young girl married while I was in Cairo. Thestreetsaround the palace of her father were hong with flags for a week; the garden about his house was enclosed with a tent which was worth in money $20,000, and which was as beautiful to the eye as the interior of a mosque; fora week the sheiks who rented the estates of the high contracting parties wero led at their expense; for a week then sang and bands played and the whole neighbor. hood feasted; and on the last night everybody went to the wedding and drank coffee and smoked cigarettes and l'istenod to a young men singing Ara hien love•eonge. I naturally did .not see the bride. The ,women who did see her described, her as very beautiful, barely sixteen years old, and covered with pearls and diamonds. • She was weeping bitterly; her mother. It ap• peered, had arranged the match. I did not see her, but I saw the bride- groom. IIe tvaa fat and atupid, and over, sixty, and lie had white hair and whit e beard. A priest recited the Koran before him at the door of the house, and a band played, and the people cheered the Khedive three times, sad "then the aro*d parted, and the bridegroom was tnarched to the door which o t c led t be stairs, at the t of which the girl awaitec him. i Twoo !tinning eunuchs crouched on this dark staircase, with lamps held high above their heads, and closed the door behind . him. His • eixteen='year-old bride,haa him to herself nowhim and his eunuchs --until he or sile dies. We could elbow similitudes between this wedding and some others In �eivi• lined lands,.bot it is much .too serious a spatter to be cynical about. -- stn • ic)..0,ycota TXeh` '•wes � .price, p r!A t .,._ 4114 rthe .. T �� trade eP1'jce,,alact err7 he,bet aSO. meet ofolin (oo46 xr Own Marufae a e..: t ].awty t` r(ef 3. X41101144 f i11 I-i...i.,dn-c y . '� � ' P .jai. ,' �.�� � •.. 4 on tI#e sqe e." •(is,lLsand sere us; BEAVER MILLS WOOLLEN CO.` "C.'E �WI� LSON., Clinton, • • CliSpat:CIi. 'Cason carding a s e alt We d ibusiliess• ''CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTO • RY. fast, eIL * now arriir't, (Iireel ri'U ,,athl S. S. CQOPER, PROPRIETOR, General,Buiider and, Contractor, This "factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We oarry'ajt extensive and reliable stook and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and nu the Closest prices. Air work is supervised itt a mechanical way and , satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and ,exterior material. Lumber, Lath, • Shinigres, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &o. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo, Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. EureRa BaKeru and Restaur nt. 0 In thanking the citizene of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur— ing the past- throe years, we beg to announce that the. EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a batter position than ever to successfully cater to the wants of the general public. 'We do our own baking, save heavy expeneos, and torn out a quality of BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, OAKES, s, C.1 equal to any in West- ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALITY. Bread, &e., delivered to all parte of the town. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREA , COOL DRINS. K,S, Picnic and Private Gather inga supplied on the "ebortest notice at liberal rates. Remember tho location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton, B0 F fr ,,r ! S. Pr oprietors. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work. manship and material. `"All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended tu. Prices to suit the times. l 'FACTf)RY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y • ANOTHER RECORD MADE. r nearly forty years Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry has been the leading and surest cnre for cholera, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery and all Bummer corn - pi tints. It is a record to be; proud of. —Thomas Fraser, of Stanley, had a young horse killed by lightning, on Sunday week, while standing in a field. Mr. Fraser's stock was insured in the McKillop Metal Fire Insurance Company. —At Brantford Thursday the Mayor ordered the fire bell to he rung and the flag to he hoisted in all public places in Honor of the wuptiali of the Duke of York and Princess May of Teck. • HAVE YOU BEADACHE? Headache, which le usually a eympton) of stomach trouble, constipation or liver complaint man he entirely cured by B 13. B. (Burdock B'ooj Bitters) brcaue this medi- cine note upon and regulates the stomach, liver,;bowels and blood. —The annual "hoisting of the flag" at Queen's pork, London, Monday, in honor of Dominion Day was participat ed in by between 4,000 and 5,000 school children. A CHILD SAVED. My little boy was taken very bad with diarrhoea, he was very delicate and got so low that we had no hope of hia life, but a lady friend recommended Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of tVild :strawberry, and although he could only bear a few drops at a time he got well. It aayed my child. Ides. War, STEWART, Campbeliville, Oat. —John Gillespie, of the I•lth con. near Cromarty, had a cow killed re•. cently by a flash of lightning and at another time he and bis little girl were hath stunned and knocked over by a flash bf lightning near the houite. GENTLESfEN,—I wag thoroughly cured of indigestion by using only three bottles of 13. B. B. , and truthfully recommend it to all Buffering from the came malady. MRS. DAVIDSON, Winnipeg, Man. • ---T,t Forsythe, of Kippen,loeta very valuabld,horse while at Hayfield on Dominion Day by the handle •of a scraper penetrating its flanks and in- juring it so much that it had to bo shot. IT SAVED ers LIFE. OENTLEINLN,.--I oen recommend Dr, Fow- lers Extract of Wild Strawberry, for it saved .mylife When I was about alit months v. s of have Weour family milt' tvhoh required ever eines, and it neer fells 'o ogre all summer compleinte, 1; am nets fourteen years df age. I'RAt 01S ar,sn, Dalkeith, Oat. —The death of Mrs. Geo, Hutchison tools place at'the home of her aon•iu• law, 1VIf+. Sohn nubbins, Statra, on July 1st, in the 72nd yelir of Heti age. She leaves a husbandand family to Mourn her fond. S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1893 • Names of the District Masters, Primary Lodge Masters, their post office ad- dresses and date of meeting. A. M TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. O. BIDDULPR DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P. O. • \ 219—Robt. fluteh/nsort. Greenway, Friday on or before full moon. 062—Thos. H. Conrsey, Lucan, Satnrday on or before full moon. 493—Ricbarrl Hodgins, Lucan, Wednes day on or before full moon. 826—WIlltara Hbggart, Grand Bend,Wed- nesday on or before full moon. 890—Thomas Longford, Maplegrove. Wed- nesday on or before full moon. 924—Lewis H. Dickson, Exeter, let Friday In each month. 1071—John Hulls, llimville, Saturday on or before full moon. 1097—James Cathers, Sylvan, Monday on ' or before full moon. 1210—Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday o or before full moon. 1845—Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610 -Joshua Iluxtable, Centralia, Friday • on or after full moon. GODERICH DISTRICT. Andrew Mullan, W.D.M., Auburn P.O. 145—James Cox, Goderieh, 1st Monday in each month. 158 --Andrew Millian, Auburn, Friday on or before full moon. 182—Geo. M. Cox, Ooderich, last Tues- day in each month. 189—F. McCartney, Holmesyllle, Monday on or before full moon. 202—James McLean, Saltford, 3rd Wednes- day in each month. 306—Matthew Sheppard. Clinton, 1st Monday In each month. AULLETT DISTRICT. James Horney, W.P,M., Winthrop P.O. 710—John,Ford, l,linton, 2nd Mouclay in each mon' I. 813—James Homey, Winthrop, last Wed- nesday before full moon. 928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st Monday in each month. 793—Wm. Horney, Seaforth, 2nd Monday In each mouth. - STANLEY DISTRICT. Robert Nicholson, W.D.M., Blake P. O. 24—James Pollock, Bayfield, 2nd Saturday In each month, 808—James Keyes, Varna, let Tuesday In each month. 888—Wm. Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Wednes- day In eacb month. 788—John Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday in each month. 1085—W1111am Rathwell, Varna, 1st 7hurl- day in each month. iia• four - -Any omteskit's• or other enure' will be promptly. corrected on writing direct to the County Master, Bro, A. M. Toddi. Clinton P. 0. —Master $toy Mason, son 6f Mr. Joseph Macon, of Winghamt while teetering with a, playmate the other afternoon, fell off and broke his left arm abteee the elbow:* The little 'a'tt era is progressingopleltdidly .a t' A. M. TODD, THE NEWS -RECORD, CLINTOT. .Special .4,0110'.. Bittter'algid :Eggs, wanted. • n• ' W IRWIN, Noted Grocer CLINTON. CHANGE OF BUSIN •••••••••••••0.•-+”-,••• • ,, Wilson & Howe, successors to James Anderson, • The undersigned have bought; the stock,,,good-will and Internet of James Autlerson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a flrat,claes Res- taurant and Green Grooery, and by strict. attention to business and courtesy hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers. WILSON & HOWE, Clinton. ffer! For years we liaave been averse to making " cuts or in any way lowering the pirce of THE NEWS -RECORD. To -day our mind is not much changed. This journal is well worth a dollar and a half a year. We know this to be a fact, because we spend the hard cash in in its production and should be in a position to speak. The business man who does not know the cost of goods or the arnount of money he pays for labor must be a fool. We have decided to give the public the benefit of our wise unwise judgment for once. And the great offer we make should meet with a quick response from all reading•people. A Tempting Offer: $1.50 for 18 ri All new subscribersacan have THE NEWS -RECORD, the,,•b$t paper in the County of Huron at $1.25 a year, for the small sum of $1,54 to January, 1895. Our list has been rapidly increasing as it is, but we ar:3 determined to place THE NEWS -RECORD in an unpre- cedented number of new homes. .'The cash in every case must accompany the order. Another Great Offer ! To those who would like to secure a city weekly with THE NEWS -RECORD, we will give The Toronto )lnpire for one year and this paper to January, 1895, for only $2.30. The offer is one that cannot be well overlooked by people who desire to secure a good and clean local paper as well as a city weekly. And Still Another !! Any reader of THE NEWS -RECORD is at liberty to constitute himself or herself an agent and we will allow a commis- sion Write us for particulars and go to work. There is not any money in it for the Publisher at the above figures, but that should not prevent people from subscrib- ing. If non-readers would like the best local paper at a trifling cost, now is the proper time to take advantage of our tempting offer. The offer will not remain open. many months. Address all letters ai.d remittances to stn vOM USE- cCOLL'S -OILS ARE THE BEST • IpPu4.�u MACHINE OIL HAMPTON GOLD MEDAL OIL 0r THE DOMINION y •v,�n�v.r+u,nn ..� � . 1 McColl's 0-7":1..Iii\Taart oiri wilt wear twice as long "as. airy other make: The finest High'' rade Engine Oils are manufactured by ,IVIG oto Bros. & Co.,Toronto. 'OE' SA1 E I' t` ALX Ela DXN tl} tylt&LERS rN , Till ' gatrNT 's t• a