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The Huron News-Record, 1893-07-19, Page 2
11 �, 11111111 'x r ' '~. ,r•• s tx t?'R,it 'ff �.1a + b r. ,,Ft �,�y.., _ ,, " 1 �a ilr s, i t . . , , . R i , It ,kti.. . _ .. 1 . T ,', � . ,. , ), •. . l. - �.I . N-11-11 1, M a . ; +Net h a a �� I , ;; t�t�;�";'** " Q �A S i i, :t1 ( h i e A i � tn.>' o`,' k' ttaQ . cotn'riran interolrlCe A� r 1.T .tr b a, r . . S. , 10la fat tutistictl extionAly ly In r1. R# .�Ir' . I -r ,!,. *^a.^,..� � q(,lilttin Gla 'is W." , ► .- Ml fig, . 1' a.. v :of tk e,,. tominiott ri co ., } 1WiHU9tAS� 1c . AEF1A°CI:.N F rte llatt}Ad�1v, : Af er:hP ib t .,, A , �? .. t l . d t lite. of teas410 j oar! '& � A , Bt ''E&�'.. W_ ]' !a , }. vast t�trittirlea. that Taal . ee � : a y • t+ n .I li for G1C�MlNI: T RH Y A ., CHiOAPP, , a tl 1 1 n p . : . � � � p eG, u_ett} the,,i $leSfif)rjI%' ,y, ,t :y, d gLl(gtFso toper•; t *,. pr.'� � ,., ee Ili l s thlt- „,Aff7R41Vr, ,, ,�,�.,tt r r., -a.,, " tt t t, . liLv t ht?�l�Rbittent fit IIxrer rJ rxd Rtiltt s, ,urtloct t . . , $45gR.tloq a►ad t,o. r •'.-- eW t nix , t<,� tt..>a 31rayox �*IPS p ,.-. , a va lttp Ilut.s, mutt o i r �t " ," , Gl.e. tllt.tR*3rriciQ rP rlUX+(, , �or` P1l1,Q1.iSl"le$$.: ItOms'of Ito re.Q9 1t ose< M+. ,fI0.*th 4, DLt � ~' ' , r rl enAke� #fsRgkT.LoYP>4 #t!�v.ck4rl-� is "We. are t ere fir • 'Lloccl arra ,•fait, .. ,( r ; y -: f . Ct ger • paotyt p! Q.ur, �v tr eCt l #_urs• ra u ertn : v i Q c �, 4 . silt 4?1:01W Q.t . > e, lta.o f v coitntx 1�(1r i oli. �1! e e pt ..1 -, rt 1` r R N , . r $. ���, 4 . ... #r . , #ii.taet tttolo p t, cs: from,. t, 'lent I a :C r: . Q �'' ::11 4 . is uono olt thn .taCp o> ,list. onrth ' t r1a n' i ,which of Fo.r,, Sick a_ a �u a � _� e,�>ctp t �a> at., 41oi�la«I 1. . - ,• t fee Gln,(,Va .0 111i xQle?rit • �cc4 '' a ^, r n als2 dP(I. w tet i c i 1''!,a+rs.�iw ''I!rt : n Qin. ppm,1.1016* J'aokvou P rlc was � t , K v.nl,, 0 0 pall letio ..Qvcr, L , Ai f01�" PI .ee ,,' '4. a o �, a .f ',.. n • ottr Olde., r]tatrr, a�:ho to this ro l,t, ti 4#n o tt�icli :Caiisdians from tbn risen to m Mite. etktn of the a...• ]ie 1" Ia.l,li ton Px ..aaitip ila$ 40,uon9"t a .' .. . Q ' C � f P'(l ,�„IVBI' ;.., lQD1 sit... � _,. Ga#tadtan. p �, t d .� k. 1111 ilavil tta jYas covers �� th bur ieatnetg to a..)! the worl+i aI • a , . d . l . slags and . rho qq . ,. ., ,,; M, A f ,I H Co&Iz4utkt. }'e a t ry a ... �. I . *�,- , a Union . •a.k liutterod ao roudl to .tbe ti►.. 1_s, of rpoc�tvf'd vi it ... 1+ ...4..v �. �. AIS >ti y '�. , . . , k�leeze: i e.:' a , e it' a otuse, D,ud ;a 1 u: •,pl,' :. *: ` .,1. d. that >r s t 1 b t . g ILp .. G t t4 Q qaR , lio, I �- . I a . o o..ra ed D MV'E A WD $AII> W ,r Y �' . frolxt ilio It ire a fists ' band. situate u �Aµld. I,ai f. Sp r�$iA, .HILIQUSNe-S .• A E t ., 1 or" +rL Ur1C 11 e n ..a V . , 01%fibradorto the t ,sync, $ 0 p tnta . �.: .,.: . , ,.,, ie a 'e ..t which brow ht tllo; s 1 S1'1PA�I ..N , .. ,. 1, .:g, . shares oe 8rttl h Columbia, g as Qtu11 y ,tai:its peat Q; H�APACF��. 1f' ' ..: K'as Iidrvl' re cel( r to a sin, SALT R -:-- _� , .I .�i or -6 ills ko . w a d note enthustas g • NE:10�?1., :.tet R -d r, ' L .- ,_ tivalk than o ,e �elicitorTa se of ue ec n s a HCARt Ou OU A" ji , , : butes of Lake ,Q i7 , _ext l.e. S _ Ft St'OM , e .'; gr,�,.n$s`Gi etre' %1Glu;an;and boneu,tli the tare an is breiicb. xe t(.yiewed the ]nl,'t the �,SS.. RGI , , til ea. Canadiatie, ea cola t ( SHE S'Y 1. ° k P R ley he I'renoh' UMATI1 ,:sKIN'DISEASES 'j�' . �,�cerr 5 PIIl1d% The prooeedin s be an in the mora• ptaneers frons that country, Ila takon M. Q • •� Q% 'r "•. � , ., . to t. .... - rn the early se men, gg G le of L1111t a •t f g a Che C�anadraa pavilion avtth au in- t •p, L. o tALOr` :he�i�natiSill ' fPrluttl r i f rho Uuated Sts#es trill tar to Ch;'' ,, .. a ecvpt .Pao all Vtsitore by tl}e u S r ;ciigo.its: Domenico, commissioners, They shook Mai Pr Harrison was the+ next speaker, i, L S I Pt�^� �'QA a w f 'tfQ' Q.,: bunds vtiitb French Canadians until the fid r hen lio ivas >ntaociticcld by I1S1. 0 . L y Cockburn the audlenco showed their .1I ": were mored, There are dearly 200,000 " 0; Colds -,' residents of Chicago who are proud of appreciation of a visit frons the Upyor o.Y �' .� _�";_,.�'�L":the cit b t tet x -+-x �*��-x-+� FE . KM+ p = having once ben loyal eubjectsp of the r Y y 1,PI • uding', him :;it length. - .. • - x x D $ease .CQ31'im.C! C..pmeS OI7 ; Vi 1t Sli .11. � � d . ' �+� 0 PI gg X ' quem, and nob could,make a close Phe 1lfaior said he was glad to rvelevmo 1. _ guess on hots many of them joined in -the•Cartadiaris to Chicago, particularly qa s Syllt�f:Qms, W1x1Gh vvh ri iltrg CCted increase Fo Fevers ' t ID o e s 136 C s the celebrutiaq. so, as some 17,000 of tl:e::7 h:;d voted fctr R 111 4$tEX11" and gradually grow dangerous. :;, ,, ' ;d�j��f''$ 1�6&�$ To their number was ardor several hien fur lfayoi tIrrae in.]nths ago, In take a very smart person to cateb cold but a If you SQFFEFAr FROM HEADACHE BY . Lt.," tllausand ,residents of the 061, inion, the c Curse of hitt speech he made a PEPSiA or IND.IORSTION, ' TAKE R - many of whom c4ine to. the fair on ex prophecy of annexation, whicli was re. Man or firm must be wide awRko and enter- RANS Tp�ULE :"r >?rcpared.by Dr. J. C. Ayer &,Ca, Lo,xell; Mass ce ver `vlth ex lee Moils of disc , >toval. Pfising to catch trade, I1Tetrs n t r ativortis• It you are BILIQUS,CONSTtPATED,orhava kl " cursion trains, Ontario, The exec- F ' i L P 1C 'TAKE A re :ha + �� Sold by, all Aruggists, vises began in the afternoon at 3 o'clock �t it g this, hr c•lianged IiiR tbonle to a ing is tl,e sgrest way, LIVER COMPLAINT, �,���� 1"A°M�48� F'6�' in Festival Hall snore cnllgcnial one, and res}red amid, (t your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or yea ' ,C1/ery it 98e 'E'�1FC'CtdHO . Previous to,that Itvurth0 visiting Brit- loud applause. �"`^""^^""""-—_...,.,.^_ TAKE ish military orgaui�atioas pni�tded bfr. J. L'rrvlu, - representiug t'le SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, _ �.���� TAU *' e--- ��- throubh,tie grounds, stopping at t}te' French=Can..^,diaas in Chicago, spore for For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL OISOR- __..__. thein in French, die Pl��ta�rap CaYlerg: . DERS OFTHE STOMACH, TAKE RIPANS TA13U�E �,1 N� �3� � � ,/ IIs tt'Is followed by kr. Larke, the - ' ���'� rl' :l )/- d 1;::•cutivo Couimi�;ioner, %% ho prveeed• --- i Bipan Tabules Regulate the SysAsim and Preserve the Health. fe f/' ed to get glee with the DR of Chi• J. W. C001�, the leading photop,rapher, bus •*••'�"'# CQpy T� TH�� k c tii,fi0 a 3�4o--tr.2Gdn Advance, �� ca ;c for his speech. Among other tlliagd bontiht and fitted np tho premises next ' �j�T t7 k '' y he�atlici: Young's Bakery, Alpert Street, Clinton, and 1 r , - /�� if Canada had not been a good coon• is prepared to execute all. orders. QlI/�/C TO ACT , `,ednesclav, �It1V 19t1t, ISJ3. r�r(//�i try Chica( u's Mayor and the people of �.I`j�s --- -- = 7 7 tI1P. F7llItC,i Stated �t'oul(i not hit. a as ,star , / ��// / + tions to have it 'wined on to the United Everything from a SUICBI Alf to a LII l;- SAVE IVY A DOCTOR S BILL. ((� IYI 1 SIZ); PHOTO ou the shortest notico and first RELIEF. e4 t� THE YYY�fr ��. States. Luka tl e coy and binsllin; rain• class workmanship guaranteed $old by Druggists Evelgwhere. ' �/rr�,; sc•1 Sad s to leer suitor, whom she ruses, ,:I r � ';: r%t�01�r NF WS-I�ECCRD. ' // 'We will be a sinter to you.' t ayor Tintypes taken. Pietures taken on cloudy 1 ',; t �� c 111+' (( Harrison has spoken of the two coon- 'days equally as cell as on sunny days by the - ,,I A' Live Local and Famil Weekl t �, (I f trieg and lilwned them to parallel lines, new process. Prices as lots ns any and =- ---- - i %�� *, Y / 11 `1 H�,buried ki otc that it is rr well e6 ab superior wore:. Call at the new gallery. +j't < Journal, Y r f�/ 14 i lisped rule that parallel lines, however '.,, �:; Ishii. I�CtIIIIC$il:ly it)(OI•iti11�S. / I �, near they may be to one another, never J. COOK, Practical Photograph her .1' ",."C' ' _ I �� �, n THE HUB, GROCERY. ' never meet, We Canadians are content Albert Vit., GliIDtoll. with the trusties now esi_.ting between . s "" `CFriICE..-Brick Block, Albert Street ,WORLD'S FAIR SKETCHES -J. S. LARKE Canada and the United States and we READ THIS, .___-°_ • North Oqt. ' EXEC>7TI�E colfMlS cans no reason why the t.,vo countries �' ,r , Clinton, SIONER FO CANADA. should become one, .In fact I think it is "Ono copy of a nwepaper that reaches the hon, fe have closed our financial year eat of February and find that it. has been a I^,; �'''" >` _-_ Trans ortation Buildiri better for both th;lt they should be sep• is worth more for the purposes of advertisinx that year of fair prosperty to us. juts writ h to render our beat THANKS t " TBRJIs. $1.50 a yoar, $1.20 In advance. No paper P g t0 T three that don t." -P. T. HARN(+rl. O p p p, y a grace- eratii Nvith rec'iproc.rl laws and treaties, Customers for their patronage and will always strive; to win our con - discontinued, except at option of publisher, until all fol tribute to the memory of rthe uufor- y pa, µ, arrenrnges.aro settled. The month and Year to lunate sailors`who crisped in the wreck „'hick trouid rebound to tale benefit of OTICE, fidenge in future, by gi) in; you GOOD GOODS as cheap ea any other �' i' { 1 ibich All subscriptions are paid will be foun$ on the P r 110th. � , r , i , �', address label. of the ill-fated ship Victoria. The band House in :Lown. r played the "Dead 1Vlarch From Saul" be- TIIE FERRIS 1YI3SEL. TR,1.tieIRNT Anvanrsstsd.-Ten cents a line (non- f g OOrlStock of tr f7"I rIel'measure) Lor first ineorttou and three cauls a ore tele heavily draped model of the Ti:e s;a;::;u+:;t lh;;t tl,c:e !c nothing There being some misunderstanding with re- kine for each subsequent insertion. yesael, while the BtahVflTt solciMfers pre Le,>' ,sauce' ti O e;til rtl3lidard ' lU tier dis- gird to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood a p, CONTItAOT AnTRRTISIXO,-3 —Special osit' n 10 to 2b sented arms. .Marching back to the eta- the Ferris wheel at tit that it any person takes possession of anv bind �% �/�� Q 11. 11 IP. P M Colin enanCetl I,y of wreckage and tn[Is to sport to mo I shall fir CI / /NA YY ARE /—OR per cent above regular rates. Tho table below gives Viliall the tTOOD3 eSCOrted the Canadian fart, „'h.Ch, , ,a,critlt, 1.OduceS a sen- once ts.ka CELAfN AND STONEWARE i '� contract rates for run of paper for definite periods: "l 1 p proceedings. Remember this is th( ' i' J_ „ commissioners and speakers to Festival sr,tiori entirely ue,v. It 1s a bane struc- last warning t shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. t � r srncrs, 1 1 rR_I 0 ntu_1_3aro, l 1 nuc HaIL tore of steel, with large C(lt'6 all round Receiver of Wrecks, Goderloh. iR well assorted �anfl Bag q e ]igVe q lar P Im ort order coining fru +, { On'P column..,.,.,.. 1100 00 The procession was headed b the its rim, ou iv!iicli I I Goderlch, Sept. 7th 1891, p g p g m rj X35 00 s2o 0o S7 0o P y pec tee are lifted u > England) we will offer them at Close Prices to ma a room, '; e ' Ilntf•caluinu:........ I S6 00 20 00 12 00 4 60 Grenadier guards band, followed by a cluudward as the „'puce revolves. Q,Uartor epltamn....-,;� 20 001 12 00 7 0o a 0o company of the Royal horse artillery . It has a ]nuhon that has been felt; as a • 10� GuRRIng' !•r,.i, F One inch.h column.. 12 00 7 00 4 00 I, 2 60 l y y y 6.� 111 � r� One etch............. e, o9 3 60 2 00 1 00 and a detachments from the First life reporter graphically says, ueitiler Gn lana �EORGE', guards, the Fifth Royal Irish lancers, nar sea,. And the adctedsens:ttion of be- //�'1�1 ��yy���q�qq �yg��q SWALLOW C1111toI1 , 1 '' Servants wanted, for sate, lost or found,adveytise• the Eleventh huzzars, the famous Black ing lifted 250 into the air, iri eai'ety and l7fRI11�a1�{ GROCER, :: • r Petits, not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each in NN atch rejiment, the Connaught rangers, comfort, certainly is not old. The CONFECTIONER '' t r sarttou; not exceeding seven lines, 60 conte for ares, the King s Royal •rifles and Captain Ferris wheel. appeani to l,e a tremendous '�' 1\ ��1�19 `�, _ insertion and 25 Gents foreacirfollowing insertion, Rawson's infantry, There were repre- triumph of eui_h eering ingenuity, as - : ���� � � ������ � --- bl"arms housos, or town pproppcty,toceale or to rent, sentatives without number in the crowd aitch so as .tile Eiffel tower. It is byU VV 1� T\T.�. T f'iir' � ;crayethekandsimilar advertisyntentsnot excec(ling AND i0blines,'%gl for first month and 50 cents far esel, of the various- local, civic and social -- ®®® ���ppp EE�• ". r fallowing month: organs ations of the city, but they pre- ,--�, • .��f .� t, v i' vaArlhblytinsertad u� tflo[ rbidants I,srreattacc I fetter to gather at their pleasure in g g�j ��l1 )Gqp p }}rH iv�� ,-� . ," r . ; g - Festival. Hall ane} when the hour arriv- Cfl�utilan Express �eI1L, ugly Transient gdvertisoments In al caeca t ho What is a Germicide? It is �t Pllenyle. In short it that } p�3d m advance. ed for the exercises to begin there were t' L�f 'moi a " Parties making yonrl oontrnats wtl o allawed but few 'Vacant seats, except ten then 1/ rG l ALBERT ST.. CLINTOia➢. , a{ 1 , twelve changes (once a month during the year)witn• gallery, P Peer i, it `, �I I r Which kills insect iIFP. oat extra ohgige. All ohancne abuts twelve will ba a y prominent Caner �'' ' f`' i4(u �.�i Fresb Haddies and Blathers. Oysters y�r hat 1S a dkilllfdCt.ant ? It is Phetiyle. It bels the ower of ` di Amon the man 1r p �argedaocor ngtbapaannadmatter. gf,';1i _,1 .,� eonatantly on baud. Also some absorbing or destroying the eiTuvia or fr id orlon,. 11 .7 All contract changes must be received at the office dians who sat on the platform were : -a e r I v tta', later than SATURDAY NA. M. TODery ,week. George A. 'Kirkpatrick, Lieutennnt•Governor of Canadian Cranberries, cheap, �V11 it IS fL I)t'O(1n217.e1' ? It is l�henj'1P,, 1� ehelniefll SU I�- ;a A. M. TODD, Publisher. Ontario, It _441; rf11^� W. b. Perlev, Canadian Commissioner for North. *� tAi v .t I �'IA -.• .� �n ATTENTION Stance employed for the purpose of absorbing or destroying decomposing animal ,---'j_41 I wNelsonrmotes. P �' �` I'I ft'�. FARMERS t and TPhetnhle ws.Sl«r. AN OWL IN THE STOVE. Nelson Diorton, Su erintendent of Canadian See- i��, f 4 a tion in Liberal Arts. •t �,;" , _ — . John Pearson, President of - Canadian-Americ - '� ,�' l $IO© �n� t0 loan Un fal'tll property el't What 1 111 2 ' an �I� t�l, , P P y s 1 Antiseptic It is Phenyle. lin Antiseptic (le- , Ian From Harper's Young -People. Le,•.gae• " at5. er cent., straight loan, No cotn- r 1 p g P f. H. Sadler, British Consul. , I •I mission, Also a limited atnonnt of stroys and arrests or neutralizes the gases or odors from decaying animals or ``For several days it scouted to me D. R. Ganale, President of word's Fair Scottish �� ^ private funds at 5 per cent. vegetable matter. Games. u �T�„ II, P p T1+tr a package and be convinces. rr that I .heard something move in the, J. P. JnRray, Editor of Canadian -American. ,,j at iii. r cent'IiOn^h. r Y gi _! , w stove, but I paid no Attentl0n t0 ]t, David Boyle, Superintendent of Alining Section. ] 1•I�{ii e, � �� � BR OS., S. Larks, Canadian Executive Commissioner. l r Loan au(1 Insurance A eat. 8 {• , U�Ie night as I was going to bed the John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture. "j I•<ll 11� �r V Clinton.■ :fice Jackson Block Huron street, V iii .ri w I101ae 1>� ,110 stove was so plain that 1 A. S. Hardy, Commissioner for Crown Lands, ,�+,: k•l �I , , Senator ,fosepIt Tasse, Ltuehec• _; '�r'��44 - _ Clinton, Ont'. o�� ' „' ,` -'has Sure thele was something ill H• A• 31assev, Toronto, John McIntosh, Quebec. r~- � 7. � w (, - . _ {. Nicholas Avery, Ontario. C. A. Law, British Coln PflttUPDli C1E `47Ci{DRE. ar + t110re. I started t0 open ,110 Rev, Bruchesi, Montreal. Rev, Philips, Quebec. WORLD'S FAIR SKETCIIES—THE JAP. ANI! ' r:` stove doolr, but it occurred to file tet at P. F. Mover, Berlin, Can, Joseph Jaekes, Toronto. THE RUSSIAN. Having rented the store next to that of Mr. J. H. NWh EW „ Johqq McBeth, Winnipeg. J. Lund, Walkerville, Ont. Combe, the underytgned is prepared to buy fur cash, it might be a big soaks, a0 I Went and S. T. jleattie, Quebec. W. S. Bainbridge, B.C. J. A. MbFee, Quebec. A McFarlane, 6t1CI1 arrangements that engineering any quantity of first claps Butter and Eggs. No . '} , �_ �alled,my Father. Fle.came in with Quel'o g g g trading whatever, but nil cash. li � , A. Westman, Ontario. H. Sprague, New Bewick, ability "'list exploit itself at the or_po- Clinton April 27. 1893. ISAAC MORLEY. __a t -.. a ague and opened the stove1., and saw •S, A. Stith, NovggScotia. J. J. Cronin, Quebec, aittan. But it Ita,k fiat been engineering 7G0•tt R,W, eronan, Kuebec. J. S,nro, New Ontario. WILSON & HOWE have bought the goodwill and interest in the bakery jx" a'blg pair of eyes glaring at him, but J. G. Geronard, Quelieo, J. Munro, New Brunew•k, alone which this ItaS Called attention t0. ` ' it Was too dark to see what tboy belong- In keeping with time honored custom There has been demonstrated .every day — recently curried on by Mr. R. Mc'Lenian, in addition to the Restaurant ` ed to. IIs dropped a small pisco of the programme began by the band lay- since that astounding structure ]las been 5DOSES25° " ? `., { ""`" `z; �] in process of construction the couraa•eof T _=! carried :� carried on by her. James Anderton, and have amalgamated the twolbusinessea bdrning paper in the top, and put' ing "God Save the Queen." Every loyal P' o • HE, RL T -, y The combination will be carried on in Canadian in the hall, and man who leen who work for wages -the ersonal, f- R,�`w 4 9 I�'L. in }ilg hand and duoµ out n great big y physical courage of them.' Looking up I,S r — .- n ;',� ���j tC�� �� � $ �q ����j r �9` Of14T, , C Owl, Hie lordship looked at us as any tim(t in the air, anion delicate, in• `� via BLOCK i>, k ,R„� , Wise fie if he knew ever thin In the -� tricatc countless bars and shafts, stood ti + y g �_ g C 1 � is R Tln; ,i and braces of t at. famous construction uwtiLu$� r f1r, and will hereafter he known fie THE NOVELTY BAI�> RV AND RES y z t• •t world,. but he acted very Stu idly, TAURANT. Mr. AlcLennan will he our baker. Bread of Ruperior quality1. ,, a r ' l' I,i one could see the fi;ares of rasa, anise! in 25,500811� >A�` , sl L,t I „t rElfter he had winked at us a few times, �1 the height, ,valking carefully to end fro Cures Consum tion Cva is , __ i, solo will be delivered as usual, and Bread Cnkea &c. constantly kept on hand and ' al be if he was asking, `Well, what ars ( * • along those beaus, No tight rope -,alk- 2•]rroat. aged, y�ylllirn Qi o t s cn,:ar tee. sold only at the Navelty Store, We solicit the patronage of all old11 jou going to do with me 4 rye o enad ,t erever risked his life so. NO vaulter in F rn Lame Side, IlackorChest Shile 's Parous e customers and man new ones, ' P p'(t the circus requires more precision, motet°aterw8lgiveQreatsali;fzct:oa- z3 cca:a. y ) the .window for Bim, and he hardly i ( ' knew enough to fly out. clearness of head or more cloterwinatlon �Q•IlG�t�>l�' t �%�T �,� , • „ and self-control. This magnificent sun• titre. T.B.Hacrllns,Cbattn.nooga, loin. r^ts 1�a y�®,�� • ,, Well, tvheII that excitement µa8 {, I� trol of nerve and exhibition of courage "S+�h'sVitalizcr•,SAYL''I� D L711V. I ZI�E7o/r, a :. r I emideritthehestronwdyforadcbttltatce,wt,'esn �'' Chan ®r� ever T made a fresh start for bed. `(j l �V , hue been a daily entertainment at the „ ,.. T ever used. For b� �spa sea Llyos or �lc..op l'� Some rooms in Florida have carpet on 1t 9 v = i t q�j� fair since its opening. And ono ilnv troubleitexcels. Prieoroobl, __ ilio floor, and some don't, but most I! IIT 11'l well be glad that it is over ivith arid that —+ MY III if there is further risk of lire oil the ��,®H S .- C�t�A'r,R'kil1. 1 dbn't. M room didn't have any, l Ferris wheel that it ,will he incurre:?. by r r Of coarse. I sat down on the t / h 4 those who do it voluntarily, and Dot by t - ' dC.l �,�Alah 0 = Aft ,. • hide of the bed to pull ofi' my shoes, I' ��t those who must do it iu the earning of HaveyouCatarrhl Try this Itemedy. Itwili . --- their daily bread, po sitively reliovo and Cure you. Prico 5d cts. .0tice ,� i; and I heard something ,break. I -- Thta Injector for its suffers ul treatment is- a- ,A� thought it %4s the side piece of the bed- SUMMER SLEIGHING. furnfehedfree. Rcrurmfter,Bili)oh'sltemod;e9 ® l , , ", `I The ice r,tilwa which i. exe sold On a guarantee to ;ytve saiisfuctic1l. r , 1 �ritlaad. 'It's he climate,' said I to my- y, the i 111is - . tion of .pumas L. Raukiu tubo bas o..: `* ,- 6elf `it's marc ma so• fair thntI'm break- tel en out man tittentd now�tu P / �, y I gpticjt l —In Drayton lest week a very and As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arran ements with a I F' kI . ing the furn.itnre.' I held the lamp use for ice refrigeration, is an ellipticaS R , .,`i down aria looked but the beg was all y undulatin r lane 850 feet long occident happened, wbereby Robert leading firm of Toronto for a large;supply of Artistic P'ctures by well- .� l , , r 6 P lii:o a g fir, ' I toboggan slide, ,which it rmembles. On Patterson lost his life. Deceased, in known Masters, all fram%d and fi4ished in first class fityl�nd suitable . •. right; so I sat down again, and the this snow is made and kept by the direct company with three others, was wheel- for tate best class of residence, tach euetornsr rill bo presented with ` € 14 minute I touched the' bed6tead the WORLD'$ FAIR SKETCHES—WHERE THE p' F g g y ex rasion trocess of the De La V er n0 in ala from the bank to the isle ma- one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre- crack.ing began again. GO it, said I, FILES OF CANADIAN PAPERS ARE KEPT. Refrigerating -•company. Down this il . ilxd,tae'11 Bob what will happen.' The snowy, glistening surface gaily painted chine and bed just hacked his barrow gate Thirty Dollars. �, CraOkitlg changed into a Orasb, and voted for Grover Cleveland last fall, rose sleighs, musical. with jingling bels and up and commenced filling it, when, ` to their feet when the red -coated musi. filled with merry crowds, ;go s,deeping without a moment's warning, several My motto in business is t0 supply my customers witb good reliable (foods at �. tang went one leg of the bedstead pians struck u the familiar air. with the speed of the winds. It is posi- tong of clay fell and buried him out of P. P Bottom Prices, f- riltht -through the $our. In thifee G. R. R,'CC�ockburn, M.P., of Toronto, titelq fascia tini� this sultiy July eight. When dug out he was ancon• lttluties the Hoot above is the Ceiling of and honorarj+ commissioner of Canada, weather to go ilidtng over fire sparkling ecioue, Medical aid was rocured but Although the principal Soap Mdnufacturere have atjvanCPd prices 30 per cent. was ehairm n of the meeting, and his snow crystals with the - cool P t P tlih room below, so pert of my,bedatead on examination it was found his sheet I will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise , opening address hada loyal ring that breeze blowing refreshingly, not a struck thiough into the parlor,: and made the visiting Canadians liberal with Soaps at the old figures. 'the picked the easter off the g, jar being felt even whet,, in absolute ribs were smashed in, both Tagg broken y P parlor theiral�]lause. If I over, harbored a obedience.to its drive�,ort is suddenly and other inleinal injuries. He only Oall and see those beautiful Works of Art sum $o ir. It,vas dry -rot,, that was all. doubt, hd said, "that Americana were stopped at will, lliany are the "cold lived about one hour aftor th acOidOnt, t 11 Iri that Olitil�EO the `dryi•rot, works not true friends to Canada this magnifl- bays" who enter into the frolicas heart}ly q our Store. , plea of which are on show at d ebut assemblage would forever put to as the youn er peojilb and say nothing _ r eWayat the ilyl3ido of a board, and oats t g 11 PbrOvorFtity Year, 1.IL >E' 611 4011Y lint a little ,:rust on the out- rest sued a fee ing. I lensµ that this aper so reminded t tem p£ boyhood days Our Soak is replete and well s0letlted. We offer excellent values 'n firr i y great city would give us'a hearty greet. flu this does-makea them feel young Vas, WINstOw's Sodrilul,o STRuP has been used by 0 Tea6 litd0I 4b•!he board looks perfectly sound tng�, but I nevef dreamed of such a wel- again. VlTpndert'uC as it ib to sue snow - millions of mothers tot their children while teething. . including best grades in Mack, . Gredn and Japans. . r y . me, It is a demonstration that ins 1f disturbed at night and broken of your teat b3 a $lend and GwhOti(b �letld t y our l;useian Abe it hha iter strength ut`tlll, aitd fie. pireg unmelted in tho Bot summtr sun, the slbkohttd bu8eringaud erttng with pain of Cutting ) hs .finest in Elte market. � tine with the lippe that our relations with way of roducing dt is simple, By means Tooth sand at Once and got a bottle of "Mrs. win- ,• , I stir itfry tY9tght is Pitt on' it, it �j slows Soothing Syrup fbr Children Teething, 1 'El[aahine th0 saes, ' r „ tho United Stags still ever be of their of tyro a La Verg;ne machines of flft q yand pricea df' oUr Combination -Din er and Tole Setts '' ` i lbs e, y will 'retleve the poor litil0 sufterer Immediate) 4 f ,f present friendly ch ` 4cter." Camtfits- and sixty -flys tone capacity, each, in the DOpeud upon it, Mothers tltore ie no mistake Y and he cony tnced� tlieb I3ar aiu IDs tv y' ' , o about q Illi tta Is every .buaineas;dll,, , I r. -r: ,, dEirer h�i8teur' ,afucl . Koroli'r olid" r boner , had n t silo ed ,to the fact ,that handsome power holtse, rS'hrzre all Can it,' It eures'Dlarrhma,, togulates the Stomach and thr0u 1t0Ut elle r' .: Cgnaida had not failed in 1t 0 past to see the process, itnh drous rap ie b ono Bdwels, cures wind Calte, ebftbns the Ounis and re- g •i yed�' frl(t etI';et trobtfae ,E will ultlaib els+, �1rosbtl Dhow her ftiendslii for this county b ,,,rakes of tiro ],utas o rn6resaet}y' dueo ftAmmation, acid gives tone and eher V t0 the ' t ', ta4"J1lOt, ,beer thNdt of blood-oOfitaif,#ndtlon �' 11 Q, p into whole, ^sure WiffslOw's SoOthing' Syrup" So , , Chi r.:`. g th0 manner in which x110 re- liquid fot'iit slid forced wW receiving for ehttdten eethtn is 'tepsant to g ywP %'itiev oltiect' onef, theh li brit" origlnbl, rt feoalli>i fi , Hu , all :1 p N tided to (7biio'4qo's buy Por help after tanks, passing the , to tiro condensing �(s 'the praserlption o� ono Of rho olclesE shires bps , 11+weir ba ttilli tibio* 6111 4 J. C, A:yei•, tf t� IST ] ' , teat $tb, 4tlfr4 ties Ile 04111 coils �v heTe rt is Coolbd by water asai►I , felnalo phyalcltids and nlleAeg In the United Stawo, , tN 9 ;, I ,� �. .1 , I ,., , %dtt+e1t,14i4r , 1ieArly Bfty ,yall" a n, forth• ' ' p ) , I, rd[4,tg#I.11g6r's•i5ai'lip `br111I►, .9 hirul1=11d the t*O igdvt1tiftente togetht ' over the pipes. Price twontl•flve aunty a butttes, Sold by all' drub p sistr tbroughout tiie wbwld, • n4 r stfte and ask l'or }, y y• • „ ' , t `4Mfw,WIN6Low'bseeraltra srFtt;r,. `ilhitob,11t'dltr, 14•, x80;: t . ` + -,w,. r , , A . . r 1 r N; , 1 -, y > , r . I .. ...,. ._-„_ sig-�.,.r .,.