The Huron News-Record, 1893-06-28, Page 10Tolf
i ctrl . lir >aa `d»wbt
lieet4 vat+y.` ioarsolvating, bq le tide ewelt-
ilirlbit "ether" be moat estud le, thing to
ae ,tit SO* COI IOU `summer ,borer
*I4We he 5,uea't
tik1 11 : tttd d »Ottle.
PO* TER 1► wood, and
au4 the ver ,ybest. brand's ofCanaciinu'.and
inzporif,gt flaTBS, ' `S'rOrSl{1E$ a a" itil.bTRI"&4`: Our •ktict' :a're•theilowe
fur,•t o boat geode.
"To Vey apeplai' attention to li.uear•.for house,
i1a14 arty!'Medieiuel:' tutptaes,
''moi^,:`> v?C .4.1 f°
.41.. k"iRT'$`,t'ftDg'L`, GfitN.ft?N
X0) IktWertiserq.
:d G. hon s. er 4dtortisantentst: to .
• ;n u
:ife iaser,tiPtx ort, Pie current issue,
,' POI 1)4 'at:else 4106 net 4ater
li wls$4. 7,,UP.. 4 2Q 0Q2"p'...
firalititt`ossrecavei/rioter tlsunS4T•'
0.47,»t'O rill lata eaflet l;e a. '.
tlxe.•„�idv�rtisst+'e et zt l'sk, A
'Pn l a
1 ror� � New' Resor.
l:,GO'ki ea -41,45,inAdvance
'odraestlni,;Tttuc 2$tlt, 1-$93':..
" 1tu wool; Around ala ; ub, •
'1Co, 'A t rwXr **tD Z3ousji $,— 13estr
siin le Ira neSs a specialty, L11; tyles. and
•••••-.41.9 estpricoe;• Everything i our. line
axils fine.% " JOHNSON . Aft retro harness
m0, ors
Wonl:D s Pori Aeoo1r {0DAT1oNs.—To
'friends, acqudintaneet'air others, if yot
.'wishr"to eeeure oouifortable rooms while
fwttbziding'The World's,Fair•please ad-
dress or cell on 11s : Very convenient to
;good, strcet ear.' service to any part of
:the city.•aitd;`only takes .fifteen minutes
to; go to the fair- grounds. • Restaurant
Anita, near where meals can be obtained
'ler 15 cenits'and rip, rooms 75 cents per
day or $5:00 per week. • Special rates to
clubs.. Only four blocks from Wabash
Depot, Englewood.•Chicago. • Address,
Mits. S. runs, 6613 Honore St.,
.769-4t. Englewood, Chicago, 111.
'fWi -tin a'iy attraction for next week
:will be, the bargain day of .,Gilroy Sc,
WisemanThe class of goods carried
by this house as weft as the quality of
_,materials is too well known to need
ppeoial us. Sufficient to ail
is that the'crowds that attend this store
his their best advertisement.
ash 'paid for eggs and -putter.—QAN.renox Baos.
rho' grocer,; pays dash for butter' and
A GDOD WEIGHT.—Mr. J. Johnston
of Stanley, delivered to S. Smith in.
elinton on Saturday-. a Holstein bull,
five yearsold#-that weighed 2,355 lbs.
gr. Johnston• about two years ago
bought the anirtial kern James Elliott,
of Goderich township. Such' weighty
monsters' are few and far -between.
Last year Mr. Johnston sold -a Durham
bull that weighed oyer 2,200 lbs.
County Orange ',Lodge, has named 'a
committee to issue invitations to lodges
in•Essex, Kent,' Elgin, . Norfolk, Ox-
ford, Middlesex,'Lambton, Huron and
Perth for a dernonstratio`in-the city of
.St. Thomas on the 12th: 'of July, 1894.
East Middlesex has also issued invita-
tions to the same counties for a grand
celebration at Parkhill.
Miss S$AN nsssY, of Toronto, is the
guest of Miss J, ackson,' Highview resi-
dence'. ,
Galtnf;zl PARTY.—S. S. No. 11,
Croderielt township; will hold a garden
party at Mr. • WM .. Weir's, Bayfield
road, on Monday evening, July 3rd.
,Tun Sn r1 -AN nmr -,Tho semi-an-
,dri.ual meeting of, South Huron County
Orange Lodge vias 'held in Clinton
tednesday. Considering the very
- wartn weather and busy season of the
year, there was a large attendance.
County , Master Todd occupied the.
chair, and District Master Horsley' the
d'epnty chair until the arrival of
Deputy • County Master Foster, of
Stanley..Atnongthe prominent breth-
ren prowl was P. C. M•., Bro. John
'Scarlett, •. who 'narrowl.y escaped death
by acoidonta couple of weeks before.
All were gratified; to, meet hirci in
-person•, Eggch •District in the county,
through - their ropresentatiive, was
ireportedin• a • prosperous ootids -
tion. ? The- toter; delegates, Bros.
.1tehsison, Lambrook"and Richardson,
;P3ported•.:that overything was in :good'
shape for, the monster demonstration'
thero'°.on they 12th.- A / resolution of
empathy was unanimously extended
the.. veteran. `County Chaplain, r3ro.
Geo:Hanley,inhiedangerous illness, ex
pt'eseingrise iaeti.e. that lie might", be
tapered: to long Gil `the ,,position, The
current annual -Wet transtnitted to the
proper-ofTcere.- The County Nester
tot ttnan►tns ugly aathprized to attend
}late I3ritieih•A.inerlca,meettn`g at Sault
stn.I a1ze,'Ont.,inAugust. The hope
*ad, ;OXprrseied.„ that every lodge in
" uti HtiYon . �vttw11t1 be represent-
ed at at Exeter on -thy 13th,
After `considerable other buetness had:
been' tra00ct6d,'the' ledgo closed in
oro ie lit *fit
44146at,t•p fir NI parwarz It. little
tittee et their tititkpoottl. ; A •bsoyr had SO
ole raid wished to bay SO p000lla, We
'44•0 Ming far 4oreeet,the rata of
'40..44, aonse et it' for 1 Wilt mut others
et the rata of 2 for 1 'o. blew wanv'of
.aavh did he, buy 1 No. freetionel pen,
ui,a illlowi,d, .,� •
' LtrTl;tt' LooA s.,,. -Councillor Ssatle.
showed ,u** 'young.eaterpiliar 1?utter
Ily the'.otlter day which„ urgeaurod al*'
,i'ua{los„E om tip to,tip.o'-iho+' win' e.•.-.:
John iparshtke,'who 040410 -fratn.
,t'ltiaofhee, several yoare. ago, fe-on a'
visit to town. &ire C46,14ke,b(einethor,'
ebeonr.pdtnieo hint. Johan Aka, worked
le • Tfoaton, New Fork, Philadelphian::
is e., and visit -ed Britain atpce''be grad
-uated._-10I Goo. Suthorlaiid=t.who has:
boon 'in "town for'aoxuo t`iaae, took it'run,
down 00.4..Mary'slastwe'll.,--Miss•
Lottie and Mr,, and Mre, Yates. open8
as veial•daya in' Goderich:townahipt and
B yfi!d Insist 'tgoek,-,-Photogtaphar,'I
0'--00k ”."took's f`air's Mill tire, other:411i
. Mr, 3're w9`ovvr: was'after :the volunteeq,
at Iiia depot; )ILO s ucee-ede` in getting a
very .good view .. o.f, .. them,•—New
subegribere • to` Tiie:,Nnrve.Rsobitu, are
ai i re o' -..,� :. ar ` ea ha
d IybQ�Pg v toad, W•t, r. •
is :the greeting from overyi diraotiou..
Mr. Wileon, of•ha-Goderich marble:
works,- aeeo;1ipau.ied by Mr;.. "Syntond,a,;'
was in ','towli, last W,ednoeday,,--Mr.
4,1'.41 Mra, Etter'" and gra. Foster spent
a pleaatint day at Nippon lust• Thursday:.
—.—Mesar', 3. ,ohnston ailed % Gilchrist
spent,-three`'daye vrsiti'na 4:hinds and
fishing , in Oxford lasts,.,,; weok't The:pi
,were i•n the neighborhporiof" Platte -
villa„ ay:esvtlle, &o.i, and were jellied.
by Aieess's. Braid and•Tlamsay. ;Trout:
i'ishiug' is no+uetter ,thete'than in..Huron.
--48", hinted •in these oolucuna recently:
Jackson'T3ros•, have •'reeeivdd an order.
'from the Orangemen of T;goknow for
an' 'outfit of silk' tides ,and white veste
for' that'lodge. •Thelarge order has been
placed ::in reliable ' and' competent
hands.—Dr. Shaw left for camp last
Thursday mor'ni'ng; --A. certain young -
Man not many , miles 'from the G.T.'
Bt.- took a ride-. on ••a strange •, wheel'
the other , dal; ,the "cr'itter's :coliid-
".ed with aa farmer's waggon and • the
wheel is now at the factory for repairs;
!the little spin will cost*$ $'..$ 't9 a con?
siderabie extent.—Dr. Turnbull has re-
turned from Toronto.—Now you see it
'and new. you don't; we mean the street
duet in front of Tna Nnws-REoonn,.=--
Lack 'Kennedy•ia around again,—J. L.
Doherty'e training stable is booming:—
Wm. McElroy,. .of,Morris, • says THE
NEWS -RECORD leads all rivals. he,, was
in town the other day, and called on us;
he owned a cooper shopbon Albert street
many years ago and was a member'of
thetirst Prange lodge h.ere;, Mrs. Mc-
Elroy Accompanied him.—The S. A.
held open:airmeetings in frontafeeveral
hotels last week:=Mr. Geo. Han-
ley is recovering.---lVir. John Junor
is very low: --Prof. Gustjn has an
army, of patients and the results are
said to -be marvellous.—Mr. Joseph
Al-lanson, had for sale last week new f
potatoes and greet, peas:—Field peas
ere in blossom in several sections in this.
neighborhood. — Mrs. R. Johnston,
of Goderich, is the..guest of Mrs. Thos.
0; - Cooper.—We learn that Sol-
omon Milne, of Londesboro, is dead.
—,Reeve MoMurchie has.been on the
sick list for some time ; among other
troubles he is suffering from inflamma-
tion of the oyes.—Dr. Amos, of Exeter,!
was in Clinton over Sunday. -Dr.'
Shaw returned from camp Saturday
afternoon; the 33rd Battalion is- this
year about two-thirds the usual strength.
—Haying has commenced in several.
sections inthis neighborhood,—A
ventilator ,has been placed in the roof
of the Clinton.Masonic Hall ; ,the im-
provement will add greatly to the com-
fort of the brethren.—Weismiller, the'
coming Conservative member for South
Huron in the Local, was in Clinton the
early part of the week.—Mr. Geo.
Parke, of Cbryetal's Goderich Boiler
works, was in town last week repairing,
the flues in the boiler' at the Doherty
factory.—We had a pleasantshake
from Alex. Chrystal, of Goderich, the
other day. We were also pleased to
meet D., E. Munro, of Auburn ; J,
Emigh, 'o'f Bl-yth ; H. W.'•Ba11 and
Humber, of Goderich ; Beck ard Potts,
of Saltford,and a number of others. -A.
M.Pollev, the celebrated "fresh" horse-
man,of Goderich, was in town Monday.
THE NEtvs Raooao may bo prosecuted
for libel for giving, theubl'ie this news
item, but we suppose itis :i part ef'the
business to be always in trouble.—
Among those who have performed
ancient statute labor' in town are: A..
Cook, A. Twitchell, H. Foster, W✓
Beesley and I.-Itattenbury.' They
have cut the Ing grans and noxious
weeds in fronti of their respective
properties,—Mr. E. H: Yates .has -
"learned" the editor of this pape}4ao
ride the Singer, an English bioyele.
And now we would'ika to own a horse
and buggy.—,Mr. D. A. `Forrester
advertises binder twine for sale,—There
was no. mistake about the Masonic
parade; the, ttirnout;was truly p grand.
one,—Clinton, , as a town, will not
have any sports on the first. Bayfield,
Goderich. and Sarnia will be the most
attractive points'=The bicycle • track,
it is expepted, will be completed next
.Week,—.the next monthly. fair will be
held on f'uly . 5th.—The Rstate John
13odgene are, talking extra buret
this week's not's•Rltooatu..-:•:Tho'straw'
berry market idvide open and the
. yield le'said to be largo.—The Clinton
,Ins:rumentai Qoartotte Club ino*
thoroughly organ zed a'nd ,k retid. for'
business;—. ;iawyrir j'rotidfogt ofOde
rich, was in 'Clinton" on Monday.
Mrs. John Ilrill'en,•'4f 1)etl'oit,is bore
on a visit, Mills 13i11eh hes teen ' on •6'
visit to. the City Of the Straito. "•
ton es
000 L
it by getting a
.R •
o � eogle coon
It is, such Bard Work t e.a•rry the baby around t118 hotnweath';
_.` er. ; Don't do ft any longer, but buy a
a'' C+„r�"j,;+.,•
ora QC, 1"C '' c S
thatbaby -cannot fsilt for Indoors, itx . will be: better for
you, better for baby find though .our pr'aftts a.r sanall It
will,;be'l$ehterfor us:.
Y,ou, know the boy wants a , 33, and °tee
wants � 1�.�,: u'
'n: they get r they• w
��>+d l at `''il,', rise ' 'win , ,
lra ll he
, )14ppier
-and bother you less;
+* ,tom —c.--• Q
The yotnng:people Want a .set of _ER,C D. "CT'
• • is a cheap ga,MeAnd tilenty of fun in it, just buy a set
aictty €i game yourself,
mn ke;
•you feel young
keep, a large stock'.of. Toys -and, games:and na `one under
sells us. a
f18S ltl9 FO
areb si au *tole for.
: wen's Use ? it lies in obt .n-
lu - the greatest arnoun of
service for the lowest' possible
price con. t. nt with quality!
�y T
Qa4- ,L
,�►. r
�' , e*lth �Paa:s011
e 1
a 4
, ice. te se CrnE a
- equ lied.
You can have your choice of any,I3at in our show -window
or more- to choose from inside, at the small figure of .
'They are worth fai more money but we are willing to
let -you have them at that price.
We have had a very successful Millinery season, far exceeding
our most sanguine expectations, and .weare anxious to
cletir out our Summer Stock for we don't want any left
to carry over, and for that reason we are offering, you
Bari auras
Lightweight Underwear , in. Cotton,- Wool and
Silk, newest ideas.
Comfortable Simmer Hose, in Cotton, Lisle, Cash-
mere and Silk, colors ; and fast black,
Summer Gloves and Lace Mitts in Cotton, Silk,
Taffetta. All kinds and grades of Kids,.
leading new shades.
.n,inr.r wnu4..,,rwn.Par.d
PSJD&Y, 0 D$ EPdP RIU.4.
The Lathes"Favorite Favanite Establish .ent,
110,0 TtBU$.
you seen.the BAMBOO TABLES that we are ing. at 25, 30 and 45 cents. •They are great
val>yt'e at`that money. • • '
We have also aline of -
n Extension `1T
Bedroo�., Suits, Sideboards and s ablesr•
'That are very cheap
Before buying call and see whatwe can do for you.
11.111'111.:;;.'d rk tali and'
d', '1'$•.,'CEEIPL,'1 'S', Jit,, T'unera'1 Tireetor and Embalmer.• 1 iight sans 4newered,.
ar hin ite$idonce, l rte St., opposite lthe ;Foundry, •
'Did you get more wear than you expected out of
your $2.00 Pants ? ,
Did yon. not consider them a good fit ?
Did you not, having bought one pair again ask
for the same goods ?
To which the answer" Q j has never been gi r u,
- Boy's and Ids Outfitters.
— — + — -1- +
Our window full of
Ladies and
Chlldrens Hats,
This season's shapes were 25c.,
50c., 75c. and $1.00. -.
You take your choice -.or. 25 ' cts,
PRES.� Speeial , law -,prices en
ail" trims ,ed Hats. t ,'
CAl.'i-or'uE-ON FEQL