HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-06-28, Page 7,
, •
v 1404 And Pittnily • Witelq
' r
404 IV,,o4n4,840,71r iIffr,11,1flik$,
•S' rick B10014, Ahtttl 'Street?
ronth,:Clinton, Onti, • ' •
„.,- ..., • ;
VaPts.,-*/.00 a ewe., ei..et fitakteseilo., eleeepor
.4 etacootItetee,'exeopete nett/neer. eetelallr, 100 iet
ervaaragee era settled, 'rho malitIC era ,y0or to
.WbIt en snaireriptiengiste eold net ee,teena or t,lio
.. .. ,.
;Tesseitors Antear0ar1ier.4ren' 'seets .s. ilea pms.
, Oalniesture),tor Ord. (nor 00. J50 thre0 eq0e4 o
fa sob sitheenueuntiattloe:.
. *Intact ,ekevectrishre.1.-SOPlal poslitor.i,le•t041;
nrtgrug Iii4itoev4cior;gtuo lir 0 fp.,:4•,110„. r ellolived'•otsub Aiet4bvelearivtutltzis•
' ' • IA VOPliC ' I -Iri,i,--71701710.0t.. IL see
• rfolteatueut....,.,,; . • iv] te
one"eemein,,,,.. .issecto ''sts Po 420 ilei
" 980 'el tah.eolumn„. IA' 04 • 't 00 •• 4 Ou' 5 AO
rtOW),.4.,,,. ' SP 00 20 00 12 Mt 20 00 1is .(1).1, a 4 90
WIN I, P1'),•4', . 110.•......I. ...p tie 3 et a et , i-ee
ServaritaWarited, ter stle, lost or. teencio,everthie-
monts,nes exceeding terve Otos, 25 teats esch in
, sartiotrenot 'weeding 0050o:14)0*i 60 =.qopm fixt !tut
ingertkee nd45 °cents Inc eeoh: 'following everted/1.
- eerie 8, peeks .0.to•vin propeety; tor $ale: or t4 rent,
stray stock amisliellersdrertisieltsnte not exceeding
eight Rossi," fer flee' Month- and 'PO, sects tor .4a404
• °,1°WtleVelitIts‘
4.141eehlr. 110i.0;tt de' NAN- lottteetloes in,''
' •verlebli, inserted until 10414 aro charged accord,
• . egiY, Intoti/et aavertisemente in alt. Pesee• to' he
pithrin advance.. , ' • . , ' •., • - ' , • • ,...„
,. eneoetraat ahareea oteateso efeekvaeetit the elose'
lies Mot Outti 2*To*OA7r NOON 05105' WOON*
1 5)» TODD, rehlliddi .
' .:: Vitilillitfat -
,Norlitit.----Another of the bared peo_ple
Of thin section hem peeved:away. Wo
toter to Mrs. 7drutite.riotenr Who tiloav
Ftwoy,the lfith 144, She WaS,Idi plin ,
uhassiuniw *ninth, Anci, Itad rieOcli
the greet Ago of, fgtyears multi 'Otentlatfi;
There will be a 1.-cood turrtent from
the Leadbnay apd. Winthrop, ioeetiontr:
of Igeicillop at tile conling 12th "of -'.Ittly
celebration. ',' I:ha:Y.699S PeoPle es990-,
•.ially are on tip" too.already in tratIclip.,....
1494. of .titp 'day. --We called.' •an ,oitir
friend Mr 'Soho • Searlett, a -few days
ogei-and foOpd'hitn:roeoVoring 'Itinely
. ' frOlg.th,e.effeete• Of hie aevere aeentent.
; 'W.e. trust he•avill he .hintaelf it' airrhr
: Aire 12,thate Po ,proCeseket. would.bo lis''
:complete av t, Orit.-afr, 'Scaelett,,fts.'
Tiotlit h44.11.,100.4.0Pl
d1t4"a,:vieitiPfc l'gklit'i.
Wipe", At`'.8 eatfordt Molee.WOrtb aftd,'
Brne*ols.. She returned' houte'.`a ,few'
days agra.,Ta ,giveg people living in
" town t4on1e Ideaof the rapid growth of::
: the,' rreeent Mbottb, Mee' John; It -thine
nietieneeclieAtelk Ot 110pelled from a.
field op: liise,fatart; ote,:. June .2ed, is
length Was barely' 0 inches, On Sven
82fiti he polled; arid meastired 0evee1Ll
stalks, from the same field.. edge'', went
over 40 inatee, It is needless to so, yhe:
yelled the longest be could find in both:
mstanees. • . • . ' ••• ' . -•
• 7$.1Bt,
foorreettkeverr""TiteileV atter:win:1
• . '•Li
Fail Wheat • . 0,04 to 068
• Spijng'‘Wboat... 60 :tite -0 63.
• Barley,,... .. i 9 0,84 te, 0 to
0 al to 4' ,a•
,etie''• • , . . •„•••2..0 6 to' : 0 57
'1‘4,0010$;.(41.4er)por b4og.. 0 40 to 0 150:
•'tatoes„per.110sh .. .. 0 40 'to 0 50
" .. *•• 0‘,49.0,96;••••• p :0 13 to 0 14
per •••••;,• g tO 010
P5O•• 600 to, .6 00
3 00 tis :4 ea
.... , . . „. ea to 0 ocr
......... 017. to 020
• VOnoicTo.
Cat • e•
per. 41c to 51e
Be teheys' elmice, per lb... ele to 4ec
PeObers' medium to good,. •
Por lb • 3;e to
'enteriorAedUeinteen, per Ile 210 to :L
'.)3'10-relettal'•04tt CoWA, r lb 3.b) to 31c
frogsee- - • - „
-Geed straight fat, per , \.
cwt fOSOtoSSCO
" Stores and lielie-fet,Per
.61,4 ' "e .600 to 6 50
• Rotikei, per ewe 6 25 4e6 5y
. ,
,Buteliers' shorn, ' per
' heed- • !"• '
Spring lambs, per head
etre, choice veftls, per ,
hrad . 5 75 to 7 00
liOlee .Veale, per heatir., 4 50 to 5 50
, Odieinie per head;;;'..,,,, 8 00 to 4 00
ilehi Crniiated Springers,
• Superior ,:etoek; pm. • .'
. ;heed ' - • . 35 00 to 5000
editiarY. eptock, per
. ',head .• . 20 00 to 30 00
'-' - ' ' • • •
.-11, Liver pool lard is.34 cheaper. The-
•...Chieago ioaeltee elneed, iirmet. Toronto
•1, market waS•teetiete Potatoes are lower.
•Better anel,/ge'etendY. •
33titter--Tifre•recemti Weve not large
/end tee markeite wits 'Steady lto for
large rotti, and, etoie. :pfteiced pulnn
-a,ndelhhee The offertinge of straight
_dairy peeked were strfellaed the ,etieta,
• tions tor this deectiption are Leo to .1.5,fee
. .
, inquiry for loeal dealers
:wasenocierate, tlie, supply leer and the
nierkeeeteadyeellie‘ to 12c.. 1),Otat,o4 „-
The market is weak Ad lower on the ex.
• Peneation cif hew stockartiving in the
reatket very seem A car of-nette potatoes
, is, en the way here front St, Lmis. These
, .
petatoee will sellet 64 per brl, A, ear
.of old, potatoes Was Offered on track at
fi50'. Potatoes out of store sell at /59 to
. . •
„Baled Hey—There is a better inquiry
eutaide.endetinernarket is firmer at $
-. to 51050 for earron track.
• .
Strayr--,Steady. Cars on track
• M40 quo,ted at5 50-'te e6.
beeseedllogseeTife receipts, were fair
andthe market:Was steady; isles it"
et 50.
4 50 to 550
4 00 to 4 50
nalTIfit eiranv Mammy.
." • Beerboe , sayife--Floating cargoes....
pWheat rather easier and maize nil.
'e Cargoes or paspage—Wheat, red very
dull. and 'White, 3irthla held ; maize,
A .• ..e/aileee, e Mark Lane—Wheat very slow
Addraiiiie rathereftisee; flour, cadet ;
spot good NO 2 dub Cal. Whetit, /es
ed. ewes 30ate present and follow-
ing ', Month, .284 64,, *as 23s 9d; To
goe.,d. Dennbe Maize, 20s 9c1, Was 21s e
prompt1.200 6d, wh8 20e 9d 5 'do' mixed
Ateerieso maibr 219i 34 ..088 218 ed ;
steeight Minn. flour, 178, wits 17e; good
, cargoceello 1 Cale Wheat, oft coast, 295
1 r 311, Wee .29e fitr;do Aastralian, oft coast,
''; ,
.' ' 29S 6d, was 20a 46d; present and follow.
4. 'ing month, .30e •fele .Wae 303 9d; do
-omen, -oft coast, 2$0-.811; was28s 3t1, pre-
. - one eee followingitiontb,29i3d, WAS 294.
(3d: do Walla, off tweet, 28e, was28*;
•'•• ,. 'pollee t gad iollewing.„ month, 29s ad; was
9A dile l'ored00-e000d Shipping NO 1
• al,,VrOMPte sail, 804 6d, was 80s 94 ;
early due,- 294 6d, was 29s 8d ;.No 2 R.
, i pretript steadier, 280, was 288 3d;
iesent and toliewing Month,28tittaa 28s
, gd. Weather in England • fair With
'showers. Liverpool4.-Spotwheatfiree,not
active; Mai ze tbdrei.4attiiiidnt deelinet;Nd
1 Cal., ' 68 11d, tialiquomediiger 5 maize,
' 45 4101 '' posi!, As .44 %bin halfpence
aaeaper, . LiverpOol,Potniars, Wheat
etta Maize' firre;-, WI', AEI 'aid for Slily(
I 6a 44; Or August; As ictir rot8e060,
faal 65 ,111d. for • .0fitilher ;Off ad for
$ovelailyer 2.* de 14d for Debereber; Main,
4il otti, lie • October, 48 Od for : No..
*ember-, AnOrrep—Spot .,• Wheat tin,
changed. Paria. 'Wheat ; quiet end
floor tether tatter; whettt, 2If SW,
was tit 600 . foe .Sune; 21f-80ef was 21t,
'tee for 16'41 flour,. 40 800, Wite.46t,IN
for 'Stine ; 401.00; Wee 481 .,$04i *Tidy;
toglialt ;country, merkets., quiet!: atut.
May.' "
fek .
•, ' '
M. Jones eieWetb, ere left•, for
Neepawe, Manit4a, •to 'visit her son
„,,- '11,ober9 T. Spretage, of Manitoba, is
•nonte, vieiting his parente, and
•aquaintanees in the aleinitylcif Auburo;
On hisilotirney frota XamitObit, he eX-
•perintreed a. smash ii. on the, rothl trona
:Which be has received considerable,
:Beedqy injury, • „.. ' • 4.. /
• 'E. gala's ''Savirmill and, about
1,800 Worth :of etoek wa.s fleStrOra. on
• at Mena- evening. The fire originated
Seraeivrhere in' the vicioitrof tha engine
'and was. 440V -erect by R Webb hut
.too late tot preeAnt the •Clestruetime
The alarm laves;promptly given. The
villagers 8,14 many from, a distance of
2' Or 3, milde were promptly on the
806tleide and exerted themselves to the
uttnostoucceedingen saving part of the
stbelt and the grist mill. Nd insura•nee
:on the stock. Tbe mill and maehinery
were iosured in the Wellington and
some other companies,
A. T. McDonald, 3. P. Brown, Jas,
YOUng, W. Symington and D. E.
Munro attended divine service in the
EPiscop,d church- at Clinton. The
Grand Chaplaiu of the A. P. and A. M.
The amine] picnic of the Methodist
Sunday 'School in Wm. Symington's
greve lnev'efl il. :very pleasing affair.
The ,band rendered efficient services,
giving several fine noosibal- selections
Which delighted all paisente The chil-
dren indulgedan games to their hearts
contentee The youthful- swains en-
joyed the.. swingneg. and bbateriding
With the lassie of their choice.
Oliver Clark is repairing a barn for
John Pifer.
John E. Naegele has moved into
Denebett's lionse. The intention is that
John, will run the harness shop.
George Whitney Is painting his
'bouseeD. Fell has the coutract.
. Thos. Lawler has enlarged his resi-
dem:A:and otherwise improved it.
Mr. Tithe. Neat'e4 is improving and
it is expected she will be soon able to
resuneeher usual household diities.•
Jehil Sylnington has moved his barn
• and phi ced it upon a substantial fonntia-
. Dr. McLachlin bas returned from
visiting his friends at St. Thomas and
Loudon. •
JohfiSturdy has again gone to Parry
Sound Districtfor a few months, when
be proposes to retuera again to Auburn,'
. the '»loveliest village of the plafn" and
to land of the green valley and the
• rustling river. ,, ,
• Joe'. quigleyeiveearied trying to un-
fathuna the mysteries ofbeer making,
left for Parry Sound in coMpany with
Harry Beadle, and the fragrant, un-
prom:liable ,Austin Webster.
Ben Airigg and Henry..Lawler are
after, the' Reny IpOeauties of the Mait-
land. • '
. PnEsetrrAiox.—The members • and
.adherents- of the Atibern Methodist
church improved the picnic by preseuto
hits the Rev. Francis Swann with a fine
set of harness and bis amiable partner
a -purse Of 'money. .An; Address- was
'read referring ,to the Rev. gentleman
and his lady in words of esteem. Mr.
Swarth replied in's, 'very .appropriate
speech. They leave Auburn for Hen:
$8,11 on Wednesday next, carrying with
thent • good will of the entire cone
ituanity irrespective 'of,creed lines.
A. E., Cull's had several men rafting
logs down the Maitland, river this week.,
Wm. Lawson, of Htillett, was the
guest of his brother Sciseph Lawson.
H. Fleniing, agent fer Govers, Kent
& Coe, Toronto, drove out to ,A.utourn•
this week in the intekest of the above
firm. • • •
The Presbyterian cong.regatiOn pro-
pose having irlawn social at the Manse,
Which unfortunately 18 vacant at pres-
Ant, on Thursday; ..tune 29th. A good
time is expected as ail excellent pro-
gramine is ctrranged. The band will be
ro attendanke and under efficient
sereice in makingthis one of theanotit
enjoyable entertainments of the yea,
,A large attendeatce is antieipated.
The Auburn School' *ill send up
eight pinpfis to the entrance examina-
Witt.' Jackson,of Pembina Coifoty.
i .
North Dakota, s, after an absence of
nearly fifteen years, visiting hiscousine,
Mrs. Sohn Wilson, William anti Archi-
bald Jackson.
Sohn 11» Feutoe has returned *from
bis 'extended Movie tour. John ap-
pears bronzed and happy.
Sohn Hunkinge s prostrated by ,an
attack of . fevet We hope to hear of
his recovery, •
. ,
MaSter WellingtOn "Wilson. * While
endeavoring to &I've n horse from the
field, was severely kieked in the head.
An; ugly scalp wound is the preeent re -.
it .scar forth° future and oh trn-
deetlbted,„ certainty , that Wiftie will
..rhneli • tne. contract al; /Mon as the
vveunds heal. Had the wound . been
lowea.Mall Would have been tire? rez,
sulf: _,_ / • ,
SIMI . Young and Soca Stevens re -
yarned front Ottawa andjaport on,
enioyable time., - . ' • :
, Rev: It. Lierateison' attended 'tile
meeting ,of the General Aetterribly• at
Brantford, returning bollfe bfl Wedbee'
do,*;. . . 1
. treo.lfiltei stilveaiv carload of heaves
to litanitobe, on Thursday, ,. ' ,
Pllsworth Irfino, *MU attrtopting, to
ride 0 loting.1 linrsef., rdeeived a ' se yore,
..- hurt .fterrt being thrbara`violentls?„
• again4t a: picket tenets.. ^• . ,.,
Itol4ort litenett retsrcetl home 00 41,40,t•
day from Chicago where +he by ,boon. Work.?
Lfl I(1pAAtt.,, wharee'ioa ti,Ae • W0rid..4FISIr
bkaidisoc • .. • • • • •
.170.11%, !gel • lit l) Aof het bt.et4e.. Vtootko
Aohb AO4 .huitilk. 161k; no
,eisam.rouv ;or : their-:beree in V.:1(1139re,
toitto0 nereakann't14ii unitrelr
Is fAr *5 14014 Arthur,
• 6ferrty, S iifSeettei: t;litira
rnsde .hor* vju here ;IAA ero!!ci
4Aeohler ere t'eshing, inthe thebri
Or the Para Alberaratier. Trees thet'.are•
grolvfitg ths moi.filue ate Mit ,dowe,
moriPPM •their haik. eovre' Into ' teethe.
erre:v.0f. their' 'tleetteetbeo. the tame.
'daY; " ••
, •
;$0Vfiria.. Or :our :0414,1m/44ot tha.sphonl
'obildrerri took in tbe-pitnie Pert Alhat
',$"tiurris,Yati4 enj yed: titeMseivet :in, the:
poi k nr•hy• tostbinfoh the beeittifelaVettritS"
01-1:41ake frorOtt, ' • ••
a :Bev. E. ;A; Pear. preached Oil farewell,
eerroao hero last Sobb.,th, Wog aa A iarge
.00e4r0PiAtiOts,! kie Admonished hie heetme
Adletl,"043' -60 Welkin ,tbe stre14ht and nor,
rote Way esiie weuld.probahly never 4)0 We
,to ePelik to *trino, In the oopaeihy of *air
9.41itor' . Pear been ea tilt"
eireelt, far the peek three yeate, led wee
web liked. We WiSh Airooeso In ble
„pew field of lebor.•
, •
re. Thempiten; of .Ptoe River, Waa the
geest of Wes., Grafiem !set week:,
ilklera.z.-We are quite pleased with veer. Ones,
pOolfutiols;` Bibb * miore practice you 'will hrs.
-come pertSct, requIros‘Very taw vorrtestons.-40.1
' Dbuttitutioti..-
• JAr.. Durni,n, , of West Wawa-
'enosh, met with a heavy los 4 la -St Attbok
by- the burning of Ills, engin R ena
;shingle mill and also about .76 bunches
of -shingles, .no ' insuraime. Mitch
,sympat.hy is felt fer Mr. Dornin as' he
eathonest,harcl working man. •
Mr, and Mrs:. W. J. Smyth visited:
their daughter, Mre. Fowler, at Kippen
last week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Bliss Wat.
son, ef GerAfrexte, were visiting. Me.
and Mrs. Durnin, of Ashileld, -last
• Mr. Wm. Mallough and Miss Maggie
Kilpatrick, of Ashfieldt *ere united in
the holy bonds of matrimony last week
be Chicago, *here Mr. Mitflongh ha's
been assisting in erecting the exhibi-
tion buildings Mid where Miss Kil-
patrick has also been living for some
them. They left here as. seperate
some •time ago and retuene
ed on tee.tui.day last ite one. Their
many friends here wish them unlimited
happiness. .
"On Thursday of last week Mr. James
Durnin, now visiting at his father -in-
laws.; Mr. McConnell, had a runaway.
'After hitching his horee to a top buggy
he attenipted-to lead the animal to the
waterinetrough without putting the
bridle on; on seeing the ton move the
beast became uninanageable and broke
away; caught some three miles,
away it had rid itself of.everything but
the halter. The harness and buggy
were bedly bioken.
• A union picnic of is nithiber of schools
was held in Me. G. Hawkin's "grove,
Port Albert, last week. There was a
large gathering. We nodded quite a
sprinkling of Dengannonites amon
the crowd. A number of sail and row-
boats were in use; while some were
dancing, others were swinging Act
others fishing; occesionaly we noticed
a couple moving off to some pecluded
Spot on the,ground, we presume to talk
of—well may be hoine and mother.
M. and Mrs. Aikees, of Harriston,
have been the guests of Mr. and' Airs.
Win. Girvin, of this village, for the,
last few days. Mrs. Girvin and Mrs.
Aikens are sisters.'
A. young lady visitor called on the
family a Mr. R. Smyth, Of the Oth con
ofWest Wawanosh, Iftet week. As
she speaks in a fereign language they
deon't know her intentions, but Mr.
SMyth thinks from her actions. that
• she intends to make that her home.
(From another correspondent.)
One of our hotel keepers has recentlY
"skipped" reeving several of our
cititens to -mourn his departure. The
much praised Crook's Act -mut be a
failure as well as the Scott Act, for it
is violated. The remaining hotel
keeper was fined $40 and costs for
recent violations. We are sorry `that
there is odcasion for this as the law
should he observed.
Mr. Eakins, of Harriston, is spending
a few days visiting at Mr. W. q. Gir-
vins, at• vvhose place Mrs. Eakins has
been visiting for the pest 3 Weeks.
Last Saturday was court day in this
place. It makes it lively fpr those in-
blies Shaver, of Ancnster, has been
visiting at Mr. Geo. Harris. ,
John' MeLean and T. Smiley have
built a new picket fence before their
residences. .
Mr. and Difiv. Cacrie, of London,
recently married, have been visiting
Rev. Mr. Oarrie Of this iallage. They
rettirned lost Saturday"- , •
Last Tuesday afternobn a fire broke
nut in Mr. Othas. Dornin's Shingle
mill and aa everything ;was so- clry $1,-
000 went away in smoke in about 15
minutes. We sytnpathize with Mr. D.
is he could ill-affqrd such n, heavy loss.
Mr. mid Mrs. W. i Smith have beein
visiting etetheir daughter's in Kippen
during the past .week.
„Rev. is.. 'Stevenson, of Molestkortle,
>aced ied the Pyesbyterian thurch
• st
pelt). t on the I811h inst.
L Suxx‘loy' evenhig we had an ex-
cellent patriotic serreon in the, aletbo-
dist Chureh groM the words'found in
Duet. 8, 10; I..
Oa Settrleie June 16,th, lAre. Lv Ertwit,
'of MoKilloP, departed front her earthly
‘iieldent the ago. Of sixty-two yeartiafter
`Very Ipsinfui itlnesis,' Her rersfties'ivere
torrcd.in ilte'footty plot inti Teen -dal Her
Iniebsnd ichtilf kettle mourn her lose, hat
thi3nytripathy of the entire eetriMunity., Mr..
Drawn it 44tpreeent "peering: froth blood
Poltaitieg, fhb eanseaif whieh Viali a bite OA
the right heed frani it-neighbor'e dog,' We
itOpe to 11001140# okMr fkrowh'a, roc:every;
, u..v, ot.Utottit, nrnclo
lotitttpkott, t, .IA00101\418
miles (tit. keit gOilnloutoo.
.. •
rider the proXisinns ol the Ditollev And IlislioNeot JatiAngOk bet Itylo
SAO Plarkt.....Jentest Dean, aged flitioVatereourees Aek was reed and Venue, t eastmetii
A40, died altutsdaY. 1130r61314. tAkin0 AccelS61(1. BY -4010, trO.,, 0 and 0, 1W, These steed-asterettlOafert pare r ntoitA
earballo Acid. by mistoke. WIP at were duly 41)44 0,0 mesa. Nr.ovea ,by kfor qtze, ,
• 1304#rieh and m0;1%414000 • Aocthick, m000naeci by Vroetor, that tier ponner-of %%Vogt, J• ad rbeg'
drugs, 'whiel;: he 'intended, to oaell)210134 t_be applivatio4 ,.,ef 14040411 to have ayes.
*int qpiy on 1094,00:tie t keep Mlle Township: Engineer Inenight ene. tui'
,ge bad the barb° 40111 ,4 granted/. knd'thnt t 04,011 Aare lathe vow wt. AAA*
Vale' flatir labeled Olsen ond alto a Vtellatut•to. rattily:Ore Ingineer as:Kroll eft, -••
Iltiole flesk, Whislteh •.I11 th6 44'4'4MOT eltiolt, tidiest--; SAme ore oko vflo tolmoom.so"r4 Olt
Mg very well, be. coneincied Ittitt 1'Y Mr1;1)Y, that' Mesa*. -1-10'we and Aed theke ti!!0.."',.4yrileok* tkkjor.040,t,,40
`004t neaket. In • the ntOrtrinto gt, not teen, Carried, Mover .ary rector, Set:0.1140d spit, ..
litge eK, the. tthmite7, 40tthet hot, eted Valdbick instruotett to exatnitxe the; hoerXII; • • ••
itabitsi lie'Onfertunately-40elc tba ear, ",14°x'meettinti to lAt4tte tt44,- 4 $1'1"11*- = • -
tat 'ro .-41nriled,.. 4) blo smog PieWee
tbr 44, Wee 4'• mbn et temperAte l'4'44.°13P"1 lots 8. -11/01Oth itue• r WhaAt e Willtr..410:Ittera
„holt° Acialtt,,MIata4lte fna 11/0 svbI4,1teY,'' jas, was instruct- i.!41,94, with 4., AAW I/1044MT
110 itileW "41,t once Whelp ,ltiv had taken, ea to „Iptroxviv;45 x;epttirtn*Axeorews. hortle,;' • • ,
and asked his daughter. kir .aome tin..4th Afpved by Celdbink, 41.114 ber4#'' 14 414041400; ao. •111'
Ms daughter 6it/ted 11itn"witat was Wri?ns, seconded hyrroetar,that1VM; 00r46(0"." ' " " '
'110 .".**A4'''' 001,r. -4.0100 0.•443(,:' °The ler% ilOrr he. paid $filort plough broken.. cm 4."leY,'ilti.,d ,if nel- blainishad'Aelf heiii
belie •tteidee'f,'Attellell to ;the goer. He• erist, gravel Varad,--Oarried.: 44oVed •' • -
1V44•44f11041,041jeit, and died it), 4t,outE44- Roiyikseoriilde•'1*.Pe Oaldbfigict w1tk'111, 44411417
,e 0401,4 ii0C+1"./44'09f .ttesg'
„b0l)f in: great saet47, ife leevea a wife that the en
„pcier of .114'/.4ang for ' ereued -
' . • • • be. itoetiPlied, the -lowest Wilder, .Y°° want. t° 604 Pet ihe Pe°041/1/e4Ps
raltd,s4tobildron te mourn ,lits , 130arld9P.tillridr fa' the 7•shisi. Of 4/1
JilooAtiat,the ttlfltlOI .45f Ui; Laitir for • C411 4°Iii4 yon -e1 ketlw ,b0. hart
v190 With Olmt.on, 4tige. oh tilli`e ftletVilif rztdP " P°4441" •-• .1)1°4444 4
/fiSt,6317°1,Ti: i,hijo, Yt,A IltirgachgoiaM,047:540.1 ,;1741:011.4,14. 4 44
. ' 0001714,1t*
" ialee3iert of, '.Xititlatid wci g 3$41TEF:44-rt1H's 1"16-0 .1* te St tirk9f /4"*"•• itul • • '• ,
U'.-ott.ended - fernier; ,IftgecePtil'I;k 9°14.* tho, t°West `1. °It** .1tiottOd .on
• srs' te t -.And R. S. cc 4° 8 Ive" PrOved te be ''""••"""•*6..-0..-...000woloo.4.4
wete le London huto, „ t41 -c ea'ittlie*s f-,-Anteph Broe 'm - •
1',Fr0fierl'itt er -$11,07. -04 - u
.St,George'it- At thf.r07badi; . „. ' ,:. '.. . ' ,„, !.2, 47,6.$1,10::60:u°1::rry,tieYtt;'lina.sisiltie.,twol*46,041!' pi 76 e' ilt, oing '1.:;', ,
Tho sky ,east '.Of ,eoderieti-,.‘40' 4,:*1)*41rePititi. '0''. is 'e • . • ' * rie'l' ' - '
xbootlifilli'gi.)1,QuIlia!, 04mm-11141...At; biot , ',......,_ehper.r. diten-And.vellveet, i$.1.5,;;.,_ta
Itarttl•04.•'flitl:Oli,i3.'110'4rIt the -004*.'wes t..,_,BP1g1i/IV$b„.1'11.ks..es.', bridge, ".0;'`..„^1/.-
Tbo P. Tr0...... M. Oft thisttiokrietreacii. Ilf,:ifem.11%,„r*,;1,°•.,.1??Pi0;0-9,4t .orPek.;-5.01Si;
0,49ioine on..$4,4invoisi °,,,ioi iyiit4yesiibt Taa,-,--,....,. ".—Q-.-,-..,:m.E.,;,• iR,4*yfiri,,..$8..,g11:',..g..\
avotkorgh ,trith- pie N -,,a.00,,, fit" otiiii,- . '..p...r.topx.-..itulippr„. ::•$.1410i,i...xilt,ok,
•on snool!.):„,,-,, i . . ,_ ., , a- ., , °P.,' (fitrt,,,AtItIemr_int,ii.)cp, r07,?.„5:;,:xisSe...,op.
.. Tliiiro=wrip,b0',O.,• laiiiiio*,ible -„;:-,,id. . ''. :I.v...!•!--01,Kfr,i.,' 11)43, gliovio ,.. Bolton
in St. '„eil'stirgely, t0,40, at tint,„ - -. 1/4$,,, •by 0441,°-0,4t,-.11.,°00f49k, 790'motiRo::_of Xlit•
, •mr;,..c4......,td.; ..,,, i "'-'-'''7,' '..:, _ ' , ' ‘13 , 4••4s:•-•.' '449.•,tter; 'tlio.,,couxiii. --aion
biletelori. .. el eetles..ap.ont oorlaity. 4o. AAJQ.11tteit ;Y;07•,ofti, At . tiglo' On'. tbO.^7th
• - - • . . - . . . )gu - 110,744 . W. J.i „ ewe ("leek ..
.Th coot,. actor s going Aheedavith the'
'.bathing liduse villiob ia r'Oxpoiipiel W111
be :reedy for:DorignionDity:2-
Pletterel were in tlie:ri•Ver Of
Aiwa thepiet.'vraekt jtetairal exitellerit
tittinge beingmadilly our :lewd anglers,
Mrs., R. . 014 et Clinton was
visiting inGO,Ierieh the past week: •
Our_Poodnion-15AY celebration, next
Saturday pre rn hies ta the beet Gotle rich
bits bad for many . years. The _ goer-
initt6 conducting the arrangements, is
a lire one, and will rrovide tux -excellent
bill of fire. :
tlf. and 'Mrs, A. Killburn, old resi-
dents; were visiting old friends the past
The entrance examinations will come
teepee in the Collegiate Institute today'
and conclude on Friday.. - • .
Printipal Park will conduct the enz'
trance examinat ions at Exeter,
• Mr. J. Davis, of Winghatn, was in the•
Cireolar town the past week. '
°J. W. Shaw, or Clinton, was in the
county town on Wednesday.
Mr. .T. 111. 17dberts, of Dungannon,
was in town .on.Ffiday. '
Mr. W. H. Woods, 0Q3eyfield, was in
Goderich last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F.O. Clarke, of -Toren.
to, spent Sunday in the „circular town.
Mr. Jno. -Beaton], of Clinton, war in
town on Friday.
The schooaer Geeykettnd sailed on Fri»
day for Wiarton witti a cargo of salt.
The sebooner Siirling brottgbt a car.
go of coal for Messrs. PeciEwen and Kidd
tetliis port last week. ,
The•steamer Unitod Ziaptre made her
•regeler call on Wednesday and loaded
.12 cars �f merchandise forPort Artber..
• His Lordship • Bishop `o'Cennor, Of
London, confirmed ' a_ number of young:
people in St. Peter' son Sunday, • •
Mrs. Perkins, of Gorrie, is on a shine
visit to her parents„Mr. and Mrs.. Rbbt.
Thompson, Elgin 'otertue.
The Epworth League vilitgite 4 strawe
berr3i festival inthe leettneetooin of the
-Victoria. street' Methodist • church to•
morrow evening. -
Mr.. B. MacCormac has moved hie
tailoring establishment into. the block
between Hamilton end North street*. .•
Dr. Hutchison, of Montreal, snivel in»
town on a parental visit lest SaturdaY...
There was a fair turnout at the cygnet
parade on Friday evening. • • e
The band played A excellent Peg"'
grarimee on the square, last Friday even..
ing. •
The street electric lights will during'
the summer monthseehine uneil mid-
St. George's Church has lieen much
improved by its recent renovation.
The candidates for 2ad and 3rd plaits non!
pirafessiortar certificates will COMMenee writ-
ing next Tuesday in the Oollegiate,Iesti.ote.
Mr. .1, Ff. Worsell. a one time seen known
resident of Wilton, fell from the roof ofthe
Engliah church last 'Friday, a. distance ,of
near 26,feet,_ Mr. Worsell wag working on
the ridge 'wheri Witipped..and" eliding down
tike slates with- ietoressing velocity went
ovbr the sm.'s. The place where be alight-
ed Was,•pethsps, the most even apot round
the 'whole edifice; end tbis doubtleae an.
¬e for the foot that no brines were
broken. At this writing on Monday • morn-
ing Mr. Worsen was doing well, to far no
internal pointiiioation having' developed.
The igentlemsre.ii :many Clinton Mende will
be pleaeod te know . that/ the many wild
rumours afloat last:Saturday ware not oor.
• —
- Varela.
The correspondent to the Era from here
is making it bad reputation for himself. and
that paper. Of late reaPectalge peeple, have
been inainuatingly placed along ts,ith the
brute oreeltion. It might be nelI to remind
the scribe -and the editor that their glanders
will not bo tolerated any longer and that if
persisted in war to the knife will be declar-
ed. -
. attoein,
The Morris Court of Revision met
June 19111, 189a, according to adjourn -
Mont. Membera allptestait ;the Renee
in the chair. The following atmetils
Weredisposed of GOO. Aakmele,
enteied owner N. EL pt. 80,, ,c'eri'.t, 2;
Alit »a1 entered; tenant Si .28;
(«11) • 6f Jo. IVIelVturey', entered rteribut
3i"8,c011, 9; Gee, Maisel% A. B,
son and 3. D. Taylor,: had each' * rbog
stimek • off ; Yrio. a; bitcji
tIteuck 'Off and 'entered for add '
mol i101 ofPrect014 t000ded
thio court'br.ktovisiotA„ was theneieselti
1511(1 ordinnry.Cfautiell.„:01.1einess'PrOWed.,
c4a,,:falloW41 .Stituto*V. Ortintl".
Slig,q appointed Patlininster itr'aijitee of
S Pol1:x*04'r A•reomanuttleatieti fromIfr,
„Taxes Xs.rsivilt ststinfeternes ab voilloh
.114ct.:,40t114.6,0t #s,'.g.gottneltip Voginoor
T. C. tt,rfoci, 7. D. 8,, of untff flutter
notice, be et the Ittver ifet,e1 the 600,11 an" burnt
gannets; of every Month.
• ""7
• On Senclity afternoon some • ef. the Blyth
.Masonia order attended ;hutch with their
brethren Clinton •
, .
. cht SiitarXey night nom* 61 'one 'chi -
:re is..aaw the fire of Collis' saw mill. in sAu-
hurn which yeas,very discernible mire. •
On Sunday eVening it large congregation
aesembled- in the Methodist Church to h..ar
the_paster for the last, time, Rev. Cam n-
bsIrtoolefor his subject " Wait. 2, verses 14,
15,16,1! from which be ' preached it Powerful
and thoughtful. disown Which Was atten-
tively listened lo,by all present..
.00 Wednesday evening the Ladies' Aid
of the Methodist Church intend giving an
At Horne in the basement of the church to
thb members of the congregation; . when the
-eveniug will be spent in‘roviewing the work
of the church in allite branches during the
past. Some special tousle -will he .rendered
by the °hole at interVale, • .Rev: John.. Fish.
er, ,a former pastor, is tooccupy the chair.
P. Kelly It .k,in eanhevitig, their large
briok atom on (anew* St, Onovated up with
ft fresh cost of paint. It lies beeiileaso to
Mears. Jerieop tlz McElroy e generef store
' wh,o take poaseision eh9rUY. „ '
Oce night last week ,bitteher Kelly met
with a mishap by 'being thrown ofr his Way-.
de, While going -at it raiSd speed, •Pausleg
'him' some Wines iojury which has wart,
fori him to his bed ever since, We hope
•WiLtwil1 soon recover. '
• •
•Oa Friday night Mrs. Greensn, a very
etoat old lady, met with a miefortune when
in the act of retiring for the night by some
meant; or -other whereby she got one of her
thigh bogie broken. , •
'• Go Friday evening; a large gathering was
,prc•sent in the park to witness the usual
sports that eye' indulged in bythe boya.
Our:band played some fine ' selectidne at In-
• On &Nudity evening it Olintonian 'and a
l)lyhite bicyclist undertook a- spin to Londee-
bore to see which was the beet man: on the
wheel, A large crowd was present on the
market maitre to witnese 'their- departure,
but unfortunatelytheir career was. only of
shorEduration for they had hardly got past
the Methodist ohiuroh, *heu they collided,
upsetting eaoh other into • the road, whiee
clamed roars of laughter by the crowd that
was watching them'. They both -canoe off
Very safe exoept their :nectar:am getting -a
• little out of order. Try it again, • Geordie
'And Eddie, betterluck next time.
On Monday the regular sitting of the 12th
Division Court Was 'held in Industry Hall
before his Honor Judge Doyle, several oases
having Came up for hearing. .
• The new barn belonging to Glenn Bros.,
was raised last Saturday with the usual
amount of noiee, excitement and minor
accidents. No seldom.» mishaps occurred.
The barn is a large One being 62/69 ft (621
64) As 10,..cositeinary on such occasions
it rano was engaged in, Messrs; G. °um;
and SV. MoIhrainacting as captions. CaPti»
lama's side on the viotory.
Otte popular blackemith, Mr, j. Gramme%
met, with a sore aceident while doing his
statute' labor last week. W hile driving rdong
he placed his font on it stone whioh rolled
and aait4e his foot to go in •front ,of »the
The'wheel palmed over the foot. The
brides, is very painful but no bones wera
broken. He is labia to be about now almost.
as Healy as usual.
ge. John Sheppard, of Clinton, spent part
. of last week Visitiug friends. at the Nile. ,
The tea -meeting annottuaedll take place
on Tuesday, 27t11, was poatponed till to -lay
,(Viredtiesdev) on acooutit of the exouiWoe to.
the Medal Farm. • Look for s, report of the
tea -meeting next„ week.
east Sunday evening being 'the last eve-
ning of RevE; A. l'ear'is labors among the
people of the Nile, he.preacihed it very POldt-
ed, earnest and interesting sermon to a very
largreeongtecetion. Mr: Peeraed family
'in going.te•tlieir new circuit et Etelmesville
carry with them, the best whiee of the,
. people of the Nile, May his work in hie
•nnie, field of lebor,be 9rovirted with euearita '
i1fl4),,t9, artecen,- '
They are aniting amendon einnitere and"
tDiseaiting thidedwa 4nd thelt aeighbori
• afre,1
Tbit proepeete end Ogee of oats end of
Whiettrla • „
.Tqo Ineeledtk Weethei oz' toe little hied.
Ii s theft eMnee ele,e,With rieWly bougbb
• T 4111, trite natio° of
• • ,
- or woe lotut'iovtnk0aVril qUriito db.,
- 11latop7,:!biiolieit1.,,t)t( 0„ei. ii6atlIttot
+ 'ere+ .- „e,„ e'ee
14103 to • eateli eeld.h.,1eeei
peleing2-th adVeer
' • eeinglelleeittereS,(wq.
'rnsii -or 110.! 11444tAll. VAN 4.,4,4ilte144;1,i,061:4
4 "
, To Iceep you cool,
T •
o help you rest your
_ tired 'body. ,..•
Are good ,7,araesbetht"for
a social evening Eliad exer-
of eaoh are sold by
flew Pflotograpri G811811.
. 0 rorar.,•-.....
J. W. COOK, the leading photogrepher, ims
bought and fitted -.up the pienneet hext
Young's Bakery, Albert Street, Clintoh,„ and
is prepayea t� execute all orders. .
Everything from a 817/113EAM to a
SIZE PHOTO on the shortest notiee and. first
class workmanship guaranteed
Tintypes taken. r Pictures: taken on eland? '
days equally as well as en 'ninny ?days int the ,
new process. Prices as bra as &UV,
superior work. Call at the noW 4407,4,
W. COOK, Practical Photegoplier
Albeit St., Ciinton. •
111 W. r 11 1114 0 0 10
(Inborn OP &SSW y. 14ea
and M1 tngineor.
• X.r0T,TX,01•To
• ()lanes : at 0„ Stewart's Oro:link More, 0116,
ten. 701.1r ilmos
sittare ;
repr et a niesper ri) Ai .6A6tAit,,A*61
talihttlt UOkti int4th pm:pests:at itrlyetteilag th
tares thst chitat4t ,,e• x 4: la