The Huron News-Record, 1893-06-21, Page 81 THE WORM FAIR1 ttipatn thrt'ttt'etld's Fair W441,1 IIQ daub $ laKal!e. very Ilttet'esatit►4, hitt ia this slyelt • 4111 weathsp the Inert aeusibl4 tb1gg' j tic is .to secure a reliable sumntvr 'bevel,, - ager Wehave the finest ALE h* wood and Upttlle. Ruperllor PORTER in wood and bottle, LAGER BEER, and the very best brands of Canaiian and -imported WINES, WHISKIES and (BR42%1MS. oar prices are the lowest for the best goods. We pay special attention to lines for house• hold sad medicinal purposes. a. W. RITEEte, .ALBERT STREET, - - CLINTON To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the office not later than S A7' URDA Y NOON. Copy for changes received later than SAT- URDAYVOOY will hereafter he a. the Advertiser's own risk. A. Me Huron News-Recora 1.60 a Year -31.25 In Advance • Wednesday, .June 210.1893- LOCAL 1st,1893. LOCAL N N]WS. En and Around the Hub, ?brown Wt. To FARMERS AND HORSEMEN . —Bost single harness a specialty, all styles and closest prices. Everything in our line cut fine. JouNSON n AH3fort,harness makers. WORLD•? FAIR ACOOIIIIODATIONS.—TO friends, acquaintances and others, if you • wish to secure comfortable rooms while attending The World's Fair please ad• dress or call on us : Very convenient to good street car service to any part of the city and only takes fifteen minutes to go to the fair grounds. Restaurant quite near where meals can be obtained for 15 cents and up rooms 75 cents per day or $5.00 per week. Special rates to clubs. Only four blocks from Wabash Depot, Englewood, Chicago. Address, MRS. S. funs, 6613 Honore St., 760.4t. Englewood, Chicago, Ill. Cash paid for eggs and hotter.—CAS'rN1,oN Bass. S'rcwAnr, the grocer, pays cash fur butter and eggs. ' 14 IRs. H. CARR, of Wingham, is visit ing in town this week. MR. •AND MRS. ROBERT THOMrsoN, of Goderich, were in town on Mon- day. MEssRs. A. T. COOPER and Geo. Y. Emerson, bicyclists, wheeled to the circular town on Monday last. ExcunsION.—The members of the Ontario street S. S. are preparing for an execursion—probably to Goderich. SUCCEEDING .—Messrs. W. H. Man- ning and J. P. Doherty are soliciting members to the Mechanical Institute. So far they have received good en- couragement. MAccABEEs• MEETING . —Kearns Tont will meet in their hall next Friday evening. Sir Kt. Cook, of Parkhill, will be present. .Important business will be transacted. Duca Sorn .— D. Cantolon has bought from his brother H. the brick in his recent carriage factory. He will transfer the brick to the new resi- dence about to be erected. Tris* ORANGE BAND.—The fife and drum band has been reorganized under the leadership of Mr. Storey. We un- derstand the boys are making good pro- gress and will be in splendid trim for the 12th July. AFTER PLANS.—Monday afternoon 31r. D. Cantelon and contractor S. S. Cooper were iu Stratford viewing sev- eral residences and preparing plans for :1L•. Cantelou's proposed new resi- dence in Clinton. . I. 0. G. T. SERMON.—Sunday even- ing Rev. W. Smyth delivered a sermon to the members of the I. 0. G. T. His words were full of deep thought, earnest counselling and timely advice. The church was crowded. WE WERE CORRECT.—"Ifs" and "ands" are peculiar to some writers. One would like to know "if" TIIE NEWS•RECORD's report of the last town council meeting was correct. Why, of course. The report was correct. Goon STABLES.—The Grand Union now has splendid stabling accomoda- tion since the addition has been com- pleted. The tin or iron fire proof roof- ing and siding gives the large building is good appearance. The improvement is striking. POSTPONED.—The Epworth League of .the Ontario street church have postponed the proposed garden party until Tuesday, July 4th. The party will take place on the grounds of Mr. John Gibbings. There will be refresh- ments and a good musical programme. BRITISH AMERICA MEETING.—The Grand E1ackChapter of British America meet in the town of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., on Monday evening, July 31st. The M. W. Grand Orange - Lodge will meet at tho same place on Tuesday, Aug?. t lst,; at one o'clock P. m. l!irts. BQOxK tlfttitiled to O attgo- villa Unit Saturday, t Miss SalnEY haws tries DIXIGth is The lady ?peat a. few days at ChiQago, 10. a. S, Cooi&a will deliver .aa sddrees'et he League mieting' of the Ontario street church 41)10 -Monday evening. MI $LAID.—.lay souse ttuaocouutable means Jaekeon Bros. changes of advte. were this week mislaid. if our read- ers are affected by the hot weather a personal interview with 3aokson Bros. will give relief. FROM DALOTA.—Meeere. W. and J. Laguna, one a jeweller and the other a banker, are among friends in this sec• Ow]. They are eons of Mr. Wm. Las - ham, of SAltford, and cousins of Mrs. Lee, of the Prince of Wales hotel, town. STAND FROM UNDER.—We extreme• ly regret that a few patrons have com- pelled us to place their accounts incourt for collection. After repeated warn- ings we have decided not to exhaust the amount of small accounts in postage. We want to pay our honest debts, To do this, those who owe must pay. HE MET THE NEWS-RECORD.—\Vhile at the World's Fair Mr. W. Jackson visitedtheCanadianPavillion. Among hundreds of papers the first to Meet his eye was THE HURON NES-RE- CoRD and an advertisement of the Vedclo Hat. He was glad to meet THE NE\\'s-HECoRD and to find it the Iuost conspicuatts among hundreds of others. - WHEELMEN'S MEET.—Mr. A. E. Sanders, of Sarnia, was in town last week advortieing the Canadian Wheel - men's Association meet on July 1st and 3rd. The beautiful pamphlet programme was issued from the office of the Sarnia Pint and is a credit to Canadian, printers. There will be re- duced railway rates. DISTRICT ME•ETiNG, — The District Oddfellows mot in the comfortable hall of their Clinton brethren on Tues• day evening of last week. There was a representation, we are informed, from every lodge in the district. Consider- able business was transacted and the utmost harmony prevailed. Outside delegates were entertained at the Novelty Restaurant. THE NEW TEXAS GAME LAW. —Book agents may bo killed from August let to October let; epring poets, from March 1st to July 1st; scandal mongers, from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive; umbrella borrowers, from February let to May let, and from August 1st to November let. Open season all the year on life insurance agents. A PLEASANT VISIT.—Last Friday Tun NEws•REcoro had a very pleasant visit from Mr. Edward Ward, of Morris. Fur twenty-five years he has been a resident of that splendid town- ship, and may justly be termed one of the pioneers. He was born at or near Kingston. Mr. 'Ward was on hie way to Gananoque, the home of the popular Conservative whip in the Dominion House, Mr. Geo. Taylor, M. P. Mr. Ward will seek his fortunes there and THE NEWS -RECORD will furnish him all the news from this large county until June, 1894, and we trust for many more years to come. CUT OM—The Petrolea Topic says: —During our fifteeu years of newspaper work, experience has taught us that one editor would never loose much sleep in consequence of the remarks of another. We find, however, that such is not the case, for the local preacher of the Clinton New Eta has taken ser- ious exception to our remarks of a few weeks ago, and has unceremoniously, and with malice afore -thought, we sup• pose, cut The Topic off his exchange list. Now, we are of opinion that that is a mistake, as the Neu; Era would certainly bo a much bettor paper if its editor would only continue to read The Topic, but where ignorance is bliss, etc. Iii. \V. JACKSON returned from Chicago Monday evening.. He de- scribes the World's Fair as something}, magnificent. He put up a.tthe Hotel Manitoba, under the management of Mr. S. Grigg, and highly recommends the house. Mr. Jackson met our old friend, Mr. Joseph Lang, formerly editor and owner of the Kincardine Rrriew, who has charge of the Manitoba exhibit. The meeting was mut/Lily agreeable and many familiar names in Baron and Brnee were recalled. 'When Mr. Jackson was about to depart Mr. Lang requested hial to sign the "voters list"—meaning of course the registryy. "Joe" promptly corrected himself, for he is certainly not of those who would knowingly endeavor to make Americans out of such staunch Can- adians as Mr. Jackson. Mr. Lang is proud of the Manitoba exhibit and makes an excellent Canadian repre- sentative. He is as jolly—and as sen- sible --as ever. OUR LOCAL WARRIORS.—TuE NEWS - RECORD is greatly pleased at the fine appearance presented by No. 4 Com- pany on Monday. Acting Adjutant Combe looked the picture of military neatness on his fine charger. Acting Captain Rance and Lieut. McTaggart were in command of the local corps and the men and officers presented a very creditable appearance. No. 4, we be- lieve, will be one of the strongest and beet all-round companies in camp this year. A special train conveyed the 33rd Battalion to camp, leaving Clint- on about 2 p.m. Monday. Quarter• master Beck, accompanied by Sergeant H. W. Ball, of Clinton, left for Lon- don Saturday. We understand the tents were all pitched for the men, so that everything would be in the bail of ordkr-on the arrival of the troops. .A.sv :one - • e mean theijreatfall rn Paces. We want to clear out our very large stock of WALL PAPER So that our stock may' have none of this year's patterns left when the new patterns come out. In order to do this we shall give Special Bargains in all our Papers and Borders during the remainder of this month, from 30. a roll up. IN BABY CARRIAGES EXPRESS WAGONS we have special values, a comparison of vince you that here is the place to buy. prices will con- BOOK STORE AND NEWS DEPOT, CLINTON. ley 0 Exceptional Offerings this week Attractive Values in BBIMPVI INLIGCO RSDARK WHITE GOODS for SUMMER WEAR LAWNS, MUSLINS, SKIRT EY iBROIDEliY, Big assortment to choose from and we start them in price at the low figure of 25c. per yard. ART MUSLINS - NMI Have you seen ours ; they are both pretty and cheap. In Snrnmer• Corsets We have just what you want and you will say so when you have seen them. - Ladies', Misses' and Children's UNTRIM MED HATS, Latest Shapes, Colors and Brades, and just think we have them for you at •?Oc., 30c., nuc., 40c., 50c., 60c., 75c., up to $2.00, largest and richest stock to choose from at The bathes' Favorite Establishment, fiEESLEY'S DRY GOODS Effi O1lY1. 1141111100 TABLES. 0 05, 3O Etnd. 43 Ce Iitsi. Have you seen the BAMBOO TABLES that we are offer- ing at 25, 30 and 45 cents. They are great value at that money. We have also a line of Bedroom Suits, Sideboards and Extension Tables, That are very cheap. Before buying call and see what we can do for you. --o— JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, J. W. CHIDLEY, .JR., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered at his residence, King St,, opposite the Foundry. Is the name of the , .a.r and for good looks is well Worthy of the name. TAKE Is what every young lady who sees the hat will do, TALK Is what we wish to do about the SAT and how we obtained control of it. Our Mr. W. Jackson visitect the city last Thursday and while there purchased by "The The .1 Iundlred" a linea Young Ladles' Hats which in the regular way could not be sold less than 65c. or 75c. The quality did it and we display and sell the Hats at 25c. each• A very nobby Bat for school, outing, or evening wear for a girl. SEE THE HATS IN 0118 WINDOW FURTHER JIIE}tITIO}1. The stock of goods advertised as suitable for -:LADIES -:- BLOUSING:- is rapidly diminishing. If you'wish to secure a blouse do not delay. J I Boy's and Den's Outfitters, + - •i- + - - + - + SUM ER 000DS. C EIALLIE S. Those wide CHALLIES we advertised last week are going out with a rush, they are good colors, the patterns are neat, tasty, new, and the value a good deal more than the 1212-c,:per yard we ask for them. . PARASOLS.0460A40- We've got the PARASOL stock. Dozens of kinds for you to choose from ; every one of them a good one. Plain or Fancy Handles with good wearable tops that will not fade ; all marked at prices that would not or could not be so low if it were not for cash buying and cash selling. GLOV 0 ev-- Ysou know how annoying it is to wear GLOVES that after being worn a few times the finger ends would be all out, and the Glove all torn and broken at the wrist. If you would like a Glove that will not clo either, get our Untearable Silk Glove, with double tipped fingers. You can't tear them if you try, and as the finger tips are double, your fingers take twice as long as usual to get through. FAWNS, GREYS, TANS, BLACKS. People who know tell us the all -silk Lace Mitt we soil� at 25c. is worth more money. The store is bristling with good values in everyldepartmant,and tho'result is that, trade good. We have the variety for you to choose from and prices that are right. Cash selling means lowest all round prices, it cannot be otherwise. If you have tried us you know we sell reliable goods cheap. If you have not tried us you ought to. You're doilfg yourself an injury by not doing so. 0 July Standard Patterns and fashion Sheets were opened this week. Esi. 1 Hodaells CLINTON.