HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-06-21, Page 6For Bronchitis
• "•I cover realized the good of a mt:dit3n4
so much sal have in the last few months,
during which trot') I,have suffered intensely
front pneumonia. followed by bronchitis.
Atter trying various remedies tvithout
benefit, I began the use of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and the effect has b cn marvelous,
a single dose relieving me o chokin r, and
eccar nt,� a good nights eat, —1r.. A.
Higginbotham, Gun. Store, Lang Mountain.
La Grippe
"Last Spring I was taken down with la
grippe.. At times 1 was completely prostrat-
ed, and so difficult was my breathing that
my breath seemed as if confined sin an iron
cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking
it than relief followed. I could not believe
that the effect would be so rapid," --W. H.
Williams, Cook City, S. Dak.
,Lung Trouble
"For more than twenty-five years, I was
4 sufferer from lung trouble, attended with
coughing so severe at times as to cause
hemorrhage, the poroxysms frequently last-
ing three or four hours. I was induced to
try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and after taking
four bottles, was thoroughly cured. I can
confidently recommend this medicine." -Franz
Hofmann, Clay Centre, Kans.
qherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by/all Druggists. Price $r ; six bottles, $s.
Prompt to act, sure to cure
[he Huron News -Record
$1.50 a YOar—$1.25 in Advance
Wednesday, June 21st 181)3.
When health is far gone in Consumption,
then sometime only ease and comfort can be
scoured from the use of Scott's Emulsion.
What is touch better is to tske thia medicine
in time to save your health.
—The ju lees have decided that
the \forte's Fair n:uat Be closed on
To !ha Metter:
ts•• i il;.rtn tar r bidets that I will
face to all :,,;ffetera 'he nuta.0e by which
I was restored to health anti manly vig•,r
atter yours of seIT,rintr from Nerv•ius W eats,
nese, I w.a rotobed and swindled by the
q tacks until I nearly hist faith itt mankind,
bat ties: I.: to tiauveu,1 ani now wr•li vigi.roua
and strum,. I have nuthinn to sell and no
scheme to .,st.,; r, ro -nay from anyone whom•
elev,tr, but being rlr.siroue to make this
certain tore k town to all, I will send tree
rand Jrofi.i;•nt.t! to anyone full ]•articular° of
tat how I ws,s cored. Address with stamps:
,1R. 'Eo;vtltu MARTIN, (Teacher).
P. 0. Box 143, Detroit, Mich,
—The fire at Fargo, Dskota, rendered
3 000 people homeless, and the property
loss is estimated at $3,000,000.
Yes ! with invalids the , appetite is
capricious and needs coaxing, that is just
the reason they improve so rapidly under
Scott's Emuluon, which is as palatable as
—Saul Jones was preaching at0wens-
burg. Ky., where the folka built a
special tabernacle for him. After
paying all expenses they gave him
$2,000 for his weeks work.
Right actions spring from right principles.
Jn cases of d ierrba) 4, dysentery, clamps,
colic, summer complaint, cholera morbus,
etc., the right remedy is Fowler's Extract
of Wild Str.w,berry,— an unfailing cur•e—
made on the principle that nature's remedies
are beat. Never travel without it.
—Arthur Little, aged 11, of Utica, N.
Y., ran away from home to avoid going to
school. IIe was arrested and locked up
over night. In the morning he was
ffpuud with a bullet hole in his head,
Bind died pilot tly after.
Dein SIR i,—I was troubled with bilious -
Deets, headache and loss of appetite. I could
not rest at night. and Was very week, but
after nsing three bottles of B. 1313 my
appetite is good and I am better than for
years past. I would not now be without
F. 13. B., and am also giving it to my child-
Maitland, N. 8.
—John Wan leas, of Varna, was
egret -ably surprised on awaking on
Monday morning of lest week, to find
that be was the happy father of a pair
of bouncing baby boys.
MANY of the worst attacks ,%f cholera
• irb'ne, crambs, dyeenbrry, A9.1''. etc., come
soddenly in the night and slS and prompt
/means meet be need ')gal}} them. J)r.
Fowler's Extract of Wild i`G'towherry ie the
remedy. Keep it on twit /for emergencies.
It PI ?I' fC11IN to cure n4tiy,sieve.
—Information Brite laid before the
Peeve of Brussels, charging May Gib-
s'on with getting money under false
pretences, and on Tuesday morning
Constable Scott arrested her, she plead-
ed guilty to the charge, and was com-
mitted for trial.
TARIFF Reform is is the air, The praises
of B. B. 13, are -Also heard everywhere.
No other medicine cures all dieeases of the
etomaob, liver, bewele and blood eo rapidly
and so surely as Burdock Blood Bitters.
—Mr. George Moir who conducted
the Reflector here for some years bora
Latterly assistant to Mr. Brimingham,
the Conservative Organizer has been
appointed Canadian customs ofli.er at
St, Paul, Minn, and has commenced his
new labors.
.-.Jerry Lynch, of I3.Iyth, had the
misfortune to lose (moot his horses on
Sunday of last weerr,
The peaetln of green fruit$ and summer
dtu)kt) ie the tirne when The worat forma of
oholera morbus, (Herr wit and bowel onm-
pininta prevail. 4a a safeguard D. Fow-
let'a Extract of %! ild Strewbsrry shruld he
kept in the houso. For 35 years it bee been
the moat reliable retnedy.
—Mr. George MoTaggart, of Chisttl-
hurst, occupied the l:ull.it of the
Methodist church, Hillegreen, on Sun•
day of last week.
GENTLEMEN,—I have used your Burdock
Blood Bittera for bad blood and find it,
without exception, the beet purifying torsi')
in use. A short time ago two very large and
vainful boils came on the hack of my neck,
but B. B. B. completely drove them away.
SAMUEL BLAIN, Toronto Junotion.
—Mies Porterfield, teacher in the
Junior devision of the public school
Bayfield, spent Sunday at her home in
osn never rest on a body frail from disease
any more than the lovely lily oan grow in
the sterile Boil. When Consumption fastens
its hold upon a victim, the whole physl tal
struuture commences ite decay, At each a
period, b t ire the disease ie t o far advanced,
Dr. Nierue'e Golden Medical Discovery will
arrest and cure it, So certain is this, that
an offer is made to refund the money paid
for it when a failure oan be found under the
condition of fair trial.
Thomas Pye, who for
some time past has been in the employ
of Messrs. Appel & Zeller, Zurich, an
coat maker, left on Monday week for
his home in Wyoming, Out. Tom
will he very much missed for he was a
general favorite among the boys.
Happy days and restful nights result (torn
using AN er's Sarsaparilla. It an regu•at e
all the bodily funotions and strengthen a the
nervous system that worry an fatigue are
comparat.vely unknown and life is truely
ruj .yed. It is certainly a moat wonderful
--The London Free Press says: "The
County Lodge of East ;1li,ldletiex
Orangemen decided on `Saturday last at
their meeting here to coleltrate the
Bettie of the Boyne anniversary on
Wednesday, the 12th of July, at Eze-
t er.”
A gentleman, 'under forty years of age,
whose hair was rapidly becoming thin and
gray, began the ase of Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and in alx months his hair was restore t to its
natural coinr, anti eveu more than its ftrrrner
growth and richness.
Com —In Clinton, on the 5th inst., the
wife of Mr. A. Cook, of a son,
CANTELON.—In Clinton, on the 7th inst.,
the wife of Mr. J)'vld Cantelon, of a son.
SWAN.—In Wingham, on the 6th inst.,
the wile of Mr. R. J. Swan, of a daughter.
MAvsER —In Morrie. on the 6th inst.,
the wife of Mr. Chas. Manger of a son.
HENDER.soN,—Iu McKillop, on the 6th
inst., the wife of Harry Henderson, of a eon.
REItx —In Stephen, on the 5th inat, the
wife of W. G. Roily, of a daughter.
COLE.—In Exeter, nn the 6th inst., the
wife of Robt. Cole, of a son.
Niciior.—•JonINSTON.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, by Rev. L. G. Wood,
on Weduesdey, 7th in.t., John Nichol to
Charlotte, eldest daughter of Wm. Johnston,
all of Turnberry.
CURRIE—SPARKS.—On June 6th, by Rev.
W. F. iVilson, Captain J. A. Currie, 58th
Highlanders. to Mies HelrnSparks, Bayfield.
KILE — JOHNSTON.— At the residence of
the bridee's father, on June 7th. by Rev. S.
ttoheaon, Mr. Albert ''Bile, of Cairo, Michi-
gan, to Mies Jennie, daughter of Mr. Wil -
liens .Johnson, of Stanley.
' MCTAVISII—MORRISON.--At the reaidenoe
of Mr. John Morrison, McKillop, on Junc
Oct), by Rev, W. Ottewell, Mr. Alex. F. Mc-
Tavish, of Gad's Hill, Ont., to Miss Edith
Morrison of MuKiliop. '
7th. at. the residence of the bri'le'e parents,
by Rev. 1). Forrest, of Walton, Mies May,
only daughter of Mr. Peter Watson, to
James S',ldlee, of Morris.
MCCLOY.--On Sunday, 4th inst., Mr. Wm.
MoCloy at the residence of bit, eon, 10th
con., Hibbert, aged 79 years last St. Pat
rick"s day, (Mar. 17).
RILRY.—In McKillop, on June 4th, 1S83,
Sarah Jane Riley, aged 24 yearn and 1
A truly marvelous tale of today.
us onsaa
In addition to the prize story of 150 pages there aro
00 racy short stories, sketches, poems and witticisms
from the old i,onc, of TOWN Tortes, that famous and
apicy New York Journal known wherever/English is
rend. No book published this year wi ' afford ouch
charlotte entertainment for hours of summer leisure
anti travel.
Whet "The IndepeS l t'says :--"Once again New
Porte a fashionable society quarterly volume, '1' area
From Toten Topics,' has made its appearance. The
tales aro apicy and the topics inexhaustible. Some of
the tale') skirt along rho very edge of danger, but a
Iirnl hand hotda them bark within the bonds of whole-
some 00580 of propriety."
Alt now$ and book stands or send price, 00 lents, to
TOWN TOPre, 21 West tild Street, Now York.
I. $1.00 pays three months' trial subscription to
Town Torres and yon will get any back number of
Telco From Town Tondos FREE.
TOWN To tea $4.00 nor year.
LIBERAL CLUB OFFER' Town Tortes and "Tales
Froin Town Topics" will both he sent one year for
Town Torsos, tlw great 35—page weekly, is universal-
ly reoognzied as the moat complete weekly Journal in
the world.
Its "8anntoringa" columns are inimitable. Ito
society news, especially of the doings of the 900 of Naw
York, Doston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and all over the
,roorld, is not equalled by any newapapar. Its Financial
Department la authority with all hankers and brokers,
Its •'Afield and Afloat" makes it the moat interesting
paper for all levers of sport--yachtlnp, foot !tall, row.
Mg, shooting, aching. etc. Its "On the Turf" excels
all other racing notes. Ito bnrleequee, poems and
Jokes aro rho cleverest. Its stories aro by the beet
writers—among them Amelia Rives, P. Marion
Crawford, Jnlinn hawthorn°, EdgarFaweott, Jerome
K. Jerome, Gilbert Parker, Mary 5. hawker ("Lanos
Falconer"), Barry PaIn,Paul Bourget, eta., oto., etc).
—Mrs IT, J 111 hast formerly
of I.russets, died lat.Gr'a.na Rapids
quite soddenly op °Sut4,duy of typhoid
--Thomas McVey, a Gloucester
former, owns a handsome mare that.
wave birth to three colts the other day.
They are all in fine condition, and the
,hare is also in splendid health.
—A new•post.offise to be known by
the classical name. of "Salishury"• will
be opo re shortly in Washburn's
building o the sideroad between the
2nd and 4t i concessions of Biddulph.
—With a view to avoid frand by
using old law stamps, already cancelled,
the color of the different denominations
of stamps have all been changed, and
as the stamps are now cancelled by
punching, fraud in this direction will
henoefort') be it p g;ibte,
—On account of the satisfaction
given as a teacher in the Collegiate
Institute, Goderich, Miss Millie Aiken
has been notified by the Minister of
Education that she is exempted from
further examination. and her certificate
will be made permanent.
—On Tuesday lest while a number
of men were rafting poles at Pine Tree
harbor, Wiarton, for the Cleveland
Cedar Co , by an accident four of them
were drowned. The names of those
drowned are1. Smith, Norrie, Mowat
and Witfield. The sad affair has cast
a gloom over the whole Faction.
—The magnificent Villa Maria Con-
vent at Notre Dame de Grace, a couple
of milpe out of Montreal city limits,
was destroyed by fire on Thursday
afternoon. All the inmates escaped
in aafetv. Lose between $500,000 and
$600,000. Insurauce will not cover
one-tenth of the loss. Some plumbers
were working in the top storey above
the chapel and it is supposed that
their mall stove upset, while the
plumbers were at dinner, setting fire to
to the woodwork.
--Some party or partibe went to a great
deal of trouble to get into the bar room
of the Qttneen'e hotel, \litehell, (old
Lark worthy house, Pally Sunday morn-
ing last. \Vith a brace and bit they
bored thirteen holes in the door in a
circular shape, and taking the centre
piece out a heed was pacified in and the
door unbolted. All the burglars found
to reward them for their trouble were
some cigars, a free drink, we suppose,
and 85 cents in small change. Mr.
Witte, the proprietor, has no,suspicion
as to the guilty parties.
—The Globe thus refers to an'
old Huron boy, Dr. McCesey who spent
his youth in the township of Morris,
near Belgrave: Dr. J..L. McCasey, of
of the Kansas State Insane Asylum at
'1'opelca, is the guest of Lawyer F.
S. Mearns £his week. Dr. McCasey is
making a tour of inspection of the in,
sane asylums of the east preparatory to
entering upon the duties of his office in
July. Dr. McCasey says Dr. Daniel
Clark, of the Toronto Asylum for the
Insane, is the ablest and most profound
man on mental disease he has met
during his tour. Dr. McCasey wag
educated et Toronto University, and is
proud of his alma mater, and is shaking
hands with many of hie professional
brethren in this city.
-James Ross, cabinetmaker, Kincar
dine., has just completed the mos
wonderful piece of furniture in thee
Dominion. It has taken all hie spare
time since the year 1888 and a large
amount of patience and perseverance
to make this great secretaire and
writing desk. The main part is made
of dark walnut, and is inlaid with the
greatest collection of woods ever Been.
The woods have been obtained from
different parts of Canada, the United
.States and Europe. There are over
53,000 pieces in the cabinet, of all
shades and colors. On the lower part
are half revolving doors, which, when
opened, by a secret spring, disappear
noieelesely and lock automatically when
closed. The top is set on in European
style. The star on the dial pointing
to the twelve hours of the day only
covers two inches of space, but con
'tains 284 pieces of wood, some as small
an the naked eye can eee. Hiero•
glyphice emblematic of various secret
orders are skilfully inlaid in woods of
many kinds. It is all solid • wood (no
veneers) beautifully finished in oil.
The cabinet is the result of three years
careful and patient toil, and will no
doubt attract the' admiring gazes of
thousands of vieitors at the World's
—A 'sad accident.—The Expositor
says : " One of the saddest accidents
in the history of our town occurred on
Monday evening tacit about half past
six. It appears that Fred Coventry,
only son of Mr. Thomas Coventry,
and one of Mr. David Johnson's sons
were playing in the rear portion of Mr.
Johnson's residence. A gun was stand
ing in the corner, empty, as they
thought, and while fooling with it the
gun went off, the whole charge, wad
and all, lodging in young Coventry's
right breast. As soon as. possible after
the accident he was taken to his home,
close by, but Doctors Scott and Mepay,
after thoroughly examining the wound,
could hold out no hone, as the right
lung was entirely destroyed. It was
onlv by the constant administration of
stimulantrl that his strength could be
kept up at all, and being conscious all tht
time, he euffered terrible pain. Short-
ly after ten o'clock he breathed his last.
legiate Institute pupils marched in n
body in the procession, as a mark of
tl'lirt now of the aPeidiliit spread vory
tiilioltiy, and very many of our chime
congregated in Ute vicinity of the house,
awaiting the reports of the physicians,
Seldom Lias such widespread interest
been aroused in our core tuunity or tnore
heartfelt sympathy gone out to hercay-
ed ones. It was eo awfully sudden
that it was attnoet past belief. The
blow is a terrible one to Mr. and Mrs.
Coventry, who thus lose, without warn
ing, almost in a twinkling, as it were,
their only eon, their pride and hope.
Fred Coventry was just a little over
sixteen, a quiet, well-behaved, manly
boy, liked by everybody. He left the
Collegiate Institute only a short time
ago to take a position in Logan 4.3 Co'e
Bank. The funeral took place on
Wednesday afternoon, the body being
interred in Egmondville cemetery, and
was very largely attended. The Col -
respect to their deceased fellow student.
First etc' now arrived direct from
Redpath's Refinery, MU
Quality the P rest
Prices Elle Lowest,
Special Outs in 100 Pounds or
Butter and Eggs wanted.
Cures Cononxnption, Coughs, Croup, sore
/leroat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
Rar a Larne Sid*, Back or Cheat Shiloh's Porous
Piaster will give great satisfaction. -mag cent°.
Mee. T.A. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn., earl:
"Sltiloh's Vitalizer "SAVED rtY L1FB). 1
consider .t thebestremedyferadebfdltatedaastem
1eerueC."For Dipops, Liver or Sidney
1 �.®ii'SJ;CATAR 1� R
' • ,t„v R IE M E Det.
Hove you Catarrh 2 Try this Remedy. I t will
relieve and Cure you. Pelee 50 cis.
i1hts Injector for iia auecocsful treatrueut is
furnished free. llotncmber, Shiloh'$ Remedies
aro sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction.
Wilson & Howe, Successor,
0 --
The undersigned have bought the et
Anderson, and the store will ht
Novelty Bakery a
The new firm will keep in stock et
tau•rant and Green Grocery, and by str
hope to receive the continued patronage
There being some misunderstanding with re-
gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood
that if any person takes possession of any kind
of wreckage, and fails to rep.: rt to me 1 shall al
once take proceedings. Rome t iwr this is the
last warning 1 shill give. CAPT. \VM. BABE.
Receiver of 11'reels, Co:lerich,
Codericlr, Sept. ith IiOi,
don Gunrflnjtiarii,
Canadian Express Agent,
Fresh id atltiies and Bloaters. Oysters
constantly on hand. Also some
Canadian Cranberries, cheap.
4100,000 to loan on farm property
at -i. per cent., straight loan. 1\o com-
mission. Also 0 liinitecl amount of
private funds at 5 per cent.
T. E. McDonough.
Loan and Insurance Agent.
Office, Jackson Block, Huron street,
Clinton, Ont.
Names of the District Masters, Primary
Lodge Masters, their post office ad.
dresses and date of meeting.
'A. M TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. 0,
John Nell, W.D.M., Centralia P. 0.
219—Robt. Hutchiu'oa. Greenway, Friday
on or before full moon.
662—Thos. H. Coursey, Lucan, Saturday on
or before full moon.
493—Richard Hodg,ine, Lucan, Wed nes
day on or before full moon.
826—William Haggart, Grand Bend,Wed-
nesday on or before (till moon.
890—Thomas Longford, Maplegrove, Wed-
nesday on or before full moon.
924—Lewis H. Dickson, Exeter, 1st Friday
in each month.
1071—John Halls, Elimviile, Saturday on
or before full moon.
1097—James (tethers, Sylvan, Monday on
or before full moon.
1210—Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday on
or before full moon.
1343—Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on
or before full moon.
910—.Joshua Huxtable, Centralia, Friday
ou or atter full moon.
Andrew Miliian, W.D.M., Auburn J',0.
145—James Cox, Goderich, 1st Monday in
each month.
153—Andrew Million, Auburn, Friday on
or before full moon.
182—Geo. M. Cox, Goder•lch, last Tues-
day in each month.
180—F. McCartney, Ifolmesyllle, Monday
on or before full moon.
202—James McLean, Saltford, 3rd Wednes-
day in each month.
30C—Matthew Sheppard. Clinton, let
Monday in each month.
James Horsey, W.P.M., Winthrop P.O.
710—John Ford, Clinton, 2ncl Monday in
each mon+• 1.
813—James Iiorney, Winthrop, last Wed-
nesday before full moon. '
928—Joseph Rapson, Summerhill, 1st
Monday in each month.
793—Wm. Horsey, Seaforth, 2nd Monday
in each month.
Robert Nicholson, W.D,M., Blake P. 0.
24—James Pollock, Bayfield, 2nd Satnrdny
in each month,
808—James Keyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in
each month.
833—Wm. Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Wednes-
day In each month.
733—John Berry, Hensall, 1st Thursday in
each month. '
1035—Willlam Rathwell, Varna, 1stThurs-
day In each month,
r -Noce.—Any omis,lont or other errors will
be 'promptly corrected on writing direct to the
County Master, Tiro. A. 11. Told, Clinton P.O.
Beaver t111
Next Harlan
The highest market pri
Electric Carding ,M
First -Class Rolls C
Wool and Caroling sent
We keep a large aid well assorted stock of
Tweeds, Blankets, Sheeting,
Horse Blankets, Yarns.
Single, Double and Treble Ply. All -Wood Socks and Hose,
Knitted Goods of all kinds.
0 —
Custom Spinning, Weaving, Fulling and Finishing taken in
and sent to the Mills at Union, and returned at short notice,
atlowest possible prices. Our goods took two diplomas and
gold medal from several different factories three successive
years. We do business on the square ; call and see us.
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give
estimates for and;huild all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest
prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c.
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, mannfactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders.
McColl's Cr-Y—L ,_1'DMp, O=Lr will wear
twice as long as any other make. Tho finest High grade
Engine Oils are manufactured by
McColl Bros. & Co., - Toronto.