The Huron News-Record, 1893-06-14, Page 2muses w holt baaaat ,tyar'r Sarsaparilla, and f wartthR ult. rive restent nae health'$O rlfacik 27 E rninurerca at., San- lantattio �ettatrrh: .my.tleu hter`ea►a>llfctedfoca�earlya.� yoa with catarrh, The pbysiowns bemg unable t" help hark `toy for recon mended, Aye11 lsarseparllhr, followed his advice, 1hre, of months lar @ foga keattpant with Aygrt Sarsaparilla and Ayer s Pilis completeb xestorod myY ,d�aughter a health.'.,'•Mir„ LotliA iQUO, l it4ti catlada, Ware, Mass, RhOumatjsm. "For several Years, 1{ was, troubled wit) rrtflanimatory rheumatism, ;ming', so bad a tunes as tongs entirely. helpless. For tholes Iwo years, whepever I felt the effects of th 44,catc, I began to take Aye Sarsaparilla and haveNO not hape)! fur'a lopg tune. E, T, I-Aansbrough, Elle ltun, Iror isll :blood diseases, thi 'POO remedy lo �a.rrsaparl l la,' Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Sr Co., Lowell, Masi Sold by all Druggists, Price $r; six bottles, $ Dares others, will cure yo; The Huron News -Record 81.50 a Year—$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday, June 14t1t, 1893. THE EXODUS, '. Grit journals would have us believe that the exodusters, as the Hamilton Sj:ectator terms them, are " the pick and flower of the country," and that their leaving Canada is solely and en- • tirely due to the awful N. P. As a matter of fact the beat of our race and blood remain in this country, whore they find ample scope for the exercise of those sterling qualities that are at once our national characteristics and our national pride. No need is there to disparage the worth of those who leave us. Would that they could all see their way clear to return to their native country. But their going away is evidence rather of their unfitness to compete in the race of material pro- gress with their brothers at home, than of any superiority over tho men who -*el that Canada is good enough and tbig enough to cherish as a home, to five for, and if needs be, to die for. The "exodus" is due to other causes entirely than those indicated in the speeches and writings of the party of "Rule or Ruin." One cause is the allurement which a great and wealthy nation presents to the imagination of ambitious youth the world oxer, not of one country alone. It is that state of the human mind which leade so many people to think that what a neighbor has is so much better than their own.' A second cause is to be found in that condition of discontent which is.creat- ed by the reiteration of the statement, which is foolish, misleading and mischevious, that Canadians are suf- fering under disadvantages in com- parison with the people of other lands. Where this is repeated oft- en enough, it is at last accepted by many; A third reason is duo to the high pressure system of education, which turns out so many more can. didatee for the arts and professions than a work -a -day population can support. One of the maxims of "Poor Richard" was, "FIe that hath a trade bath an estate," and there is no truer statement. A good tradesman hath a little gold mine at his command so long as be is able to use hand and brain. But the graduates of our High Schools seem averse to agricultural and mechanical occupations, and look to callings which they vainly imagine to be higher and to afford an easier living. They forget that the intelligent, educat- ed farmer who works upon business principles is really the best paid and most independent member of the coo• 'nullity, or that the possessor of a good trade, who learns and applies all there is be •learnt; --and -works at ft in- dustriously, is never at loss for well- paid employment. The Germans un- derstand this, and hence every boy ie obliged to learn a trade of some sort, so that he can have no excuse for in' ability to earn a living, and that what• ever reverse of fortune may happen he can apply his hand to a settled calling. There is hardly a youth of superior education, intelligence and industry, graduating from the High Schools, but can find ready openings for his best talente in Canada. But there are very many of the lesser qualified who can- not find room, and because they are not at once given good places, being unwilling to work the soil or serve their time at a trbde, become discon- tented and leave the country, often to do well, in a few oases better than they could have done at home by much try- ing, yet in very many cases to do worse or fail utterly. In the Western States opportunities aro created for educated young, men by the in- flux of so many foreigners who are uneducated in the ways and workings of this continent. Bye -and -bye, as every patriotic Canadian hopes and bo- lievde, we shall have this tide of emigration settling in the North West, when the same opportunities will be open to our educated young men with- out the noceseity of leaving the land of their birth, It is such a conaumme- Ai i t' l .n iTN1f'iI`i i 'e 1 deives..tin for then rstaret by A 'alflnlpolresot sad: disbelief in.. the' alouotrr, the effect of whichis not only to prevent foreigners from Horning to till thesoil that we have. 'in such fertility an% *bulldoze*, hitt t r snake the weaker sort Qf sunt people disquieted with their lot. FOR 1#4R4VERS PAR770JL4f� A. gentleman formerly teeiding in Canada dhut awits a ,no '. ' 1� ngas ,, well and . favorably, knotv{r is VictctiA county, says the Lindsay •lirm,'der, writes as v. follows :7 4qwillInclose you, a eQpy of my. assessment An personal• property"only. You will se0 from it the long list of articles that are assessed in thiscountry as compared with Canada. This does not include real estate, 'The taxes teat•• year were sixty mills Qn the dialer, If some of the grit "calantity howlers" of Canada had tares like that to pay how they would h3'wl 1 As it is they are doiug Canada a great injustice in running it down the way they do as their speeches are all reported in the papers in thie country." Randolph, Riley Co., Kansas. The following speaks for itself and will show Canadian farmers, patrons of industry; grangers, and all other loyal citizens that they should at their meetings pass resolutions thanking Divine Providence and the Conserva- tive party in Canada for keeping them so prosperous while farmers in every other land are starving. No comparisons are needed, our rend; era can draw their own conclusions : — STATEAfENT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY in the township of in the county of in the possession or under control of as liable to taxation on the first day of March, A. D. 1893, whose residence on said first day of March was school district No......P. 0. address Description of Personal Num- Aseeseed Property. ber. value. Horse, six months old and under two years Horse, two years old and under three Horses, three years old and $ c. over Neat cattle, six months old and under two years Neat cattle, two years old and under throe Neat cattle, three yeere old and over Mules and asses, six months old and under two years. Mules and asses, two year°. old and under three Mules and asses, three years old and over Sheep, six mos. old and over Boge, six mos, old and over • Goats, six mos. old and oyer Farm Implements Wagons Pleasure carriages, of every description Gold Watches Silver %Vatchen.... Plate and jewelry Piano Fortes Other musical instrum,nts All interest on Bonds of the United States All Bonds and interest on Bonds of any State, Coun- ty, District or .vlunicipal- ity All other Bonds not exempt from taxation Stocks in any Company or Corporation Shares in National Banka Moneys Credits, $.... less legal deductions, $ Average amt. of Merchant's Stock for preceding year. Average amt. of Merchant's Moneys and Credits for preceding year Average amt. of Manufactu- rer's Stock for preceding y ear Average amt. of Manufactu- rer's Moneys and Credits for preceding year Shares in any veesel or boat Tax sale certificates Judgments.... Notes Mortgages Aggregate value of ALL OTH- ER PERSONAL PROPERTY Total amount Constitutional Exemptions$200 00 Total taxable property STATE OF KANSAS,.. ' County, ee : I do solemnly swear, that in the above statement I have truly cot forth all personal property which by law 1 was required to list, either on niy own account or in behalf of others, according to the best of my knowledge. (Signed) Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this ....day of ...... A. D. 1893. Assessor. THE WHEAT OF THE WORLD. The New York Sun publialies a long article purporting to give a summary of prospects of the wheat crop all over the world. The principal conclusions are the following, the figures given being round millions of buehele:--The average production of importing countries is, 772,000,000 bushels, and the annual requirements 1,140,000,000 bushels' 368,000,000 bushels as needed to be imported in the twelve months. The population of these countries are in- breasing at the rate of about 1 per cent. per annum, so that the import require. ments increase by fully 10,000,000 bush. els from year to year. The exporting countries produce 1 531,000,000 bushels, the average for the United States being taken at455,- 000,000 bushels, and the total of their domestic requirements is 1,237,000,000 bushels leaving en exportsurplus of 294,- Q00,000 bushels (giving an average annual deficit of 96,000,000 bushels.) With a O U p p is t' ion of some 373,000,000, each individual requiring more than 4 bush- els per annum, the present aggregate• to. Ip, thanking the ellizenit of Clinton vtd"vicinity for their liberal patronage darT: ing the past three Years, we be to *fl ublo that the - B r. � .EUREKA ,AIKguY' a d , And �L Sp�;, u� u n f et t s better • paeition than ever to 11100esrtfully cater to tho want* of the general public. We, do our own batkiu , save. ,li.eavy expepeee, and tutu out * uaiil , Af BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES,' In ern' ,Oatar q andat the "very lowest living priecot WEDDING CAKES A SPEC1AL,TY.- Bread, ,So,,tlolivert+tl'too.11 lard, the town, FRUITS. 'CO F} CrrEA�, .ca CONFECTIONERY, JOE L. DRINKS, I?it:-bio and' Vtivate (lather inge auppliad. ori, the e1 ortent notice atliberal l<:ittee,. Remember tile 1gotttion,-next Grand Upion I oteli St ith's•Biock Oligtgtri R OAS: Pro OAL NUT, ,STOVE,, GRATE ' and EGO, Why use low grades of Coal •when you ctin get THIS CELEBRATED COAL which gives. twenty live per cent More heat to the ton than any other mined. Hold your orders until we eall uponyou with prices. Orders can be left at our old store in .the' BRICK{ BLOCK or at our new store in the Mc(AY BLOCK. HA RLANaD BROS.,' - Clinton. Ari You Coming to PRE WORLD'S FfflR? C__ -.WORLD'S FAIR COUPON.,- j Chicago's Greatest Family Daily Paper, gas opened a "World's Fair Bureau" for the accommodation of the readers of T-ETE HIT°rRON NEWS-RECO.RD Who may be in Chicago during the World's Columbian Exposition. A thorough canvass of the respectable hotels, boarding and lodging houses in• Chicago has been made, and to any person who brings or sends this Coupon to The Inter Ocean's World's Fair Bureau we will give gar card of introduction to a first class boarding or lodging house, Without one cent of expense. 1, "Remember, you must bring this introduction coupon from your own home paper with you to get the benefits of this offer without charge. • TIIE WORLD'S FAIR BUREAU. Room 212, Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, I11. ' mos, .amintea CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. S. S. COOPER, General Builder and Contractor, ME 0 PROPRIETOR, Tide factory has been under the personal supervision years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short prices. All work is supervised in a mecbanicnl guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and and one owner for eight prepare plans and give notice and on the closest way and satisfaction exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &o, Agent for the CELEBRATED GR.AYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. McCOLL'S OILS ARE THE BEST USE — Fi; MACHINE OIL .CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION- McColl's JY -T t=S-]J�R pip will. wear twice as long as any other make. The .finest High grade Engine Oils are manufactured by McColl Bros. & Co., - . Toronto. POR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. AINOMMININEW requirements of Europe alone exceed 1,460000,000 bushels, of which the Euro• pean fields will, with average yields, pro. duce 1,230,000,000 bushels. In other words, Europe will be des pendent upon other continents this year for 230,000,000 bushels, and as much more or leas as the home pro• duct falls below an average or exceeds it. The probabilities are that the surplus of other continents from the harvests of 1893 will be less than the average, and theit domestic require, ments aro growing in even greater ratio than those of Europe. There are bat two wheat -growing regions, of small productive power, where the areas under wheat have increased during recent years. —Mr. Green, of the Gorrie Gazette has removed his office to Mildinay. —Murderer Martella was electrocut. ed at Dannemora, N. Y., prison Tues. dby. The Italian was pale but showed good nerve. Absolution was granted by a priest. From jealousy Marietta killed another Italian at Saratoga a year ego. After the first c6ntract the physicians pronounced the man not dead and the current was turned on again. For Over Fifty Years. MRS. WlsaLow's SooTntyo Brum has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. 11 disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child Suffering and crying with pain of Gutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs, Win. .low's 800thtngg Syrup" for Ohiidron Teething. 1 will Dependlupone t t, others, thoto is nooor little r mistake( about Boweleccuro Diarrhoea,loicasoltens the Gums and aro- duces Inllammatlon and���ggives tone and energy to the whole system, 'li'ra Winalew's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pteaerl tion of ono of the oldest and beet femalemeta h p p y ns had nurses in the U•nitod States. Price twentyflvocents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world, Be euro and ask for "Mas, WINSLow'S SooTtrtxo Bram" FREE LAW' FOR LYNCHING. The negro lynching at Decatur, Ill., on Saturday was so disgraceful as to bring out a very vigorous protest on Monday from The Chicago Inter -Ocean "The citizens of Decatur who were silent participantsin. an outrageragainst Taw have disgraced their city. They have- helped to place Illinois on a footing with ' Arkansas, 'Texas, and other Southern Status, where to accuse a negro of a horrible crime is'te take his life without show 'of authority." These outrages are increasing all through the North, and but a' week or two ago Michigan was the scene of a brutal lynching. consumption/Cured. An old had placed in hiehandsby an East India mieelong cry the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent our() of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, oleo a positive and radical cure for Nervous Dobility and alt Norvone Complaints, after inthousands tested of eases, baa felt it his duty to make It known to hie eufering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in Gorman, French or English, with dill directions for preparing and using. fleet by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper. W.A. Noras, 820 Powers' Msec, Itoohester, N.Y. 659- y --Rev. J. S. Cook, M. A. of Riply, late of Bluevale, has received the B. D. degree of the Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal. He has also suc- cessfully completed the Post Graduate course for Doctor of Philosophy, in connection with the Illionis lnresleyan University, and will be awarded the Pb, D. degree at the June convocation. Mr, Cook and wife `will sail by S. S. Lobradar on the 17th of June for a two month's vacation in England and the Continent, ,es riage aco BuGtaigs, i'i3AZTOj CARTS AND A v'AGONS- tall of the biat 'who. wltnsbip and material. sir Alt the latest styles; stud most modern imprev.ar menta, • All work warrented, Bepairing and repslutingp;otuptlYItt01140,4 ran. Price* to *nit the ,cunei It jwa 'AG",l'fiRX'- cornot+ Huron sand Qrenge .$treetr ''Chilton SHver IMP•,R1AL C•ALLQ.NS: ABOUT E U•i... ALENT . � . � . TQ • a AMERWWAN ALLO foii,vo•iiiii.0-7.z7OT$ WATER WHITE AMERICAN OI,L, 25c.. GALLON. JOHNSON'S ]K tLSOMINE AND PITRE MIXED PAINTS. CHURCH'S ALABASTINE. JOHN A. BRUCE'S FIELD ;and GARDEN SEEDS. 0 DAVIS 84 ROWLAND, HARDWARE, STOVES & TIftWARE, CLINTON, THE HUB GROCERY. 'We have closed our financial year let of February and find that it has been a year of fair prosperty to us. We wish to render our best THANKS to Customers for their patronage and will always strive to win your con. fidence in future, by giying you GOOD GOODS as cheap as any other House in Town. Our Stock of CHINAWARE, PORCELAIN AND STONEWARE, is well assorted (and as we have a large Import Order coming from England) we will offer them at Close Prices to make room. GEORGE SWALLOW Clinton. HAVE ¥OU NOTICED THAT WE DELIVER ALL OUR GOODS FREE OF CHARGE IN TOWN. - ROCK OIL lOe. per GALLON. BARB and BARDLESS FENCING WIRE, GALVANIZED FENCING WIRE, OILED AND ENMALED STEEL FENCE WIRE, SPADES, SHOVELS, RARES, HOES. 11IIXED PAINT+, KALSOMINE ALABAS'FINE, DAISY CIIURNS. 1 CAR STEEL NAILS JUST RECEIVED. We buy for cash the beat quality of goods only and sell at bottom prices. 13A -Et 1.-1-A- 1\1".D PRO S - STOVE AND HARDWARE, ' - - - • Albert St., Clinto NES LtkfltY. —0 WILSON& HOWE have bought the goodwill and interest id the bakery recently curried on by Mr. R. McLennan, in addition to the Restaurant carried on by Mr. James Anderson, and have amalgamated the two businesses The combination will be carried on in THE OLD STAND IN SEARLE'S BLOCK, and will hereafter be known as THE NOVELTY BAKERY AND RES TAURANT. Mr. McLennan will he our baker. Bread of superior quality will be delivered as usual, and Bread, Cakes, &c., constantly kept on hand and sold only at the Novelty Store. We solicit the patronage of all old customers and many new ones. Wilson-. Howe _ Clinton ocialx otice. 0 As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with a leading firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well. known Masters, all framed anti finished in first class style, and suitable for the beat class of residence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre- gate Thirty Dollars. My motfo'in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods a+ Bottom Prices. Although the principal Seep Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent. I will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at our Store. Our Sock 'is replete and well• selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including best grades in Black, Green and. Japans. 1'ry our Russian Blend and. Crown Blend, the finest in the market. Examine the qualityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts, and bo convinced that Bargain Day with ns, is every business da,, throughout the year, ROBSO.N, China Hall Clinton, Feb. 14, 1893.