The Huron News-Record, 1893-05-17, Page 6Ayer'S HairVigor MakoRi rho 12aie soft hod; Motley, have used Ayer'ie Hair Vigor fat needy five years, 40 my hair ie moist, glossy, and in an excellent state of pro - ovation. I am forty years old, and have bidden the plains for twenty live years." —Wm, Henry Qtt, alms"Mustang 13i11," Newl2stle,, Wyo. Ayer's HairVigor Prevents hair from *lig out. ''A, number of years ago, by recom- mendation of a friend, I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop the hair from falling out and prevent its turning gray. The first effects were most satisfactory. Occasional applications since have kept my hair thick and of n natural color," -- H. E. Basham, McKinney, Texas. Ayer's HairVigor Restores hair after feverA. Over a year ago T had a severe fever, and when I recovered my hair began to fall out, and what little remained turned gray. . I tried various remedies, but without success, till'at la5,t I began muse Ayers Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to, its original color."—Mrs. A. Collins; Dighton, Mass. Ayer's HairVigor Prevents hair from turtling gray., " My hair was rapidly turning gray and fallib out; one bottle of Ayer's Halo VdgOrthas remedied the trouble, and my hairie. now its original color and full- ness."—B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, O. 'Iepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Lowell, rdass. . Bold by Druggists and Perfumers. ,The Huron Newts+Record 81.60 a Year -51.26 in Advance !Wednesday. May 17th, 1893. THE BEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Many thoueande of unsolicited lettere have reached the manufacturer; cf Scott's Emulsion from those cured through its nee, ot Consumption and Scrofulous diseases! None can speak so confidently of its merits se those who have tested it. —We dip the following interesting item from the Carberry, Manitoba, News, of the 28th ult. The latest mar- riage it is our privilege to announce took place in Winnipeg, on the 35th inst., when Air. Robert Fairley, mer- chant, of this place. and Miss May Duncan, of Seaford', Ontario, formerly of Clinton, united hands and fortunes, The happy couple arrived here on Wednesday evening, and were met at the station by many friends and driven to their ,•nPw home. Here the Christian E adettvor Society had assem- bled to welcome them, and presented Mr. Fairley with an easy chair, which is emblematical of comfort, tranquility and settle happiness. Mr. Fairley has recently been appointed elder in the Presbyterian church, and he was the originator of the Christian En- deavor Society here, and now having abetter•half' equally ss enthusiastic in religion, we look for even greater things from Mr. Fairley." "The flowers that bloom in the Spring" are 'not more vigorous than are those persons who purify their blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The °abled Elixer Vitas could scarcely impart greater vivacity to the countenance than this wonderful medicine. —The Bayfield correspondent, to the Expositor says :—The Porter's 11111 correspondent to The NEWS -RECORD seemed to have worked himself up to a great state of excitement about a saw. ing thatch between John Elliott and John Blair against the Blair Brothers,of Bayfield. He says that Blair and. Elliott, of Goderich township, are pre- pared to match with Blair Brothers, of Bayfield. for any num they like, and for your correspondent to "put up or shut up." These f3aytield people are not so easily scared, and take pleasure in infot ming tle Goderich township braves that Shey are ready, and to show that they mean business have placed the sum of fivedollars in the hands of Mr. James Pollock, of the River 'Hotel, and are willing to meet the Goderich town'. ship team in a sawing match for fifty dollars a side, wherever they say and give them to June tat to make arrange n1ente. If ever a man feel,' like "a nnnr worm of the dust," it is when he suffers from that tired feeling. Ayer'e Streaparilla removes this discouraging physical condition and imparte the thrill of new life and energy to every nerve, tissue, muscle, and fibre of the whole body. —The Licence Commissioners for South Huron have authorized the isle. ing of liquor licenses to the following parties, viz: —Seaforth—T. Stephens, J'os. McCliuchy, H. J. Edsall, Levi Walper, Wm. Flannigan and Jas. Dick; Shop—Ed Dawson ; \V1101esale, Henry Jackson. Tuckersuffth—Wm. Kyle ; Wm. Dixon, Brncefield. Bayfield— Ed, •Elliott, Jas. Pollock. 9tanley— Geo, Foch, Brucefielcl ; Wilson Cook, Varna ; John Bressau, Drysdale ; Henry Schafer, Kippen. Ilay.—.Win, Nicholson, Blake ; Chas Greb and H. L. Peine, Zurich ; W, Hodgins and J. Cox worth, Hensel!. Stephen—Mrs. Hodgins and Wm. Moffatt, Centralia ; August Hill and Walter Clark, Credi- ton; Wm Holt, Kniva ; Jae. Hannah, Shipka ; Patrick Hall, Mt. Castel ; Robt. McFa11S, Corbett ; Jos. Brenner, Grand Bond ; Hettry Willerti Dash- wood. Usborne—Thos. Fotheringham, Woodham; Josialt McDonald, Devon. Exeter—Mrs. Page, W. T. Acheson, T. W. Hawkshaw, John Leatilorne ; Shops. --Farmer Bros., F, J. Knight. '!there°are six fewer licenses granted this year than last. �.4. • SQ.40111) WiT11 A Akio. l t S3xs,'-'4 hath .ttoli< h Severe equgle ,that my thrust felt ole if aoraneti with a rasp. Ott tatting Dc. Weod'e Nor.way "Plne Syrup f found the first doe gave relief, and the stio0nd bottle upmpletely cured eie. Miss A. A. Dowsnxa blaaotlo, Out, —J. A. Morton, D. D. G. M. for North Huron for the A. F. and A. M. has been uilivielly visiting the lodges in hie district. Last week he visited the lodges in Tara, \Viartou t)hesley, Ford, wiuh anti Teeswater, - Ou Tuesday evening be visited the loJge at Brussels. Just full of improvements—Dr. Pierce', Pleasant Nellete. To begin with, they're the amelleee, and the eeeieet totape. they're tiny, sugar-uoated anti bilious graaulaa, scarcely larger than mustard seeds. Every unild is ready for them. Thee, after they're taken, instead of disturbing and shocking the system, they aot in a mill, easy, add natural way. There's no chaotic) for 'any reaction afterward. L'heir help taste. Cunetipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Stele or Bilious Headaches, and all derangement. of the liver. stomach and towels, are promptly relieved and per. inaneatly cured. They're put up in glass elide, widish keep them always - Iretth and reliable, uclike the ordinary pills iu wooden or pasteboard boxes. And they're the cheapest pills you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satiefaotion, or your moony is returned. Yon pay only for the good you get. —Sitneoe is first in the field with an offer for the proposed trottiug match between Alvin and Geneve for the ohanapionehip of Cauade for the D.tvia purse. The trotting aesoeiatiun of that town offers $1,500. A COMPLICATED CASE. DEAR Sftty,—I wag troubled with bilious - nese, headache and lose of appetite. I rout' not rest at night, and was v ry weak, but after using three bottlee of B. B. B. my appetite is good and I am better than fn years past. I would not now be without B. B. B., and am also giving it to rny children. MRS. WALTER BURNS, Maitl tad, N. S. —The budy of William Ramahaw, who disappeared from his home at Acton, Out., on April 25, was found in Mr. J. Harvey's mill darn at Acton. The Age, published in Jewett, O;cio, says: "We carry but one patent medic:sue 'ad,' that of J C. Ayer & Co., L•iweil, Mass., and world not do this were it not that the firm is as square in its dealings as any bank, ,and its prraepationer.f the very highest class. The life of the editor's better half wile once saved by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, after the physicians had failed to give her relief." Mrs. Welsh of St. 'Thomas, mother - in law of Rev, W. G. Freeman, Poll out of a eecoud storey window while walk. lug in her sleep and received injuries which may prove fatal. IT HAS BEEN PROVED. It has been proved over and over again that Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia, biliousness, headache, scrofula, anti all diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels. Try it. Every bottle ie guaranteed to benefit or cure when taken according to direotions. —Pope Leo received last \Vedn3s- day 500 Catholic pilgrims, who hail come from Garment' to testify their devotion to his holiness. The Pope has made arrangements to receive 800 pilgrims from Malta on May 21. M Y LTI'rLEBOY. GENTLEMEN,—Aly little boy tad a severe hacking cough and could not sleep at night. I tried Hagyard's Pectoral Bateman and it cured him very quickly. MRS. J. HACKETT, Linwood, Ont. —The Queen is to unveil this week in Kensington Gardens the statute of herself by her daughter Princess Louise. The Princess Louise, who is a sculptor of considerable merit, received £500 for the work, the cost of which has been defrayed by local euL- scription. FOR FROST BITES. Stas,—For chapped hands, sore throat and frost bites I find nothing excels diag- yard's Yellow Oil. 1 had my feet frozen three years ago and obtained no relief until I used Haxyard's Yellow 011, which soon healed up the frozen pert. CHAS. LONGMCIR, Almada, N, W. T. —A Port Arthur despatch an• uounces the death at Fort William of Rev. Father ilerbert, chief of the Jesuits, from inflammation of the lungs. HAVANA TOBACCO SEED. To the Editor of the News Record. DEAR Fir no. --To promote and t(> intro- duce the culture of tobaccos in Canada I have imported barge gnn.ntities ot Ilitvana tobacco seed, which i will give away to anyone who wishes to grow it. Same may be had either by calling or writing for it to J. ai. FDRTtER, 141) St. Maurice St., Montreal. Montreal, May 3rd, 1893. 008E825, IRE GREAT. NE65I COUGH CURE 25C 50ct 'Ii.. SHILOSI ci;Del ir; 3c Cares Vortsnmption, Coughs, croup, Soro Throat. Sold by ail Druggists on a Guarantee. nor a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great entisfaction.—e.5 cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Mra. T, 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn. eay8 'Shdoh'a'Vitatirer'84VED Bh r r 'r. x emtstder ttthebectretneayforadetetttatedst,etem I ever nett!." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Sidney trouble itmode. Frio? i5ete. 14 ILO H'nt CATARRH RFMEDSP Have you Catarr,•? Try this Remedy. It will ppositively relieve and Cure you. Price 50 ets. Thte Injector for its eueceeafnl treatment is furnished free. Romemher, Shiloh's Remedies aro sold on a guarantee to &eve eattsractdon, AM" flatee low t15Kfiy golden. ' Wits tier !,tale, They, nuttehsd it volt), an ti burn shade; Qua fieldtn'5a made ip Order, and nouttr eotd,'twas ready made -W. rtsrurptorr, In May clodoyR HIS ROAM -MATE. Smaller thatt lie, fairer,• daitttler. purer; without hie temper er lila whites, without itis worries, w'ithottt hie fears—and vet so sympathetic that all hie pleasures and pains were hers too—}tis room -mate, surely, was itis better half. Ho was ver fond of her=—loved her, per. haps, after a fashion, and he did a' hundred little things to please her (after all, you know, it rs the little things that truly please us), and she was pleused with every- thing be did, just ttecsupe it was he who did it. Ile hardly homy how pleased ale wee; had he, he would have treated her a little better, 1• think. Still she loved him for what he did do, and did not dislike him nor blamed him for nut tiding what he might have done. Her love of hint Wan Simple and pure and eatiltied. She pleased hint because alio was always the same. He knew where to fled her ; it was the finding ot what he looked for iu her that delighted him. He looked not for love to find reproaches ; lie looked not for sympathy to find distance; nor for fellow- ship to find strangeneae. She seemed to understand him and to know his wants, by intuition. They lived together, he and ehe, in apart meets up town. He was a poor writer himself and could not afford a better place. Their room was largo and su nuy ; its furnishings were simple and sufiicieet. On the floor were rugs—she was as fond of rugs as he of books; he had his favorite volume, she her choice carnet or skin—he could afford such things because .he loved them. She wears home body and seldom went out; nor did she seem to care to know the people about her. He did not blame her foe that, however—they were not very nice people. He had taken her from n world vastly different, from his own. His friends won- dered at his fondness for her ; sante of them were disgusted at the intimacy—for, you see, they did not understand her, nor see her its he did—they Itu,•w only that he had "picked her up," as the Baying is, on the street. When ho Dame home from work—he worked in a newepapbr office down town— she was always at the door to meet him. She never mistook his step ; never listened for others. That first caress at the doer she loved so dearly. When he was not worried with busin^.sa, or wae not reading, he would take het' in his arms and love her --as she loved most to be loved. They were a very happy pair of roorn-ntales. He used to say to her : "I wonder how oug we can live thus together ? We are so happy" One day he came home and coming in did not mind her offered caresses --did 'not take her in his anns—did not call her his "old sweetheart," but changed his dress and went away•hastily, leaving her with hardly a word. And aeain lie, did it, and again. She did not know why. She was miserable. And then he wont away and stayed days and days—a week nearly. She lived par- tially with the fancily below—they saw that she was alone and took compassion do her ; but it was a compassion that brought no peace. %Vhen he did come home she bounded to the stairs to meet him ; but there was someone with hiin--a woman ; and he had his arta abaft her. His "aid sweetheart" drew back. Who was this new one coining into her realm? What could it mean ? She crept hack into the shadow of a heavy curtain and watched them. They salt down in the great arm chait—he with his arms about her. '1''he eon came in—a flood of gold, and fell on the red rug before them. Out of the window they could see the tops of many houses be. low them. "To have you here, where 1 have worked and lived, and to know that you are soon to be mine, mine, mine, dearest, fills me with a joy undreamed before," and he drew her close into his arms and kissed her again and again. His 'bid sweetheart" stole nut from the shadow of the curtain and came and stood before him, and looked up into his face. There was no reproach in the look, no blame, only wonder. Then she bounded into the lap of the woman who sat beside him, and rubbed her soft, furry head against her hand—purring the while.— Jerome 0, Bull. %'omen's Tooting for Rest.• The Women's Rest Tour Association was formed in 1801, by several women of mod. crate means, who had learned by experi• ence that foreign travel was easier and cheaper than they had thought, and . they determined to give to other woolen the in- formation they hail gained, and to which they are adding daily. For details, address Woman's Rest Association, 264 Idoyeton St., Boston, Mass. Life. Ah, what is lite, so brief at hest— A waking between rest and rest; An insect's trail along the sand; A gem's bright. flash upon the hared; A wave line traced on ocean's shore, Just rippled there, then seen no inot•e; A breath upon a frosted pane, A moment warmed, then chilled again; The shadow of a cloud that stays Until obscured by passing haze. Cutlet think of aught more brief, more fleet, To image forth 1'ima', Hying Leet 7 ill'et in trice ",haduw," in the "breath," Our love awakes nhich knows no death, And lite, 0hich seems so brief to be, Is crowned by immortality, —Margaret May. And He Mixed His Metaphors. A man who had attained remarkable sue. cess in life w; a called upon rather suddenly to address a body of students at the Uni- versity. Ilia forte was not exactly speech- making, bnt he succeeded in giving some excellent ad vice, which he,elosed by saying: "Young gentlemen, if you have a spark of genius in you water it."—Pciladelphia Cast. Cost of Rosewood. Some people suppose that rosewood takes its came from its color, but that is a mis. take. Rosewood is not red or yellow, but almost black. Its name comes from the fact that, when first cut, it exhales a per. fume similar to that of a rose; and, although the dried rosewood of commerce retains no trace of this early perfume, the name lin- gers as a relic of the early history of the wood. Criminal Cases In Canada. Tho eagerness with which our District Attorneys plead for the conviction of pris. oners on trial and the positiveness with whtoh they assert a man's guilt form a marked contrast to the procedure in Cana. dtan courts where these officials lay thofaote impartially before the jdry and allow the to decide unbiased upon the guilt or inn cenco of the accused.—N. Y. Herald. 441 AtAtcafaeraeitiir heftier (Air hording $1 for flretnteetk. cowl Geo. rem 14Aaytlan(tnnatit. NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re• geed to wreuk,,ito, ict It be distinctly understood that If any person takes pOebtbeton of any !find of wleeka0e and tails to report to me 1 shall al ones take proceedings. Reuletnber this is tit• last warning 11311511 give. ()APT. WM. Case. Receiver of Wrecks, Oodetiub. O4derleli, Sept. 711 1s1) . 'Ulf SALE. Lae No, 7 fond s., Din ley Terrace containing Si acres of land, dwelling hoose, bunt and orchard. The tw story brick'beti the imitable'ifortstorecanton. and dwell- ingAlso, Muse, cellar 54x24, aouut one.t)tth acre corner lot opposite queens Hotel, Victoria St., Clinton, Ont. Also village lots 7, 8, 9, in Blyth. Out. The above property will be sold at a bargain to settle up estate. orto Apply trming ,t . J. Scott. eolliciters(I Clinton, or ter o T. M. Carling, auctioneer. 7426?. -1 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance •Golpany Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. orrtcttae. .1 E. Shannon, ISeeyTreas., Seafo the P, 0. Senfrth P.U. John Ifannah, Manager, Seatorth P. 0. Dlnttcross,l B ton ae. OebrieltooElliott forClinton nal George' ChM Watt Ilarlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shun non, Walton; 'rhos. Garbutt, Clinton. AeeNTh. Thos Notions, Matlock ; Robt. Me731llhen, Sea. forth ; S. Carnochan, Sentorth. John O'Sullivan and Deo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to erred Insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attend• ed to on n..plication to any 41 the above officers, addressed to their respective post calces. John Cunningi�a�, GREEN GROCERS, :-: :-: CONFECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent, ALBERT ST., CLINTON. Fresh IT eddies anti Bloaters. Oysters canstautl1 011 hand. Dian some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. Cantelon Bros., GENERAL. GROCERS & PIIGVI,,- IO;\; MERCHANTS, Grockei'y, Glass ce Chinaware ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. I1ighest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs. 752.1y FARMERS, ATTENTION! $IOO,Ooo to loan on farm property at51 per rent.. straight loan. No com- mission. Also a, limited amount of private funds at 5 per cent. 'fl'. E. ileDo>tloH;;h. Loan, anti fnsurance Agent. • Office, Jackson Block, 1-fiiron street, Clinton, Ont. REA n THIS. One copy of a newspaper that reaches the hr m Is worth more for the purpo sea of advertising that three that don 1." P. T. BARNUMM. =4-=+=x it floes make some concerns tremble to think of the money they spend in advertising. But then it all comes back. The results from advertis- ing maybeslow b'tt they are sure.. `It:Doesn't take a very smart person to rate] cold but a man or firm must be wide awake and enter• prising to catch bade Newspaper advertis• ing is the surest way. HONEST HELP FOR MEN PAY NO MORE MONEY TO QUACKS. A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility and Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such a remarkable manner, after all else had failed, that he will send the means of cure FREE to all know suf- ferers. Address, with stamp, MR. EDWARD MARTIN, (TEACHER) BOA 143, DETROIT, MICH. " Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etch For information and free Ettndbook write to MUNN & CO.. eel BROADWAY, NEW Yens. Oldest bureau for securing patents to America. Every patent taken oug by us is brought before the public by anotice given free of charge in the of fienixfxr Ititterican Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent year;man should bo without It. weekly, SR3.00 a PIBri n8 months.ir 1 adway New MUNN my. —The Government haft decided that the proposed new regulations with re- gard to fishing in Lake Huron and Lake St. Clair will not be put into force this Season, so that fisher, men will be able to ply their vocation under the old regulations. SACRIFICE SALE .1."1"...•••••• 8001(8, —--• eooKs, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, FANCY GOODS, &o. In order to clean out the entire stock of W. H. SIMPSON it has been decided to offer the same at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such prices as will make it of advantage to purchasers to select from the stock. THE STOCK MUST BE.SOLD OUT. PRICES ARE FIXED ACCORDINGLY. This is a Genuine Clearing Sale and it is desired to clear the whole out in 30 days. NGE & 1 ` M BANANAS 20 CTS. PER DOZEN. 0 --- Cots' City Restaurant, NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. Eureka Bakeru and Restaurat, -- 0 In thanking the citizone of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur— ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA ]BAKERY end RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to • eoa•neefully cater to the wants of the general public. 'We do our own hakiii , save heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, t =C., equal to any in West ern Ontario and'et the very lowest living prices, WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &o., delivered to all parts of the town. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, COOL DRINKS. Pic-nic and Private Gather- ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates; Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. B E In BR OS., Proprietors. tea. HAT ARE THEY? Why ! They are THE CELEBRATED PALMETTO BRUSHES which will last three times longer than any other made. Try them. GOLD MEDAL CARPET SWEEPERS, MRS. POTT'S IRONS, DOOR MATS, ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS, ROCK OIL 10c. per GALLON. We deliver all our Goods free of charge in town. Iron and hardware, - Clinton. CHANGE OF BUSINESS —0,—_ Wilson. & Howe, Successors to James Anderson. 0 The undersigned have bought the stock, goodwill and interest of Jame -4 Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as tbe• Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a first-class Res— taut-nut and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy hope -to receive the continued patronage of all old eustomere. WILSON & HOWE, - spm - Clinton. Do You FEEL Si Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. It you SUFFER FROM 4, .iE, DYS. R1PANS TABULES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, TAK£ 11 you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, orhavaR PANS TABULES LIVER COMPLAINT, TAKE 1170)1? SU FER DISTRESS AFT R EATINGYou TAKE R'PAN' TABULES • For OFFENSIVE end ALL Dim - TAKE RIPANS TABULES DERS GF TileE STOMACH. Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. ,ONE GIVES RI LIEF. EASY TO TAKE ..� QUICK TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold. by Druggists Everywhere. r'Ir K11 MAi"ifft LVf0%01 1