HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-05-17, Page 41 1'l'tQ t, .I
Our Importations direct from England have now arrived and
we are ready for spring orders. We have a magnificent
range of West of England Suitings, Scotch Tweeds and
Irish Serges, Fine Worsted Coatings in a variety of
colors and latest designs, which will be sold to my
customers as cheap on credit as any tailoring establish-
ment can sell for ycash. Having no rents or cutters to
pay, and paying spot cash for my goods, I am enabled
to announce that my prices will defy competition. As
a cutter of Fashionable and Complete Ftting Clothing.
I claim to be in the front rank.
Our Stock of Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's
Furnishings is full and complete.
On and after the est April I open a Cutting School, when I
will teach the "Kennedy Outliner," the best system
that has ever been invented in this; Dominion. For
fu: Cher particulars and terms address
The Huron News -Record
$1.50 a Year—$1.25 in Advance
Wednesday, lilay 17th, 1893.
The duty and mianiou of the press is
generally supposed to be to guard the
intereets of the maims. Sotne news-
paper men do not seem to realize that
their writings, implied or otherwise,
should command the respect and serious
consideration of the whole people.
For instance, we point out to one
journal or the other, that it `has made
statements that are not true or in ac
cordanee with facts and chastise the
deluded or degraded public instructor
as any decent journal should. Another
paper makes an onslaught tinged and
fringed and dyed with Tying deception
and the public aro told in cold blood
that all is sacredly true. THE NEWS -
RECORD repudiates the falsehoods and
demands the proof.
We believe in being just and
true to all mea. We know that
we, as well as they, sooner or later,
must meet our Maker and give
an account of ourstowardship. We do
not and cannot judge the future of our
fellow beings. But we can and do
judge matters in this sinful world of
which we positively know.
THE NEWS -RECORD has received in
some respects kind treatment from
our brethren of the press since the
present editor assumed the entire man
agement of this journal. In some re-
spects we have not. However,the latter
class of false and malicious writers will
not alter our course or deter us from
telling the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth.
THE NEWS -RECORD is pointed to as a
purely Protestant journal, a newspaper
that will not give Roman Catholics
justice. Tho charge is made because un
scrupulous bigots desire to bring grist
to their own mill while they themselves
profess to he true Christian Protestants,
following only the meek and lowly
Jesus Christ. The Protestant religion
is the correct religion, we believe. It
is the religion of our birth—the
religion we defend and support. If
any of our patrons cannot support THE
NEws-1ccono on that account, they are
at liberty to withdraw their support
from it. If any. of .our professing
Proteatant exchanges do not like THE
NEWS•REcoRn—and there are a few
wh.l do not—we are quits willing to
strike their names oil' our list in order
that wo may not hurt their finer feel-
Ve are not opposed.. to our
fellow Roman Catholic citizens. But
we are opposed to the religion and
machinery of the Roman Church, just
tho same as Roman Catholics are op-
posed to the Proteatant retTg.jon,
We are opposed to all Fenians
and rebel Canadians and this
particularly rubs and grates the finer
feelings of a ,portion of the press of the
County of Huron. We cannot help it.
An unholy alliance of Grit and rebel
writers in this county fall in line and
bow the knee to Baal in order
that the assassin's midnight knife
tray be plunged to the hilt into
a fellow journalist for party purposes.
Shame upon such tactics 1 Shaine upon
eoealled public benefactors who pro -
fees the Protestant Christian religion.
These same Grit journals go on from
day to day denouncing, from the Globe
down to the Nen Era and Catholic
Record, the Young Britons, the Orange-
men, the I. P. B. A., the P.
P. A., and a hundred and one
other benevolent institutions which are
of Protestant heritage or inclination
We have several Protestant churches.
There are Proteatant preachers who
preach iu them. And we believe they
practice all they preach. Local
preachers are licensed to spread
the light and declare the gospel of
Jesus Christ and some of then]
denounce, not in the pulpit, but iu
the prose, all these Protestant Socio -
ties. Are they Proteetauts 1 Do they
know anything of any si'iyle one of
theseiilstitutions1 No ! These,♦•titers
have never set their foot or feet inside
the sanotuaty.
These same people profess to the
world to be Protestant Christians
and denounce professing Christian
bodies of then whose Constitutions they
will not believe, or whoa) solemn
declarations they refuse to accept.
And these people will ask the whole
world to accept their teaching and
preaching as corning from a pure heart,
from men who are worthy followers
and teachers of the only Savior of the
It greatly pains the editor of THE
RECORD to write in this way. But
we will never desert our poet ofduty
to hold and spread to the world the
truth. These professing Protestant.
Christians are liars and the truth is not
in thein. They will not face a square
issue. The positive proof will never
bo offered to back up their professed
sincere statements.
THE NEWS -RECORD is a Conserva-
tive journal, but it is not bound
body and soul to back up or
endorse any Party. We believe in
being just to all mon and all parties
and Societies. It maters not whether
they be Masons, Orangemen, Maccabees.
Foresters, Borne Circle, 1'. P. A., I,
P. B. A , Temperance, Political,
Roman Catholic or any other
body of respectable people. A portion
of the press do not see how a news-
paper can be 80 consistent,
The circulator of a political lie has
recently been punished in England,
though the lie originated in the United
States. During the recent presidential
campaign a roorback was gotten up
that larg3 sums of money were sant to
the Cobden Club of England to buy
votes for the Democratic party. This
was circulated all over the States, and
on the eve of the election a reputable
New York importer of woollens was
named as the man who brought over
the British gold, A news agency
telegraphed the 'statement to London
and it was printed there. The im-
porter brought suit for libel in London
against the news agency and the case has
just been settled by the agency making
apology and agreeing to pay 81,000 to
some charity to be agreed upon and
costs amounting to some $3,000 more.
A more aggravated politicil and mali-
cious lie has been circulated by the
New Era regarding the Conservative
Party in \Vest Huron. That journal
should sleet the fate of the lying news
agency ad it has tacitly admitted the
falsity of its statements by decliningto
furnish any proof of it whatever,though
THE NEWS- REcorD has held out sub
stantial inducements to have ourcotem.
act up to its Christian, rnoral,aye, legal,
AI mouth or so ago the Near Era
made grave charges against the Con-
servative Party on the apparent strength
of a proven perjurer. We challenged
our totem, in this language on April
12th :—
"Tea News-Rocono will pay $50 for any charitable
purpose In the town et Clinton it the Am Era will
prove under oath before any Majistrate or Comntie-
eloner or court that. the Conservative party aro re-
sponsibleiter (lore', charges against Mr. M. C. Cameron.
Our (totem. said last week that the Conservative party
were responsible. This offer will bold good for"one
month, and it the New Era fano to substantiate the
charge the public can only place our eotem along with
a very undeoirdbie class of people—Ilar,. We earnestly
Lope our ootom will not hesitate to protium the proof,
for positive proof le what Tirt. News -Racoon is atter."
As an honest newspaper, our cotem.
was expected to produce reasonable
proof. On April 14th tho New Era
replied in this hellion :—
"The New Ere doe, not consider that it is called
npon to prove anything an to the responsibility for
Gore's statements, and the aotionn of Tits News-
Roconn are simply for the purpose of diverting atten-
tion from its own humiliating connection with the affair
t e f- la.1N>tity aaobt? rya iS$OR AP 1r0R +04, cad
laethttt fprRlx, it utaT ttab, tbatoata rtra Whatever tp
UItga, bpi it otopgt attar thq etatettteute of rlistivea
414§e, eta tiro Ip1preaeieri ex(Rting iu tbt' yubth chuff
Ronti'aq tq 1ts 9!U Ileo of ar$urt nt,'r
The luestiort -is one of truthfulness
and rut; N ws IREColp will not allow
a0ctteati0na such aa our Worn. made to
be side tracked- In order to not allow
our cotem. to forget our challenge we
said in these columns on April I9th
"Last week THE Nrwe-REeemn challenged the Nete
.bra to make good or produce proof to back twits
Charlie/ against the Conservative Party. W. were so
ainoete in rnikintt the challenge that we offered $30
for any ubaratab!e purpose iu the town o1 Clinton if
the proof would be forthcoming. A public newspaper
that obargee any body of men with a grave offence
against seelety is generally looked upon as having the
mammary, proof to subatad"tirtte its charges, else such
obargee would never be made. Tis Nrws-REoonn
for litany yearn has bad evidence strong as holy writ
as to the utter unreliability of our (totem. in matter.
of politics. On this account we gave our eotem. a
month to produce proof under oath. Dues the New
Era say it has the proof ? No. Doe, that paper say
it will produce evidence? No. Does our totem. say
it will endeavor to make out a case 1 No. It
simply rune away from the issue and in effect deelaree
that it accused the Conservative Party falsely and Is
not sorry for it. The writer has for sumo time been
a member of the Exeoutive of the West Huron Liberal
Conservative Asnoelation and we claim to positively
know that the cowardly statements which we chal-
lenged have no foundation. The New Era has
certainly wilfully and mallolosely deceived the public.
Our offer le still open and will be for three weeks
longer. Our (totem. Is urgently invited toprodnee
proof for its aouueatione or let ice editor retire to the
rear and ktok himself for makiug euoh an ass of him•
eelt and so wilfully deceiving the public."
Receiving no reply or apology frons
our (totem. and knowing full well that
THE NEWS RECORD had truth and
justice on its side, 'Ne still further said
on April 26th :—
"Our town (totem., although two week's have passed
has yet failed:to produce proof that the Censer votive
Party are responsible for Gore's charges against Mr.
M. C. Cameron. We gave the editor of the New Era
a month to do so, two weeks have passed and our
cetera. is silent. We shall see what the remaining
two weeks will brinp. If our eotem. is prepared to
step into the witness box and testify under oath to
something that is absolutely Wee wo shall see what
we shall see. Some people for partisan politiool
triumph wilisay anything but swear to nothing. They
know their bald assertions are devoid a partielo of truth.
Bring on the proof."
And still the New Era remained as
dutub as a nail. The object of our
cotetn., apparently, was to strike
honorable opponents "below the belt,"
to gain a point at the expense of truth,
the safeguard to freedom. Here a
large body of men—respectable men
and good citizens—are charged with a
reprehensible crime, and .the news-
paper that makes the e;.arge remains
dumb when challenged openly to pro
due,a the proof. In order to clear up
the matter THE ' NEWS -RECORD, ou
May 3rd, held out extra iuducementa
to secure the proof from our cotem. as
follows :—
"Throe weeks ago Tile News-REConn offered to pay
850 for any eh aritable purpose to the town of Clinton
if the N.0 Era would prove under oath before any
.00mmissioner or magistrate or court its assertions
that the Conservative Party were renpoosible for
Gore's charges against Mr. M. C. Cameron. The only
reply has been "that Tits NEws-Marano could keep
its $3u up for six months," If the offer is not eetie-
faotery, we will increase the amount to any ecru from
$50 to 8.100, and we will give bonds to pay the money
to any charitable purpose the New Era may name, it
the editor of that paper will make good under evi-
dence and oath (as above stated) that the Coueervative
Party are responsible for Gore's chargee against M. C.
Cameron. TUE Nawe-lit:cuftn is not in the habit of
making reckless charges against respectable people or
public mon or bodies. ' Again, we invite our totem.
to accept the challenge r r make ample apology to the
body of mea it has vilified and slandered."
And still our cotem. was suffering
from paralysis and unable to speak.
On May 10th THE NEWS RECORD allow-
ed the matter to rest in the hope that
the challenge would be accepted in the
New Era of Friday. But we only
waited to be disappointed. On May
10 a responsible gentleman wrote THE
Dean Stn,—As an humble member of the great
Conservative Party,permit no to thank you fur your
manly and straight chaileoge to the rditor of the New
Era in the matter of Gore's charges against M C.
Cameron. The editor of the New Era mutt certainly
have known that his grave chargee were untruthful,
else he would have attempted at leant to have made
out a case ere this. Surely a mouth was enough timo
to prove a serious accusation against a largo and re-
apectable body of 10011. Ae a lowly member of the
tionservat,ve Party I am sure that there would not be
any difficulty in securing $1,000 and plane it along
with the $500 you have already offeredfor theproof
I am indeed pained to know that Mr. Holman would
etigmatige and slander ao many people and crawl
away from supposedly sincere state meats without
backing them up with any proof whatever when
challenged to do so. I had long been a reader of
the New Era and placed some confidence in its stato-
mente, bnt hereafter I must conscientiously seek
other and straight proof beforeI can plane confidence
in any accnentions that paper may make against the
Conservative Party. You have proven the Yew Era
to be unreliable and it, accu+ations have liven proven
to be cowardly. You deserve the thanks of the party
In reply the New Era gives
foreign extracts from outside papers
roflectfng du the ability of the editor
of THE NEWS RECORD. This journa
does not claim any great ability.
Every week, through its columns
it speaks fur itself. It matters not
to us, though, for a spade is a spade.
"See how brethren love each other"
will avail for little if the truth of ar.y
question is at stake. THE NEws-
RECORD will not lyingly take advantage
of political opponents at any time.
We regret exceedingly that THE NEWS -
RECORD, 8e a public journal, has felt
constrained to force our cotetn. into
such a humiliating position. The New
Era, if desiring to be honest, will now
apologise to the ,nen it has vilified. -It
remains to be seen that it will not and
that it is not honest iu its accusations
against the Conservative Pirty. '1'he
Conservative Party, we repeat, had
nothing whatever to do with Gore's
charges against Mr. Cameron.
We mean of course the market in
Britain, During the last ten days a
great amount of stock has been shipped
from tide and other localities for
Britain. Last week there were shipped
from Montreal no less than 4,700 head
of cattle, 101 eheep and 28 horses.
The prospects are bright.
There has been nothing of an ex-
citing nature in the Ontario House
during the past week. The principal
work aeelila t0 have been to continue
to fake from township, village, town,
county and city councils the powers
';euoh belong .ta. then),, How l'ong"tlio�
nta9sea. will a allow their righle to be
taken front then) itis bard to. qay.
Surety not much longer,
A short gime ago we were assured iu
the most positive manner that the coat
of the Hew Parliament buildings iu To•
route would not exceed 81,250,000 at
the very outside. True aaeuraace had
been previously given that the expen-
diture would be limited to 8750,000
and later on to a million. But this
lateen announcement was made with
unusual solemnity and with every possi•
ble guarantee as to its finality. Thum -
day, however, the Hon. Mr. Fraser
was forced to admit that 81,300,000
will be required, in it will not be
surprising now if the finally .final
estimate reaohea the round million and
a half.
Mr. Kerr has now been named for
the Local on the Reform ticket for
West Huron. It is a well known fact
that Mr. Garrow, the present member,
does not like politics and would
much rather be out of,political turmoil.
Some Reformers go so far as to say that
Mr. Garrow will not ocnteet the Rid•
ing again. The East Huron Gazette, e
paper that should know something
about that Riding, remarks:
"Mr. Kerr is a tine fellow and any
constituency would be safe in his hands,
hut he is hardly likely to succeed in
getting nominated in East Huron—and
it might prove unfortunate for him if
he did. But his chances ought to be
good in West Huron where he would
serve as the much-needed leaven to the
lumpy politics of that riding."
The Reform condidate in West
Huron, whoever be may prove to be,
will have a very hard fight to hold the
Riding for Sir Oliver.
A bill has been introduced into tl:e
Ontario Legislature to prevent frauds
in milk. Any person who sells milk
skimmed or partly sour is liable to a
fine not less than $1 and not more than
$50. There is a provision that this
shall not prevent the sale of ekimmcd
milk where the sante is skimmed to the
knowledge of the buyer. Any person
defrauded is to have the, right to re-
cover damages by civil process. In
Clinton there is no cause for complaint
We believe wo are supplied with the.
purest and best milk of any town in
the Dominion. No doubt there will
be plenty of room fur the bill to enc•
cessfully operate in cities and large
towns throughout the province.
A couple of 'letters signed respec•
tively "Hub" and "Wall Eye" appear-
ed in our last week's issue. Some
parties in Goderich have taken offence
at their publication as having been too
personal. A letter this week in reply to
the one signed "Hub" of last week,
appears eigned "West Street horse
Dealer'." It is altogether too personal.,
butes the party feelssorely aggrieved we
consent to its publication. -:1'11E NEWS -
RECORD has no desire to injure any one
in the circular town, or any where else,
for that ]natter. The letters of "Hub"
and "Wall Eye", as occasionally hap•
pens in the 'natter of corieepondence,
were published under a misapprehen-
sion and without malice towards any
ORO. THE NEWS -RECORD, as a public
and fair journal, would exceedingly re-
gret to find that it had, through any
correspondent, injured any person.
We cannot, personally, see that the
publication of the letters referred to
were injurious to any person. Just as
we go to press the following resolu•
tions passed by Eureka Council, R. T.
of T., has been received:
Relolred, "Whereas a journal publish-
ed in Clinton known as THE NEWS -
RECORD and purporting to he 't re-
spectable public organ has published
an article making tt most disrespectful
and unjust reference to a member of
t -itis fraternity, we desire to place
ourselves on record as follows :
First,—We condemn in most unstint-
ed pleasure th15 disgraceful aspersion
of a conscientious laborer for the, good
of society, and the furtherance of:our
Second --We consider that, rho' this
article may really .have been a•colu-
rnunication, that the 'Editor of said pa-
per deserves our severest, censure for
publishing the stupe, and unless an ap-
pology is promptly inserted we feel
compelled to consider this journal un-
worthy of recognition and patronage,
and a foe to temperance and the well-
being of society.
J. E. TOM, S. C.
JAMES A. REtn, It S., pro lent.
To the Editor o1• the Nerf•s h'rror(t
Sra,—I wish to inform .lir. "Hub," of
THE CLINTON N EWs,1?ECogD, who is
evidently a twin of Mayor Butler, that my
usefulness is not all gone. Neither is
Mr. Smith's, for his tannery is still run-
ning on full time, and I have made
arrangements with him in addition to my
horse -buying, to also buy calfskins. I
have an offer from Mr. Smith of 5c.
per lb. for the skin of Butler and the
Clinton "Hub," if their skins are free
from grubs and if grubby, as is likely to
be the case, tic. Aa old Mayor Butler
proposes a shooting exhibition on the
24th of May, I would propose es a coun%
ter exhibition that John Butler and
be taken down• to Goderich harbor on
the acid 24th of May at the' hour of 10
o'clock a. m. sharp, and drowned as
they are not worth wasting ammunition
on any more than female pups are.
You re,
Men's and
y's Clothing
Men's Suits $5.50, $6.50
$7 50, $8.50, $9.50,
$10-50, Fine Worsted at
$12,50, Boy's Suits Fine
Goods $1.50, $2, $2.50,
$3, $3.50. $4, $4'50.
Ladies' and
Misses Mantles
Our Stock is very full of
the very latest things in
the trade in Mantles .&
Wraps, Fine Mantles &
Coats made to order,
Carpets and
Varpets for parlors,
Carpets for Bed Rooms
Carpets for Halls and
Carpets for Stairs,
Carpets for Churches.
Silks and ,
Dress Goods
Full Line of Color Silks
always here and for
fine things in Dress
Goods see this stores
New Materials.
Now Ready for Spring,
Everything in Full Swing.
Dress Goods, Silks, Carpets, Hats and Caps,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes.
Full lines in each department. The best house in town for
good reliable ,goods at the lowest prices. -Come. and see us.
We are bound to take the lead for low prices.
0 —
Plumsteel & Gibbings, Clinton.
. Why use low grades of Coal when you can get THIS CELEBRATED COAL
which gives twenty five per cent more heat to the ton than any other
Hold your orders until we call upon you with prices. Orders can he left at our
old store in the BRICK BLOCK or at our new store in the McKAY
HARLAND BROS., - Clinton.
—According to the late census, there
were in the province of Manitoba over
21,000 unmarried men of twenty years
old and upwards, the number of eligible
maidens was hut 8,401101"--,
Tickets at SINGLE FARE will be issued
on MAY 23rd and 24th, good to return
MAY 25th to all stations on the Grand
Trunk Railway. For all information
apply to
TO\VN AGENT, - - G. T, R.
Having rented the store next to that of Mr. J. H.
e'ntnhe, the nndorslgneti'fe prepared to buy for cash,
any quantity of first class flutter and Eggs. No
trading whatever, but n11 cash.
Clinton April 27, 180:3. ISAAC MORLEY.
AnEnglish safety Wheel, nearly new, will 1,. sold
erre ,heap. Apply at this office. 754 tt
i have a large quantity of ;Mammoth Southron
White Seed Ensilage Corn for sale. Low'pricee to
Merchants for lots of 10 to 20 bushcle and over.
Every farmer should sow from 1 to 6 acres of this
corn. Ono acre le equal to nearly 10 of hay for feed.
Drive right to the Elevator, or Corn Exchange, Town
Hall. W. H. PERRIN. 768.4E
'Pe.ke not leo that a Court of Revision for the Town-
ship of (iodorieh will hold ite first sitting at }Mimeo.
Ole on the 96th day of May, A. D. 1893 commencing
at 10 o'clock A. M., for the pnrpoae of hearing and
reetifving all complaints against or errors on the
assessment roll of the present year. All pathos in•
tereeted are rognoetod to attend.
NI) ON STURDY, Clerk of the Raid municipality.
Goderich Township, May 10th, 1893.
Take notice that a Court of Revision for the Town
of Clinton .will hold its drat, sitting In the Town Hall
on the 20th day of May, A. D. 1898, commencing at
8 o'clock P. M., for the pnrpoae of bearing and res-
tt0yiug all complaints against or errors on the assess-
ment roll of the present year. All parties interested
aro requested to attend.
W. COATS, Clerk of tho said municipality.
Clinton, May 2nd, 1803.
When you Travel
Use the
C. P. Railway,
Or when you want Your•
Message to travel use the
C. P. Telegraph
The Grand Lodge of the shove order are dosfrous
of organizing a lodge In Clinton. All Irish Protestants
by birth or descent are olegible for membership.
For further partlenlate address,
750.31 124 Northcote Ave., Toronto.
Notice is hereby given that the Onnrt tar the Revision
of the Assessment Roll of the Munieipaltty of She
Towhohip of Stanley will he held on Friday, May the
20th next at ten o'clock A. M. when errors in end
complaints against the said Roll pf any) will bo
corrected and considered. All poreone interested aro
requested to take notice and gqovern'themeolvoe model
(ugly. O. 3. STEWART,
Clerk of Stanley Township,