HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-05-10, Page 6•
AY!Ol $ Y
Ayer/. Pia
or $4,4iou$neSS
Ayer's Pali
For ,Sick Heaciaohe
AYer'S I 'dilC
or. Liver 'Oo.rnplaint
• f Ay+er's'- P1I13
p^4r yi'a,undice
Ayer%) Pills
For Loss of Anletite
Ay r's Mils
For Rheumatism
- Ayer's Pills
• For Oolcds
Ayer' , PHIS
For Fevers
Ayrer's Pills
as.•.'::. .�icc�,_z, �t.si:.:crrw`ux's-la.�r'a:;:.�=,- '.:..�_=, :.
l?icparcd by Dr. 3, C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass
Sold by all Druggists.
Every DoT Efective
[he Huron News -Record
$1.50 a Year -81.25 in Advance
WC1111esilay, lay 10th. 1:4:I
-Woo ((nett, Si* rimer -ant no.1�
burn have urrhint Orange life awl
drum bawls. Clinton Oraugrmlrn were
the first in the enmity Ira have ouch a
GI:NTLP,MIGM,-I had a severe cold, fot
which 1 t ask D , 1VO .i'H N •, w,y Pim
Syrup. 1 fins i• an i x •ellen' re ne.ly.
giving pin mot ,elief • id pt •.,Hent t„ t•he.
J. Psvrr'19itt, Flnnrs-.Ile, Oat.
-List Sun fay flee W. J1e1) niagb
preach;+,( the thin, of it wrries.,f ser.
moos on "Aavei1 r (tads tC) hell from
E.Xeter,"atid applied the keit to carve
players ulna i;nn141rrv,
PARENT -3 MUST HAVE .i.. t:» f.
A Preeid,ent of one of our Colleges says:
"We epe8t many "1".pieati nights 1
cols qu ace of ou • chil iron .,off rime from
eat() 4, b r this never rumor,. now . We us
S'ort's E noir, )n and it quickly reteivrr
pulmonary trim Wee. "
--A. drowning actiolt•ut occurred
about 18 miles' front P.t3r'y Suuu•1 on
Blacketoue creek last '1'.uealtny night,
when Mr. George Middleton, L40111141,
was drowned. The young then fell in
about six feet of water, and is Hnpposed
to have been chilled. Ile waN 19 years
of . age, and ons y left home about e
• month ago to work in the Ahanity.
When the system is nvarlua.teil u'dgh im-
purity,, the eireulation .Hlugt(ish, and the
etomaeh out of order, as is often the oaao in
spring tilos, there is nn remedy so sill)'oinun
as Burdock blood (litters to remove ev'1y
trees of impare matter an 1 restore perfect
-The 'number of etni;;rants from
Ireland since 1851 totals 3,418,353 its
Consnpnptlon, Cnl•eih
An ol$ physininn, rltlrs3 fr,m practice, having
had plao ed in ilia as ut•ls by to lot Gant ruiNeian•
ars tii.a tor.a•tlt of t sins ,I. vegetable remedy for
the speedy and Berm t.tnot c ire .f 'nos uautfen,
11 Bronahfr.ia, fest •rh, Ai ram t aa,i all thrn,i . and
Lung A'1',etlo'N, ala., t positive and ra.lb,tl cure
.for Nerions1)33, li•.y to at' N,rvme•lomplaints,
attar `a Fvlu; teste.l i -.a •v ,n l • rfnl hastier powers
in th/WI t118 .t OA tea=, his fel It hie ditty to .nakn
it known to till ,t't,rttiffellow r. aetn,tied byibis
rn'+t1ve aids, ,labra t , rnliove hu man 3urrarin.t, 1
*111 tt (,CA oO ,h 3313)611 vh dialrn it, thio
rem)), iii Jar at'., Feenah or English, with full
.lirsetlonn f .r .re, ring and rating° •ant by .1.11
itv a 1•lra*Nin. with •e.am .. ntminu thio ptner.
W.I. Lind t,82) Poranr.e 111,0k, Rochesee,., N.Y.
O.i9- y
-The temperance people of Niagara
Fells, Ont., held an indignetiuu meet-
ing last week au.l decided to solo' a
delegation to interview Sir Oliver
Mowat regarding the efforts merle to
continue. three licensee in town Inore
than the population we rrnnt1 '- t
Free Trip to Chicae'o
Separate W.111.R•L-D.S F-A.LIt and use the
letters to spell as molly Words as you c hr using
the letters as many times as you wish, either back •
wards or fnrwardo, but noG use the carne letter in
snaking anyone word more times thaw It appears in
"World's Pair."
It 18 silt sev-el►ty.nve sm til English wor(l3 can
be spelled etrrectly from the ton letters contained In
"World's Fair." PiXnnsple_440,..4•4411, soar, idol,
rte. if yon are good at word•tnaking . u can secure
w FREE trip to the World's Poirot) return, as The
Scott Seed .Cornpanv will pay all expens^s, including
R. R. titre, betel 11113*, admissions to the Columbian
ea •
,'to the first person Mile t nd $50.1/0 In eldi:makettRov0ny
from lor l.ildentaltwi,I is
the pt'ned l"R
shove. The'will also a aFILETihP to
the World's Fair and retnrh with $25.000
s''ror words
asaboeTh�will firsthe person
ylve aFR.SE TRIP to.
',the world's Fair and return (without rash for Ine!'
dental eilplsnsoa) to the first person sending flfty-
five words,
To the first nen $50.001nlcash toward paying expenses t fty words will
World's Pair • to the first sending forty words will
be G ogWen ' 00 n
orld'sPair,t i each towards
ofththe paring e
flvtop arsons
sending thirty..flve words will be glven $10.00 in
cash and to each, of the first ten sending thirty
words will -be ,gftiven $5 00 in cath,
Write your Only tinti name oze n hoof wl he bed to l
rris.(nuinhesed) e sante and en.
(Hese the same ppostpaid, With ton i.hreocent stamps
Inc a Targe package of our Chofae' English Cottage
Garden Flower Seeds,
palmierEnglish combination
reof aof,endless varieties es the !Meat ande
will ho contained In the elaborate exh�it of Englisr
Sewers Thle "world's World's
Copeck will hs carefully and
oenrfe entiously c0ndueted solely for the purpose of
Intredu fnsa our beefeater. Yon will receive the
01061 -ST v. tie In flOwor seeds ever ''Offered, and
psi .. ret abI to make M good,llet of wnrde and
'ans>vet, amp' y you will have a first -elms oppor.
Unit 3311• re a We trip from your hone to
t Ong and return.
Ws ars spendinga large amount of money to
*tart our trade ths 80190n. and }want your' *oat
rF Sendoatq will
av, ee nd othan n ldroi rarTIF, 1 SCOTT
Aki)R II` COMPANY,Toreato; Can, 755.31
• 4.
1i4E PtIWE.Iterill 0
_ e'en si..: Ase_S t.se2seliaN. teeelsos a r> '_se:, . ase.. a.4 l;Miti s?1So: ; rrab/li ter-"_:litw-.a.
.."wan, r .,a S�sY-.. �,r' r...K „icaa.k.�w:u_...L�r..f■1'i;.xtwlci 'ruY4'w.�.. - 1,
1, tor the six v
vs of the week
-4lIt is certainly tough to
have to get up
at seven o'clock whoa one feels like sleeping
till twelve."
2. Sunday morning -"Seven o'clock ! I
can stay here all day if I wish, and yet I've
been lying here awake for one hour and
can't get to sleep." -Puck.
A Violet :peak,
0 passer-by, draw near!
Upon a grave [ grow ;
That she who died was dear
They planted me to show.
Pluck me as you go by -
I am her messenger :
)Vith her sweet breath 1 sigh ;
In me her pulses stir.
Through these my quivering leaves
She twin would speak to you -
She whom the grave bereaves
Of the dear lite she knew,
"How glad I was up there 1"
She whispers underground.
"Have they who found the fair
Some other fair one found I
"Has he who loved Inc hest
Learned hove'' deep lore again,
Since I was lair) to rest t
Far from the world of men ?
"Nay ! Surely he will come
To dwell here at the last ;
In Death's strange silent home
My hand shall hold him fast,
"%'et would that he might know
How hard it is to bide
In darkness here below
And miss him from my side 1
"Fain would i send my soul
To lie upon his breast,
And breathe to him Love's whole'
That life lett nuconfest "
Ah, pluck ate, passer-by
For I would bear her breath -
Maly ing 1.000'3 01011 Nigh --
Tu him who flees frftul Death,
-Louisa Chandler Moulton, in llarper'a
Proper Food for Invalids.
When a sick person hue a -temperature of
101 degrees or over, he should be_ fed upon
liquids only, writes Elizabeth Robinson
Seovil in The Ladies' Horne Journal. The
power of the stomach to digest food is im-
paired, and there is no use in filling it with
a mass of solid food which, in its weakened
state, it is not able to take care of proper-
ly. Beside this, or because of this, there
is usually little appetite, and the sufferer
turns away in disgust front delicacies that.
would seem irresistible in days of health.
It is a common idea that a person who is
being fed upon fluids is receiving very little
nourishment, and, in fact, is it some dan-
ger of starving. Triose who cherish this
belief do not know that all food is convert-
ed into a liquid state before it can be ab-
sorbed into the system. In giving a sick
person fluids we are only trying to relieve
nature from extra exertion at a time when
it is necessary for her to husband her
strength and resources. We do this by
presenting the food to the stomach in such
a form that it can be easily acted upon by
the digestive organs. It must be digesteii
and assimilated before it can nourish the
body, so it is nseless to give more than can
easily, be disposed ot. From a quarter to a
half a pint of liquid food once in every, two
hours is ordinarily sufficient.
Broken If'Jeart May Be a Fatal Reality.
Broken hearts have gcno out of fashion
with the old three -volume hovel and faint-
ing spells. The girl with the hurt in her
heart nowadays forgets it, or pretends to,
in the glories of her career. She takes to
typewriting, or the reformation of the
coolies, or women's clubs, and rather enjoys
the pain in an iesthetic sort of way because
it means "growth," * nd is experience and
all that. Now with the perversity of.•fate
there has arisen a prophet in Israel who
justifies the old romancers in killing off
their disappointed heroines. From the
recently published letters of Sir George
Paget, who is not a romancer, it is interest-
ing to learn that a broken heart is not
sentimental figure of speech. Great grief
causing a sudden shock produces actual
rupture of the muscles of that organ and
death from exhaustion may follow, -Sun.
Condensed .(Milk.
There is at Chain, in Switzerland, the
most successful milk-,iondensing factory in
Europe, with branch establishments in
England, Germany. and Orange county, N.
Y. It uses the milk of not Less thou 0000
to 7000 cows. At Rornanshorn, the Swiss
Alpine milk expottiug company does an
immense export business of pure milk pro-
duced fromhealtfiy grass-fed cows. This
company claims to have satisfactorily solved
the problem of condensing and preserving
milk without altering its original composi-
tion either by the addition of sugar, or
other preserving substances.
The Tables Turnerl.
A siory is told of a well-known English
bishop and his bright boy, that is not de-
void of instructiveness.
The father had a way of 'saying to his
son when leaving home, "Remember whose
boy yen aro."
The lad one day turned the tables by
calling out to has father, "Good-bye, papa;
remember whose father you are."
The Long and Short. of It.
Employment Agent -"What was the
mstter with your lust place?" Domestic
-"Tho couple had only been married it
month, an' I oudn't stand the lovemakin'."
Agent -"Well, here's a chance in a 1lotiso
w,iiere the couple have been married ten
years." Domeetic--"That's too long. I
likes peace ad quiet." -New York
" low r�pcltsr, ,Ilt alto tioO ;ro041 01: Iter
Iitg10 story 404 a• lwlf h oto, )$.yuan
joi111471 moxa t04111,srll5 14„4.Pt• 4 4),440t,
Not eii.t dowl44,1101y; falto was a glfraho,
little 40,84re ,qt pesl1upa tcy ,,c,100; ', or
thirty .y'rare •of af;eo fibe wag ()reseed in
a etirrcheil ta3Mlieo ilDisigai at uvcb and
bleoveis with lutmnculate wilier rlil ling, 3
bwllilaratap.an apron of spotlesa linen ellYered.
flee free Ins thin and pale, and the large
eyes always had au eager, wtettllI look, as
though welting for something ,that did !)OI
come, iter ln,)uth was small and delicately
formed, and the lips were generally smil-
ing, though always with a little quiver at
the ooruet's'as if perluipe there was a sigh
behind the smile.
The townspeople declared ,she had a
history if she Would tell it, but, though
they loved her dearly for her generous
kindnees to all who wore in nerd of help or
sympathy, their curiosity was for the most
part uuaatisfied. Now and then at some
chance word the large ryes would fill or
the Bowlitive lips tremble, but more than
that her feelings were never exhibited. As
alto sat there sewing, the fragrance of the
rosea in her dooryard carne floating in
through the open window and the hum of a
bee was the only sound which broke the
stillness of the lovely June afternoon.
;and Sue did not raise her eyes from the
long seam she was stitching, until a butter-
fly, mistaking the cool little aittingg-room
for a shady nook, flew part her so close as
to brush her haul. She half started at
what was evidently an interruption to a
loug train of thought and let her eyes fol-
low the pretty creature as it fluttered about
the room, and finally returned to be; t fta
delicate wings against the upper panes of
the window. Then she rose and laying her
work over a small table on which her work-
box rested, she gently urged the little
wanderer out into the sunshine again, say -
fug softie to herself: "Poor little creewr,
you shan't be made to miss none o' the
brightness out o' your life."
Then rhe added dreamily: "It's June
ag'in, the tenth June that has coma Bence
I was flyin' roue jes' like that butterfly,
findin' uothin' but sweets. I wa'ut but
eighteen than, au' Jack said I was as pretty
as a pink rose. But the Junes has kep'
cowrie' Bence he stood au' told me all that
in the eveuin' jes' when the sun was ainkin'
an' the air was lull o' the scent o' the roses,
but he ain't come back, an' now I reckon.
he never will, hut—
"Susan Joiner, ain't you ashamed o'
yourself to be frcttin' like this jes' 'cause
the roses is back," and compressing the
quivering lips and dashing a tear or two
from her eoft brown eyes she turned to re-
sume her work. As she took it up she no -
I iced a few 'peals out of their places in the
little box and stopped to arrange thein.
This box was just what might have been
expected to belong to a trim little woman
like Aunt Sne. The spools of black, gray,
and white (Aunt Sue never need bright
colors now) were arranged sv.,tr•nattcally in
little compartments of the box, while acts -
sore, emery, thimble cud wax, each had its
appointed place.
I said there were no bright oolored
spools. 'There was one.' it was a varie-
gated silk and was wound tight and
smooth. trine touched it more tenderly
than the rest and gave its head a caressing
little pat, as she moved it to its place, then
'chid herself for so doing. "But I can't
help it," she murmured. "Seems if I
wasn't born to forget, and Jack gave me
that when he came house from his first
voyage. Maher said I was foolish, an'
Mania kep' iaughiu' at me for Navin' it in
my box, but they didn't know, they didn't
know; and now since mother's gotta an' Groceries, crockery, &c ,
Maria's married, seems if I sat uwto by it ,
than ever."
Just, at that moment a little tousle -head-
ed girl of -r bout five came running into the
room, saying, in a sbrill,excited way: "Oh,
-Aunt Sue, -creme, do carne ! Teddy's
hurted au' mamma's cryin' frightful:"
Aunt Suo dropped her work quickly and
followed the child from the house, forget-
ting fn her exc.tour•nt even to close the
door. So it iseppeeed that a man, tall,
stalwart and bearded, who chanced to pass
the house a few moments later, paused,
picked a rose iu the dooryard, then glanc
ing hurriedly round, entered the hppuse and
walked directly to the low chair where she.
had been but a few moments before.
Why was she not there now to defend
her property ? Surely the roan must have
been a thief, or at least locked very much
like one, for he carefully examined the
contents of the workbox which, as we
know, contained nothing more valuable
than her silver thimble, took out some-
thing therefrom and dropped it into ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT.
his pocket, and .hen hesitated. With a
queer little twist at the corners of his highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs.
mouth, he dropped a tiny card iuto the 752.1y
place he had mu.ie vacant, and then, as he
saw Aunt Sue approaching, concealed LADIES
himself behind some heavy draperies which & GENTS
covered an old wardrobe, now used as a
He had to st,p p his tall figure a trifle to
make it fit its accommodations, and had
scarcely dropped the outer curtain when
Susan entered. She was a trifle flushed
and her eyes had the bright light of ex-
citement in them. Evidently, however,
she was not mutt troubled by the errand
elle had been on, for she immediately, and
without nervousness, picked up her sewing
to recommence her work.
But in dropping her work she had also
dropped her thimble, and she now began to
look for it. It was nowhere to he found,
and instinctively she turned to her work-
box, although she was quit certain
she had not put it in its place.
Yet there it was, however, but it was
not that which made her face flush and
then pale its she leaned over the box. For
she noticed to her disrnay that her spool
was gone, her ono bright spool Jack had
given her, and there in its place lay a tiny
tintype loosely stuck into a piece of card-
board. With trembling fingersslse took it
up and studied the features carefully, then
Bank into°her low rocker with ednrething
between a laugh and a groan. She glanced
eagerly about the r'oom,but the head which
had a motnont before appeared at the out-
side of the curtains had vanished, and if
we could have peeped behind the dark
screen wo might have seen that hardened
villain drew his coat sleeve quickly over
his eyes, no doubt on account of the dust
he had created in letting fall the portieres.
He looked out again soon, however, and
was just in time to see the tintype raised
to a pair of lips none the Tess inviting be.
cause they were trembling between a sob
and a smile. And as he saw the big drops
so long repressed well up and overflow the
eyes so beautiful in spite of their tears, he
could stand it no longer, and flinging aside
the curtains stood before her*elle she,
With a cry, fell halt fainting into the arms
stretched toward her. "Jack, Jack," she
murmured, "You hen come back, as you
said you would -when the roses bloomed."
-Arnie Rogers.
# R•#•+onoa X0 .1 .:
•4tieerttseltzCere uadee We toasting ;yt fat+
stritseeraiii sett( APax 33511! ittf41111404ttittalfli,
'There 'bol ng • curie teleteratotstaneine with re.
Barr( to wrtaekage, 10a It by disneetly understood
Oat Ilene Parses tapas po3*eesston et any kind
ni w'reekege land 10111.1e report to pia 1 Shall al
en0e take pr0eetdinga. Rernereher flus le ---the
last wUI5 1 nbtll CAPT.. 'WM. IMOD,
aeewtvorarIIo1) reel:et, land) etach. CAP,
Godvriell, 8apt. 4 1tiVi.
Tr' oil SALT...'
• 1.30ts No, 7 and 8., pineley Terrace, containing 31
Ames of hand, dwelling house, barn and orchard, The
two er y brlukts the ewestheof Clinton. also,
g suitable for store and dwelt -
tog horse, a Ilan 81x24, haunt one -116th acre corner
lot opposite Queens Hotel, Victoria 8t., Clinton, Ont
Also village Iota 1, 8, 9, m Blyth, Out. The 111040
property will be sold at a bargain to settle up aatate.
Apply to W.d, Btaeivs, Clinton, Ont., per curators'
or to manning dt Scott, sollelters. Clinton, or to T.•
M, Carling, auctioneer. TOM.
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Farm' and Isolated Town Proper-
' ty only Insured.
°MM OElta,
J. ShaEnnonHSucyTreao',eSeaforth 1',8enfortt O. P. � dohu
Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. O.
; Gabriel Elliott,
Clinton ;tai GeorgeTIOSP'011n
Harlot -1G ; Joseph Evans, Beachwood ; .1. Shan
non, Walton; Thos. Garbed, Clinton.
Thou. Nellena, Harlock ; Robt. 3rc)tllltnn, Sea.
forth; 8. Carnoohan Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
and Geo. Murdle, Auditors,
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans-
to on a ,plicr ation to ss will
lany o1 the above ou ours,
addressed to their respective post dices,
John CUfl11!njaiT,
Canadian Express Agent,
Fresh Haddiesand Bloaters. Oysters
cmn+tantly on baud. Also 801111
Canadien Cranberries, cheap,
The People's Grocery,
I de+ire to intimate to the residents of
Clinton and vicinity that I have re-
moved to the store lately vacated by
J. W. IRWIN, and ata puttiug iu
full lines of choice
The goods are all well selected, bought
in the beet markets and will he sold at
the lowest prices. We intend to
make this the leading business place in
town. Inspection of goode respectful-
ly solicited. Highest cash phicea paid
for Butter °and Eggs.
G-, 3.. STEWART, - - Clinton.
Cantelon Bros.,
Grocicery, Glass di Chinaware
Hard Struggles.
"An occasional drunkard may atruggle
harder not to be drunk all the time than
wo do not to be drunk at all," said the
preacher. Not a useless hint, when we are
scanning our neighbor's faults.
%Vit11 Fancy Dials and Sixteen Jewels
*100,000 to loan on farm property
at51 per cent., straight loan. No com-
mission. Also a limited amount of
private funds at 5 per cent.
T. E. McDonough.
Loan and Insurance Age t.
Office, Jackson Block; Hu 1 et,
Clinton, Ont. i J
"One copy of a newspaper that renches the ham
is Worth more for the purposes of advertising the
three that don t." P. T. BARNUM.
A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility
end Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such a
remarkable manner, after all else had failed that he
will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow suf-
ferers. Address, with stamp,
-At Orangeville Assizes teat week a
Mise Smith, aged 23, secured a verdict
for $1,000 against a young farmer
named Connolly, for breach of promise
of marriage.
Wrinkle,, and hollow checke, and doll,'
sunken ryes, don't always mean that a
woman's 01 1. Half tho time, they only
show that Ihs'e overworked or eufferine.
To such wrmen, to every woman- who is
tired or affliotod, Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription safely „end certainly brings
back health and strength. It's a legitimate
medicine that correct. and cures; a tonic
that invigorates and builds up; a nervine
that soothes and etrenittheoe. For all tire
derangements, irregularities and weaknesses
peonl1ar to women, it is the only guaranteed
remedy.- If' it deen't benefit or cure, you
have your money back, '
5001(8, STAT/ONfRY,
In order to clean out the entire stock of wa U, sues()
it has been decided to .Ofer the same at priees away below'
cost. Everything; will be sold at such pricesa's‘4111Thiker
it of advantage to purchasers to select from Oho stock. .,
This is a Genuine Clearing Sale and it is desired to clear the
whole out in 30 days.
Coats' City Restaurant,
Eureka Bakery and Rcstaurant.
In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur-
ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA
BAKERY and 1.tESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to
succesefully cater' to the wants of the geueral public. Wo do our own
baking, save heavy expenses, and torn out is quality of BREAD
BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &C., Squat to any in Wes*
cru Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING
CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c, delivered to ell parts .
CREAM, COOL DRI NKS. Pic nit and Private Gather-
ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates.
Remember the location -next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton.
B o PO BR OS., Proprietors.
Wily ! They are
which will last three times longer than any other made. Try them.
- We deliver all our Goods free of charge in town.
IIID ]3 R0S_
Iron and Hardware, - - Clinton.
Wilson & Howe, Successors to James Anderson,
The undersigned have bought the stock, goodwill and interest of James
Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the
Novelty Bakery and Restaurant.
The new firm will keep in stock everything found in'a first-class Res-
taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy
hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers.
- Clinton.•
Do roc
4 ,�ryt,
Disease commonly comes on with slight
syrriptoms, which when neglected increase
in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
or you
If your
Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve iho iieah`h.
.41.44.4 Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
■■rr■.rr■■.rr■sear ■t■■■.r ■.rY'TTA ■rtr00.a■r 4 •- rr�t,TrTM ^.�'�t ITIIIY11Rr