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The Huron News-Record, 1893-05-10, Page 3
i. �,. . i ' +� 1, i?A #Attu, '�� r►4ver i o xioiy Ibosy* +ROtrtet .ot` -whoom oC 4hnj#0; lk ., lt- �77a��a>.,r, . b@. t : til o'l�t� Await t •coveiat'R.a 1e>z14i1 the T4# . v 10 ory, w' . luta liil,littbfui .nctlon . rtOki. attd onricpwf the bioQ4 Ptt�:' > Puglt iG Cleanseal And, invl orate9. >ie hole. illy }, '1 x14 rhe, ; .Tet• z r. l 118' C t ye IwiRst $o , , ar• *t1►1>}cloa- A ori plaid 1, Aii4 the, worst. pcxoiWotls Korea and v. S li- 1 t * . ryry �1 COU N �% R '� O `1•a'►+� 4,. inji Ito Hf QW TQ� �I AN A.NQ I��;IiW?JT'�-if#, rght $TRVQ'r.IQNS $Y,_RRN AHP. PRNCII ,, ftI the, . glop Pic X11141lk Style for a House in tAle Clialo-t rang 's`t tr 'i -.T 1 i Yl_ i rx se 't ie e e rr Q Y l iw, n fl of '4>•t t �i tiq P he '' at Site -T Stivareumss of Constru,0WR Cow" I Adj, t, .•.� - p.*,- « r, , t- .I,' "r, ^. Y r•r..'T,•f{.- .1... �- . I t isomistt ov nalller, w1liah ohPldd • " with tall •'"ohesolary ,40f1#essis $TY41E f(?R gr=.tit�M RiAft A144 Wipz, , ii#olt 411% o;,, rum mer tpllk• ,;; , ,.4--1 11 "I , fair} re�ulreg ir,llq kit4hei� 4'he C1le11,111kl,144111 dl)tM l}# :QtyTR SCIie �t►l+ ri *, - , r . root o4mm4nlc,ali 'n - ` with I14,,ai 4"assimi}atrft to Ita tirlpA - , . Park ' al7q tthii m9st' lea, Allili+tape! }� roux Or x,. alcd llt#s A vl}iklm- What is thatols#,tle,'tickw",. #gfatpattr} 4104 �,,.. 4,4 t)#!ase. tkrQ� ).t'k µ'i -„inti, te,llelt lr l44 nrlgf�, of .tMtiflo., tylplunicN1 :0oii1gtltin • c ;Hili. s ff* i-” :tied dorkr ll##noti o, ' i1 t;Rrk •al#ilk 200 or. Io 'e c r e 1 i ,.) .C.t_l. i. of p. e l i l# o t tiir t e, r? 01ti 1. iii t q it- ] r # tl t .0 n thq o ►+ ill uq tea It ]n \v ., t#4 tt. 0 4 i ati # 4 slit t r.. >f a # 1 ler q 1. t 4 t4 F } iI o; , 1 at i ' t t r t # Il lea i i# e r o o d e s u, 'a .. t1 t. ! n 'b 9 1# i, x to re ti n i l tt tt 1 a1 # u It l i i v' #e. q l it Lha a r tit a om .. lea ., a n d. n 1 4 1 t ,Y ! 'l y 9 tFlt lt, . lft #>aq 6 'g }' to tits 4itll lin In the Cot le . tU9k toll 'e4 #t la.?f, ar lish St rt, ti •ot , WIN of tl#a il'titer: . t an le»,t ciistttr,ra l r. I Y, 1pl' s. j, ► Y le closet, alt qnQ eine! 'ls title . tt}4fe'htti' the .n#tto hat n xt elcr a11d iyibh #rola the euri, however, it will granlu• t . , I it}ga, nigt tY�eetlyaud pormau'antly 't9uN by i4 r •••• lilac d �vttll pouvpntrnte ana a Haat!- h.qt, wa�yeg tank unfi QQune9tJaA rause, tbv tile, ohtmt►ey Ou Llle lecher sides a ein�t what U184 4 elle H'lU IP�i yet# it is out of ety1R, ally work Its way back to light once more, :: ' xl11like the ordinary Sprin fried. w a+'ma 1pfnearaua{F. and tufts ,are set a'lon ntier the windows. $ At the o Saito endend o the kitahan a ilea¢ PP Wit flocs' a man like to have the wglttt:n Y of till hotssehaltl cnliod styl]eIl ° 4�f 1119t'tga e8 on farms' in Mile 1lnitett Status g , Mho a ' " ' 40,141 , pr sarspparill ,file"l tscav � " "; rr li1•-vorks, t}tyll , tl.at.ttll cov- For freedom anti lndepend,tnce iu •house pautty is to !ted, 7.his is arras ged to c+iucea the judo is femuurie. Who bat a wr,lllan taouordin to st+tGialic8 of Lha tJadsun gg Ilureau tit Washington, have locreasetl in ,, ' � "` ; hasp - All. the�yena\y1tound and #n all building, there, ie no place like the, open open, with doull'e doors, into the kitchen, cguO rule 01011'8 fancy" Alslda sty lea grow the Westera States lel or c,utL. and ' ' Cases. #t;#s pitta. rtiu*d as no other country. 1 he tlomep of out-of-town regi• unci, being in the nort)longG ooruet of the more eotnplicated every -year, Sha s cake i. the Southern Sta es 201 Lir cant. in 10 ,`i ` blood road ,_ is, Ii'Jt over fails q denIa, whether on farms or in aluall villages, house, although well ventilated with win• Anti they shave their heaas like a convict, years. Farms there are morrc a ed on an to bt;neflt Ar dura, yeti hate your are fiar leas steroot ed in contour than in ? P Bowl, at t se corner, where the broad mold• i aha . ends forth her deoree and the n,arclt+ N rtvara�e for more than half W,elr total "r cod yobuaek, You pay only for the larger places, where' the sites oconpied tare lag shelf ie located, yet by throwing open line foot tapers to a point suggestive of bar. aoaasaed value. pr y ge4 ' ' necessarily mode !ramped, and frontage, is these doors a ullifurut temperature !s bnligm• x 1 ° • Isn't it safe► tip say that na othbr aO vultsnblp ue to be reokoued down to secured in winter, and the domeatio Work tut it is woman, proverbi4ly capable of Since the grout Doves of Chia country „ i,1(i4dr plirlflta* can bo just as inches, And where li ht and +sir cost mons , g Y foundation also leasened ill this wit A cu board is fitted y' P coirryin tier f,tlithfulness to un absurd dc- are turned into phew places a c1aMo watch hss t° be kept on visitors to their good Irl as well ale the upon which one up at Lire other end of the, •)autry. gree, w w is her slava, pian allow tlietn- ptwvenb '•atve ?• 1 It IVwote, wouldn't it be sold so! builds, The consequence of this abundance In the corner of the kitchen tliere is aelvea'to be swayed by her, but, women annexation of stalactites, !recite," F , of light, airl� and laud is . the ccran,blingg a low cabinet, built with a broad ggrovel at her feet. Man how to her dac@lee 'ypsun) crystals, and other cnrious and furnwtiooa, ' farm -house. Once this wits the result e,1 shglf above, under the north will• dow, haunusa they aro to busy to protest, bqt eautitul Not ever, toe broken etuluetiten lying ubouc tin fluor lean bit Tlae Duron News-�l eeo� d while at the right a dumb waiter runs down into the cellar ; this will womea wait with bitted breath for what sho haps to say, appropriated, for these are gaLharod anti sb { - - be found convenient in the care of milk, Where doea the tyrant live? How did sold by the owuors or lessens of chola bales }.60 • Yaar-61.23 to Advance, kNl {� `. ' and other erishable household sit lies, P PP she learn her art! I know, Chosen, as fn the ground. ' ' , .: , �. It will be noticed that all these rooms are handmaid of besot sho has tang led y, p The winter weather of the cast this ear Y F ^— open to the light and breeze from two that goddess's throne, nod banuty, shy and hoe proved a great bonanza to chs rubber "' Weduef!lilny, May 10th, 1883. f ti c directions. On the second floor (Fig.4) the proud and gentle,'putiently bides bar Lime. shoe manufacturers and dealers who have ,` . I i . � _ slant roof at the north, banked by a raw of li-tity )e Lila statesman whose lofty elo• sold Out nearly all their gtock, So groat _ _- cloa°te and• the alcove, protecte the 'four olut'nee 1" great crises kindles the ale to co lona ])eon the consumption it is estimated GOING BACK T J ROME. ') - large bedrooms from the cold winter blasts, Patriotism; style, the crafty politloiun who that the output of 18!13 will have to he in• ' y t = = while the high southern roof, the attic thruws down to the multitude a cuarae creased by nearly _'0,000,000 pairs. 'Phis ' ^; r tiCently n� religtti'tis� orq+tn nation I = above and north hall windows serve to j03t, who fiddles for then, who flatters and will tux the capacity Of the mills to bite ICtIown a8 the L inadian Church Union, - •z _ _ _.r = - _ ventilate, and relieve the heat of the sum. caj°les them. And a parently drives them where 'To utmost and insures to the operative: t, ,,`vg8 formed in Hamilton. 'rho Otiioers _ • � �� mer sun. Abundant window "'space and closet roost is afforded in every chamber. she will, be sure she is coarse and false, but in this crude age crude ]oath. abu'rdant we,•t at good wages during the Year• ' @leote,d were: Maitland Newu,an, Harnil. i' ' ' . '3' The large front room hoe oloaeta in the tor- ode win. ' The ancient Americans who builtt " t9n, president; Rev. R. T. Dixon, Ilomliton, and Thomas Burnside tea' 1' YERSPEOTI Ew OF FRONT OF sere, sad may recbive the interior of a bay window without the tnoreoxpenafve realiza• When Columbus landed on our shores how did he�wfn h18 Nay to the hearts of the large mound at Walnut Grove hear A heeling, W. Va., little thought t Bgttiwell, vlce%presidents, 'and Rev. C. UIIS& tion. The alcove room at the norti,west is the nalives. Did he temoll them to cook? they were providing grading ,anterial fur W+.hltcombe, Beoretarytreasurer. In tadditions made by stiocetding occupants, to cool for summer, as it extends over the Did he offer them medicine! He gave them tin street puiere of the niuotaanth , :'t',t�•ferrtng to the Objects of Lhe !!socia. nn us c fent orfgfnal ; it 'became, with tit- porch, and all the bedrooms pro well colored beads. \Vhab century, but they were. Cuntraator Couh- Ion the\,S'paoeator says: . 'i I'he most ° t ,t g age, an architectural pro- arranged for winter, ns the chimneys rise a strange hunger for the beautiful ran, who ie to pave North b'itth !treat, } , '. . tiq octant clause in the. const' ution ie - p ti blem from Lha incongruity or ntiex• ce,trully, economizing heat and affording there ie in the euvagn heart. Au Indian Murtin'e Ferry, had a big bola t° fill. He Lid one in'" wltioh the object of the pected angularity of the combined connections with every room. A ligght we, nail embroiders tier moccasins before. learns purchased the mound and is now engaged Or entzgtion ie set forth. This ob'eet is: ti : !b 1 raaults. Altar a few years of building with a prim axawtnoss in mechanical pro- storeroom as located over the kitchen. 1'he I actio iooma may be large, ae is indicated 6he to bathe. This de: ire for adaru• meat leads a more civilized woman to look fn dnmpitig ]t ]n the hole. Soou it petit ba howled with fire brink. ', a. To unite communicants of the Anglican church in Canada for the restoration of p"rdona, t•be product of greater thrift and ninre advance3 ideas of convenience, the about fur ideas ; she imitates her nei hbor, g and, lit, she has taken the first in Together with iia knowledge of Islnnniatn the full use of the book of corutnon public became, weary of the stiffness of step the beaten path of style ! ex -Consul Alexander R. Webb hae brou •ht r , p)dyer, The object of the union, as three, less artistic farmhouses, still now f i , o SLyld in itself is not bad. Style means home the, peculiarly oriental ttcconpl;n- went of knowing how to wrap turban t '9 ribed in the clause quoted, seems again dema nd the low, rambling style for �� t o l % manner, and notbing is eo charming in a a around Lha head. The tt:rbau iu its t' �l' lr' very simple •and itln )ouous. But it It country villas, unit often realize its ideal Lit u exari9ca in ventilation, canfort, aonvenf• dcn/pooM B.ral,°ooli� I � man or woman as a distinctive manner, Even u bud manner, tainted as it may ba by nutu- gal stats is ,t lop; lwd rather narrow ilii paeans much. seems tbat organize,! ':,'effort. will be made to rest )re to the ecce, and econuiny in the building of these �� � � a , affectation, is interesting it it be a murk of of clue cotton. 1Vhen a ilJosle:n prepares to accoutre himself in it he claps one still , ehuro;i service all the ritual which was eccentrib productions of modern art in rural architecture. Thp accompanying it- ' t t t e e•' r t individuality. How often do we sea a ratan whose carriage is just a trifle self-assertive, on Lha cup of his head, and holding ]L their, r prixgtised at the time o! Crallmer, be, ,, •fore the introduction of the Puritan lustrations suggest a plan for a house, be ' o e r , or a woman who bets s embarrassment 3' with ono hand lin makes use of Mho oche o • r t twirl the cloth around with Creat, rApNity t , _ element Into the church. It means which twill cwuniodious enough for the average citizen, well adapted to an open rNoq , sMe t when she enters a room -characteristics which fu themselves are to be condemned, until i6 assanies the compbca,ed knot i x that the Vestments, lights and other• sit(,, as to sunlight and air, for both su'ln• 6 .,.rP , but they interest us inasmuch as they reveal chisfacteristic of the turban. 7'he loose sod fs then, tucked into the folds incl, r , '.grnaments, and all the ornate core- by bock mer atilt winter, turd economical in building salt mainteuunae. It is that 6so k BenpaoAI. to us something of the life within ; the are b Y ale tint Lha Uubu'u will rest firutly un inn of ' monist nuthorizad the prayer evident Lire onM t a nucleus around which we group subs!- head. The whole operation last's but a 'aM; t " of Edward VI. shall be restored for the ' ' leaders of the movement point out that nearer square a house is, the less it Coate for siding and paint, and the simplor it is OlPave I , ) quent impressions. I know it ally, pretty woman who enters few seconds cud seems u marvel ui dexter a 10; W. the prayer book now in use, so far from to Proms ,sad erect; while the haul saved a room with ce bird lflte motement, with ity. ', ,. '"'° .pi'ohib'Itittg these, things, expressly en, u°d Lhe cumtort experienced in a horse that is `---_--_- -_ her hand on ons aide acid her bund out- _ A modern ye, ,: t101ee6 »nd reauthorizes them. Lt means compact and conveniently urran�ed stretched in a peculiar manner. !ler Malatly. that the clereymdn of the church shall about u common t enter is best appreciated Fla. 4. rLAs, OF 9F.COSD FLOUR friends great her wit h a look of expecbuney To be :without. nn impulse or desire, A heap fuel * ' ' atrietl ohsetve chair reli ileus duties as Y g by those who live where cite rooms are like Lha chit mberod nantilaa' abode, a rambling by the ciot.ted linea accuse the plan. tVhere and an indulgent smile ; but, oh dear, iso P Pose, Lha next woman should come in iu the of with uo spark of lire ; To he 4 prey to nnodish taralanoholr, r, set forth in the prayer book, one Lit succession of rooms. Yet it is not a vet Y it is possible to have water preasnre for plumbing, hath accommodations should ba very ,nano way, anej the next, and Lhe next witiroot the force cur any other f illy ; To To warc•h clic urowrurant "r tit., nnivante, 2° _' ' ',. ' which ditties (anti wnieh is seldom easy matter to group the rooms, in a square added to the basement first or second , -Trow tiresome . to genic" it nova+ grant l ul ro,vor-ae, a �• pal < - observed) is that they shall hold a public house,.so as to piesorve a desirable isola' , floors, accordin to the, ressure af• g P Suppose the robin built her nest this year Blind teudene ;y the nt nater of the whole, p,,d ,,,n a ,cith.nrt. a , n r, a Lir n soul: t'. lis z „ : service daily in the church or chapel. I t tion of the domestic departments of the fonied. The des gable fe:Lturea of thio °tit of twigs and the next year out of moss• To see the ono! nal evil, total an.l fair, i ' t' meansinshort,thatthewhol�oflheprager houee, The house shown to the engravings design are ain,ple and economical What If the sunflower blossomed this year And not to rake a side, rand not co care, ItuL live in i50ojr, anti not portions of it, shall be in construction, with a degree of in yellow and the next in scarlet. Uhl yn,r . t•,auuut,•d u tabu despair. Sot Ince I LXkL: with power and pa,.;lon tied, -t taken as a guide to faith and reli-ious �,.. ,-�•L+� -,� uniqueness and character in tiro appear- ever Lire of the ttit:hting,ile'a aotig . Yec it bus never changed cities the, first one learn- A lean heart nourishing a r,hie.king head. a ' : duty." The society is rega!'ded as an 110 ressive tn)vament on the art of the g �� ,+• - =_ _ .z , _ '' ''f�. y�-: slice convenience of interior arras e• g meat, with healthful ]itthting cud vain• ed ice note of God. Whst would become of 1; musin on th._•ae nr v,t,-rs, walkr.,l a part, g 1 10 ho at peace an•1 ,.lean inu=- with it) heart. v,; chole or ritualists for the high. char n, __ _ :- = "' . ��j, Y' - ry r 1� tilatios, economy iu isatin •, and stnnll b the ropose of nature if'the deny old mother took it into her head to he ,tit ! If the. g"d+ „ere grae,oun to os, than s r romotionof high church or "ritualistic" P b 1 I' I �I expense in ntaintainin,g the exterior against Lhe effeeLs of time and weather, stylish. What do we mean when we snv a ,..,Oman Some tie,%, rrwnetheu, woul,l be ;,'0Lo te,l men, And as I muu;d, i rh„oght one ,p„ke ,with we : "1 ' ' ;, rt. c - principles. •• _ _ _ --_- •_ vt.L!` . Ott' all of which are desirable in a country house. As there need he uo limitation ie sr,yltsh Y There is a true feoii119 of plea- sure to meeting such a wonma. There is a brota •lit a lite fr Lia i •• v • o It , wit ha +ai, •'1 your eyes are hold ••, ;hat ye canuoL sac.” 'Lit spa ' ' " A PR01d1}T CUkE.`- _ = i� as to shape, of ionic Lir locution of windows fiaress shout bar dross, it is suitable to the, _T1,a apactator, 1L > B ^ t ° _� r, , and doors, the intetior should be arranged Ltwe or place, it adorns her farm, it bring: �_��--'_ — t , f , GENTLEMEN.•—having ,uff:red ovar two •, ,,,� „e ,. "_ ,. '.n+ ` - r, ' for the comfort of the occupants. A !seri. out a latent something pleasing to the eye What Thay a About. \{usi,ington. ` ' y , • •years with oou4tipatioa, an.i the c1 ,CWvn _ - • h. fire should ha made, to put in ae many as or Satisfying to the spirit. So far, style is An Everett school teacher, whose nob having helped me, I oonclade i t•) Lry W ua��" possible of the tiwderu improvements which IleuuLy. But when a woman with a differ. charges ranee in age [rum :i to 7 t errs, de- b. B B.. and before I dao,l one bo•.tle I was civilization has added to home life• Most cut earringe,, a different spirit, tries to inti- terniiued to celebrate the unniver,ary of �'' cured, I cau also recommend it for sick headache. ExuRL ll. iiA[NEs, Fir, 2. PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF SOUTH SIDN. of there cost but little extra, if built in at tato her fortunnto sister, alas, our pleasure is the natal day of the father of its eountry by few ibis is thirty.•five feet square, having a plain, first, but art, very costly if the house has to gena. uskinq a questions, Was the b tfs.f Lakeview, O lt. gable roof, 'for economy in construction, be torn to pieces to receive them. Argun e 1 A ter al , we would better understand interrogatory which site pro ounded : w •:• _ durability, and safety from leaking at the angles. To avoid a box -like appearance, the round+ about the houee, so that ogre g P air and sunlight can enter at every win- tike follies committed •in the name of style if we looked upon thern as experiments. 'It "What call you tell me about Ueorge Washington?" And these are a few of the -Daring the pant week meetings the ridgepole is at one side of the middle, dow. Lar a trees should not shade the g is a hopeful sign to bedissatisfied with what individual answers: # have been halal in Credito« , Lt lituvillo far enough to locate a porch (Fig. 3), at house. D,'utbs from consumption have we have and to. be seeking something new. 6 "He w9a tale saviour of tea all." s +,'' and D►ahwood for the purpose, of dis. the northwest corner, and allowing a long ceased when :Lit afiiicted famil moved into y' The increasing variety whirl) obtains is dew e, in architecture, iu literature, is "He walk the owner of the soldiers." „ He the . �': cussing the advlaabillty pf putting in cream se arators the;e Yllla roof slant on the north t ids, and a short one toward the lout , each of sufficient a dr soon house. Use n neutral tint Y Y durable paint. -D. Comings, in American a sign of the Clarnur fur individual preference, when individualit becomes the key. wue mon who acv shoot straight." "He discovered at ns. P >3 } pitch to free itself o snow readily. 'The A�riculcurist. _and a Y this countr y." �. ' At each place the farmers wore et . monotony of the longer roof is broken by note of adormnent'the millenium of.beaut P "He was the first man in the world." thnsiastia, and at once grasped the the two chimneys anti a small gable project AgainstAmateurs. will not be far oft: Perhaps the chief end of man ]S to glorify "He was the man who neverbragged." "He is the only man in Lha world . t idea. After a scheme had been laid be, .tion in the center. The front of the house (Fig. 1) is relieved of any lack of a well- About a hundred French artists have held a meeting with the idea of founding Cod, but there is a goal this side, which, who never told a lie.'-L'oston Journal. i'„y -, fore theist the greater part of tl a stxk balanced appearance, by having a very an association, to be entitled "Les Artistes if we reach it, will only make us more sure That _____ __ -, 'fn required was anb3crib-d in a very few deep projection at the roof, extending over . Francaise de is Rive Gauche." The object of the other. is a lorification of $ calf -not gratification. We. glorify our- Tho ISoudatr TYPewritar. R1inu.Les, and everything shaped to- the tweet ••ei ht feet south of the, orch, 3 8 P of the assuciution is to defend French selves when we listen for these timid voices One of the latest fads among so.iety ,, c *, vVard3 t► big patronage from each source, ` and resting upon . brackets. This section, being treated aymmetrically,gives the effect artists living by their profession against the invasion of the Salon by amateurs. of our beat self. They are hardly wants women is the t ewritin of ersonal let- YP g P A meeting for Lha same purpose of a main building, with an addition the Only profassioual painters, sculptors and to•dce t y th O•text da the will bacotH needs and the next day necessities. How can Leri. The a er and envelo a are of delicate tint violet cream or lemon -and Yfd8 held Lit FArgallar last Thursday •evenin width of the porch. The south side (Fig. 2) has also an extension of the roof, break- engravers can belong to this association, we praise God, better than by having a the, inked -ribbon ma be of red ur le, Y , p P g ing the general outline and hoodtn oo 'n Marrying; a Chinaawoma„� sound mind iu a sound, well -clothed, beau- tfful body! -Currie B. Looney. black or blue, us fancy dictates. An old English forint of type has been invented for t, over the aouthweat windows of the Enforce the Chinese exclusion act as we the purpose. The letters, after being wrib- .` ` tGUARD AGAINST CHOLERA. story. From the kitchen entrance, a veran. dall„extends along the east end, and joins may, Cupid is a smuggler that no revenue hope to detain. For Unsuspected Talent, ten, are laid away for an hour or two in a * f Ktep the b'ood pure, the atomtah in good a the rollway to the cellar at the other off]cer :an what is handsome Coinmauder 1\ hili° of'the Al• g' Burns was living in the town of Ayr, and box of sachet owder the aim beiu P g to do away with the oily odor that night clipgg to workin order, and Lha entire slim free S Y from morbid effete matter b usia Burdock Y 8 corner. Thin verandah, although a con- vonienco and an effective feature, is one , licence, late at Hawaii, about to do . No= Lila- less interesting than marry though still young had attained miles than as a poet. a local r(fay the missive. The t ewriter whicil fintla a Y Blood - Bitters, which eleansea, strengthens which must be varied to suit the situation one of the prettiest and- most popular Chinese lion One day he was paeeinq through the Placa in my lady's boudoir is ornan,eutal, us°ally white bollp,with Pnrisisti trim• and tones the whole system. Cholera can• and purse. It may be omitted or added at belles on the islands. The girl is Misa 6 main street of the town and saw two gill mirage. -New York Evening Worltl. « - sot attack the health y• the pleasure of the builder. Its shade will Etta Ah Fong, one of fifteen daughters of etraagara sitting at one end of the fan win- e ;" ' Le enjoyable iu summer. a millionaire merchant who married a wo. dote. With idle curiosity he"atopped to look " . —A new swindling game comes to Some of the desirable features of the in• terior are seen in the plans. On entering man of mixed blood. It is all well enou h for tire great ships of Lire Atlantic squad• at then:. Seeing hits, and thinking the rustic Conditions of Comfort, Tile plainest room, fit which are light, Iight. It was worked in Leamington the hall (Fig. 3) frorn the porch at the ron to be prancing around in a Colurnbian afford them some amusement they warmth, un easq•ehair, a soft lounge, extra far god, 'r Ia'st week. A sappoded preacher conies dress parade, but here comes an old wooden while while ware wnitinq, the, strangers Called him in and asked him to dine with clothing fico may Outrank iu rain luxury the elegant uparauent in which ore aloe on his wa to Berlin and asked fl Y ___ cruiser in the Pacific with the commander dead set for a Chinese engagement. \Vagi, them. Burns readily accepted the invite• lovelyembroideries,daintytoiletteCushions, toatay.dt afar,! house »II n'ighf. The vF /,MOAN R war, war, with Cupid astride the bowsprit t'Ou and proved a merry, entertainin 9 and the various nicknacks which lease P re uest is ranted. In a few hours q g - laughing fit t° kill. guest. the eye,, but are of no real use. afterwards along comes n coulile look- When dinner was nearly finished, this Plenty of matches in every room are a in - for it reacher.' There boitl a lI P g a r._ Leprosy in Hawaii. strap ers sit ested that each should try 6g leg his hand at verse,naking, and that the sign Of -nod housekeeping. Who has not felt the wretchedness of hnnting all over a %','�a' clergy in the house the farmer sul;gest-y ]... D�Mgac coy Much ices bean written abort the isolated a leper settlement on the Isluud o. Alolokai, one who Failed to write a rhyme should pay hmraO fl,r ce match? Matches need frequent that Mho knot be tied there and then. K roN6N but there are few who have soy knowled-o for the dinner. They felt soc'ure in Mho replenishin-. hlverybody takes them. It .w.. The supposed clergy preforms the of another band of unfo•tunakee who live challenge, believing that their rustic would for the 'Phe is a grind plan to give one daughter the duty ,," oore.mony and asks the farmer and on the little Island of Kauai. ihe are Y guest pay meal. rhymes were written, dud Barna read the follow- of seeing that the n,utch-boxes era altvay� filled. i wife to sign the paper as witnesses. located iu the Valley of lialalau, which Ban only be reached by two mountain ing _ '- ` 'Phis the do, wltioh in a few weeks y NAct asses -one er endieWarl down the P P P Y I, Johnny Peep,paw• t.w•o sheep; - Those two elncep saw me, •"+ Ostrich Plumes.` F *a turns out to be a note for $800. l F4,4to mountain by a sort of hcend•over•hnnd in on to Halt n rro:vn !pisco will pay for their fleece, And I,, Johnny Prep, free. la catch wing of an nstrirh twenty-six Y t -- /i scrriNO ole motion clin roots of shrubs a e.' g g t , the other along the entire seaside ale,ppas of . go The strangers, nstonisliment was great, , leag w3jLe piumea grniv CO ma.urtty in e)ght manth8. In the nude these +are pure �tS,000 SIN Iti;iVAIiDS. ry Bco�ooM Lhe mountains. Both are exceedingly and they bobn exclaimed: s "Who are you? whit •, while those of the female shade to <t • Seventh Half Yenrly Literary Competition Porch • dangerous and known only to residents iu You must be Robbie Burns!" earn or ttra Tho !hurt Leathers are y of Vfie Car►adfan Agri°nttnrlst. Kalalau and their families, There •are souls in "ICatalau," And Robbie Burns did not pay for the plucked for tips, land each wing iarnishes in aeoordaneo with their usual custom for some b . eighty-eight alt told of dinner.-Xottth's Crnnpanion• seveuty•f,ve of these. 'rhe tail feathers If " i :°f6 geara poet, the publishers of that old sit reliable „ -,. ,,; ;,.... ..k•• 'v' `� +{ - , _" � 4'e : -. " " which, twenty have leprosy in its worst - _ a e. •TIWr mcsl$Itl' st•7t -. _&_75't'° fiery • b� , !;" �r l3 fi -_ __ ___...__ _ern .,.-.:_,. _, _.__.,..__ 9luacta and 2'holr Polson. . dee).old.. o -._' + t . _' . ,01Aa .. p, ik ty- ,color nils sixvy ftvo, of these have a commercial value. In h late , uople ° c n tea nndOamda. This "3, b'IG. 3. PLAN OF FIRST FLooR. trues of the eich), porhupa, aro morn or less tainted, but from all exterior appearances Popular myths dis hard, exon when Plucking at Llae Coronad! ostrich farm uoar- '300 . ' coni otitlon will alone Mn 811 1898, (16 days thereafter p y being" wllowed for i4tcora cu recon as rrom distant northwest , it will be seen that this room, in there are manq whose stria wears spotless science hae dons i of ee to , to tli of thein. One of these has roferetce 'to Mho 1 y feathers were obtained from one bird, which, when our]od and dressed, will .:t - ` t points). The following is the prize list: lot Grand Prize,..............92,500 in Gold the coldest corner of the house, becomes the medium to rotest the other arts of P P and without a blemish. A more happy and aontanted villa a of nnbives souls not bo arson , P enpncities Of the, toad, 'ugly and vane• be worth 't r , 0.), The female ostrich lays Sari " ...... 1,000 In Gold sed " 600 in Gold `" the building from the severity of the g found. Daily and nightly tliere are•luaub mous, as Shakespeare hay solnew+hilt itir ,Olitoly described it. Poppu!ltr belief usu,l- seventy eggs allay. --•Chicago Alrtil. - A Colorado Heroine. 4th .... ......... 250 in Gold " 1001! weather, and occupies the location not ex• powed to thtr aura, while it is abundantly with Singing and dancing, when a beveragge �y endows the toarl with tkts puwm of ujoct- from in. The I , �. ' Gald 6000 Elegant Silver Tea Services, Pianos, Organs lighted by two windows, at different levels, made the tf root is indulged sick never mix promiscuously with their ing poison fres Pte mouth in Lhe fO:m of anhva. But $uulengcr h:ta distinctly A Colorado girl named Amy LesliO frac She ,x Gold Watches, do., &a , making a total of over 10,003 prilydn. along the stairway to the second floor. This hall is well relatives, but live by themsolvea at the point• ed lent that clic toxic elemotit iu the cepa• won renown. was crossing oro of the, mountniti rungos iu the, aontborn of • _ papoe and make al Lha w u. you c4u a otoots lee spacious enough to give dignity to the house lea entering, head of the valley There are ten nice anrd neatly built woollen houses, olednly and ture 'is situnted in t a follicles of thn adc,n port the state when site carne across a party elf + ' o dbrititnod in 'the words, COLUtrn[AN ExPeatTION," and sendthom to ns, enelosia one dollar for sir g dad is so arras ed to tyle - g' privacy aitd convenient passage to all comfortably furnished and fifteen trash ' hate. There is a small native place of along the back, whenco sccretinn afc,'s laee under the ]n!long of ir,toi P ,ocr entlemen who had been can ht to 0-ok g g snowdrift. Btth fur her prompt assist nee molatiss anbacription to the Agrioalturiat or the Llidlaq' IToS)e Ragazlne-two of the beat home parts of the house. The first room on the right is a small one, which may be used as worshi and school conducted b a native P , Y be It i tit. tionfro m tir for long n)ndo use s the from the bawl: of Mho toa.tls, Luc they would all have, an fmod. Una of t s, party was a young man Jlassnchrta 9nonthtiae In the, world. ItOrrss.. 1. Foreign words not allowed. 2. Lettere a summer sitting -room, bedroom, sewing• wlose efforts seem tO offoetfve. is worth mentioning that only natives are for what for what purpose, h;tn not b,•on dtdinitely and tqp ouatonar Budin of ronuuan:io ling w.io Y f1 ` edhiibtUanaed Oftener thanthoyappear in the two *bids tlolctlnblannspoaltfon." 8. Namosof room, or study, and has a closet in the residents in "Kalalau," and the desire, of exp 'tined. Tire secretion is ohtail-d by t}o animal in a cosset rescues i� already talked of. ' t v places ind"ijraoirebarred. corner. At the end of the hall. is a large, sunny sitting,room, the people is that their tainted brethren pr€rd,iing Cnnt:a]nin�, Iloni: Scientificall that aante rasalt is ut- b - _., dlFltatseontaiaing.-over l0000rreo words wIllro• lsldcaialtlabto apooialprizo. 5sro postal cord fdr 'nl parlor, or opening with folding doors into the dming•room. Under thus se re ated ma be allowed to ase S g Y p their days of misery within reach of their brined by n hypodcruw:,iujeutiou of 1pyu- ride of h'orinm which causes tie, ) Tante for the Bali. A simple hair tonic n,av be mala by mix- tsb prizs:awlnnora iu torm,� compot'$ions• Addzeds, the stairs ie a small passageway, with A- families, and provided with such comforts vas W porspire freely. Its toxic of acts, -sheA fad in airounee of refined castor oil with a, i - 'Plitt AoaraufaunrBT Pan. f.'e., Peterborough, Canada. cupboard, or closet, at the left, a door into the kitchen opposite, and a stairway load• as aan.be obtuinabl0 in this lovely and p'iC• tureaque -N. 'Y. Tribune. ministered t•a man oraniutals, reseu)blrlhas; .'fij'f t i)f alcohol and adding a drain of tiatloo valley. I of diQicali:. 1 ,Ver o of eantharidos. . , i, ' )'• ' ' ` • �i 1rlt�l#tltMie . „ , Tito. qhl i tskt tcblwotal'b.d#, y bra 111'"--7 of thoak we l9prti 0 soletuy tonk4frriwwr" • It Ili alelA toisletlth, J1ogr y(it ae#itt6_*ie,->' , eee(nlyp�tllelonallgeen thsl,:>oavfltsutttKaatcfitr That They ,lore dow'r ler tbsssa �va haet>tt#e . Ournelvsrri tit hluk , Yls wee.t►tµt npt!#in x g Than heplof'the#rral'.0nteoult4cllearer:bieq}l. ^ 0 rwe a t• u u cry doya.. x'. wands 11$ t fer+i (iht Or oil of taalt le thenlr we t ollltl'hcasi Or anger v#ti tht:lr'Iovl ld preaeeaenear, s.. Or w9ould th4ra by tb, aniailoat t1'9W or tlfwl. r llu e r abroaG lave: Rf apicis !i at`. 4R riot navel, Thy alamico to tall the thou wartdRar, And yet the abaen&eAmIceith ft mora.el"r. " •,Tlelen.idiot ;aokeog, 1 '. , " THAT SCRAP DT��1 '%: , ,, , • • r ., .._ �' "I'm rest sorry, Mie' Hyke, but I mtligl '; as this moyning. My sister's poorly aiat', X promised her I d come just Lia sooty tact qPu, - got home." • I . "I wish you might stay a few '.play* longer, but if you (cavo promiaet{ you sister; of course I'll not urge you, I .soµ `,* pose you have baking done, so 1 Will pot i, have that to do to day," "My, veal There's 'uough cooked np.t last you all the week. Mr. Hyke liµan� eaten scarcely anyt)ung, and I'm need 'pot r " cooking for a big family." . In half an hour after the above uanverfo i tion, Mrs. Iiyke's girl was nn tier wav, tq ,„' her sister's and Alis. Hyke walk hurdetily unpacking her trunk. ,,.he hod just retpr>a ed from a visit to the old home in Michigan ,L Sarah'sleuving eo coon atter her. arrival was not what sho had expected, but being a cheerful, energetic little body, she aiali `i 1, soon bustling about ds though it was title pleasantest thing iu the world to aseuma :''; one's hurdon before the dust of travel was Shaken off. • ' r 4 ", Her trunk unpacked the room put ty ' , y ;- order, she descended po the sitting -room. ','r Here site notes evidences of hurried sweep• ' . '' inns, while the parlor furniture was coated ,+ we, with dust• % "I must attend to this at once," elle r thought, 'Callers may drop in this after- noon." Tho ol,ek had claimed eleven b©fore she ,t .,• renched the kitchen. "I will not a'tempt ' muuh of a dinner," she said to herself, "for n r Tom doesn't like to wait for iii» ineals." ;. Sha lighted the lire and proceeded'ro the i ". ppantry to recon°oitne Tile shelves were 4 �,, loaded with %talo food. There were three ,.,'. ,; platters of meat, two of tough beefsteak and one of stowed veal, s tureen of nu,shed ' +r 114,,' potato-'! dish Of baked beans, also one of , Y,','' stewed tranatoes, awl one of apricots, a , pan of b.oken bits of bread, and one loaf r 'r 5' which had evidently been halted the week ri ?' previous and never paced in the bread jar, r�`y , a very dejected looking euke and s mouldy •, ',,, ,' pie. ;,.i " What mos�cs !" mattered Mrs. Hyke. "No w•owler Tom hag] nn appetite. He isn't ° t very fowl of rtaanie,l bread, bill. by placing a cloth over it• in the steamer to absorb , n�` part of r tun moisture norhnps he won't aus• rri "•. pact it's steamed. I will make a meat pi4 °" of this en d menu." ' c'r Accordincly she al]ced the ment.removed all bene and gristle and placed it in a deep _" ! pudding dish with nearly a pint of cantor, a N'•" •i onerous slice of butter, a per and salt. g PPI r i �; j The dish %, as covered Anti ret on the stove e 9�l;v� c to siminer until the crust should he ready. ,"-rs', y, This she made its if fur biscni rolling it to •. i iii •' . rM i fit the top Of the dish cOutnitiin�g the meat. A tab:dspoonful of flour, stirret�smooth iu �, i?� ° .little gold writer was added to the meat, iia;:`! ;. then the crust and the whole placed in the ' :.1 oven just as she heard the front -gate click, ,, rr "IC cann••t be noon. Wbat brings 'l otn Y.; so early, I wonder !" and peeping out she ;f ,1t.••overed thus ttlere wastt gentleman with ' . - 1 t�, him. ��t u v Cern i for dinner, to•dn of all y 4%," Y Y " ,s day.! ! sho P,j.,culated, "and I eio heiieve it ' s is Morton Williams. I haven't seen hi,ti " 3 7 for y, ars, neat sine•, the night I refused to ,i go to that party with him, and went with a •.a Torn instead. Trey ssv he has married a "' rich wife. I do wish I had something nice p rtrji for dinner.' a"ia( While these reflections were going on, " , , Mrs. Hyke had thrown aside her kitchen ., iii. apron, tin(] was on her way to the parlor, ',,,, Greetings exchanged, Mr. Hyke, raniarked. P °; "I met `4ort. on the street and insisted on \j ``L,�,,,� his coming to dinner. He goes South on ''<a;'`� the one o'clock train, so I came up early," y •,J `,;'.� "Twenty minutes i° which to urepare a t,'? . ernnpnny dinner!" thought ATra.. Hyke, tier $� , spirits sinking to zero. Outwardly, how- 1 „t it ever, she seemed ]n the best of spirits. t^a'; , as she excused herself and flew to the 4,l', kitchen. In a very few minutes a bread pudding, tr 11, composed of half a pint of bread crumbs, ', over which a pint of hot milk had been Froared, a beaten chop a drat of nutmeg, a #? lilt of butter, two tablespoonfuls of sugar. !a" and the atewed apricots, was placed in the +F'. oven beside the meat pie. This was to -be R` k S served with cream and sugar. ` ,(, "In such nn emergency as this, it's my good luck that we keep a Jersey cow," �+ 1 thought Mrs. Hvke, as she pored a little t S rich milk into a saucepan and crumbled in `• the mashod potato, adding a little more � r salt, pepper• butter, anti a beaten- egg. +' y This w<s stirred bmooth, arranged ins ,,, gel mound on a buttered plate, andcoated,with t the white of un egg, ready to place in the ,r` oven to brown. ti y Her thoughts were as nimble as her fin- "" gars, "A soup ]s what I need tO give style % aO" to tbis dinner of fragments,'' and Lit once �';t the dish of stewed tomatoes, with a pinch , q, of soda, was in the granite kettle over the t,', blaze. A tablespoonful of butter and one tN,, of flour wits cooking but not bro\ving. Over 'i this was poured the, hot tomatoes, u goner- ' «" 4 ,�, ous pint of milk added, and, when it came ,y?' to a boil, salted std peppered to taste, and , , "; strained through a colander. The old bak- j., m'% ed beans were pron)paly converted into a naiad, by arranging on a platter with thin ` a'' slices of the pork with which they were]°' baked, and p',uring over them a dressing , of vinegar, mustard, pepper, salt, and melt r ed butter. x The coffee was made, jolly and pickles brought from the cellar closet, and ill half an hour after the it oat ggate clicked, Mho Y,, " gentlemen were sunmoned to the dining•' s room. Airs. Hyke's apfrits rose as she looked a1 b.t ,•; the well-filled table. "If it only tastes ae well as it looks," she thought, ' it won't be \ �., a failure." " `' And it did taste good, if the amount . s %, sL i eaten was any indication. "� _e _h oVq .g°• _war. dura_ Wp v_gl�,t.,=a= :_',- `;;, -m rried said eZ�ifl'iu , �. a m , tit �nnet �. "but'think we will try a change this win tet. I toll qac," he added cotficientially, a Pt as he passed Ilia plate for a second 'slice o_ ";" , the meat pie, "boarding-house fare got ;: ' pretty monotonous. Xou aro fortunate, 1 Tom, to be able to come home to such din• ners as this," , i "A number one dinner, little woman !" whisperer] Tom, ae they passer! out of the dining -room. MOLLI.IE GnUn. Gtrowing Salad at Table. It was a freak of fashion when at A Nett- t... port dinner a salad was grown at the table. _'I; An oval silver dish was placed on the table filled with a combination of florist's soil ana unslacked lime. Seeds soaked several hours in alcohol ,were planted, A servant \vatop, led the soil with lukewarm water, when this ' green shoots bona ne visible. 't'hes'e grew rapidly and when the salad course *6A i a reached, the leaves were of good size rima were berved with French dressing, a . \ ,;{ . , `n ,