HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-05-03, Page 748.0' IJIRE'O ORI',,. Vaulting. L�I� 5 BANK, Ineesponstral by Act of Parliament 1.8355. CAPITAL,- $2,000,000 REST,• • • $1,10Q,000 Head C .oe, - MONTREAL. J, it it. MACRON, President. h`, WO.IsfEaSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. N'ol:ea 4lecounted, Collections made, Drafts #9e led, Sterling and American ex• cllaupe,bought and sold at lowgest current rates. INTSRSST ALLOWS() ON DSL'OSITS. IP. A.RT.dlFd1:ZEt- Money advancdd to farmers on their own notes With. one or more endorsers. No mortgage re• q;nired tts security-. H C. BREWER, Manager, OLINTON. Febrt ary, 1884. G. D. BleTa,ggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. a' GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ATotes Discounted. • - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, June8th, 1591 0183 FARRAN & TISDAL.L, PRIVATE BANKERS,' J.tattenbury - Street • Clinton. Medical. DRS. GUNN &. GIBSON. �FFICE Ontario St, a few doors east of Albert St. W. GUNN. R. J. GIBSON. DR, TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, II. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; N., Victoria' Univ. M. C. P. k S. Ont, ; Fellow o the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office:— Dr. •Dowsley'e stand, Ruttetlbury at. Night calls towered at Office. DRa SHAW. OMee in Hodeen's Block, Rattcnbury St., Clinton, Oat. Night calls at same place. genttota',ls. TO THE FARMERS. Study Xoaw Qwll, tn;.Qre$k ilu4 so vffre ,vett OR got • Reliable Oh Hanes% 1 manufacture nope but tae DIST ole 0 nos. Beware ,*hop* that sell chef►1o, a* they novo got to live tro Aatl and get pricer. Orders by mall promply attended to alf4:0 1.�v HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLT'AJI, ONT K. 0. T. M. K erne Tout No. 00, Kaighte of the Maco.sbeea 0 the World. 1$1,000, $2,000 and $8,000 Pelioies, Mem- berehlp over 100,000. Aseeaement Rinaldo—bee never oxueeted 12 asasssnlonts in a year. Cheapest and safest iu existence. Meets in Orange Hull, Clin- tun, first and third Friday of every month. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meets in Btddleemnt, e Hall, opposite the market, the 1st and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. 11. STUNS - RAM, M. W.; J. 136.01, Recorder. 600y iilfionte. (/ILINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meets k) every Prides-, on or after the moon. Visit- ing brethren cordially invited. T. Sh1ALLACOMBE, Sac. W. J. PAISLEY, w. m Clinton Jan. 14 1803. L. 0. L. No. 710 CLINTON, Meets areoND Monday of every month. Hall : .nt flat, Victoria block. Visit ng brethren always made welcome. WM. WALKER, 1V. 11 TILOS. KEARNS, D.M. CANTELON, Sec. Mark pxightgi 4'4')/e jubilee Preceptory No. 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednes- day of every month, at 7.30 o'clock In the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. 74. TODD, Worehtpful Preceptor CaoRON HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CAS•rRLON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 391► Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall,. Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every month. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S., 1 Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of a harm- less and pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious- ! ices; sickness nor ill-effects accompany the use of i this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can v testify to its genuineness. Special attention given 1 to the preservation of the natural teeth. Othee, ,i Tarlor'8- she store. Coates' Block, over ACNEW, L. D. S. i • Sergeon Dentist. Graduate of Royal ;;ollege of Dental Sergeons of Ontario. Beet Local Anaesthetics for painless ex- , reaction- Rooms in Smith's Block op- posite P.0. 728-y, i t(Illi• MANNING & SCOTT, . Barristers, .4'c.. ELLIOTT'S I3LCOK, - - CLINTON. I Money to Loan. L. H. -MANNING, JAS. SCOTT. • CAMPION & JOHNSTON, BARRISTERS, - • SOLICITORS., ' NOTARIES, cg'c., • ;GODERICH, - - ONT. {.�• Office over Jordan's Drug Store. i►* CAMPION, Q. C. - M. 0.JONNSTON- 111ONEY T() LOAN. :IRAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery, and ' Conveyancing. Office—West Street, next loor to Poet Otttce, Goderich, Ont. 67. C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Office, corner of ' Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 07. tar Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. enc j to pod. ' '!Ul ONEY to lend in large or ema11 sums of goo Ay" mortgages or personal security at the lowest , current rates. 11. HALE, Huron st. Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 26,1881 Iv MONEY TO LOAN. ;'i4 Interest 5ii per cent payable yearly. The borrow- ' Ott) have the privilege of paying the whole or any 'ort of the principal at any time without giving ' notice. '; ',For further particulars apply to A. HARTT. 'Oflicoin McKay's Block, Clinton. utlol Bering. H. W. BALL A UCTIONEER for Huron County. Sales attend- • t . ed to In any part of the County. Addreee drders to GoDRanon P. 0. V-17. ,Phblt'tl; <� FO TER & BAYLEY, CLINTON. i+.ife Size Portraits a Specialty. NELSON T. RITCHIE, L. SURVEYOR and , CIVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - - - ONT. -' Orders left at this offiice promptly aWinded to. ememormsl •-DILL HEADS, NOTE Heade, Lotter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc., printoi In a workman- like. manner and at low rates, at THE NEWS•RECORD oval Black Preceptor} 315 Black Knights of Ireland, leets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- ey of every month. Visiting Knights always made elcomc. H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 AMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 THE CELERRTED deal Washer aid Wringers HE BEST IN THE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial I am also agent for 11 Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Call and see 3170. . B. WEIR, CLINTON A LLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING TJIE WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, 540 and upward.. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at kw rates. No Cattl. carried, STATE } LINE. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin. 540 and upwards. Second Cabin, 025. Steerage at low rates. Apply- to H. & A. ALI, AN, Montreal; or to A. O. PATTISON ,or WM JACKSON, Clinton. SERVICE nF ALLAN LINE STEAMS(' IPS. GODERICH MARBLE WORKS, .7. C. Stevenson, Furniture Dealer, (Clinton, is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. .lfohring, of Benntiller, is our Travelling agent, Orders entrusted to either of the above will have our best attention. Monuments supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN granites, a well as in all varieties of marble. Give Mr, Stevenson a call before ordering elec. where. JOHN A. ROBEnrSON. Manager. Geo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- . smith, Albert Street, North, Clinton JOBBING wereaworkc ironed andS Gratia and, work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. WATTS C co •7 CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert - - Street. - Clinton. to 1DROIIERTY FOR SALE OP 111 •�Iryl R8NT.—Advertlsere will find "The News -R cord" one of the vcst medium. in the ounty of Huron. Advertiao in "The Nowe-ttecord"—The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as ary. CiTTttGE TO .RENT.. 'yhei ottege,andt reeritoP of Mr4. tt, INclotiArt�t en lariagatreett olinttont Melding of a 0011491/414e corkage With suchen end weed*Ited, hurt}.and rani tvRtrr, * acre of land With eusetity of fruit tree*, currant bushes grape vine, do,r-Ferula' eiiy. Apply toll's -SM NG & ric0'tT, Olinton. 754 U FARM FOR SALE. The underelgned offers for Sale that desirable furnt, being lot 87, en the 14th oon. of Goderich township, containing 80 acresan , more or less, with triune dwell- ing and Bern with stone foundation, now occupied by Mr. Joe. loud. Poeseaelon given let Octobei next. Pore!) particulare apply to J. H OQAIRE, xecutors. JOS. ROWELL, late k. PHILIPS - JAS. FERGUSON, PUMP MAKER, - - CLINTON. (HOW OLI) STAND) Pumps sold reasonable. Cisterns and Tanks nut. down. Wells dug and cleaned and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 755 -81 HOUSE TO RENT. street, May 1111. Clinton. That desirable house and lot on Victoria occupied by J. L. Doherty. Pueseeslen Stable reserved. Apply to LacK KENNEDY, 755-tf Central Hotel, FOR SALE. by the un- Road, one half of and a hard and wood and good fruit and live retired. Goderich. The property at present ocoupied iereigaed as• a residence on the Iluron in the Town of Goderioh, ooneieting of an acre of land, good frame house -story half -seven rooms, including kitchen, soft water, good stone cellar, stable, oarriago houses. There are also some trues. This property is beautifully situated very suitable for any'persoo wishing to 1l'o1 further particulars apply to b. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister. Clinton MEAT Market that be has the butcher - the style of name at the and most only share of BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to Intimate bought out the interest of Mr. Couch, in Mg business lately carried on under KURD rt COUCH. Ile will continue the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest careful attention to the business, straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling choice meat, to merit and receive a fair public patronage. -All orders carefully and filled. JAMES A. FORD, .". CLINTON. promptly • JOHN - SCRUTON, Butcher and Poulterer ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. All lines in season. Highest Hides, Tallow and Sheepskin - price for s. NEW RII'1'CIIER SHOP. WHEATLEY & FINCH 1 on HURON to sup- 'meats And I prices. &c. ; We have Opened out for business STREET, CLINTON, and will he pleased ply the wants of all in all kinds of poultry in e.ason at the lowest living Highest cash price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, Patronage respectfully solicited. 727 —tf. WHEATLEY d FINCH. SEED AND FEEDING • PRICES. GRAIN 1 , Grain at the 1 Seed. • less than 10 wholesale , and the , exchange for will un- ' seed . Clinton. Store SEEDS assortment such as MILLET, or Gar.- ar'.den and kinds. 1 am Selling both Seed and Feeding following prices :— American Banner Seed Oats at 35 cents, Common Seed Oats at 33 cents. Feeding Oats 32 cents. Have also a few Early Gothland Oats. Good Seed PEAS at from COc to 65 cents. Feeding Peas 53 cents. Also Plenty of good 6 rowed BARLEY for The above prices are for lots of not bushels, and are liable to change if the market changes. As I eelt at small profits busintss not my own, I sell for cash or any other kinds of grain. All good farmers derstand the importance of exchanning W. IL PERRIN, Cook's Flour, Feed & Seed SEEDS I SEEDS ! We have in stock a choice of the moat Reliable Seeds, CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CORN And all seeds required for Farm denuse. Call and inspect get prices. Flour and Feed of all D. COOK, CLINTON. 7:2.tf. HILL'S FEET) STORE, IIIIRON STREET, CLINTON. and all Field Feed of all SALT the choicest value, Clinton The Best Early Seed Potatoes, kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, and Garden Seeds, Flour and kinds. Closest living prices for cash. in stock and for sale. TEAS of varieties and blends, Excellent J. W. HILL, Huron St., BULBS AND PLANTS. of and mixed and a very Single and plants will on short Clinton. T. COTTLE has a fine collection Dahlias, Gladiolus, named varieties, Caladiums, Fancy Leaf, fine lot of Tuberose Begonias, both Double. Parties wanting bedding do well to give us a call. All kinds of Floral Designs node notice. Prices reasonable. T. COTTLE, No. 7'2, Joseph St., ADVER in TIM The law stray stock you will not )r. ,,, QTRAY STOCK tJ TISEMENTS inserted NRws RRCORD at low rates. makes it compulsory to advertise If yon want any kind of advertising no better than call on The Nowa-Record. GO TO THE '11nion Shav c„.24e./6/7'1,- For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, J. EMERTON, Proprietor. or Clinton .7. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary iT,r. ; • Surgeon, honorary graduate of 1 OntarioVeterinary College,treats MI diseases of all domestic animals ,i1 .. on the met modern and ecientlflc principles. rearOalls attended to night or day. Office immedittely west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence— Albert street, Clinton. 549-8m J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADINC UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont "She Looketh Well to the ways of her household." Yes, Solomon is right; that's what the good housekeeper everyl><�_re does, but particularly in Can- ada. . But her ways are not always old ways. In fact she has- dis- carded many unsatisfactory old ways. For i>,stance, to -day she is using' the New Shortening, instead of lard. And this is in itself a rea- son why " she looketh well " in another sense, for she eats no lard to cause path- digestion and a worse complexion. COTTOLENE is much better than lard for eel cooking pur- poses, as every one who has tried it declares. Have you tried it? For sale everywhere. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Sta., MONTREAL. he Hi i N u3 -Rao )rd 51.50 a Yeac--$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday, May 3rd, 1593. THE HEROES 01' '37 AND '38. Wriller. by Ellen E. Sharpe Lindsay. Vhen the dreaded war cloud darkened For a time, Canadian skies, uddenly, as if by macic, Did a host of heroes rise ; Sen who loved life's many blessings, But the British ensign more 5 len who would not for a moment Let the rebel war -fiend roar. pwards of ten thousand heroes, Worthy sons of noble sires, Vho would give no hope nor quarter To 'Mackenzie's vain desires, n the Upper Province rallied At their Sovereign's battle cry, roving to the rebel footmen They would conquer them or die. b; the time ! Canadian winter, Plodding onward through the snow, hinly clad and scant their armor For such hardships and such woe. bus they answered to the summons, "Every man on duty now." oon they'll strike the telling death blow On Rebellion's haughty brow. In the ranks we find in service, Erin's sons so brave and true, Wbile beside them stand the Britons, Serving Queen and Country too. Foremost in that day of trouble Stood Glengarry's stalwart men. What cared they for traitor offers ? Liberty was priceless then. Priceless as the day their fathers Left "Auld Scotia's" heathery shore, Seeking in this forest country, Liberty for evermore. Brave Highlanders 1 Brave Highlanders, Invincible on bloody fields I Still in truth we proudly tell it, Highland valor Freedom shields. Soon the rebel army vanished Like the snow that falls in May, And our land was purer, brighter,I When the war cloud passed away. Nothing under heaven blacker Than the traitor grovelling low, Should he dare again make trouble IIe shall meet with greater woe. Worthy veterans, long you've waited For your well-earned just reward, Now throughout this wide Dominion Is the welcome message heard, That our land will freely honor Those who once did honor her, Fie upon the cringing coward Who would veterans' honor blur. But all thanks are due t t1cLennan, Scion brave of heroes true, 'Twas Glengarry's honored member Who so nobly fought for you. Long he strove and well he argued That a recompense be given To the still surviving heroes Who had served in "Thirty -Seven." The 01111witl.g is u e.t1pY of'the r+te n) d111014 1yosgil uud Molted lay Mr. Jnhu 14e6tly at the Iolyrood literary meeting itcuutly Shall We whose fathers fought autl•died O.0 Quoeuston's bio fly Ile:gilts, Surrender to our father's foes Ogr country's blood bought rights I Shall we whose red cross flag, Has swept the tvildest,tierrest seas, And braved iot twenty ceatu The battle and the breeze 1 Shall we entomb our chic -ally 1\'itIdu um tat liar's graves, And leave our lathers' chi! rens Tho heritage of knaves 1 Shall we whom victory has crowned On many a bloody field, 'To those from whom we wrenched the prize, The crown of victory ) ield i Shall we before a foreign state, Like puny sups iant's cower, And own our base unworthines •, Of natures splendid dower 1 To let our name forever be Erased from history's page ; The mean dishonor and reproach, To earth's remotest age. Atm) len, I love thea well, Thi• hearts are lcal and true ; Thy fields are wide, thy store is rich, Thy country lair to view. But Canada, my own dear home, My heart still turns to thee ; Thou horneyof manly virtue, Laud of the brave and free" Where in the rush and struggle Of life's increasing fray, One day is set apart and kept For God's owe holy day. On which the sons of toil may meet Before their God and King, And round his alters reverently, His praise and honor sing. Then cheered and fired by love- divine Go forth to meet the fray, And feel the heavenly halo On this their Sabbath day. Where hunlau life is sacred, Vithere mart lige is revered, An 1 poverty and wretchedness, By loving hearts aro cheered. Where common sen: o and manly pluck, Is roared on every hall, Which make the sons of Canada, The peers of every laud. Deer Canada, thy wane is slitincd On every patriot heart, And shall we then from that dear name, This beauteous county part. To join a land, which loved not Our lonhly sacred name, Nor wished not to see it graved Upon the scroll of fame.. Ah ! No, thy name shall be engraved Upon the rocks of time, And live in honor and respect To earth's remotest clime. Noble patroits 1 Fast you're leaving Canada and friends behind But in Memory's choisest chamber You a place shall ever find. Still upon the nation's annals Will your deeds and names be given May they shine with brighter lustre On the hero roll of Heaven! *William Lyon McKenzie. tDedicated to Major 'Roderick R. McLennan, member of Parliament for Glengarry. His grandfather Farquhar McLennan was one of the Highlanders who flettled in. Glengrar czu�•-V served with great distinctio' LL .r war of 1812-14 and whose sons also fought in the same war. One of them, the father of the present member, served as Ensign and carried the Queen's colors in the let Glengarry Militia. Major McLennan is senior Major of the 59th Glengarry,battalion of militia and has published a concise history of the efforts made to recognise the veterans of 1837 and 38. Then rouse yourselves Canadians, Acquit you as you ought, And all our country's future With honor shall he fraught. And this far reaching nation, By God's own foresight planned, Shall. be the key of nations ; The path of every land. Through which the wealth of Orient To Europe's Cofers rolled, Shall leave its legacy behind In storespf Eastern gold. And from the richness of their depth, Our mines their wealth shall pour, Anil the held nil rockies shah give back The factor)'* cheery rote. And from the calm Pacific To Atlantic's surging swell, The sons of dear old Canada In unity shall dwell. Me thinks I see the glorious day, When scouring every sea, Her fleets shall bear the peaceful fruits Ot earth's prosperity, And ff eed from vile corruption, And protection's deepening pall ; Right in our halls of state shall rule, And triumph over all. And honored and respected Thy sons in peace shall dwell, And oft around the hearthstone The stirring story tell. Of how their fathers won the fight, Against adversity and wrong, And made their country honored In history and song. And on the topmost summit Of honor's highest dome, Te see these works emblazoned, "Dear Canada, my home." A GREAT COMBINATION. On the outer wall of a Brooklyn house aro two signs, which make an extremely suggestive combination. The most striking is a patent medicine ad- vertisement which begins near the lop. This medicine claims to be a specific for nearly every ailment man is heir to, The name, pvdce, and virtues of the medicine are first set forth—then fol- low the aliments that it can conquer, enumerated at great length. Thea ad- vertisement then comes to an abrupthalt, and another, modest, unpretending, but exceedingly euggastive sign reads, " MURPHY, UNDERTAKER."—From the " Editor's Drawer" in HARPER'S MAGA- ZINSI for May. —The immigrants to Manitoba and the Nortb-weet since January 1 have taken in with therm $600,000 worth of o%oo't; and effects. —The seventeenth annual meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Presbyterian church was held in London lent week. commit e50e&tlt SHILOH'S CURE. .fx (tares Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. Fier a Lame Side, clack or Chest Shiloh's Porouo Philter will give great satisfaction. -•-0g cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Ma's. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn. saves 6 57lfloh'e Vitalizer' SAVED MYLIk''E. I cool/rider uthebestremedll foradebfiftetedetlatem Zoe used." For Dyspepsia. Liver or lihinoy trouble it excels. Vice 75 ets. H 1 LO H'S,, ;rCATARR W REMEDY Have you Catarrh? TrythisRemedy. It will positively reltove and Curo you. Price 410 eta. Lhle Injector for its succoesful treatment furnished free. Rcmembor, Shiloh's Remedied are sold MS guarantee to give satisfaction. ACUTE or CHRON1L, Can be cured by the Lino of SCOTT'S of pure Cod Liver on, with the Hypophospbites ci Lime and Soda. A feeble stomach takes kindly to it, and its continued use adds flesh, and makes one feel strong and well. "O r% VTION. "—Beware of eubetbutes. Go nein a prepared by Sant fc Boerne. Belleville. Sold by all druggisto. 60e. and 51.00. q Q"yS1 C.90 ,i I of 1! 3 r'$ GSe ti ,ice 'naOA.n:i : ' •t:, wu,;::il t:“ Y 111 "OJ 'ass... A.11:11.11:-111 •u.ub4 WI VIII •uaae.l cal gvae r;4 ,u.onro•rru111 Lid •..I,LI Jn ,n,.,.,a' 00 vise':o'1 1 '1ns 00 601,1 :' •S,1 P,"A 'e,;!:5'''.t"'1;J3—•,n.;am.l0-.:i.-1 •'PJ, "ILO I"d''ZVII 1I3sLIA1 ,t .i itlIl,lll':1II 4u' ..pa;; ;Sulila;A'eeCar5uJ.19. (.111130,5- 00 t• 5-001' Ar!Ilno(1 utrve,,.0—STi V▪ T. s+r.• 'Yr S r. -s Z' spolaad 0en3oa 00J, 'Moll: Sy d 1.11—Zi 911 S7' CZ' 4L' S7.' CZ' 1,121 ma '6aaa3 'SOY 'Ir an 100 as ao1.1 Dag 1101:110 +aor;7,1-.f.$ gatte3 af,lpieu'tAt--er+ •puou 5111 u; plo0'uznanUal •11...Inin,)-til -••••on8vpan .mana's111g0'uisn.1t11C-9 sal cd olluunw4ll 'uleg,utul:0vl1I-SI -•soondn.M'suIstiles 3 'mnoask 1!us-1'L asauasauofi 'd! r!b a :a u' y, '0 n 0.11)—g 1 •. •opol.rad inJnlud .10 pasna.1ua111li-11 not;udnsuOJ'seanenof 3 '11tLidad>'wf.(1—a'T ' •OS11404 'e40apuoH Now 'bayou italal1-0 al(auaa4,,1 'agauglooy 'Limina rt —S B311gauo.IR 'ep10;) 'uyuao;3-6 'ninny ao mimeo Jo 'ua4.lau!H-1' Seaapulaalu,3,'8u1•(a0'11103 tnulciI;'as,—¢,' ••' "mop uuom'does, 0140AI ••suo;;uuluto;;ul •suo;istOoop 'a ¢oma,I—lI •p(ao,tt 0111 Jo so!p.nuag l,1$i0ISAOS o1;1 poop pup 1on3 dl 0at1 pun Mete all) Supnpai ao 501flanri'8n;5anap 7n0131ns+ .'.In•) .Say, •pamun osuas,p 0131 .103 ,+ane lei*• s * oul0odg ot5nla ri.10A',1 *seasons aarltiO 1,l++ •+ldoad O40 atq exco4 ,f31it11 40Ao .Io) pap as1s,;.nt olnn,ad UT saoa6 aoJ pawn '5Olpaulacl p010 ..vl (11033010 pun611eohnualae Dan saplaadiJ s.4aagauulll 'ai, SA\3 al C'E.d ':s-+ Md H WELLS &RICIIARI) ' Co. Age ali►9;rREAL THREW AWAY HIS CRUTCHES AFTER YEARS OF TgFeRIBLH SUFFERING. n AN INTERESTING HISTORY. STATEMENT OF MR. WM, MONEE. For eight years I was troubled with a sore on my leg which resulted from having it broken. The doctors kelt me in bed five months trying to heal it up, but all to no purpose. I tried all sorts of salves, liniments, ointments, pills and blood medicines but with no benefit. In 1883 it became so bad that I had to sit en one chair and keep my foot on an- other for four months. I could not put my foot on the ground or the blood would rush out in a stream and my leg swelled to twice its natural size. ELEVEN RUNNING SORES developed on it which reduced me to a living skeleton (I lost 70 lbs. in four - months). Friends advised me to go to the Hospital; but I would not, for I knew they would take my leg off. The doctor then wanted to split it open and scrape the bone, but I was too weak to stand the operation. One old lady said it had turned to blank erysipelas and could never be cured. I had never heard of Burdock Blood Bitters then, but I read of a minister, Rev. Mr. Stout, who had been cured of a severe abscess on the neck by B.B.B., after medical aid had failed, and I thought I would try it. I washed the leg with the Bitters and took them according to directions. After using one bottle I could walk on crutches, after taking three, I threw away the crutches, took a scythe and went to work in the field. At the end of the sixth bottle my leg was entirely healed up ; pieces of loose bone had worked out of it and the cords came back to their natural places again. That was nine years ago and it has never broken out since. I can walk five miles to -day as fast as anyone. and all this I owe to B. B. B., which certainly saved my leg, if not sly life. , I cheerfully recommend it to all • sufferers. Give B. B. B. a trial, it will cure you as it did me. 'Yours truly, WM. Mettles:, St. Ives P.O., Ont. Mr. F. C. Sanderson, the druggist of fit. Marys, Ont., certifies to the entire truthfulness of the remarkable statement made by Mr. MaNee and says that several her wonderful cures have been made in Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIOM PATENTS, COPYRiCHTS, eta For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 3a1 BUOADIY AV. Mew YULE, Oldest bureau for securing patents In AmerioZ Every patent taken out by us 1s brought before the public by 8. notice given free Of charge In the c ntifh Imerinut Largest circulation of any acientine paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, $3.00_. year; $i.60six months. Address MUNNk vu. PUBLI881018, 361 Broadway, New York Qtr r