HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-05-03, Page 6ARENEsiscsamai VER'S Sarsaparilla Y -our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-crofu la Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores S -curvy, Humors, Itch A-nemia, Indigestion P-imples, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes I-mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Complaint A-11 cured by AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $r; six bottles, $g. Cures others, will cure you Mire Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year—$1.25 in Advance Wednesday. May 3rd, 1893. —A Russian immigrant, afflicted with smallpox died at the quarantine grounds at Winnipeg lost week. 47onsettaption Cared. Au old ph ysie;an, r 0 fired fr nn practice, having b plan, I in hi, h , hi uy an East India misstou- ar, Lh , r,•riu tlx nt , -0 o to venehLh le remedy Int the .peaty on 1 pventanant cure .1 ''ons ,mptiun, Br,n^hit ts, Owen h. k- tuna and all throw and Luog .' T •+tiuus. ul+•t L pesttivo suit radh:n.1 Burr, for N.,rv•,.t.. ;ton :by a , l nl New,nv Cnmpiaints, .deur t ,+,,ud i•. w ,n i •rhtl ourati ve powers lu th,ms.tuts t 1111 us. h•.a felt it his duty to make it kilo wit to nisi tater, tit tutlowe. Actuated by this ,untive a ,-1 x d•+xira to relieve human suffering, I 'w 111 .9end tree, of char x,. t , sit who d.+Rii , it, thin rV •'P". iu ,inns.?,. Pr nn,h or English, with full directions f •r ero,,Lring and using. neut by runt by a Ilr ssin.e with se m', naming this pnoor1 V.A. Noxa., 820 Powers' 10 c),-, Rochester, N.Y.. y. —The statue of Sir John Macdonald ie to he' unveiled at 11amiton, Ont., on Jane 1-t, by the Governor General. How do von do w hen you buy shoes or clothing? Dant y•,n go to the place (if you can tial i+) where they toll you that y'u may weir the articles mil., and then, if oa'te not satisfied, they'll refu •d the money? Why not do the seine when you buy medi- cine• ? Dr. P;erne's G l len Medicial Discovery is sold on that plan. ' It's the (oily blond -puri- fier a( certain and elective that it, oau Le guaranteed to benefit or cure, in every Daae, or you have your money hack. It's not like the ordinsry spring lnedicinee or earsap+irilias. All the year round, it cleanses, halide up, and invigotatee the system. If you're billions run-down, or dyepeptie, or have any blood -taint, uothing can equal it as a remedy. —Win. O'Neil, the icau who has been obtaining motley in various parts of the province by alleging that he represented Gray & Sons of Chatham, has been arrested at Paekenharo, and is now in gaol at Brockville awaiting trial. WHAT CAN BE DONE? When the system is overloaded w ith im• purity, the circulation sluggish, and the Stomach out nt order, as is often the ease in spring time, th-re is no remedy so (the–whirls ate Burdock Wood Raters to remove every trace of impute matter ani restore Ferfuea health. —At St. Catharines 1,st Wednesday Frederick Smith, au old man. was sentenced to tu•o years in penitentiary for attempted criminal assault on an eight year old daughter of Wm. Trem- ble. BISST EVER MADE. DEArt Sitt°,—I can highly ric,mmend 1Iegyard's Pectoral B.leam a. the beet r••m- edy ever made f"r cuuzhe and colde. I am never without it in my house. HARRY PALMER, Lorneville, Out, —A sad accident happeued Inst Saturday night at ]Iawkestono, near Barrie. Mr. John W'illian:aon, J. P., wont out to hie ruin darn, and whilst raising the 11uud-;;ate a lover struck hits, stunning hint and knuel ing him into the flume, where his body was found about three )100 is afterwards. Ile was 72 year; of age. A PUNY AND FRETFUL BABY. Tnis is now quite unnereseary ! Like many nthc•ti you may have your baby fat, ;•yn .;,•nt il,'�ve it S.:�i! :mu skin. Babies take it like cream. —Rabt•tt E-Isop, of Creemore, Ont„ was cat lied over the balls in the Shawuiinga river, Parry Sound district, on Tuesday evening Ho wee employ- ed by the Beck Lumber Company, and while trying to break n jam of loge full into the water, and wag carried over the falls. Estop was 25 years old. DEA FNESS CURED. A Jt'lower *action, Who will buv pansies? There are hot eyes, new soft sed tender, Love In them ilea. Who will buy rosea? There ere her lips, Arad there le the nectar That Oupidou dips. Who will buy lilies? There are her cheeks, And there is the shy blush That maldhood bespeaks. CYN'T'HIA WAS MARIIIED. • "Beauties, sir ; American beauties ! They don't exist, save upon paper or ill photographs. I hate American wumert, sir, they're so unwomanly." . And then Captain Lovelace blew out it great cloud of smoke, and oeetned to swear inwardly. Now Lovelace was our lady killer ; we looked up to him es having had tremendous successes. We should none of us have thought of asking him ti. dinner—that would have been far too dangerous to the peace of mind of -those of us who are married. And as for our daughters. Lovelace wasn't a marrying man ; but here, in the stilly night, wo did not mind listening to Lovelace's adventures and chuckling over them. Lovelace was rather fond of relating his successes. A terrible follow, a professional lady killer, sir ; horribly good looking, mowed 'em down like grass ; he was a regular upas tree to the whole sex. "But I thought you went to the States on purpose to study the American female?" said I. "So I did, Pumper, so I did. But I was cured of the American female in Paris. I had a terrible experience. I was deceived, air, deceived by a woman," he added, vary solemnly ; "and for the first time in my life," and then he groaned aloud. We hud dined together, Lovelace and I, and we had had a bottle of '34 port. It always makes a fellow communicative and confiding, our '34 port, and if we hadn't had it I shouldn't have got the story out (.1 Lovelace; but the '34 port did it, and Love- lace wanted no urging to tell his tale— lie was still smarting from his recent wrongs. "Rather a new experience for you," I said, with a sympathizing snide. "New, sir," he replied; "it was horrible; it bus destroyed toy illusions. I have ceased to look on women as angels. I met her in Paris," he said. "The husband was a busy man—a mere money grubber, a soulless drudge. I met then[ at the em- bassy. Mrs. Van Spoof was a pretty woman. I was naturally attentive and Van Spool Meth d me to dinner. There were no other guests. tY eou've no business, I guess,' said Mr. Van Spoof, after Cynthia -1 mean Mrs. Van—had left us to our coffee; `yeou're just hanging round, ain't you" said he. . 'You've hit it,' I replied ; 'it's just that. I'm here for pleasure' "'Ab,' said Mr. Van Spoof, with an amused grin, 'here for pleasure, eh?' and then he vulgarly dug the in the ribs. 'Now look here, Cap,' said Mr. Van Spoof, familiarly, 'you're just the chap to show Cyuthy round. My hands are full; I'm up to my eyes in wet k. You show Cynthy round ; you trot her out; you'll be the very boy for for her. \Ve've got ten days here, you see, and Cynthy has to see the shows.' "'Did Mrs. Van Spoof suggest this ?' .1 asked, with some cm tosity. "'Waal, no,' replied the husband ; 'it's my Wee. There ain't uo harm, is there?' he asked, and he seemed to grin fatuonsly. "I accepted the position at once, for I confess to you, Pumper, that I was smitten with Mrs. Van. We were congenial spirits. She admired Longfellow—so did I ; I read Shakespeare—so did she ; and she n'as a dear, delightful Dredilen china shepherdess sort of a little woman. But . you've seen hat, and so I needn't talk of her corn- plexion, her figure, her wealth of golden hair, and her eyes --ah, those treacherous eyes 1" and then Lovelace took a big gulp at his brandy and soda.. I hastened to assure hien that I had seen her, and that site was a remarkably • pretty woman, and generally admired. "She's a Dead Sea apple, Pumper, that's what Cynthia—I mean Mrs. Van Spoof— is !" he cried ; "to me, at least," he added, with a deep sigh. "I personally conducted Mrs. Van during her tee days in the American's paradise. Cook's tourists were nothing to her. She saw everything. We visited all the churches and went to tete top of all the steeples. We descended into the catacombs ; we in ;pouted, the morgue ; we wont to the Louvre, the Luxembourg and the Salon. We rushed to Versailles and the ruins of Bt. Cloud. We breakfasted and dined at a different restaurant and patronized a differ- ent theatre every day. We drove in the Bois, and we went to the races, the Etleu Theatre and the cafe concerts. It nearly killed me, Pumper. I explained, I trans- lated, I bargained; and in the intervals— the short intervals—I laid regular siege to Mrs. Van Spoof. 'Now, Captain Love' (she always called me Captain Love, the minx !)—'now, Cap- tain Love,' she would say, 'you really mustn't. It's playing it very low down upon Daniel to try to mach toe. It isn't quite fair on poor little me, Captain Love;' and then she would hold up her ltttle well gloved hands in mock alarm, and insist on asking some insane question, which 'had to be answered from the guide book. But I felt that I had touched her heart, for on the ninth day of our perambulation of Paris, just as I was about to suggest that she shoul.S fly with me.- -for they were leaving France for New York the next day—she suddenly buried her face in her handkerchief, and declared that I frighten- ed her. "'Cynthia,' I said, 'we love each other. Unpropitious fate has linked you to a wretch who fails to apps eciate you at your proper worth. I, Cynthia, on the other hand, am your slave for hfe. Darling, I cried, warming up and preparing to quote tryw ' ''''lFr�lb i' _` `..:..:.;'l �' uilmost dbr'°iisma3 Mrs. Van Spoof ; and, sure enough, there ho was, advancing to us with a self-satisfied smile. 'I will come for your answer to -morrow at 11,' I whispered ; and then 1 rose to greet the poor confiding husband. "I ordered a third ice, for we were sit- ting in the To-toni's at the time and tried to look as unconcerned as possible. "1 succeeded. Van Spoof. poor,s simple, huckstering soul, suspecting nothing. * a x n :I, "Next clay at 11 I presented myself at the Van Spoofs' apartments at the Bristol. I was evidently expected. Cynthia was pale, and Ma• eyes sparkled with a feverish light, There were open trunks lying about in every direction. They were getting reedy fir the start to Now York. I lost no time. 'Take the place with a rush' is tny' motto., , ' " 'Cynthia,' I cried, as I fell upon my knees and placed her taper fingers to my lips. ' 'Captain Love,' said Mrs. Van Spoof in a choking voice, 'he—Dan'll is in the next roost, and—and ho suspects. Lot me Implore you to leave me.' Stns,--Frtr years 1 was troubled with deafness, and last whiter could scarcely hear at all. 0 r applying Hatrylyde Yellow 011 it restored my hearing and 1 now hear as well as anyone. MRS 1 TITTLE Cooa, t1 eymouth, N. S. —The Montreal liar sent a despatch on Tuesday to the New York Sun, saying that hundreds of French Cana - diene were leaving daily to work in New England brickyards • "At that monletlt,, there was aft iW pperieua knack at the door—a husband's knuak, . •`"'Save yourself!' cried Cynthia, aa she held opou the lid .of an immense Saratoga tru tit, one of those huge sof ers without whi{.'h no American lady ever travels. "For her sake, for the sake of tine Trans- atlapt:c Imogen, I, a modern Iaohimo, stepped into the g eat trunk. It wasn't fear of the m+.0 4 tut Spoof, Pumper; it WAS love—love for the tro.uthcroue little fair haired viper, his wife. 'que lid closed upon tr.e, and I heard tee ominous click if tine spring lock. "'(:•+rue ill, Dan'll,' cried Cynthia Van St '. f; uud be•nre 1 heard the fellow's voice ] int •ll d the.o•ior of the rank cigars that he invariably smoked. '• •Waal, my gal.' said Van Spoof, 'are yeou through with them boxes?' " 'They're ell packed, Dau'Il. I've just filled the Inst one;' and Mrs. Van Spoof's voice seemed to be choked by a kind of sob. "'Then they can be started off at once, pussy,' said Mr. Van Spoof. "I heard no more ; I believe I tainted. "When I emus to myself I was brought to by a trernendeue concussion. I heard the noise of vehicles ami the hum of voices. We were evidently in the street. I dared not not utter a souud for Cynthia's sake \Ve were soon in rapil motion over tho smooth asphalt. The position was a terri- ble ono. I couldn't turn, but I could breathe—thunk heaven, 1 could breathe. I would go through with toy terrible ad- venture for Cynthia's sake. What if I were to die of suffocation? Dreadful thought ! But her secrer, Cynthia's secret, the secret of our love, would be safe. She would re- lease me at the first opportunity. She evi- dently had had some plan—trust awoman's ingenuity for that—but she had not had time to communicate it. But my ntedita• tions were interrupted. I and my living tomb were suddenly, violently flung upon some hard substance. If it had not been for my hat my skull must have been frac- tured ; as it was, I felt as if every bone in my body was dislocated. But 1 uttered no snuud—no cry escaped me, for 1 felt that, perhaps, the eyes of Cythia were upon the trunk, and a groan might betray us. "We—the trunk and I—were banged about horribly for the next five minutes. Then somebody kicked us, a voice shouted: 'Grande vitesse, Charing Cross, onrcgistre,' and then my sufferings recommenced. But I bore it, sir—I bore it for Cynthia's sake. "I saw it all : she was eloping to Eng- land with n,e, and for a moment I pitied the poor deluded American husband, Van Spnof. a • van,the train were placed in the \1 e pl d started, After what appeared like years of agony, though it was only a little over four hours, we were dragged forth. I was one vast ache, but my heart heat with happi- ness for now, surely now, Cynthia would release rue. My position was tarrible ; in total darkness, my knees in my motuh, un- able to change my attitude, parched with thirst and went of air, it was wor=e than the miners in the coal mine, worse than the Little Ease ; hut hope, the hope of my reward, sustained me. And when I heard a voice—an hnnest, hearty English voice : 'Look out below !' "Then we, the trunk and I, flew through the air as if shot from a crossbow. There was'an awful crash, and I lost consc!ous- ness. They had shot us, w:th the rest of the heavy luggage, down the steep shoot to the eteatner's deck—a railway collision was a joke to it. "They put the heavy luggage forward ; you feel the motion of the ship most there. I am a bad sailor, Pumper. I always have a private cabin when crossing the Channel —I had one now. I drew a veil—you can fancy the rest. But I bore it a11. I endured torments in the van from Folke• stone from want of sir ; we. being big, were undermost in the huge pile of luggage in the van. "When we got to Charing Cross at last the customs officials opened my prison. I learned afterward that there was a In bel directing that the trnnk wits to be opened and'examined immediately on nrriving at Charing Cross. The fat,el. Sir, was in the handwriting of the fiend, Van Spoof. Had Cynthia betrayed me ? 'They dragged me out, sir, more dead than alive, and I was at once given in charge for attempting to defraud the rail- way company by travelling as passengers' luggage. "I dared not tell the story. I gave a false name. I was fined £5 the next day and passed the night in thepolice cell. The magistrate said that he hoped it would be a warning to me. "It will be, Pumper. Never—never while I live. will I again pay my addresses to a married lady. But I wonder whether Cynthia—I mean Mrs. Van Spoof—did what she could under compulsion ? I wonder ? • I shook hands with Captain Lovelace and I sympathized, and then I bad him gond night. He's married now, poor fellow, so I tell the story.—The Argonaut. :� •�a. wii.tiL i...' —__ — — ..„lv' ' y IrG. .al' THS F iJI LE' oQ ►uMN' Alf Advertisements under this heading- filler ,trot nterath, and 5Qo. each su6selttent month. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 11+vt 014 east side James street, on the south side of the Catholic Ohmoh, containing # acre of bund, on wblalt Is erertod a good substantial frame (k tlsge of live rooms, Eitobeu end Woodshed, Cellar under the wh 1r•; bard and soft water. Apply to RICHARD IRWIN, Executor of Estate of Juhu \1'lnhima. 750 -If ' Teaching the Farmer. During one of the tariff debates Mr. Flint of Yarmouth referred to the manner in which men living in luxury undertake to tell the farmer that he is prosperous, or if he is not that it is the fault of his own ex- travagance and bad management. In Ibis connection he quoted a stanza from one of Mr. Rudyard Kipling's ballads : The toad beneath the harrow. knows Exactly where each tooth point g. - The butterfly upon the road ' Preaches contentment to the toad. A Quaint Epitaph, A collector of curious epitaphs—and there seem to be as many aech as there are collectors of coins and stamps and insects and ferns—claims to have found this singu- lar inscription upon it gravestone in a New Hampshire burying -ground : "To all my friends 1 bid adieu, A more sudden death von never knew -- As I wax lending the ofd mare to drink She kicked and killed me quiclter'n wink.' ,ils ttpd Trees. i c e it\e" leiiterranean I1e$u welt calls attention to the curious fact that dif ferent birds have a preference for certain trees, and still more curious is it that the circumstance seeing to have attracted little notice on the part of naturalists. The oak tree harbors jays and rooks; finches prefer lime trees, while black -caps are found chiefly among the laurels. The thrush has a preference for the birch and the ash ; the beech is the carpenter's shop of the wood- pecker, while the swept nightingale sings in the nut groves. NOTICE. Thcro being eoute misunderstanding with ro• gnrd to wreckage, let it be distlnutly understotd that it any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is tltt last warning I shall give. CAPT. W11f. BARB. Receiver of recks, Got :etch. Gcderich, Sept. 7th 181)1. FOR SALE. Lots No. 7 and 8., 'Ansley Terrace, containing 8} acres of lend, dwelling house, barn and orchard. The property adjoins the Corporation of Clinton. Also, two story brick building suitable for store and dwell - Ing house, cellar 54x24, tout one-fifth acre corner lot opposite Queens Hotel, Victoria St., Clinton, Ont. Also village lots 7, 8, 9, m Blyth, Ont. The above property will be sold at a bargain to settle up estate. Apply to W. J. Btuotxs, Clinton, Ont., per executors, or to Manning Jc Scott, solicitors, Clinton, or to T. M. Carling, aueticnoer. 742tf, Judging. "We should judge other people not by our virtues but by our failings." This reminds one of what the Master said on ono occasion. Receipts and Recipes. According to authority wo confuse our "receipts" and "recipes." The Century Dictionary spells it "re- ceipts" when referring to a cooking for- mula, "recipes" being applied to n physi- cian's prescription. But it seems a fanciful distinction. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. ;Thos. E. Irays, President, Scatorth P. 0. J. Shannon, S cy•Treas , Senforth P, 0. ; Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. praEcTOas,1 Jas. Rroadfoot, Senforth ; Donald nose, ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George H,ulork ; Joseph Evans, 13eechwood ; J . non, Walton; Thos. Garber[, Clinton. W. John Clin Watt Shen AGENTS. Thos. Neilens, Hnrlock ; Robt. McMillan, sea. forth ; S. Carnochan, Scatorth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will ho promptly attend ed to on a- ptiention to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post dikes. John Ounfl!nflarii, GREEN GROCERS, :: :-: CONFECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent, ALBERT ST., CLINTON. Fresh Heddies and Bloaters. Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap, The People's Grocery, I desire to intimate to the residents of Clinton and vicinity that I have re- moved to the store lately vacated by J. W . IRWIN, and am putting in full linos of choice Groceries, Crockery, &c., &c,, The goods are a1,1 well selected, bought in the best markets and will be sold at the lowest prices. We intend to make this the leading business place in town. Inspection of goods respectful- ly solicited. Highest cash prices paid for Butter and Eggs. G. J. STEWART, - - Clintor. Cantelon Bros., SINESS CO Owing to the liberal patronage received we have decided continue the '. BOOT and SHOE BUSINESIS, and have purchased direct from the manufacturers a fine and select stock of GENERAT, GROCERS & PRGVIa- ION MERCHANTS. Grocicery, Glass d Chinaware ALBERT ST., CLINTON, 01%T. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs. 752.ly LADIES & GENTS WATCHES With Fancy Dials and Sixteen Jewels —AT— BIDDLEOOMBE's_ FARMERS, ATTENTION ! $100,000 to loan on farm property at.J:_r per cent., straight loan. No com- mission. Also 0 limited amount of private funds at 5 per cent. 1'. E. McDonough. ;h. Loan and Insurance Agent. Office, Jackson Block, Huron •str_eet, Clinton, Ont. •i''' ONEST HELP FOR MEN riwti r�.Titi',ityi1b f TO ovACAS. A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility and Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such n romarkabk manner, after all else had failed that he will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow suf- fbrtrs. Address, with stamp, MR. EDWARD MARTIN, (TEACHER) BOX 140, DETROIT. MICH. NEW SPRI}IU QOOU3t that will be sold cheaper than any other - house in the trade. I will continue to sell the present stock at and below cost. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods. T. E. 1VIeDONOUGH. Jackson Biock, Huron St,, O/fnton, IIINIIIBIESSERIMINNAREMEEINSIDERID- ASOINSSONISISMEMMEMENEDESIRENIKEI —Henry Smith, of Petrolea, who was defeated by Isaac Wallace of Sarnia in the wood sawing contest last week will challenge either Logan of Port Huron or Wallrce of Sarnia, to saw one cord of harts wood for $100 a side. The match will come off either in Strathroy or London in the course of a few weeks. PARENTS MUST HAVE REST. A President of noeof our Colleges says: "Wo spent many nle•pleea nights in consequence of our children suffering from midi., but this never occur,' now. We use Soott'e Emulsion and it quickly releives pulmonary troubles.' 20 OTS. PER DOZEN Coats' City Restaurant, NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. Eureka Bakerij an Restaurant. – o In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur– ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to sut'cessfully cuter to the wants of the general public. We do our own baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, atC., equal to any in West- ern Ontario and at the very lowest. living prices. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY: Bread, &c, delivered to all parte of the town. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, 1C CREAM, COOL DRI NKS. Pic nic and Private Gather- ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. B 0 Pf B R ®S., Proprietors. WHAT ARE THEY ? Why ! They are • THE C ELE BRATED PALMETTO BRUSIES which will last three times longer than any other made. Try them. GOLDrMEDAL CARPET SWEEPERS, MRS. POTT'S IRONS, DOOR MATS, ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS. ROCK OIL 10c. per GALLON. We deliver all our Goods free of charge in town. HAPLAND BPO S_ Iron and Hardware, Clinton CHANGE OF BUSINESS --0-- Wilson & Howe, Successors to Jam -es Anderson, The undersigned have bought the stock, goodwill and interest of James Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant • The new firm will keep in stock everything found in a first-class Res– taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy !lope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers. WILSON & HOWE, - Clinton. i 1 5 Do You Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, TAKE RIPANS TABULES If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have TAK• E LIVER COMPLAINT, . . . _ RIPANS TABULES If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you TAKE RIPANS TABULES SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, _ For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DiSOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH, TAKE RI PAN S TABULES flipans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. EASY TO TlY,rt: .QUICK TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. 011E GIVES RELIEF _ .14144.111/ Sold by Druggists Everywhere. "T-TTT TTTT •r 77Y'-r"�-'r-e'y'Y r TT-,�•1^^,^7TTTTTTI'TT'-r'TTTT 0 ,1 j