HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-05-03, Page 4acit21411211.10 ,41611
stabiisb,edi,4 Clinton • 1854,
Our Importations direct from England have now arrived and
we are ready for spring orders. We have a, magnificent
range of West of ti'erglttltd Suitings, Scotch Tweeds and
Irish Sergos, Fine Worsted Coatings iu a variety of
color, and latest t.lesigus, which will be sold to my
customers as cheap on credit as any tailoring establish-
ment can sell for cash. Having no rents or cutters to
pay, and pitying spot cash for my goods, I am enabled
tai announce that my prices- will defy competition. As
a cutter or. Fashionable and Complete Ftting Clothing.
I claim to be in the front rank.
Our Stock of Ready Male Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's
Furnishings is full and complete.
On and after the 1st April I open a Cutting School, when I
will teach the "Kennedy Outliner," the best system
that has ever been invented in this Dominion. For
fu. ther particulars and terms address
os. U! F\� O 1� HURON ST.,
`! ^^�� , (,Livros,
.va..-. ......- .,.,a,.. oma
1,60 a Year -81.25 in Advance
%Wednesday, Hay 3rd, 1893.
The partisan press of Ontario for a
couple of weeks have said a groat deal
about the recent Vaudreuil election.
The people of course know quite
well that a supporter of Sir iticherd
Cartvriolht and Messrs. Mercier and
Laurier was returned. The people
also knu w that the uuueceadful candidat4�
is an out -and uut supporter of Separate
Schools in the Canadian .Nurthwest.
Veudreuil, situate in the province of
Q!aubec, is a constituency typical of
the Lower Province. Out of the
11,000 souls which comprise the Rid•
ing there are Duly G00 ur 700 Pro-
The Ontario pees are not houeat.
Partisan writers are dishonestly eu
deavoriug to briug strength to their
forces iu asserting that Vaudreuil was
won on the trade 'policy, by whatever
name it may be known, of the lie.
form Party.
Testimony and proof now cornea
frorn the battle field, from reliable
witnesses on the spot, that the victory
was gained pure and simple on the
Manitoba school question.
Mr. Laurier declared that if he had
been in power he would have diaallow-
ed the Manitoba School 13i11. And
every oue of his Outerio followers
would hold up both hands in support
of their unpatriotic and disloyal leader
who once desired au opportunity to
.boot Her Majesty's volunteers.
Thus the race and bigotry cry was
rained. Persecution sparks were faun, -
ed into a fiery blaze and Cartwright
and Roman Catholic Laurier burned to
the stake of the ballot box Sir John,
Thompson and a handful of Protest-
ants. D,1 not be mistaken. The
trade question did not seriously affect
the election iu' Vaudreuil. The race
and revenge cry only affected the
election and the Reform Party used it.
The fangs of the fiery serpent were
shooting heavenward. The electors
had pictured before them Sir John
Thonhpso'i and the Orangemen as the
murderers of rebel Roil. 'l'he Pre•
ruler was held up to scorn as the man
who allowed the Northwest Separate
Sehuol system to be destroyed.
The 3fontreal Star, an independent
paper bittorty opposed to the trade
policy of the Government, says :
"We have known all along, and
grieved to know, that the real issue
upon which the election would tutu
was the attitude of the two parties
upon the Manitoba School question."
While the Ottawa Journal, another
paper of independent thought, says :
"The victory is a demand that the
aelfgoverning rights of Manitoba be
trampled on by a Federal majority ; it
is a rismand that the Liberal Govern-
ment if Manitoba be crushed by the Lib-
erals, of the rest of the Dominion. • Not1 .
int; could happen better calculated to
offset and dnatroy the dangerous effects
in Ontario of Mr. D'Alton Moe
efi -mtjn',,o,e,aJ}un. nnri Getsmpaign than
aa'�nleAtberal victory in the Pro-
vince of Quebec. The Vaudruoil issue
becomes a new danger signal in Ontario
against the Liberal leaders,"
Laurier, Cartwright et Co. will avoii
the revenge cry in Ontario. It is irn•
portant therefore that they should not
be allowed to hoodwink the free and in-
telligent and independent electors of
this province. The roveuge loaders
must wear the same glasses in Ontario
that they have so dishonorably opened
the campaign with in Quebec.
It is said that the House of Lords is
bitterly opposed to the Home Rule 13i11
and will likely throw it out. In that
event an'appeal will again be made to
.the country.
Mr. Clancy is a veritable lance and
has scored the Ontario Government
pretty severely for their squandering
of the people's money. Today there
is a charge upon this province in
respect to public institutions amount•
ing to over $800,000. Salaried officers
employed iu Ontario public institutions
receive big pay and "extras" and living
expenses aro thrown in. itlr. Clancy
has shown that in ten yearn the supply
b)11 has been exceeded by $121,155
out the authority of the Bottao.
br*_ . lir. Gibson admitted there were
iftregularitiea in connection with the
issuing of supplies.
The Provincial Auditor declares that
he will not go behind the word of a
minister for further proof to verify
public accoants. At Ottawa the Audi-
tor -General is not the servant of the
Government only. He is bound to see,
in the interests of the people, that mis-
takes aro not rotde in public accounts.
The little Ontario king cannot see the
wisdom of doing things in that way,
because you know THE PEOPLE would
then get onto the crooked and dishonest
Inspector• Christie last year said
before the Public Account Committee
tho reason straight salaries were not
paid was because the Government
(watched of course by the teople)
would not grant such large sums.
Largo amounts of money have been
paid in cash as '•pergniaitea" in excess
of the salaries of the officials. Is this
honesty 1
Some of the Toronto asylum servants
receive as high as $2,000 a year and as
much more far expenses. Talk about
"sweating the people." The process
is deeply rooted at the Toronto govern-
ment seat. And the work is endorsed
by Mr. Garrow, the member for }beet
Huron. The farmer should awake and
bounce the extravagant brigade at the
ballot box.
Somebody has boon sucking eggs.
Now and again we hear a wail from the
Grit press about the poor hen. But
the old cackler has surely been hard
pressed by Sir Oliver and his followers.
One servant managed to get away with
seven h'rndrhd dozen in a year, "to dis-
pense hospitality to the public," se it
was put by a government supporter.
Au item or two further on leads
oue to form grave conclusions. Ac-
counts for GO dozen lemons, ttnu gallons
skerry, -hall gallon brandy, half gallon
ruin, pine apples $16 50, raepberrios
$16.20, have also Come to light. Here
is a variety for "drinks" that should
have been explained to the prohibition
delegation the other day. But Sir
Oliver'. .newer, as ell reading people
know, was that the domande could not
be granted. 'We dou't wonder, with
the above !till of fate) b. f►, e:
In talking of prohibition it is quite
plain to be seen that the Christian hum-
bug does not desire to ho unmasked.
Ile intends to maintain the retail trade
of intoxicating liquor. Sir Oliver has
many and many a time declared that
the liquor traffic was a frightful cured
and that the temperance peop:e and
prohibitionist@ must look to the Do-
minion Government to abolish the
accursed traffic by granting prohibition.
doubts tiro; powotr to gnat t each ,n
0)0101uro, a kitout •ba'ter. For
twe1lty nye, yore the LQ041 I.li►uee bave
been reatt'icting and regulating the
sale of liquors. It prohibits and hoe
power to prohibit two anti a quarter
millions of people (ram selling liquor,
end in ell at says it hes not power 19
atiT that three thuus.tud people may not
The Spectator foicee the grit party intn
a vety small holo when it eaye :—It
has :power to say that liquor may
not be sold within certain hour., but
no power to eay that it may not bo Bold
.within certain other hours. It has
power to say that it may not be sold to"
certaiu persona, but no power to eay
tint it may not be mold to certain other
persons. It may say that this person
who io licensed to Boll may not sell for
consumption ou the premises, but no
power to say that that person who is
licenced to sell may not sell for con.
euinption on the promises. It has
power to say that this parson who is
licensed to eell tnay not sell in quanti•
tine less than three half pint, but no
power to say that the other person who
is licensed may not sell in quantities
less than three half pints.
. The excuse is monstrously aba-tire,
There id no dispute as to the fact that
the legislature may not prohibit the sale
of liquor. But it may say that the
liquor shall not bo sold for consumption
ou the preuliaes where it le sole. It
does exercise that power in the case of
wetly of those licensed, and it may ex-
tend that regulation to all who sell.
The judicial committee of the privy
council hos decided that the legislature
may regulate the sale of liguc,r. That
regulation may be made to provide
that liquor must n ,t be consumed on the
premises in which it is sold. The
regulation of the trtde arty be extend•
ed to provide that uo silo may be made
in lees quantities than three half pints.
It is simply folly to say dist the legis•
lature cannot exercise power which it
has exercised since confederation and
which the highest judicial authority in
the realm has decided that it may
exe rciae.
That body of boasted economy never
hate any "extras." Figures of public
record cannot be disputed. Tho much
abused farmer should read for himself.
Here is an "economy" bill without any
extra@ for the new provincial landmark
to Sir Oliver at Turouto, and the bills
for equipment are yet to come :
First estimated cost $ 500,000
Second " " 750,000
Third •' 1,050,000
Actual ooet(alleged) 1,250,000
The people should have a chance, but
the chance for economy will never
come as long as the extravagant Mowat
Government retnaine in power.
The Canadian people are interested
in Gladstone's Howe Rule Bill. 1n•
Wrested so much that the great majority
desire it not to carry. -As THE NEWS•
RECORD has already stated, the second
reading secured s' nhajority of 43. But
that does not by a long way indicate
that the measure will become law.
The iniquitous measure has yet to run
the gauntlet of committee of the whole
House. Then will come the third
reading before the Commons. And
then the house of Lords will despatch
the serpent ; the majority there are not
elected or carried by priestly or popish
influence or intimidation.
Hundreds of amendments are pro-
posed before the Rill can pass the
Committee. The millenium, THE
NEWS-ItEconn predicts, will he near
at hand before the dotage Bill ever
passes the HIouse of Lords.
In the nleamtime press despatches
are cooked • iu Now York to suit the
palates of loyal Canadians and treason-
rnougers of this free country.
"I AM THE PEOPLE!" quoth tho Can-
adian rebel editor and "political gam-
bler" of Goderich when ho gays Can-
ada ie being annexed to the United
States in "job lots." We were under
:� �t'S2-'4..:.�,wS:-1�r'-4x!'��'„'F!�'�ti•-:..-.".;~.C't_.bC
t comprise the people of God-
erich. And we know he don't.
Now the Ontario Government -have
been unmasked. Sir Oliver tells his
long time temperance friends that he
does not desire eprobibition ; that he
Some day a gust of wind ora Yankee
cyclone will violently swoop over
Goderich. In its course the much
adored eagle will swoop down and
carry off the rebel editor of the Signal
and land him with a dull thud in the
land of Fenianism, bombe, misery and
general wailing. IIe's the only eagel-
ecreocher in the loyal county town.
Mourners will be few and far between
for the featherweight who in his mind
has all the brains and knowledge and
—well—wire sets himself up as the
Ruler of the universe. Please, Mr,
Star, let the rebel dangle in the wind.
The rope has a few feet to spare.
'raallf sial• Cleveland"- a"tpuotlod- the
b,ultuu" Ot 744111tiy •en4 the grest
erld'rt Fair at glticago was formally
opened cud, declared 1n merlon,
The Caga*.1a4 rebel vlio e1lita the
Goderiob annexation organ Nude fault
with 'l'ug Ntws R*008D because we
do not favor auuexatiou. The rebel.
Boris organ does nut underetaud rho
qeostiou, else its editor would not be
tool euough to take exception.
"Where iguurauce ie bliss 'tis fully to
be wise."
The riflemen of 1Veet Huron feel
pleased at the action of the Minister of
Militia. Through the wise jndgnieut
of Hou. J. C. Patterson the volunteers
and members of rifle aseociatione
will now secure ammunition at about
half the old price. The "hove is a
popular one and will still further en-
courage oldand youug riflemen. The
Huron Rifle Association will surely
thauk Hon. J. C. Patterson in that he
is a public benefactor.
Three weeks ago THE NEWS RECORD
offered to pay $50 for any charitable
purpose in the town of Clinton if the
New Era weulal prove sudor oath
before any commissioner or magistrate
or court its aseertione that the Censer
vatiyo Party were responsible for Gore's
charges against Mr, M. C. Cameron.
The only reply has been " that THE
NEWS REcoIID could keep its $50 up
fur six months." If the offer is not
satisfactory, we will increase the
amount to auy sum from $50 to $500,
and we will give bonds to pay the
money to any charitable purpose the
New Era may name, if the editor of
that paper will make good under evi•
donee and oath (as above stated)
that the Conservative Party ate
responsible for Gore's charges against
is not iu the habit of making reckless
charges against respectable people or
public tneu or bodies. Again, we
invite our totem. to accept the chal-
lenge or make ample apology to the
body of mon it has vilified and elan
T. C. n„res, L. D. 8., of Clinton, will, anti! !hither
notice, be at the Hirer Hotel the s,•ooud au., foul'th
Thursday of every month,
Among other things, a Beyfleld corres-
pondent writes the London Free Pres,, lass
Friday as followe :—
Mrs. Thomas Liddy went t3 Detroit lest
week to visit her daughter.
Mies Nellie King left here on Wednesday
to spend the summer in tYiunipeg,
Health Inspectors II- Wainwright and
Wm. 1Vhidden aro around giving orders
that there be particular pains taken regard-
ing the cleanliness of all premiers.
Mr. J. (.lard, whose shoe stock was dams.
ged by fire a few weeks ago, has disposed t.f
what goods remained and commenced busi-
ness iu Hensall.
Mr. Henry Dreyman, formerly of Wingham,
has been carrying on a 81100093(0! tailoring
business here during the past winter, and
expecte to soon occupy the store vacated by
J. Card.
Lett season a large number of young poo•
plc of Stratford spent a grand time camping
here, and formed several pleasant acquain-
tances, who will be pleased to see them re-
Tec Qeeen's Hotel is a largo frame build
ing admirably adapted for a summer hotel,
and should be occupied this season. Rev.
Mr. Ryan, of Florence, has tba management
of the property.
Mr. John Ee5013, one of our meet public.
spirited citizen., has made the generous offer
of a free site for a large Bummer hotel on the
lake bank, Some person of enterprie•sh uld
take this rare offer.
No regular pastor has yet been appointed
to take charge of St Andrew'a Church, and
for about a year the pulpit has been filled
by probationers and supplier. It is hoped
that a minister will soon be appointed,
James Pollock has already made several
alterations and improvome rte to the River
Hotel, in anticipation of an early arrival of
summer gneeto. Already a large number of
Londoners have eignitied their intention of
ooming in Juno. The Commercial and the
Albion are also preparing for their guet.ts,
and Mrs. W. Clarke purposes taking 8 num-
ber of private boarderp.
This year's councilmen are alive to the
welfare of the place, and are making much
needed improvemeuts. Notices aro out ask-
ing fer tenders for piloting the Town Hall.
Those filthy cows and geese are to be cleated
In at night from 8 p. m. to 5a. m. ; nn eheep
or pigs to be at largo. It is time such action
was taken, f rr all who visit the place know
that it was disgraceful to sae those animals
at liberty.
Bayfield should be vieited by thousands
this summer. The buelneee or professional
man of the city while away at the 1Vurld'e
Fair should have hie wife and family placed
hero, as while he is taking in the sights, hav-
ing his pockets -emptied by high rates of
board, pickpocket., oto„ ho knows hie femf•
ly are enjoying therneelves healthfully and
economically, and will return horse refresh-
ed, while he may return n madder, but per-
hape a wiser man.
•.dinee.3t?or'emher is.* l v.'JP .,1tF1
Newton left here to aesu,no l a !•ecioraFtip of
St. Johns Church at Strathroy, no eerrice
was held in Trinity Church until the enc! of
March, when Rev. J. T Kerrie, who had
been carrying on services at Dungannon and
Port Albert, and had long been waited for by
Goshen and Varna congregations,
arrived with his family and took up his resi-
dence at the pareonoge here. Now services
are held regularly and attendanceinoreasinp,
Mr, Kerriu has utetituted a series of 1Vod•
needay evening addresses which are proving
very instructive and intertwining.
From time to time largely signed petitions
have been rent to Parliament praying
that a grant sufficient to properly repair
aur harbor be made, yet no action has (nen
takes, while less needful places, as Goderiob
and Port Albert, have had large sums do-
nated, and already work has begun. It is
an undisputed fact that there is a no more
desirable and sheltered pl.oe on the shore for
the safety of vessels than Bayfield, the natu•
ral'advantages being superior to Goderich or
any other harbor on the shore. As affairs
now aro it is a difficult matter for Ash boats
Extensive Print Purchase made last `Wreak o
some 300 pieces Choicest 32 jn. Vast Volored. Riuo
Cambrlee Prints, 1Xany of these are the Finest
Wool Deline Patterns End of the most Ex,
quisite Patterns and Colorings. We of'er thewk
best goods, worth from 12-4c, to 15c. per yard for
only 11c. per yard. This is the greatest Print
opportunity that the people have had for years,
25 pieces Fast Colored Ginghams, regular
g ds for only 5c.
100 pieces beautiful Heavy Flannelette
worth' from 8c. to 10c. per yard, only
These goods and prices should interest every
shrewd buyer in the County.
Oor Millinery Opening will be on SATURDAY, APRIL 1st. We ex.
rect to be able to show the finest goods iu French, English and American
Styles ever brought to Clinton,
If you want a Stylish Hat or Bonnet at a reasonable price, code and
set, our stock. Miss Davis can suit you every time, she uuderstauds the
business thoroughly and (leads the list for Clinton.
See our stock of Spring Mantles, Gerwan•tnnde, the best 6tting•goode ir
the world,
We have this year went into the Dress Goods much more extensively
and have a flue assortment of all kinds and styles; don't buy until you see ours,
In Staples we aro fully assorted, everything t'rgnirod for a first class
Hats, Cape, Shirts, Collars, Cutfe, Ties, Handkerchiefs, (a very large
stock of Ready Mede Clothing), Clothe, Suitings, Tweeds, Overcoatings, full
stock, Choice Goods. Tailoring done in first class style and n fit guaranteed
every time. All Cloths and Tweeds bought from us will be cut free of charge
This department is in charge of Miss Shipley, who never fails to give a good
fit and satisfaction in every respect. Lower prices than usually charged by others
Full lines in all Ole different makes. Remember we sell Boots and Shoe,
cheaper than any one else in the trade. DON'T FURGE•l' THIS.
Carpets, Curtains, House Furnishings &c. We have so many lines and such a
large stock that we can't have space to more than say a few
words about each department, but we ask you to come and see the goods and
judge for yourselves. ,
�. B.—We want it distinctly understood that we will not allow anyone in the
trade to undersell us; we shall adhere strictly to this no matter whether they y sell
on credit or for cash. 6 PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. Respectfully yours,
Clinton, March 22nd, 1893.
to enter the river. The spring freshet
cleared nut a tine pealing+, whluh she fisher-
men will endeavor to keep open. About fif-
teen years ago a groat desl of fishing was
done, some 30 boats in nee here, which
proved of great advantage to buoinea. peo-
pie Since then no summer Belting of any
consequence has been done here. For that
reason !hers are bright prospects fur a good
.ea.on'a patch, Messrs. J Ferguaon and If.
McLeod, N. Murray and A. Brown, Chris.
and Chas. Dreeeler and John Toms purpose
fishing out off here this season, and we wi.h
then, every anomie. Were is not for the
dilapidated condition of per bather the
score. of young .nen, who are forced each
mummer to etjek employment at other places,
could be ongnged at bane. Not only would
the fishing interest alone bo improved, but
vessels could enter here and shipping c.rn-
neotion be made. This, tco, would lead to the
estahli•hment of mille and factories, and
Hayfield would soon be ono of the most hut-
ting c•f any of Canada's towns.
----re o
4E00 --
-The Weston) Association of the
Congregational church opened, their
annual meeting in Guelph Thursday.
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
Clinton end Baggage Checked through to all
points. Close connections and best accom-
modations are offered ty this route.
Take notice that a Court of Revision for the Town
of Clinton will hold its first sitting in the Town Hall
on the 28th day of ]stay, A. D. 1888, commencing at
8 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of bearing and tee -
tidying all complaints against or errors on the as.ess•
meut roll of the present year. All parties inte-eetcd
are requested to attend.
W. COATS, Clerk of the said municipality.
Clinton, stay 20d, 1884.
Then you Travel
Use the
Fall Wheat 0 to066i 1Raiiway(
Uata .. 0 30 to 0 31
Peas 0 55 to 0 57 Or when you want Yon'
Apples, (winter) per bag, - 0 40 to 0 50
Potatoes, per hush 0 40 to 0 50
Eggs,per des :... 0t° 10 c p Telegrap
Hay G 00 to 6 00
Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 C. P.
Beef 0 00 to 0 00
Wool 18 to 0 00 CLINTON AOENCY AT
Having rented the store next to that of Mr. .1 rt.
Combe, the undersigned Is prepared to buy for cash,
any quantity of first class nutter and Eggs. No
trading whatever, bttt all cash.
Clinton April 27, 1803, ISAAC MORLEY,
. 016 to 018
Message to travel use the
An Engliah•Safety Wheel, nearly now, will he sold
very cheap. Apply at this otnco, 754 tf
Ti, Grand Lndgo of the shore order .re•iit!airella
of oraan!ztnga lodge In Clinton. Al) Aieh Prateatnnte
by htrtn or descent are .legible for membership.
For further particulate address,
6rand;8 smart rv,
726-3t 124 Nort hroto Ave., Toronto.