The Huron News-Record, 1893-05-03, Page 241 For EIrprichitis "1...v.preellatal the need pf q ellAem•, mpSfi sa have tn, the laps fete tnvt)ths, during which time .11 have Ipd'ered tatensely` Trout passTmonia, fofowe<t by bronchitis. After trying various remedies without benefit. I beegan the use of Ayer Cherry Pectoral, and the effect has been marvelous, single dose relieving me of cloaking. and sectiringg a goon night's rest. —'i'. A. Higginbotham, Gee. Store, Long Mountain. La Grippe . "Last Spring k yeas taken down with la a grippe, At times I was completely prostrat- ed, and so difficult was my breathing that my breath. seemed as if confined m an iron cage. I procured n bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid."—W. H. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. Lung Trouble "For more than twenty-five years, I was a sufferer from lung trouble, attended with coughing so severe at times as to cause hemorrhage, the poroxysms frequently last- ing three or four hours. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured I can confidently recommend this medicine. '—Franz Hofmann, Clay Centre, Kans. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $, ; six bottles, $5. Prompt to act, sure to cure The Huron News-Recora 1.50 a Year -91.25 in Advance Wednesday, May 3rd, 1893. . SNAKE IN A HORSE'S EYE. IT WAS OVER THREE INCITES LONG AND HAD A BEAD LiKE AN ANACONDA. Fred Grace,, a Sheepshead Bay butcher, has a horse upon whish a delicate surgical operation has been performed. There are few similar eases on record. The horse some time ago' was troubled with its right eye, A film grow over the pupil and the horse became nervous an'd at times unmanageable. Dr, William Sheppard, a veterinary e geon, examined the eye yesterday s d found a case of what is known as "snake in' the eye." When the film was removed, aura enaugh there was a little wriggler. An incision was made in the corner 'of the eye next to the nostrils and a small silver hook was imbedded. When the little snake got near enough he was hooked and drawn aut. The snake was 3i inches long and not larger than a horsehair. Its Read resembles that of an- anaconda in its general features. It was placed in a bottle of alcohol and will be sent to a medical laboratory at Glasgow, Soot - laud. It is thought the horse will lose the sight of the e,ye, but is fortun- ate to survive the operation, es snake in the eye is looked upon by old horse- men as fatal. A SMOULDERING REBELLION. Quebec is not flourishing. Progress is making headway elsewhere in the Dominion, but Quebec proceeds so slowly that its relative place in the North American advance is almost as if it were standing still. An old race, working with old methods on old and worn lands, is an anachronism in the nineteenth-century movement. Nevertheless, this is French Canada of to day—very much the same French Canada that stood in the way of the English two centuries ago. It is not true, of course, that nine- teenth century influences have not affected the simple and interesting people who dwell along the shores of the St. Lawrence, but it is absolutely true that the great majority of them are very like their ancestors of the seven- teenth century. The disintegrating enlighenwen; of modern life is beginn- ing to exert its power. A few of the French Canadiana are rebelling against the burdens of their church. Fewer still are turning towards Protestantism. Among the quick and clever lawyers, doctors, and politicians of the race there is growing up a set of radicals and free -thinkers. This group has existed for a long time. Some of the narnes now prominent in French in• tellectual circles in Montreal are to be found attached to the annexation cir- cular of 1848, The group is increas- ing in numbers, and although it is still very far front being an important political power, it has ite daily and weekly press, and furnishes leading statesmen and orators to the Liberals both of the Dominion and the prov- ince. Far more important than all other inIuencee is that wich ie exerted -by the emigrants who have made their way into the United States. It is this emigration which ie the important fact the -contemporaneous history of Que- 'bt b, fti ti `i 1 t C tttiy '''tkaiatistitag-ther country of some of its beet and most 'vigorous blood, and reducing the tithes of the Church, but it is instilling new ideas into those whogo away; it is giving them new intellectual atmosphere. These new ideas and this increased men- tal stimulus are strongly reflected in the old parishes of Canada, where busy minds:are set at work on! new prob. leme. There are plenty of signs that the end of tha domination of authority in Quebec, priestly end political, is coming. It may not be felt in the near future, but the seeds of a change have been planted by Protestantism and by the peculiar institutions of the United ., A Diecanionted Pr - States.--Fromov ince," by HENRY Loomis NELSON, in HAUER'S MAGAZINE for May. .T.TXD7 "4 LA • -- r. .r,..k3..x...,.A�li�:rlitl<+3ttl,C1t�IltttlLr N� The .sliacolrex'y `4 ' 4119thttr hyrial tre>ach in gopuffetiop' with .tlgtQ kettle, of Lundy's lana, July 24, 1814, rites made last 'Saturday looming, April 22, lry sante then digging post•ltvlee un the grounds of Mrs. Lowell, et Drummond- ville, opposite the post Qllice, 'There were found three skulls,'aonte atm and kg bones, bullets lietteued upon onesid0 and five buttons. Three buttons are distiuotly marked "Royal Scots," One has apparently three cannon and balls in pile upon it, iudicatiug the Royal Artillery ; and ore somethiug like I or T ee F_moat probably 1, for incorpor- ated militia. G. R. also appears, but whether un accoutreweute or clothing the correspondent who furnished this iuformatiou does not say. 'These lettere, however, etaud for Glengarry regiment. The excavation will be proceeded with us feat as the frost goes out of the grouud, and the Lundy's Lane Historical Society propose to reinter the remains ou the eotniug anniversary of the battle. LOWELL'S PERENNIAL YOUTH. He never grew old. The spiiit of youth was inviucible in him. Life battered at the defences of youth with heavy &Ytillery of trial and sorrow, but they did not yield. His healthy tam• perament res'eted with success. The death of his first wife, after nine years of happy life, was a desperate grief, but it did not break hint down, and after some years he married a sin, and renewed his happiness and his your in so doing. From that time on for almost thirty years he remained one of the youngest -hearted of men. When he was sixty-two years old he declared that the figures were misplaced, they should read twenty•six ; and in ono cf the last years of his life, as he was pass ing a hospital for incurable children, turning to his componiou he said, " There's where they'll send me ono of these days." IIe was in his sixty ninth year when he wrote : " But life is sweet, though all that wakes it sweet Leaden like sounds of trirnds' departing feet, For me Fate gave, whate'er she else denied, A nature sloping to the southern side." And there the sun lay warm, and every morning renewed for hire, with daily miracle, the youth of the world within him and without. --From "Jaynes Rus- sell Lowell," by Charles Eliot Norton, in HARrEtt's Mao. zr:sa for 'May , COFFINS FOR TIGHT WAISTS. It was said that at the first London drawing room this year the Queen re- ceived the wife and daughter of the Chinese ;ambassador. There was noth- tonieher came in the sentence in which ing remarkable about that. It merely read like a society note. The as - it was stated that by special permission, they were alto ,ved to be seated 'in the royal presence, because their tiny feet would not support them in a standing position for any length of time. Somebody said, "That's a great deal worse than tight clothing"; but I don't know. One can live without walk- ing, but it is still necessary and fashionable to breathe. Her gracious majesty was kind enough to provide chairs for the deformedChinese, but lunge for her deformed British sub- jects are a little beyond her. In place of chairs, the pale -face, gasping, tigbt- lacers are, of necessity, provided with— coffins. —One of the roust amusing cases ever heard at Wiudsor was Iam v. Fleury, an action for breach of promise of marriage. The lady who wanted to be married was aged 70 and the prospective groom up- wards of 60. The aged couple had met at a friend's houseand during even the first hour of their acquaint- ance the spirit moved them, they retired to the little parlor, and she said it was unanimously agreed that if they meant business it was wise that they should proceed without delay. "And the bargain was he said he would marry me if I could borrow $10." In a few days time the old gentleman's ardor had weakened, he regretted his promise,and conclued that the courtship had been a little to swift. Finally he backed right, out. The old lady's daudor was up, he had stolon her heart and she wanted cash. When the old lady was asked if she loved him still she paused, he dropped his head and slightly turned from her, but ehe peaked around, looked wistfully into his eyes and confessed. Proceeding, ehe said she wanted to marry, and it was somewhat doubtful if this would not be the last chance. Even with all this coaxing the old gentleman's heart could not be moved, and the jury agreed that as ii price for his aged flirtation they would award $25. A Popular Competition. The Publishers of the Ladies' Home Magazine presents its great .Bible Citlt 'kitititt!Wtlte tittltli:c of Attt rii „ This Competition closes on May .30th, 1803 (15 days thereafter being allowed for letters to reach us from distant points). Qithe New tTeatamentt? Which Whirls istshortest?est book8nThe longest verso? 4. Tho shortest? How To COMPETE.—Write the ques- tions down, and follow with the answers. Mail this to us, together with $1 to pay for six months subscrip- tion to the Ladies' Home Magazine— one of the best Home Magazines of the day, and if your answers are correct yon will receive one of the following rizes : $1,000 in Fold ; $500 in gold ; 250 in gold; $100 in gold ; 2500 Elt$gd,nt Silver Tea Sets ; Organs; Pianos, etc. Everything fair and square. Send postal card for list of former prize winners. Over $10,000 distributed (lur- ing the past two years. Address : THE LADIES HOME MAGAZINE, Peter- bourgh, Canada. First ear now arrived direct from Rec,pattes Refinery, Montreal. Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 700 Pounds or Bbl. Lots. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. Butter and Eggs wanted. J. W. IRWIN, Noted Grocer, CLINTON. Ire You Coaling to TJIE WORLD'S FAIF ? c WORLD'S FAIR COUPON. ----- OCEAN, I T3E✓3Ei OCEAJN, Cbicag..'s Greatest Family Daily Paper, has opened a "World's Fair Bureau" for the accommodation of the renders of THE HURON NEWS -RECORD Who may be in Chicago during the World's Columbian Exposition. A thorough canvass of the respectable hotels,' boarding and lodging houses in Chicago has Ireerr-nmdo,,--tern+ to- any- person-wire-brings---or-sends--t-hie ter poll to -`fire-- tTrer Oc.:an's World's Fair Bureau we will give our pard of introduction to a first-class boarding or lodging house, Without one cent of ezptnse. ,$!'Remember, you must bring Weis introduction coupmt from your own home paper with you to get the benefits of this offer without charge. THE WORLD'S FAIR BUREAU, Room 212, Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, Ili. —Tits residence of 1tlr. Andrew —Two sons of Mr. Joshua Jones Hepburn, Bridge street, Port Stanley, left Lome and wandered off, leaving was the scene of a very pretty wedding no track or clue to their deetinaton or ou Wednesday, being the marriage of their present whereabouts. Tho old - his eldest daughter, Lizzie, to Alex- ander Taylor, of that place, formerly of Blyth. The certnony was preform• ed by Rev. J. W. Black in the presence of about tifty friends from London, Pickering, Guelph, Springfield and Port Stanley. The bride was support - by her sister, .\ling Annie, and each carried a boquet of carnation roses. The groom was assisted by Mr. Robt, Hepburn, Yarmouth, uncle of the bride. The esteem in which the happy couple are held was manifested by the many beautiful presents they received. "A wolf in sheep's clothing"—the substi- tute offered by the "cutter" as being just as good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla If you don't want to be bitten, insist urn having Ayer's Sarsaparilla, even If it le a little dearer. Depend on it, it will be cheaper for you in the end. —The Manitoba Government intends sending a team of large oxen to Chicago for the World's Fair. The oxen will be hitched to a farm wagon, and the outfit, gaily decorated, wilt travel the streets of the city every day, by way of advertising the Manitoba exhibit. FOR SEVERE COLDS. GENTLEMEM,—I hall a severe cold, for which I took Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I find it an excellent remedy, giving prompt relief and pleasant to take. J. PAYNTER, Huntsville, Ont. —The duchess of Sutherland was lodged in Holloway gaol Friday to serve the six weeks' sentence passed upon her for contomp t of court. —On Tuesday afternoon Fred Cater, a little son of William Cater, G. T. R. switchmen at Stratford, ate pretty freely of artichokes, an underground growth. resembling sweet potatoes and a few hours later he was token violent- ly ill, Ttvo doctors were called in who pronounced the boy was Buffering from poisoning and immediately brought into use a stomach pump. After working with him nearly two hours he had sufficiently recovered,, to be out of' danger. It will perhaps be a lesson to boys not to partake of arti- chokes et this season of the year as they are poisonous. Free Trip to Chicago. Separate W.O•R•L.D•S F-A•I-R and use the letters} to spell as mony words as, you can by using the letters as many times as you wish, either back• wards or forwards, but not use the same letter in nmking any ono word more times than it appears in "World's Fair." It is slid seventy -rive small English words can be spelled correctly, from the ten letters contained in "World's Fair." Example—Wad, waif, soar, idol, etc. if you are good at word -making you can secure a FREE trip to the World's Fairand return, as Tho Scott Seed Company will pay all expenses, including R. R. fare, hotel bills, admissions to the Columbian Exposition, and 850.001n cash for incidental expen• see, to the first person able to make seveul words from the lettere contained in "World's 1 air,' as above. They will also give a FREE TRIP to the World's Fair and return with $26.00 for (nekton. tal expenses, to the first person sending taxi words as above. They will also give a FREE TRIP to the World's Falr and return (without cash for incl• dental expenses) to the first person sending 'rfifty- tf Woa. o therd flret- person sending fifty wortie will be given $50.00 in cash towards paying oxpenaos to the World's Fair ; to the first sending forty words will ho given 825 00 in cash towards paying expenses to the World's Fair, to each of the first rive persons Bending thirty-five words will ho given 810.00 in cash, and to each of the first ten sending thirty words will be given $5.00 In cash. Only one prize will be awarded to the same person, Write your name on list of words (numbered) and en. close the same postpaid with ten three•cent stamps for a large paclt.rge of our Choice English Cottage Garden Flower Seeds. This combination Includes the latest and ^ most popular English flowers of endlase varieties (same as W111 bo contained in the elaborate exhibit of English flowers at the World's Fair.) This "World's Fair" Contest will be carefully and cenaclentlously conducted solely for the purpose of introducing our business. You will receive the BIGGEST value in flower seeds ever offered, and It you are able to make a good list of words and answer promptly you will have it first-class opnor• tnnity to seem° a free trip fi•orn your home to Chicago nail return. eturu We are spending n large amount of money to start our trade this season, and want your trial order. You will bo more than gratified with the re- sult. Send to -day, rind address Tii a SCOTT SEED COMPANY,TOrOlito, Can. 755.3t est, Thomas Bamber Jones, is sixteen years of age, and his brother, Hobert, is fourteen. They are small for their age and are about the same height. The oldest has a scar on the forehead and the youngest is 1181lted similarly cn one of his cheeks. They wore both dressed alike in every respect and in working clothes. Their hair is dark in color, and the younger boy's face is very much freckled. Mr. Jones will cheerfully reward any person who may furnish him with such information as will lead to their recovery. Inform atiou should be scut to Joshua Jones,. Millbrook, Ont. GUARD AGAINST CHOLERA. Keep the blood pure, the stomach in gnod working order, and the entire system free from morbid ((Tete matter by using Murdock Blood 'Attars, which cleanses, strengthens and tones the whole system. Cholera caa• not attack the healthy. —The inquest held at Cyrrille, near Ottawa, last Wednesday night in the °use of Mrs. Chamhers, whose husband returned on Saturday night after a four years' absence and found her dead in bed with a newly born babe by her side, elicited the fact that while Cham- bers was away the. Scharff family not only absorbed the substance of the farm, but spent the larger part of the $100 a month which Chainbers remit- ted to his wife ae part of hie earnings. The testimony of the doctors and of neighbors pretty clearly established the fact that the woman had died an hour before her husband's return', and that her death was not due, as sup• posed, to the shock occasioned by his arrival. Jim Scharff, who is supposed to be the party responsible for Mrs. Chambers' downfall, has fled the country. IIe was on the way to Mre. Chambers' house when he was told that her husband had arrived from Montana. Thereupon he turned his horse towards the city and has not since been heard of. A I'ROM PT CURE. GENTLseoN,•--Having suffered over two years with constipation, and the doctors not having helped me, I concluded totry B. B. B., and before I used one bottle I was cured, I can aleo recommend it for eick headache. ETHEL 1). HAINES, Lakeview, Ont. —A fatal accident happened to Mr. Mantissa \Veber of the townehip of Wilmot. Ile and his hired man wore felling a tree when it lodged in another tree close by. They were in the act of.felling this when a limb about four inches thick fell from the tree striking Mr. Weber on the temple. Ho was rendered unconscious but recovered consciousness in about half an hour and was aesisted to his home. Here he again became unconscious, Dre. Wil- son of Platteville and Millar of New Dundee were summoned and found that the skull was fractured. They did all (bat could hte'ilone- to relieve ',).tf unforturate man bui he died at one. o'clock the following morriug. Mr. Weber Was about 35 and leaves a widow and five small children to mourn his untimely end. They have the Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at sympathy of the entire community in our Store. their sad ber'eavemerit. se's atria e Factor $U fxI G S, PI Al TOYS, oAirra AND itiAGiONS all Of the belga work,, ►nanebip and meterial, !WAR the latest litylee and nlosw Maderrt ir�pr,tvo, menta. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting prowptly s44 to, Prices to suit the times. l irFACTORY�-.corner Huron and Orange Shiite, Ciiaten. G�5r silver Star' Coal 011, 4 IMPERIAL GALLONS ABOUT EQUIVALENT TO 5 AMERICAN GALLONS for Fi ORT-Y'—F2VL-' CTS. WATER WHITE AMERICAN 0/L, 25c. GALLON. These prices are SPOT CASA at our store, charged or delivered 22 cents gaillon extra. JOHNSON'S KALSOMINE AND PURE MIXED PAINTS, CHURCH'S ALABASTINE. JOHN A. BRUCE'S FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS. c DAV1S& ROWLAND, HARDWARE, STOVES & TIYdWARE, CLINTON. mpe THE HUB GROCERY. ',ire have closed our financial year let of February and find that it has been a year of fair prosperty to us. We wish to render our best THANKS to Customers for their patronage and will always strive to win your con- fidence in future, by giying you GOOD GOODS as cheap as any other Ilouse in Town. Our Stock bf CHINAWARE PORCELAIN AND STONEWARE, is well Resorted (and as we have a large Import Order coming from England) we will offer them at Close Prices to Make roost. • GEORGE SWALLOW Clinton. HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT WE DELIVER ALL OUR GOODS FREE OF CHARGE IN TOWN. ROCK OIL 10c. per GALLON. BARB and BAIU LESS FENCING WIRE GALVANIZED FENCIING 11.111 E, OILED AND ENMALED STEEL FENCE 11'IIIE, SPADES, SHOVELS, RAKES, IHOES, MIXED PAINTS, KA!-SOMINE ALABASTINE, DAISY CHURNS. 1 CAR STEEL NAILS JUST RECEIVED, We buy for cash the best quality of goods only and sell at bottom prices. HARLA�-D oS_ STOVE AND HARDWARE, - - • Albert St., Clinto 1EW 1 1 IKE Ir. —U WILSON & HOWE have bought the goodwill and interest in the bakery recently carried on by Mr. R. McLennan, in addition to the Restaurant carried on by Mr. James Anderson, and have amalgamated the two businesses The combination will be carried on in THE OLD STAND IN SEARLE'S BLOCK, and will hereafter be known as THE NOVELTY BAKERV AND RES• TAURANT. Mr. McLennan will be our baker. Bread of superior quality will be delivered as usual, and Bread, Cakes, &c., constantly kept on hand and sold only at the Novelty Store. We solicit the patronage of all old customers and many new ones. Wilson 4 Howe, e - Clinton e cia 1 0 ice - As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with a leading firm of 'Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well- known Masters, all framed and finished in first class style, and suitable for the best class of residence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre- gate Thirty Dollars. motto in business is to supply my @ustomers ;'alp: ��`t}`a ':d • -' Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30er cent. I will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and per Surprise Soaps at the old figures. My with good reliable Goode as , The man who called sarsaparilib a fraud, had good reason ; for he got hold of a worth- less mixture at `'reduced rates." fie changed his opinion, however, when ho began to take Ayer'e Sarsaparilla. It pays to be careful, when buying ntediein,e, —John Anderson, aged 52, waa arrested in Toronto last week, charged with fraud by cleaning postage stamps and selling them again as new. Our Sock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including'beat grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. Examine the gnalityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts. and he convinced that Bargain Day with us, is every business da, throughout the year, N. ROBS.ON, China Hall Clinton,• iFeb. 14, 103. r