HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-05-03, Page 1klli'I,lt[O3l. tet per Annum) ll..'Ati tot Adtverscan, r L, xv aero erE.Di,iJJIaA'z' IX e1LL Teflefette-eieWeltdL t l NOVIII4Vq A. f, 'roan, Softer stOl Qirt►er CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., W .DNESDAY. M :LY 3, 4893 WHOLE NO. 756 •• yiish Hats. This is the regular Crush Hat obtainable in a dozen colors ranging in price from 50c. to $3.00. The Proper Stiff Hat in 3 color:,; Price 41.25 t 83.00. Town Tonics. Miss LtzzIG HILr.uN left yesterday ou a visit to Detroit. Mets. Ev;iNGS has gone to Blyth and will ren'aiu there for a while. Ma. JOLN SHINY, of Toronto, was in Clinton laat Friday, being called hero through the death of Joseph Ewings. Tile EXETER Advocate SAYS :-Mrs. -\rW l)aw and :lits. J. G. Smalla- combe left for Cliutou ou Tuesday. DMR. TIIos. M. JOHNSTON, of Gode rieb, formerly of Stanley, has gone to Niuga, Manitoba. M R. S. Serra, of Clinton, was pies• ent at the groat stuck meeting at Tu• routo the ether day. WILL readers of THE NEws•RECOttD kiudly send to this office the names of visitors to or from outside points? THE BLYTII Standard gives several "Clinton young men, who attended a box social there recently, anything but n fiatteriug reputation. Mas. C. C. ItANUE was visiting at the home of 11Ir. J. S. Jackson in Seafoth. The Early Gill join Mr. Rance in h-icago this- )vett-k. IT trllttel•s not to tho Seaforth Sun how that paper gets its news. For gall and persistant stculieg the Sun is only equalled by the rebel Le gun of Goderi ch. C'IIAS. 11ILLIIR, Stt., has let the con- tract for an additional story to his house, to 5. 5. (eloper. It tvi(I stays) five gables and will be of Ate ric,>.n Fatter). lir. Cooper will eertaiel)• be equal Lo the )yells of the times. This Hat is known by several navies, the F edoea, the Senator, the Homburg; the last named is strictly speaking the proper name; the Homburg is a proper shape; prices from 61.00 to $0'00. • Town Tonics. Ma. T. Matas, of Bryfteld, was in Clinton last Wednesday. His Hixon, JUDGE TOMS, was in Clinton last Saturday on his return from Wingham to Goderioh. MESSRS CANTELON and Leng have returned from their visit to Detroit. They did not intend remaining in the City of the Straits. DEIIORNED.-Last week veterinary surgeon Blaekalldehorned twalveyoung cattle for \VRI, lYeir, the dairyman. The operation was preformed success- fully. Tub, editor of the Brussels Poet, Mr. \V 11. Kehr, the gentleman likely to secure the nomination for South Huron over Bishop, was in town un Tuesday of last week. Ile ivas on busiucss to the county town. LAST week henry Knott received word of the sleuth of a relative, \Vm. E. C. l3ritton, in Kent, Eng., ou April 3rd. The deceased owned and conducted a mill similar to Fair's 'Clinton flour mills. KINI, CITIZENS. -Messrs. J. Allan - son and W. J. Slowman desire to thauk those who so liberally contribut- ed toward a supplement to the town s grant to help defray tho funeral ex- penses of the late Joseph Ewings. It was with commendable enterprise and a spirit of neighborly feeling that the departed and the living were so kindly f e me1111Je:ed, The Famous Hatters, Clothiers, &c. Town Tonics. MR. N. F. WILMOT was in town yesterday. MAYOR MCTAGGART was in London on Tuesday. Mlss MARY READ, Harlock, was visiting.her aunt, Mrs. Read, of Prin- cess street. . REV. MR. HUNT, of Seaforth, preach- ed in Willie Church on Sunday, Mr. Stewart being in Seaforth. Mrs. CHAS. RANCE, who has been visiting her parents for the last month, leaves on Friday for Chicago, where she will reside in future. YESTERDAY Mr. Wm. Smithson (save • TIIE NEWS RECORD a handful of English Violets grown in his open garden. OUR LOCAL RULERS. The town COtnCll Wet ill regular session last Dtouday night. There was full B'ear'd. By --law No, 11 was read a first, secoutl and third time, and passel with the anteutlluout that lioeusee will not be trausferable. The feu is $50. A trauaitiut trader ou luteondeg a perinea - eta reeitjeut cau have the fes+ applied to his taxes. Iu other reelects the by- law is; similar to the old one. GODERICII CAlaMs.---THE NEtyS- 1tEconn had a pleasant call from :Mayor Butler, oft.ioderich, \Vodnesday, Mr. Hiller, the genial host of the was also in town. They drove duwn and informed es that the roads were in good couditiou. A Goon Pnicn -A package of lager was sold the other day cuetrary to law. Two young men who helped to drink the fluid werll titled each $9.50 and $7.S5 fur imbiriug too• freely. The seller paid $24.20 fur his overnight. Total $41.55. Which all goes to prove that there is money in a $1.25 keg of lager for the authorities -if it is only handled in the legal sense of the term. Newspaper men would chuckle if odd "slow payers" could be heudled in a similar fashion. NOT IIE.--Au impression is abroad that ex warden:Beck has gond and gut married. We presume the excitement has been caused by the mairiage last Wednesday of Mr. Edward. Beck in Saltferd to Niles Jennie Collinson. The ex -Warden has too many friends to shake off single blessedness without some of them having an opporti,ity of firing the slipper after hint. THE NEWS-REConn hastens to make -the ex- planatiuu in justice to "Joe". and at the same time desires to extend its congra- tulations to the eetimable and happy Toting couple. SONS OF SCOTLAND, -Murray Camp, S. 0. S., paid Inverness Camp, Gode- rich, a fraternal visit on Tuesday eveuiog of last week and received a royal Scottish welcome, and were enter- tained at a supper at the Huron Hotel. Speechee,songs and Scotch dances were the order of amusement. Murray Camp was represented by Chief Shaw, Messrs. M. McTaggart,J. and S. Croll, N. Fair, H . Ingram, J. Ross, L. Ken nedy and Dr. Gunn. They are all loud in their praises of the treatment received from the Goderich brethern and promise to return the compliment at an early date. MR. WM. St1ITHSON leaves next Monday on a trip north and will visit Blyth, Wingliam, Brussels and other points. 'MEMORIAL SERVICE. -Next Sunday evening Rev. Mr. McKinnon, (Baptist) will preach a memorial service to the memory of the late Mrs. Howard, cow nlencing at , 7 o'clock p. m. MR. JAUa3 FAIR, Sr., at the last meeting, preeented the members of Murray Camp with a complete set of badges made froth Murray tartan. The Camp greatly appreciate Mr. Fair's kindness. The material was imported by him from Glasgow, Scotland. i!russeia. aromas Clerk. of Ssotr.r+h, weeks teen for a couple of delta this week. Prof. T. A. liiwkina is visi iug Nandi in (rluderteh thio week. S. Carter and wife have removed to Owsu Sound: They left en Monday of this week. Ths "Emerald Trio" Gospel temperance singers are here holdtug inostinga iu the town hill each evening ut this week. The trio oousiets of Prof. H. J. Morelos an I hie daughter Fairy and J. Patterns Smith. Wm. AleAlpiue is visi.tiag hie psreuts in town now. lieu Avery has gone to Goderioh where he Mayor IN1u'1.'aggart reported that the has secure1 a situation. Park had been visited. A. 'lumber of trees had Leen straightened at a surall cost, but a great deal of work atilt Mr. Jets.I,outit left for Battle Creek, remains to be preformed in the way of Abels *an last Monday. leveling, seeding, etc., before the Park Miss Nichol and Miss Lee, of Listowel, would be iu good shape. There were spent Sunday at Mrs. Black's. $30 still on. hand froru the last appro•Me. Wm. Black has purchased n priution, Lot more money would be ru• livery stable in Palmerston anti Intends quired. Ile would ask the Council to removing his fatuity there is abort two give at ieaet $100 wore to complete the weeks. work. lf.thatamount was not required it would not les used. A further Brant. of $100 was subsequently made. Pu Id Works Comin is'iouer, 1ieevs blcllurehist's report was adopted se follows:- Car load pine at $12 per thousand ; car load cedar at $ 9 50 ; 2,000 fret elm and fret 10 and 15 Mull culvert pipe. A drain to he built, ow•iug to "cave iit," of 15 inch pipe, from e est. shoe of kung tit et to east side of Vietoriastreet.. That 75 cords of gravel be placed on main roads as directed by t:onitniGee. Steno pavement crossing, six feet wide, oppo- site McKenzie's planing hill on King treet. Nee. si It Balk on weat s de o' Albert street from Young's bakery to Lee's hotel ; on )fest side of Fred' sole street from,G oIlunley'sgateto Joseph street ; on south side of Heron street from Wheatly- S. Finch's butcher bliop to west side or end of Commercial hotel. Sidewalks to be taken up and made over on west silo of North, from Mary street to Joseph street ; 00 etist side of Isane, front Joseph to Dunlop street, on south side of Cordon, from Victoria to James street ; on east side of Victoria, from High street to present terminus ; on north side of Ontario, from Gibbings to Dingley street ; on South aide of Ontario, from Kirk to opposite Raglan street. Ex• pended since Jan. 1, $241.75. 'I'IlE NEWS RECORD acknowledges with thanks en invitation aud press badge to attend Galt's monster carnival and-sociocties' dernoustration on June 14,15 and 16, under the auspices of the Independent Foresters and Citi zen•t Lind. The list of attractions aro simply magnificent. Thos. Ballantyne, Galt, is the efficient secretary. -We have also an invitation to be present at the 24th annual commencemet ex- ercises of Detroit College of Medicine to -morrow evening. Thevarious de- partments of the College comprise Medical, Pharulacoutical, Dental, Veterinary. The programme is a good one and music will be rendered by Schremscr's orchestra. A COMING PREACHER. -Rev. Mr. Smyth, pastor of the Ontario street Methodist church, was called to Guelph to preach last Sunday. Mr. Gilpin, of Bayfield, a first year student, took his work both morning and evening. He appears to be a young man of good natural ability and needs only ex• perience, practice and perseverance to become a very useful worker in God's vineyard. The morning sermon iu particular was much bettor than is usually expected from a young man. We understand Mr. Gilpin had never preached to a larger congregation than 125 before.` He will always be wel- comed when he fills the Ontario street pulpit. CONCERT. -A concert will be given in the town hall, on the evening of Friday, May 5J by Miss Nello Mc. V Hardy, and her pupils, assisted by Miss' Miller, (contralto) of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music, a member of the . , �1gc seri Q.tlarette of that city, and Mr.' t1,6 C firP41,u're' linOwn as erre of the sheet comedians on the stage. A choice and select program will be offered. The following speak for themselves: - miss Bdith J. Miller is the poeaeaser of an ex- cellent contralto voice of good compass and even ,virility throughout, which she uses with tacit and skill. Tho p eneiliiig stage presence anect of her d modest mannerte much .- Torod pto Glad. In Miss Hants 3. Miller Toronto bee a soloist of whom Toronto may well feel proud. Her rendition of 3ft,rendaote's Alt S'ostinto (OonnaCaritea) was an axgatsite alert, and displayed a voice of splendid show how cautious shippers are coma chatacterleties.-New York al'fexical Courier Tho solo "Jerusalem" s sung yf the Edit contralto o pelted to be ill order to protect them. who !s the heard p selves and compel some people to bo volae suer heard n a Belleville church, was a perfect treitttoallwhowerepresent.- Belleville Daily la honest. yenert. Two of the sadest funerals which ever passed through Winghann took place on Monday, Mrs Cronk and Mrs. King, aeel re.epectively twenty-two and nine- teen. A p, tition signed by the majority of the ratepayers was presented to the council on Mo::dav night for the pur _pose mf nhtaininseetwine and he,r_lirense_ tor John Dinstey. The Wingham Maple Leaf lacrosse club have c ngaged Miss Efts.+ Elaine 11ext, of Hamilton, to assist ata concert to be held stere ou May 17th. :Mss Heat is highly spoken of by the press and the boys expect a good house. Mr. \V. Long, of Clinton, was in Wing - barn on Monday. lie has been visiting 1,1 Lucknow. The firemen have decided to give ten dollars for a prize for a base ball match to be played ou 24th of liay and the same amount for lacrosse. They: have a splendid programrno arranged. Cltiselburst• The Epworth L ague intend giving a, literary entertainment on the evening oI May 22nd. 1'he football club of this plane aro going to organise in a few daya. Mr. John Brintnell, of this place, had a cow killed by lightning during the late storm . Donald MoKay, of the 4th con, of Tuckei•awith, diel) on Saturday last. Deceased was a native of Sutherland- shli•e,Scotland, and was ono of the best posted men in this county ou Celtic matters. He was a thorough wing Christian and a member of St. Andrew's church, Kipper). The Christian EndeavorSociety of this place meet on Wednesday evening of each week, and are doing grand work. Yes, Mr. Editor, we think that Mr. Weismiller is the coming member for South [-toren. Ile is by far the ablest canditete that bas yet taken the field for South I1nron. An old Iliehlandcr said las Friday, "l'am now 75 years of age, hut if live till the elections take place I will vote for \Veismiller''. 'l'na "C. P. R." -The other day a Roman Catholic and Protestant wero conversing in a very friendly manner. The conversation drifted to society matters and Michigan was especially referred to by the It. C. as the veri- table hot -bed of some new institution or society which he claimed was turn- ing his people out of place and power and position. The Protestant was naturally somewhat startled at the statement and.askod foe some particul- ars. "Well," said the Catholic, "I can't give you much particulars. They call them the "C. P. R. " and they say they are to be found in every nook and corner in the whole country. They are a powerful and bad lot of men." "Yes" said the Protestant, "talo 'C. P. 1V. is a powerful organiza• tion, but I am not aware that it is purely Protestant. There must be some mistake." And both parted without any definite understanding. Charity Chairman McMurray report- ed an expenditure of ;';!7.8:2 tam land asked The weekly gospel 1 that sotite action he taken it) reference ing was held in the Methodist Church on Suttttttetltill Sunday evening instead of in the tum• OnIThnRr.-At (fleetest, North Dolcota, to the cuss, of Miss \nista, as the SSundae hull. owner of the )remises . desired the on April 24th there died, Olive, the bolused I A dentist�;fromExeter intends visiting wife of Mr. Claud Moe, dru dna, Tne building vacated. A long discussion this town every Monday and may be deceased was 24 years old and wits the ensued, the result of which will be to found at the Cotnmerc'sal. youngest daughter of Mr. Wnt. Bingham. make an effort to have the unfortunate Holy Communion in Trinity church From infamy until about four years ago woman removed to souse hospital or on Sunday [Horning next. she lived in Hullett, a short distance east of home for incuritules, Mr. R. Howard has commenced the hero. She thenrdecided to go to Dakota, Finance minister Armstrong's report stone work for the three magnificent hating relatives there and left her native brick store which he coniernplsteserect. hems the picture of health and with every was adopted as under :-Street- Intl). ing in this village during the summer. prospect cf a long anal happy life befof ore bor, $133.56; freight $11.60;J. Becker, Mr. John Kelly has had during the 11r. 1lohe e soona �oruted the years oche work, $60.04; F. Evans 75c.; Harland past week the foundation dug out for a ' ' Bros., $5.50. Charity -B. 11Tetbb,di;ging large extention to his brick hotel. became his wife; but alae, her journey west was truly for her a journey towards the two graves, $4.; J. C. Stevenson, coffin Mi. Joe Carter has erected a beautifulverandah to his brick residence during setting sun of lite. About two years ago and hearse, for late J. Ewings, $19; her health began to fail an the past week, which has made a decided d her medical advisers acid the climate did not agree with Knott, Ewings, White, $7.82;1+. improvement to it. her. From that time ehe had repeated Evans, $1; C. Long, $1.50; J. H, Regular meeting of our Lown fathers attacks of save) illness, princ+pally afteetious Combe, $4. Salaries -J. Wheatley, was held in industry hall on Monday of the heart and longs, each more severe $10875; J. Rider, $9; S. Pratt, $18.75;evening. _ and prolonged than the forme,-; the bore here _ -- intense sufferings with great patience and Win. Coats, $56.25; R. Welsh, $68.75. Christian fortitude and near the last looked Fire and Water -Harland Bros., 50c. Porter's 19111. anxiously forward to the time of her depar- Park-B. Webb, $2.50; J. C. Steven- On Faiday as the s3rgeant of the tune to the better land. Her .father went son, 30e.; J. Fair, 56c.; Harland Bros., Dominion Cavalry was riding a blood from here to see her is the beginning of 66c. Printing -A. M. Todd, $15.25. horse of Robert Hillock's through the Maroil and remained with her tilt the end village, and while crossing the creek and along with her husband accompanied The Charity Committee were iestruct her remains to their final resting place beside north of the school house, Pat drought her needier here. The funeral toil place ed' not to exceed $10 as the price of;a he would let his tired steed quench Its on Friday ef.:ernoon, 28.h alt., from the coffin in any case. thirst. Just at that time the sergeant residence cf her eldest sister, M s Mary Cemetery Ch+}firman Searle retorted saw a young lady corning along the road. Wallaoe (the place where she woe, born) acd tint tite Committee had viewed the As the lady approached the gallant 000eidering the uncertainty of the time City of the Dead. There was plenty of sergeant forgot all about the steed of arrival was largely atteedel. Tho de drinking and raising his hat'to the lady ceased had three sinters in Ontario, Mrs. work to do, but as yet they were the horse became frightened and dashed Mary Wallace, Mrs. Geo. Chriatopher and unable to do much. A general discus, into the creek. '1 he animal got bogged Mrs. Manning. of Woodstock, and one sion followed relative to the loth in the mud. The sergeant's uniform got brother, Nelson, all of whom were present MAY 4l �r9IEI! S. delayed fence. It was contended that soiled. Fortunately Mr. Ilillcck Dame to see the last sad rites performed. She _ in time to rescue Pat and the horse. had three sisters in Dakota, Mrs. Geo. Glare Mr. Churchill had agseed to build his Last week Thomas Berry, of Hensall, gow, formerly of Clinton, Mre. Jeeiah Mc - In and About Huron County. portion and lila members concurred Iloeen, and Mime Jenny BioRhnm who was and James McClusky, of Goderioh town- her eouetaut companion and nice during-DIr. and Mrs. Kirk celebrated that the matter meet be attended to ship, passed through the village looking her illness. Oliva, while at home here was their golden wedding at Kirktou the without. further delay. for heavy horses to buy and also with a highlveeteemed by all win knew hrrfar her other duty. The Mayor informed the council view to peddle beaus. We noderstand r. kind and eemeoutmall who dttwatwtth fee! - R. R. Johnston, of Lurich, has that cancelled debentures bad been ex thatMJames is 10 be the eisdvflsiting his failingf hoahhao rfinahat herdeatha risco©n r sold his trotting loran to Thomas Berry, audited and destroyed. son John Woods, of the 4th con., this only extendto her husband, her aged eof Hensall. In answer to Deputy -Reeve Kennedy week. father and her sisters and brother -Federal Bank bills aro worthless rho Clerk read by-laws convoying the There is likely to be another trotting bur warmest sympathy in this severe after May 4th. Examine your pile meaning that Mrs. Tufts would have race on the driving perk before long be. affliction and point them to the Great to lace stone or blick foundations tween R. Y. Cox's young Jay Gould Physician win can heal all sorrows. and if youehave any, hand them in for P exchange to a local bank at once. under the Grand Union stables, and John Gardiner'e trotting mare, Mr. line left here on the 29ah for Wood- -A Searle reminded the property better known as the Little Black. It is eto:,k, where he will be the gueat of Mr. and ewe belonging JJohnTolson, thought that Gould has due speed, Mrs. Manning. The gentleman started for who lives on P. Keleher's farm, Guelph committee that a private closet was badly needed in conneotion with the and the Little Black the staying power. Dakota on Monday, the lat of May. Miss Jennie Johnston of IIarrrston, The Meseta. Bascom have roofed Mr. Township, has a lamb that weighed town hall;that the electric light comaMiller's barn. fourteen pounds at its birth. g was visiting at Alexander Cox's last Mr. Butt's cow -mill is now iu working mittee should see that the wires were week. order. expect to ' toot toot" -A young lady named Ronalds of high enough to allow a load of hay to Our village constable was in the or soon as Weseexpec to hear her are completed. London has issued a writ against a pass under; that some steps ehe+lid be circuler town on Saturday and not feel. In nearly every woods we entice a great young man of Exeter, charging him taken to prevent cruelty to animals. ing well called on his physician. The crop of sly r, Thed winds n lice a g "1 with breach of promise of marriage. The first remark of Mr. Searle medicine the Dr. gave was too strong, am king" and tie monarchs of the forest causing dizziness in the head and limbs. bowed down in meek humility. -The Presbyterians of Exeter, on broug t o an animated discossron in The gaardian of the pesos should add n Nearly all,tbe,farmete have better. fe000e account of the church being wrecked infer: ' ? r: rfr� a� rr•c�s,a tt ' and th:: sse Allen,; N "n• bow d down in meeek hu t1iti in$'etoirtt. b the recent storm, notV hold services slid ie e� :ri orltl`e`ill rlcet 1tr. and the1Iiases A"lien, of Dunlop, If all the farmers would observe arbor y in the town hall. square. Tiro committee will ]skate were calling on friends and relatives in dry, w)rioh is Friday treat, 6th inet., tt Vl'illie, tl)e 12-year•old son of make rt report at next council meeting. our neighborhood last week. •would .not only beautify their forme but A young man who is known by the also make them inose valuable. Try it, Wm. Robinson, St. Mary's, was run- Mr. Armstrong complained that the name of J. P. White, was in Clinton on gentlemen. ning through the old cemetery with an electric light on Ontario street was not business in connection with Lake View Hourekeopers are busy house cleaning. up q farm, walked into a barber shop to get Housekeepers frightened furniture has fled to the open penknife in his hand the other to the requirements. lawns and yards and the draperies thereof afternoon. He fell and the knife The Knights of the Maccabees of the shaved. The barber, who was busy at hays smelted In the to washtub. The welts passed between the second and third World were refunded $5, the proceeds the lime, told his apprentice to soap and h,•ve turned d ce with (Homeyashtub or telepnuo- lather .J. P. for half an hour. J. P. at ed to Cr.nper'e or Robins' for pester, tehind ribs on the right side, severing an of the recent entertainment to be the end of the half hour thought the whioh to lido, and the windows have opened artery and penetrating the lung. The handed the charity committee. barber was playing a trick on him and .vide their glassy oyes like sheets of their cut was a very serious one, and the in- Council then Adjourned. wished to know why he was kept wanting former selves. In another week we hope ternal hemorrhage profuse, but the so long. The barber then with a smile the unclorn epirlt will have been a at out patient is now on a fair way tore -Drs. Rollins and Amos, of Exeter, on his face told J, P. that he lvaa wait - and the the furniture will be clothed and have formed a partnership. ing for his mourltache to grow, in ito right place. covers. IEIyt11• 1'Irs. Greleam was visiting friends in Brucefield last week. Mr. Geo. Emerson, of the hub, was in town on Monday. Mr. Arthur'feirney spent Sabbath in the neighborhood of Lonllesboro. A couple of young Engtish gentlemen arrived here on Saturday evening on a prospecting tour. Rev, Mr. Campbell's brother occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morniug. Nile. Ono fartr.er in this neighborhood finished seeding in April. '.1he others are mairitrg good use of their time while the fair wetttt:er taste, Who blow of last Wednesday seemed to be complutiug the uutinislied bu.iuese began by i:e predecessor ,,f the. tv • k h fsr". It blew the re.nu.i, ,ler of the roof c 11 .d r, S. (*. ['outland's bare. '1 he contents hnvs now no t vteiug except the canopy of sec ta.:tvcns. And now the query is : "\1"•'era: would Frank 1,u nr.w if the two haul kn 'u ut the flor,dkn•ohref had not op, i. d ' . 1\'o erip- p,an he would le',t1,.1: vett to tied out whither the wind ttw,. 1'lie Iudiat.s 1 ft this vieiet•.y iritt n ch for their home in fi wgben. 1'1.03 had nd sale tor thele ha=lters white rote. The reatilar ttler terty ,le Licit .•1 h N.ie Ai'.tt od st chane'.) in to be held text S to:.xy'. Sornn time ago Rev. J. Li VtI. 11., tai of Clinton, delivered a lecture in the le de church en the subject : "The power et the human voice." if he would prepare a ben turas on "The influence of a few N. -wilt,' we might he able to supply him with a p.ieter as follows :-A few weeks ago an estirrtuble young lady of this neit:lnborhood went to UucteSeut'sdomaios to vise: her sister. 1Vhile there the met with a certain young man, (we will nut say fur the first tiuii) t ith whom she bad some a nvernstinn. Ne eetmoed to be able to exert a powerful influence over her for when he said unto her "Wilt thou ?" she, wtited to such an extent that her life, since a short tiros after that, has been com- pletely changed. She is no longe: Mien Marta Lloyd, but is uow Mrs, Geo. Mout• gonrery. Who'll be next ? BUSINESS IS BUSINESS.='Tile other day D. Cantelon shipped a car load of potatoes to London. The lot were bargained for by a Loudon dealer at so much a bushel. The spuds were shipped on the • understanding that Mr. Cantolon was to draw on the purchaser and the draught would be accepted. The draft was not honored and the Londoner telegraphed that he would not accept the consignment except at about ten cents a bushel•lese than the potatoes originally cost, claiming that they were of too small a variety. The apple king has had a little lou much practical experience to he duped by even city chaps or smart 'lecke. He proceeded to London Fri- day and found a good portion of the car unloaded, while the draught for payment had not been accepted. M'r. Cantelon did not have much further trouble, but the circumstance goes to