HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-04-26, Page 7(RECTORY, Nt 1OLiJNS BAN tgeerpetRted by Act of Parliament 1866. PAFITAL, - $2,000,000 $1.100,000 • Regia Riles. - MONTREAL. MOL90N, President. tskwlYQlintte1AN THOMAS, Gonerul Manager. IITvsa discounted, Collections made. Drafts teemed, Sterling and American ex- change bought mud sold at lowgest current rates. UTMOST ALLO ND ON DOPOei;6. 14'.E1RM}31RS- Mono advanced to femora on their own notes \Yltlt etre or more endorsers. No mortgage re- Ilulrod a9 security. H 0. BREWER, Manager, CLiNTON. February, 1881. G. D. BEcTaggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Notes Discounted. - - Drifts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposets. Clinton, June nth, 1801 658y _-FARRAN c TISDAB.L, PRIVATE BANKERS,' [Iatteubury • Street - Clinton. DRS. GUNN & GIBSON. OFFICE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert St. W. GUNN. R. J. GIBSON. CR. TU R N BU LL. Q.R SALE. The properly at pre et, templed by the uta- dorsigeed as a residence on the Huron Head, In tbs Torre of Qederich, oonslatlog of oRe half of en acre of land, good frame house -story and a hat.f--seven reams, inotuding kitchen, hard and eoft water, good stone cellar, stable, weed and carriage Ileuses, There are deo some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and veryetiiteble erauy'peraen wishing Lelive retired - Fin further particulars apply to B. CAMPION, 642-tf Barrister, t}oderleh. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; ?. DI., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & 8. Ont, ; Fellow O the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office: - Dr. Dowsley''s stand, Ratteubury St. Night calls nswered at Office. --` - DR. SHAW. 3- ' Moe to oralen Block, place. St., Clinton, O gehtie"tl'lt. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S., TO THE FARMERS. Study Your own Interest and go were you can got 'tellable ° Harness. I manufacture none but tae BEaT OF STOCK. Botnar. , shops that welt cheap, as they have got to live. ter Call and get priced. Orders by mail pronrply attended to , R.i 011 N 111x1tJ HARNESS EMPORIUM, 1f1LYT11, ON's A.O.U.W. 'rhe Clinton Lodge, No. 144, sleets In Biddleecuthb Wall, opposite the market, the let and 3rd Fridays in each Month. Visitors cordially invited. R. bTONa- t1A31, M. W.; J. BHAN, Recorder. SDOy • Surgeon Dentist. timber of R. C. D. S., of Ont. Peet; extracted without pain by the use of a harm- less and pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious• less, sickness nor ill-effects accompany the use of this ,remedy-, and many in and around Clinton can teatity to its genuineness. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, Coates' Block, over Taylor's she store. ACNEW, L. D. S. (ILINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. menta 1J every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit- ing brethren cordially invited. T. S\IALLACOMBE, Soc. W. J. PAISLEY, w. u Clinton Jan. 14 1803. rimeattsweineenscamatearesumern L. O. L. No. 710, CLINTON. Meets 8YC053 Monday of ever) month. Hall, lad flat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always 0 made welcome. WM. WALKER, W. M F CANTELON, Sec. THOS. KEARNS, D.M. Sergeon Dentist. Graduate of Royal Jollege of Dental Sergeons of Ontario. Rest Local Anaesthetics for painless ex- sraetion- Rooms in Smith's Block op- posite P.O. 728-y. XCRaI. MANNING St SCOTT, Barristers, (gc.. ELLIOTT'S BLCOK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. ;math Auinhto Geer. TrowbJ1, aareettaer and General Riad- Albert Balliol, Albert Street, North., Clinton. JOIIBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and drat eines material and work guaranteed ; Win intl,lemonta and maohlusn rebuilt and repaired.. & jubilee Preceptory No. i6I, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednes• day of every month, at 7.50 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. JAS. SCOTT. 00 ., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great North wc,tere Telegraph office, Albert - • Street, - • Clinton. JOHN - SCR UTON, Butcher and Poulterer AL BERT 87'1WL'E'T, CLINTON. All lines in stetson. Highest price for Bides, Tallow and Sheepskin s. DROPERTY FOR SALE OP RICNT.-Advertisers will and "The t 3, News•Rocord" one of tate nest mediums In the County of Huron. Advertise iv "The New•s•ltewrd"-The Double Circulation Talks to'I'hnusnndx, ttntee ea low uv dry. A. M. Touo, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE 11ANLItY, Deputy Preceptor Yr.-rEE CANIELON, Registrar — JAS. FERGUSON PU1111t MAKER, - •- CLINTON. Royal Black Preceptory 3911 CAMPION & JOHNSTON, BARRISTERS, • • SOLICITORS., NOTAIIIGS, �•c., GODERICH, - - ONT• Office over Jordan's Drug Store. E. CAMPION, Q. C. M. O. JONNSTON• MONEY TO LOAN. . (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pumps sold reasonable. Cisterns tad 'ranks tut, down. \Veils dug and •leaned and Satisfaction Guaranteed. tee TRA 'f S L'UUK A ll t Pett i.) TISEn1EN't'S inserted In 'rata 'isms Itecoao at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock f ten want any lural of advertising you will not 10 Letter than tall on Tho News -Record. ----- GO TO TETE "Union Staving Parlor For first class Hair—Cutting anti Shaving. Smith's block, opposite. Post Otl'ive, Clinton J. FMER'l'ON, Proprietor. .1. E. L'L.WKALI., Veterinary Surgeon, hau(..ran' graduate of OntuioVetnrhlary College, treats diseases of all domestic al ituule 011 rho ntootmodern and scientific principles. ,8 f mils attended to night or day. epics immcdittuly west of the old Royal hotel, Vutario street. 51 Reaidena,(- Albert street, Clinton. - Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall,. Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every month. DAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery, and Conveyancing. Otace-West Street, next toor to Poet Office, Goderich, Ont. 57. 0. HAYS, Solicitor, dec. Office, corner of �,• Square and West Street, over Butler's ]look SJ Store, Goderich, Ont. 07. il2Zr Stoney to lend at lowest rates of interest. Royal Black Prece fory 3151 Black Knights.of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- day of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich 1' 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich I' 0 glom to rtftf. MONEY to lend in large or small sums of goo mortgages or personal security at the lowest current rates, H. 11ALE, Huron st. Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 26, 1881 lv i/IONEY TO LOAN. 4. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer,. &c. THE . LEADING ' UNDER AKER `0AM) FUNERAL I)IitEO OR. , ')pposite Town Nall, - Clinton, Ont LADI S & !NTS Minton MEAT Market Interest 54 per cent payable yearly. The borrow- er to have the privilege of paying the whole or any art of the prinolpal at any time without giving notice. For further particulars apply • ` A. IIARTT Office in Mckay's Block, Clinton. BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr. Couch, in the butelier- ing business ;lately carried on under the style of FORD &COUCH. He will continue the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the business, straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. ,All orders carefully and promptly filled. JAMES A. FORD, CLINTON. The People's Grocery. ?Vjtlt Fancy ials and Steen Jewels --AT-11 1 T3=31:313tiEGO 1E'S- VE' `1OoER1CH \\MARBI:.WORKSI t J. C. Stevenson, k�urniture eater, jCllnton, 18 our agent for C hutot5 d r10011 . W, 11. Jlohring, oVV>SS¢i'ullld is our Travelling agent. r Ordure entrusted ts-therof the above will have aur hest atter: to 6lnoments e ippliea C ADiAN, SCOTCH, S'VEnnoE, NOKIVAY !\tIsRLCAN granites, e well as in all varietie piastre. Give Mr, Stevenaodall, before ordering else' where. I de sire to intimate to the residents of Clinton and vicinity that I have re- moved to the store lately vacated by J. W. IRWIN, and am putting in full lines of choice Groceries, Crockery, &c,, .&c,, The goods are all well selected, Nought in the best markets and will be sold at the lowest Deices. We' intend to make this the leading business place in town. Inspection of goods respectful- ly solicited. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. G. J. STEWART, Clinton. THE CELEBRTED Ideal Wast1Br» UN A. ROBERTSON. Manager. Canted Bros., GENERAL G1I'ERS & PRGVIS ION MC II ANTS. Grockery, Gs & Chinaware ALBERT SIJLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Priir Batter and Eggs, 752.1y SEED v72artd WI1nU&S. TUE BEST IN TILE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial Ilurt<1ty11blCClilrn. 1 am also anent All r� Agricultural YY al era .,,4 �41hf,106. H. W. BALI A UCTTONEER for Huron County. Sales attend• f 1 ed to in any part of the Oounty. Addrese . 01d1trato.00ANNrar Photographers FOSTER & ' BAYLEY, CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. NELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR KINCARDINE Orders left at l attended to. and CIVIL ENGINEER - - ONT. this ofliice promptly BILL.HEADS, NOTE Heads, Letter Benda, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Busineae Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., ate., printe l in a workman• like manner and at lea rates, at TUE NE'tVS•RECORD 'l. for AND ",ED1NG GRAIN [CES. I ant Selling both land Feeding Grain at the 1,4 prices :- American Manner Sots nt 35 cents. Common Seed Oata cents. Feeding Oats 32 Ce';athland Oats. Have also a row E enc to 65 cents. Good Seed PEAS ault Feeding Peas 50 ,N'ed BARLEY for Seed. Also Plenty of goo for lots of not lose than 10 The shove pries to change if the wholesale bushels, and are sell nt si tallroots and the market changes. wall for cash or exchange for business not my <1 All cod farmers will uta• any other kinds < • g derstand the imyje of exchanging seed. W. 11. PERIHN, Clinton. Implements • T'alr'� M,all.rrr b'liiL,07'I1 ; 11111E CORN - 0. T. M. Konrns Tents• Etiightn of the Maccabees o the \Voris. $i,(J00 and $3,000 Policies. Mem- i ership over 1 Aasessmuut prineiple-}los never exc,,vee 'ossmeata iu n yen]'. Ohearnet and safest in er°'• Meets in Orange Hail, Ulu. ton, first and 51l sy of every month. FART , ATTENTION! $100,011trul on farm property at.5s per (straight loan. No coin-• mission. a limited amount of private fel 5 per cent. T. E. McDonough. 1 r1.11(1 Insurance Agent. - 0(14„,,;nu Block, Huron street, Clinton, • Cook'gr, Feed & Seed Store SEED' SEEDS ! . SEEDS ! a choice assortment We betook e of Elft Reliable Seeds, such as J. B. WEIR, CLINTON ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAl11SiIIPS. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING TAY WINTER MONTIIS. Cabin, 540 and upward., second Cabin, 525. Steerage nt low rates. No Ciotti,' carried, STATE 1 SERVICE nF LINE. f ALLAN I1 STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW In Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin. $40 and upwards. Second (Sabin, $26. Steerage at low rat eq. API,;y to IL .0 A. AL I AN, Mnnlrrnl ; or to A.O. PATI'l.CN or \\M JAt;li);ON, Clinton. And Ile required for Farm or Gar, Call and inspect and' get prices. I+uul Feed of alt kinds. DI)OK, CLINTON. • BIS AND PLANTS. ilt.'TLE has a find collection fo DIGladiolus, named and mixed Caladium, Fancy Leaf, and every fit Tuberose Begonias, both Single and Parties wanting bedding plants will 4 give us a call. ids of Floral Designs nlatle on short 'Prises reasonable. 'LE, No. 72, Joseph St., Clinton. le 1 had for dinner was the best 1 ever ate. Thanks to COTTOLENi3, the new and successful shortening. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Made only, by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. The Huren News -Record 51.60 a Yeet-$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday, April26th,11893. ITIS LONG -LOST MVMEE. SUPPOSED SHE HAD PERISHED IN THE GREAT CHICAGO FIRE. From the Philadelphia Press. The church bells of pretty Andover, avillage near Rxbosou h, not only y rung out the glad tidiugs on Easter Sunday,but of there union of a husband and wife who had thought each other dead for many yours., The Rev. Samuel Freeland, pastor of the Cbogregatioual Church, had in- vited the Rev. Dr. James Rodman of New -York to epend a couple of days with him and preach the Easter sermon, Dr. Rodman,who is an old friendof Mr. Freeland's', accepted the invitation, as he is at present without a charge. He owns considerable property in New - York City and was known to be a widower. Despite his many op- portunities for excellent marriages he had always allowed them to slip by and' frequently:expressed hie determination never to marry again. But of his marriages he had little to say, and his friends did not bring the subject up, as it seemed to affect him. Dr. Rodman had progressed more than half through his sermon on Sun- day morning when a middle-aged lady in the congregation fainted. Three or four men in the church hastened to her assistance, and she was carried into the vestry and cared for by some of the ladies. The service then proceeded, and at its conclusion the Rev. Dr. Rodman and the Rev. Mr. Freeland, the pastor, retired to the vortry, where the woman was taken after her fainting spell. Dr. Rodman had noticed noth'ng strange in connection with the fainting episode in the church, and had appar- ently almost forgotten the incident. On reaching the vestry room, however, he was quietly asked by a lady to step into the pastor's private study, which is an inner room leading from the outer vestry. Hero suddenly his whole manner changed and he eviuced the greatest excitement. Ha trembled violently and could scarcely speak coherently. Then reaching out his arms, he ex• claimed : "Is it her ghost 1 Mary 1" Tho lady who had faiuted was now sitting in a chair with one or two other ladies around her, and seemed scarcely less excited than the clergyman. A few explanations followed, and Dr. Rodman discovered that she was his long -lost wife. The agitated pair were gotten into a eufficientty calm state to talk quietly,and the tragic affair was explained. The lady's name was Bit's. Mary Cass a widow of considerable means, who was visiting friends in Andover, hor home being in Bo on.. She had been ^!•:4io , e'' t, ._., te ftret.•ti111e4r4v11�S; quite young, and she and her young husband had lived in Chicago at the time of the great'fire, in which he had always been supposed to have periehed. This wire all that her friends had ever known of her early married life. Subsequently she had rnarried a Mr. Robert Cass, who died after some 10 or 12 years, leaving his widow a hand- some fortune. It has now transpired that Mrs. Casae first husband had not been kill- ed in the great Chicago fire, as was for so long supposed. He had been in- jured and lay for eovor'allmonths with a broken limb in the house of a friend in a suburb of the city, being also for some time, delirious from brain rover. During his sickness every effort was made to find his wife, but without ►�va+1l; slid slat war t uttl.ly' gives 40. lay all ho, tinily on; frlsudeas lent. She had realty, however, driftud''to St. Louis, whole her married sister lived. On her part, else had 11nutoil ul'ter her hushend, int never ;weld el him. Slur fivally gave up the.gt,rst, and reluctantly ounoludod thiit ho must hnvo perished iu the flames, during the exciting esonpo !Turn tiler' house, at the time of th.tt terrible Cilt PSI The yt•ung hu.bsud, elle i. 1)r. Resume. nt his filial it vett (rata his 11 jug It N, i'eeouije.•d hie ecru nr'1'clrtl avocatiuus mud studied for the wittier try. The happy pair thus strangely united, after so many years, are planning to ,lass their rt:muiuiug days together iu grateful and happy peace. A LUCKY SNOT, RABBIT HUNTERS MEET DIGGER GAME. THAN THEY EXPECTED. Perris (ems.)corr. San Francisco Chronicle, The deep snow in the San Jacinto Muuutains bag driven the beasts of the pine words out into the clearing this season in search of food and has Made then] unusually fierce. The Inert new at work in the timber say twat they have never heard sucti t screeching of wildcats 011 ha, Wien place lately at night and that nu one now does any traveling about in the woods and brush after sundown. - Tiio wotkmcu on the Hemet dant aay that they have seen iu their eettletueut on several mornings this mouth est deuces that a mountain liou and several wildcats had prowled about there dur- ing the previous nights. Not a woman or child iu the settlement of 1latnet has had any inducement to go further than the rlooretep of their habitation atter nightfall for several weeks and many of the mon, who have been ac- customed to visit other workmen up in the mountain settletneut, have for a time abandoned their nocturutl trips. There are very many talcs of fights with 1110u0tsin lions, lively expeller'ce. with wildcats and a few stories of bat• tit's with bear in the San Jacinto and San Bernaediuo mountains during the winter seasons for years back, but the n>ost thriwn story yet told is that ol a struggle with a panther as related by Charles Richardson and Marion Colo, They are strong, hearty lads who have been brought up to hunting, and are amoug the beet boy shots in Southern California. They have been up at Hemet and in Coahuilla `'alley for over a week on a hunt and came down from the mountains to -day on their way In me to Elsinore. The Tads were out hunting for rah - bite five utiles up from Coahuilla Val- ley'. They had shot Bonne game in the morning and sat down about a fire to cook and eat dinuer. Thera was a thicket of heavy trees and brush about -them. While busy about the fire Richardson happened to glance up and saw a black panther glaring straight at hire from among some bushes 30 feet away. As quick as a flash, and without a word to hie com- panion, Richardson turned and snatched up a rifle. Ile was none to quick. The ball struck the beast in the right hind leg and the panther sprang towards the lads. Paoth Ricbardeon and Cole say positively that the animal wont over 40 feet—I0 feet past them—at a• single leap. When the panther landed it turned as quick as lightning and:came back at the boys. Young Cole, who could not get at his gun, had by that time taken to his heels. Richardson made the quickest movement of his life, and, from behind a tree, fired once ennor at the panther, tis time giving him a shot upon the nose that for a moment stunned and blinded the infuriated beast. This was young Richardson's salvation. He ran back several feet to get a position behind another tree, and from there took more careful aim and shot the panther through the neck. With a terrific yell that, the lads say, could have been heard a mile away, and which they will never forget, the boast leaped straight into the air about a yard and fell back near the campfire, still growling, spitting and clawing nt the earth. Richardson had used his last cartridge, and Cole, who had re- covered from his fright, name running back at that moment, snatched up his shotgun, which was only a few feet away from the dying but still vigor cue panther, and put a charge of shot into the animal's head, Of course that settled it. The lads skinned the animal at once and came down from the rnountains ns soon as they could break camp, They have the skin, and it is said to be the largest any one there -abouts has ever seen. It measc.res aix feet and one inch 41yyr�ii,. in the region say that t ey have not seen a genuine panther for years, and that they were sure that they had all been exterminated. In 1877 four pan- thers were killed in one season in Lytle Creek Canyon, but none was so large as this. There are many panthers in Lower California and in Mexico, and the beet informed hunters any that this was, no doubt, one that name from either of those countries. The ago of the beast ie thought to have been 12 years. The:young hunters have already been offered $50 for the skin. It is only of late years that rhumatiem has been treated as a blood disease. But that this i a eorreot theory io proved by the extrao'dinary 0000010 attending the 1100 et Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, in thio painful and very prevalent malady. It ac l lom fails of ra iic sl cure. . A POO MAN indeed is he whose blood Is poor, who has lost his appetite and hie flesh and seems to be in a rapid de- cline ; but . Of'Pore Norwegian Cod liver Oil ails Hypophosphites can make it rich again by resiorinif appetite, flesh and rich blood, and so giving him enerBe and perfect physical life, cures Cou Jhs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchitis. 1T 1S ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MiLK. Prepared on'y by Scott At lI wtri. L'ul!evt110. omuo�o,suaevr.uw.moauaasMnvr. HUI PH REVS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare With it as a ct'RATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles External or Internal, Blind sir Mond iltg; Fictrin ja Ami. ;- _Itching sir Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate -the cure certain. ITCH HAZEL r!,,IL For Burns, Scald; and Ulceration anti. Contraction from Burns, The relief is instant • -the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, 1 Int Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Mehta;; Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 5o Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents, 5,.14 l,rnrnrelne.. or pont pent-p„id n 1 t of pee. numetm11 05' 111:0. CO., 111& 11 F. Minato:.;., Srw PORK. CURES PILES. WELLS &188('IIAR13f('N Co. k;;e MON I' 1t 1601. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable compound,possessint perfect regulstingpawrrsover all the organt of the system, end controlling their soars tions. It so purities the blood that it ES All blood buret s and diseases, from a coin mon pimple to 81 e worst scrofulous sore, ani this combined w til its unrivalled regulating cleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, render it unequalled as a cure for al) diseases of the SKIN From one to two bottles will cure boils pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter and all the simple forms of skin disease From two to four bottles will cure Saltrhenn or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, ab scesses, running sores,an tl all skin eruptions It is noticeable that sufferers from akin DISEASES Are nearly always aggravated by intolerabi itching, but this quickly subsides on tin remo\fh.1 of the disease by B.B.B. Passu• on to graver yet prevalent diseases, such a scrofulous swellings, humors and SCROFULA Wo have undoubted proof that from three to six bottles used internally- and byon!wart application (diluted if the skin is broken) tt the affected parts, will effect a cure. Th, great mission of B.13. B. is to regulate th, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correc acidity and wrong action of the stomach and to open the sluice ways of the systen to carry off all clogged and impure secre Lions, allowing nature thus to aid recovery end remove Without fail, D Liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia,e.iol headache, dropsy, rheumatism, Hurl over species of disease arising from disorders liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and blood We guarantee every bottle of B. 13. P Should any person be dissatisfied after usin,, the first bottle, we will refund the money or application personally or by letter. We nil also be glad to send testimonials and in formation proving the off, cls of B. 13. 13. it the above named diseases, on npplicatiot to T. M1LBURN do CO., Toronto, Ont. Scientific American it:Agiall ^aata i 2 -"-':: ,',:',. _, ..„,: '1';tee''.440119eiteVilltj ' ft tii rit CAVEATS, ,' .44103,1Tri Olt TRADE MARKS, AESIQN PATEIYTtS, t MUNN & CO..3361dBxoenwws NEWIY0RB. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent•taken out by us'is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the Agenoy for cientitze Amnion Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent, man should be without it. Week] 53.00 a year; RAO six months. Address MU14N & CO.. PUBLISHERS, Mit Broadway, IQew York arty. —A collegiate inatituto student named Gilbert fell while trying to board a moving train at St. Mary's on Thursday night and injured Itis arm so badly that it had to to amputated. There are Sareaperillee '.. papillae; bat it you ere not care ft° 1 'retinae, 'oily be . Sarma- ,p' ended from the Honduras mr,! :.1 . cher highly eonoentrated alteratives. the d%se'tee yon wish t, intensified. Be more \„ parilla and no other,