HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-04-26, Page 6A For Scrofula "After.%uffaring'' fior ablaut twentyfrye year, from scrofulous sores on the legs and arms trying Nanous medical courses without benefit 1 began to use Aycr s Sarsaparilla, and q wonderful mire was As result. Five llottlel sufficed to restore ora to health.' Bouifaci; Lopes, aa7 E. Commerce st., San Antonio Texas. Catarrh "111y daughter was afflicted for nearly a yea with catarrh. The physicians being unable tc help her, my pastor recommended Ayer': Sarsaparilla. I followed his advice. Three months of regular treatment with Ayer: Sanamerilla and Ayers Pills cumpleteb restored my daughter s health. '—Mrs. Louis. Rielle, Little Canada, Ware, Mass. Rheumatism ,yl For several years, I was troubled wits inflammatory rheumatism, being so bad a times as to be entirely helpless. For the las two years, whenever I felt the effects of th disease. I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and have not,had a spell for a long tune.' - E. T. Hansbrough, Elk Run, Va. , For all blood diseases, thtJ best remedy is AYER'S 'Sarsaparilla Prepared hy Dr. J. C. Am .& Co„ Lowell, Mass Sold .by all Druggists, Price $r ; six bottles, $; Cures others, will cure yvs The l-uron_- ews l t ord- 51.50 a Year—$L� in Advance a 4'etittesilay, April ' itl1. 1S93. —Mr. A, F. Gault, of Nlontreal, has just rutulued home from a trill to the south-western St -Ates and thence to the Cauadian North west, and hu (loris that Dur own farmers aro hotter oil than any others 0.n the contineut. Con 'l In cl l I► t i tl it C 11 r e (t. Au old physio(an, ratired fr un pour ice, hiving had placid iu iia h.u,ln by 4v t,:4,11, I n 114 nlinniou- ary the focu.11a of a simjl.+ vugeeahle r• medy for the society and perm.neut o ,rn •f "nus .mpti, m, Bronchitis, Cn•.tvrh, As hurt 10.1 al, thu,a nt l LungAffections also a positive and rt.Itn:l core 1 for Nervone Debility and all Nn,•vi•,. . .omolnints, after h+vin,; t Istt1 us wonderful enrativo power.. in thousands ,1 .:a -os, has felt it his duty to 'rialto it kuo wn to 10 ivdurittg fellows. Actuated by this raltive Ltd a ,desire to relieve hum in sd tTerinn, will scud free of chard,,, to oil who desire it, titin rotipe, iu Geneva i• berenoh or English, with foil directions f 'r preparing ,tud u ting. rant by m•, A by at lre.si uc wirh stain ,, naming thin p.m. 1 W.A. Noy , d.:1 1'nee,•o' !11 ,clr, J: iclerater, deg- y • —Catharine Schmaltz, aged 89, an inrua:e of the Elgin house of industry at St. 'I'honins, fell from a second storey window Tuesday moruin; and wee killed. RELIEF AND CURE. firer1,-1 have used Heayard's Pectoral Balsam f-ir coughs and colds, audit givice relief in a few hours and always results in u cure 1 would not be without it. \IItS. ALFRED VICE, Berlin, Oat. —"Winnipeg had the worst storm of the winter last Weduesday. Tele graphic counrnluicRtion was cut off and bueiuess generally suspended, HIGHLY SPOKEN OF. DEAR SIRS, LI shave used your Hegvardn Yellow Oil for sprains, bruaies, 8CAI.le, bares, rhe,. n.stism and stoup, and lind tt u nnetiut.11ed remedy. My neighbors a;t speak highly of it. ;tins. II 1011T. Montreal, Que. —lIt . James L. Hughes, of Toronto, went to Shelhourne Iaet Wednesday evening to reply to Mr. Elgin Maitre, the annexationist. There was a large atldieuce, and the crowd was good natured, and at the close a resold ioll was carried repudiating the Mei of anr-exation.' "God Save the Breen" and "The Maple Leaf" were lua:ily sung. THE 13Ei1' RENIEDY. Dili); Sitt',—I was greatly troubled with wn^linea', Ions of sp;)stile, restlessness and ale+p1.-.ttanesa, and found B. B. B. he mos' strengthening and beneficial medicine 1 have taken. Miss flkAtiLre• 31 Huntley St., 'Toronto, 0 it. —Ypsilanti and other points in Micbi,ran were devastated by a cyclone ou Wednesday. Many of the principal buildings ,were badly damaged. The lops of property is estimated at $200, 000. INDIoESTION CURED. Gr.Nsl.eiteN,—I was thoroulthly cured of indigestion by using only three bottles r f B. it B., and truthfully recommend it to all suffering from the aatne malady. MRS. DAVIDSON, Winnipeg, Man. —In Chicago last Wednesday even- ing Mrs. Jensen went to the meat market after lighting a gasoline stove. While she was absent the house took fire and her two childreu wore burned to death. Mrs. Jenaeu has become 'temporarily Insane. 8'25,4100 IN REWARDS. Seventh Half -Yearly Llt.etlne'y Cgmpetijlots trtTrti: leaun.dtaut Al;rleattau•iet. In aeottdanee wit, their mond custom for.some• yens toast, the publishers of that old and reliab,e -pu bi.catioo, The Canadian Agriculturist, now pt e• Rentz. he 7th Groot lielf•Yearly Literary Cumpudtfon, to the people of the United States and Canada. 'Phis comp( tit on will close:51ny 80, 18011, (15 days thereoftcr being allowed for letters to reach mi from distant points). The following is the prize lint: 1st Grand Prize $2,500 In Gold 2nd " 1,0001() Gold 8rd •' Goo in Gold 4th 250 in Gold 5th 11)0 iu Gold 5000 Elegant Silver Tea Service, Pianos, Organs, Gold Watahos, ho., Arc , making a total of over 10,00(1 prizes. clow Tn Steerttw A Parra.—Tait a tow sheets of paper and make loll the words yin can out of Jetrers contained In the words, "Cni.c)mtAN EWPOHITiOH," and Rend them to us, enclosing ono dollar for ale mon th9 subser'ption to the Agrlonitnrfst or the Ladle- Jlome Magazine -two of the best borne monthlies in the world. Rtn,tst -1. Foreign words not allowed. 2. Letters cannot, be lived oftener thin they appear in the two we ds, "emit otbinn 1(x7110ltion." 8. Names of planes and persons barred. All lists containing over 100 correct words will re- ceive, to vtalaable special prize. Send postal card for 1st '.1 p^ize wlnnor9 in former c,ml.otltiens, Addresr, fns A unlet:/ :1ST Prn. Co-, Peterborougb,Canada. ,71911,111 ............1.= )•n 1 JwiK a `cialsE r° - ✓+•i. `,r e '1d.r ii . Do You FIELI Disease commonly symptoms, which in extent and It you SUFROM HO PEPSIAor pr INDIGESTION, If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, LIVER COMPLAINT, If your COMPLEXION IS DISTRESS AFTER EAT For OFFENSIVE OF THE STOMACH, ALL Ripans Tabules llegelate ;, rf 4 Iy�'e'� , 'fr � �A �i' t all SIC `�.rnr comes on with slight 1 when neglected increase. gradually grow dangerous. C DM TAKE iPANS TABULES , orhare TAKE PAN TABULES _ ou or INOyTAKE R1PANS TABULES DISOR: TAKE RI PANS TABULES the System and Preserve the Health. EASY TO TAKE___..... Y QUlC TO ACT i, "®'N "" GI�I; RELIEF. -� SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. a Sold by Druggists Everywhere. a• If You Think any kind or a crop will do, then Reny kind of seeds will do; but for the best results you should plant YS SEED. .1;15ays the best they are recognized as the standard everywhere. Ferry's Seed Annual is .he most important book of the kind pub- lished. It is invaluable to We planter, we send it free. D. M. FERRY et CO. j WINDSOR, Ont. DR WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. Du \Venn's N•:itw.tc' itrclt rRut. Od' s :aegis, colds, ast•i1111, hrottc,ttit, ho-r•o.. sit t, .s' on p, and all diseases of the thr.-a, ind Ica itis, Prise 25 •, and 50o at ,.11 - � .V'n.ttl un is now open atColli t g w 1 ulia t cud and bo mp on. HAVE YOU tl!:1D-10.11';" Elea lache, which 11 usually aayu,ptom of stomach trouble, conatirtati m ar lit 41 wan - pLaint cin he ee'irety curet hy 11. R. IS Burdock (flood R.tter-.) heoanse this mo 11 - cine sate upon as 1 regulants the atohn.L&i, liver, bowels and hl RULERS OF THE WAVES. nit1TATN'8 FLEET TAKES THE LEAD IN IIAMPTON ROADS, England moot a delegation to the naval -review last weelc; a correspond- ent says that "the Englishmen are the Iiotis of the hour," The English ships .are auosteutatious to a degree. There is no bluff about theta. 'fumy 8,48011111 rio airs. To be sure they are dignified even to stiffness, but they are siml•le with it. They do not threaten. They are even peaceful in their heating. All the 881118 there is something iu their substantial solidity which carries with it the assurance that these ships can be terrible fellows when they want to, and that when it comes to lighting, which, after all, is their lousiness, the ferocious bearing of the Frenchman or Yankee would not count for a single in ten 'I'Ihe New York Triblt,zt has the fol. lowing, about the British war ship, the Blake :—"Being altogether a retuark• able ship, the Blake deserves more than paasing mention. She is to -day the largest, the fastest, and tin most heavily armoured cruiser in existence, with the exception of her sister ship, recently launched, and her appearance on this Atlantic CO3s1 lest year was her maiden voyage. She is an ideal of naval architecture, with a disptituenteut of 9,000 tons and engines of 20,000 horse, power to propel her through the water with twin screws •1 tate rale of 22 nautical mules, or about 23 mules an hour. She is a floating battery, capable of throwing nearly a thousand pounds of metal with each broadside of her double rote of guns, each weighing twenty-two tuns, nail mounted on such 11111881 ve gun carriages that a elan Cao nt.ar:,l nn the iltt k i,••neath tin mnrzle with )cat bendtni;. These guns can fire a idiot of 360 pounds a distance of twenty four miles. Dow'ti in her hold there are lifts furnaces and seven immense boilers, which are attended by 150 firemen. Iler four seta of triple -expansion engines cost alone one million of .dollars. She carries do It ss than lire searchlights. Her two immense funnels ere ninety feet,.jigh, , n,i her moats are in reality signal staff's of steel. Directly in front of the i i ht ti 'n trp'e let' where the c tuoaan,ling officer dlrecta cry movement during an enOourftel' with the enemy." I'ACE AND Ifi(IURE show it, if you're a healthy,woman. They'll have a beauty of their own, no matter what your features. Perfeot health, with iia clear skin, rosy cheeks and brpht eyes, is enough to make any woman attractive. 'lo get perfect health, use faithfully Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. That regu- lates and promot. a all the proper functions of womanhood, improves digestion, earlobes the b'nr,d, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health, floah and strength. For periodical pains, prolapais and other dinplarernente, bearing -down sensations, and "Pennle complaints" generally, it ie se effective that it can he guaranteed. If it doeon't henefit or Cure, you have your money hack. is aLythrng that isn't Rohl in Chia way likely to be "just as good?" Count the Bots In our last compelttt n, ht wtui.lt we had a circle containing Al.", dugs, we I t tl answers taus;• Ing from 500 to 2,nott,o )0, flu the whole, Itowec,•r, our customers counted better than we expected. At the close of the competition the wieners Neon; notified of their success, and the presents owarthal just as we advertised. As a proof of this anti as an evidence that we h.n•o -e e kept perfect faith t:iln ourpatrons, we will send a culuph to list ofwiuu• rs texeepting mh tho9mobjecting t' tF tt pt,L rlty) to ,` y address on receipt of a 8 cent Marlin to duty post:ce. We do this instead of publishing heti on at•rta.nt of the list being so very large. In our pt'.,', competition we present the above star and ( s:<t nr customers to count the dots es they d'tl with II in the circle. With It we To the first three persons sending in the cot . t answer wewill give eneh an elegant COLDWATCH. with Ei.GIN, 'WALT 8L1)i, DUEIIELI HA,3 PDEN or cher movement, Wew-illgive the same tune retn'o•t-a of the three -correct answers, who are equally fir from the first and the last, while the persons sending in the lest three correct answers will each be given witches exactly similar to the other mix.. THIS MARES I'S IN GOLD 'WAT- CHES. EACFI OF WHICH IS VALUED A'1' 8100, that will positively be, given ace ay. A sample watch is now un exhibition at our 1,11)0,, and ran be seen by any person in terestet1; so t!',,ar sincerity is doubted the person may call. or he in afrientd do so, and see that they are all we Hahn. Remember each one is first-class and will ha accompanied by a _guarantee from the maker. WE PRESENT GOLD WATCTJES in this competition in preference to PUSSES 00' GOLD because as wrote they last longer, tn.rl can, for years afterwards, be shown by mu delighted possessors as an evidence that we do exactly as we promise. The watches will 1 e pre- sented in ladies' or gentlemen's cuss as ,l, -sirs d. In addition we will Five ONE HUNDItI'D EXTRA PRESENTS such as SILL( -DitElesi PATTERNS, VAI.UAiOLE PIECES OF JEWELLERY, USEFUL AND PRE'P'PY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, E IC., for intermediate correct answers. Should there be no correct answers, the presents will be dis- tributed among those whose answers aro near,;; +t the correct number. Each answer must be accompanied by 50 cents in silver or stamps to pay fora box of Dr• Marc's Health Pills. We sell you Ala pills and give you the' present. To any person who is dissatisfied and does not find the 1'11Is exactly as we represent them, we will return the it money.. Our sole object in making this cxtraerdt- nary offer is to introduce this excellent remedy tato every home In America. f9 Health Pills have no equal. The tired brats -worker and worn-out business man finds thein espet•bllly adapted to his case. They give new life and energgy, and make hard work easy. IDR. MARZ'8 HEALTH PILLS STRENG- THEN THE BODY AND BRIGHTEN THE BRAIN. -. YOUNG MEN AS A TONIC Who suffer from excesses of youth, nocturnal emissions mental worry,over-work or sleeplessness, should use Health 'Plls. They will stop your troubles, gives you aenLngy and strength, and make you ygaYOUNG WOMEN Paeud'erfrlo ane] om ttired, who eutalc weakness, scantiness, suppression of their sick- ness headache, whites pain in the hack and bearing down pilus, should use Health P110. They restore the monthlies in all eases, build up the system, enrich the blood and make the .:Tee plump, D'LE`AIGEDy-MEN Suffering from premature decay kid n ey or bladder troubles, the results of vont!' h fu I follies lose of energy, mental worry or over-w,nic, should uae Health 101110. They net es c•iaUy upon the bladder and kidneys, and r('tttre the vigor of youth to all failing organs, both physical and mental. MIDDLE•AGED WOMEN Suffering frmn "change of life," headaches, ppa ns in the womb, constipation,iles, irregularities and trental rte• eve nil these sympt ms, purify t ehotd use Healthiblood, strengrelthen the nerves, regulate the bowels, and assist Nature in everywa.v. TO HE AGED Health Pills yield sound and refreshing sleep, wive strength to the nt'ryes, cheerfulness fo the iitiud and ease to the body, so that the.weight of veca•s bears less heavily as the thread of life lengthens. If the persons among whom we decide to dis- tribute our presents Monet to publicity, and ,lest that no mention be made of their names, we will respect their wishes in the matter and for`:;ar,l presents to any address mentioned without tits knowledge, of even it third person.®AII eornunmi- catfnns addressor) to us will be promptly nese „ry d and all correspondence regarded as sacrcdl r is n- fidential. In writing, address THE PA.Ri 0I.t Y MEDICAL CO., (f;anadian Branch,. 32 to 34 ADELAIDE ST. E., TORONTO. - Uptake:rr• Cares consumption, Coughs, eronp, sore Throat, Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porouq Plaster will give great eatidfnetion.-2$ conte. SHILOH'S ViTALi9ZER. Mira. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn. sari! r Shttoh'S Vitalizer' SAVED MY LIFE.' I constdertt thehcatrcntedv foradebttitated_e1.stom lever used." For Dyspepsia Livor or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cia. HILO WS, .;CAIAT3Rt� REMEDY: Have you Catarrh ? Try this Romody. It will positively relieve and Cure you. Price 50 cts. lits Injector for !fa suecesaful treatment iS furnished from Itcmcmher, Shiloh's Remedial aro scud on a guarantee to give satisfaction. —All thn lumber companies of the Northwest are said to have combined, anti a tweeting .vas held at Rat Portage on Friday to elect officers of the com- bine. l 4 an.r.A fn �.1MLr.�tt,7oatun n 6Ay 44d1'ur(Lte.nteerte touter dais heattlrrq 011 for ,/lrst cestui, and 000. each st4hseyueilt Molttlt- 1.10tlSE AND 101' FOR SALE. tat 814 coat ads Jumea ttreet, on the south side of the O ttiio:tu Uleueh. cot,tnil,ieg 1 neer of bind, en which Is ere,,tod a good snhstnuthtl 1.'40ne Cotttgu of avo5011110, 11;1tuteu and Ww,drlted, Cellar tondos the whole; bail and soft weer, Apply to RICHARD IRWIN, Et, outer of torture u! Johu Witham,.. Tao-tf [HL WANTED. G od wngcs.and ;Reedy emptorutnut,- Ap:t'y to c 11A'4. 'l" ' i;, l•.N, '74t ,f Orttnd Uatou, Clinton. NEW BUTcliER SHOP W11E,\'FLEY & 10INCII We have Opened out for loudness on HL'ItON S'I'1tEE'f, CLINTON, and wh1 be 'lcnscd to sup. ply the wants of all n, all kinds of "meats and poultry in season at the lowest living prices. tl;gitent mash priru paid for Hides, Sheepskins, bac. Patronage ruspetutlully solicited. 727 —tf. W11t:ATLEY .0 htNCII, 1` (yr ICE. There being some ntisnudcrttttuding with re• gurd to arcel1tge, let it be distinctly understood that If any person takes possession of uuy kind of weeeksee end halls to repot to ate I .hull aJ once Witt protvc•Iings. Itemuniber this is flit hint warning I shall gree. CAPT. WM. HAII11. iteecivcr of Wracks, Oodurich, Godurieh, Sept. 7th 1801. FOR SALE. Lots No. 7 `:red 8., DUaslet Terrace, cnntoieing 31 acres of land, dwelling house, born and orchard. Thu pr pertyttljohts t lin Corporation of Clinton. Also, two story brick building suitolde for store and lheel'- ing• house, ,•ell,,r 5, , about ono -fl Rb 0 88 tcorner Int opposite queens Hotel, Vietaria et., cyintou, Ont. Also t•illuge tots 7, 8, 0, nn 111. 1,, Ont, 'the ahoy() nruusrty t,,; - , ,, e.boo- Apply to tV. J. tauutss, Clinton, Out , per 100 .tors, or to Manning .0 Scott, solicitors, (Hatton, or to T. 51. Carlin„ auctioneer. 741tf. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insuratnce Couipiuy Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. iorl':c'olta.; Thos. E. Ifu)-s, President, Serfo,th P. 0. ; W. .1 Slut anon, Sec) -Trees., Seaforth i', 0. ; John l'aiinalt, Manager, Seaforth P. 0, DIReC'r0 .9 R ,i ,las, Rroa11041. Seafort)1 Dooakl Roos,.;(lirt ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; George. 0 aft Ihirinck ; Joseph Evans, Retv`htvoo t ; .1. `Ian non. Walton; Thos, Goebert, Clinton.,, fi•'�Q AOINTR, Thos Neitnns, itapioek ; Robt• ttFnn5filbin, Seal forth ; S. Carnduhan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Oeo. Murillo, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will bu promptly attend• ed to on n ,plication to any of the above ofttcers, addressed to their respoetivo post aliens. John GunBinUaM, GREEN GROCERS, :-: CONFECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent, ALBERT ST., CLINTON. Fresh Hatltiiesand Bloaters, Oysters constantly on hand. .Alin some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. HONEST HELP FOR MEN PAY NO MORE MONEY TO QUACKS. A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility and Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such a remarkable manner, after all else had failed, that he will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow sur. flyers. Address, with stamp, MR. EDWARD MARTIN, (TEACHER) — — DOE 140, DETROIT. MICH. !FISHING FOR TRADE. Business men in all lines of trade like to conduct their business so as to bring a living; return. in fact it is beyond common reason to itt 1(11) pt to do ally- else. ury- ole '. Customers etre numerous, hilt the great difficulty, ns It rule, is to sector the class that is required—pot ple who buy and pry for what they get. The htisinc'ss main who docs not advertise must expect to take a second place..t nd t he ad vert incl' muslin, honest,' and carryout. exactly what he plaices in print if he expects to retain old cus- tomers or secure new ones. To those who are fishing for trade, or the business men who desire to re- tain old customers, we would say that THE Nr•,we-REcorn is certainly the medium to talk to the people through. Legitimate advertising is one of the great, necessities of the present age. Retain old customers and secure new ones by casting your line in the ('01un1us of TIIIi: NE;tva-HIWC'ORD. SIESS COLT Owing to the liberal patronage received we have det.iclea tt continue the ROOT and SHOE BUSINESS, and have purchased direct from the fiuy and select stock of NEW SPRING Q000& that will be sold cheaper than any other house in the trade. I will continue to sell the present stock at and below cost. ' Butter and Eggs Taken lin Exchange for Goods. T. E. McDONOUGH. Jackson Block, Huron St.,G//nton, 20 CTS. SER DOZENU 0 Coats' City Restaurant, NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. Eureka Bakery an Restaurant. 0 In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur— ing the past three years, we beg to aunounco that the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAUItAN'l' is iu a better position than ever to successfully cater to the wants of the general public. \Vo do our own baking, pave heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &C., equal to any in West•' ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c, delivered to all parts of the town. FRUITS, COiNIFECT10NERY, IC CREAM, COOL DRINKS. Pic ole and Private Gathe inga supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton.. B U ID BR OS., Proprietors. G First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery, Montreal. Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 Pounds or Bbl. Lots. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. Batter and Eggs wanted. J. W. IRWIN, Noted Grocer, CLINTON. HAT ARE THEY ? Why ! They are THE CELEBRATED PALMETTO BRUSHES which will last three times longer than any other made. Try then. GOLD MEDAL CARPET SWEEPERS, MRS. POTT'S IRONS, DOOR MATS, ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS. ROCK OIL lOc. per GALLON. We deliver all our Goods free of charge in town. ��rt. '��'''''tt�� QQ �� yII ` , Ilk •(( .�..,:mS_ �.i�L..�J1L ��J��! 1��1,v � ■ .tri � , OS - Iron Irerr and hardware, Clinton. CHANGE OF BUSINESS Wilson & Howe, Successors to James Anderson, The undersigned have bought the stock, goodwill and interest of James Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. The rte.w firm will keep in stock everything found in a firet•clasa Res- taurant and Green Grocery, and by Stt'ict attention t0 business and courtesy hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers. WILSON & HOWE, - - Clinton,