HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-04-26, Page 2Ayer's.PiUs 4- a COneretteubed with the view to WezteOMA', nsergi Less and adaptability. rfit ee are composed of the purest vegetable aperients. Their delicate sugar . coating, which . readily die- eelvea in the stomach, preserves their full medicinal value and makes them easy_to take, either by old or young: or constipation, dyspep- e 'o headache, and bthousn ss sick a thethcommon derangemente of the ,stomach, Liver, and Itoweis also to check co/de and fevers, Ayer's ,!,'ills Are the Best Unlike other cathartics, the effect of Ayer's Pills is to strengthen the excretory organs and restore to them their regular and natural ac- tion. Doctors everywhere prescribe them. In spite of immense compe- tition, they have always maintaiued their 'popularity as ao„Tarnify medi- cine, bding in greater demand now than ever before. They are put up both in vials and boxes, and whethe-.• for home• use or travel, Ayer's Pills are preferable to any other. Have you ever tried them? Ayer's Pills Prepared by Dr..1. C. Ayer 8• Co., Lowell, Mase. Sold by all Druggists. Every Dose Effedtive • The Huron News-Recora 1.50 a Year -41.05 In Advance Wednesday, April 261h, 1S93. THE NEws RECol1D has for many years refused advertising that conflicts with hums interests, especially when the prices offered were far below what home business men were paying Many newspapers throughout the county Snap like May trout at a dollar .or two to the detriment of the meta they get their bread and butter froth Hereafter Tun NEws-llcconD will not refuse advertising from outside sten, so Iong as they pay the same as our home men. \Ve have a-irived at thie con elusion because we know that Clinton merchants ate in a position to corn pots with all other towns in Ontario \Ve notice that some of the businesses thie journal has protected as above in- dicated procure paltry job printing frons the cities. \Vhy 4 Simply be- cause some drummer has offered a "cut" to pay expenses or clear out some old stock . Not because the local papers do not deserve the local patrounge. The local papers can point out men that receive from $20 to $100 worth of free advertising in the local press every year and yet their $3 to $5 of annual job printing goes to the city to help opposition to the town and people from whom they receive their bread and butter. And these same men will cry out about peddlers and our people buying from outsiders this and that and the other thing. Wo believe in protecting our business men, and we believe in protection all round. THE NEWS -RECORD wants equity and it will never fail to deal out the same to friend or foe at home. BRITANNIA RULES THE WA VES. Au operator of the Produce Ex- change, has compiled statistics of the grain export trade from the port of New York for 1892. His records phew that 73,396,828 bushels of grain were shipped iu the year. Wheat led with 48,057,323 bushels, corn came next with 15,719,118 bushels, oats figured for 3,391,475 bushels, and rye for 3,063,719 bushels. In addition there were 823,678 bushels of peas, 855,913 bushels of flaxseed, 674,811 bushels of barley, and 634,468 bushels of buckwheat. None of the grain, the compiler re- ports, was carried by a sailing vessel, steam apparently having completed its victory over canvas in its fight for grain freights across the Atlantic. As usual, English bottoms carried the bulk of the exports. Two-thirds of the 1,301 grain carrying steamers were under the British flag ; that is, of the total of 73,396,828 bushels, 49,958,081 furnished freight tor 836 vessels of Queen Victoria's merchant marine. Germany was second among the nations whose ships took part in the trade, 158 of her steamers carrying 6,614,045 bushels, Belguim came third, with 76 ships and 5,305,982 bushels, and Holland fourth, with 3,363,765 bushels in 73 vessels. France's 49 shiploads represented •x11$0;9,21a b4§11. le; _,fta 'e;, 28. had. 1,590,925 `Iitishels; ' Denmark came seventh with 28 ships and 1,190,087 bushels ; Spain eighth, with 15 cargoes of 1,125,955 bushels; Norway ninth, with 14 ehipe and 1,121,737 bus}fets, Portugal. had 1,096,243 bushels and 20 vessels. Seven ships and 375,607 bushels re- presented the United States' share in the trade from her own greatest port. Two nations fared even worse than e ord for "1 re country. The this Y Sweden was 1 ship and 68,504 beshele of grain, and for Anstria it was 1 ship au.l 9,049 bushels. dO.11'X't Rat A a'4";4'.`,: The Catl,otio 1Zt'utattr of ew Yetis' aches for a ahiudy when it silo c•-.. "!ilia Orangemen cf C'anudth due secretly preparing to help tlt•. (),,utk•nteu qt Ulster to re; tat Howe heir' tt "'t1 r are tise "truly soul' eletei,,i•; ,,,p , e 1l' 'they d , they will get such a arebi tog that they will re• uietuUur it t"revct . •t',ait talk of resisting the govern wan t i, th,• 11110irst kind of chaff. Ireland and 11ishna•u Lary ache to have them show any ill Citi n1ivatiuu to the euuati- toted lutthwity tart out, many is ohtnitiad. They would get a tri,: ,1 ,se of their owe utetticiue " So that is the ('nth'alio idea of home rule, is it 1 Ir tlutite,l uiackiug of tltngonteu's lion(*., cud the robbing of that rich live of honey, the province of Ulster. Ou that idea, flume rule will last in Irelen,f ;,hunt thirty daye, and then be relegated us a topic for sunburst eloquence fur three hundred yea] a. -C h kage Iutcrior. D'ALTGA' .I/e( A 1(1111' AT roleusra The syn:,,i';fu1 tueleiud iu D'Altou leCattlt3's interest ou Wednesday uight, though large, was Sot nut a8n0- cess. The people were disappointed. There were 0u prunuuout personson the Ideate in, mustut those who wore being grits yr old uppoueu"8 of tho guve:ulnciut. There was nothing new iu D'Alton's speech. It was the same duplicity, 1110 88 11.10 lino as he led this last year. Otte ludicrous incident, says the Lind- say Warder, iu which the haud of fate seems to be traced, occurred, Wishing to create a sensation, fur he saw the interest flaggiug, he declared the con• servativo policy to have becu "The old Flag, the old policy, the old Leader." `The old Leader" is gone, said he. "They may keep the"Old Policy"; butt am going to stand by this fl tg. \Vith that he gr tbbed a Union Jack fastened over a ehiuld ou a post and held it up. \\Then the enthusiasm had subsided it WAS noticed D'Alton was boldine aloft a Uuion Jack over a Yankee shield with the word "Carolina", a sinfluent of some international meeting held- the eld the hall, with the Yankee "Stars and Stripes," and the "glorious American Eagle' almost full size. There seems a destiny in the incid- ent. D'Alton McCarthy surely doe. not mean to drive the country to an uexation with the Union Jack as a blind, acd the "stars and stripes" on the solid ehield'1 Hie demand for trade "eepecielty with the United States," looked suspicious. The Toronto News some weeks ago announced that D'Alton would reply at 'Toronto meeting to what those from Barrie and Simeoe had charged him with at Orangeville. \Ve have read his speech and fail to find one solitary reference to or explanation: of ono of them. Further, we have repeatedly publicly made the declaration within the past year theta D'Altou McCarthy had never expressed himself as opposed to roman catholic separate schools, and that he would not say •he is in his To• ronto speech. Our prediction was correct. He referred to the North \Vest as being worse off than Ontario, for here protestante can not have separ- ate schools while there they may, Thus he would force protectants to attend roman catholic schools 7 In Ontario there is no reciprocity but in the North Nest there is. Both systems are bad, and should be abolished we say. Mr. 114cCarthy does not. In his Toronto speech he clearly and deliberately tells a cold blooded false• hood in saying he had no chance this session to introduce. his North \Vest 'I'orritories I3t11. \Ve and scores more were ready to discuss hie bill on its second reading when to our disgust he called out for it to "STAND," which menus to fall out and rue its chance of never being reached again. He also deliberately fabricates regarding the Manitoba School Act, the Tarte mo• tion which he supported, and in short every word he uttered regarding the Government. No one in Canada looked forward to D'Alton 'McCarthy until recent years as a leader more than we did ; but he has proven himself cold blooded, un• scrupulous, lacking in bravery, in judg- ment, in truthfulneee. In short he has turned out a worse political fakir than even Sir Richard Cartwright. THE NEW ACT OF PARLIAMENT. It would seem that Sir Oliver Mowat and his followers are not satis- fied with tailing nearly all the powers . from 1q iolpel and ceunty)netitl •I rem tr - ttvboo- -miser m pet � judge for nimeelf to the boy who is not, laws have been placed on the statute books of Ontario interfering with the rights and acknowledged privileges of good citizenship. It is not surprising then that one learns of a proposed Bill like the following. Some wag bas been bold and bad enough to father it on the members for South and Weer Huron, Meseta. Garrow and f3'. h in the Local House. The 19 0P, Bill is alleged to be as follows :- 111: rr 1 N.'(TFD: Ally baker that is known to cheat or defraud his custom - Pee. o `st kly ualxtre pease !lull* at4v tt :bone-40.44wl txtt , flottatop'e, or AV othefi spurtooe togre4lettts in his ht,ead, or 1t by roguery hot gate. what is wad a pariah dlnnet, by tatting t>, few potatoes out of one dtsh, ct Little bit of stent out of another, lifting the lid off the pie when halt.' -baked, and taking out poet of tlae inside ; for such offen- cestae shall be forced to sit in his own o.veil directly the batch is drawn, for the space Of half an hour. Clause 2nc1,--Any butcher who shall be known to stick a lump of fat mater hie settle so as to snake it weigh down and thus deprive his custotaseis of their rights, shall. be made to sit its the stocks one hour each day for a week, with the said piece stuck on his hat, as a caution to all other butchers against such illegal acts. 3rd. -Any publican who shall be known to unix water with his liquors, or small beer with his ale, shall ho smothered in a butt of his own swipes. 4th. -Any teetotaller who shall be known to drink more than two quarts of strong beer, or two gills of gfu, rum, whiskey or brandy, shall be sent off to the United States after amuexatiouists. 5th. --Any tailor who shall he em- ployed in making a suit of clothes, and shall be detected in cahbagiu €r, less than two-thirds of said cloth, shall sit on his reel -hot goose for an It;,ur. 6th.-.4uy shoemaker, hootmlaker, 00 cobbler, being known to put less than three stitches to the inch, shall live tttton nothing but balls of shoemaker's wax for three days. 71h. ---Any man who shall he known to boat his wife, or visit tory house of ill -repute, shall he tried by a jury of women, and if found "guilty," shall he flogged with his wile':, apron strings and not be allowed to sleep under Itis Osvn roof. . 8th. -Any woman vvhn shall. be in the habit of gossiping in other peoples' houses and minding everyone's busi- ness before attending to her husband's dinner, shall be tied to the leg of the bedstead for tlu•ce days. 1)tb.-Evet•y bacltelc.tt', at the age of 40, shall be compelled to marry one wits and stake up for lost time; in neglecting to do so, he shall pay $2() to the poorest widow in the neighborhood. 10th. -All old maids shall be com- pelled to marry a. Stuart, active young Maul, or in default of so doing shall pay a fine of $21) to the poor single amen iu the neighborhood. 11111. -If any grocer shall be known to sell horse -beans fur coffee, leaves for tea, mix sand with his sugar, or brick - dust with Itis pepper, shall for such very serines offences, be duck'( in a hogshead of his own treacle, and theta rolled in a bed o feathers. 12th. ---Any barber, or bar'ber's clerk, who when shaving any customer; shall cut Itis chin, 00 pa the brush of lather in his mouth, 5111111 have his head shaved, and his bare block publicly ex- posed in his Shup window. 13th. -Any miller -planing mill than of other uuanutactut•er-who 811a11 be known to kis, another man's wife who is in the habit of conning to his twill, shall be well ducked in the Bayfield river or other stream. 11th. -Any policeman who shall be found sneaking after the servant, girls, alias the cold meat, or be found drunk on his evening beat, shall lose his coat, and dance to the tune of 'such. a get- ting up stairs' for twenty-one days. 15th. -Any servant girl, or any other goof} looking lasses, who shall paint their faces, or wear a kiss -ate -quick bonnet, or wear a bustle so large ars to obstruct the passongers In passing along, the public streets, shall he doomed. to remain single all the days of their lives. 10th. -Any milkman or milkmaid, who shall be found milking the town pump instead of the cow. shall sit on the said pump three hours for each offence. CUIIRENT TOPICS. A statemeet shows that the expend- iture on the Ontario Parliament build- ings to 31st December, 1892, as $1,107,- 600, which does not include $17,876 expenditure in connectiou with com- petitive and other plans prior to those prepared by Mr Waite. The candidates for Legislature in North Oxford do not like the idea of the elections being put off until 1894, as Mr. Mowat has hinted. On the other hand, the Mailsays there is every reason to believe the present session of the Ontario Legislature will be hurried to a close, and shortly after, prorogation, early in June, no doubt a general election will be held. Were the Legislature to run its full four years' course, as required by Confedora- tion,it would not be dissolved until the summer of 1894. It is Mr. Mowat's desire to get the general elections over in advance of the convention called by the Liberals for Juno 20. He wishes to be entirely rid of Federal politi- cians. Manitoba has adopted a somewhat unique plan with regard to the ex- hibition of her resources during the World's Fair, and in the course taken she has shown an enterprise which is directly characteristic to western energy. Unable to procure but a meagre allot- ment of space within thateo bo used by the Dominion of Canada, and hav- ''the ii)ditor sly' the Guelph 1104414, be to bassi l)eadetc 4 pt'ivilagvti. geetlethele, else that exon{taut paper would hardly bo allowed to thus standee an acootnpliehe t Huron ludy : Mies Eloise Skimmings, of Goderiob, will have to look to her laurels. An English poetess has been inspired by the advent of the balmier season to break out into some metrical remarks of which the following yeree may be token as a sample : "Spring makes you feel a tray young ttiug, 011, lovely, lovely, L,VILY .1r1ng 1" o Piof. Robertson, Dominion Dairy Cjmtuieiioii r, has shipped the mum • moth Canadian cheese to Chicago. Ile is disappointed iu not being able to make the display whiuh he had iutond- ed doing in Chicago. Prof. Robeit• son had plauued to have the monster cheese landed in the city proper and taken by eight or ten team of ho:•ses to Jackson Pails, but the Chicago author- ities say the street pavements will not bear the conccntiu ted weight of 11 or 12 tons, consequently the eheeee loam direct to the World's Fair grounds. Coiufermably to a resolution adopted by the Liberal members of the house of Commons las, session, a ceuveution of the Liberal party is called to take place iu Ottawa, Ont., on the 20th of Juno next. Each electoral district will bo representor) Ly the Liberal member sitting for the salve, or the Libotal cane:idate defeated at the last election held therein, and by five delegates appointed by the Liberal association of the district. The convention promises to bo the largest and most important Liberal gathering held 10 Canada iu many years. The Hun. John M. Gibson has in- troduced a bill into the Ontario Legis- lature which proposes to deal with dependent cltildreu who may be nt'g• lotted by their parents or who are not properly cared for. The bill provides for the rigid e bforcemeut of the par• outal obligation, the prohibition of children from bogging, singing on the public streets for moues, entttiug saloons or other places where liquor is sold, or taking part iu theatrical per forutances, unless specially licensed to do so. Where parch is are proved to be unworthy of the care or guardian- ship of children and where children if left in their care aro likely to become outcasts from society, the courts may sever the parental relationship and commit the children to the guardian ship of a childl'es's aid society or other duly qualified organization to be placed in a foster house. Ald. Frankland will sail on the 6111 of May for tho Old Country, where be will reside permanently. He has been in Canada for 38 years, and duriup that time has 'always been prominent in the cattle business. Many years ago, when the export of Canadian cattle was unthought of Mr. Frank- land gave a banquet at the Roslin House to the Toronto butchers and a number of English cattle men who wore in the city at the time, from which time the trade began to increase rapidly. It was through his influence that all Canadian goods were branded, so that now what is American muat be sold as such, and Canada has not to boar the responsibility of inferior goods sent from the other side. It is Mr. Frankland's intention to form a company and establish a headquarters for Canadiau produce. If he fails in the formation of a company he will open such a place at' a private enter- prise, He will locate in !Manchester or in one of the considerable towns near by. The young family of the alderman will accompany him, while his growu up family will remain in "Toronto. It is a groat grief for him to leave Canada, but be says that the echoduliug of Canadian cattle has taken from !lien his meaus of liveli- hood and he trust begin on a new line. Free Trip to Chicago. Separate W-") it.L IJ.S FAIR and nee the letters to spell at corny words as you can by ening the letters as many times as you wish, either hack - wards or forwards, but not use the satne letter in making any one word more time, than it appears in "world's Fair." Itis s:dd seventy five small English words can ba spelled correctly from the ten letters contained in "World's Fair." Example -Wad, waif, ,ear, idol, etc. If you are good at, wont -making you can secure a FREE trip to the world', Entrant' return,as The Sc tt Seed Company will pay all expenses, includini H. R. fare, hotel hills, adrnistions to the Columbian Expoettion, and vf,0 00 in cast. for incidental expen- ses, to the first person able to make seventy words from the letters contained in ' World', Fair," as above. They will also give a FREE TRIP to the World's Fair and return with 025.00 for inciden- tal expenses, to the first porton sending sixty words as above. They will alto give a FRE E'I`RIP to the World's Fair and return (without cash for incl" dental expenses) to the first person sending fifty- five horde. • „ To the first person sending fifty words nil! he „ ing a desire to be considered In it e0 giver , Oe0ip clwh toward apng expenses, to the ' ',.x,-': •d �'Is.i'7titi to tlto �rrn}•t Y•:yu i -snotw' +v Les1ie's Carriage Faotory, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAIONS-all of the beet want manahip and material. i1Q"All the latest styles and most modern ltupfovp. talents. All work warranted. !repairing and repainting promptly attonded to. Prices to suit the times. ; 'FACT(11iY--corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cliaton. 657-.y silver Star CoaI Oil; 4 IMPERIAL CALLONS ABOUT EQUIVALENT TO 5 AMERICAN CALLONS a for POP,i11 --PINT+-+' CTS.. WATER WHITE AMERICAN OIL, 25c. GALLON. These p1 ic.s ars SPOT CASA at our store, charged or delivered 22 cents gallica extra. JOHN S�JN'S K' LSOMNE AND PURE MIXED PAINTS. -CHURCH'S ALARASTINE= JO N A. BRUCE'S PIFLD ani. GARDEN SEEDS. c DAMS '.4' ROWLAND, HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE, CLINTON, THE HUE GROCERY. 0 ',tie have closed our financial year 1st of February and find that it has been a year of fair pro:+perty to ns. \Ve wi,lt to render our beat THANKS to Customers for their patronage and will always strive to win your con- fidence in future, by giving you GOOD GOODS as cheap as any other !louse iu 'I'otvu. Our Steak of . CHINAWARE, PORCELAIN AND STONEWARE, is well assorted (and 88 w e have a large Import Order coming from England) we will offer them at Close Prices to make room. GEORGE SWALLOW Clinton. HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT WE DELIVER ALL OUR GOODS FREE OF CHARGE IN TOWN. ROCK OIL 100°. per GALLON. BARB ,rl„1 I::altItl ESS FENCING WIRE GALVANIZED FENCING \1'111.1:, oI LED AND EN M ALED STEEL FENCE \V111E, SPADES, SHOVELS, ICAKES, HOES. MIXED PAINTS, KALSOMINE ALAII'AS'1'INE, DAISY CHURNS. 1 CAR STEEL NAILS JUST RECEIVED. \Ve buy for cash the best quality of goods only anti sell at bottom prices. HARI tA�TT� BROS -, SOVE AND HARDWARE, - - - Albert St., Clinton N EW IJtERL. -u WILSON & IIOWE have bought the good -will and interest in the bakery recently carried on by 11r. R. McLennan, in addition to the Restaurant carried on by Mr. James Anderson, and have amalgamated the two businesses The combination will be carried on in THE OLD STAND IN SEARLE'S BLOCK, and will hereafter be known as THE NOVELTY BAKERY AND RES- TAURANT. Mr. McLennan will he our baker. Bread of superior quality will be delivered as usual, and Bread, Cakes, &c., constantly kept on hand and sold nlycat the Novelty Store. We solicit the patronage of all old customers and many new ones. Wilson � Howe, Clinton 0 As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with a leading firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well- known blasters, all framed and finished in first-class style, and suitable for the best class of residence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash' purchases aggre- gate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices, es he" , oo �,Xqs , 4,. 1 2:44t 499 C!P :Pri . , c lzp.:d'l012faf+ u 5411. - i..: -Yrtl n.,1fi 08 iri cae� rv�an c� rases to - n�1'b" t, � p 1 will it Electric too the Mani%ba ov�rnmett tae n e0.' ' , supplya ec is Son g the Rurld's Fair, to nark of the first' live persons sending thirty-fivi, words will he given 010.00 in Soaps at the old figures. cash and to each of the first ton sending thirty words will be given 01 00 in cash. Only one prize will he awarded to the same person. Writs your name on list of words (numbered) and en• close the same postpaid --with ten threo•cent stamps for a large package of our Choice English Cottage Carden Flower Seeds. This combination includes the latest and most popular English flowers of endless varieties (same as will bo contained in the elaborate exhibit of English flowers at the World's Pair.) Th la "World's Fair" Contest will be carefully and conscientiously conducted solely for the purpose of introducing our hnsiness. You will receive the BIGGEST value In flower seeds ever offered, and 1f you are able to make it gond list of words and answer promptly you will have a first -elate opror- tnnity to secure a free trip from your home to Chicago null return. We err spending a huge amount of money to start. 0111.111111111in season, and want }mfr ivia1 order. 'inn will be mere than gratified pith the re - suit. vend to dnv, and address '191E SCOTT SEED COMPANY, Toronto, Can. 761-a9 what is possible, tho beet outside poeitton available, upon which a large structure ninety by two hundred and forty feet has been erected. In this building the resources and productions of the Northwestern provinces will be exhibited. Her great agricultural capabalities, for which she is famous, particularly in the production of wheat and other grains, will not fail to give her a foremost place among the exhibi- tions of the countries of the world, and will, r without question, bring her bo - fore the attention of the great at my of •ieitors who will visit the fair during the next six tnonths. M an' ier no'(e, unlig t and I. prise . Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at our Store. Our Sock is reple;,e and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including hest grades in Black, Green and Japans, Try our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. Examine the gnalityand prices of our Combination Dinner rind Tea Setts, and be convinced that Bargain Day with us, is every business da,, throughout the year. N. ROBSON, China Hall Clinton, Feb, 14, 1693.