HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-04-19, Page 8EINE* 4.11101,1T 11.1411411tS, Asia le the eeestot u1 the veer when Coed Ligrore are espouielly ap- preoiated, WE WIVE THEW. And we have them in all brands and at pll; Prices. It don't matter whether or not your wants require wood or bottle brands, we can supply you. OUR PRICES Will be found in keeping with good Goode and very small profits. If economy and reliable Goods are what you desire, the Clinton Liquor Store ie the only correct plate to go to. - J. W. ItlTER, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON The Hurcn News -Record $1.60 a Ye.... --41 2b In Advance. ll • W*.Noes"). et110 44.1, 'ems tont !est ►v.eek. 11o. Atuuwt KELI.r, of Wingham, hull come to town 10 reeide. MISS ANNIE MOFFAT, of Blyth, ie visiting friends in Clinton. MR. T.C. DOHERTY Was in Blyth last week ou busiueee. Miss Niauioss was visiting in Blyth last week. Miss PVNCHAnD, of Seafortb, ie the guest of Rev. Craig, Petrolia. Miss MARTHA DINSLEY has returned from a visit to,Kippen. MR. J. W. BITER will return from his Manitoba businoes visit this week. Miss Ater MURDOCK, who has been visitiug frieude iu Clinton, returned to her home iu Hensall last week, Miss M. CHRISTIE, of Exeter, was the guest of Mrs. T. M. Carling last week. Mn. J. A. CRoLL, B. A , of the iIVednesday, April 19th, 1ti93. Perth Collegiate Inetitnte, spent hie Easter holidays in Gori ie. ARCHIE NELSON, of Exeter, hao accepted a position iu the Clinton organ factory. DRUGGIST J. H. COMBE has receiv ed the appointment of district whole. Bale agent for Parke, Davis & Co., the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world. ADVERTISING —The Hodgens Estate believe in the use of printers' ink— and painters' paint, too. The other day THE NEWS RECORD noticed " a baker's dozen or more prominent signs on tho building. COUNCILLOR MCMURRAY is a very good head. The other day ho set an example that is worthy of initiation and, well, that many people would like him to keep right at. He put iu a short drain and covered it in on Vic Coria street. There are several other streets in town that COBB, McMurray is at liberty, some people say, on which to polforin similar work. THE BLACK AT BLYTH.—On Friday Sir Kt. M. Mains informed THE NEWS RECORD that the Black Order at Myth was prosperiug. At the last meeting there were several initiations and there will be several more next night. Por ceptory No. 397 will soon, no doubt, be in the most prosperous condition it has been siuce the time of Sir Kt. C. V. Floods. LIEUT. COL. AYLMER, of London, was in Clinton last week and gave THE NEWS•RECORD a call. He previously inspected the arms, &c., at Exeter and proceeded from here to Seaforth to transfer the belougingeof thatcompany from Capt. Roberts to Lieut., Wilson. We exceedingly regret to learn of Capt. Roberta retirement from the service. However, Lieut Wilson will prove a paiustaking and efficient captain. QUEEN'S BIRTIWY.—We notice that preparations. for• a big day on May 24 are being generally made in Western Ontario towns and villages. Clinton should be alive if steps .are to be taken to have any sports on that day. An effort was made two years ago to get up a celebration, but it was generally ad• mitted that action was taken too late. The proper time to move is now. Clinton has been in the background in this respect altogether too long. There is uo reason why • a good celebration could not be inaugurated in Clinton on the 24th of May. Will some of our energetic citizena and public mon move in the in atter ? Ir' Robes, I3orse Clothing, 'Proollen and Plush Rugs, are at bargain prices at 732-tf. JOHNSTON k ARMOUR'S. DON'T forget to visit the new Boot and Shoe Store, Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton. SEE -what I have saved already by buyin my Boots and Shoes at the new sore, Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton. DAHLIA ROOTS, 5 cent♦ each-tnlxed kinds. Strawberry and Raspberry Planta, cheap,at Searle's Clinton. Cash paid for eggs and ()utter.-CAN•reLoN PROS. MR. JOAN SWARITS, of Wingham, was in Clinton lust Friday. MR. AND MRs. WM. 11IURPHY were in the county town Inst Thursday. OLIVER JOHNSTON'S eon Ilarold is very ill. Ho is an only child. Much sympathy is expressed, as Mr. Johnston has been unfortunate in losing several Children, CAPTURED SECOND PLACO.—Mr. Geo. Hinchley finished his score in ciaes A., in the Gun Club shoot, lest Friday. He increased his score to a total of 62 and won second place in the match. DEPUTY -REEVE KENNEDY attended Grand's sale at Loudon last week and returned with three fine specimens of young horseflesh. The matched black span of colts are beauties, but there is nothing too good in the horse line for Mr. Kennedy or his son John. THE BICYCLE CLUB of Seaforth have made an offer to the local ))Minstrel Club to secure their presence in Sea• .forth for a night. A rare treat will be in store for the citizens of Seakith it' the invitation is accepted • $Loon HORSE FOR SALE BY AUCTION. —Cook &Cook have instructed auction- eer Carling to sell on the market in Clinton ou Saturday, that standard bred horse Black Rod 11036. The animal is 'a very. desirable one. See posters. MR. MCDONAOH, son of the veteran Rev. W. McDonagh, was in town last week renewing acquaintances. A lapse of ten years has removed many familiar faces and made many changes. The gentleman called on THE NEws- EncoRD and •we were glad to meet him. CUSTOMS COLLECTOR, Mr. Whitely, while,in the cellar of his private resi- dence Wednesday evening, etruck the top of his head against the corner of a projecting plank or board. The result waa an ugly, deep gash. He was stunned for a time and blood flowed freely, but he is attending to his duties as usual. MR. WM. SMITHSON returned from his eastern trip last Friday. He visit- ed Tavistock, Bright, Drumbo, Ayr, Galt, Berlin, etc., selling about forty ladders. At Ayr the authorities want. ed to tax Mr. S. $2.50 a day and he left the town in disgust. Galt is do- ecribed, and quite truly too, as one of the greatest manufacturing towns in Canada. The fall wheat in the neigh- borhood of all the above towns presents a fine appearance and promisas well. THE TENTED FIELD.—We notice that Military District No. 1 has been ordered to go into camp at London on June 20th. The brigade, or tented field, will comprise the First Hussars, London Field Battery, and the 25th, 26th, 28111, 30th and 33rd Battalions, Capt. Combo informs Tom News- Racoon]) Ews•Ra cooRD that No. 4 Co's. Service Roll has been opened and is filling up very satisfactorily and that when the proper DEATH'S DOINGS.—The residents of this section were somewhat startled to learn of the death last Wednesday of Mre. Wm. Grainger, formerly Mrs. Robert Brownlee. The lady was well and favorably known in this section, being boiu in Goderich township and for many years a resident of Blyth, and after her second marriage a resi- dent of Hullett. Shortly after do• ceased became Mrs. Grainger she was taken ill. Medical aid was summoned, and almost constantly in attendance for eleven weeks following, hysteria being said to be the ailment and a change advised. She accompanied her son J. A. to London, ►vhere medical aid was secured. Cancer of the stomach the ailment was pronounced and death soon came. The late Mrs. Grainger was a woman iu the truest sense of the term. For many years she and her • late husband conducted a public hos- telry in Blyth and the doors of the house were over open and the hospital- ity of the couple extended to friend and foe. Many a weary traveller found root and comfort and food there without price and without cost. She was a member of the Episcopal cweb.. iw�,yc •r.�,-;,;Ll,nie d ! - `;,i� t�,r. ps��.daekd.swaexal•dau hter-ofkth,e-Iat,' ,.�t�'.' •-a �ves`S1�T eill�iit�'�• Y John Magee, of Goderich township. The issue of the first marriage was a family of five—two sons and three daughters, one of the latter deceneed. The funeral took place from Clinton station last Friday, there being a large attendance. Among thoee,from a dis- tance were Chas. Sherritt and Wm. Evens, London; Mrs. Jas. Slemin, Wingham; Mr. and Mre. C.'Hamilton, Mr. and Mra. John McGill, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gidley, John Emig!), W. and Mies Drummond, Miss McConnell, W. Kelly, Blyth; James Stewart, Mitchell; Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Magee, Egmoudville, and others. IRev, Mr. FINE FURNITURE FANCIER. AND UNDERTAKER, CLINTON. Higley, of Blyth, officiated. THE NEws•REconD extends ite sympathy to the bereaved husband and family. Tim , .TEsT nun., IN 'indoor Shades is here. The material is new and durable, the color will not fade; the roller that we give is said to be the best, the pull, brackets and screws are also given with each shade and the price is only 45c. Our customers are so pleased with them that they are having them put away till they are require('. If you want any at that price come soon. We have a great variety of .Band Painted Shades, the beauty, quality and price sell them. BEAUTIFUL WRLL PRPEB CANADIAN AND IMPORTED. Have You It' so these boys require clothing ! This being the easethe first question that presents itself to your mind is when shall I purchase so as to procure the best obtainable* value, "price and quality of goods considerEd." We carry the best assorted, the largest and the best value in Boy's •. • Clothing CURTIkIN POLES 2 Poles, 4 Brackets, 20 Rings, 8 Screws, 20 pins, all for 45c. Or a better quality of Pole and trimmings ready for use, 25c. each. Robins shown by any firm outside of the cities. "Of course it is to your interest to say what you say". Well, let these prices speak for us : A Boy's Suit, sizes 22 to 28, at $1.50 Blue Serge is 66 • M s • Bros., Book Store and News Depot, McKay Block, Clinton. Beeley & C 0 it rr SPRING MILLINERY. 82,00, All Wool Serge 82.50, Halifax Tweed A Double Breasted Serge, 83,50 A Single Breasted style in colors, 83.00 A Very Pretty Suit is Purchased at 84,00 More patterns are shown at 84 50 than in any other one line when you go as high as 85.00—then you puachase goods. The fit, the wear and the finish is beyond question. •0 Stock complete, Ilats and Bonnets, plenty of them, the latest and best, assortment up in all grades and styles; it's a grand stock for finding just what you want; ex- amination will show that our stock is especially strong in variety and thoroughly reliable in style; few can meet and none can beat our prices. LACE OUR TA/NS, Jackson :al: B; os, Clothiers, F--rnisheY s and Hatters, CLINTON & SEAFORTH. '1 CURTAIN NETS AND ART MUSLINS, have you (teen them, or are you in need of them ? If so we beg to call your attention to our LACE CURTAIN NET at 10c•,121c.,15c. and 18c. See our line of NOT- TINGHAM LACE CURTAINS at 450. pair, $1.00 and $1.45 up to $6.50, for Fine Patterns, Style and Design; they are as good as anyone could ask to see. They are the best money buys. The value is in them, and at prices as close to the jobber's figures as we can make them and live. Nobody can do more, most won't clo as well, but no platter about that, the fact stands that we offer reliable goods as close as any- body nybody can sell an honest article, and the place is THE LADIES' FAVORITE ?ESTABLISHMENT, B eesley 's shape. "We are exceedingly pleased to learn this. It is said that the County Council will be asked for a grant to supplement the Government allowance. Of course there has been and likely will .be objectors. But THE News - RECORD fails to see why a grant ahould not be given by the County Council. The "red Coate" are the men who would be first called on to defend even the homes and lives and property of County Councillore as well as all law-abiding eitizone in tunes of trouble. The money is in return spent in the various muni• cipalities from which the corn• ,paniee ale made up. By all means the county ehould make, a grant. Tho great majority of electors will not, object. MILLINERY & FANCY DRY - GOODS EMPORIUM, wL �'TTRNITTTR� 0 A TABLE for 40 cents. Have you seen the BAMBOO TABLES we are offering for 40 cents ? They are just the thing on which to set a flower pot at the Window, and the price is within reach of all. The latent thing in CHAIRS is theAUSTRIAN STYLE. We bare now a full line of tlieae chairs in OAK, comprising DINNERS, ARAI CHAIRS and ROCKERS, and prices are AIVAY DOWN. Have you seen that BEDROOM SUITE of ours, that we sell for $13.00. If not, sail and see it. It is GREAT VALUE. JOSEPH CHIT EL F Y', J. W. CHIDLEY, Je., Funr'ral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered at his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry. There are many reasons why 5 Palace Clothing Is growing in Favor every day It Fits, It's Stylish, It is Well Made, It is right up to date, It is sold at prices made possible only by cash buying and selling'. T} at. $15,50 Suit We. sell Is Stylish, Well Made And Wears. 0 Est. J. Hod&ells CLINTON. Si...'"i es eteinlYtinia