HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-04-19, Page 61,44
14 .''
In a.dangereee etnerg fey; AYR
t "seeped" PEOTUR..AL is prop pt to act and
sure fo cure, Adose taken on the first
•aytttptont,s of Crouper Bronchitis, (:steaks
further progress of these complaints.
ft softens the phlegm, sooths the in -
lamed membrane, and induces sleep.
Se a rt•,n.:di' for colds, couNis, loss of
voice, la grippe, pneumonia, and even
.::.ur..ptiost, to its early stages
(Merry Pectoral
all similar preparations. It is
I,dorsed by leading physicians, is agree -
elite to the taste, does not interfere with
;ih; stion, and needs to be taken usually
ut srnall discs,
" From repeated tests in my own family, Ayer:
Cherry Pectoral has proved itself a vary efficient
remedy for colds, coughs, and the various din.
orders of the throat and lungs.'—A. W. Bartlett
Pitt.fl 11, N. 1L
"Frrthe last a years Ihave been taking Ayerr
t.;herry Pectoral fur lung troubles, and amassurec
Hi it is use has
•Saved My Life
V4 4 W
I have recommended it to hundreds. I find the
m ,st effect;ve way of taking this medicine is ir.
,rill and frequent doses,"—T. M. Matthews, P.
Al„ Shuman, Ohio.
`• My wife suffered from a cold ; nothing helpce
her but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral whicn effected a
cure.'—R. Amcro, Plyinptun. N. S.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell Mass
Prompt to act, sure to cure
The Huron News -Record
91.50 a Year -91.25 in Advance
Wednesday, AI►rll 19th, 1893.
—'1'lleto is a shortage of over 45ie
000 in the Ottawa county, Ohio,
C1)nstanlptiolt Cured.
An old physician, r n• nm practice, (laving
h.vl pbao+d 1:1 his leu Is 14 uta East radii' mission-
ary th+ Io,^n tri n; a slatpis vegutablo remedy for
the s,.en ly .141 1 p !run shut W1113 .,1 'Ong unptlou,
S r.m nhiris, Crn�rh, As h n8 and all tbrosr. and
L.11 .\ff +nouns, at<o a 004140e sed radical entre
.r \.•r:•ris Ue'r li;y as [ ell Sarv,ne Jniupluiatfl,
�(t•.r h v.11 t ;l...l a•+ a• mlarf.il u. 1rative powers
t•i th ,4saa Is .4 0.4,04, h is fe't it his duty to mak t.
It Ir uo.vu to his 4•, 1,4in t fellow.,. Actuated by this
motive all a d"sa r.•. to relieve human su IToriug, I
'Alit 8811,1 (1444 t/. ubarge, to all • I,., 1 hire it, oris
ie tips. in ser nail, l'ranoh or l'ng;ish, with full
fn. ',will ing nod 58144• scat by mall
'.y ad lreAsing with scumI. 111x114 this pscer•
1V... NOrn: •, 849 Power.' U: act, J'oaheelsr, .Y. 1".
359- y
—Friday 'vas the twenty fifth atoll
vnrsary of the minder of Thomas D'Arcy
A friend in need is secore41 by aunty., a
who keeps a b title of Hegy'ard's Ye low 0 1
at hand for .use against soeidental epi esu',
bruises, cut+, burns, scalds or any iofluu-
matury pain, ouch as rheumatism, gales.,,
sere throat, etc.
—The trouble among the Indians of
northern British Columbia are said to
have subsided.
Headache; which is usually asympt)m of
stomach trouble, constipation or liter com-
plaint can bo entirely cured by It l3, t3
Burdock Blood Bittern) because thie medi-,
cine acts teen and tegulates the etonlath,
liver, btwela and 'Mood.
►� I1r1�»• IIIUi)1
in tont 4I)Ont It�t�•altk ax>t�tX.
---Mr. IL A. Sattrtett, of Myth, heti
sold hie hardware business and tin shop,
to Mr. Geo,Dllustnedt, of Auburn, who
immediately takes podaession. Ml'.
Denatead intellrl4, we u,ptltlrstentl, to
u.uae hits store in Au .ern.
--Tim Henderson can tell astory with
the best of the boys. He vias talking ton
group of men the other din and he told
theme story ole man who got a little
full in Blyth or Brussels, we don't re-
member whioh, ana.i started home late at
night. Ile arrived there, unhitched the
horse, unharnessed him, put him in the
stable for the night and then retired
himself. Next morning he found the
buggy was minus one wheel. He started
back to find it. Now, you would hardly
believe it, but he found it four miles
away ! Sotne of the men looked n trifle
skeptical, so Jim added: ''Yogi could
hardly believe it, but it is quitetf•ue. I
saw it myself, next morning. "—Kiacar'•
dine Review.
—It is said a movellleut is on foot to
make Chicago a prize ring 1ieadquarterd
during the World's Fair.
A President of nue of our Colleges say's:
"We spent /navy slaapless niuht'i iu
coustqu••nee of our children suffering from
colds, bat this never occurs now. We use
Scott's Emulsion and it q t ekly releiv.s
pulmonaly troubles."
—Tho New hrnuswick 1.3gialature
has pissed a resolution approving of
prohibition; and urging the Dominion
Government to pasa u prohibitory
GENTLEMEN, —I was thoroughly Corel . f
indiiostiou by using only three bottles f
13. R B„ Anti truthfully recommend it to
all euff.riug from the same malady.
MRs. DAVIDSON, Winnipeg, Men.
—Of the 13,533,414 passengers car-
ried by Canadian railways last y ear
only fourteen were killed, or one out
of every 966,673.
p DEAR.. —L was peaty tronbldd ivit)
weakness, lois of appetite, restiessness, and
sleeplessness, and f.,und 13. R. 11. the most.
.atrengthening sud beuelieinl medicine 1
.have taken. .btsa Hesett IS
34 Huntley fit , Toronto, Out.
---'rhe Newfoundland seal fishery
is a total failure this sea8on. The
total catch is not expected to yield
l)6,1:100 seals, which ie one fourth of
last years catch.
I)iotu SIRS,—I have used your ifagvarda
Yellow Oil for sprains', In -Attie:, scalds, burns,
rheumatism and croup, and rind
unequalled remedy, hly neighbors also
speak h'gl'ly of it,
Mae. Il,IGIIT, Montreal, Que.
,� lute' l�itali 1?"� t• .Si
Mannheim that an eight-year-old eon
of Mr. Henry Bear, a farmer living
near that village', !net with a terrible
death on Saturday last. The little
fellow had been assisting in making
maple sugar, and by some moans, while
the others were absent, fell head first
into tho boiling syrup in the kettle.
The poor little fellow died a few hours
Sins,—I have used Hos/yard's Pectoral
Balsam f )r coughs and eolda, and it gives
relief in a few hours and always results in a
cure. I would not be without it.
MRs. AI.FRRD RICK, Berlin, Out.
7 he invention oP a Vaaaery Actress That
1'erforma hlnrvel(ult Vents In Alld-•Alr-.•
She Tells How It Is blade and Says That
It teas Noon Pntt iitetl.
May Robson, who plays in the "Glnri-
ana" company, has invented an at -thole' leg
that does an nut that would startle the un.
This leg is so fixed that it is geared to the
waist. It is not a leg above tate knee, but
eau be drawn up and shot out in a grace-
ful manner, and at any angle which prea-
—The bushiest; roan who never ado
vertices saves Si great many expenses,
Ile eaves clork'H salaries and porins but
a small stock to supply his customers.
This makes+ taxes light and itirurallce a
+•mall item of expense. Duly a email
capital is required and a small build
ing its H ilit:lent for proprietor arid
spiders. Tile money saved let not
advertising will c•Iult' in handy in
(penury; the funeral expenses of a dead
— Another scheme is bring worked
for dt'frltu,tieg the public. It is a pic-
ture aclleurr anti is ,.n arranged that
the law Cnnuot touch thaw. For in-
stance a wily agent in limes the uusus,
pollute to pay $1 or S2 and digin a Coln.
tract supposedly reading that they have
boneht a handar)we Ilatutinre. When
the customer reads over the contr,trt at
him leisure hH hthat he has agreed
to ply $'1r2 or $15 for a cheap Int of
painting. if he fails to take the s Bolt, lot
'he hidden language of the coutra''t
states all motley previously paid sitali
lie forfeited.
— Recently the messenger Death
Io-ct(otlr•d the al,irit of : t rellihelil
1)un Ca1IHOII, Grey. Ile had been poor•
ly f ,r several inoirths. Mr. Duncan -
nn wa t burn in Ar;yleahire, Scotland,
57 years ago all I came to Canada
when 19 years of age. For the past
35 years he had been a highly esteem
sill resident of the township. The
ibcet sed Wait unitt d in wedlock to Friss
Janet Ferguson, don _liter ni the her,
Allem F••rguanu in 1862. There aro
oleve1) children, two of the 48041-4, A-danl
and John, being in British Colunlhia.
The .fecenard was a Member of the
Presbyterian church.
—Dark and devious are the ways of the
peripatetic vendor of small goods and
chattel. One of them called at the home
of a Walkerton merchant the other day
and offered the gocd lady of the house
home made lace, warranted hand
worked, at $L00 a yard. After
some haggling a bargain was struck at
20 cents a yard At noon the merchant
went home to,jQnner,as merchants very
often do. He was was not in very long
when his good wife brought forth 11;1.
purchase and told him what a nice lace
she had bought the lace from that female
pedlar The merchant saw through
it at once. How much did
you pay her for it? asked he.
''Twenty cents a yard. "Well, I sold it
to her at 5 cents a yard this morning
and had quite a little profit on it at
that.' Tableau l— Kincardine Review.
About 300 Nova Scotians now re•
siding in L'oston, Mass., have formed
an association for the purpose of ac•
q•Iiring a tract of I Ind in their native
province and entering upon farming
and RInufacturing extensively on the
co—operative plan. Capital to the ex
tent of $300,000 will be forthcoming,
and the colony will be located within
30 miles of Halifax.
—An interesting_ case,- p1...alimony
was beard at Oagoode hall on Saturday
before Mr. Winchester. The plaintiff
hringe suit lo recover $4 a week from
her husband, George Ackert tvho, she
alleges, deserted her in 1863. She
had reason for a long time to believe
her husband dead, but recently dis•
covered that he was alive and well on a
farm in Peel county, Mr. Winchester
ordered that the .plaintiff should be ex-
—A gentleman, who has just returned
front a trip through the southerd
}c'�ounties of Brant, Norfolk, etc., sain
'-(!.. ,11-4m,-,,,(,..: `ro nae y'.' ttgl�t
koe as rdlacOut'aging, leffd thilt
many fields are badly spotted. The
bard frosts following the rains were
very had for the fall wheat, and, unless
the conditions to follow are very favor-
able, it is feared the result will, in a
large degree, be damaging to the crop
in thecounties mentioned, The femme
have strong hope that warm rains
will do much to restore the condition of
the crop. The clover does not seem to
have been damaged, as the conditions
wero not those of thawing and freezing
which are so damaging to that crop.
sure on the push-button gauges. Above
the knee it is wires and tits perfectly.
"The cruelty of it all," said Miss Robson,
"is that I have to buy two pairs of shoes
and two pairs of stockings just exactly
alike. I feel as if I were twins, and then
you know the left shoe isn't used at a11. It
seems a wicked waste.
"The artilieiltl leg is the exact reproduc-
tion of real en's, and wears the same kind
of a shoe and stocking. My dress is an
accordion skirt of white crepe do Chine and
is sixteen and one-half yards around. Under
that I have skirts on which there are fifty-
eepht yards o: Oriental luso, eleven inches
"I was very anxious to have the dance
without the hast bit of suggestiveness, and
when I rehearsed it for Mr. Frohrnan I
it Was all right. He
11' it a
kept asking Mtng
said he only sew about a quarter.of au inch
of the blue stocking, so"you see it's proper.
"Well, I wear a baby hat of this white
lawn, shirred and two big rosettes over my
ears. It's such a hitt as you only see on
babies about three •y+ars old. You may
have observed that this variety actress
wants to appen. innocent. I make up my
face in an exaggerated way, just like an
emphasized soubrette at the races. I put
+ ' o 1t 's go14Uaagi
•,faantn, N""""
4dv4rtige#04t0 ttn.Jor WS /1004Ei' 1.1 far
first ttletith; (fed $0a. gaud si(Osariuent month.
Lot 814 oast side Jumps street, on the south side of
the Oathollo tlh•aroh, containing } veru of lend, tin
wbieh Es eructed a good snbstantbn flume Cr Huge of
Ave looms, gm poen and Woodland, Ciller 44414110 the
wh la; lard and soft wryer. Apply to lt1CHAIt1)
trims, 1 xountor of Letole of John \1'llllams.
lots of rouge on the cheeks and have awfully
red lips, marble -white nose and black eye-
brows and eyelashes. I wear a blonde wig
with two projecting curls.
"When Henrietta Crossman and I come
in we wear pongee silk dusters, and it just
happened that my pockets were set very
low and hers were set very high. It look-
ed so funny that we had to giggle our
"When it came my tutu to go on and
dance I was scared out of my wits. I had
never done anything of the kind before, but
I was in for it. I turned my back ph}, the
audience and danced for the company. I
think it is snore artistic, anyhow. They
saw my foot go up over my shoulder and
they applauded wildly.
X71 had written six verses to go to 'Ta -ra-
re -boom -de -ay,' in which I burlesqued my-
self. I do it in the style of serio-coolie.
"I imitated Foogere and Vanoni, and
after every verse I would do some act with
my leg. I'd press 8 spring and it would fly
up so that I could. rub my ear with it. I
had to stand on my left foot and draw up
my right, or vice versa. I also leaned
away back and put the leg over my shoul-
'7'he way I did 'splits' was to make a
stage fall on my right hip, doubling my
right limb under me. My left limb was
stretched out on the floor and I threw out
my artificial leg, so that I fooled members
of the company. They didll't know which
foot was artificial and which was real.
"When I got up 1 stood on my real right
limb, and it's pretty hard work, I can tell
you. When I had sung all the verses I had
I gave the drapery Ia serpentine swirl and
held it up with one hand, showing my feet
on the floor.
"On the encore 1 walked off with the
artificial foot over my head as if I had for-
gotten it."
Good segos and stonily eel pinymeot. Apply to
CHAS. SPooN41(.
7•l`i,f llrand 11 151, , n'llutun.
The Card (}ams or Life.
Man's life is a game of cards. First it is
"cribbage." Next he tries to ''go it alone"
in a sort of "cut, shuffle and deal" pace.
Then he raises the "deuce' while his
mother "takes a hand in," and, contrary to
Hoyle, "bents the little joker with her
five." Then with his "diamonds" he wins
the "queen of hearts." Tired of playing a
"lone hand," he expresses a desire to"1)-
aist" his fair "partner," "throws out ifs
cards," and his clergyman takes a ton dol.
lar bill oft „otz hi
"orders limesesi te.
"Iiitave".'rte-'jots "itthe ltfbi;' s is tort 1 .I
often gets "birth." which is "low," too. If
he keeps " straigpt " ho is sometimes
"bush." He grows old and "bluff," sees a
"deal" of trouble, when he at last "shuf-
fles" off his mortal coil and "passes in his
checks" and ho is "raked in by a spade."
Life's game is ended and he waits the mini -
mons of Gabriel's "trump," which shall
"order him up.".—Clarion Democrat.
We have Oppence out for business on HURON
STREET, CLINTON, and will be pleased to sup-
ply the wants of all In all kinds of -meats and
poultry in sdasou ut the lowest living prices.
Highest cash prise paid for (Hides, Sheepskins, &u,
Patronage respectfully solicited.
727 —tf. WHEATLEY .t• FINCiI.
A Brave Labatt.
The admirers of "The Silence of Deem
Maitland" can scarcely fancy the writer of
the strong, earht.lt story to bo a woman
rather than a ratan, and a sick woman be-
sides. The story was written by Miss
Tuttrell, a delicate girl, who was obliged
to do the most of her work upon her coach,
distressed by most intense suffering.
There being some misunderstanding with re-
gard to wreelage, let it be distinctly understood
that if any person takes possession of any kind i
of wrecks40 and fulls to report to use I shall M
once take proceedings. Remember this le tht
las3 warning l shall give, CAPT. %V51. BANS.
Itueeh'er of Wrecks, Ooderich.
Ooderleh, Sept. 7th 1891.
Owing to the liberal patronage received we have det:ide4 to
continue the
and have purchased direct from the manufacturers a
line and select stock of
that will be sold cheaper than any other house in tl
trade. I will continue to sell the present stock at and
below cost.
Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods,
Lots No. 7 and 8., Mosley Terrace, containing 8i
acres of hand, dwelling house, barn and orchard. The
}+n pe'ty adjoins the Corporation of Clinton. Also,
two story brick building suitable for store and dwell-
ing house, cellar 5 alma one -flub sore corner
lot opposite queues Hetel, Victoria St., Clinton, (int.
Also village lots 7, S, 9, in BIy4h. Ont. The above
property will he sold ut a bargain to settle up estate.
Apply to lv, J. 111051as, Clinton, Ont .her executors,
or to Manning k Scott, solicitors. Clinton, or to T.
M. rnrlin4, auctioneer. 7420,
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Farm and Isolated Town Proper-
ty only Insured.
Thos. E. ]lays, President, Seu(olth 0, O. ; W.
3. Shannon, Secy-Tre'ts., Seatnrth P, 0. ; John
Iia nab Manager, Seuforth 0. 0,
Jas. nrnndfeet, 8eaforth ; Donald Ross, C11,
ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt
liurlock ; Joseoh Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan
non, Walton; Thos. Garbed, Clinton,
Thos Nellans, liurlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea -
forth ; S. 'iarnochan, Seaforth, John O'Sullivan
and Geo. Murillo, Auditors,
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans-
act other business will he promptly attend
ed to on a r licatlon to any of the above olticers,
addressed to their respective post chives.
John Cunningllam,
1.. t'�. lYl�1JUlV U U l�ri.
Jackson Biock, Huron St., Clinton,
Canadian Express Agent
Fresh H addles and Bloaters. Oysters
constantly on hand. Also some
Canadian Cranberries, cheap.
A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility
sod Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such a
remarkable manner, after all else had failed, that he
will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow suf-
fbrers. Address, with stamp,
005 140, DETROIT, MICH.
Business ellen in all lines of trade like
-to con(,luet their business so HS ..t.0 bring
as living return. In fact it is beyond
county -in reason to attempt to d(1 any-
thing else.
Custonu'rs are numerous, but the
great difficulty, as at rale, is to secure
the class that is required --people who
buy and pay for what they get..
The business main who does not
n(lvertiee must expect to titles at second
place. And the advertiser mm,stbe honest
and carry out exnetly what, he places in
touters or secure ill'\\' 01108.
Coats' City Restaurant,
Eureka Bakery an Restaurant.
In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur—
ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA
BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a butter position than ever to
successfully cater to the wants of the general public. We do our own
baking, save heavy expensee, and turn out a quality of BREAD,
BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &C., equai to any in West.
ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING
CAFES A SPECIALTY. (Tread, &c , delivered to all parts
CREAM, COOL DRi NKS. Pic nic and Private Gather.
irga supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. 1;1 i
Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton.
B 0 ISD B ROS., Proprietors.
To those who are fishing for trade,
00 the business mon who desire to„re-
tnin old customers, WC Wo11l11 say that
THE NEWS -RECORD iS certainly the
medium to talk to the people through.
Legitimate advertising is one of the
great, necessities of the present age.
Retain old customers and secure new
odes by casting your
line in the
columns of THE NEWS -RECORD.
First car now arrived direct from
Redpath's Refinery, Montreal.
Quality the Purest,
Prices the Lowest.
Special Outs in 100 Pounds or Bbl. Lots.
litter and Eggs wanted.
J. W. IRWIN, Noted Grocer,
Why ! They are
which will last three times longer than any other made. Try them.
We deliver all our Goods free of charge in town. ”
Iron and Hardware, Clinton
Wilson & Howe, Successors to James Anderson,
The undersigned have bought the stock, goodwill and interest of James
Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the
Novelty Bakery and Restaurant.
The new firm will keep in tock everything found in a first.olass Res—
taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy
hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers.
WILSON & HOWE, - - Clinton.