HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-04-19, Page 2,I. That it is not wise to experiment tvith cheap con'pouuclo perp prtinfl to be blood-purilicrd, bat which have no realnledioiuttl T slue. To mako 1100 of any ether than tho old sten- dad AYER'S Sarsaparilla—the Su- perior Blood -parader -1A simpl/ to invite less of time, Money and health. If you aro afflicted with Scrofula, Caters In Elisarn .t,su1, DP"ir, T)� Eczema, Itunniu;; Sorez, Tumors, or any ogler blood disease, be assured that it Pay3 i.) AYER'S Sarsaynrflh, a_t•.i X13,':3 only. AYE ti ways bo depended upon. I, t'.,,73+ n::t vary. It i al•,:a•,e the .,.. •e quality, Tull illy, a-:).? c::. .. superior iu combination, appoaranoe, and i'i all tll,J.a got--; ,,, build up the systet o diuoace and pain. l t all impuritise in the bl')ud sed pole thea by tho natti al cilu_:.i . ire Fj�at � '^`•J Sarsaparilia Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,'Lowell, Tdr.ss. Bold by r.11. Di uggists. l'rico S = ;rix CIAPe S ottlors,wili euro y�r Pie Huron News-Recora 1.50 a Year—$1.25 is Advance 'tVe(lnesi1;ty. April l9tli, 1$93.• THE II UR ONV 1V},' !VS- R ECG RD. A Live Local and Family Weekly Journal, ass ietl We:ills:lay Mornings. OFFI,IF.—Brick Block, Albert Streol, North, Clinton, Ont. 'resod. -$1.5') a year, 61.25 in advance. No paper dis sntinued, exv:pt at ulainIi of pnbasher, until all a'•roarages are ser.'le•1. The month and year to which all subiertpions aro paid will be found on the address label. Ta0NsteNT Anvr:artstso.—Ton cents a line (non• paries measure) for tint insertion and three cents a line for etch subsequent iusY•rtio„- COYTRACT ADyiiu Ia i,-Sp'Cial p'l.ilia,t 10 to 25 per Cent above regular rates. The table below gives contract rates for run of paper for definite periods : srJCtt. 1 1 1' It. 1 e3 nu. 1 s me. 1 1 5 ,0 One column 200 00 655 00 $20 00 $7 00 Half column.........15 00 20 00 10 00 4 50 quarter column :Ju 00 12 00 7 00 0 00 One eighth column. I 10 00 7 00 4 00 2 00 One inch 0 00 3 50 2 00 1 00 Servants wanted, for sale, lost or found, ad,ertise• meats, not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each in surtion ; not exceeding seven lines, 50 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each following insertion. Farms, houses or town property, for sale or to rent, stray stock and similar advertisements not exceeding eightlinos, $1 for eat month and 50 cents for each following mouth. Advertisements without definite iostrudtions in- variably inserted until forbid ant charged accord- ingly, Transient advertisements in all eases to be paid in advance. All contract changes must he received at the office not later than SATURDAY NOON every week. A. 51. TODD, Publisher. NO LA TV IN KENTUCKY. The latest Kentucky sensation is a worse illustration than usual of the lawlessness of that State. There was not law enough to enable a young • woman who had beau betrayed to have her wrongs righted in the regular manner. So her mother aliduct- ed. the young man whom she accused and compelled him to marry her at the point of a' pistol. There Was not law enough to enable the young snarl to obtain redress from the courts for this high•handed interference with his liberty. So a party of his friends and relatives way• laid and shot the bride and her father. There was not law enough to punish the murderers. So a mob was organized and, it is reported, they were lynched. Of course, there will not be law enough to punish the lynchers. All the persons counected with this affair were among the best Citizens of the co:1/lu'u)ity. It may bo supposed they would have taken advantage of the law if there had been any. The world is, therefore, left to infer that the pistol, shotgun and rope aro the only 100110s :,y which reputable citizens can secure the punishment of criminals in Kentucky, or, et least, in the part of the State where these events occurred. —Buffalo E:r,Irese. CURRENT TOPICS. Oxford is a very Gritty constituency, only one -mon hae yet subscribed to- wards the memorial monument to the late Hon. Alex Mackenzie—D. R. Roes, of Iamb -o, gave $10. One slander against Mr. Charlton is disposed of. Some persons in the West have accused him of running his tugs on Sunday. A. Toronto religious paper points out that this could not bo so because its writer has heard Mr. Charlton make long speeches in favor of Sunday observarce. Plainly, a gentlemen who would make long epeoches on such an issue could not be guilty of making his tug servants labor on the Sabbath. Mr.Cherlton should practice what he preaches. 7 Coileators of outllptnel ilea£ been loured that the Saturday Made,' published td Chioego, ill., coulee with iu the tariff outegory of an immoral or indecent publication; and its entry iuto the Dominion is prohibited. Pin - sons importing it are liable to a penalty of $200 fur each offence. A1"TRACTIONS OF TUE BIBLE. Aa a book of religion, at'uurid which clusters all our hopes of immortality, the Bible hes merits of the very high - eat order; and these, with every serious tnihd, will be, as they ever ought to be its greatest attractions. But,aside from the religion which it reveals to us, and the guod news of ealvatiou which it brings us, the Bible has other attract t;ot1e. It is the book of our learning, eat loss than our religion; ,the basis of our civilization, not less than our Sal vatiou. It is the charter of our right's and liberties, ae truly at it is the oracle of our faith, the Manual of our devo tions, and the anchor of our hopes. It has moulded into shape, and it hae quickened into life, the whole body el our secular learning, as well as our theology. It has breathed its own vital epirit into all our science, litera- ture, legislation, philosophy, social and political institutions. h has led the van of aucient and of modern civiliza- tion in its march around the globe, It has beeu the great well spring of living water, out of which have issued all the glad streams of intellectual and moral health, that are now found flowing in every civilized laud beneath the sun. Thee far, it has been the great educator and civalizer of luau; and it is doubt less, destined to be his greatest educa• for in all time to conte, his most efl'ee tire civilizer in every dark abode of heathenism throughout the world. But, whilst it is chiefly as a book of religion, and especially of relig- ious educatlon, that the Bible hoe spread civilization among the nations; still it is true, that regarded simply as a book of learning, of taste and genius, of history and 0lo• (hence, it has exerted an influence which cannot be too highly estimated. As such, it has claims which CORM end themselves to every cultivated under- stauding, Independently of all its higher glories—the knowledge which it gives us of the way to heaven,and the hope with which it inspires us of a bless- ed immortality—there are attractions which may { be felt and appreciated even by the irreligious and the worldly -- minded. As ancient Israel was the glory of all the earth, Jerusalem the glory of Israel, and 'her temple the glory of Jorulasem, eveu so is the Bible now to Christianity, and to the world. It is the most glorious outward and visible heritage which has come down from the past. It. atande to the Christian and to the church as the temple did to the Jew. II is the throne of power. It is the symbol of all greatness. It is the shrine of all good. It is the centre of universal attraction. It it; the radiating point of all blessed in• fluences. We may all look upon the Bible ae we look upon the broad domains of nature;" or upon the blue heavens above. It is common property. It is all ours. It all belongs to each of us because our Father made it. We breathe a common air; we gaze upon the same loveliness; the same landscape smiles in beauty at our feet;_ the same heavens encompass ns; in the Bible, as in the book of nature, we are all at home, for God, our Father, is over all and in all. Ls ROY J, HALSEY, D. D. THE DEADLY MISSILES. I3ULLET PROOF UNIFORMS. The entire prase of Europe has been giving much attention in the past few days to the experiments just made with so-called bullet-proof uniforms in Vienna. It was at first supposed that the invention was a revival of the dis covery of several years ago which proved impracticable. Later accounts of the experiments and the fart that an immense sum has has been paid by a Berlin syndicate for the secret indi cate that the device is of good dens of importance. The idea of the inventor, a tailor named Dowe, is that the soldiers should wear in action an artnor which csvers the body and weighs about six pounds. It is flexible composition, faced with cloth, to be buttoned over the uniform. Steel faced bullets from modern rifles fail to penetrate it at any distance over 100 meters. At less than 200 meters the shock of a bullets might render a man unconscious. A BULLET PiROOF BEAD. Frank Forkey, a Frenchman living in Butler Township, Wayne County, at a little huddle known locally as "Slyburg," is the champion hard- headed man of the region. One night recently he had four bullets shot against hie head, all of which promptly flattened and fell to the ground. A few patches of court plaster repaired all damages. Forkey hod been working for a maiden farmer named Rose Wood, but was diacharged for intoxication. Two nights later he calve back to the house to return the key to an outbuilding. He was invited to aupper, and then had a dispute with Patrick Caraher, a brother laborer, but not a Frenchman, Mies Wood tools the pert of Caraher, her charms being under discussion. A battle royal ensue d. Carahor firat smashed a board and a lantern over I+orkey's head, and then opened on •1/....5•••••~ -A • • • • • • • •A•r r • • a •� r • • ■ ■ ■ Y r M • r r • Y M MA M M M • M Y • M M ate+' -Aa AAS. A.�4A.J.A, • Do You FEEL SICK? Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYs. PEPSIA TAKE RIPANS TABULES lir INDIGESTION, , If you LIVER COMPLABILIOUSINT. CONSTIPATED, o:ha•re TAKE RIPANS TABULES If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you TAKE RIPANS S TABULES U L ES SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, • For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR• TAKE RIPANS TABULES DERS OF THE STOMACH, _ Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. •••• •• ONE GIVES RELIEF. EASY TO TAKE QUICK' TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. r ODOaboorrr rtrt ...rwww hitt) with a 33 -caliber revolver. TI,•, men were atruggl111g all bilis time, and four bullets took effect at short range•, yet not one penetrated the skull of the Frenchmen, who tooled by sounds', thrashing the eutito family end chasing thein into the woods. He has since had Caraher arrested for assault iu the first degree, and the latter is under $1,000 bail, furnished by Miss Weed, who is wealthy but extremely eccentric. SEPARATE SCII(')OL EX- AMINATIONS. The names the highest studies at the the Goderich follows : of the children who to( k marks in the different March examinations in Separate School '1110 as FOURTII CLASS. Christian DOC tfino—!1hu•gatut Pay n0, Edward Tighe. Reading—A un Mc. Dougall, Joseph !McEvoy. Arith- metic—Ann IMeDoug,11, Ellen Webb. Grammer—Gertrude Doyle, Frederick Shannon. Literature—Teresa Chis- holm, Margaret Payne. Composition —Andrew Lyun, 11Ia''garet Payne. History—Margaret Payne, Ellen Webb, Teresa Chisholm. Geography—Teresa Chisholm, Andrew Lynu, Ger,- trude Doyle. Orthography—Margaret Payne, Ellen Webb, Andrew Lynn. Writiug—Frances _MoCormac, 'Teresa Chisholm. Drawing—Joseph Mc- Evoy, James Ilurley. Temperance— Eugene Dean, Margaret Payne. Neat- ness—Gertrude Doyle, Frederick Shan- non and Ann McDougall deserve special credit. Highest, total—Mar- garet Payne. THIRD CLASS. Christian Doctrine—Edmund Cam- pion. Reading—Josephine Galloway, 13essie Mc(orruac. Arithmetic— Mar- garet Webb, Mary Dean. Grarnrner— Dora Chisholm, Mary Dean, ill rgaret Webb. Literature—Dora Chisholm, Bessie ivlcCornlac. Cumpoaition— Josephine Galloway, Dora Chisholm, Bessie McCormac. History — Dora Chisholm, Bessie McCormack, Mary Curry. Geography—El mund Campion, Dora Chisholm. Orthography—Joseph• iue Galloway,Delia Burne. Writing— Teresa Doyle,Maud Curry. Drawing— Teresa Doyle, Josephine Galloway. Neatness—May Curtin, Margaret Hur- ley, Josephiuo Galloway and Dora Chisholm deserve special credit. Highest total—Dora Chisholm. —Ex.Premier Mercier, of Quebec, who was in New York on Friday, said he was not in favor of Canadian au- nexation at present, but of Canadian independence. Ile thought it would be useless to attempt annexation without first obtaining complete separtion from England. oasEm THE GREAT)" OUCH Curie 55 50CQl1°' cr7 Pft'(��" r �Iy'p)I T� 1...7 iiY it Y' i til o Cares Conanonptlon, Coughs, Ci- sup, flero Throat. Sold by all Drueeistaon a Guarantee. Fera Lame Side, Eaac or Chest: hileh'n Fotouu Paster will give great rat isfact inn. -5$ came. 5a_i5 sid'� us -3 8 IL";AWS VITALIZER. 1.5rs, T. S.Hawkins,Chattanooga Tenn. soyst Slaflch'o Vitalizer 'S LVED MY LIII'E. 1 csr.e6 eritLittbestremedyforcodebtlRateds',.suss 1 ever used." For Dyspepsia Elver or Sidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cIa. HILOH'S -; ; CATARRH RE�IIEOY TTnve you Catarrh 2 Try thio Remedy. It will positively relieve and Cure you. Price 50 cts. This Injector for its successful treatment is furnishedfreo. Remember, Shiloh's Remedies arc sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction. If You Think any kind of a crop will do then any kind of seeds will do; but for the best results you should plane FERRY'S SLEDS. Always the best they are recognized to the standard everywhere. Ferry's Seed Annual Is the most Important book or the kind pub- lisbod. 1t is invaluable to the planter. We send 1t free. D. M. FERRY&CO. WINDSOR, Ont. rt Scientific American Agency fey CAVEATS, TRADE !NARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, eto. For Information and free handbook write to MUNN k CO.. 301 BROADWAY. NLw YORE.Oldest bureau for securing patents In America Every °atom taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the rienttnr •anneri Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Spiendidty illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 53.00 e year: r1.511six months. Address MUNN & CO.. 1 05L10051118, 361 Breadvies, New York City. Count the Date In our last ecnnp.uilion, In which we had f. circle containing ;,t5 dots, we had n:;5-0 firs Ing from 300 to 2,000,004 tie the w'holc, however, Our customers cornetts better than we expected. At the close of the competition the, winners were notified of their success, and the presents awarded just as we advertised. As a proof of this cud nus an evidence that eve have kept perfect faith with our patrons, we will send n complete list Ot'c' lenses (excepting those objecthig to publicity) to any address oil receipt of a Scent stamp to guy peein?e. We do this instead of publishing tlu•u) on ae(, i ,it of the list being so very large. In our pros, tit competition we present the aineVe star and cskcur customers to count the dots as thine 11d With in the circle. With it we Janke flit, rlir:— To the first three persons seeding in the tor,, ••t answer we will give e'ch an ele)nn:t COLO WATCH, with Ei.GIN, 1� ALTI•IAlf, DUMBER HAMPIDEN or other tirrt•c•lust movement. We will give the sauce toile. senders of the three correct answers, who arc equally 101 from the first and the last, while the persons sending in the last three correct answers Will each be given wetehcs exactly similar 1.1110 otl'rr nix. THIS MAKES NiNbl (401 1) IVA''- CITES. EACH OF WHICH IS VA1.L'ED Al''6100, that will positively he given 0%k 0y. A sample watch is now on exhibition at our illee, and ean be seen by any person interested: so if, ur sincerity is doubted the person may all. ar hay,• a friend do so, and see that they are all we eisun. Remember each one is first-class cud will Le accompanied by a }.narantee from the nether. W1': PRESENT (;OLD WA'T'CHES in Ifni+ competition in preference to PURSES OIr GOLD because as a rid:, they last huger, can, for years afterwards, he shown by the delighted possessors as an evidence that we do exactly as we promise. The watches trill I ,• rye. Rented in ladies' orentlemen's sizes •a deelt d. In addition we will give ONE IIUNDR1 Li EX'l'11:A PRESENT'S such ns sll.lc I)1IEh5 PATTERNS, VALUABLE PIECLS (`i•• JEWELLERY. USEFUL AND Piti:•r3'I ARTICLES FOR THE TOILE'!'. E for intermediate correct answers, Should Ile re be no correet answers, the presents will Lr tributed arnong those whose answers are nm teat tho correct number. Each answer must be accompanied by 50 vents in silver or stamps to pay for a box of Dr. 1larz's health tills. 'il'e (ell c, n :he pills and give you the present. 'I's an,. •„ • •• •, who 58 dissatisfied and does not Zhu? 1 1,, 1' as we represent them, wewill r0t00n 11 money. Our sole- object in making I,,i, rxlrr. 1 '1 - nary offer is to introduce this caned, ut r.,i„r;y tutu every home in America. AS A.T0�111 Health Tills I'ryenn r,• t The tired I,r;,in-tv,ri:, r•: 1 wnri,-out busiucss man finds Ih , adapted to his cane. They ?ire u.w Iii” n•,d en• rgv, and make hard well( er+,.•. Oh. III ARZ'S TTEALTTI PII,I.H S'115'3 5(;_ THEN THE ItODY AND liltli;Ih'f`L1: TIlill BRAIN. YOUNGMEN W'hnsttfferfrn;nesee u•s 4° tY to ycutb, r,oe1i,ra l i n'i: i, mental worryover-work en• sleeplessn••s,. sl, old E use I-Lealth fills. They will e:,,p your Iron! 1• give you energy and strength, ;nut iuni,o r.:l yourself again. YO011( WOMEN P:de :uvl tired. Pj t'y t1i96 ® Rtl l': �1' II' :n I: •. weakness, scantiness, super, ; ,n , 1' :3' it n, s' headache, While., p...,u ^in 1;,,, 1 h••nrilrr down pains, sh,0u1,1 u.•r 11•, 1 1 I They restore the tuontbii.•0 in all c i ; l : sy,tont, 0nr:e1) the blond n:„t m•,6.. ;1 r, plump, bright and rosy. PRIOO[E-AGE MEN Snfr,;•11,0 fr-1'1 p7 n,n1ore1, v. kidney or bladder troubles. the result i of :: 1,.3 fol'les lusts ores-rgy mental ,wor roY•• r.•„ • I . 511,.01(1 050 ilealth fills. 'l'hey net est,, ;:•I1, up •n the bladder and kidneys, and rea:r,r • t3. vigor of youth to all ]'ailing organs, !salt pl n a ea l and mental. "0 1011140 Of life, headaches, pains in 11 womb, e.nnsUFrmtlon, piles, irregnlnrilles and ue•n!01 ,1•• pr,'s.:,irl, Should 000 311,011)1 !'ills. '1:,, i' ,::” all these syniptnnls, purify the blood, :,1 ren,_,1 , n the nerves, regulate the bowels, and ussict _(mute in ever w'nr. `, 0 �fl8 A00 TTenit.h Yilts yield u' and r,.,'Vshin:t-h•e1, .:i' strength to the nerves, ebeer ii:tne..s t,-, the 'n:, and ease to the Ealy, so that the weir. htlw' •: •..•r+ hears less heavily as the thread of life 1)n,.:?,fibs, If the person:, then).'• , bun) •.:a d r1,).• • •sir. tribute mit' prrsynis 01.1c1“. 1„ u'•hHyil •',1'1 ,1e• i r. that 00 mention be etude of t),rir uair:o:, e e WII, respect their tvt+hes in the ,natter 01.1 t.0 N1',.,.: preen ti to any address mention -1 WIt;tom 13 , knowledge ofeven n third 'persnr,.®',1 eoliatm:• Cations tullressed to us Will IA. proi.,tr: i`; ,i n, ,Ter.:! and all correspondence regarded as. vier' '1 • , n Wien' H. In writing, nddress'J'51F1. 1'AIlL 41 A'Y 111E1)ICAI. CO., (reenninn:tit Penne'..39 to 34 ADELAIDE ST. E., 'F(t1LO:V'r. —The following officers comprit• the Brussels foot hall club:—Hon. President, W. II. Kerr ; lion. Vice Pr• , R., Graham ; President, J. '', • Vice Pres., J. O'Leary ; Sec - I' • ' , 11. J. Morden ; ('aptnin, A, • ••„ F'1' ; Committee, Jr.11. Cameron, 1)r. Cavanngll and W. Sample. The club is open for challenges. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the• best T►ariC*. rnanship and material. o"All the latest styles and most modern improve. menus. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to euit the times. AtZe'FACTORY_ooraer Huron and Orange Streete, Cliaton, 657—y Siiii r Star Coal 011 f 4 IMPERIAL CALLONS ABOUT EQUIVALENT TO - 5 AMERICAN GALLONS for -b CTS_ DATER WHITE AMERICAN OIL, 25c. GALLON. 'These pi ices are SPOT CASII at our store, charged or delivered 21 cents galllon extra. JoB: • SJN3S KUSW/ME AND PURE NIXED PAINTS. CHURCH'S ALABASTINE. JOHN i RUC E'S FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS. u DAVIS 8z ROWLAND f HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE, CLINTON. `•o,T.lr.r�.rn'6,CK:�/.'fsa'eJ �u-J..�.-elm•••_ .�••--••�.,-cT..a—... rr le" HUB GROCERY. 0 de hate' clo',od our financial year 1.,t of Ft.:l,ruary and find that it has been a pair of fair pro:•pt•rty to us. \Ve wish to render our best THANKS to Cu.,luu,c ra Tor their patronage and will always strive to win your con - i1,•., )u':,rR, by oi) ink you GOOD 0001)S as cheap' as any other hem's tli "1.',...%%11. Our Stu. h of CHINAWARE, PORCELAIN AND STONEWARE, i, well assorted (and fie we have a large Import Order cowing from 1;,ugland) we will offer them at Close Prices to Make room. GEORGE SWALLOW Clinton. a=J�:tE4 l�ti-�'•.e-••�_' fir HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT WE DELVER ALL OUR GO iI DS FREE OF CHARGE IN TOWN. --- 0 ROOK OIL lOe. per GALLON. BARB end l)Af;i1L,E:4te FENCING WIRE. GALVANIZED FENCING 1l'iifl;, u1LED A ENJIALED STEEL FENCE WIPE, SPADES, SHOVELS, lsAKI S, NOES. MIXED PAIN'T'S, KALSOM1NE ALABASTINE, DAISY CIIURNS. 1 CA.R STEEL NAILS JUST RECEIVED. We buy fur cal; the lest quality of goods only and sell at bottom prices. H�3.1�LA1� D BRO S -7 STOVEAND HARDWARE, - • - • Alpert St,, Clinton IKERY. 0 WILSON & I-IOWE' havei°tl-n,u lit the good -will end interest in the bakery recently carried on by Mr. 11. McLennan, in addition to the Restaurant carried on by Mr. James Anderson, and have amalgamated the two businesses The combination will be carried on in THE OLD STAND IN SEARLE'S BLOCK, and will hereerter be known as THE NOVELTY BAK.ERV AND RES- TAURANT. Mr, McLennan will he our baker. Bread of superior quality will be delivered asusual, and Bread, Cakes, tl'c,, constantly kept on band and sold only at the Novelty Store. We ask for and expect the patronage of all old OnytOmel'a and many new ones. Mon 4^ _Howe, - Clinton 0 As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with e leading firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well- known Alast.ers, all framed and finished in 11rst•class style, and suitable fur the best class of residence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre- gate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices. Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced privets 30 per cent. 1 will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at our Store. e. Our Sock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including beat grades in Black, Green and Japans. I'ry our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market. Examine the q,talityan,l prices of our Combination Dinner and Ten Setts, null let convinced that Bargain Day with 08is 0% r r y business da throughout the year. N. ROBSON, China Hall Clinton, Feb. 14, 1893. • .6