HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-04-12, Page 6• A F S Ira rvvig or goo, tile. stair 694 .4434 glossy. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vioor, for nearl five years. and my hair is moist, gloss', e -td in an excellent state of prey ervatton. I am forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty five years." Vfrl- Henry Ott, alias " Mustang Bill," IYewcas.le, 'Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prevents hair from failing out. "A number of years ago, by recom- mendation of a friend, I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop the hair from falling out and prevent its turning gray. The first effects were most satisfactory. Occasional applications since have kept my hair thick and of a natural color."— H. E. Basham, McKinney, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor Restores hair after fevers. "Over as year ago I had a severe fever, and when I recovered my hair began to fall out, and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies, but without success, till at last I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to its original color."—Mrs. A. Collins, Dighton, Mass, Ayer's Hair Vigor Prevents hair from turning gray. " My hair was rapidly turning gray and falling out ; one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor has remedied the trouble, and my hair is now its original color and full- ' ness."—B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, O. 0 Prepared by Dr..T. C. Ayer ssCo., Lowell, Masa Sold by Druggists and Yerfumors. [he Huron News -Record 31.5a a Ye:n•—$l.25 in Advance Wednesday. i%lrril 1'dt.I1, IS93. —Dr. McGuire, a well-known prac- titioner of Guelph, is sat: to have be• come insane. "Six days shalt thou 1 .b ,r,"eavn the greet lawgiver, '1'o do Rood work, man must be at his Lest. This eond!'ion is attained by the nee of Ayet's S.'saha ilia. It over- e•'rnee that'ire,l f•• liar, gni. kens, the appy irw, iwp•nves digestion, and in,kee the weak strung, —Sir Donald Smith has given another $100,000 to MrGi1i College, Montreal. CAUSE AND EFFECT. Conghs and colds are the esu 'e, if neg- lected, of consumption. 1t is therefore nnloh better to cure thein at once hy the n •e of Htgyarrt'o Pectoral Balsam, the safe, sure and reliable remedy for all diseases of the throat au,l Iuogs. —The bill requiring unnaturliz td ntalee of 21 years of age or over to pay au annual tax of $3.has been passed in The Pennsylvania, Legislature. The confidence that people have in Ayer's Sarsaparilla an a blood medicine is the leg'i• mate and natural growth of many years. It has been handed (town from parent to child, and ie the favorite family medicine in thou- sands of households. —Senator John Ferguson has sold his beautiful residence and fruit farm at Niagara Falls, consisting of 40 acres, adjacent to tate river immediately below the railway Suspension bridge, to an American syndicate for $36,000. The moat stubborn Skin and Scalp Diaeaeee, the worst forms of Scrofula, ail blood -ta'n's and poisons r f every came and nature, are utterly rented out by Dr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Discovery, For every disease caused by a torpid liver or impure blood, it is the only remedy no certain and effeetite that it eau be guaranteed If it fails to benefit or' cure, you have your money back. Eczema, Tetter. Sal` -rheum, Eryeipelae, Boils, Carbuncles, Eularged Glands,Turr,ors, and Swelling!., and every kindred ailment, are comple'eIt and rerrnauently cured hy it. —\It thudist preachers in Ulster have been invited by a Uuiuuist urpau• izition to make anti Home -rule speeches in England for $50 a week. Mary of theta have already accepted the iuvi'ia- tion. THE RED RIVER. The red river of life is the bl pod, like other rivers'it setnotiui:a becomes impure, hut unlike other rivers it only needsB irdnok Blond hitters to perfectly purify it and re• move all its disorders from a uouunou pim- .ple to the worst ecrofuluus.eore. • —At Simcoe last week Judge Street, in response to Mr. L. B. Osler's appli- cation, agreed that the cases of the Freernans at Chatham, charged with the murder of Constable think i r, would net he tried at the coining assizes. The a f.plication for change of •venue stands fur the present. EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED IT. A triumph in medicine was attained when experience proved that Scott's Emulsion would not only stop the progress . f Pul• monary Comm nptiun, but by its continued use health and vigor could be fully restored. —Now ie the time to cut the black knot from the cherry and plum trees. Directly wet in weather begins the sporea that propagate this fungus disease are ripening and spreading the evil. The branches cut off will burn as readily when that cut as they will after a few weeks time, and if not time destroyed they will be just fie liable to work harm as though lett upon the trees, Wherever orchards are isolat ed there is very little trouble in keep- ing trees free from this scourge. A FRIEND IN NEED A friend in need is secured by everyone who keeps a battle of Hagyard'e Yellow Oil at hand for use against ac:idental epraine, bruises, cuts, burnt", scalds or any leftatrt• motors, pain, such as rheumatism, quinsy, Bore threat, etc. Through the action , f the vestry pew St. Paul"a ehyroh,;At oodatocic will. have a Durpliree Omit in utut'e. DYSPEPSIA CURED. DatiTI,llxaN,---I was troubled with (lyapeptlia for about four years. I not'ced an edvertleement of Burdock Blood ftilte,e, ao I 'tatted to use it and soon found that there wee nothing, to equal it. It tank just three bottled to effaot a perfect euraih my case. BER1 J. REID, Vti inghatn, Ont. —Thos. Pentland, of Ashfield, during the last week sold his farm, known as lot Jnuutbar 12, con. 6, to Thos. Stuthers for the sum of $4,500 We wish Mr. Srothere suttees. Dir. Pentland, in consequence of retiring front farunirit,i, intends locating in Duugauuon in the near .future. A CURE FOR COUGHS. There is no remedy that makes as large a percentage of perfect cures as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. In nearly every oase of (toughs, colds, asthma, bronohitin, hoarse- ness, croup, ole., its curative Hecate are prompt and lasting. — B. K. Allen, of Dunlop, with Chas. Mason, of Brucefield, are en route to Great Britain with a load of horses to sell there, of which 8 are light and 8 heavy, After dispoeing of them they will purchase several of the Leet ire proved stock of stallrone, which they intend to bring out to Dunlop and Bruer-field for improvement of the horse stook of Huron, CAN YOU THINK? l an you think of a wnree disease than dyspepsia, it plunges ire viet;m in glnr ni and despondency', waked him a bunion to himself and other., and causes can.tipation anti burl hlo d. Y t ilardne1 Bland Bitters cures rlysuetleieor indigestion, and has done ao iu tltuuda/1dB of cases. At: effort wets node at Leehuru to ie- nnove the hotel license at Dunlop, which le in No. 4 wen], Colborne, the work- ers for the said petition in their canvass cnnuting over thirty in its favor; a enuttler petition against it got a large number of nasus, while a great many would not sign for or aguutst it. Last week on \Vreduesllay there was a meet• Inc of the canvassers of the temp"ran -e petition. • Consumption Cur oil. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his halide by au East India miselon- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy end permanent au•e e,1 f ons:unptton, Brouohitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all threat and Lang Affections, also a positive and radios! cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wuuierfn1 curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his snilerinifollows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, le German, French or English, with full directions fur preparing and using. sent by mntl by cad lrassiva with stem •, nvntng this payor. W. t. Novo, 8d0 Powers' L'luck, Ruoheater, N. Y. 1155- y EATEN 'BY WOLVES, Mi, Alex. Bolliveau, of Ottawa, has received information from Michigan that hie son met with a terrible death a fews days ago by being eaten by wolves. The unfortunate young man left the city some time ago to work on a railway in the northern part of the State of Michigan, and after worling for eitrIme, length of time he was pro ,noted to he foreman of a gang. As far as can be learned, he in company with a friend, while out hunting were attacked by a band of wolves, and al though they diech •rged their rifles into the pack, the wolves overpowered them. Belli veau'scompanion climbed a tree to escape there and from there he saw hie companion torp -to pieces by the wolves at the foot of the tree on which he was perched. He fired several shote among the peck, killing five avolvee, and then his store of ammunition gave Out. For several hours the wolves kept around the tree and did not leave until a .number of men from the camp tante and dtovo thein away. TWO RECEIPTS. A mois',ure-proof glue is said to he produced by dissolving a pound of good glue in three pints of skim -milk. Tbia becomes a -strong cement, by the addition, just before using, of sotne freshly slacked line. The juice of two lemons taken in half ea glass of water before each meal is a powerful remedy for rhuentitisnl, and it is alio considered elinoet a epecfic for intermittent fever. The juice of one lemon taken three ti Ines a day in a cup of clear strong coffee,will often cure chills and fever when the disease is stubborn and unyielding- to all other remedies. $25,000 IN ItEWARiDSi. Seventh Bali-Ycnrly'titers ry Competition of The Caundinu Agriculturist. In accordance with their usual cordon) for some years past, the publishers of that old and reliable pnblicattnn, Tho Canadian Agriculturist, now pro- sente i'e Sth Great Helf Yearly Literary Competition, to the people of the United Sratee and Canada. 'I'hls onmpr&H ien will close May 70, 1R03,(15 days thereafter being allowed for lettere to reaeb us from distant pointe) 'rho following la tho prize list: 1st Grand Prize 52,000 in Gold 2nd .. ..... ...... 1,000 in Gold Ord 500 in Gold 4th250 in Gold 5th • " .1001n Gold 5000 Elegant Silver Tea Services, Pianos, Organs, Gold Watches, ftc., etc , making a total of over 10,000 prizes. How To SECURE A Pglza,—Take a few sheets of paper and matte all the words you can out of lettere contained in the words, "COLtyAtnioa'1 xposi•rtoa" and send them to ns, enclosing ono dollar for six months subscription to the Agrloulturist or the Ladles' Home Magazine— two of the beat home monthlies in the world. RuLsss-1. Foreign words not allowed. 2. Lettere eaonot bo used oftener than they appear In the two words, "Columbian Exposition." 3. Names of places and persons barred. All lists containing over 100 correct words will re. calve a valuable spacial prize. Send postal pard for fiat of prize wionera in former competitions, Address, Tus AontetLTl:s,RT PUB. Co., Petorborough,Canada. d4QY.A+r,. AND, Imam p.. emu NESS CONT Though Dtlath to Do4j,ktt'g' liititteyeli i1ltiet 01'1,41114/At IMO thct 8tt'i1iige •Oxtretltot Yet through Glod'e universe the two are one— Shadow mai light of Il;eevs11'a sternal Sun. ---\Vtt.t,tnat 1i,. tl,tyvlt, in Ilarper's Maga- zine fur April, A VIOLET Si'EAKS. 0 passersby, draw near ! Upuu a gr are I grow ; That she who Diad was tient' They pluutod mu to show. Plitek Ino as yon go by -- I nut her messenger ; With her sweet breath I sigh ; In me her pulses stir. Through these lily quivering leaves She fain would speak to you— She whom the grave bereaves Of the dear life she knew. "How glad I was up there !" She whispers underground. "Have they who found me fair Sonic other fair one found ? "Has he who loved the best Learned Love's deep lute again, Since I was laid to rest Far from the world of men? ''Nay ! Surely he will come 'To dwell horn at the haat ; Int Death's strange silent home lily hued shali hold hint Last "Yet would that he 'night know How hard it is to hide In darkness here below And miss hitn from my side ! "Fain would I send my soul To lie upon his breast, And breathe to hint Love's whole That lite left ultcoutest," Ah, pluck ane, passer-by ! For I would bear her breath— Undying Love's owns sigh -- To hint who flees from Death. —LuutiE Cs tNut,t:u MOULTON, iu Ilttrpper's Magazine for April. OUTPOST DUTY IN '1'IIE RUS SIAN ARMY. In the German eitny every soldier is taught to act intelligentiy on outpost service anti. iu scouting operations, end this is not too much to require in 8 country where every ry soldier r a de and writes, and can readily understand a reap aptl compass. Ill Iluesia, how- ever, where nine tenths of the people cannot read or write, and have lost the faculty of thinking consecutively, the army caunot teach the soldier much more than to glove as with it machine. In order to have a force of good melt for picket work and advence•shirk- utiehiug, they have adopted tide plats: Each company sends four of its Ntoet intelligent men to a select body called the scouting corps, and as the llussian regiment hue four battalione, with four companies each, lira gives a regimental scout force of sixty•fout'. This service is very popular, for it is fall of variety, and though' the hardship is greet, the food is good, for hunting and fish- ing are iu the programme. The hien are practised in every kind of wood- craft, and are expected to develop as much ingenuity and self-reliance as an Indian scout in our service. They must sail, row, swim, climb, find their way by map and compass, slip through the enemy's linea. procure every variety of information, and escape capture et all hazards. "They are splendid fellows," said Schutzenberg, in answer toll question of mine. "Here is what they did Inst winter when snow was on the ground and floating ice in the streams : "You must know that we attach very great importance to creepiug ui) close to the enemy and watching his glove mento. Well, for a little practice in this respect I called ray sixty-four men together one morning in the barrack. yard and deviled them into two sides, each commanded by non commissioned officers. I pointed out on the map a position wbich oro aide woe to watch, end indicated the direction from which an attach wye to be antiepated. An• onther position I selected for the other side. Neithorlside knew what the other side was to attempt, but each had orders to slip behind the Knee of the other, and steal three flies that had been posted about a mile and a half in the rear of the line that was to be protect- ed. The difficult part of the problem was that neit.h•er:side knew anything of the positions beyond what was shown them on the map iu the barrack•yar t, and the non commissioned officers had to transmit this knowledge to their men. "Etch party found the right poli• lion, and alter posting sentry, detached fi party to steal the flags of the enemy. Six urea of the one party went off, each on his own account. Two of them were crpturod, one of them failed to find the flags because he could not remember the topography of the trap, and one succeeded in finding the flags and bringing them back to the non eommiesioued officer. The remaining two found the spot after the flags were gone, and described the spot, so that there was no doubt that they had been there. The six men detailed on the other side for the work remained to• gether, and were discovered when close to the picket line. They were fired upon; two were captured, and the re• mining four pursued to a stream forty fent wide near horn. In epito of the floating ice, they sprang in and strug• gled to the other aide. Tho pursuers hesitated a moment at the sight of the ice -blocks, then they follow- ed. One was captured in the water because he was hampered by the ice. The rest escaped ; but one of the followers managed, in spite of his ice bath,to sneak away with the flags of the onemy.—From "In the Barracks of the Czar," by PouLTNET BIGELOW, in Har per's Magazine, for April. .....�� Bio ...•. • 8 In our last competition, in which we bad a circle containing 615 dots, we had answers rang- ing from two to 2,000,000. On the whole, however, our customers counted better than we expected. At the close of the competition the winners were notified of their success, and the presents awarded Just as we advertised. As a proof of this anal as an evidence that we have kept perfect faith with our patrons, we will send a complete list of winners (excepting those objecting to publicity) to tory address on receipt of a 8 cent stamp to pay postage. We do this instead of publishing them on act•oettt of the list being so very large. In our press nt competition we present the above star and ask rur customers to count the dots as they did with tla,se in the circle. With it we make ells( ffer :— To the first three persons sending in the correct answer wo will give ecc'h an elegant GOLI) WATCH with El GIN, 'IVALTI!A'1, DIIEHEL HASIPDEN or other tirst•ebtss movement. We will give tbe same to thesend••rs of the three correct answers, who are r:lually far from the first and the Lust, while the pito :5 lending in the hist three correct anawrrs o 111 each be given watches exactly similar to the ether NIX. 1'tIIS MAK1(8 NINE 601 D'WAT- CHES. EACH Ob' Wii1CIi IS VA).UF.D A'1' 8100. that will positively be gat en ; .ay. A sample watch is now on exhibition, at oi:r r filen, andean be seen by any person info mated; s.. if r Sincerityis doubted the person may call, or litre a frienddoso, and see that they aro all we Remember each ono is first-class and will be ace)mp•anied by a guarantee from the maker. leis PRESENT GOLD WATCHFS in ti to competition in pre.ferenee to I'UI{SEN OI'' &OLD because as a rule they lest ltdager, nod can, for years afterwards, be showy by the delighted possessors as an evidence that we ,lo exactl • as we promise. The watches will I e . rented in per in ladies' or gentlemen sizes ns t1• rine,. In addition wo will givo ONE 11 Ue5:111 1) EXTRA ('RESENTS .such ns SILK Dit 1•.h. -t PA'PTERNS, VALUABLE PIECI8 (IF JEWELLERY. USEFUL AND )'It1Tl"!' AR'rIOLES FOR THE TOILET, E 1 t'., for intermediate correct answers. Should tier, bo no correct answers, the presents will be tits. trlbated among those whose answers are nearest the correct number. Each answer must be accompanied by ray emits in sliver or stamps 1n pny ti)raboxofDr. Alu••r.'s health fills. Weso!l ton `he pills and give you the,resent To an p r who is dissatisfied and does not tinct the 1'illa exactly as WC represent' them, TM Will ryhn•n 1: 'r money. Our sole object In making thin extra, r•'1. nary offer is .to fulrodnee this esecllont into every home in America. AS A TONIC 11 milt Ptllo batten u Tho tired Lr,tiu-ureic r , i.ii w•nru•out business matt finds thein e>1 ••,d.i !. adapted to his rase. They Rive new life a : ! euercv, and make hard writ easy. ))It, IR Alt Z'S Tib:AIlTH PILLS ti'1'){F :NI; - THEN THE BODY AZsD BItIGH'I'EN TILE BRAIN. YOUNG MEN Wltoeutferfr.mt(xc;r.•eso! U U(1 t] lit 1a youth, unrteu•u;il e•l.a.+l„n s, mental worry, over•workor sleeplessness, ahs old use Health Pills. Ttue:v will stop your trnul I, s, give you energy and strength, a:td mai:e pet yoursrllf ronin. Y0LJ NG �I0MEN 1':de and tircrl, tvhn UU 1i rY i suG'�•r i'r t, 1',�n-,I• weakness, scantinese, suppression n1' tio•Ir sir1; nese headache, whites, pain in the hart: rod bearing down pains, should nae 11011111t They restore the monthlies in ell cares, 1 the system, enrich the blood and make the face plutln t bright and rosy. j 1 •iihDL-E-AGE ME 8uiTrt•ing ft ot:l premature decay. kidney or bladder troubles, the results of y int'.15ul follies lose Or etteroy, meatal worry or over -work. should use. Health P111e, They het especially upon the bladder aped kidneys, and team; ,• the rig -••i• of youth Wall falling organs, both phy .leo1 anti mental. MIDDLE WOMEN snlYu, nft'erin:z "ch ant° of life,” hendnehes, pains In the,v,uih, constipation, piles, irr..gulnrbi's and ineoic1 dr. pression, should use teeth) Pills. 'Tlu'v relieve ell these symptoms, purify the blood, streu;;lheu the nervus, regulate the bowels, and t.9siat \ ature in every way. ` '(O Lj y (gyp ]irnith Pills yield smnurl 1Lt i1E I'cf.l1. nndr"t'rsshtngsteep,Liv: strength to the nerves, cheerfulness to the: trim and ease to the load, so that the, weight nt' years bears less hewIly 110 the threml of life len;;'iron• 1t'the persons among whom we deeiue to die• tribute our presents nljectto ruhii,ary,;ani 1 s:rr that nu mention be utade of their mimes,. we will respect Iheir wishes in the )natter alai forward presents to any address mentioned without the knowledge of even a third p'rsuu.41 111 eumununi• cations addressed to us will be pro..gdly iust; red and all eorreslrmdrncr ro ard,vl as AIN', 11 o n fidrn'1 1. In writing, address THE PAll IN MI-DI'AL('0., fIanndiatt lira"e',,. 3l,' to 84 ADELAIDE HT. E., TORONTO. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ` ty only Insured. emcees. Thos. E. Hays, President, Senforth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Secy•Treas., Senforth P, 0. ; John Hannah, .tanager, Seaforth P. 0, DIRECTORS, Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Boss, Clin ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; Georgel Watt Harlock ; Joseph Evens, Beechwood ; J. Shan non, Walton ; Thos. Garbert, Clinton. AORSTE. Thos. Weilans, Harlock ; ltnbt. McMillan, Sea. forth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murillo, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attend• ed to on 6 )plication to any of the abovo,otrlcere, addressed to their respective post offices. --o•--'-- Owing to the liberal patronage received we have detrided to continue the ROOT and SHOE BUSINESS, and have purchased direct from the manufacturers a fine and select stock of NEW SPRING GOOD3* that will be sold cheaper than any other house in the trade. I will continue to sell the present stock at and below cost. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, T. E. McDONOUGH. Jackson Block, Huron St,'O//nton, 20 CTS. PER DOZEN. 0 Coats' City Restaurant, NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. 0 otice. a• a As an extra inducement to Caeh purchasers I have made arrangements with a leading firm of 'Toronto for a levee supply of Artistic Pictures by well- known Masters, all framed and finished in liretsclaes style, and suitable for the best class of residence. Each customer will be ipresented with one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre- gate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods a»11 ! Bottom Pri,pee. Although the principal Soap Manufacturera have advanced prices 30 per cent, 1 will eupphy all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps et the old figures. Call and see those beatttiful Works of Art, samples of which) are on show at our Store. Our Sock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including hest grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Bleed and Crown Blend, the finest in time market. Ex imine the gnalityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts, and be convinced that Bargain Day with ns, is ev, ry business da throughout the year. N ROBSON, China Hall. Clinton, Feb. 14, 1893. TTGAIlia First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery, Montreal. Quality the Purest, Jofln Cunu!nuftarii, Prices the Lowest. GREEN GRODE aS, :-: Special Cuts in 100 Pounds or Bbl. Lots. :-: CONFECTIONER TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES AND . A SPECIALTY. Canadian Express Agent, Butter and Eggs wanted. ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. J. IRWIN, Noted Grocer Fresh Daddies and Bloaters. Oysters • constantly on hand. Alto some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. New Flour and Feed Store HANLEY & WALKER beg to announce that they have opened a Flour and Feed Store east of the Come mercial Hotel, Huron Street, Clinton We will keep in stock the very best of everything in the line, such as Flour, Meals, Feed, Seeds, &c., at very reason- able prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town and country trade. Remember the location of the Clinton Flour and Feed Store, CLINTO N. WHAT ARE THEY? Why ! They are THE CELEBRATED PALMETTO BRUSHES which will last three times longer than any other made. Try them. GOLD MEDAL CARPET SWEEPERS, MRS. POTT'S IRONS, DOOR ' MATS, ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS. ROCK OIL 10c. per G-ALLON. \Ve deliver all our Goods free of charge in town. HARLAN"S� PRO S– HANLEY & WVALKER Iron and Hardware, - • Clinton. •t