The Huron News-Record, 1893-03-29, Page 12L AYES 401011'.i<'' 141191roR;+... 11 � lr a, la the moon of the, year whey QQQ1 1,,19,eote are especially Sp. /anointed, WE *Avg '1.'IIEM. And we .have them in all brands and t!t all Prioee, it don't matter whether or not your wtwta retll►ire wood or bottle brands, we can supply you. OiUR PRICES Will be found in keeping with good Goode and very small profits. If economy and reliable Goode are what you desire, the Clinton Liquor Store is the only correct place to go to. J. IV. RITER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON To Advertisers. All changes o/ Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be reeei reel at the office not later than SAT UIIDAY VO' V. Copy for changes reit•ed late. ,han S.<17'• URDA Y NOON will hereafter be at the Advertiser's oleo risk, A. M. 7'O DD, Publisher. T heyurcn News -Record $1.50 a Yea..—.91 In Advance. Wednesday, March 29U 1893 LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the IIIub, brow// ;aflt. Ater -Robes, Horse Clothing, Fancy Woollen and Plush Rugs, are at bargain prices at 732•tf. JOHNSTON & ARMOUR'S. DON'T forget to visit the new Boot ' and Shoe Store, Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton. SEE what I have saved already by buying my Boots and Shoes at the srw store, Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton. BUSINESS CON 'rinuEn,—T. E. McDonough, of the New Boot ani Shoe Store, Jackson's Blouk, B:urou street, Clinton, announces In this week's issue that owing to the liberal patr nage received that the Business will be continued and that ho has purchaser) direot from the manufacturers a ane and select stock of Spring Goons that he will sell oh, aper than any other house in the t ado. Butter and Eggs taken in esoltaugc at market prices. Mns. KNOTT•is seriously ill. Has. UPSHALL is still confined to her room. REV. FR. WEST conducted service Iast Sdnday in St. Joseph's R. C. church, Clinton. Ma. A. 0. PA1'TESON, rho obliging and affable 0. T. 1L Agent, is said to be a thorough judge of a horse. TIa!EL'r /trop./:.—Albert street was scraped and the offal carted away last week. The work was accomplished with quarter the labor that it would be later on. THE Oxnous.—Mr. T. Booth and family, of Bayfield, have removed to Clinton and are now located on Vic. toria street. The exodus is not by any means all from Canada except from one portion to the other. A SERior:S AFFECTION.—Mr. John G. Medd is suffering from a serious affection of one aide, pronounced a blood tumor. It is hoped that the disease may bo scattered by the use of medicine and a cure brought about. A POINTER FCR OUR COUNCILMEN.— Tho Carleton Place town council pays Lhe town papers for printing the pro- ceedings of the council. This is right, and shows that the ratepayers are will• ing to pay to the papers for the min• vies, iuetead of grumbling and kicking because they aro not published gratis, as is done in moat instances. SANITAIty MATTERS. — Now that boards MISSION.—Rev, A. Fowler, spring is opening op sanitary matters of Morris Mission, Southern Manitoba, in the town of Clinton should receive is on a throe mouths visit to the older special attention. Disease during o provinces seeking aid for the erection eummer and fall months will depend of a•church out there. Last Sunday to a great extent on the precautions morning he preached in the Willie suggested and acted upon in the near Church, Clinton, and in the evening future. It is the duty of the local at Seaforth. So far Mr. howler has Board of Health, we think, to form• mate a thorough system of inspection, succeeded well, having raised a good Every cellar, drain, cistern, nsll on. portion of the $2,000 required. Many Every rin, cistern, be Well, of the Sunday Schools and other organ• andcla &c.,clean shouldbill obtained inspected anyizations of the church are contributing reasonable coat. Will a move bfurnishings for the edifice and the made by the proper authorities 4 Clinton 1 re9byteriana will not likely be behind when the time arrives for HE WAS ALWAYS IRISH.—The Al— action. goma Pioneer says:—Judge Johnston "THE NEWS 'RECORD IIAS No SrAcit possesses a large measure of Irish wit, To DEvoTE To `MIRACLES' As READ - and we believe that his kindneea of MO MATTER ."—The above is repro• heart will induce him to overlook the duced to still further tickle the God - liberty which we are about to take with arich Slar. We had no apace to de• his privacy by relating a recent exhibi• vote to such matter on January 18th, tion of this lively temperament. and we have none now, for that matter, While journeying recently on circuit except at regular advertising rates, with members of the District Bar a and on the exact term laid down by l;mbof the law was bewailing the loss THE NEws•RaooRD. We are not "in of his grip sack. "0 Mr. ," said it," as a rule. Every "quack nostrum" kis honor, "Iiow could you expect to does not find a place in our columns. hold it when it was filled with gas and But we are here to do business with wind and colonization literature lighter responsible and reputable advertisers than airy' At another place the court who are willing to pay for what they was convened to redress the grievances get. Since last November we have of a solitary plaintiff who had entered refused hundreds of dollars worth of two suits against defendants named advertising. THE NEws•Rreonn has Bishop and Kitchen. Addressing the no space to devote at any time to fighting plaintiff his honor said : "Now frauds, if we know it. And we shall Mr. ,the court is at your service, continue to guard the hest interests of which shall we do, interview his lord- our readers to the very beet of our ship first or visit the kitchen V' ability. XIU;Couz, F/TPitUQ1Nspatotin ',Ai1.d; d.eeorating trial, oelarahcctp, • Miss /',Aust± le an. a visit to Wpl tet tett.. Ws. WAIT ' will pay a visit to Petrs.dia thie weak. REN. Mn, F,►IRLiII paid a visit to Seaforth last week. Miss L. SHEPr.1un' leaves to -morrow on a mouth' visit to Petrolia, Oil Springe and other pointe. Tum Connell brothers have written from Grand Forks, Dak., that they are well and pleased so far. MR. JOCK KILTY will hereafter be found behind the counter at Gilroy & Wieemau's dry goods store. TuIE organ of St. Pauls church is be ing tuned and regulated this week by Mr. Freeman, of Oshawa. LAID ur.—About ten days ago Mr. John Campbell sprained his ankle in a hole and has been laid up ever siuoe. S. 0. S.—The Grand Lodge of the Sons of Scotland will meet in Guelph about the middle of April. STiLL ILL.—Mr. John Beacom, one of the highly respected and old- time pioneers of Huron, we regret to learn, is still confined to the house. THE 26th was Palm Sunday ; next Frid4y will be Good Friday and a public holiday, and the Sunday follow- ing, April 2, will be Easter Sunday. SEED GRAIN.—Mr. W. H. Perrin is handling boort grain this spring. One day het week he sold over 200 bushels He keeps samples at the town hall corner and the purchasers aro numer• 0u6. A GOOD MODEL.—The other day Mr. R. Adams, of Londesboro, was in Clinton and viewed the residence of Mr. James Fair, jr. Mr. Adams in tends building and may follow Mr. Fair's idea in the matter of plan. DiDN'T KNow I•r WAS LOADED — After the lot of July next any person found with firearms or weapons on his person and not having a certificate from a Justice of the Peace permitting hirn to carry them, will be liable to im• prieonrnent without the option of a fine. CLEAN Up.—"Clean up" should now be the watchword of every citizen, who has his own, his family's or his neighbor's health and comfort at heart. There are some terribly filthy spots about the town, and those who will not remove them, must in the general interest, be compelled to remove them at any cost. THE AFTER EFFECT.—Our local totem will never heed a timely warning. Last week the editor of the Netc Era gulped down a second hand thee •of pills which seriously affected the editor of tiro Guderieh Star.,We sincerely hope that ere this our god friend will have recovered from the after effects of so nauseating a dose. AWARDED TO MCKENZIE.—COD tractor Thos. McKenzie has been awarded the contract for the erection of the new Orange hall in Goderich township. The building will be of veneer brick and will be located on the i th c0nces• cion. It is expected that the contractor will place L. O. L. No. 189 in very comfortable and handsome quarters. We would propose that Ald. McKenzie "ride the goat" in the new hall. TWELVE PACES.—This week TIIE NEws•REcoRD is comprised of 12 pages We find the change necessary in order to do justice to our readers and adver- tisers. Our weekly' budget of corres- pondence is on the increase—two new ones, Dungannon and Sheppardton, being added thie week. We would like to secure regular correspon- dents at Holmeevil]e and Salt• ford. In thanking all present contributors, we would ask for a con tinuance of their valued help. Send us all the news, kind friends, and send it early. des is here,`: The material is new and durable, the color will not fade; the roller that we give is said to be the best, the pull, brackets and screws are also given with each shade and the price is only 45c. Our customers are so pleased with them that they are having them put away till they are requires'. If you want any at that price come soon. We have a great variety of IIa.nd Painted Shades, the beauty, quality and price sell them. BEAUTIFUL WILL PAPER CANADIAN AND IMPOItTED. CURTAIN POLES 2 Poles, 4 Brackets, 20 Rings, 8 Screws, 20 pins, all for 45c. Or a bettor quality of Pole and trimmings ready for use, 25c. each. Robins • t® � • 'DOS0, Book Store and News Depot, McKay Block, Clinton. 0 ILLINERY OPEfJG, Saturday, Aped 1st. When we will make a finer display of Millinery Goods and Novelties than heretofore made by us. A special feat -f' in our display is that all the S IV shown are trimmed by our,owu experienced Milliners. We open the season with a stock that is remarkable in many ways In assortment and variety we have surpassed all previous efforts ; in quality and. style of our goods improvements are everywhere apparent • and in buying closer figures have been obtained than ever before. Our line of DRESS o1js in .BENGALINE, ENGLISH WHIPCORDS, FANCY FINE CHECKS, SATEEN STRIPES, Black and Colored Henriettas and Prints are sure to win your favour both for quality, style and price, for that is everything to our customers. We buy nothing that does not contain it. Our counters and shelves are crowded with first class reliable goods whi.,h will stand by you and give you the wort]/ of your money in honest service. WE KEEP QUALITY, WE SELL I'I' AT LOW PRICES. An Apprentice wanted to. learn the Straw Work. 0 THE LAMES FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT, BEESLEY & CO. SWIMMOMIMMIMMOSOLCir X893 °: I�,k-G ®1893 r ., o-- Houseeeleaning time will soon be here and you will, no doubt, require some. thing new for your house. Before commencing house-cleaning, take a look through our Warerooms and see what we have got—Remember we consider it a PLEASURE to eh'w you our Stock and quote prices whether you wish to hay or not.— For the spring trade we have a full line of PARLOR SUITES, EASY and FANCY CHAIRS, COUCHES, LOUNGES, i;EDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES FANCY TABLES, DINING ROOM CHAIRS, BOOK CASES, SECRETARIES, DRESSING CASES, WASHSTANDS, BED. STEADS, MATTRESSES, BED SPRINGS, PICTURES, and in feet everything in the Furniture Line. Space will not allow us to quote prices, so call and examine our Stock. • SOS 1'1,-I CIIIDLi FiNE FURNITIJ1.tE FANCIER AND UNDERTAKER, •.• CLINTON-. J. W. CHIDLEI, .Ire., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered at his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry. NY THAT IN THIS COMMUNITY the use of the old fashioned Overall at 75c. and $1.00 is being supplanted by the line of Trousers we make up for $2.00 ? A few reasons we now give comes from observation. No. 1. The $2.00 Trousers wear a great deal better in pro- portion to the cost. No, 2. The general complaint against the ordinary manufac- tured Overall is that you get too much cloth and not enough wear fur your money. $2.00 Trousers are perfect fitting. No. 3. Most men like to wear something better than Overalls for Sunday wear ; now, our$2.00 Trousers are respect- able goods made of all wool and in neat patterns. No, 4. Overalls and cheaper makes in Cottonades have a tendency to run, perhaps it is a mild kind of a walk, up your leg. $2.00 Trousers do not shrink. No. 5. If a man considers nothing else but the looks in buy- ing something for a knock-ab.)ut pair of Trousers he will find that $2,0) TrJu era are e lu tlle_l by nothing in the ni trket, JAC S 0 0 Clothiers Furnishers and Hatters, CLINTON AND SEAFORTH. 01 SATUBBAY, APRIL 1st and following week we will hold our Spring lVtilhillory Opening When our Miss McEachern will make one of the finest displays or High Class Millinery ever shown in Clinton. We will always make a rich show- ing of all the leading novelties for spring wear in MANTLES DRESS GOODS PARASOLS NOTIONS, Carpet Die laUpstahos as usual. Our Millinery will be on view first thing Saturday morn- ing. You are cordially invited to be present. 11111oripo CLINTON.